Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Assumption Lynnfield, Massachusetts SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 8, 2016 Welcome! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family or marital situation, no matter what your current personal history, age, income, background, gender, race, ethnicity or spirituality, no matter what your own selfself-image or holiness or virtue - you belong to Christ and you belong to us! You are invited, accepted and respected here at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish we welcome you. We want to share our Roman Catholic way of life with you! SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 8, 2016 O U R L A DY O F T H E A S S U M P T I O N P A R I S H 17 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940 Parish Office 781.598781.598-4313• Fax 781.598.0055• • www.LynnfieldCatholic.org PARISH PASTORAL TEAM MASSES Saturday Vigil ~ 4:00 pm Sunday ~ 7 am, 9 am and 11 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday ~ 9:00 am Rev. Paul E. Ritt, Pastor pritt@ola-smg.org Rev. Anthony Luongo, Parochial Vicar aluongo@ola-smg.org BAPTISMS Generally, second Sunday monthly at a 12:30 pm ceremony. For further information, please contact the parish office. Deacon Thomas O’Shea toshea@ola-smg.org Deacon Edward Elibero eelibero@ola-smg.org PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FRANCIS PHAM fpham@ola.smg.org MARRIAGES Engaged couples, please contact Father Paul or Father Tony at least six months prior to the intended wedding date. DIRECTOR OF PARISH MINISTRIES Mrs. Donna Delahanty ddelahanty@ola-smg.org CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 pm or by appointment FINANCE AND OPERATIONS MANAGER Mrs. Caterina Benitez cbenitez@ola-smg.org HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION As announced ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Ms. Janine Sano jsano@ola-smg.org REGISTRATION Welcome. Please introduce yourself to Father Paul or Fr. Tony after Mass. To become a registered parishioner, please contact the parish office. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. James J. Grocki 781-599-4422 MASS INTENTIONS Please contact Janine at 781.598.4313 or email jsano@ola-smg.org to request an intention for an upcoming Mass. COLLABORATIVE DIRECTOR OF YOUTH FAITH FORMATION Mr. Stephen Gannon sgannon@ola-smg.org COLLABORATIVE BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS 17 GROVE STREET, LYNNFIELD Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM *Friday - 8 AM - 12 Noon *Closed Friday June, July and August CLOSED ON HOLIDAYS MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Jayson Cote jcote@ola-smg.org FACILITIES MANAGER JJ Kenney John.kenney74@gmail.com COLLABORATIVE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Len Morrison, Vice Chair FAITH FORMATION Alexis McDuffee - Grades K - 6 amcduffee@ola-smg.org Stephen Gannon - Grades 7 and 8 sgannon@ola-smg.org Andrea Gagnon - Grades 9 and 10 agagnon@ola-smg.org Susan Ardizzoni, Chris Barrett, Elizabeth Basile, Piri Collard, Anthony Della Piana, John DiBello, Jim Fagan, Mark Ferri, Patty Glennon, Larry Guinee, Anthony Guerriero, Karen McGarrahan, Dennis Rogers and Janine Saldanha PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Richard O’Connor, Chair (financecommittee@ola-smg.org) Richard Mazzola, Janet Moran, Karen McGarrahan Paul Pellegrino and Nick Restuccia 2 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 8, 2016 There is quite a contrast in this weekend’s Scripture readings. The excerpt from the Acts of the Apostles is an account of the martyrdom of Stephen, a young deacon of the Church who was renowned for his faith and miraculous works in the name of Christ. Stephen infuriated the synagogue leaders of his time by proclaiming the superiority of Christ and his teaching to Moses and the precepts of the Law. In retaliation, the religious leaders bribed some false witnesses who accused Stephen of blasphemy. Stephen was convicted and sentenced to death by stoning. In the midst of this violence, Stephen has a vision of Christ standing at the right hand of his heavenly Father, and just before he dies, Stephen prays that the Lord Jesus would receive his spirit and forgive his attackers. What a powerful, faith-filled response to the brutality this