Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família
Holy Family Parish 30th ORDINARY SUNDAY Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família 30 Grafton Street Lowell MA 01852 Main Phone: (978)453-2134 Brazilian Community: (978)934-0622 Fax: (978)453-0933 Email: holyfamilylowell@yahoo.com Administrator Reverend Nicholas Sannella Pastoral Staff Reverend Donald G. Lozier, OMI Reverend Gilmond Boucher, OMI Reverend Jonas Christal (Brazilian) Sr. Joan Gregoire, SND Deacon Alvaro Soares Business Manager David McLean SATURDAY OCT 24TH, 30th Ordinary Sunday, 4:00 PM Henry Surprenant & Family SUNDAY, OCT 25TH, 30th Ordinary Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:45 AM 1:30 PM 6:00 PM Parishioners & Benefactors Rite of Choice Mass Brazilian Mass English Baptism Brazilian Mass MONDAY, October 26th 8:00 AM June McGowan TUESDAY, October 27th 8:00 AM Pat Royal 7:30 PM Brazilian Mass WEDNESDAY, October 28th 8:00 AM No Intentions THURSDAY, October 29th 8:00 AM McArdle & Healy Family Director of Religious Education Richard Ouellette FRIDAY, October 30th Religious Education Secretary Bailey Lizotte High School of Religion Director W. Gerald Dockett (978)808-4505 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31ST ALL SAINTS Parish Secretaries Marlene Heiss (Brazilian) Cathy Martel (English) Custodians Roger Geoffroy Al Stamp 8:00 AM No Intentions 4:00 PM Muriel Gorman & Deceased Members All Souls Mass SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, ALL SAINTS 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:45 AM 6:00 PM The Kelly Family Choir Joanne Coogan Brazilian Mass Brazilian Mass God Bless all of our Military Holy Family Parish 30th ORDINARY SUNDAY those who are ill, those who are now or have recently been in the hospital, and those who have requested our prayers, especially ; Dr. Gert Bailey, Lucy Balkus, Robert Bolduc, Carol Britton, Buote Family, James Campbell, Bernadette Chartrand, Helena Ciaravolo, Millie Ciszek, Robert Connolly, Kevin Conroy, Dom & Claire Contardo, Anne Marie Countie, Nancy Cyr, Jane Daly, Mary Dockett, Doug Duchesne, Claire Durkin, Cynthia Evans, Lee Furtado, Jean Gagne, Sr. Marilyn Gignac, Donna Gravelle, Denis Hebert, Frank Holden, Rev. Patrick Hollywood OMI, Pauline Jankowski, Sally Kelly, Jim & Annette Knust, Maryann Lanzara, Betty LeClaire, Jeanne LeLacheur, Carol Leonard, Rev. Robert Levesque OMI, Liz Machado, Betty Mallett, Donald Marcouillier, Hilda McBride, Sheila McCarthy, McDonagh Family, Georgette Mendonca, Manuel Mendonca Sr., Shirley Morrison, Ann Murphy, Francis O’Donnell, Linda Paradise, Rev. Norman Parent OMI, Jeanne Pinard, Doris Poisson, John Quealey, Arthur Rivanis, Mary Agnes Rivanis, Rev. Lucien Sawyer OMI, Pat Steers, Susan Sykes, Brian Tanny, Barbara Vayo, Rita Wrenn. Merciful Jesus, during Your Life on earth You showed great concern for the sick and the infirm. Have compassion now on all those who are sick or in pain. Grant them a healing of mind and body and restore their strength and spirit. You’re never too old or too educated to learn something new. Set aside 15 minutes every day as a period of educating yourself. Read, work on project, journal etc. “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” ~John Wooden May they experience God’s healing love and comfort. Pick up a food bag next weekend to return November 7th & 8th Holy Family Parish 30th ORDINARY SUNDAY W/E 10/11/15 Offertory Needed to meet Budget Offertory Collection Grand Annual Br. Offertory Needed to meet Budget Brazilian Offertory Dizimo needed to meet budget