The Clarion - Saint Anne`s Catholic Community
The Clarion - Saint Anne`s Catholic Community
The Clarion Volume 10, No. 42 Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14, 2014 “We will make music to you while we breathe, Music to sing of the justice you bring and your peace. Music to help us remember, Songs of our journey of hope and surrender, and We will make music to you while we breathe.” ("While We Breathe," based on Psalm 146, by Rory Cooney, © 1987, NALR) Our Parish Mission Led by the Spirit, the Catholic community of Saint Anne strives to live the example of Jesus, who said, “I came so that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Liturgy Schedule Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m. Saturday: First Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Saint Anne Catholic Community • 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, IL 60010 • 847.382.5300 • Wellstreams—Living Waters for the Journey in Faith By Sister Lauretta Leipzig WHY DID GOD MAKE ME? “God made me to know him, to love him and to serve him in this world and to be happy with him forever in the next.” Recognize this? It’s the answer to the question in the Baltimore Catechism, “Why did God make me?” It’s September, and this might bring memories of our own school days. Many of us growing up Catholic in the 40s, 50s and 60s learned our religion from a little catechism book. I suppose the answer to this question sticks in our memory because our teachers put it in there with such energy and conviction. Perhaps we didn’t get the answer right at the time we were learning as children, but now, as adults, we are trying actively to get the answer right in our everyday living. How important it is to get it right, because we are indeed put into this world to know, love and serve the God who created us. We are to bring God’s graces to bear in the world, right where they are needed. God gives us a rich supply of food, liberty, prosperity and so many more blessings. And when the Lord comes again in glory, the Lord will be looking for the fruit this abundance has produced. Living up to the generosity of God is not an option for us. It is expected that we conduct our lives virtuously. It is expected that we act with justice by treating others with compassion, respecting the dignity of human life in all its forms, thinking good thoughts, saying kind words and doing honorable and charitable deeds. It’s expected that we go far beyond just conforming to the commandments. It’s all about knowing, loving and conforming to Christ himself. That is how we go about serving while witnessing to the presence of God’s Holy Spirit within us. In a recent homily, I was struck by a phrase I heard -“compassion in action.” We have often heard Jesus called a man of compassion. He entered the arena of human suffering, lifted burdens and extended mercy to everyone -- a mercy that was far more than an emotional experience of feeling someone’s pain. It was doing what was possible to alleviate it. Compassion in action! Jesus intervened for people who couldn’t fend for themselves. He was moved when people were hungry, lonely, sick or confused. Throughout the Scriptural stories, we see wonderful examples of Jesus’ compassionate serving. The hopeless gathered because Jesus restored their faith. Sinners swarmed to him because he forgave them and removed their guilt. Outcasts approached him because he would not reject them but accepted them completely. The 2 Saint Anne Church • September 14, 2014 • diseased crowded to him because healing came to them with sensitivity and without cost. Luke’s account of the Good Samaritan story is a clear lesson and example for us. Recall that both the priest and the Levite walked past the suffering man who had been attacked by robbers. It was the hated Samaritan who intervened, bandaging the man’s wounds, taking him to the nearest village and having him cared for at his own expense. Without question, the catechism answer, though simply stated, is an important criteria by which to live. When people come to us as they came to Jesus, we must remind ourselves that the Kingdom of God is, yes, about knowing God and loving God, but it’s more than that. It’s putting our knowledge and love into action by serving our brothers and sisters and, thus, serving our God. It’s about teaching people -- reaching people – touching people – transforming people! In his gospel, Matthew asks us, “If a person has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, should he/she not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray?” People who are highly pragmatic would probably suggest to the shepherd that he forget about the stray sheep and cut his losses. Better to have ninety-nine safe and sound than take a chance on leaving the flock unprotected for wolves to come and scatter, perhaps even kill. But what is the only option for someone who knows, loves and serves God? Bishop Morneau offers his opinion on the message of this parable. “Our God is too compassionate to be pragmatic. Every sheep is important ... the more vulnerable a creature, the more attention it should be given … Our God is a God who will risk everything lest anyone be lost … even his Son for the salvation of the world.” When we adhere to the goal of knowing, loving and serving, we are well on the way to following in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd. God gives each of us an abundance of time and ability to use in the service of God. At the most profound level of service, we find ourselves able to help others uncover what is buried in the mundane and even the most difficult -- that spark of God that invests in life and all life’s experiences. Am I – are you-- being asked, right NOW, to put more time, more effort and more of our resources into fulfilling our purpose in life – knowing, loving and serving God in his people in order to be happy forever in God’s heavenly kingdom? Office of the Pastor Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Offering for September 7th, 2014 Year to Date Collections People attending Weekend Liturgies: 1,772 Sunday Offering Envelopes used: 399 Electronic Giving Credit Card/Direct Debit Total for this Sunday Weekly Budget for Sunday Collections Difference $25,840.00 $10,167.00 $36,007.00 $40,000.00 -$3,993.00 Sharing Parish Commitment: $11,841.00 Archdiocesan Required Collections: $7,830.00 Debt Reduction Collections: $9,995.00 Year to Date Collection vs. Budget 10th Sunday of the Fiscal Year Year to Date Sunday Year to Date Budget for Sunday Collections Difference $364,071.00 $400,000.00 -$35,929.00 Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 3 Community Life THIRD ANNUAL FALL GOLF CLASSIC Thursday, September 18th Biltmore Country Club RAFFLE: American Club Getaway for Four Support the event and Saint Anne even more by buying a raffle ticket! Prize includes: Accommodations for 4 people for 3 days/2 nights at the beautiful American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin — a AAA 5 Diamond and Forbes 5 Star resort. Enjoy a round of golf on two golf courses at Whistling Straits which has hosted the Palmer Cup, the U.S. Senior Open and is the site for the 2015 PGA Championship! Tickets are $20.00 each or 6 for $100.00. Tickets will be available in the Parish Office during office hours. Winner need not be present. Black out dates and some restrictions apply. Graciously donated by The Diana Lynn and Frank J. Feraco Foundation. SAVE THE DATE! SPAGHETTI AND BINGO FAMILY NIGHT DONATION REQUEST! The Community Life Commission is seeking donations of bingo prizes including toys, games, books, gift cards... For more information, contact Carrie Fleming at or 847.381.2485. 