25 January 2015 - St. Patrick Church Shieldsville


25 January 2015 - St. Patrick Church Shieldsville
Church of St. Patrick. Shieldsville
Sunday in Ordinary
January 25,
Mass Intentions
T\resday, January 27: 8:30 a.m. +Lois Fitzpatrick
Saturday, January 31: 5:00 p.m. +Nancy Dienst
Sunday, February 1: 8:O0 p.m. People of the Parish
The flag flying over our church is in memory of the Ralph Brown.
This Uleek in Our Parish
T\resday, Jantary 27:
Wednesday Janluary 28:
Sunday, February 1:
Fatima Prayer Group, 7:4O a.rn.
Faith Formation at 6:30 p.m. for grades 1-10
Faith Focus Group meets after Mass. All Welcome!
Saturdav. Januarv 31. 2O15
5:OO p.m.
AS: Emily Chmelik
EM: Joyce Brazll
Marsha DeGroot, Darrell Stoltz
GR: Lorraine Dudley, BillHarn,
John & Wilma McDonough
L: Marsha DeGroot
U: KenBrazll, Bill Harn,
John McDonough, Roger Pumper
Sundav. Februarv
AS: Grace Peach
8:OO a.m.
EM: George Sticha*
Denise & Rolf Haaland
GR: Denise & Rolf Haaland,
Mary Kay Reynolds, Hank Von Ruden
Shari Gruber
U: Mary Kay Reynolds, Hank Von Ruden,
Ashley & Jeremy Scheffert and their families,
Roger Pumper, John Madden, Bill Harn, Marge
Sowa, Don Hora, Jeff Brown, Marilyn Richter,
Landyn Wrolson, Francis Herda, Joe & Kari
(Franek) Wiita, Anne Naas; Don Jensen; Nick
Grambart; all on the prayer chain; Servicemen:
Jaime AIIison, Chris Chappuis, Mark Gehling,
John McDonough, Eric Spehn, Luke Ward
The United States of America
flying over our parking lot is in Memory
of Ralph Brown. If you would like a flag
to fly in memory of a loved one, contact the office.
Donor cost is $50 and the flag flies for six months.
At the end of six months the flag is returned to the
donating family. St. Patrick is in charge of
procurernent of the flag and flags are flou,n on a
first come basis u,ith names put on a list.
Office Hours
25 - 31. 2015
T\resday & Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Financial Stewardship
L7 &, 18. 2015
Adult Envelopes
$ L,494.oo
Open Plate
Weekend TOTAL
Sunday in Ordinary Time
1. 2015
First Reading:
Psa-lm 95
"If todag gou hear his
Second Reading:
harden not ttour heanls."
1 Corinthians 7:32-35
After last week's cali of the disciples, our Gospel of
Mark takes us on the road with Jesus in his
ministry of teaching and healing. As lr,e read the
stories of Jesus teaching with authority, what
authority does Jesus have in our own lives? How
does God arnaze us with movements of grace
rvithin us, and how do we respond?
Check it out! St. Patrick's is on
Facebook! Are you on Facebook? Then
search for the Church of St. Patrick,
Shieldsville and be sure to 'Li|<e'us. Also,
if you have any photos of the church or church
activities that you think w-ould be useful for the
page, or if you have suggestions about
constructing the page, send a note to Martha
Wallace at mw.wallacehome@gmail.com
Do you want to deepen your faith?
St. Patrick is offering you a chance to
deepen and examine your faith through
our Faith Focus Group. The group is
for any age. Matthew Kelly spent four
years coming up with the program we
will use. Kim Chmelik will facilitate group
meetings of those who wish to discuss the
materials. If you are unable to attend on Sundays,
Kim will be offering a session on Saturdays after
Mass or you can access the entire prograrn online
and do it on your own. If you would like to view the
workbook, stop in the office. If interested call Kim
at 507.333 .0297 or kchmelik@earthlink.net,
Next meeting: Sunday, February 1"t, 9:OO a.m.
