to our bulletin advertisers! - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic
to our bulletin advertisers! - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic
Eleventh Sunday French children learn a legend of a saintly man exiled by the emperor to Périgord in France. Later repentant, this ruler sent the holy man sixtysix camels laden with provisions. When a child heard this story in religion class she was surprised that there were no more camels in Périgord. The teacher replied “My child, we no longer deserve them…” This answer illustrates the frustration of those who have lost a taste for the triumphant Church. Disturbed by declining Church attendance and by the growing secularism of society, they reject the contemporary world. With its dismissal of the past and its disdain for ecclesiastical display, our culture has ceased to deserve the glories and miracles of the centuries of Christendom. That is why there are no longer camels in France. The parables of the seed that grows by itself and the mustard seed should calm their anxiety. God is not neglecting his work. His reign of salvation continues to expand far beyond its tiny beginnings. The death of Jesus, the grain of wheat cast into the earth to bear much fruit, is the condition for its growth. This the Church must never forget. So we must keep trust and remain open to the changes which affect Christian life. In the diaspora condition, the Church returns to its sources. We remember the first Christians living out the gospel in a hostile society. They had no powerful organization to support them. They had only the power of Spirit-filled witness to win humanity to Christ. SOW THE SEED Mustard. What does the word bring to your mind? Probably a thick, yellow, spicy sauce in a jar. In today’s Gospel Jesus talks about another kind of mustard. This black mustard plant was not cultivated in Jesus’ time and was considered a weed. Like all varieties of mustard, the black mustard plant grows from a very tiny seed, no bigger than two millimeters in diameter. Yet, given the right conditions, it can grow up to nine feet tall— certainly tall enough for birds to perch and nest in. Jesus says that the reign of God is like the mustard plant. It starts with the tiniest of seeds in the ground. Sun and rain do their work and a large plant shoots up, almost as big as a tree! So it is with our discipleship and our stewardship. If we start in even the smallest way to trust in God, that leads to more commitment in our discipleship. We nurture our spiritual growth through prayer, the sacraments, Bible study, and adult classes, which leads to a stronger faith. That in turn helps us to live less fearfully and selfishly. The use of our spare time, personal skills and abilities, and financial resources takes on a different meaning. These are the fruits of our discipleship to share with others. Time and time again, those among us who have made their commitment to a more faithful discipleship tell us they become more generous stewards of what God has given them. The more they give the more they want to give. They have found that when you cease to holding on tightly to yourself and your possessions, more blessings come your way—not solutions to all problems or sudden riches, but a much deeper sense of God’s presence and true peace of heart. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. SIEMBRA LA SEMILLA Mostaza. ¿Qué te trae esta palabra a la mente? Probablemente una salsa espesa, amarilla, condimentada y envasada. En el Evangelio de hoy Jesús se refiere a otra clase de mostaza. Esta mostaza negra no se cultivaba en tiempos de Jesús sino que era considerada una maleza. Igual que todas las variedades de mostaza, la planta de mostaza negra sale de una pequeñísima semilla que no tiene más de dos milímetros de diámetro. Sin embargo, si se dan las condiciones necesarias, puede crecer hasta una altura de nueve pies; ciertamente tan grande como para que los pájaros se posen y hagan sus nidos. Jesús dice que el reino de Dios es como el árbol de mostaza, que comienza al sembrar la semilla más pequeñita en la tierra. El sol y la lluvia ponen su parte, y la planta brota ¡y llega a crecer tanto como un árbol! Lo mismo sucede con nuestro discipulado y nuestra corresponsabilidad cristiana. Si comenzamos a confiar en Dios, aunque sea de una manera muy pequeña, nos llevará a un mayor compromiso en el discipulado. Nosotros alimentamos nuestra espiritualidad mediante la oración, los sacramentos, el estudio de la Biblia y las clases de adultos, todo lo cual nos lleva a una fe más fuerte. A la misma vez eso nos ayuda a vivir con menos temor y egoísmo. La manera de usar nuestro tiempo libre, nuestras habilidades y destrezas, y nuestros recursos financieros cambiará drásticamente. Éstos son los frutos de nuestro discipulado los cuales debemos compartir con los demás. Una y otra vez las personas que sabemos han hecho un compromiso de ser más fieles a su discipulado nos dicen que se vuelven más generosas y responsables con todo lo que Dios les ha dado. Mientras más dan más quieren dar. Han encontrado que cuando uno no se deja aprisionar por sus propios bienes ni se amarra a sí mismo las bendiciones no faltan. Esto no quiere decir que se les resuelvan todos los problemas ni que se vuelvan ricos de pronto, pero sí se adquiere un sentido más profundo de la presencia de Dios y una verdadera paz del corazón. