Congratulations Newly Confirmed!


Congratulations Newly Confirmed!
November 2014
Vol. 1 Issue 1
Congratulations Newly Confirmed!
What a JOYOUS evening! On November 18, our
parish proudly presented 48 of our ninth grade
students to Bishop Winter to receive the Sacrament
of Confirmation. The Knights of Columbus and our
IC Choir helped make the event even more special.
The youth prayerfully prepared for adulthood in our
church under the guidance of Sheryl Giovanelli,
Director of Religious Education, Robin Krofcheck,
and Catachists: Michael Hostinsky, Karen King,
Rebecca Papson and Jim Stark. Our youth
volunteered many hours of service within the parish
and throughout the community in preparation for
the sacrament as well as attending a retreat at Sacred
Heart. Signifying the respect the students have for
positive Catholic examples in their lives and in our
church history, they each chose a confirmation name
and a sponsor. The gifts of the Holy Spirit graced the
candidates that evening and will remain with them
as they continue on their spiritual journeys.
We ask every member of our parish to keep these
very special young people in their prayers!!
Calling All Young Adults…
With many organizations and committees at Immaculate Conception seemingly geared toward children, teens and
mature adults, three energetic women in the Parish have identified an area of needed improvement in programming
for young adults and are working tirelessly to help fill that void. Thus, the I.C. Young Adults were born; an
organization geared toward promoting faith and fellowship amongst young adults. Any young adult in their 20s and
30s is invited and welcome; Come one, come all - single or married, with or without children – if you are a young
adult at Immaculate Conception, this organization is for YOU.
Emily Trifaro (33), Danielle Marcheesi (31) and Lauren Krofcheck (25) are the three young women undertaking the
important role as group leaders. Trifaro details that her motivation for beginning the group arose from her desire to
find a place and role for herself and the other young adults of Immaculate Conception. “What connects all young
adults together is the experience of transition – discovering who we are as adults, finding a place of love and
belonging in the Church and in our relationships, achieving a sense of purpose in our work, and spiritually speaking,
exploring the meaning of life and our Catholic faith,” said Trifaro.
Four events have been held thus far including lunch at a local restaurant, a potluck movie night, pumpkin carving
and a potluck Steelers v. Ravens viewing party. Scheduled upcoming events include: a monthly dinner out, book
study relevant to young adults in the Catholic Church, service opportunities, Shop-Til-You-Drop event and a
Christmas Party and Game Night.
Interested in more information about the I.C. Young Adults??
Contact Emily Trifaro
724.255.0844 (call or text) (email)
Facebook group I.C. Young Adults - for latest news & activities
“Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct
pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you.”
-Saint Thomas Aquinas
JFK Welcomes New Teacher
August marked the start of a new school year at John F. Kennedy Catholic
School and with it came the excitement of a new teacher. Ms. Hannah Brown
36 saltine crackers
1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup butter
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Line a 15x10x1-inch baking sheet with
Arrange crackers in a single layer over
Combine butter and sugar in a
saucepan over medium heat, stirring
until butter is melted and mixture is
well blended. Bring to a boil. Boil 3
minutes without stirring.
Spread mixture over crackers.
Bake 7 minutes.
Remove from oven. Immediately
sprinkle with chocolate chips.
Let stand 5 minutes. Spread
chocolate evenly over crackers.
Sprinkle with walnuts or pecans.
Cool in refrigerator (in winter I cool
them on my screened porch)
Do not need to be kept in refrigerator.
Cut or break into pieces.
“I have enjoyed making these crunch bars for
family and friends since 2005.”
joined the JFK staff for the 2014 school year as a third grade teacher of Math
and Language Arts. Though she is new to this position, she is not new to JFK.
Brown previously had 2 long-term substitute teaching positions at JFK, so she
is quite familiar with the school.
Hannah Brown with her 3rd grade class at JFK Elementary School
Brown has a connection to our Parish in that she was baptized by Father
Feeney at Transfiguration Church. She lives in Monongahela, PA and is a 2012
graduate of Slippery Rock University. In addition to her teaching position at
JFK, Brown stays busy as the manager and waitress at Speers Street Grill in
Belle Vernon, PA. Professional growth in her teaching career is a priority for
Brown. Her belief in the value of Catholic education is what drew her JFK. “I
love that I am able to teach values and beliefs and that religion is still in our
school,” said Brown. She says that she is looking forwarding to getting to know
better the students, parents and staff. Brown feels at home at JFK, saying that
she likes “how close everyone is and there is always someone you can count
JoAnn (DiRemigio) Balta
on if you need anything.”
On behalf of IC and JFK: Welcome to our family, Ms. Hannah Brown.
Parish Renovation
The Parish Renovation is officially underway. Masses will be held at alternative locations (school guy and
Parish Hall) from now through Palm Sunday 2015 (tentatively.) The first part of the project is for all pews to be
removed. Pews are for sale for $50 each until Monday, December 1, 2014. At that time plastic sheeting will go
up around parts of the interior of the Church that are not being changed as to ensure those areas are not
damaged or dirtied. Then the construction on the new alter and flooring are next up on the renovation
timeline. During this time we all should pray for patience and respond to the call to help volunteer in any way
necessary to help our Church and fellow parishioners.
“Extend your mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet without
helping. For what hope is there for us if God should withdraw His Mercy from us?”
-Saint Vincent de Paul
My name is Madison Aloia. I am 18 years old and a
senior at Trinity High School. I have been involved in
many types of activities and volunteer work during my
high school years. I am active in student council, prom
committee, and future teachers, to name a few. However
the volunteer work that I have been doing the longest
and enjoy the most, is my involvement in the parish
Religious Education program.
My name is Deanna Bird, and I am currently a junior at
Bishop Canevin High School. After completing 8th grade at John F.