servant of the Lord was enduring! The gospel reading delivers a very different message. It is a portion of Jesus’ so-called “high priestly prayer” recorded near the end of St. John’s gospel. The focus of this passage is Jesus’ fervent prayer that his disciples would enjoy the same intimate, unbreakable unity that he and the Father have. Here are Jesus’ own words: “that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.” In a world full of divisions, a mean-spirited hostility towards opponents, and indifference to the plight of those who are suffering, this prayerful plea of Jesus takes on a poignant meaning. We Catholic Christians need to strive for unity in the midst of all our differences; and we need to seek solidarity with others and work for the common good. May we be credible witnesses to the mercy of our Savior; and be servants of the unity for which Christ prayed! Saturday, May 7 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Intentions of FHC Students Sunday, May 8 7:00 am In Honor of Mothers 9:00 am In Honor of Mothers 11:00 am In Honor of Mothers Monday, May 9 9:00 am Fred Drinkwater, Birthday Memorial Wednesday, May 11 9:00 am William and Elinor Galvin, Memorial Friday, May 13 9:00 am Mary T. Welch, 13th Anniversary Saturday, May 14 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) John and Virginia Driscoll, Mem’l Sunday, May 15 7:00 am Lynne Walsh, Birthday Memorial 9:00 am Lynn Finn, Memorial 11:00 am Albert Sr., Albert Jr. and Stephen Maraia, Memorial Kindly remember in your prayers the deceased members of our parish, all who have asked for our prayers and for those who have no one to pray for them. Please pray for Joanne Norton, Debbie Catalano, Ben Trocki, Carole Lu, John LeFort, Jerry Foster, Christie Ness, Joe Chen and Baby Joey Chuda. Please join us next Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, May 15, after the 11 AM Mass for a family celebration of the Church’s birthday! We will have lunch, activities for children and of course, a birthday cake. All are welcome. We are also inviting everyone to bring their bicycles to a special “Blessing of the Bikes” after Mass. News and Notes: Here is the latest update on this year’s Catholic Appeal numbers in the Lynnfield Catholic Community: the data available through April 26 reveals that both parishes continue to do exceptionally well. By that date, Our Lady of the Assumption Parishioners had pledged $50,358, which is 92% of their goal of $54,938; and St. Maria Goretti Parishioners had pledged $42,247, which is 150% of their goal of $27,797. Commenting on the fact that SMG has already far surpassed its goal, Cardinal Sean O’Malley wrote the following in a letter to me dated April 14: “Please share my heartfelt thanks with your parishioners at St. Maria Goretti Parish who so generously made a commitment to supporting our Church through this year’s Appeal. Their generosity of spirit will encourage others to participate in this life-giving Join us for Vacation Bible School Expedition Everest!! Monday, July 11 to Friday, July 15 9 AM to 12 Noon OLA Church Hall $100 per student Open to children preschool thru grade 5 For more information and for registration forms Please contact Alexis McDuffee amcduffee@olaamcduffee@ola-smg.org Please register by June 1, 2016 3 (continued on next page) SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 8, 2016 SECOND COLLECTION WEEKEND OF MAY 7/8 (continued from previous page) us live our faith together as one family in Christ.” Thanks to the donors in both parishes for their generosity to the Catholic Appeal thus far. Their support of over 50 Central Ministries in the Archdiocese of Boston will help our local Church offer the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy to many thousands of people in the coming year. If you have not done so already, please consider making a pledge to the 2016 Catholic Appeal as soon as possible. This weekend’s second collection supports the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). CCC communicates the Gospel through various formats, including social media, podcasts, TV, radio, and print media. Fifty percent of the collection will support this national programming. The other fifty percent of the collection will remain at the parish to support local communication efforts, such as website technology