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Our Gratitude and Fondest Farewell to Elizabeth Salazar Illerbrun It is with the deepest regrets and sadness that we announce that our Parish Bookkeeper these past five years is leaving us. Elizabeth Salazar was hired by us as her first professional job when completing her university degree in accounting. My mother Carol Chavez recommended “Betsy” from Holy Ghost Parish and School where my parents watched Elizabeth grew up and where she served as Music Director. Elizabeth comes from a most faithful and practicing Catholic Family with her parents dedicated Catholics and one sibling a Catholic Sister and an uncle a Catholic Priest. Through her years here at Saint Therese, Elizabeth became the darling of our office and parish staff and finance council members. Through her assistance our Parish now has the finest procedures and compliance audits and parish inventory in the Archdiocese—even coming with “congratulations” from the chair of the Archdiocesan Audit Committee. A few years ago, I invited Elizabeth and her mother Susan Salazar (bookkeeper at Holy Ghost School) to the Archbishop’s School Fund Banquet. It was there that Susan Salazar met our Principal Donna Illerbrun. The two mothers set their daughter and son Matthew on a date and the two were married last summer at Nativity Parish by Elizabeth’s uncle Father Ed Roden. During her time here, she also served as Music Director for the Saint Therese School Mass every Thursday and as secretary at Saint John XXIII Parish. Elizabeth has also worked for the other poor parishes of San Ignacio, Holy Family and Saint Charles besides her duties here at Saint Therese and as Music Director at Holy Ghost. So at the wedding of Elizabeth and Matthew Illerbrun, several pastors and deacons were present from Holy Ghost, Holy Family, Saint Charles, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, San Ignacio and Saint Therese. Elizabeth’s bright personality, financial skills and our most excellent audits (which have become the Hallmark and standard of the Archdiocese) earned her a spot on the radar of the Archdiocese Office of Parish and School Accounting. They would refer her to other parishes in need of financial troubleshooting. It seems at this time that the Archdiocese Office of Parish and School Accounting needs her skills desperately and urgently at the most affluent parish in New Mexico—Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish and School in Rio Rancho. Elizabeth begins working full time for Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish and Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic School on June 1st. We wish her well in this new endeavor. We cannot begrudge her as she lives only two minutes from Saint Thomas and in her other jobs was travelling all over the city between the South Valley, Southeast Heights, North Valley and Martinez town dedicating a different day of the week to the needs of these parishes. Also the four parishes combined (San Ignacio, Holy Ghost, Saint Charles and Saint Therese) cannot pay her the salary, benefits and retirement that Saint Thomas Parish and School can. We still hope to see her on the last Friday of each month at Santa Maria de la Vid Norbertine Abbey where she plays the piano for the Taize Prayer Experience. Thank you Elizabeth for touching our lives with your knowledge, expertise, fun, humility, beautiful innocence and warmth which radiates light! May God’s Peace and Countless Blessings be with you and Matthew and the Family you form towards a most wonderful future! We will miss you so much! Father Vincent Paul Chávez Collections from June 7, 2015 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD. Regular Sunday Collection $9154.59 St. Vincent de Paul $ 163.00 School Support $1117.69 Utilities $ 170.00 Building Fund $ 175.00 Church Boiler $ 00.00 Prayer Garden $ 560.00 Misc $ 000.00 Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish Rudy Archuleta, Imelda Garcia, Emma Baca, Eunique Montoya, David Lucero, Gabriel Shooter Delgado, Abigail Delgado, Joe Baca, Theresa Hernandez, Anthony