Kennedy Catholic, I decided to further my Catholic Education at Bishop
Canevin. At Bishop Canevin, I love to be involved in various clubs and
extracurricular activities. A couple of the clubs I am a member of are
Campus Ministry and Crusaders for Life, which is an organization that
helps to foster respect for and protection of individual innocent
human beings from conception to natural death. As a member, I can
express my Catholic Faith and develop lifelong leadership and
stewardship skills through service projects for charity and justice.
I have been volunteering since I started high school and
every year I have been blessed to assist the same teacher,
Mrs. Taylor. I admire Mrs. Taylor and her commitment
to this ministry. I have learned much about teaching our
faith to the children. Helping the students with their
work, giving directions, passing out papers, reading to
At 9:00 mass every Sunday, Father calls the children, Preschool to
them, and monitoring restroom breaks are some of my
third grade, to the front of the church. After he blesses the book,
duties. Since I am now 18, I am looking forward to
the children follow the Adult catechist to the church hall where the
teaching classes by myself. I feel like I have prepared
myself over the years and gained ample experience to
children then get to listen and learn the Word of God. Children's
teach. I enjoy the third grade class because they are fun
Liturgy has given me the opportunity to work with younger children of
to talk to and get to know better. They work very hard
all ages, while teaching them about the Word of God. This helps them
on their assignments and provide a lively atmosphere in
to understand what is being done in mass and why each part is
the classroom. During the month of October, we
significant. I am very glad I became involved with Children's Liturgy,
practiced praying the rosary in the classroom. One
Sunday all of the classes came together and prayed the
and I plan to continue being involved with it.
rosary together at an assembly. As we enter into the
Advent season, the classes are looking forward to
“Let us run to Mary, and, as her little
attending and participating in the parish Posada in
children, cast ourselves into her arms
with a perfect confidence.”
-Saint Francis de Sales
“I see in my neighbor the
Person of Jesus Christ.”
-Saint Gerard Majella
Deanna on her school's dance team
Have you climbed one of the three new staircases at the Washington Soccer Fields? If so, you have IC parishioner, Shane
Rumbaugh to thank for the convenient walk. Shane, son of Dr. A. Jay and Tina Rumbaugh, chose to build the staircases for his Eagle
Scout project this past summer. Rumbaugh has been active in Scouting for 11 years in IC sponsored Troop 1005. He enlisted the help
of his fellow scouts, family members and friends who ended up volunteering a total of 481 man hours to complete the project.
During this Eagle Scout project, Rumbaugh learned a tremendous amount of applicable real world experience including
fundraising, planning, building, record keeping and management. Rumbaugh specifically cited his uncle, Gary, as an invaluable
supporter of the project, having made many trips to Washington from his home in Morgantown, WV to assist with planning and
Presenting his project in front of the District Eagle Scout Review Board was as equally rewarding, as it was challenging. The Board
reviewed not only his project, but his 11 year tenure in scouting. Rumbaugh recounts his favorite scouting memory as having the
opportunity to attend the 2013 National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Viriginia.
Rumbaugh is a graduate of JFK Catholic School. He is currently a senior at Trinity High School and plans to continue his
education at Penn State next fall, majoring in engineering.
“Jesus is happy to come with us, as truth is happy to be spoken, as life to be lived, as light
to be lit, as love is to be loved, as joy to be given, as peace to be spread.”
-Saint Francis of Assisi
Why do Catholics believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took
a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be
shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.
By eating His Body and drinking His blood we are not only in the Presence of God, we are united with God. He
becomes part and parcel of who we are. Scripture and the early Church Fathers make it quite clear that it is not cannibalism. It
is a Spiritual meal. John 6 says Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and
drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise
him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds
on me will have life because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still
died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.” Even back then people thinking cannibalism. Some even thought Jesus was
speaking figuratively. It is why Jesus reiterates that his flesh is true (real) food. If the reader knew Greek, this passage would be
understood better.
By partaking of the Eucharist we are partaking of God Himself. We are becoming part of Him, and He is becoming
part of us. It is not a symbolic meal. The Eucharist is not a symbolic feeding. As the early Church Fathers reiterated and what is written in
Scripture, it does not say “This is LIKE my body” or “This SYMBOLIZES my blood.” or “This REPRESENTS my body.”
On the contrary, He says “This IS my Body; this IS my Blood.” Going beyond what we know as time and space, Mass is a
participation in the Last supper, re-presented to us at each Mass. It is as if we were in the same room as the 11 disciples,
hearing the words of Jesus. It is not like watching a play. It is actually being there.
This is an excerpt from Father Barkey’s answer to the
Know Your Faith Question. To view his full article,
please go to
There are presently several prayer groups meeting to discuss
“The Church Evangelizing!” by the Most Reverend David
A. Zubik, Bishop of Pittsburgh. If you have yet to read his
inspirational Pastoral Letter to the Church of Pittsburgh, do
not delay, go now to and download the file. It is
a heartfelt letter written to us, his brothers and sisters –
calling us to take ownership of our faith and follow the path
of evangelization that Jesus lain for us.
“In the Spirit of Christ, I invite you to join with me in being
evangelizers-strong in prayer, heartfelt in words, sealed with
deeds, and sustained for the long haul, not with the language
of the lips, but with the language of the heart. That, my
friends, is the New Evangelization. That is The Church
Evangelizing! Together, may we grow so strong in faith,
hope and love that others can stand on our shoulders as we
have stood on the shoulders of those before us. As we do
so, let us together, now and for ages to come, be The Church
Evangelizing! Grateful for our belief that “Nothing is
Impossible with God,” I am.
“Those whose hearts are pure are
temples of the Holy Spirit.”
-Saint Lucy
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