Oct 25th
Oct 25th
ST. MARY CHURCH CHILLICOTHE, OHIO OCTOBER 25, 2015 TODAY’S LITURGY FIRST READING: SECOND READING: GOSPEL: Jeremiah 31:7-9 Hebrews 5:1-6 Mark 10:46-52 The gospel passage is the beginning of the end of the journey of Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, the city of destiny. Appropriately it takes place as Jesus is leaving Jericho on his way up to Jerusalem, a journey of about eighteen miles. It would have been the last pilgrim stop before the final big push up to Jerusalem. The “sizable crowd” in his company was, no doubt, other pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem for the pending celebration of the feast of Passover. One of the fixtures at ancient city gates in the Near East was the presence of those who had to beg alms, especially the blind and the lame. It was thus quite normal to find our beggar, Bartimaeus, there. Upon hearing that it was “Jesus of Nazareth” passing by, Bartimaeus (“the son of Timaeus” in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke) called out to “Jesus, Son of David” for mercy. The “many” who rebuked him and tried to shut him up are not specified, so we don’t know who they were, nor why they would have tried to silence the man. In Mark, he is the only one who calls Jesus “son of David” The action comes in short bursts. “Jesus, stopping, said “Call him.” So they say to the blind man in four Greek words: “Take courage, get up, he is calling you.” The action continues as he throws off his cloak (likely what he had in his lap, containing whatever alms he had been able to beg) and then leaping up, he came to Jesus. Here we have a subtle but dramatic contrast with the man of many possessions who came to Jesus looking for a way to guarantee his inheritance of eternal life, mentioned in the Gospel two weeks ago. There, the man could not part with his many possessions, the one thing which would have guaranteed him what he sought. Here we have a blind beggar who, once he was called by Jesus, throws away everything he had received while begging when he throws off his cloak, and springs up to come to Jesus, because Jesus has called him. In further contrast, Jesus asks Bartimaeus what he wants Jesus to do for him, whereas the rich man had come to Jesus asking Jesus to offer him a sure way of inheriting eternal life. Bartimaeus asks simply and literally, “Lord that I may see,” but he does so only after Jesus had asked him what he wanted. But the blind man saw more clearly than the man with many possessions ever would and for this reason Jesus acknowledges that “your faith has saved you.” With that the man receives his sight and does precisely what the man with many possessions would not do...he followed Jesus “on the way!” Whether he did so as a disciple or not is debated but the context certainly suggests that that is what Mark intended. By throwing aside his cloak and leaping up, he rids himself of all the alms he had received (meaning all or most of his possessions) for the chance to “see” Jesus, the Son of David as he had shouted. His actions quite clearly demonstrate that he already “sees” more than most and certainly more than the man who wanted to know what he had to do to inherit eternal life or any of his disciples. This man “sees” with the eyes of faith and once he sees he acts, giving away all of his possessions (symbolized by the cloak he throws away) and becomes a disciple of Jesus. Would that we could all see with the eyes of faith like the blind beggar Bartimaeus! Father Hummer MONDAY, October 26 8:30 a.m. Mary O’Leary by Molly McCarrick & Maureen O’Leary TUESDAY, October 27 No Service WEDNESDAY, October 28 No Service THURSDAY, October 29 No Service FRIDAY, October 30 8:30 a.m. James Kramer & Louise Kramer by Estate SATURDAY, October 31 5:00 p.m. George Ginther by Mary Ginther SUNDAY, November 1 8:45 a.m. Deceased Members of Tanedo & McCabe Families by Phoebe Tanedo 11:00 a.m. St. Mary’s Parish Family SUNDAY, October 25 9:45 a.m. PSR 10:00 a.m. Sunday by Sunday Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Choir TUESDAY, October 27 7:30 p.m. K of C Men’s Outreach – Family Life Center WEDNESDAY, October 28 6:30 p.m. Walk Through the Garden Scripture Sharing 7:00 p.m. Choir THURSDAY, October 29 6:30 p.m. RCIA 7:00 p.m. High School Youth Group @ St. Peter Church SUNDAY, November 1 9:45 a.m. PSR 10:00 a.m. Choir 1:30 p.m. Cemetery Sunday Service – St. Margaret Cemetery ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY NEWS Month of August 2015 Cumulative Year To Date Families served 169 1080 Assistance given $4,632.05 $30,997.57 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OFFERTORY REPORT Our Turn, Our Time, Our Home Capital Campaign Update Last weekend Mike