and bulletins. Please visit www.usccb.org/catholicgiving/opportunities-for-giving/catholiccommunication-campaign/index.cfm for more information. Congratulations to the second graders from OLA School who are receiving First Holy Communion this weekend. Special thanks to Mary Disick and Colleen Shea, the grade 2 teachers at our parochial school, for their good work in preparing the children for this second Sacrament of Initiation! SECOND COLLECTION WEEKEND OF MAY 14/15 Next weekend’s second collection supports the formation and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese of Boston for future service as priests. We are blessed that many are responding to the call to serve as priests. Please be generous and support these seminarians on their journey toward their ordination to the priesthood. For more info, please visit www.VocationsBoston.org Here is a Mother’s Day prayer: Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over your Church. Bless these women, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms and blessings to everyone in the week ahead! Fr. Paul Mass Celebrants for the weekend of May 14/15, 2016 Again this year, we will be honoring all Mothers during the Month of May. Envelopes are located at the doors of the Church. I and II Michael McDermott and Caitlin Greeley MASS TIME OLA SMG 4 PM Vigil 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Fr. Tony Fr. Paul Fr. Jack ~~~~ Fr. Paul ~~~~ Fr. Paul ~~~~ ~~~~ Fr. Tony ~~~~ Fr. Tony OLA SOCIAL GROUP Wednesday, July 13th We will be traveling to York, Maine for a lobster dinner at Foster’s Clambake Restaurant. We will make a side stop at Stonewall Kitchen on the way. 4 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 8, 2016 FAITH FORMATION/ RELIGIOUS ED REGISTRATION for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 10 for the 2016/2017 school year has begun. Assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis. Placement is pending catechist and classroom availability. The forms are available on our website. LYNNFIELD KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Congratulations to the MA state winners of the Annual KOC Poster Contest. OLA School student Kaleigh Lonergan, “If you drink and drive, you won’t be revived” and OLA faith formation student Abigail Kilbride, Kilbride You should toad-ally not do drugs”. Thank you to all the students participating and their teachers for supporting the contest. May 7/8 - Please return Change 4 Baby Bottles during OLA Masses. The Knights will be collecting the baby bottles containing cash donations or checks to Catholic Charities, Lynn. Thank you for the overwhelming response to this pro-life campaign. CATHOLICISM FOR DUMMIES BOOK CLUB June 22 - The 3rd annual Gold Tournament at Gannon Golf Course, 60 Great Woods Road, Lynn, to raise funds for the OLA School Michael Siraco Scholarship fund. Scramble format with registration at 8:15 AM, golf at 9 AM, $150 per golfer (golf, cart, food and gift) or $35 for food only. Please return check and foursome names ASAP to the OLA School office or mail to OLA School, Siraco Golf Tournament, 40 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940, attention Mr. James Grocki. Entry forms and details are available by calling the school (781) 599-4422 or www.olalynnfieldschool.com Sessions will be held on Thursday mornings in the Saint Maria Goretti Parish Hall at 9:30 AM. If you missed the first sessions, you may still participate at the next meeting: Thursday, May 12 (Chapter 5) Please register by email dhegan@ola-smg.org or phone (781) 334-6199. PASTORAL PLANNING OFFICE Seventh Sunday of Easter Come. Experience. Believe Hour of Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday night 7 PM - 8 PM St. Maria Goretti Church Please join us Today’s Gospel is the close of Jesus’s final discourse to his Apostles which began in chapter 14. These are among the most touching and inspiring words of Scripture. Jesus pours out his heart, giving instructions and encouragement to his closest friends. Directing His words to His Father, Jesus prays: “And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me…” We pray for unity among Christians, but today, pray for unity within our own Catholic Church and within our parishes. Let Jesus’ word inspire us to be bridge builders, right here, right now. JUSTICE FOR