Thinking about Separation or Divorce?
Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that
feel disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their
marriage. Others experience conflict in their
relationship. Most don't know how to change the
situation or communicate with their spouse about
it. This program has helped over 6,500 couples in
the Twin Cities experiencing difficulties in their
marriage. For confidential information or to register
for the program please call (65i) 464-5855, or visit
www. helpourmarriage. com.
If,IHA'T: Our community is serious about
preventing medication misuse/ abuse
and about environmentally safe disposal
of medication.
WHEN: Take It To THE BOX medication disposal
boxes available 7 Days a week, 24 hours a day.
HOW: Leave medication in the original container,
. Remove name and personal information
. Leave name of medication on container
. Drop medication into disposal box.
WHERE: Faribault Police Dept Lobby 25-4t], Street
NW or the Northfield Police Dept Lobby 300 5th
Street W. Questions call 507.664.3524,
5O7.332.591 1 or visit www.ricecountychc.com
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for Healing after
Abortion. Are you struggling with an abortion?
Experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a
Rachel's Vineyard weekend retreat in the Twin
Cities area. The retreat combines discussions,
spiritual exercises, reconciliation, a Memorial
Service and a Mass of Resurrection. Participation
is strictly confidentia-l offers a beautiful opportunity
to experience God's love, forgiveness and
compassion. For more information or registration
contact Nancy at 763-250-9313 or
rvrnancy@usfamily.net. The cost is $i60.00 for
meals, room and all retreat materials. Financial
assistance is available. If you would like additional
information go to Rachei's Vineyard website at
www.rachelsvineyard. org.
let us know:
If anything has changed in your family
or you would like more information.
would like to register at St. Patrick.
have a new address.
have a new phone number.
want to be removed from parish
would like information on:
in the collection basket or mail to the office.
Archdiocesan Information
March for Life 2015
Washington D.C.
Tuesday, January 2O - Suaday, January 25
Registration is now open for the annual pilgrimage
to the nationa-l March for Life. The fee of $370
covers: Bus transportation to D.C. and tip; hotel; 7
meals; visiting D.C. landmarks; SFLA conference;
National March for Life. (Pilgrims are responsible
for up to B meals, mostly during the bus trip.) TaJk
to your parish youth minister to learn more, or
visit the Events page at www.archspm.org
New Way to Discover and Share Local Catholic
News and Events on Social Media
The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis:
Now on Facebook and Twitter!
Catholics in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and
Minneapolis have a new way to get the word out
about news and events from their parish, Catholic
school and Catholic organization on social media.
Here's how:
. Like the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and
Minneapolis on Facebook
. Follow @ArchdioceseSPM on Twitter
Then, send your photos, event information, news
and more to sociaknedia@archspm.org. Content
will be selected from submissions to be featured on
Facebook, Twitter andlor the archdiocesan
website, archspm.org, in accordance with the
archdiocese's social media policy, also posted on
its website.
"Like" and "Follow" the archdiocese on Facebook
and Twitter to keep updated on archdiocesan
events, Catholic articles of interest and news about
what's happening in the archdiocese.
Note From
Victof ....
January 25,2075
Financial Contribution Statement Packets
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are privileged to celebrate Catholic Education
Week with our Archbishop this weekend. With him
we affirm our call to participate in Jesus'mission
to "proclaim the Gospei to every creature".
Through Catholic education we fulfi11 this mission.
We teach Jesus Christ, his life and messages to
our children and form them in the values and
precepts of our God. In our sharing and living in
the love of Jesus we lead our students to a faithful
living of the teachings of Jesus. In our efforts to
iive as a community we manifest to them the
loving, compassionate, just and forgiving character
of our God. IN the life of St. Paul we are
encouraged to continue in our work for our
personal conversions and the conversion of the
wor1d. "Repent and believe in the Gospel" is John's
strong message to us. Repentance is a turning
away from sins. It is a choice that we make in our
desire to be closer to God. Let us trust in God's
love for us. Our repentance is our response to his
invitation of 1ove. We all desire that we can offer an
environment where our children can me formed
and attuned to a spirit of love and righteousness.