Haller presented Phase II of the Church Restoration Project of the Church interior and the interiors of the Family Life Center and the Parish Office Building. Information and pledge cards were provided. Additional pledge cards will be included in the Fall newsletter to mailed in the coming weeks. You are also welcome to pick up a pledge card in the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support of the project, and continued pledge payments. UPCOMING PARISH DATES: --October 26 & 27 - K of C Fundraiser at Bob Evans Restaurants. Take your flyer! --October 31 – Time Change --November 1 – 1:30 p.m. Cemetery Sunday Service --November 7 & 8 – Love In Action Sunday DON’T FORGET TO FALL BACK NEXT WEEKEND Daylight Savings Time ends on November 1, next Sunday. Turn your clock back one hour Saturday evening before you go to bed, or you will be very early to church on Sunday! Enjoy your extra hour of sleep! CEMETERY SUNDAY SERVICE Father Hummer will conduct Cemetery Sunday services at St. Margaret Cemetery on Sunday, November 1, at 1:30 p.m. Please come to remember in prayer those who have gone before. This is not a Mass. In case of inclement weather, the service will be cancelled. LOVE IN ACTION SUNDAY is always on the 2nd Sunday of each month. The next collection will be next weekend, November 7 & 8. We are asked to donate personal hygiene items for the Head Start program and non-perishable food items for the Good Samaritan Network of Ross County. There are baskets in the rear of church for those items you wish to donate. OUR PIANO IN THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER is free to a good home. It needs some TLC. You supply the shipping. First come, first served. MUSIC NOTES: We give a grateful welcome to our newest choir member, Daniel Haller. He is an eighth grade student at Bishop Flaget School and a percussionist in the school band. (Thanks Mom for bringing him to rehearsals!) The Abraham playbook challenge continues: Are there 9 men or young men in our parish family, who would like to help Daniel carry the tenor line in our musical offerings to the Lord? If so, call me at 740-773-2678 and I will joyfully prepare you a music folder. Delma Rouleau, Music Director October 18, 2015 Average Weekly Offering Needed weekly to meet budget Regular Collection Restoration Fund World Mission Sunday $6621.81 $6923.00 $4759.00 $2652.57 897.50 It is a generous and joyful giving of time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is what we do after we say we believe. THE SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND is for Bishop Flaget School. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FUNDRAISER TO BENEFIT ST. VINCENT DE PAUL The Knights of Columbus, in generous coordination with Bob Evan's restaurants in Chillicothe (Bridge St. and Western Ave.), is conducting a fundraising event by receiving a percentage kickback when you dine at Bob Evans on the days of October 26 and 27. The flyer found in the bulletin must be used when ordering and paying for the meal(s). Thank you for supporting our cause in helping the less fortunate. OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH Every Life is Worth Living Whether it lasts for a brief moment or lasts for a hundred years, each life is a good and perfect gift. At every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God’s love. Our relationships on earth are meant to help us and others grow in perfect love. We are meant to depend on one another, serve each other in humility, and walk together in times of suffering. An elderly man whose health is quickly deteriorating; an unborn baby girl whose diagnosis says she may not live very long; a little boy with Downs Syndrome; a mother facing terminal cancer – each may have great difficulties and need our assistance, but each of their lives is a good and perfect gift. Experiencing suffering – or watching another suffer - is one of the hardest human experiences. But we are not alone. Christ experienced suffering more deeply than we can comprehend, and our own suffering can be meaningful when we unite it with His. Jesus is with us every step of the way, giving us the grace we need. God invites us to embrace the lives we have been given, for as long as they are given. Every life is worth living. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN TRAINING SESSION St. Peter’s has scheduled a Protecting God’s Children training session. The session will be on Saturday, November 14 at 10:00 a.m. in the Holy Family Library in the St. Peter Parish Center. Pre-registration can be completed at www.virtus.org. Any questions, call St. Peter Parish Office 740-774-1407. ST. MARY CHURCH CHILLICOTHE, OHIO MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND of OCTOBER 31 & NOVEMBER 1, 2015 Saturday – 5:00 p.m. Servers: M Putnam, J Littler, D Rourke Lectors: B Putnam, M Goode Lay Ministers M Kennedy, R & J D’Antoni, A Alcorn, H Malone Sunday – 8:45 a.m. Servers: N Blum, A Blum, R Blum Lectors: M Ginther, J Oates Lay Ministers: R Blum, M Ginther, D Ginther, L Corcoran, T Corcoran Sunday – 11:00 a.m. Servers H Coffland, J Coffland, H Laughlin Lectors: P Haller Smith, R Martin Lay Ministers: D Case, L Rourke, D Cousins, T Laughlin, K Velarde Cantor: R Zedalis Altar Linens for November 2015: J Braunlin Collection Counters: D Wagner, N Boggs BISHOP FLAGET CHRISTMAS BAZAAR This year's Bazaar will take place on Saturday, November 21. The hours are 10 am to 3 pm. The cost of a booth is $30 and includes 1 8' table. Interested vendors need to contact Mary Putnam at 740-703-3050, or at the school office 740-774-2970, for registration. Payment needed, by November 1 to guarantee your spot. We will also be selling chicken & noodle dinners from 11 a.m. until we run out. The price will be $7. THE 2015 CELEBRATING CATHOLIC SCHOOL VIRTUES GALA will be held at St. Charles School in Columbus on November 5, 2015. This gala raises needed funds for tuition assistance within the Diocese of Columbus. The schools outside of Franklin County are trying to get enough people to have a table made up of people from our schools. Cost per seat is $250 and all proceeds go to the tuition assistance fund. If anyone in our parishes would be interested in attending, please contact Mrs. Corcoran at 740-774-2970 or lcorcora@cdeducation.org. Over the last five years, Bishop Flaget has received over $50,000 in tuition assistance from this fund. Thank you for considering supporting this project. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP BEGAN A NEW YEAR ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. We are starting a new program this year called YDisciple and the leadership is very excited about it! With the new program, High School Youth Group is now open to Grades 8 –12 and is held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the youth group room, at St. Peter Church. All teens in Grades 8-12 are encouraged to join us in this new adventure! Upcoming topics are: 10/29 – (6:00 p.m.) Handing out candy at St. Peter’s Rectory front porch, then Heart of a Man/Heart of a Woman, pt. 1; 11/1 – March for Life Fundraiser – Martyr Alley Chili Dinner at St. Peter; 11/5 – Heart of a Man / Woman Part 2; 11/12 – Band of Brothers / Sisterhood Part 1; 11/19 – Band of Brothers / Sisterhood, Part 2. For additional information or questions, contact Jenny French at 740-774-4172. OCTOBER 25, 2015 WE PRAY FOR AUBREIGH LYNN RAY, daughter of Zachary and Meghan (Martin) Ray who passed through physical death recently. We also pray for her family and friends who mourn. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE NEEDS OF: Tom Allie, Karice Beatty, Helen & Dave Bell, Bill Bennett, Carroll Brown, Kelley Chandler, Anne Cooke, Steve Cooper, Rose Cox, Sherri Cox, Martha Davis, Steve Dennis, Michael Dixon, Kelli Flannagan, Patrick Flannagan, Therese Firestone, Shelly Whalen Francisco, Fred Ginther, Ginny Green, Doug Griffith, Jason Henry, Mary Holman, Emily Brown Hooker, Polly Hunn, Tracy Jalbuena, Bill Kaltenbach, Ann Klinker, Earnest Littler, Stephen Paul Madru, Joan McCambridge, Rosemary McHarg, Gwen Miller, Rose Marie Muir, Dave Neal, Max Putnam, Kate Richter, Wyatt Schumacher, Keipher Scott, Pam Thomas, Richard Tippie, Alexa Tyree, Joy Uhrig, Leo & Louise Von Clausburg, Ethel Wallenhorst, Riley Whalen, Mary Whaley & Joyce Wilbanks. MEN'S OUTREACH: --October 26 & 27 – Fundraiser at Bob Evans restaurants in Chillicothe. Make sure you take the flyer with you. See info on Page 2 and the flyer insert. November - Of course, the Thanksgiving meal. TBA December - Christmas get together for the kids. TBA Our meetings are the 1st, Tuesday of every month at 7:30 in the St. Mary's office building. --We have our Men's Outreach on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday of every month. (see the bulletin). --We are always looking for new members. Any Catholic men 18 yrs or older are welcome to join. Please see one of the Knights for an application. We have received notes from the Good Samaritan Network of Ross County, and Scioto Valley Habitat for Humanity thanking us for our recent monetary and food donations. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN CHILLICOTHE. The Chillicothe community has raised $65,000 to purchase playground equipment for the new Coppel Soccer Complex located across from Dakota’s and behind Jerry’s Pizza on Western Avenue. Now 30-40 Community volunteers are needed each day to assemble and build the playground on the following dates: Oct 24-25- Final assembly at Coppel Soccer Complex. Oct. 27- Pour Concrete and Lay Perimeter Timbers. Oct. 28- Spread Mulch. (Bring Rakes). SIGN UP TO HELP by visiting facebook.com/coppelsoccer. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME LOVE IS OUR MISSION: A CALL TO LIVE THE JOY AND MISSION OF MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE: All are invited to one of these four gatherings as The Most Reverend Frederick F. Campbell discusses the recent World Meeting of Families. Come and discover how you can answer Pope Francis’ call to become a family fully alive! • Saturday, October 31st, 10:30 a.m., St. Peter, Chillicothe • Tuesday, November 10th, 7:00 p.m., Bishop Ready High School For more information visit www.colsdioc.org or call 614-241-2560 YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE ST. PETER MILITARY MINISTRY’S ANNUAL VETERANS APPRECIATION DINNER. The Military Ministry will once again sponsor this annual dinner to show our appreciation to Veterans and active Military personnel. The dinner will be held on Sunday, November 8 at the St. Peter Parish Hall. Doors will open at 12:30 p.m. This year’s speaker will be Darlene Hemmingsen, the first female electrician in the Army. Tickets are $5.00 each and can be purchased from Jenny French at the St. Peter Parish Office Tuesday through Friday morning. Tickets will also be available at the door. If you have a veteran or active military personnel and would like their picture featured in our displays at the dinner, you can bring a picture to Jenny at St. Peter’s or email to lynnifer@roadrunner.com. To have in time for the display, pictures must be submitted by October 29, 2015. For more information, call Jenny at 740-774-1407. WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA: We will once again participate in this annual ceremony honoring our deceased veterans. The ceremony will occur at noon on Saturday, December 12 in conjunction with the laying of the wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers in Arlington. This year, you have the opportunity to purchase a wreath for your veteran’s grave or sponsor a wreath for those who have no family left in the area. Cost of the wreaths are $15 each. Checks can be made out to St. Peter, with Military Ministry/Wreaths marked in the Memo line. They can be sent to Mike & Cecil Althouse at 269 St. Ann’s Lane, Waverly 45690. Orders for the wreaths must be received by November 1. For more information, contact the Althouses at 740-947-1339. FAITH AND LIGHT: An international group of Communities made up of persons with an intellectual/developmental disability, their families and friends, who meet together on a regular basis in a Christian spirit, to share friendship, pray together, have fun and celebrate life. This program will begin at St. Peter's in October. The program will be held the second Sunday of the month (Starting October 11, 2015) in the St. Peter Parish Hall. For more information, contact Chris Hiles at chris.getin@gmail.com. DIOCESAN HAPPENINGS BASKETBALL COMPETITION – GRADES 4-8 St. Timothy School (1070 Thomas Lane, Columbus, Ohio) will be hosting a Basketball Preview on Friday night, November 6th. The activities that will be held that night are as follows: • -three-on-three basketball tournament for grades 4-8th (boys and girls divisions and separate divisions for each grade) • -free throw competition (boys and girls) • -three point competition (boys and girls) Registration forms can be found on the St. Timothy School website (www.sttimschool.org). We encourage any teams and/or players wishing to participate, to send in the registration form and fees into St. Timothy School as soon as possible. This competition is open to the entire Diocese. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office at 451-0739. CATHOLIC YOUTH SUMMER CAMP A High Adventure Camp that fosters High Adventure Faith Catholic Youth Summer Camp is Ohio’s one and one week-long, residential high adventure camp for students entering grades 612. Activities typically include: jet skis, water tubing, paintball, blobbing, go-carts, archery, zip lining, rock climbing, ropes course, mountain boarding and more! CYSC offers a truly catholic and safe environment with daily catechesis that awakens faith and builds missionary disciples. A week at camp includes daily Mass, adoration, reconciliation, small group conversations, worship, service and authentic community. See www.cysc.com for more info. & to register. 