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Christ’s appearance to seven of his disciples on the
shore of Lake Tiberias marks an important step in
the growth of paschal faith. As the Father sent his
Son into the world, so the Lord Jesus will send his
disciples on mission. The overwhelming catch of
fish from the lake is a living parable of the church’s
apostolic activity. The Risen Christ is the source of
his fruitfulness.
Just like the apostles who went back to their nets
after the tragedy of the passion, we too are sometimes tempted to lose hope. What if our faith in the
resurrection were not more than a religious tradition? What if Christ no longer dwells in this established Church, which seems so rooted in defensiveness and little given to apostolic boldness? If that
were so, we might be tempted to return to the reassuring banality of our everyday tasks. Or we might
be tempted to organize ourselves into a Christian
ghetto, separate from those who might upset our
certitudes. We could dream nostalgically of the
Church of former times when faith was takes for
granted and religion ruled society.
But Christ stands on the shores of this world,
more involved than ever, and he calls us to throw
away our nets. We do not always recognize him at
the first meeting, but he is there. He calls to us from
the heart of our communities, in the commitments of
those who seek the truth, who love and who forgive,
who struggle for a better and more just world. He is
there above all in that meal where we share his
We can all take heart in today’s Gospel. The risen
Jesus appears to the disciples and asks Simon Peter
three times, “Do you love me?” To each question
Peter replies, “You know I love you,” and Jesus
tells him to feed and tend his lambs and sheep. We
should remember that it was around another charcoal fire only a few days earlier that Peter had denied three times that he even knew Jesus, and that
afterward he went outside and wept. Our behavior,
like Simon Peter’s, can sometimes be a betrayal of
our Lord and Savior, but the Good News is that sin
and failure is not a permanent break in our relationship with God and other people—unless we choose
to make it so. In Peter, his reckless, hasty, and enthusiastic disciple, Jesus must have seen a very big
heart and an even greater willingness to persevere,
no matter what came his way, because Jesus trusted
him with leadership of the little flock of believers.
Peter followed Jesus faithfully, all the way to his
own death by crucifixion in Rome.
Get up Eight cont...
He was a flawed human being but we proclaim him a great
saint of the Church. We, too, are flawed and God knows it, but
God works with us and through us if we allow God to do so.
The Japanese have a saying: “Fall down seven times, get up
eight,” which is one way we could describe the Christian life.
The falling down is painful, but it does not matter as long as
we get up again and continue on.
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights
Todos debemos tomar a pecho el Evangelio de hoy. Jesús resucitado se aparece a los discípulos y le pregunta tres veces a
Pedro: “¿Me amas?” A cada pregunta Pedro responde: “Tú
sabes que te amo” y Jesús le pide que apaciente sus ovejas.
Debemos recordar que sólo unos días antes, alrededor de otra
fogata, Pedro había negado tres veces que ni siquiera conocía a Jesús y después salió afuera a llorar. Nuestro comportamiento, igual que el de Simón Pedro, puede ser una traición
a nuestro Señor y Salvador, pero tenemos la Buena Nueva de
que el pecado y los fracasos no rompen permanentemente
nuestra re-lación con Dios y los demás—a no ser que nosotros
tomemos esa decisión. En Pedro, este discípulo imprudente,
precipitado y entusiasta, Jesús debe haber visto un gran
corazón y una voluntad aún mayor de perseverar a pesar de
los obstáculos, pues Jesús le confió el liderazgo del pequeño
rebaño de cre-yentes. Pedro siguió a Jesús fielmente hasta su
propia crucifixión en Roma. Fue un ser humano con defectos,
pero lo proclamamos en la Iglesia como un gran santo.
Nosotros también tenemos defectos y Dios los conoce, pero
obra en nosotros y por medio de nosotros con sólo permitírselo. Los japoneses tienen este dicho: “Cae siete veces,
levántate ocho”, lo cual es una manera de describir la vida
cristiana. Caer es doloroso, pero se le resta importancia mientras que nos levantemos de nuevo y continuemos el camino.
