June 26, 2016 - Our Lady Queen of Peace
June 26, 2016 - Our Lady Queen of Peace
Welcome to OLQP Catholic Church! Contact Information: Address: 2700 19th Street South Arlington VA 22204 Phone: 703-979-5580 Email: office@olqpva.org Website: www.olqpva.org Pastor: Fr. Tim Hickey, C.S.Sp., thickey@olqpva.org Associate Pastor: Fr. Brandon Nguyen, C.S.Sp., bnguyen@olqpva.org Retired and In Residence: Fr. Tom Tunney C.S.Sp., ttunney@olqpva.org Ministerio Latino: Fr. Joseph Nangle, O.F.M., j.nangleofm@yahoo.com Deacon: Rev. Mr. Tony Remedios, tremedios@olqpva.org Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz June 26, 2016 thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Daily Mass Schedule: Monday-Friday — 12 Noon Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturdays — 5:30 pm Vigil Sundays — 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish), and 6:00 pm (Young Adult Mass) Baptism: Please call or email the office to make arrangements. Marriage Preparation: Please contact Fr. Tim, Fr. Brandon, or Deacon Tony at least six months before wedding date to complete requirements. Reconciliation: Saturdays — 4:45-5:15 pm and by appointment Religious Education Director: Katie Remedios, kremedios@olqpva.org Social Justice and Outreach Minister: Michelle Knight, mknight@olqpva.org Youth Minister: Mike Mothes, mmothes@olqpva.org Office Receptionist / Hispanic Liaison: Thelma Molina, tmolina@olqpva.org Office Administrative Assistants: Jeannette Gantz Daly, jgantzdaly@olqpva.org Michele Chang, mchang@olqpva.org Office Business Manager: Christina Kozyn, ckozyn@olqpva.org Maintenance Supervisor: Michael Hill, mgdvet53155@yahoo.com Evening Custodian: Joe Martocci, jmartocci@olqpva.org No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Reign of God. Lk 9:62 BULLETIN DEADLINE Wednesday—9 AM, office@olqpva.org OLQP MISSION STATEMENT Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church is dedicated to witnessing the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Chapter 25:31-46. Our mission is to nurture the spirit and to encourage the potential of those we serve through liturgical celebration, educational endeavors and social ministries. The parish will continue to identify with its origin as a Black parish. As a multi-ethnic congregation we will seek to promote racial harmony and social justice. While our primary focus is within the immediate community, we will also work to provide for the well-being of the downtrodden everywhere. In this we strive for our parish community to be a caring, sharing, and loving family. THIS WEEKEND’S SECOND COLLECTION PETER’S PENCE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1 Kgs 19:16B, 19-21; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 Next Sunday’s Readings: (14th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Is 66:10-14C; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-9 OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND STRENGTHEN US Please pray for: Elizabeth Ball, Suri Barahona, Ronald Bashian, Gene Betit, Francis Bilgera, Precious Bowens, April Brassard, Joan Brown, Lynne Burgh, Kathy Burns, Brody Carroll, Louise Chambers, Carmen Rosa Claure, Mary DaLuca, Cheryl Darby, Adrienne DiCerbo, Ernest Donatto, Mike Dorsey, Marye Embrey, Irene Fitzpatrick, Yevette Francois, Allison Fratus, Karen Gammache, Trishann Ganley, Carmen Gonzalez, the Harris Family, Linda Hawkins, Clare Hayden, Ida Hernandez, Dee Hickey, Margaret Hodges, Beatriz Uribe Jaramillo, Raymond Jay, Pat Johnson, Carmen Andrea Lara, Patrick Lawrey, Maria Linares, Lidia Montero Lopez, Mary Helen Madden, Wil McBride, Stefan McGuigan, Olga McKenzie, Martha Gladys Medina, Bette Mehalko, Roberto Méndez, Evelyn Mercantini, Mary Miller, Yvonne Mockler, Carmen Montijo, Dorothy Moran, Bob Morsches, Chelsea Murray, Nicholas, Patrick Ogden, Delfima Pacheco-Choque, Catherine Parr, Mary Pasquarella, Patrick, Catherine Peake, Paul Ramirez, Kate Ring, Maritza Roldan, Carolyn Santos, Susan Savage, Jane Shepard, Mary Shookhoff, Jeffrey Smith, Mary E. Smith, Eva Souza, Paul Steinmetz, Phillip Stewart, Michael Arthur Sweat, Fred Thompson, Rose Trujillo, Stephen Utley, Claudia Waller, Dottie Williams, Mary Woods, Claudia Zapata. MASS INTENTIONS FOR JUNE 25 - JULY 1 5:30 pm - for David Tishman (D) by Evelyn Hoff 8:00 am - for Virginia Clifford (D) by John & Nikki Clifford 9:30 am - for Geraldine Bosco (D) by Pamela Gresty 11:15 am - for Thomas P. Leckey (D) by Dolores Leckey 1:00 pm - for Mauricio Antonio Rivas (D) by Teresa & Rafael Rivas 6:00 pm - for Fr. Leonard J. Tuozzolo (D) by Kristine Gregos Mon. 12 noon - for Col. Patrick Barnette (D) by the Rinehart Family Tue. 12 noon - In Thanksgiving for Zana Manuel (L) by Juderica Dias Wed. 12 noon - for Martha del Alamo (L) by Emma Grayeb Thu. 12 noon - for Vacation Bible School Volunteers (L) by Bonnie Czekanski Fri. 12 noon - for Mary Rose Czekanski (D) by Bonnie Czekanski SUNDAY COLLECTIONS Sunday Collection: $11,336 Faith Direct June weekly average: $8,159.87 SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE PARISH This week we welcome 5new Christians: Delilah Alicia Yusuf Maximilian Williams Trevino Baptized 10 am Saturday. Eleanora Marie Drewniak Baptized 9:30 am Sunday. Michael Curtis Lamont Clark Veronica Martina Zambrano