70th ANNUAL WOMEN’S CONVENTION All women of the Diocese are invited to attend the 70th Annual Convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) on Saturday, November 7, 2015, at St. Joan of Arc Church, 10700 Liberty Road, Powell from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. The convention theme is “A Quiet Walk In The Garden With God” and includes presentations from National Conference President Sheila Hopkins; Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet, co-authors of the new book, Divine Mercy For Moms; and Mass celebrated by Bishop Campbell. Registration is $35; a preconvention dinner at Dublin’s Olive Garden is also available for $30. The deadline was Monday, October 19; registration materials can be found on the Diocesan homepage, www.colsdioc.org, or by contacting DCCW at 614-228-8601 or mmccormick@colsdioc.org . SYRIAN REFUGEE CRISIS UPDATE. As the refugee and migrant crisis grows in Europe, Catholic Relief Services and partners like Caritas are there providing assistance to families in need. There are tangible actions all can take to make a difference. For more current information, visit http://www.crs.org/mediacenter/current-issues/syrian-refugees or contact Erin Cordle, Diocesan CRS director, at 614-241-2540, ecordle@colsdioc.org, or socmailbox@colsdioc.org for a list of ways to respond. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK FROM THE CHAIR WITH BISHOP CAMPBELL ON AM 820 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD. Bishop Campbell takes your questions from 5 – 6 p. m. on Tuesday, November 3rd during his LIVE monthly call-in show. Call St. Gabriel Catholic Radio at 614-459-4820 to ask your question about the Catholic faith and growing in holiness. WARE FUNERAL HOME, LLC 773-2134 121 W. 2nd St. The SainT VincenT dePaul S o c i e T y ......i n T e r e S T e d ? “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison and visit you?” And the King will say... “Whatever you did for one of these least...of mine, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:37-40) With love from a Parishioner THE SCHOOL OF DANCE (740) 775-6328 2155 Western Ave. Too Many ProjecTs? Too LiTTLe TiMe? Try our new Handyman Service! 142 University Dr. 740-773-8107 www.NationalChurchResidences.org License #24314 ROBERT C. HESS TOMLINSON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 1661 Western Ave. 702-2149 Heating & Cooling, Inc. Attorney-At-Law Since 1853 14 S. Paint St. Rm. 2 Foulke Block 90 W. Main St. (p) 740-773-4181 (f) 740-772-2313 774-6152 www.tomlinsonins.com Benson & Sesser, LLC 740-773-3600 Karen M. Leeth Senior Account Manager 775-8582 703-8582 (cell) karen.leeth@docsol.net 215 Eastern Ave. 740-772-5180 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-5 (740) 775-8177 775-3663 Dr. Patricia A. Haller Optometrist Allen’s Medical Pharmacy Inc. Landscape & Design Breakfast Bar until 2 p.m. Sunday 831 N. Bridge St. 64 Executive Center Rd. 774-4616 LOGAN MONUMENT COMPANY familydentalcenteroh.com CHILLICOTHE GREENFIELD WAVERLY JACKSON WASHINGTON C.H. CIRCLEVILLE TO REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.ADENA.ORG OR CALL 877-779-7585. DAIRY BAR FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE OILS THE WHOLESALE HOUSE 79 N. MULBERRY ST. The Parish School of St. Mary & St. Peter 740-773-7283 LOCALLY OWNED KING & REGULAR SIZE CIGARETTES Southern Ohio STEPHEN C. DAWES, Eastern Ave. LUMBER CO. Eye Associates CPA/PFS Your Complete Building Materials Store 1-888-SOEAEYE (763-2393) 773-2274 Tax & Stephen E. Demick, M.D. eastavelbr.com 740-773-6347 Retirement MasterCard • VISA • Discover 804 Eastern Ave. C 159 E. Second St. Planning Specialist 1071 Marietta Rd. Rock of Ages Memorials (740) 775-3473 Ann E. Perdue 774-3148 WARE FUNERAL HOME, LLC 773-2134 702-5909 CHILLICOTHE FIRE & SECURITY 945 E. Main St. 19 Executive Center Dr. 773-4066 CLU, AGENT www.susienatoli.com Residential • Commercial Security Systems and Fire Alarms Dr. Donna Miller Family Dental Center SUSIE NATOLI 121 W. 2nd St. Account Executive ANDERSON Drug Store Rx & Health M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5 160 E. Main St. 774-2670 For your loved ones... request Guardian. Your local burial vault company. Since 1920 Pat, Tim, Dan & Dennis Corcoran Families, owners GuardianVault.net • 772-5514 775-6683 Joe Herlihy 1-800-282-5106 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 S. Paint St., Chillicothe info@benson-law.com Arselli’s 772-1660 For Advertising Information CALL CLASSES IN BALLET • TOE • TAP ACROBATIC • JAZZ Miss Elizabeth Weisenberger - Owner 82 N. PAINT ST. 772-4455 CatholicMatch Ohio CatholicMatch.com/goOH N. Bridge St. • 773-8676 Western Ave. • 779-0995 Charley’s Flowers 773-2686 19 S. Paint Southern ohio MonuMent CoMpany Chillicothe 773-5100 193 E. Water St. 702-0000 of Chillicothe 288 N. High St. 773-1480 171 N. 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