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights
Catholic Daughters Meeting
St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Court 2700 is having their
regular Catholic Daughter meeting on Wednesday, April 13,
2016 at 6:00 P.M. in the parish hall. Contact Regent Grace
Callejas at 554-9928
for more information.
D+E+I 20th Annual Gala
Sunday, April 10th– Noon Mass
Fr. Robert Keller, OP
Presiding & Preaching
The internationally acclaimed Wartburg Choir under the direction of Dr. Lee Nelson will appear in
concert at St. Therese parish on Tuesday, April
19 at 7:30 p.m. The program for this sacred a cappella choir of the Lutheran choral tradition will
feature works by J.S. Bach, Mendelssohn, F.
Melius Christiansen, Eric Whitacre, and Rene
Clausen. The performance is open to the public,
and a free will donation will be collected. The choir
is seeking host families to house them on Tuesday
evening following the concert. If you are interested,
email musictours@wartburg.edu or call Stephanie
Klemetson at 319-352-8743 for more details. Thank
you in advance for your generosity and hospitality.
St. Therese School ‘s
20th Annual
Golf Tournament
St. Therese School is holding its Golf Tournament
on May 20, 2015 at Desert Greens Golf Course and
we need your help. You can help with a sponsorship of a team. A sound education and challenging
curriculum is very important to be competitive in
today’s market. Your donation to St Therese
School will help to further the education of many
children in the Albuquerque community.
St. Therese School is a beacon of hope in the North
Valley. It provides a quality education within a
safe and nurturing environment. Invest in our children. They are our future leaders. All proceeds
from the Golf Tournament go directly towards enhancing the educational programs at St. Therese
Catholic School Please call St. Therese School for
more information at 344-4479. On behalf of
St. Therese School, please receive our most sincere
gratitude and appreciation for all of your help and
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
& put your trust in the LORD.
Regular Sunday Collection
St. Vincent de Paul
$ 155.00
School Support
$ 61.00
Building Fund
$ 408.00
Sisters of the Poor
$ 909.00
Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese
School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building
Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc.
Nick Montoya, Raquel Sandoval, Ernest Padilla, Loretta Vigil, Beatrice
Torres, Miranda Abeyta, Dulce Silvas, Charles Ludberg, Henry Santiago,
Nathan Valley, Lillian Sanchez, Herman Baca, Margarita Aragon, Diana
Junco, Linda Torres, Gabriel Calderon, Theresa Morales, Julia Jaramillo,
Carmen Lueras, Andrea Armenta, Aaron Armijo, Edward Sena, Marie
Chavez, Janet Lucero, Beatrice Pacheco, Dorothy Luna, Grace Padilla,
Geneva Sandoval, Beatrice Pacheco, Gabriel Shooter Delgado, and
Candace De Mar for those in hospitals or their home and
can’t attend church.
Nico Arriaga, Daniela Brandt,
Zia Budagher, Annaleigh Burdett,
Diego Dominguez, Isaiah Garcia,
Charles Garritty, Isabelle Gauthier, Christopher Gomez,
Denny Rey Herrera, Ava Kozlowski, Marcos Lucero,
Miguel Maldonado-Lucero, Carson McConnell,
Derek Mondala, Andrew Ortega, Isabella Pacheco,
Joshua Robbins, Malaina Rodriguez,
Victoria Sheehy-Deleon, Theron Stafford, and Santiago
Vernier the Third Grade class at Saint Therese Catholic
School. They received the sacrament of First Holy
Communion on Saturday, April 9, 2016. May you all have
thousands of other Communion Celebrations
during your lifetime!!!
