May 31 – Trinity Sunday - Pro


May 31 – Trinity Sunday - Pro
31 MAY 2015
In the first reading, Moses tells the Israelites how special it was that God chose
them to be his people. In the second reading, Paul teaches that those who are led
by the Spirit are children of God and heirs to eternal life with Christ, if they are
willing to suffer with him. In the Gospel, Jesus commissions the disciples to go
forth and make disciples of all nations. On this solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity,
we affirm our faith that God exists as a Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit –
united together in of love. Through baptism and faith in Jesus, we have been
given a share in the divine life of the Trinity. This being the case, let us seek to
live in ever greater unity with God and with one another.
Our Parish Mission Statement
We, the members of the Pro-Cathedral
of the Assumption community, believe that we have
been called through Baptism to live the Good News of
Jesus Christ under the patronage of Mary, our Mother.
We accomplish this by proclaiming the Word,
celebrating the Sacraments,
and reaching out to others.
Most Rev. Jean-Louis Plouffe, D.D.
Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie
Msgr. Dave Tramontini
Rev. Rex Lumine
Msgr. Normand Clement Chaplain, Nipissing-Parry Sound District Schools
Please pick up a Marriage
Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to
review prior to contacting the parish office.
Anointing the Sick: Please call the parish
office for information.
Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 3:00 until 3:45 PM.
Eucharist: Please see mass schedule published in this
bulletin. Call the parish office to arrange for a Eucharistic
Minister to visit the sick and shut-in who are unable to
attend Mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: On the First Friday
of each month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon.
Baptism: Please pick up a Baptism Information Booklet in
the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish
Rev. A. Man-Son-Hing Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle & St. Elizabeth Temagami
Diocesan Order of Women
Mr. Albert Falconi
Mr. Donald Milligan
Mr. Donald Shago
Mr. Rick Hamelin
Mr. Gary Westenenk
Shirley Falconi
Norma Milligan
Ruth Godon
Frances-Clare Fraboni
TELEPHONE: (705) 472-3970
(705) 494-8222
Our faith community dates back to 1886 when we were
originally located on Main Street West and called St. Mary’s
of the Lake and the cornerstone of the existing Cathedral was
laid in 1904. The history of our parish is recorded in the
memories of thousands of people who built our community.
Tobit 1. 1ad, 2a, 3, 17; 2.1-8; Mark 12. 1-12
Tobit 2. 9-14; 3.1; Mark 12. 13-17
Tobit 3. 1-6a, 7-10a, 11-13, 15b-17a;
Mark 12. 18-27
Tobit 4. 20; 5.4; 6. 10-11b; 7.1, 9-16; 8.1, 4-9;
Mark 12. 28-34
Tobit 11. 5-15; Mark 12. 35-37
Tobit 12. 1-20; Mark 12. 38-44
Exodus 24. 3-8; Hebrews 9. 11-15;
Mark 14. 12-16, 22-26
8:30 AM to 12:00 NOON
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Since February several children in
our parish have been preparing for
the Sacrament of Eucharist.
Thank you for keeping these
children in your prayers as they
receive their First Communion on
Sunday, June 7.
At today’s meeting (May 31) the
children and their parents will end
the preparation stage by experiencing a Prayer/Light
It is the hope of the Pro-Cathedral Eucharist team
that this preparation time awakened in each child a
taste for a personal spiritual life, for a relationship
with God. Parents and the team tried to prepare each
child for a more conscious moral life, inspired by the
life of Jesus. During the preparation journey parents
and the team hoped to give each child an opportunity
to discover that trying to live in communion with God
and others can truly be a path to life, joy, love, and
The Parish Sacrament Team
Can you picture yourself here?
Discern your vocation through:
Prayer—have a conversation with God.
Sacraments—when you receive Communion,
ask Jesus to show you your vocation.
Information-Search for good information
online, call our vocation director.
Retreats—miracles happen on retreats! Enter
into silence and prayer over an extended
period of time.
Advice– Don’t go it alone. Talk to a sister,
brother, priest, or deacon you trust.