Charlotte Amelie Vinas Ethan Alexander Mendez Baptized 1 pm Sunday. PEACE ASPIRATIONS… “I n the face of unjust and pai nful si tuations, fai th br i ngs us the li ght whi c h scatt er s the dar kness. ” – P ope Fr anci s PLEASE REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2016-2017 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHOOL YEAR Registration forms are located in the back of the church, and on the Parish web site. Please complete both sides and place in the designated box or email them to Kremedios@OLQPVA.org. All Students, grades PK-12 are encouraged to register. SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE - We will continue collecting school supplies through July. Please donate backpacks, notebooks, pencils, pens, glue sticks, paper, crayons, etc. etc. and place them in the blue Matt 25 bins in the parking lot. Our need is primarily for elementary school children, but we will be providing backpacks for some middle and high school students, as well. More information: contact Pat Vinkenes, PatVinkenes@yahoo.com NEWS ON HOWARD STUDENTS’ PROJECT IN MEDOR When in Medor, the members of Howard University’s College of Engineering and Architecture Service Corps had meetings with the community. At the meetings, they introduced themselves, listened to concerns and took note of community needs. During the school year, they will plan an engineering project which they hope to implement next spring. There is a lot of interest in improving the kitchens at the primary & secondary schools. Water flows from the nearby hill to flood the kitchen, soccer field, and classrooms. Currently the cooks need to bring cooking water from Gran Fon. Having a suitable water source closer to the kitchen would be a big help. Check out Dr. Sue's blog on Medor at marysusancarlson.tumblr.com Please continue to pray for our sisters and brothers in Haiti! WWW.FATHERHEALY.COM – Subscribe to this website and receive a weekly email of a homily matching the current liturgical Sunday. Years ago, some parishioners had the foresight to record Fr. Healy’s homilies in the 80s and 90s, and they are now digitized and made available online through the www.fatherhealy.com website. Fr. Healy was pastor of OLQP from 1983 to 1995, and very well-known and loved throughout the metropolitan DC area for his challenging and insightful homilies, especially regarding Haiti and social justices issues. INTERFAITH MEDITATION JUNE 27 - Join Fr. Tim and Ani Rinchen Khandro (a Tibetan Buddhist nun) for meditations from the Christian & Buddhist traditions on Monday evening, June 27 from 7:30 pm to 8:45 pm in the Founders Room. By donation: $10 suggested. A program of the Interfaith Meditation Initiative. www.InterfaithMeditationInitiative.org JUST$- As summer vacations begin, low-income children lack access to regular, nutritious meals because they are out of school and lunch programs are not available. Half the proceeds from the Just$ program helps support the OLQP Food Pantry, so your use of the Just$ Giant, Safeway and Shoppers cards helps children in need in our community. June 25-26, 2016 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time JUST A THOUGHT OR TWO… We hear seemingly hard words NO VACATION FOR HUNGER - Please continue to bring food from Jesus in today’s Gospel. Jesus, like Elijah before him asked his followers to leave behind everything and follow him. No words of compassion for the one whose father had just died! No time to say goodbye to friends and family…not even time to bury the dead! What is going on with Jesus?…earlier in the Gospel of Luke Jesus’ compassion is readily visible, curing the sick and lame, raising a little girl from the dead, curing the lepers…what has happened? Surely the people following Jesus were surprised by these hard-hitting words but they would also have been used to hyperbole as it was quite commonly used by storytellers and speech-makers. But still Jesus is making a point about the urgency and the demands of discipleship….it cannot be left until tomorrow, and it will not be easy! Jesus knows that he is heading to certain death in Jerusalem and his followers will need to be “all in” in order to survive the ordeal of that “awful” first Good Friday. Jesus wants to be sure that those who seek to be his disciples understand that the road ahead will be difficult and the cost of discipleship is great. It almost seems too great of a demand…but we do not travel the road of discipleship alone, Jesus is at our side…and that makes all the difference. What am I willing to give up to be a disciple of Jesus? What does my discipleship call me to do this week? What choices am I being called to make as a disciple of Jesus? Blessings, Fr Tim donations for the pantry throughout the summer. If you miss the collection week due to vacation, you can always bring food the following week. The demand for food actually often increases in the summer, as children do not have access to school lunch and breakfast. ONLINE PARISH REGISTRATION… If you are new to Our Lady Queen of Peace and want to register as a member of our parish, or if you need to update your registration (change of address or phone number, marital status, a new member in your household, etc...), you can do so online. Visit www.olqpva.org and click on parish