4 Saint Anne SaintChurch Anne Church • August • September 31, 2014 •14, 2014 • Community Life CHILDREN’S CHOIR Calling all boys and girls in 2nd through 8th grade!! Come and raise your voice in song by taking part in our family Mass and joining the children’s choir. Taking part in the children’s choir will give you the opportunity to have fun learning new and exciting music and share your musical gifts with your family and your faith community! The choir will sing during our Family Masses, which take place on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 9:00 a.m., from October through May. Rehearsals will be held on Mondays from 4:00-4:45 p.m., and you will be asked to arrive at 8:40 a.m. on the Sundays you will be singing. Our first rehearsal is Monday, September 22nd, and our first Mass is Sunday October 12th. I look forward to meeting you and helping you proclaim God through song! Danielle Larson, Director of Saint Anne Children’s Choir —————————————————————————————————————————SAINT ANNE CHILDREN’S CHOIR SIGN-UP SHEET Child’s Name: ______________________________________ Parent’s Name: ____________________________________________ Parents, are you willing to volunteer to help supervise? Yes No Parent’s Home Phone: ______________________________________ Parent’s Cell: ______________________________________________ Parent’s Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Please detach and bring to your first rehearsal on Monday, September 22nd. Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 5 6 Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • August • September 31, 2014 14, 2014 • • Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 7 Community Life WEDDING FAIR Planning a wedding at Saint Anne or for a family member? Just want to get out for an evening of beautiful music? Brides-and-grooms-to-be and their significant others are especially invited to Saint Anne Wedding Liturgy and Music Fair, in the chapel on Monday, September 22nd, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Please R.S.V.P. to the liturgy office at 847.620.3064 or by email to so that we can prepare enough handouts. There is no charge for this evening. All are welcome, even if you are not getting married! HOSPITALITY AFTER MASS The Women’s Club is pleased to continue coordinating the hospitality effort in the Gathering Space after the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Masses. Each week, members of a ministry or group will serve donut holes, juice and coffee and encourage everyone to socialize with one another for a few minutes. This will also be an opportunity for parishioners to learn more about the serving ministry or group! On Sunday, September 21st, volunteers from the GIFT Faith Formation Commission will be serving Hospitality. This Commission seeks to evangelize, educate and form people so that our community grows more deeply rooted in gospel values, leading us to live our Catholic Christian faith. The schedule of Sundays for which ministries or groups are serving will be published in the Clarion every week. Below is the schedule for the next two weeks. MINISTRY HOSTING SCHEDULE Sunday, September 21st—GIFT Faith Formation Sunday, September 28th—Home and School Association WELCOME TOU OUR NEW PARISHIONERS! Andrea, Adam, Lucia and Marco Clementi; Kathleen Gillig and Lauren, Aidan and Emily; Emily, Robert and Madelynn Johnson; Claudette, Gavin, Aidan and Ethan Lew and Ceci Yasell; Catherine and Thomas McIlwee; Julie, Bob, Jack and Grace Miller; Margie, Steve and Rachael Sutherland; Dolores and Marion Wendell; Cecil, Joseph, Nicholas and Patrick Zerrudo 8 Saint Anne SaintChurch Anne Church • August • September 31, 2014 •14, 2014 • Faith Formation and Education SAINT ANNE PARISH SCHOOL NEWS The 5th and 6th graders at Saint Anne Parish School have set goals to read more books than they ever thought they could this year. Introducing… The 40 Book Challenge for 6th graders The 30 Book Challenge for 5th graders We are beginning with the end in mind and working toward our lofty goals. We know that with faith, support and effort, we can achieve them. Mrs. Ladd and the 5th and 6th graders Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 9 Faith Formation and Education COMMUNITY EVENT – INTRODUCTION TO THE SACRAMENTS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AND FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH As people of faith, we seek to educate ourselves and our children in Catholic traditions and doctrine. Does our faith formation end with First Eucharist or Confirmation? Sacraments are not meant to be goals; they are milestones along our life’s faith journey, moments to be celebrated as beginnings of new aspects of our lives that are made richer by having received the sacrament. Our faith journey continues beyond these sacramental celebrations as our relationship with God grows and deepens. When we say that we are a sacramental people, what does that mean to us? Why are these sacraments important to us as Catholics? In conjunction with the Archdiocesan Year of the Sacraments, our focus in the coming year will be on exploring each of the sacraments. For this event, we are especially pleased to welcome our own Rory Cooney as our adult presenter. Rory has been the Director of Liturgy and Music ministries since 1994. He is a gifted speaker, skilled liturgist and accomplished composer whose songwriting career began over 35 years ago and continues to the present as he writes to the needs of the church and the communities in which he serves. He collaborates, records and travels with his wife, Theresa Donohoo, and associate, Gary Daigle, giving concerts, days of renewal, missions and workshops for parishes, dioceses and organizations. Rory also spent many years working with various institutes of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and Institutes on the Christian Initiation of Children. SESSION DAYS AND TIMES EVENT DATE September 16th and September 19th ADULT SPEAKER Rory Cooney TUESDAY FRIDAY 6:00-8:30 p.m. 6:00-8:30 p.m. Adults, teens and children of all ages, including preschool - register for Community Events to learn and share your faith with others in our parish community. Call the GIFT Faith Formation Office at 847.620.3069. As individuals, couples and families, when we experience and share our faith together as community, we are all richer for the experience! 