the saint vincent depaul society......interested?
the saint vincent depaul society......interested?
ST. MARY CHURCH CHILLICOTHE, OHIO FEBRUARY 14, 2016 TODAY’S LITURGY FIRST READING: SECOND READING: GOSPEL: Deuteronomy 24:4-10 Romans 10:8-13 Luke 4:1-13 MASSES HELD IN THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE MONDAY, February 15 8:30 a.m. Mary Holman by Lucille Nichols Deuteronomy is a kind of last will and testament of Moses. He reviews the forty years in the desert (ca. 1200 BC). The book is not written (in its final form) until perhaps the mid-sixth century BC. The “deuteronomic school” of thought which developed it had great influence on much biblical literature. It made Israel’s past a contemporary experience. In this, what God did long ago is repeated as the covenant promises are renewed. In Sunday’s selection, a creed-like chant is repeated by those who come to offer thanksgiving. “My father was a wandering Aramean” acknowledges and embraces Israel’s past, making it their own. The Hebrew original (arami oved avi) is rhythmic but difficult to interpret. Most think “my father” is Abraham or Jacob. One Jewish commentary suggests this difficulty of interpretation is not all bad, noting that much of the Torah is ambiguous. This allows the one giving thanks to identify with all those of the past. Even as the Lord provided for “my father” or “my ancestor” who went down into Egypt and lived as an alien, yet the Lord made him into a great nation. When things went badly for them the Lord showed his “strong hand and outstretched arm” and brought them (us) to this land “flowing with milk and honey.” The deuteronomist looked at his own situation and decided if the Lord could keep a covenant with the unfaithful ancestors, then how much more with his own generation, if they were faithful themselves. They would renew the covenant, remind themselves of it often and observe it scrupulously. Thus, “we cried to the Lord, the God of our fathers...he heard our cry...saw our affliction, our toil, and our oppression... brought us out of Egypt... gave us this land....” The repeated use of the first person plural joins all later generations with the original covenant partners. We resolve to be faithful, even if our ancestors failed. After reflecting on this temptation scene, I think Luke does something similar. Like Israel (forty years), Jesus was in the desert for the symbolic forty days to be tempted there. Three times Jesus quotes Deuteronomy while being tempted. (Dt. 8:3;6:13;6:16 in order of appearance). The devil himself even quotes from Psalm 91. Jesus ends the tempting by saying “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” This becomes a revelation of who Jesus is; one and the same! At the end a curious line reads “he (the devil) departed from him for a time.” It could also be translated “he departed until an opportune time.” In Luke that “opportune time” will never come. Luke’s Jesus represents the faithful Israel who successfully resisted the temptation and who will never again allow any doubt to be cast on the faithfulness of ideal Israel, represented by Jesus. In Luke’s Agony in the Garden (Lk. 22:39-46) Jesus twice cautions the disciples to pray “that you may not undergo the test,” that is, that you may not be tempted. Only in Luke’s crucifixion scene does Jesus cry out “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Psalm 31:6). Matthew and Mark use perhaps the more remembered cry “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Psalm 22:2). Possibly Luke used Psalm 31, rather than Psalm 22 in order to demonstrate how completely Jesus represented the ideal Israel, faithful to the end, and never allowing that “opportune time” for the devil to return, by uttering what might be thought a cry of abandonment. Thus Jesus lived out perfectly what the deuteronomist hoped for, a faithful Israel true to the end. Father Hummer TUESDAY, February 16 9:30 a.m. Mary Holman by Dan Grabb (Grade 5 at Bishop Flaget School – parishioners welcome) WEDNESDAY, February 17 8:30 a.m. Don Fout by Dan Grabb THURSDAY, February 18 8:30 a.m. Debbie Ziegler by Mary Kay & Tom Eltzroth FRIDAY, February 19 8:30 a.m. George Becker by Millie & Calvin Tanner SATURDAY, February 20 5:00 p.m. Charles & Kathryn Gaskill by Kathryn Page SUNDAY, February 21 8:45 a.m. St. Mary’s Parish 11:00 a.m. Rose Marie Muir by St. Mary’s Choir SUNDAY, February 14 LOVE IN ACTION SUNDAY No PSR No Choir WEDNESDAY, February 17 6:30 p.m. Walk Through The Garden Scripture Sharing 7:00 p.m. Choir – Family Life Center THURSDAY, February 18 6:30 p.m. RCIA 7:00 p.m. High School & Middle School Youth Group (St. Peter Church) FRIDAY, February 19 4:00 p.m. Lenten Fish Fry – at St. Peter Church – until 7 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Vespers – Evening Prayer – Family Life Center SUNDAY, February 21 Collection for the Phoenix House 9:45 a.m. PSR 10:00 a.m. Choir ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY NEWS Month of December 2015 Cumulative Year To Date Families served 105 1639 Assistance given $3,426.23 $47,296.27 LOOKING FOR A LENTEN PROJECT? We give out an average of 7 sack lunches per week to people in need who stop in the parish office. We could use donations of: bottled water, canned meats (must have pull top), tuna fish in individual sleeves, individual fruit cups, chips, snack bars, cheese crackers, individual servings of peanut butter, Ritz crackers packaged for individual use, candy bars. Leave your bagged donations in the Family Life Center while attending Mass. THE NEXT SESSION OF GRIEF RELIEF will be on Saturday, February 27 at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Office building. This will be the fourth session. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND of FEBRUARY 20 & 21, 2016 OFFERTORY REPORT February 7, 2016 Average Weekly Offering Needed weekly to meet budget Regular Collection $7108.11 $6923.00 $9952.12 Restoration Fund Bishop Flaget School St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Times Home Missions Initial Offering $2,034.65 1,305.00 775.00 170.00 125.00 8.00 It is a generous and joyful giving of time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is what we do after we say we believe. THE SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND, February 13 &14, is for The Home Missions. Our Turn, Our Time, Our Home Capital Campaign Update We have received 114 pledges totaling $184,458.00 for Phase II of the Church Restoration Project. Pledges are still coming in, and it’s not too late to fill out the pledge card. Simply fill it out and drop it in the offertory basket. Please fill out a pledge card, even if you are unable to donate. We will, in any case, contact all registered parishioners who have not yet responded. We have received pledges covering the cost of restoring the Baptismal Font. We will be having Mass in the Family Life Center until the completion of the interior of the church. Thank you for your continued support of the project, and continued pledge payments. VESPERS (EVENING PRAYER) Due to the restoration and renewal of the Church and the Stations of the Cross being worked on we will, this year instead, celebrate the Liturgical prayer of the church known as Vespers, or Evening Prayer I. Traditionally it happens anywhere after 4 o’clock in the afternoon. So we shall pray Vespers every Friday at 5 place of the Stations of the Cross. This will happen in the Family Life Center. TH 100 BIRTHDAY Sister Annina Morgan, former principal at Catholic Central High School, will turn 100 years old on March 9. Birthday cards can be sent to her at the following address: 5900 Delhi Rd.; Mt. St. Joseph, OH 45051. While writing out the card, you are asked to remind her which class you were in. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WILL HOST THEIR MONTHLY MENS' OUTREACH at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 23, in the Parish Office Building. This fun evening is open to all men of the parish. Light refreshments will be provided. Anyone needing a ride should call Kevin Crock at 740-350-8251 to arrange transportation. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE NEEDS OF: Helen & Dave Bell, Bill Bennett, Carroll Brown, Nicole Burley, Kelley Chandler, Anne Cooke, Steve Cooper, Rose Cox, Sherri Cox, Martha Davis, Michael Dixon, Patrick Flannagan, Therese Firestone, Shelly Whalen Francisco, Corey Gebhart, Doug Griffith, Jason Henry, Emily Brown Hooker, Polly Hunn, Tracy Jalbuena, Ann Klinker, Earnest Littler, Heidi Lovensheimer, Stephen Paul Madru, Joan McCambridge, Charles McDonald, Rosemary McHarg, Gwen Miller, Dave Neal, Dee Parker, Stuart Phillips, Molly Prochaska, Max Putnam, Kate Richter, Wyatt Schumacher, Joe Schumann, Kathy Senff, Eleanor Smith, Pam Thomas, Richard Tippie, Alexa Tyree, Leo & Louise Von Clausburg, Ethel Wallenhorst, Riley Whalen, & Mary Whaley. Saturday – 5:00 p.m. Servers: J Littler, J Copley, J Slater Lectors: M Kennedy, S Burkhardt Lay Ministers H Malone, Ma Haller, G Bonner, L Hardesty, K Boesch Sunday – 8:45 a.m. Servers: E Lanning, R Villarreal, J Whalen Lectors: D Ginther, G Anderson Lay Ministers: S Anderson, B & D Neal, D Ginther, D Adams Sunday – 11:00 a.m. Servers H Anders, J Underwood, G Anders Lectors: J Venneman, J Maxwell Lay Ministers: Mi Haller, P Laughlin, K Leeth, S Anders, J Anders Cantor: R Zedalis Altar Linens for February 2016: K Rourke Collection Counters: D Wagner, N Boggs ATTENTION MINISTERS: Ministry schedules are available on the tables in the Family Life Center. Please pick up a copy as we are not mailing them. CATHOLIC TIMES NEWSPAPER: Thank you to all new and returning readers of the Catholic Times. It is not too late to turn in your envelope. The parish rate is $17. As an evangelization tool, Bishop Campbell encourages all Catholic households in the diocese to receive and read our diocesan newspaper, the Catholic Times. Come enjoy “A journal of Catholic life in Ohio.” FISH FRY FUNDRAISER Where: St. Peter's Catholic Church – 285 West Water St. (PLEASE NOTE NEW VENUE FOR 2016) TO BENEFIT BISHOP FLAGET 7TH & 8TH GRADE CLASS TRIP. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!!! Fridays in Lent: February 19, 26; March 4, 11, 18. 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Dine in and Take Out available. Dinners $7:50; Sandwiches $4.75 BISHOP FLAGET IS COLLECTING ITEMS TO DISTRIBUTE TO NEEDY families in our community through our "Night of Hope" on February 17th. The classes are gathering needed materials and we are planning a soup dinner for those families in attendance who are in need of a hot meal and other items. If anyone in the parish would like to help us with this endeavor, these are some of the items that we need: socks, personal hygiene items (feminine products, dry shampoo, baby wipes), toothpaste, re-useable shopping bags, crock pots of hot soup (please bring to Flaget on 2/17 after 12PM), bread/crackers, desserts, plastic spoons. Any of these items would be greatly appreciated and all items will be distributed to families in need either through our Night of Hope or through other local organizations afterwards. Thank you for your help in serving the less fortunate in our community. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP High School Youth Group is now open to Grades 8 –12 and is held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the youth group room, at St. Peter Church. Upcoming topics are: 2/18 – Is Jesus really divine?; 2/25 – Is the Holy Spirit really a person?; 3/3 – Spreading the Gospel. For additional info, contact Jenny French at 740-774-4172. SCIOTO VALLEY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 23 RD ANNUAL CHOCOLATE FANTASY fundraiser TODAY, Sunday, February 14, at Bishop Flaget School Gymnasium, 570 Parsons Ave. from Noon to 3:00 p.m. Tickets are $6.00 for 4 servings of chocolate desserts. The SainT VincenT dePaul S o c i e T y ......i n T e r e S T e d ? “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison and visit you?” And the King will say... “Whatever you did for one of these least...of mine, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:37-40) With love from a Parishioner THE SCHOOL OF DANCE CLASSES IN BALLET • TOE • TAP ACROBATIC • JAZZ Miss Elizabeth Weisenberger - Owner 82 N. PAINT ST. 772-4455 (740) 775-6328 2155 Western Ave. Too Many ProjecTs? Too LiTTLe TiMe? Try our new Handyman Service! 142 University Dr. 740-773-8107 License #24314 ROBERT C. HESS TOMLINSON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 1661 Western Ave. 702-2149 Heating & Cooling, Inc. Attorney-At-Law Since 1853 14 S. Paint St. Rm. 2 Foulke Block 90 W. Main St. (p) 740-773-4181 (f) 740-772-2313 774-6152 Benson & Sesser, LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 S. Paint St., Chillicothe 740-773-3600 Arselli’s Karen M. Leeth Senior Account Manager 775-8582 703-8582 (cell) 215 Eastern Ave. 740-772-5180 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-5 (740) 775-8177 775-3663 Dr. Patricia A. Haller Optometrist Allen’s Medical Pharmacy Inc. Landscape & Design Breakfast Bar until 2 p.m. Sunday 831 N. Bridge St. 64 Executive Center Rd. 774-4616 LOGAN MONUMENT COMPANY 773-4066 CHILLICOTHE GREENFIELD WAVERLY JACKSON WASHINGTON C.H. CIRCLEVILLE TO REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.ADENA.ORG OR CALL 877-779-7585. DAIRY BAR FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE OILS THE WHOLESALE HOUSE 79 N. MULBERRY ST. The Parish School of St. Mary & St. Peter 740-773-7283 LOCALLY OWNED KING & REGULAR SIZE CIGARETTES Southern Ohio STEPHEN C. DAWES, Eastern Ave. LUMBER CO. Eye Associates CPA/PFS Your Complete Building Materials Store 1-888-SOEAEYE (763-2393) 773-2274 Tax & Stephen E. Demick, M.D. 740-773-6347 Retirement MasterCard • VISA • Discover 804 Eastern Ave. C 159 E. Second St. Planning Specialist (740) 775-3473 121 W. 2nd St. HIRSCH FRUIT FARM 12846 St. Rt. 772 & 41 Seney Rd. Chillicothe From Our Family to Your Family, Fresh From the Farm! Ann E. Perdue Account Executive ANDERSON Drug Store Rx & Health Convenient Drive Thru Available M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5 160 E. Main St. 774-2670 For your loved ones... request Guardian. Your local burial vault company. Since 1920 Pat, Tim, Dan & Dennis Corcoran Families, owners • 772-5514 775-6683 Joe Herlihy CatholicMatch Ohio 702-0000 of Chillicothe 1071 Marietta Rd. 774-3148 193 E. Water St. 288 N. High St. 773-1480 171 N. Bridge St. 851-4629 702-5909 CHILLICOTHE FIRE & SECURITY Rock of Ages Memorials WARE FUNERAL HOME, LLC 773-2134 CLU, AGENT 945 E. Main St. 19 Executive Center Dr. SUSIE NATOLI Residential • Commercial Security Systems and Fire Alarms Dr. Donna Miller Family Dental Center 772-1660 eclectic retail & consignment 740-649-8365 92 N. Paint St. N. Bridge St. • 773-8676 Western Ave. • 779-0995 Charley’s Flowers 773-2686 19 S. Paint Southern ohio MonuMent CoMpany Chillicothe 773-5100
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