We want them to not only hear about Jesus but
also to experience him through a community of
faithful believers. Let us journey to buiid such
kind of community, first by turning our hearts to
Jesus and reassessing our way of living.
Are rve attuned to God ourselves? Is our way of
living reflective of the values that Jesus has taught
What does the archdiocesan corporation
Reorganization filing mean for our parish?
As you 1ikely knorx,, the Archdiocese of Saint Paul
and Minneapolis corporation filed for Chapter 11
Reorganization (Reorg anizatron) on Friday, Jan uary
16. Our parish is not included in this filing. A11
parishes in the archdiocese have been separately
incorporated under a religious corporation statute
dating back to the 1800s. The ministries of our
parish u,il1 continue. Parents should have no
concerns about registering their children for
Catholic school, faith formation and sacramental
preparation programs rvi11 continue as scheduled
at our parish, and the many other ministries of our
parish will go forward as usual.
Bell Choir will begin practice Thursday, Ireb. Sth.
Vocal Choir wiil begin practice on Sunday, Feb. Btr,
after Mass. All are welcome to join either choir.
Cali Cindy McCormick if interested, 5O7.334.6095
are available starting this weekend for registered
families. Visitors who gave over $25 will also have
statements available. Registered Family Packets
include: A message from Fr. Victor and any
substantiation letters for specific donations to St.
Patrick; the CCW Calendar & Circle List; and
Church Cieaning letter/envelope. Please pick up
yours and any family members that do not attend
We Welcome These New Families...
August 2OL4:
Robert Ford,
Jim & Marilyn
Stella Rosemarie
Carrie Braulik and
Dan & Deb Beaupre, and
daughters Caitlin & Taylor
Karin Bias and Dennis Pumper,
and daughters Montana and
Nathan & Amy Chappuis,
And son Declan
December 2OL4: Ron & Elsie Slinger
Wally & Betty David
Jan. 2O15:
Brandon Miller & Amber Gretz
Matthew Brunner & Elana Danks
Note: We had 7 new members in 2O13 and .
O new members from January - June 2014.
A big Thank You to the St. Patrick Council of
Catholic Women for the picture hanging over the
display case. It is a larger version of the one we
gave to Archbishop Flynn after he dedicated our
church. Don Dammert did the photo.
MIT:IENS, & HATS!!! A Coat Drop box s*-'
located by the display case.
Knights of Columbus 889 Korner
(17 Third Street NE - Ph.507.334.4918)
The K of C is not just a fraternity in name.
It is a brotherhood of Cathoiic men who
each play a part in improving the world around
them, one community at a time. They stand
together in faith, dedicated to uphold the principles
they cherish while lending thpir support and
strength to parish, home and feliow Knight. Ask a
Knight for more information.
Knights of Columbus is having a drawing on
February 28th. T\ro hundred tickets will be sold
for $5O each. 1"t prize $15OO, 2nd ptize $OOO,
3"d $4OO, 4th $25O, 3-$150, 4-$1OO. Tickets
available from KC member or KC hall.
Area Catholic Schools ...
Bethlehem Academy
105 Third Ave. SW, Faribault
Save the date: Open House on February 5! The
Open House will include a meal prepared by our
lunch ladies and all staff will be on hand to answer
questions. Contact Celeste Seidel at 334-3948 for
further information.BA still has openings in a1l
grades for the 2Ol4-2O15 school year. If interested
in enrolling, please contact the BA office.
A 20" statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was
found in the snow outside BA. It can be claimed in
the main office of the school.