JESUS The Justice for Jesus group wishes to thank all those who participated in the Baby Shower and “change for baby” bottle campaign sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Saint Maria Goretti parish is collecting diapers as a companion project and also participating in the bottle campaign during the 2nd half of May, so please return your bottle for redistribution at SMG. Our next meeting is Saturday, May 14th, at 9 AM in the Collaborative Business Office. New members welcome! Contact Linda.beaver21@gmail.com HOLY YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016 5 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 8, 2016 SAINT JOHN’S SEMINARY “ Save the Dates” Summer Semester 2016 Classes Begin Tuesday, May 24 Registration to open soon! SMG Rectory at 7:45 AM 1st and 3rd Saturday of each Month Next meeting will be held May 21st Please join us! Monday Evenings in June - Summer Biblical Seminar (June 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th) Professor Celia Sirois will present the study of Sacred Scripture - “The Quality of Mercy” If you would like additional information on the group, please contact John DiBello (781) 334-0038 For further information on these programs, please call (617) 779-4104 or visit www.theologicalinstitute.org BECOME A HOSPICE VOLUNTEER “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others..” Mahatma Gandhi “Merciful Like the Father” (Motto for the Year of Mercy - Pope Francis) All Care Hospice is currently seeking caring, compassionate people to offer comfort and support to our patients and families. As part of the care team, volunteers serve a vital role in affecting the quality of our patients’ lives. All Care Hospice serves the North Shore, Merrimack Valley and Greater Boston. Spring Weekend Retreat w/Fr. Mike McNamara Marie Joseph Spiritual Center Biddeford Pool, Maine Friday, May 20 to Sunday, May 26 after lunch $270 Double occupancy (includes travel on luxury coach bus and 6 meals) The next volunteer training will be June 9, 16, 23, 30 and July 14 from 6 PM to 9 PM. For more info, please call Servants of Christ Ministries (781) 545-8336 The training sessions will take place at All Care VNA & Hospice, 210 Market Street, Lynn. Registration is required. For more information or to enroll in the training, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Maureen Burge (781) 244-1129. SUMMER PROGRAM NORTHEAST CATHOLIC COLLEGE Sunday, July 24 to Saturday August 6 Room is still available for the Summer Program in Warner, NH. The Program offers participants the opportunity to study theology, philosophy, literature and political science. Students attend daily Mass and enjoy sports, socials and day trips, including hiking and canoeing. This is for students who will be entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school in the fall of 2016 or if you have just graduated high school Register at www.NortheastCatholic.edu Info is available at admissions@northeastcatholic.edu or (603) 456-2656. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY As a family of faith, we honor our mothers and all women who are strong in their faith, as Mary was. We thank then for nurturing us with their love and compassion. 6 If you or someone you know needs assistance, please call the SVdP at (781) 5136695. PRINTING SERVICES for Small Businesses Professional Printing for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Door Hangers Envelope Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Letterhead Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars CD Covers Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Our Newest Feature: Large-Format Printing Banners Car Magnets Posters Booklets & Newsletters Flyers Graphic design services are available for all projects upon s Wellness Serie The Standish request. for Women Brochures " ! % $ ! ## + " 4 ! 5 ! 4 -./. &, 2 *& )))*&+ 2 " ! !& '( 0 &$ 2 2 ! % $ " ! ! , , +- #$% " 6) & & / . / 2 ! 0 !! ! ! 1 ! 78 2 2 ! ! "$ ) 79 3! ! ! 79:( ! ) % # " 2 '( 7;'; " 2 ) ! ) ) 2 2 %&''() ! ! $ ) " "#$ ! ! ! ) * !