Cuellar, Priscilla Duran, Ermalinda Baca, Janet Lucero, Dorothy Luna, Isabel Jaramillo, Rosa De Aragon, John Brockmann, Bill Kinzy, Candice Demar, Alice Mario, Aaron Armijo, Catherine Howle, Christopher Sena, Jr., Eva P. Sanchez, Anna Mae Olona, Mike Guzman, Loretta Garcia, Louie & Cory Jaramillo, Virginia Sando, Marie Chavez, Grace Aragon, Mary Garcia, Orlando Rodriguez, Neyda Casaus, Ernest Santistevan, Daniel Vallejos, Albert Cortez & Family, Dolores Vallejos and for those in hospitals and in their home who can’t attend church. REMINDER: Each week names will be deleted from the current list to accommodate other parishioners who need to be added to this list. Open House Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey Sunday, June 14, 2:00-4:00 PM 5825 Coors Blvd SW All are welcome! For information call 505-873-4399 DEI Gathering Featuring: Fr. Joseph Minuth, OP Sunday, June 14 UNM Continuing Education Bldg 1:00-3:00 PM If you are looking for peacefulness, Fr. Joseph has a message you will want to hear. If you are looking for purpose in your life, come to his presentation “Discerning the Path We Follow.” “Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers! The advertisements pay for our bulletins. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK French • Funerals/Cremations 843-6333 The catholic communicator Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM AN OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE* Sunday • June 14, 2015 Children’s Grief Ministry Training • If you have a heart for helping children grieve the loss of a loved one due to death, divorce, or separation in healthy ways, then the upcoming Facilitator Training for Children’s Grief Ministry is for you. The 3-part training will take place on June 24, July 1, July 8, from 6-8pm at the Catholic Center. The training is free and open to anyone interested in becoming certified for this ministry. To register, call the Family Life Office at 831-8117. Annual Byzantine Bazaar • Saturday, June 20, 10am-4pm. Relic of St. Jude the Apostle will be available for veneration and blessings in the church; festival featuring East European food (holubki, pirohi, kolbasi) for dine-in or take-out; baked goods; affordable imported icons and embroidery from Russia and Ukraine; Eastern and Roman Catholic books; church tours of the only Eastern Catholic church in New Mexico. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Byzantine Catholic Church/ 1837 Alvarado Drive NE, Albuquerque • For information, call 256 1539. Youth and young adults are T aizé in the Desert • especially encouraged to Leave the noise of modern life behind for an participate. evening of prayer! Build your relationship with Jesus Christ through song, scripture, silence and contemplation with the young adults of the Archdiocese! Attend the next prayer service in the spirit of Taizé, a French monastic community. All are welcome. This is an ecumenical and interdenominational form of prayer. • June 26 • 7:30pm • The Norbertine Abbey of Santa Maria de la Vid • 5825 Coors Blvd. SW Albuquerque, NM 87121 RSVP on Facebook events/343700069173238/ • For information, call Della Montano @ or (505) 831-8142. Father’s Day Weekend Men’s March for Life on Saturday morning, June 20, at Our Lady of Fatima Parish (4020 Lomas, East of Carlisle), starting with a Benediction at 7am, Mass at 8am, then followed by the March for Life at 9am to the late-term abortion mill (2.5 miles west). Join us as we stand up to defend children in the womb, protect our families from the pain of abortion, and show that we are proud to be fathers. Contact Patrick Vigil at for more information. This event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Marriage Preparation Ministry FOCCUS Inventory Facilitator Training - June 15, from 9:00 to Noon at Lourdes Hall. *A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe To register, call Kathy Garcia at 505-831-8129, or email Kathy at M arriage Enrichment Evenings of Celebration will be held each month at Queen of Heaven Parish in Albuquerque from 6:308:30pm. Dates are June 19, July 17, August 21, September 18, October 15, November 20 and December 18. Please bring a pot luck dish to share. Call 881-1772. You Did It For Me • I was homeless and living in a motel with my 8 children and would go once a week to the Rio Grande food project to get food for my family,” says Rita. “What little money I made went to pay for the motel and for food. One day at the food project, I talked with a lady from Catholic Charities who was there to help people get food stamps but I don’t have a home and thought no one would help me. After talking and filing out many forms, she told me that we could use the Catholic Charities office address as my mailing