10 Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • August • September 31, 2014 14, • 2014 • Faith Formation and Education On Sunday, September 21st, Saint Anne Catholic Community will celebrate Catechetical Sunday. This celebration provides us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. It offers a time for all of us to rededicate ourselves to this mission as a community of faith. Serving as a catechist is not only an opportunity to give but also to receive. In the spirit of this forthcoming celebration, we ask you to consider becoming a catechist for the youth of our parish. While we do not need people to “help” with “our” programs, we are in great need of adult members of our faith community to be involved, as our young people need their presence, witness and wisdom. The following groups are need of adult leaders: Children’s Faith Formation • • Tuesdays—evenings: grades 1 and 2 Wednesdays—late afternoons: grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Community Events • Great for those who are looking for a “once in a while” opportunity Won’t you please give these opportunities prayerful consideration and let us know if you are able to serve? If you have questions or would like further information, please contact Carla Czyzewski at 847.620.3069 or at WOMEN’S MINISTRY PROGRAM LIVING WITH PASSIONATE INTENSITY IN A TECHNOLOGICAL WORLD Discussion on the challenges of connecting with one another as parents, grandparents and friends in today’s tech-driven world. Saturday, October 4th 8:00-11:00 a.m. Featured Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart Spiritual director, retreat facilitator, author and life coach. Stewart currently teaches spirituality at Columbia College and life coaching for the Institute for Life Coach Training (ILCT) Register through GIFT—email – 847.620.3069 Questions? Women’s Faith Time Committee: Sr. Lauretta Leipzig/Chair; Madalene Fuchs, Molly Grudzinski, Margaret Graff, Jan Hoeltgen, Lisa Koehler, Sue Lenz, Betsy Thalheimer, Leslie Wachsman, Andrea Wirt Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 11 Faith Formation and Education RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Saint Anne Catholic Community Parish welcomes those who may have an interest in developing a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults invites anyone interested in becoming Catholic including: • Non-baptized adults who seek the opportunity to get acquainted with the Catholic faith, ask questions about Christ and the Catholic Church and reflect on personal religious beliefs and practices • Baptized Catholics who have not received their sacraments of Communion and Confirmation • Adults baptized in another faith tradition who wish to know more about the Catholic faith Be a part of the RCIA community and join other adults on their journey of spiritual formation! We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the lower level of the Church. Walk-ins are welcome! If you are interested, please call Sr. Anna Marie Dressler at 847.381.5793. “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope.” (Jer 29:11) SAINT ANNE BOOK CLUB Newcomers are welcome to attend the Saint Anne Book Club which meets in the parish library, 2nd floor of the Gathering Space, on the third Tuesday of the month, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., from September through May. The first date is Tuesday, September 16th. There is no need to sign up—attend any of the meetings. The September book selection is Orphan Train by Christina Kline. The 2014-2015 book selections are posted on the library bulletin board. For more information, contact Sr. Lauretta at or Ginny Comber at MISSION TRIP PRESENTATION This summer, Saint Anne teens traveled to West Virginia and Kentucky for two mission trips. They made a difference, not only in the lives of the people they served but in their own lives. Join them on Sunday, September 21st, from 6:30-7:30 p.m., following the 5:15 p.m. Mass, in the Parish Center Gym to see the pictures of their experience and mission work. Hear their stories of the “God moments” they witnessed while there. View a video montage of the many photos that were taken. The students will share some of the special moments of their week. Come hear a “good news” story amidst a world that seems to have so much bad news for us to hear. 12 Saint Saint Church • September 2014 • Anne Anne Church • August 31, 2014 14, • Faith Formation and Education PILGRIMAGE—CENTRAL EUROPEAN CAPITALS Friday, September 25th – Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 A 13 day tour/pilgrimage, hosted by Fr. Chris Ciastoń and Fr. Chris Kulig Poland—The Czech Republic—Hungary—Slovakia—Austria Krakow - Auschwitz - Czestochowa - the Salt Mine - Wadowice - Krynica Zdroj Budapest - Bratislava - Vienna - Telc - Prague and special visits to the villages of Zegiestow and Muszynk where Fathers spent their childhood and youth. We will meet members of their families, see the churches where they celebrated their faith and their early places of education. We will also visit Stary Sacz, the birthplace of Fathers vocations and where John Paul II canonized St. Kinga. For more information, contact Fr. Chris at or 847.620.3059 or Trans World Travel, Inc. at 847.432.2400. JEWEL POTS AND PANS GIVEAWAY Once again, Jewel is offering free pots and pans when you purchase items at the store. If you are not saving the stamps for yourself or your family, Fr. Tom would like them. The pots and pans will go to our Sharing Parish Partners (St. Francis of Rome, St. Columbanus, St. Martin de Poores Women's Shelter and our own Project Hope.) They will be used as fundraising items and gifts to those in need. Please drop them off at the Sacristy on the weekends or at the Rectory anytime. Fr. Tom thanks you in advance for you generosity and your support for the needy. CUB SCOUTS MEETING Come learn about Cub Scouts (join at any grade) Cub Scouts is the elementary school program of Boy Scouts for boys in 1st - 5th grade. Scouting is about family, serving God, developing values, having fun, adventure and developing friendships. Scouting involves activities with their Den (grade) and with the Pack (school). Annual activities include the Pinewood Derby, museum overnights, camping, service projects, rocket launch and kite fly … plus more! Our boys learn while having fun and earning badges. Join us on Wednesday, September 17th, at 6:30 p.m., in the school cafeteria. Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 13 Human Concerns DONATE TO FOOD PANTRY Please help fill the Project Hope Food Pantry after our busy summer months. Any donation is appreciated, however, we are in need of the following items: • • Fruit juices • Cereal • Oatmeal • After school snacks/bars • Pasta and sauces • Please leave your donation in the food chest in the Gathering Space or the Project Hope office. Thank you for your donation, The Project Hope Team THE 2ND ANNUAL CHILI DUMP RUN! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST The race will begin and end at the Shady Hill Marina and wind through the streets of Shady Hill and Barrington Harbor neighborhoods. (Optional shorter 2k walk course map will also be posted.) Race proceeds will benefit Misericordia, a home with support services for people with developmental disabilities, in Chicago. Misericordia is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation providing help for those in need since 1921. Our good friend, Alex Bronton (16), former resident of Lake Barrington Shores and a BMSStation graduate, is currently living at the Misericordia complex. Alex is our inspiration for this 5k fundraiser. The day also includes raffles and exciting auction items—visit STOCK UP AND SAVE! All proceeds from House of Hope Resale benefit Saint Anne’s Project Hope Ministry, providing emergency assistance to local families in crisis. Every effort makes a difference, every kindness builds hope. This Week, take 50% off all GREEN TAG Merchandise! Adult and student volunteers are needed for a variety of volunteer opportunities! Flexible schedules available – great for earning community service hours. Call 847.381.5721 for details. House of Hope Resale 200 N. Hough Street • Downtown Barrington Wed. - Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., 847.756.4673 14 Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • August • September 31, 2014 14, • 2014 • Human Concerns SHARING BOARD NEWS: ST. FRANCES OF ROME WISH LIST • Classroom Library Books - $100.00 • Beanbag Chairs - $120.00 • Maracas - $15.00 • Soccer Nets - $300.00 • SmartBoard - $4,500.00 These are a sampling of the many items that the teachers and principal would like to have to enhance the learning experience at St. Frances of Rome School. Would you be able to help them? Items range in cost from $15.00 to $9,900.00, so there is a way to help that fits in any budget! To see the entire list and find out how you can fund a specific item, go to the Parish Website, look under the “Human Concerns” tab, then the “Parish Sharing” tab, then look for “St. Frances of Rome.” For more information, contact Sharing Board member Claire Hamilton at 847.304.1123 or St. Frances of Rome principal Patricia Huizar at SOUP SUPPERS High school teens and adults … Reach out to the less fortunate by joining other youths to serve soup to those who make the streets their home in the Humboldt Park and North Town areas of Chicago. The 2014 dates for making and serving soup is as follows: Wednesday, October 29th Tuesday, November 4th Tuesday, December 2nd Adults are needed to make the soup in their homes - recipes are provided. If interested, contact Sandy Kraimer at For more information and to participate in any soup supper activity, contact Trish at Adult volunteers working with children must be in full compliance with all Protecting God’s Children components including attending VIRTUS training prior to beginning their work. Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 15 Sharing the Living Story BY CLEM ASERON (A) Lectionary texts: (B) Bible texts (has verse #): THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS, 2014 (638ABC) 1st Reading: Numbers 21:4b-9 Psalm: 78:1-2, 34-35, 36-37, 38. RX = Do not forget the works of the Lord! 2nd Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 Gospel: John 3:13-17 Please refer to A and B above when I cite the Lectionary or the Biblical text. This gospel pericope1 is part of a dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus, a leading Pharisee in the Sanhedrin, who had come to Jesus at night. Recall that although John depicts Jesus as speaking to a teacher of Israel, this evangelist had written for his followers of Gentile as well as Jewish backgrounds. To the Jew3 steeped in Hebrew scripture, the term Son of Man (v.13) recalls the passage in Daniel4 that describes a figure, human in appearance, who would be prominent in the last days when the time of judgment was at hand. After the Resurrection, those who had come to believe that Jesus was indeed the Messiah were faced with the fact that he had left without fulfilling what their tradition expected of the Messiah: liberation from oppression. They probably took this title to mean that Jesus would come again and then would do all that the Messiah was supposed to do. To the Christ-follower, Jesus is uniquely the Son of Man. Not only was he lifted up (ascended to heaven) but also he was lifted up onto the cross by which act he healed humankind (all peoples) of their alienation from God – healed them of their sin (vv.16-17). The Jewish reader would recall the story in today’s Hebrew scripture that God told 16 Saint Anne SaintChurch Anne Church • August • September 31, 2014 • 14, 2014 • Moses to lift up a figure of a poisonous serpent so that those who had been bitten by such a fiery serpent could look upon it and be healed. Ascending into heaven is to be lifted by the Father to return to the Father; but Jesus’ first step is the cross. When we come to believe in this, in him, we are healed, we have eternal life. When he is raised up, the Spirit will be given to enable all humankind to be once more intimately connected with God.5 This is John’s summary of the Paschal mystery, that is, the incarnation, redemptive death, resurrection and ascension; this Paschal mystery is the glory of the cross. For John, God is above, and the only way we can enter that kingdom is to be born from above;6 what is on the natural level (the level of flesh) cannot reach the above (the level of the divine) without being lifted up.7 Being lifted up is accomplished by God8 drawing humans to himself. We may step away but we are not left alone. Once again, the psalm refrain punctuates the readings: Do not forget the works of the LORD. Forgetting can only lead to darkness, (to sin), CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE Sharing the Living Story to that place where we can more easily choose those very things that cause alienation and subject us to oppression. Remembering the works of the Lord leads to envelopment into God, to such an intimacy with God that John describes it as abiding in God; is this not sacrament? Note that the error of the Israelites in the 1st Reading is that they did forget! They had been rescued from the desert (brought out of Egypt from the oppression there), they had been rescued from drought (through Moses finding water in the rock) and fed during famine (manna from the skies) yet, they forgot the works of the LORD, so they murmured! So, they encountered fiery serpents. They implore the LORD through Moses; once more, God responds. High flown words, but this whole concept is simple. It fits the Mediterranean core cultural value of honor/shame. Jesus does what the core value asks: he willfully chooses to follow the Father in full obedience – even though it would lead to physical death; this act is in accord with honorable behavior on the part of sons, and the Father acknowledges it, thereby responding by bestowing the highest honor. How does Jesus do this? He does not forget; the passage from Philippians is graphic: he emptied himself … becoming obedient … God greatly exalted him. Present day knowledge of the ego might be helpful here; emptying of self could be turning from those things which are self-gratifying and towards those things which serve others, family, friends, and maybe even those whom we think of as other than “us.” So What? Recall the time when you risked much – even parts of yourself – to alleviate conditions for someone. Pericope = portion of the bible quoted in the reading which may be changed by addition (Brothers and sisters in the 2nd Reading is not in the biblical text) or omission (the 1st Reading omits the first part of verse 4), or by using discontinuous verses as in the Psalm. 