* $ st , th + Relax, rejuven ate in a Massage or Spa treatme nt. A������ T�� MAC T����� ���� ����� ���� �� ��������� ��� �� ��� ������ ���. N�� E������ E�� Dow ntow n Map of Win gate Arts CARING HAN DS Center for Massa ge and Wellbeing 55 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Tel. 978-994-3188 www.caringhandsm t.com 63 Massage, Energy Work & Opportuniti es to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit st 17th Chowder August 14th to Augu FEST AVEDA CON CEPT SALON 62 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Alex Howard Tel. 978-556-9131 www.mizansalon.co m Pop into the pub for a pint or treat your self to a Tapas Bar. PEDDLER’S DAU GHTER 45 Wingate St. Haverh ill, MA Tel. 978-372-9555 www.thepeddlersdau ghter.com Authentically prepar ed Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-S at 11 a.m.–1 a.m. & Sun Noon – 1a.m. Maria’s Famil y Restaurant 8 Locust Stree t Tel. 978-521-14 72 www.mariasfamilyresta BISTRO 45 45 Wingate Street , Haverhill, MA Tel. 978-469-9700 Wednesday to Saturd www.bistro-45.com ay 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. Cuisine: apas / Bar until 1 a.m. uropean in uence 978-526-8900 ext. area, and tour R 1190 Adams 232 urant.com www.projectsoundre cording.com Essex Street Grille 25 Essex Stree t Tel. 978-372-44 77 www.essexstreetgrill 27th st e.net • June 14th to Augu • • BUILDING THE COMMUNITY. • 8 years and up • CELEBRATING THE ARTS Design: Jim Fonseca • www.co mpuart.net | 978.369.4728 n, MA 02124 Street | Bosto 68 Commonwealth West Concord, Avenue MA 01742 ConcordPark.net We invite you to explore the Wing ate Street Arts Distri ct, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centr ally located yet slightl tucked away. y Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown’ s Washington Street , adventure awaits you! What ties it all togeth er is our love of Arts. Keep an eye the out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city. Check out the exhib its businesses; the Arts in the various District supports local artists by invitin g them to show and sell their work in a variet And watch for upcom y of venues. There is always some ing events... thing in the works on Wingate ! Business Cards & Bookmarks MIRIAM GOODMAN CORY SILKEN Dana Tarr Home Main tenance Ser vices expert painting, Many folding options available 978-526-8900 ext. 26th, 2 – 4 pm delicious desse rts and music .” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garde our beautiful comm n unity. Wander on Wingate! s to Wander: Project Sound Recording Studio 45 Wingate Stree t Tel. 978-374-43 39 Living Kindly RSVP by June 23 55 - Caring Hands 45 - Peddler’s Daugh ter & Bistro 45 Restaurant 21 - North Star Yoga 19 - Wicked Big Cafe Ramp up Your Game .com lly invasive min by leading minima Village Assisted Saturday, June Additional Place Studio @ 13 Salon 13 Railroad Squar and Spa e Tel. 978-373-14 33 dish Join us at Stan private practice General Hospita Sangal has a ter and Lowell Dr. Purnima Saints affiliated with as Join where she served us as we welco s me Summer with in Gynecology, from the Jazz Trio “String e Pelvic pain and Swing SUMMER 2010 www.studioat13salon rs: Presented ologic Cance cologic Gynec light lunch. a lig le seminar and nd 11-1 PM for this valuab is ck Valley, and on May 22 , in the Merrima l 62 80 - Angles and Art 63 - Second Though ts 62 - Mizan Aveda Conce pt Salon 61 - Positive Images Gallery 61 57 - Wei Chi Postcards & Slim Jims th of and Prevention l. Early Detection Dr Purnima Sanga gynecologist 19 45 80 1st W ing ate Str eet Ar ts Dis tric t 55 61 57 New England Open 1 June to 28 13 July 10th to July Dist rict 21 M��� ��� T����� A������ S���� May June 28th to July Pro-active Tips Available in a varietyof sizes and layouts Yard Signs 351 carpentry & home RIFFIN ARTHUR GRIFFIN repair Dana Tarr c: 978-500-92 74 e: dana.tarr@ verizon.net HIC# 159319 19 Greens Point Road Ipswich, MA 01938 Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, Homes a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. tXXX1JMPU1SJOUJOHOFU For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins www.PilotBulletins.net SPANO & DAWICKI, LLC The Estate, Elder Law, Retirement And Special Needs Firm Protecting Your Home, Your Assets, Your Quality of Life and Your Family HELP@SpanoDawicki.com BOSTON 617-720-0002 CAMBRIDGE 617-354-0144 WOBURN 781-933-0053 SAUGUS 781-231-7800 BEVERLY 978-922-2100 VA ACCREDITED ◆ NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS Established 1933 O I L C O M P A N Y, I N C . 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