address. Without their help, my family would still be homeless and hungry – thank you for your help!” Food stamps is now called SNAP – Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program and to learn more visit Catholic Charities website at or call 505-724-4692. Three-Part Bereavement Ministry Training: Crossing the Threshold of Hope – June 16, 17, 18 from 1:30-4:30 at Lourdes Hall. To register, call Kathy Garcia at 505-831-8129. The Old Testament Prophets (Advanced Theology) • This class will consider the often misunderstood prophetic books of the OT, including an exploration of their historical context, their artful use of language. This class will introduce issues in critical interpretation, the place of the prophetic books in the Old Testament canon, the social location of biblical prophets, contemporary applications of the prophetic books, dates and destinations of the prophecies of each book. Call to register Lee Anne 877-3121 or Rosalie 831-8179 or rromero@ St. Anne’s Church, 1400 Arenal Rd. SW, Albuquerque • 9am-3pm • total of 10 hrs. • $10 for class plus book fee of $20. Saturdays July 11 & August 8 Institute of Formation for Christian Service • June 15-19 • Lourdes Hall, Albuquerque. Three sessions per day: 9am -noon, 1:30-4:30pm and 6-9pm • 36 courses will be offered! $50 tuition and you may take as many courses as you like. Partial scholarships are available. To register, call Kathy Garcia 831-8129 or Published by JCPress • • 505-856-0333 Mass Intentions Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesday, June 16, 2015 2 Cor 8: 1-9; Mt 5: 43-58 8:00 AM †Francisco “Frank” Luna By: Lorraine Luna Wednesday, June 17, 2015 2 Cor 9: 6-11; Mt 6: 1-6, 16-18 8:00 AM In honor of St. Anthony By: Virginia Long †Isidro Jaramillo (31st Anniversary) By: Lydia Jaramillo Thursday, June 18, 2015 Prayer of Confidence to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Oh Lord Jesus Christ, to Your most Sacred Heart I confide this intention {name petition}. Only look upon me, then do what Your love inspires. Let Your Sacred Heart decide. I count on You. I trust in You. I throw myself on Your mercy. Lord Jesus, You will not fail me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your kingdom come. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked You for many favors, but I earnestly implore this one. Take it, place it in Your open Heart. When the Eternal Father looks upon it, He will see it covered with Your Precious Blood. It will be no longer my prayer, but Yours, Jesus. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. Let me not be disappointed. Amen. Saturday, June 13, 2015 2 Cor 5: 14-21; Mt 5: 33-37 8:00 AM 4:00 PM In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz In honor of St. Anthony (favors received) By: Gloria Robinson †Jose Cordero & deceased family members By: Ernest Cordero †Maida Sandoval By: Eloy & Marie †Pedro Ortiz & Rick Sisneros By: Pete & Linda Ortiz Sunday, June 14, 2015 Ez 17: 22-24; 2 Cor 5: 6-10; Mk 4: 26-34 8:00 AM †Elena Lopez By: Doris & family †Eloy D. Baca By: Flora Baca & family All Blessings Received By: Antonya Sena 10:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 12:00 PM †Cherie Quintana (4th Anniversary) By: Family †Stephen Ben Olona By: His Family †Donna Sponseller By: Family Special Intentions of Life Teen Monday, June 15, 2015 2 Cor 6: 1-10; Mt 5: 38-42 8:00 AM Communion Services 2 Cor 11: 1-11; Mt 6: 7-15 8:00 AM Pierre Matijsen By: Father Vincent Friday, June 19, 2015 2 Cor 11: 18, 21-30; Mt 6: 19-23 8:00 AM †Frank Concini (Birthday) By: Family Saturday, June 20, 2015 2 Cor 12: 1-10; Mt 6: 24-34 8:00 AM 4:00 PM In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz Special Intention of Ermalinda Baca By: Dorothy Duran & family †Frank Concini By: Family †Santiago Garcia, Pedro & Pete Acosta By: Annie Acosta †Amador & Julia Alvarado By: Annie Acosta Sunday, June 21, 2015 Jb 38: 1, 8-11; 2 Cor 5: 14-17; Mk 4: 35-41 8:00 AM †Florencio Madrid & Aaron J. Cortez By: Family †Amador Alvarado & Leo Ramirez By: Janie Alvarado †David S. Galbiso By: Mom 10:00 AM In Loving Remembrance of Fathers Day †Ray T. Barela & †Estolano Barela By: Sandra Barela In Loving Remembrance of Fathers Day †Juan Sanchez & †Eloy Sanchez By: Joe Sanchez & Family †Denis Alonzo By: Grace Alonzo †Joe Brito By: Severo Garcia 12:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Special Intentions of Life Teen
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to our bulletin advertisers! - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic
que era considerada una maleza. Igual que todas las variedades de mostaza, la planta de mostaza negra sale de una pequeñísima semilla que no tiene más de dos milímetros de diámetro. Sin embargo, si...