Act! Move in the direction your heart tells
you, confident that God will never send you
where his grace cannot sustain you!
Mission - Friendship
Monday, 01 June - Weekday in Ordinary Time
Rene Mathieu - Betty Ann and Peter Smith
Rudy Dominico - Stanley and Rochelle Brown
Esperance Mukagatare - Paul and Immaculata
Tuesday, 02 June - Memorial of St. Philip Neri, Priest
Ronald DeGagne - Jack and Monica Sullivan
Intention of Ken Walker - Jeannette and Randy Dominico
Domenico Fruci - Jack and Maudena Farnsworth
Wednesday, 03 June - Weekday in Ordinary Time
Anne Wilcox - Bob and Debbie McMullen
Joe MacIntyre - Denis and Theresa Daoust and Family
Intention of Living and Deceased Members - Catholic Women’s League
Thursday, 04 June - Weekday in Ordinary Time
Eugenio and Maria Gerbasi - Lidia Rossi and Family
Maria and Rocco Schiavo— Arthur and Lucille Schiavo
Michael Oman - Julia Duggan
Friday, 05 June - Weekday in Ordinary Timer
Teresa and Frank Piekarski - Trudy & Jillian Lang & George Flumerfelt
Milan Hlusek - Emilia and Michelle
Muriel and Guy Dulude - Gary and Suzanne Wishak
4:00 PM 06 June - Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
For Souls in Purgatory
Glenna McAuley - Jean and June McAuley
For a Special Intention - A Parishioner
Wilfred and Bertha Marleau - Louis and Theresa Taillefer
Sunday, 07 June - Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
9:00 AM
Rocco and Maria Schiavo - Arthur and Lucille Schiavo
Intention of Caroline Groulx - Mary Lou and Paul Smith
Rudy Dominico - Theresa Dufy
11:00 AM Intention of the Parishioners - Msgr. Dave Tramontini
If you are looking for information on Ascending Life, our
Elder’s Ministry, Marriage, Baptism, etc. there are booklets
in the pamphlet holders at the center doors to the
Cathedral. You will also see a bulletin board which
advertises current events. Check it out!
Everyone Welcome to Our Gathering
Thursday, June 25 at 2:00 PM in the Parish Hall
Topic: The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Come and reflect and share on this theme.
Why not get your ARISE groups together
to participate?
PRAYER LINE: Do you have prayer
requests you would like others to pray
for? These requests may be anonymous
or in detail.
If so, please call
Sister Shirley McNamara at 474-3800,
Ext. 295 or Lorraine Atchison at
474-0613 and they will gladly pass them on to others
who are waiting to receive your requests. If you
wish to join a prayer line to pray for intentions, call
the above contacts as well. Thank you.
The Pro Cathedral of the Assumption is in need of men and women who are
available to assist in this ministry with our children ages 4 to 12 years. The
children meet with a team of three adults who work together each Sunday at
the 9:00 AM Liturgy and each team is responsible for ONLY 4 weeks of the Liturgical Year ( September to June).
Want to see what we are all about? Feel free to come down to the Lower Sacristy any Sunday at the
9:00 AM Liturgy to reflect with the team and the children. Our Liturgy of the Word for Children provides an
opportunity for you as an adult to share your faith and listen to the amazing responses of the children. The
reflections are all prepared for you in the Liturgy of the Word for Children weekly guide.
If you want to be part of this process please call the Parish Office at 705 472-3970 for more information.
World Youth Day
Krakow, Poland
July 19- August 3
By invitation of Pope
Francis … be one of 800,000 young adults from
over 19 countries gathered to celebrate their
relationship with Jesus and each other!
World Youth Day was begun by Pope John Paul II as a
way to capture the spirit of the youth and to inspire them
to live the teachings of Christ.