2 In John, night or darkness is symbolic of ignorance (or evil). 3 It was not until after the meeting of mostly Pharisees at Jamnia in 90 to coalesce the Judeans exiled by the Romans who had razed Jerusalem and its Temple in the year 70 did the term Jew come to used of those known as from of old as Israelites and then as Judeans in the first century. 4 See Daniel at 7:13 5 Recall John 16:7 where Jesus assures the disciples just prior to his going to his death that he must leave in order for the Paraclete (the Spirit) to come. This is the same Spirit about whom John shows Jesus telling Nicodemus earlier in today’s passage. 6 See earlier in this chapter at vv.3 and 5. 7 See vv. 6-8. 8 See v. 13. 1 Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 17 Saint Anne Catholic Community Ensuring PEACE ~ Ending Domestic Violence The Saint Anne Community - affirms the dignity of every life and promotes selfrespect, healthy relationships and loving families; - stands against violence – physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, financial, systemic – especially violence within our own families. The Saint Anne Community mission: To offer tangible support, both spiritual and emotional, to victims of domestic violence by educating our community and providing individual and group counseling. FACTS: 275 million children worldwide are exposed to violence in the home. 15.5 million U.S. children live in families where domestic violence occurred in the past year. Almost 90% of children who live in homes where there is domestic violence will see or hear the abuse. Even toddlers can suffer from the effects of exposure to abuse. Children exposed to violence and other forms of trauma may have permanent alterations in brain structure, chemistry and function. If you or someone you know has been or is being abused physically, emotionally or sexually, call: • Mary Hoffing, Human Concerns, 847.382.2148 • 24 Hr. Domestic Violence Hotline, 847.697.2380 (Elgin Community Crisis Center) • Emergencies, 911 COMMUNITY OFFERINGS/NEEDS Note: Saint Anne prints the offerings/needs as a service to its parishioners and does not endorse or accept responsibility for them. Nanny available. Nanny available full-time, four days a week. Parishioner family referral. Call 312.933.8098. Help needed. Walk dogs, 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Weekend availability a plus. Email Room needed. Rent/home sharing for 53 year old female, works FT, non-smoker with no pets. Call/text Laura at 678.576.3410. Sitter available. Very dependable, flexible hours. Call Aneta at 630.550.7805. Parishioner referral, Anna, 847.361.0655. For sale: Chickering console piano, 25 years old, tuned December 2013, $300.00. Moving not incl. Courtney, Home daycare. Call parishioner, Diane, at 847.809.2294. Infant care in your home. 40 years experience. Ellen, 847.550.1963. Professional furniture moving. Hourly or flat rates. No job too big or small. Anthony, 708.673.4529. Caregiver/driver/companion available. Experienced male parishioner, FT or PT. Parishioner referrals avail. Call 847.224.5345. Tutor available. Certified K-8 teacher, parishioner and Barrington resident. Jim, 708.601.0085 or email House of Hope Resale Volunteers. Call Peggy at 847.382.5150. Certified nursing assistant available. Dupée, 224.241.4962. Babysitter who cleans/cares for adults available. Irma, 847.382.4762. Math tutor, 6th-12th grade., 312.545.9297. Architect/parishioner, Joe, 847.738.1812, Handyman available. $15.00/hr. Call Rosolio at 847.382.4762. Reading/writing specialist., 847.382.3592. Saint Anne will assist through referral and by offering spiritual, emotional and practical support, as possible. LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE - SEPTEMBER 20TH-21ST Time Presider Mass Coordinators and Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers Rick Weaver, Rita Weaver Pat Carollo, Marianne Jagmin, John Paul Jagmin, Rick Kane, Sue Oakley, Mary Owens, Anne Rometty, Tracy Skleba, Elizabeth Trausch, Diane Trausch, Mike Zwolinski Skip Koch Stephen Owens Doug Foster Jackie Smith Nicolas Comeau Maddie Smith Fr. Tom Bishop S. Bernadette Badsing Cathy Barra, Lauri Meckert, Judy Nelson, Carl Oefelein, Mary Polnow, Kathleen Voigt Mark Dehn Judy Rich Tony Ciganek James Schroeder Liam Schroeder William Slott 9:00 a.m. Fr. Jack Dewes M. Jacobs, M. Stevens MaryLou/John Albanese, M. Bleibel, V. Caminiti, June Clark, C. Crompton, L. DeGrazia, V. Giamalva, D. Huntemann, M. Kantarski, M. McCarthy, D. Moran, K. Phillips, R. Remback, P/B Sobolewski, Kathy Tabak, T. McCoy (CLOTW) M. Lymperis Tom Serpento Larry Martin Thomas Quig John O'Neill Morgan Peters 11:00 a.m. Fr. Bernie Pietrzak E. Kendal-Ward, J. Kolasinski K. Bessonny, K. Brady, P. Corwin, R. Covelli, D. Froehlke, C. Galizia, K. Hoots, M. Kendal-Ward, J. Kolasinski Jr., V. Kostecki, Y/C. Mitoraj, J. Morkes, J. Studer, J. Van der Voort, T. VanRyne, L. Wood, S. Stachnik (CLOTW) P. Kolasinski Milly Corwin A. Sanfilippo Julian Kolasinski F. Giancola C. Huttinger 5:15 p.m. Fr. Chris Ciastoń Ruth Abbate, Joseph Abbate Joey Batliner, Lauren Burns, Kim Darch, Evelyn Diaz-Jimenez, Samantha Gorman, Carol Lovett, Kathy Moran, James Werner, Joyce Wisniewski, Henry Wisniewski, Laurie Wolf Ben Laning Robin KelleherCarol Laning Evan Dardanes Molly/Maggie Stevanovich 5:15 p.m. Fr. Bernie Pietrzak 7:15 a.m. 18 Saint Anne Church • September 14, 2014 • Our Weekly Intentions REMEMBER OUR SICK Anthony Ament Anthony Armando Courtney Barrie Maureen Bellagamba June Benz Roland Berthiaume Michael Betlinski Chuck Brenneman Lynn Bufardi Michael Burg Walt Casten Mary Churchill Barry Clayton Rosemary Clifford Susan Cross Faye Dargan Grace Dominick Vanessa Douglas Payton Felde Elvin Finley Louise Fransen Jack Frieden Mary Ellen Habetler Tom Harman Bill Harrer Pamela Hidding Julie Jezierski Bernice Kalita Warren Kayler Stanley Kita Linda and Rosemary Lenz Mike Manczko Mary Jo Martin David Mastroianni Donna Mautner Theresa McCoy Bonnie McDaniels Mary McKeirnan Peter Meyer