registration at the bottom of the page. If you are going to be moving away, please contact the parish office at 703979-5580 or jgantzdaly@olqpva.org JOURNEY OF HOPE: FROM VIOLENCE TO HEALING Please join us for this special presentation on Tuesday, June 28 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Founders Room. The presentation is geared to youth and young adults, but open to all. It will be an evening of storytelling centered on the healing power of forgiveness. We will hear from Bill Pelke, whose grandmother was brutally murdered, and Shujaa Graham, who spent three years on California's death row for a crime he did not commit. In the face of evil and hatred, Bill and Shujaa embody Christ's overflowing love and compassion in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. More information: Michelle Knight, mknight@olqpva.org STOP GUN VIOLENCE LICENSE PLATE - The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is seeking to have a special license plate issued in Virginia that will simply say, “stop gun violence” with an image of a broken heart over an open hand. In order to get approval from the legislature, they must first have 450 prepaid license applications. Please see the flier at the back of the church and take an envelope with more information and an application. More information: Michelle Knight, mknight@olqpva.org I HAVE CALLED YOU BY NAME, YOU ARE MINE (Isaiah 43:1) What is God calling you to? Consider seeking your life’s purpose through JustFaith, a rich spiritual journey focused on connecting compassion with the needs of the world. Program begins in September. For more information: Michelle Knight, mknight@olqpva.org CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP - Come, listen, and find God WELCOME TO MY HOME - Looking for things to do this sum- in the silence. Groups meet on Friday mornings from 10:3011:45 am, contact Janet O'Neil at jm7coneil@aol.com and Monday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm, contact Susan Thompson at susanstarrsthompson@juno.com. Beginners and those who would simply like to visit a group are welcome. mer? June 30th-July 18th and July 16th-July 31st exchange students from all over the world are coming to DC with Youth for Understanding, an organization that advances intercultural understanding, mutual respect and social responsibility through educational exchanges for youth, families and communities. Students are looking for host families in the Metro DC area to invite them into their home and simply be included in everyday life. The students will be busy with classes and activities during the day and with the host family on the evenings and weekends. Take a challenge, welcome a student, and learn about another culture! Contact Jenny Beth Aloys jbdyess03@gmail.com for more information. QUEEN OF PEACE ARLINGTON FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Phone (703) 521-8615; FAX (703) 521-1960 email: qpafcu@qpafcu.com web site: www.qpafcu.com Serving the Queen of Peace Community 1964-2015 Office Hours: Sunday, 10:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Saturday 4:30 p.m. – 5:25 p.m. (before the 5:30 p.m. Mass), the first Thursday of the month, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., and by appointment. The office is located in the Ministry Center, first floor, main entrance to building. Payroll Deduction, Automatic Transfers, Direct Deposit: Credit Union members can send payroll deductions to their credit union account and/or have the credit union (at no charge) pull funds from a checking account at another credit union or bank. You may also direct federal and state income tax refunds to your account at the credit union. See the credit union for details. Savings Federally Insured to at least $250,000 by NCUA, a US Government Agency, and backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government. ROOM FOR RENT - A parishioner is looking for a single room to rent with access to the kitchen and washer and dryer. Would prefer the Arlington area, close distance to Our Lady Queen of Peace. If you have space available to rent please call Maria at 571-830-5895. ECO-TIPS: Collect rainwater and use to water houseplants and your garden. Use promptly to avoid providing breeding sites or mosquitoes. Catalina Bennhold-Samaan HB Woodlawn Macy Blakeley George Marshall HS Magaly Lucero Cabrera-Ortiz Woodson HS Anthony Felipe Wakefield HS Annie Ferguson George Mason HS Philomena Fitzgerald T.C. Williams HS Caroline Frias Wakefield HS Shanna Gerlach TC Williams HS Sean William Haselby Washington-Lee HS Kyle Jackson Wakefield HS Jaelyn Jenkins Robert Frost MS Cecilia Kane Georgetown Visitation Roberto Carlos Mendez Glen Forest Indira Murillo National Autonomous U., Honduras Jhonatan Steve Oyola Pastrana Wakefield HS Edith Partida Bridgewater Virginia College Lily Eileen Ramey Virginia Tech U. David Stuart Smith George Washington U. Corina Solorzano George Mason U. Aiden Arigoni Travers H-B Woodlawn Zoe Arigoni Travers H-B Woodlawn Izzy Vierkandt Gunston MS Chabeli Wells Washington-Lee HS George Whichard Gunston MS Samantha Whichard Gunston MS Jack Williams St. Olaf College Sophia Radday H-B Woodlawn Amy Vanden Boogart George Washington CO NG CLA RATU LAT SS IO OF 201 NS 6!! Charles Mack Ladd Bishop Ireton HS