Krakow is the city of Karol Wojytla, where he was a
student, priest, teacher, and bishop before he was
appointed to the Holy See as Pope John Paul II. It is a
fitting city to host the return of World Youth Day to Poland,
where the Church is joyful to receive the youth of the
Deadline for Registration is October 16,
2015 For more information contact the parish
office or Fr. Pat Woods at 705-674-2727, ext. 250
Pope Francis urges prayers for China, persecuted
Christians over Pentecost
Laura Leraci Catholic News Service | May. 20, 2015
Pope Francis asked Catholics worldwide to show solidarity
through their prayers for Catholics in China and for persecuted
Christians over the Pentecost weekend.
The World Day of Prayer for the Church in China is observed each
year on the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, May 24, which
this year fell on Pentecost.
Catholics in China invoke Mary, venerated at the Marian Shrine
of Sheshan, near Shanghai, each May 24, the pope noted.
"We, too, ask Mary to help Catholics in China always to be
credible witnesses of this merciful love among their fellow
citizens and to live spiritually united to the rock of Peter, upon
whom the church is built," he said.
The pope also underlined a prayer initiative of the Italian
bishops' conference inviting all Italian dioceses to pray for
persecuted Christians.
The vigil is intended to "remember the many brothers and sisters
exiled or killed for the sole reason that they are Christian," said
the pope. "They are martyrs."
The pope expressed his hope that the prayer vigil will "increase
awareness" of the "drama of persecuted Christians in our day"
and of religious freedom as an "inalienable human right," as well
as to "bring an end to this unacceptable crime."
Pope Francis JUNE 2015 Prayer Intention
That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and
respect in the countries to which they come.
That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many
young people the desire to offer their own lives
in priesthood or consecrated life.
Sunday Offering ~ 24 May
Sunday Offering
Building Fund
Nepal Disaster
Would the couple getting married at the
Pro-Cathedral on July 18 at 12:00 Noon
please contact Karen at the parish office
at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
Looking for Busy Bees!
Are you interested in helping to
clean up our gardens to prepare
them for summer beauty? Are you
a student looking for volunteer
hours? We could use your help in
our gardens. Why not give Annette a “buzz” at
495-3584 to help plan a “working bee”!?
Ascending Life Gatherings for retired and older persons
meets for spirituality, mission and friendship, Thursday June
25 at 2:00 PM in the Parish Hall at Pro-Cathedral. Reflect and
share on the monthly themes: The Good Shepherd; Pentecost
Sunday and The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Why not get your ARISE
group together from last season and join us!
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd National Level 1 Course –
Part A: A formation experience for adults to work with 3-6
year old children. Monday July 13 to Saturday, July 18 at Holy
Redeemer Catholic Church in Kanata, Ontario. Call Dale at 613225-0988 or email for more information.
The Promises of Fatima: Come pray the Rosary with a group
of dedicated people who form a Fr. Gobbi Cenacle honouring our
Blessed Virgin Mary. Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM at
St. Peter’s Parish followed by Mass.
Good Shepherd Atrium Located at the Pro-Cathedral Church,
the atrium for the Catechesis of the program provides a special
place for children 3 to 5 years old to follow the church calendar,
come to know Jesus, through parables, songs, art work,
geography and more. Materials are faithful to the beliefs and
practices of the Catholic Faith.
For information, visit, call Erin Tayler 476-8509 or Lynn Boivin at
494-7226 or email
North Bay Regional Eucharistic Adoration:
Holy Name
Church, Mon-Wed-Fri (Noon – 6 PM), Tuesday (Noon - 9 PM),
Thursday (Noon - 5 PM). Come and visit Jesus in this Sacrament
of love. To make a commitment call Lena Butler, 497-3434
Celebrate Recovery – a Christ-centred recovery program for any
hurt, hang-up, or habit.. Meets Tuesdays at 7:00 PM at First
Baptist Church, 1250 Cassells. Visit or for more information. Join us!
Open Adoration: St. Alphonsus in Callander every Friday
8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. First Friday 8:30 AM to 8:30 AM (24Hrs).
St. Joseph’s Motherhouse first Sunday of the month from
3:30-4:30 PM in Holy Family Chapel and Pro-Cathedral First
Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
Summer Retreat at Villa Loyola ~ Praying with the Words of
St. Ignatius: a pilgrimage through the Spiritual Exercises.