Virginia Miller Flora Ann Mortell Krista Motley Doris Mulvihill Liam Murtaugh Philip Nelson Frank Neubel Elizabeth North Richard E. O’Brien II Mary Lou O’Brien Andrew O’Connell Luna Okada Dave Opto Dick Plenge Stephen Reinhart Joe Romero Kelli Rosenbaum James Rowall Patrick Saunders Paul Schneider, Sr. Victoria Seyler Jane Shergold Jenny Sinclair Rudy Starai Theresa Stevens Tom Stock Janet Sullivan Keane Sullivan James Michael Thompson Will Tobias Fr. Fred Tomzik Thomas Towne Maggie Tuttle John Uebbing Rosa Untari Jack Vaughn Paul Vogel Lorraine Weimer Chester Zero PARISH EVENTS Monday, September 15th 9:15 a.m. Women’s Scripture Group 7:00 p.m. RCIA Tuesday, September 16th 6:00 p.m. GIFT Community Event 7:00 p.m. Book Club 7:00 p.m. Rosary, Adult Choir Wednesday, September 17th 11:00 a.m. Playgroup Thursday, September 18th Parish Fall Golf Classic Friday, September 19th 6:00 p.m. GIFT Community Event Saturday, September 20th 9:15 a.m. Reconciliation (JD) Sunday, September 21st, Catechetical Sunday 1:00 p.m. Baptisms (DBK) 6:30 p.m. Mission Trip Presentation MASS INTENTIONS Monday, September 15th, 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33;Jn 19:25-27 8:15 a.m. (JD) Saint Anne Purgatorial Society Emily Boggess—Barbara Klass Bernard Smith—The Family 11:15 a.m. (CC) Mass, The Garlands Tuesday, September 16th, 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Lk 7:11-17 8:15 a.m. (BP) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society Olga Swarga—Ann and Jim Goodwin Wednesday, September 17th, 1 Cor 12:31-13:13; Lk 7:31-35 8:15 a.m. (BP) Thomas Foley—The Francescatti Family Thursday, September 18th, 1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 7:36-50 8:15 a.m. (CC) People of Saint Anne Friday, September 19th, 1 Cor 15:12-20; Lk 8:1-3 8:15 a.m. (TB) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society Saturday, September 20th, Is 55:6-9; Phil 1:20c-24, 27a; Mt 20:1-16a 5:15 p.m. (BP) Dr. Ernest Laenertz—Pat Cramer Helen Kwasniewski—Mary Bottie and Jim Rustgen Sunday, September 21st, Is 55:6-9; Phil 1:20c-24, 27a; Mt 20:1-16a 7:15 a.m. (TB) People of Saint Anne Kathleen Ciganek—Tom and Cathy Faust Bernadette M. Bell—Doris Dorzweiler and Kathleen Wythar 9:00 a.m. (JD) Mary Cassidy—Kay Gillespie Judy Cimino—Evelyn and Steve Kurfess Trevor Crouse—Jim and Caroline Kolder Dudley Welch—Project Hope Volunteers Olivia Cerone—The Sheehan Family 11:00 a.m. (BP) Sandra Lee DiCecca—Philip DiCecca John Collins—James and Barbara Archer and Family Bill Esposito—David and Nikki Nolan Michael Stobart—Friends of Project Hope Marlene Marczyk—Ed and Sherrie Scheffler 5:15 p.m. (CC) People of Saint Anne UPCOMING MARRIAGES II Amy McKewen and Joseph Campagna II Melissa Hoebbel and Timothy Muldowney II Teresa Laporta and Joseph Hill Saturday, September 20th, 1:00 p.m. Katherine Lenz and Jeffrey Borth Saturday, September 20th, 3:00 p.m. Katherine Van Fossan and Steven Tracy RECENT BAPTISMS Brady James Kemp (Danielle and Robert) OUR BELOVED DEAD Peggy Buckstaff, mother of Peter, Stephen, Angus, Juliette and Patrick and mother-in-law of Margaret, Diana, Jane, Ken Stout and Jackie; Tom Nemcek, friend of Nikki Nolan; Myron Ognowski, uncle of Mary Sneed Saint Saint Anne Anne Church Church • September • August14, 31,2014 2014•• 3 19 PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY: CPL. Joe Barra, son of Jim and Cathy, USMC, Afghanistan Lt. Sam Betar, son of Margaret and Sam, Army, Ft. Benning, GA Lcpl Colin R. Bosworth (USMC), son of Ken and Pam, Okinawa, Japan Daniel Carrick, nephew of Mary Helen and Larry McCarthy, Army Special Forces, Afghanistan Master/Sgt William G. Cook, grandson of Bill, U.S. Army, Ft. Belvoir, VA Lt. Col. Marc E. Czaja, son of Virginia and Charles Brenneman, USMC, USA Lcpl Joseph James Gerak (USMC), son of Jay and Mary, Okinawa, Japan LTJG Jacqueline Gridley, granddaughter of Dorothy Connolly, USN, Norfolk, VA SPC Logan Mitchell Herbert, son of Christine and Sean, U.S. Army, Ft. Carson, CO Andrew Jennings, cousin of Virginia Brenneman, Army, Wounded Warrior, USA Capt. Aaron L. Kirchoff, (USAF), grandson of Clare Mack, Atlanta, GA Christopher Lenz, grandson of Rosemarie, Airman 1st Class, Kedena, Japan Bobby Maxwell, cousin of Pat Weaver, Navy, U.S.S. John McCain, Yokosuka, Japan Corporal Joshua Mehr, son of Gregg and Georgeanna, USMC, Okinawa, Japan Capt. Robert O'Meara, son of Bob and Sue, USAF, Barksdale AFB, Shreveport, LA Sgt. Thomas Orlowski, son of Jon, USMC Special Operations, Camp Lejeune, NC SFC Jeffrey Puch, brother of Katie Grund, Army, Hunter Airfield, Savannah, GA Captain Barrett Rife, grandson of Elaine Conrad, Fort Benning, GA Lt. Clayton Rife, grandson of Elaine Conrad, KY Matt Ryan, nephew of John Weaver, U.S. Army, Fort Carson, CO Sgt. Robert Schroeder, son of John and Martha Muno, Army, South Korea James Reed Strissel, Jr., grandson of Joseph and Ann Tuszynski, Afghanistan Cmdr. Joseph W. Stubitz, US Navy, brother of Steve, Afghanistan Cpl. Brandon Thennisch, USMC, grandson of Angela, Camp Lejeune, NC SPC4 Joseph Warnock, National Guard, grandnephew of Sue Stock, Afghanistan Serving the St. Anne Community with Dignity and Care Traditional Services & Cremation Options Advanced Planning • Monuments • Aftercare We Accept All Prepaid Funeral Arrangements. 149 W. Main Street Barrington, IL 60010 Jack & Lisa Davenport Funeral Directors / Owners 847.381.3411 Jeffery M. Clery Skin Wellness Attorney at Law Professional skin care fusing science, natural botanicals, aromatherapy oils and facial massage techniques. Clinical strength ingredients uniquely customized to deliver results. • Room Additions & Finished Basements • Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling • Hardwood & Tile Flooring • New Siding & Gutters • Replacement Windows • Roofing (all types) • Painting (interior, exterior & faux) • Complete Trim and Drywall Repair • All HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical Needs • Residential & Commercial • Many Parishioner References • Licensed, Bonded & Insured 118 Wool Street ~ Barrington ~ 847.525.3640 TOM SERPENTO President & Parishioner (224) 578-1717 FREE ESTIMATES 512064 St Anne Church (D) 67 S. Old Rand Rd., Suite A Renee Diak-Witek Founder/Licensed Clinical Esthetician • Parishioner M.J. Miller & Co. Fine Jewelry & Gifts We buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington Real Estate • Wills • Trusts Estates • Personal Injury • Criminal DUI • Traffic • Corporate • LLC’s Experienced Attorney Reasonable Attorney’s Fees (between Main St. & Rt. 22) Lake Zurich 847-540-5403 WWW.JEFFCLERY.COM Richard A. Hogan, D.D.S., Ltd. Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry Richard A. Hogan, D.D.S., F.A.G.D 435 N. Hough Street Mindy J. Hogan, B.S., R.D.H. Barrington, IL 60010 Anita L. Delano, R.D.H. (847) 381-1707 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Lake Zurich Palatine 415 S. Buesching Rd. 201 N. Northwest Hwy Douglas R. Ahlgrim 847-540-8871 Our 2nd Century of Service Will your money last? 847-358-7411 CARPENTER ANGEL ON CALL GUARDIAN With a retirement plan it can. John A. Corey, CFP® Financial Advisor Custom Built Cabinets SAFETY MODIFICATIONS FOR YOUR HOME We Help Prevent Falls! 