Brazilian Dizimo PRAYER AND REFLECTION October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 3796 2596 2681 550 1297 725 359 The promise of restoration can be monumental to those who suffer—whether as individuals or as a people. It means little to the disbelieving, but everything to those who have some kind of faith. In today’s gospel, Jesus restores the sight of Bartimaeus because of his faith. Faith was essential to his disciples, who were blind to what Jesus demanded of them. Faith is essential for us, too, if we are to be made whole. All we need to do is call out for what we need. Do we have enough faith to do that? We lift our hearts in prayer for ourselves and for others, believing that healing and restoration are indeed possible. For the church: that we may be a sign of restoration and healing to a suffering world…we pray, For those who have the power to bring restoration to the planet and peace and justice to impoverished and suffering people…we pray, Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing affright you. All things are passing. God alone never changes. Patience attains all things. Who possesses God finds nothing lacking. God alone suffices. ~St. Theresa of Avila For restoration and healing among and between those at odds over politics, race, gender or economic disparity…we pray, For restoration and healing within families and communities…we pray, For restoration and healing to those suffering from addiction, depression, discouragement or despair…we pray, For restoration and healing among refugees and immigrants, prisoners and victims of any kind of abuse…we pray, For faith when healing is long coming or does not meet our expectations or hopes…we pray, For restoration and healing among the sick, the dying and the grieving; and for all those who have died; we pray, PRAYER: Grade 1: Grades 2-5: Grades 6,7 &8: 4:30-5:30 4:30-5:45 5:45-7:00 High School of Religion 6:00 - 7:00 Gracious God, our lives are filled with many needs for healing.. Grant us courage when our faith wavers and gratitude when we are healed and restored. Help us to walk with those whose pain is overwhelming or whose faith is fragile. We pray in the name of Jesus, the great healer. Amen. ~Celebration 2015 Holy Family Parish 30th ORDINARY SUNDAY “...Ele recuperou a vista e seguia Jesus pelo caminho.” XXX Dom TC (Ano B): – Jeremias 31,7-9; Salmo 126(125); Hebreus 5,1-6; Marcos 10,46-52 No evangelho, o relato da cura do cego, colocado no fim da caminhada de Jesus a Jerusalém, ressalta que os discípulos precisam de luz para seguir o Mestre no caminho da paixão. O mendigo cego, Bartimeu, encontra-se sentado à beira do caminho. Ao ouvir que Jesus estava passando, clama com todas as forças: Jesus, Filho de Davi, tem compaixão de mim (v.47). Jesus se detém e manda chamá-lo, revelando-se como o Messias enviado para manifestar o amor misericordioso de Deus. Ao perceber o chamado, o cego joga o manto, provavelmente o pano que estendia para receber esmolas, e se aproxima de Cristo. Diante da pergunta de Jesus “que queres que te faça?” responde com uma profissão de fé: Rabbuni, que eu veja! A expressão de Jesus: Tua fé te salvou (v.52) é a mesma que ocorre no relato da cura da mulher em 5,34. Assim, a cura tem sentido de salvação. O cego recupera a vista e segue Jesus pelo caminho, tornando-se verdadeiro discípulo. Na 1ª leitura, Deus reúne as tribos dispersas e as consola com a alegria da salvação. A cura de cegos e coxos sinaliza a chegada da salvação messiânica em Cristo, revelando o amor predileto de Deus pelas pessoas marginalizadas. O salmo