Sunday August 9 (7pm) to Friday August 14 (1pm) with director,
Fr. Joseph Schner, S.J. Cost $475.00 (spiritual direction, private
room, meals and taxes included).
Register by calling
705-522-3502 Monday to Friday or by email at
Birthright (Pregnancy Distress Support) located at 269 Main
Street West (4th Floor ~ Room 411). For assistance if you are
pregnant or to volunteer to help women get the assistance they
need call Leona at the office (474-2999) for more information.
Knights of Columbus Council 1007 Charity Lottery 2015 on
sale by contacting Michel Joly at 495-1792. $100 for 52 weekly
draws of $1,000 - call now for your ticket! Lottery Licence 7069
St. Anthony’s Feast Pasta & Meatball Dinner on Saturday,
June 13 at St. Peter the Apostle Church. Mass at 4:30 PM,
followed by procession and Dinner at 6 PM. Tickets $12/adult;
$6/children 11 & under; children under 5 free. For tickets, call
Nella at 494-9424. Proceeds to the Nipissing Serenity Hospice.
Catch the Fire! will be held on Saturday, June 6 from 9:00 AM
to 3:00 PM at St. Patrick's Parish, 39 Walford Road, Sudbury. All
women are invited to this dynamic, interactive presentation that
will "ignite" your passion for the CWL. Enjoy faith, fun and
fulfillment. Let the League "catch fire" in you. Come with hearts
burning and souls yearning.
Bring a brown bag lunch.
Refreshments provided. Good things “glow” in Ontario!
Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday at
11:55 AM at Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption prior to the
12:05 PM mass.
Springtime of the Spirit Regional Prayer Group at Holy Name
of Jesus Parish Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Recitation of the rosary,
praise and worship, meditative prayer, sharing and fellowship.
St. Joseph Motherhouse presents a Shalom Directed Retreat
Sunday, July 19 at 7:00 PM to Saturday July 25 at 1:00 PM.
Offering: $450:00. For more information call Sr. Phyllis O’Connor
at 474-3800, extension 213 or email her at
Marriage Preparation Program Weekends
October 23-24. Couples should register early by calling
472-5821. Series limited to 18 couples – register early! Material cost $40/couple payable at time of registration.
THE EDGE Youth Group for Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8's 6:45-8:30
pm on Monday evenings in the downstairs hall of St. Joseph’s
Catholic Church, Powassan. Explore issues of our faith through
live music, drama, small group discussions, guest speakers,
games, scripture, crafts etc. Double bonus: snacks and prizes!
No need to pre-register. Call Pauline at 724-5964 or Jeannine at
724-3424 for information. Let us know if you need transportation
Regional Catholic Charities used clothing for free distribution
to those in need. Seasonal clothing for men, women, children
and infants, shoes, or accessories, can be dropped off at the ProCathedral Rectory or the Catholic Charities entrance any Tuesday
from 9-11:30 AM. Items should be clean and in good repair.
Tour of the Major Shrines of Europe has been arranged for
the Fall of 2015. Led by Father Hamish Currie, we will pray and
have mass at all the major Shrines on this tour. September 26October 11 All-Inclusive (travel, tours, superior accommodation,
breakfast and dinner) $3690/person (airport taxes $583). For
further information check the website
or call parish office 705-256-8474.
Knights of Columbus Meetings
Fr. Michael Cundari Council, 12030 at Holy Name
Church: General Meeting fourth Tuesday of
each month at 7:30 PM
Contact: Joe Sinicrope at 497-0604
Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 12106 now meet
second Tuesday of each month with regular and executive
meetings held the same day at the Canadian Forces Base Church
(Queen of Peace). Contact: Don Brown 472-6429
We also collect pop cans for charity work. Please drop off
you cans at Holy Name Church beside the Garage.
Knights of Columbus Council #1007 General Meeting first
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Church in the
Church Hall, rosary at 6:30 PM. Refreshments served. Executive
Meeting last Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s
Church in the Church Hall. New or transferring members can
contact Mike Maunsell at 491-0006 or