35 Years Experience 847-602-4013 847-382-5908 FREE HOME SAFETY CHECK Remodeling & Repairs 1250 S. Grove Ave., Ste. 302 Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 847.2134 Our Advisors. Your Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH® Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA. Benjamin Moore® Weber Grills Salt Delivery Service Est. 1973 • Containers and Statuary 250 E. Main St., Barrington • Home and Garden Accents We’re Between Rt.’s 59 & 14 One Block East of the Metra Rail Road Tracks 990 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington • 847-381-5511 John & Debra McHugh—Parishioners Stone Hill Center • Routes 22 & 14 • Fox River Grove • Garden Furniture • Pet & Bird Supplies Domestic & Foreign Used Auto Sales Service & Repair Specialities Include: Dealer Level Repair Capabilities in Mercedes Benz, BMW & GM Vehicles Flowers For All Occasions 122 W. Main St., Barrington “Serving Fox River Grove, Barrington and Cary” • Plants and Garden Supplies Hollis Bros. Service FRESH FLOWER MARKET 847-381-7800 888-381-7800 LEADER HARDWARE & RENTALS Find Me On Google Robert Edens Attorney Call me today at (847) 847.2134. 847-639-4431 WANTED WWII VETS! A day to remember, because we will never forget. Help us sign up our Chicagoland WWII veterans for an unforgettable day of honor in Washington, D.C. — at no charge to the veteran 847-381-6691 Contact us now for a Veteran Application. 773.227.VETS (8387) • Dave & Steve Hollis Complete Auto Detailing ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CARPENTRY Roger D. Ahlgrim “Chores By Chip” HANDYMAN SERVICE 847-551-1767 QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Top Buyer of Cars & Trucks Any Condition Cell 224-392-0938 Barrington Area Resident SAVE WITH Used Auto Parts Call 815-338-2800 One Financial Place 440 S. LaSalle Street Suite 2930 Chicago Il 60605 (312) 939-8950 Electronic Trading CME/CBOT NYMEX Eurex/ICE Parish Member TIRE & AUTO EXPERTS 847-381-3377 Open 7 Days to Serve You! ROUTES 14&59 • BARRINGTON the Stonegate Russell S. Pollina, D.D.S., P.C. Diplomate American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics* Parishioner 18 E. Dundee Rd. Bldg. 5, Ste. 100, Barrington 847-382-1720 * Orthodontic services provided by Pediatric Dentists 512064 St Anne Church (C) Perfection Unveiled...the wedding of your dreams! The perfect setting for weddings and receptions of all sizes. Gourmet catering and service that is nothing short of perfection. 847-884-7000 2401 W. Higgins Road (Higgins and Barrington Roads) Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 A C EM •B H A R D WA R E B A R R• PI N EG T OF N 847-304-4325 ENJAMIN OORE, CABOT STAINS VALSPAR, ACE PAINTS • TORO MOWERS AND SNOWBLOWERS • CRAFTSMAN TOOLS • KEY DUPLICATION • SCREEN AND WINDOW REPAIR • WEBER GRILLS AND ACCESSORIES ROPANE XCHANGE AND ILL • JONATHAN GREEN, SCOTTS AND ACE LAWN CARE PRODUCTS • FRESH WAVE AIR FRESHNERS • BONA FLOOR CARE PRODUCTS • KAMADO JOE GRILLS 906 S. NORTHWEST HWY, BARRINGTON JOHN & NONIE BROWN FAMILY PARISHIONERS SINCE 1989 Joseph M. Lucas & Associates, L.L.C. AT TO R N E Y S AT L AW 847-381-8700 581 Bonner Rd. (at Rt. 12) Wauconda Gourmet Specialties Old World Bakery Tues-Sat 9-6 Sun 10-3 Closed Mon OPEN SUNDAYS UNTIL 12:00 847-438-8330 64 N. Old Rand Rd. Lake Zurich (847) 438-7233 PIG ROASTING 62 N. Old Rand Rd Lake Zurich 224 W. Main St. Barrington Real Estate • Wills • Trusts • Probate Business Law • Personal Injury & General Legal Matters H.R. STEWART, INC. Plumbing, Heating & Cooling (847) 639-3331 Parishioner Randy Zimmerman, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Stephanie Romer, A.P.N., W.H.N.P. Hanna Conley, A.P.N., A.N.P. Specialists In Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility 27750 W. Hwy 22, Ste 120, Barrington 847-277-0500 Law Offices of Robert J. Ross Robert J. Ross 30 Years Experience (847) 358-5757 Office in Inverness Frank Kopesdy Fine Jewelry & Service PETE CONSOLO Your Lake Barrington Shores Realtor 847-381-5555 REMAX/NOW Broker Manager - Wills & Trusts - Business Law - 557 N. Hough St. St. Anne’s Parishioner 847-842-8500 Barrington Pa r i s h i o n e r True Craftsmanship • Flawless Design 847-358-4133 Specializing in Gourmet Bakery and Fine Pastries 710 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington 847-304-8278 Air Conditioning & Heating Corp. $15.00 Off On Service Call $50.00 Off On New Furnace Or Air Conditioner Not Good W/ Other Offers 500 East N.W. Hwy., Palatine Pumping Of: Grease Traps Catch Basins Septic Tanks Storm Sewers Sludge Electric Rodding Sewer Televising Water Jetting Install Sump Pumps Septic Tank Inspection 847-537-9090 Belknap Auto Body, Inc. 847-382-9433 Koldon Moving & Storage ILL.CC.3844 847-438-3300 Local * Long Distance * Storage 847-359-4500 RETIREMENT It’s Never Too Soon to Plan for Retirement. Need a Well-defined “Exit Strategy”? Already Retired? We Should Talk! Bill Karstenson • Karstenson Financial Services Life Insurance Long Term Care Mutual Funds Variable Annuities Wealth Accumulation Retirement Strategies Since 1994 847-776-0425 27W 982 Commercial Ave., Barrington Bill Karstenson, Registered Representative offering investments through Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC 512064 St Anne Church (B) 1244 W. Northwest Highway • Palatine, IL 60067 WHERE PRIDE IS A PERSONAL COMMITMENT 847-428-4820 FREE ESTIMATES For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Relax. You’re at Great Clips.® Hair Cuts • Updos • Perms Open 7 Days Deer Park 847-540-0731 2550 Hassell Road (at Barrington Rd.) Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 (847) 752-6444 Parishioner Next to Starbucks Lake Zurich 847-540-7411 Near TJ Maxx & 847-540-0731 Near Oberweis Dairy Sales • Service • Rentals Water Softeners • Whole House Filters Reverse Osmosis Systems Honoring the Family & Cherishing Memories Since 1938 BBB • Major Credit Cards Accepted 847-381-3792 471 S. Rand Rd. LAKE ZURICH Math | Writing | Reading Homework Help | Online Programs Study Skills | College Prep Programs 847-382-7755 SAT/ACT Prep State Certified Teachers CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. David J. Tabak, OD Optometrist Complete Family Eye Care 232 E. Main St. 847-382-2020 PIZZA & SANDWICHES DINE-IN • DELIVERY • CARRY-OUT 847-381-6740 101 W. Northwest Hwy Tiger Martial Arts 847-772-1543 Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding Ask for the Parish Discount! Additional Discounts for Senior Citizens 55 Years or Older! 847-705-9054 Gourmet Breakfast & Lunch Entrees Dine In • Take Out • Catering Open 6:30 AM-2:30 PM Daily Seating Up to 100 for Special Occasions with any event after 3 PM 847-516-0409 935 Rt. 22 “Our 30th Year — 2014” 28686 W. NW Hwy. Unit #3, LK Barr. Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan Respect....From The Inside Out! IL. LIC. # PL16019 LIC. # 055-012918 Call Rich Robertaccio Healthcare Solutions Team HAIR BY JUSTYNA SALON For Your Health, Life & Accident Insurance Needs 847-701-4499 847-274-6815 642 S. Northwest Hwy. Barrington 10% OFF ANY SERVICE W/AD Inc. HOME IMPROVEMENT & REMODELING Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Basements Interior & Exterior Renovations Just East of Rt. 14 Desktop/Laptop Repair Local Maintenance & Support 922 IL RT 22, FRG • Stone Hill Shpg Ctr Bob Psenka Catholic Family Owned 847-829-1863 Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 847-202-9496 / Cell 847-417-1278 Veteran (Front L to R) Dr. Fister Dr. Gitelis Dr. Kogan Dr. Savino (Back L to R) Dr. Stanley Dr. Alpert Dr. Cannestra Dr. Palmer Dr. Seeds SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! NO JOB TOO SMALL Talk to your neighbors, then talk to me. • Sports Injury • Arthroscopic surgery • Partial/Total Joint Replacement • Back Pain/Injury • Fracture/Broken Bone Care Anne Groh Beckman, Agent Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.™ CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7 See why State Farm™ insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. 847-382-0050 Great Service, plus discounts of up to 40%. * * Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL 410 E. Main St., Barrington 512064 St Anne Church (A) • Bone Density Scanning • Digital X-Ray • Casting/Bracing Capabilities • Open MRI • Physical Therapy 847-382-6766 847.364.9070 YOUR PARISH FLORIST 420 W. Northwest Hwy Barrington Barrington • Algonquin • Elgin • Geneva For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Saint Anne Catholic Community 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, Illinois 60010 Parish Office 847.382.5300 847.382.5363 (fax) Monday - Thursday: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Fridays during summer: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Saturday/Sunday: 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Saint Anne Parish Staff: Pastor Fr. Bernie Pietrzak 847.382.1705 Assistant to the Pastor Ms. August Link 847.620.3055 Pastor Emeritus Fr. Jack Dewes 847.620.3058 Associate Pastors Fr. Tom Bishop 847.620.3060 Fr. Chris Ciastoń 847.620.3059 Deacon Couples Bob and Helen Brauch Jim and Ellen Condill Bill and Sueann Karstenson Bob and Sue Powers Director, Liturgy and Music Rory Cooney 847.620.3064 Georgene Farman 847.620.3066 Director, RCIA and Adult Confirmation Sr. Anna Marie Dressler 847.381.5793 Director, Adult Education/Pastoral Associate Sr. Lauretta Leipzig 847.381.5452 Project Hope Ministry Diane Barrett 847.381.5721 Director, Human Concerns Mary Hoffing 847.382.2148 Young at Heart and LaFarge Learning Lorraine Drews 847.381.5721 Director of Hope Ministries Marie Jochum 847.381.5799 Business and Operations Manager Margaret Buckstaff 847.620.3054 Office Assistant Cathy Faust 847.382.5300 Computer Administrator Carol Helmers 847.620.3051 Receptionist Carla Stobart 847.382.5300 Marketing, Development and Communications Coordinator Amy Holsworth 847.620.3052 Maintenance Supervisor Sarge Youkhanna 847.620.3078 School Maintenance Dave Rozycki 847.620.3007 GIFT Growing in Faith Together Sacraments 847.756.4051 (fax) Director, Lifelong Faith Formation Mary Jane Kurowski 847.620.3071 Associate Director, Children’s Faith Formation Youth and Young Adult Minister Michael Hugo 847.620.3073 Implementation Coordinator Carla Czyzewski 847.620.3069 Administrative Assistants Darla Holtz 847.620.3072 Marianne Bondi 847.620.3068 We believe that the celebration of the sacraments ranks among the most important gifts that we have. We look forward to sharing these celebrations with those who, in some way, are part of our community. Therefore, please note the following: Visitation of the Sick: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or are homebound and would like a visit from a minister of care or a priest, call Mary Hoffing at 847.382.2148. Baptism: Our Baptism ministry is pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. • Two Baptism sessions are required for parents baptizing their 1st child • Parents who have had a Baptism at another Catholic Church and are now wanting to baptize a child at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism • Parents who have already attended Baptism preparation at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism Saint Anne Parish School 319 E. Franklin Street, 847.381.0311 Mrs. Dawn Kapka, Principal Sharing Parish Saint Frances of Rome, Cicero, 60804 Fr. Mark Bartosic, Pastor 708.652.2140 Parish Council of Ministries 847.620.3057 Bill Graff, Chairperson Susan Doody, Worship Commission Mark Karney, Worship Commission Christine Jodoin, Faith Formation and Education Mary Bottie, Human Concerns Commission Gene Boyle, Human Concerns Commission Jim Condill, Community Life Commission Donna Nobregas, Community Life Commission Andrea Wirt, Community Life Commission Jerry Rodosky, Deanery Representative Jim Young, Office of the Pastor Finance Council David Wirt, Chairperson Ron Cobb Sarah Gainer Joe Gurreri JP Hills Andrew Kelleher, Jr. Lisa Koehler Nathan Perry Jack Reinhart School Advisory Board Margaret Graff, Chairperson Kim D’Amore Hayde Federighi Margaret Graff Christine Jodoin Dawn Kapka Colleen Kozak Nathan Perry Denise Peters Tricia Rasmussen Norm Yustin Clarion Bulletin Editor Kerry Miller 847.620.3070 Information for setting a Baptism date will be given at the meeting or at the time of the interview. Please call the parish office at 847.382.5300 where all scheduling is done. Marriage: To be married at Saint Anne, your preparation process should begin 7 months to one year prior to your wedding date. Please call the parish office to secure a date as soon as possible. Membership at Saint Anne is not a requirement. We look forward to helping you during this time of engagement and preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. First Eucharist and First Reconciliation: These sacraments are typically celebrated in second grade. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. Please call the GIFT office at 847.620.3067 with questions. Confirmation: This sacrament is celebrated in high school. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. Please call 847.620.3072. Reconciliation: Saturdays 9:15 a.m. until all are heard or by appointment. Registration: To enter into our faith community, please attend an information/registration session at 9:30 a.m. in the Hospitality Room, followed by the 11:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month, except on holiday weekends when there are no sessions. For further information, call the Rectory office at 847.382.5300. * THE NEXT NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING SESSION AND REGISTRATION WILL BE ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5TH *
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