celebra as maravilhas do Senhor, na esperança de ver a restauração plena da vida. A 2ª leitura ressalta que Jesus é sacerdote para sempre, segundo a ordem de Melquisedec, servidor do Deus Altíssimo (cf. Gn 14,18-20). Participando da condição humana, Cristo a santifica com a oferta única e total de sua vida. O cego Bartimeu representa os que são iluminados pelo Cristo e se comprometem a seguir seu projeto de vida nova. Que possamos superar os obstáculos, deixar o manto, para ir ao encontro do Salvador e descobrir os sinais de sua presença ao longo do caminho. (Extraído da Revista de Liturgia) Oração Deus eterno e todo-poderoso, aumentai em nós a fé, a esperança e a caridade e dai-nos amar o que ordenais para conseguirmos o que prometeis. Por Cristo, nosso Senhor. Amém. Pe. Jonas D. Christal (http://palavra-nossa.blogspot.com) Encontre-nos no Facebook: “Comunidade Católica de Lowell” LEITURAS DA SEMANA 2ª-: Rm 8, 12-17; Sl 67 (68), 2 e 4. 6-7ab. 20-21 (R/. 21a); Lc 13, 10-17 3ª-: Rm 8, 18-25; Sl 125 (126), 1-2ab. 2cd-3. 4-5. 6 (R/. 3a); Lc 13, 18-21 4ª-: Rm 8, 26-30; Sl 12 (13), 4-5. 6 (R/. 6a); Lc 13, 22-30 5ª-: Rm 8, 31b-39; Sl 108 (109), 21-22. 26-27. 30-31 (R/. 26b); Lc 13, 31-35 6ª-: Ef 2, 19-22; Sl 18(19), 2-3. 4-5 (R/. 5a); Lc 6, 12-19 Sab.: Rm 11, 1-2a. 11-12. 25-29; Sl 93 (94), 12-13a. 14-15. 17-18 (R/. 14a); Lc 14, 1.7-11 Todos os Santos: Apocalipse 7,2-4.9-14; Salmo 24; 1 João 3,1-3; Mateus 5,1-12 Holy Family Parish 30th ORDINARY SUNDAY Prayer Vigil for the Deceased Holy Family Parish Saturday October 31st 2015 4:00 Mass For Catholics, November is traditionally a time to remember our beloved deceased. We will be holding our annual Prayer Vigil for the Deceased here at our Church. Among those who will be remembered in a special way at the Mass will be all those whose funerals have been celebrated at Holy Family Parish over the past year. We Remember…. Joseph R. Dion Louise Deloge Donald N. Nadeau Rita B. Trainor Richard O. DiCenzo Philip J. Guy Irene Sevigny Isabelle T. Morrissette Mary Agnes Ahern Nancy E. Blanco David Quealey Dolores E. Mullen Priscilla M. Polak Catherine F. Sheahan Frances A. Hodkinson Ruth M. Lombard Arthur Chalifoux Edmond Chalifoux Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Chalifoux Diana Gagnon Beulah I. Cote Jessica E. Connolly Terrence James Deignan Sr. Henry R. Surprenant Barbara L. Lemire Richard J. Russell Maura E. Slattery Audrey Ann McMahon Maurice H. Mercier Jacqueline Britton Ann M. Delehanty Thomas M. Sweeney Leona M. Lamarre John Cull Marilyn Wilcox Claire Farrington Raymond Poirier Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gaudette Christmas Cards www.PilotPrinting.net 617-779-3777 Cover Image Saint Clement Eucharistic Shrine Boston, Massachusetts Photo by George Martell And the Word was made flesh; and dwelt among us... Glory be to the newborn baby, Emmanuel! Merry Christmas! Order Your Christmas Cards Today Three Separate Designs On that Starry Night, when Emmanuel was born, Hope entered the world for all. Select All of One Design or Mix and Match Merry Christmas! Price: 25 for $18.99 50 for $35.99 100 for $58.99 Wishing the peace, hope, wonder & joy of the Holy Family to you and your family this Christmas! 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FEST Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars Door Hangers Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Proud Printers of This Bulletin 617-779-3777 printing@PilotPrinting.net www.PilotPrinting.net Holy Family Parish, Lowell, MA
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