Most Holy Redeemer
Catholic School
(PreK through 8tt Grade)
205 Vine Ave West, Montgomery
(507)364-7383 (mosthrs.org)
Catholic Schools'Week begins! Our celebration of
Catholic education begins this weekend with the 11
a.m. Mass. Archbishop Nienstedt will be officiating
and students, staff and families assisting with
Mass. Thank you for your support our Family Fun
Night. It was a great night to celebrate the joy of
families. Special thanks to our 5-6 parents for
hosting this event and area businesses for their
donations. A complete list will be published next
CATHOLIC UNITtrD RAFPLE Tickets will be sold
after all Masses at the Scrip table. If you do not
attend Most Holy Redeemer Church but would like
a ticket, families are selling tickets or you may stop
by the school office. We u,il1 also have
businesses selling tickets and will announce these
next week. We need your help to make this a
successful fundraiser and surpass our goal of
S5,500! If we are one of the top schoois, rve,1l
receive an additionai $3,000 grant. YOU COULD
WIN: A car; dream vacatlon, or morel
SUN.-JAN. 25-MASS AT 11 a.m. WITH
Join us for a reception after Mass in the parish
basement hosted by CCW, KC Auxiliary and
Knights of Columbus of Montgomery. HRS families
will be contributing the desserts and assisting u,ith
uonderful uteek planned of actiuities to celebrcLte
beirug CcLtholic.
U Monday-Lunches with parents/grandparents.
Reading at recess. "Jump Rope for Heart" kick off at
1 p.m.
Tuesday-7:45 a.m.-KCHK Radio Interview.
Lunches with parents/grandparents. Spelling Bee,
72:15 K-3 & 1 p.m. 4-B
U Wednesday-Exploring Austra_iian animals
lyceum, 1:30 p.m.
U Thursday-HRS fie1d trip
U Friday-MASS: B:15 a.m. Afternoon "budd.y
All the details of the tueek's euents attaclted (click),
on oLff tuebsite, and linked to Facebook to keep gou
up-to-date. Wcttch for PreK and Kindergarten Open
House in Earlg February.
F Michael Fischer-who took 2nd
Open for weight lifting.
in the Northfield
An HRS Open House for Prek ald Kindergarten
families will be scheduled in early February. Watch
for the details to come!
Blessings, Mindy
mr e e der@no sthr s. o r g mr e e der@no sthrs. or g
Catholic Women's Conference
Register Now!
Women of all ages are invited to the Catholic
Women's Conference sponsored by the Office of
Evangelization and Catechesis in partnership with
WINE: Women In the New Evangelization
Saturday, February 14 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Doors
open at 7 a.m.l Epiphany, Coon Rapids
Ladies, could you use a little pampering this
Valentine's Day? Add a little WINE in your lifel The
focus of this conference is A Heart Drawn by Love:
Set on Fire! Morning coffee & rolls, prayer, keynote
speaker Catholic author Patty
inspirational speaker Nancy Jo Su11ivan, music by
singer-songwriter Vicki Kueppers, Reconciliation,
Mass with Bishop Andrew Cozzens, lunch, vendors,
laughs & sisterhood. A11 are welcome to stay, shop
& learn more about WINE from 2-3 p.m., Divine
Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m. Cost: $40 per person after
Jarr. 19ft. For info/to register, cali (651) 29l-4411.
Coming UP In The Area ....
*Lonsdale Area-Wide Seniors Club (Golden Agers)
meets Tuesday Jan 20 at 1:00 at the Lonsdale civic
center. Euchre & bingo played. Supper at 4:00. AII
adults over 60 are welcome. More info call Don at
507-744-2408. The group meets 1st & 3rtr Tuesd.ays
*Parish Family Bingo Play Bingo All Afternoon
Sunday, January 18th I.C. Church - Lonsdale
Civic Center - Sponsored by IC CCW.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Bingo: Noon - 4 p.m.
Bring the whole family for a Sunday afternoon of
*St. Catherine's of Spring Lake AYCE pancake
& Sausage Breakfast on Sunday, February Sth.
Serving 9:30 a.m. - l2:3O p.m. Everyone Welcome!