Lord Jesus Christ, in the Sacrament of the
Eucharist You left us the outstanding manifestation of your
limitless love for us. Thank You for giving our child
the opportunity to experience this love in receiving the Sacrament for the first time. May your Eucharist presence
keep him/her ever free from sin, fortified in faith, pervaded
by love for God and neighbor, and fruitful in virtue, that he/
she may continue to receive You throughout life and attain
final union with You at death. Amen.
catholic communicator
Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM
Sunday • April 10, 2016
Theology on Tap is a ministry for young adults by young Join
adults who want to explore the role of faith in their daily lives.
We provide the opportunity to not only learn about the Catholic faith but also to meet like-minded people and make new
friends. It is open to all young adults (18-40), regardless of religious affiliation. Join us on Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30 pm
at Club Rio Rancho. Monsignor Raun, pastor of St. Thomas in
Rio Rancho will be speaking on the depth and importance of
friendship in young adult life. For more information contact
Church of the Incarnation at 771-8331 or visit our website at
The Abortion Crisis and How We Can Combat It • On
Wednesday, April 13, at Prince of Peace Catholic Community
in Albuquerque from 6:30-8pm, Br. Maximilian Mary Stelmachowski CFR will address the abortion crisis in our society
and speak on ways to ade will share what is
vance a life-affirming culbeing done in our state ture. He will share what is
from the sidewalks to the being done in our state from
the sidewalks to the RoundRoundhouse, and ways house, and ways you may be
you may be able to help. able to help. Br. Maximilian
is a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. The friars’ mission includes preaching and hands-on work with the needy and homeless. Br. Maximilian works with Sidewalk Advocates for Life, seeking to
reach out to those who are vulnerable to abortion. Contact Jim
Schwank at (505) 401-7722.
Women’s Conference sponsored by the Catholic
Charismatic Center, will be April 30, at the church hall of the
Shrine of St. Bernadette in Albuquerque. 9am -3:30pm. Sister
Linda Koontz will be the guest speaker. Sr. Linda has traveled
the world sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Currently she
is working with the poor in Juarez, Mexico with the Spirit of
the Lord International Mission. Registration is $20 and includes
lunch. For information, or to register, call 505-247-0397.
Archdiocesan Offices of Family Life and Hispanic
Ministry invite all Spanish Speaking couples who are preparing to get married by the Church, to attend a retreat in preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage “Nos Vamos a Casar”
presented in Spanish. April 22-24 • Madonna Retreat Center
in Albuquerque • For more information or to register, call the
Office of Hispanic Ministry at 505-831-8147.
Marriage Enrichment Evenings of Celebration are held
each month at Queen of Heaven Parish from 6:30-8:30pm.
Please bring a pot luck dish to share. Join us April 15. Child
care ia provided.
*A privately owned business licensed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe
St. Charles Parish School for our 4th Annual Golf
Tournament • April 30 • Los Altos Golf Course • 7:30am.
Register to play or sponsor a hole or team! Sponsorship levels
begin at $300. Call 243-5788.
Join the Single, Single
Again Year of Mercy
Church Tour. The group
will meet every second
Friday, through August 12, for Mass, followed by a light reception, at one of the five churches designated by Archbishop
Wester as Year of Mercy pilgrimage sites. Following is the
schedule: May 13, Holy Family Parish in Chimayo • June 10,
Shrine of St. Bernadette • July 8, Church of San Miguel in Socorro • August 12, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.
The tour is free. Call 831-8117.
Loving for a Lifetime • A special, free presentation on Spiri-
tual Self-Awareness for single & married Catholics • Dr.
Richard Johnson, renowned speaker, author, and creator of
the Spiritual Strengths Finder • Topic…“Loving for a lifetime: Unveiling the mysteries of a healthy, happy and holy
Christ-centered marriage and personal life” • April 22 • 7pm
• Catholic Center • 4000 St. Joseph Place, NW • Light refreshments provided. Sponsored by the Family Life Office
and Annual Catholic Appeal. Please call to register, (505)
of Heaven Gala • Features New Mexico’s own –
Black Pearl Band NM • The Queen of Heaven Catholic School
2016 Scholarship Gala – dinner dance and auction, April 23 •
5:30-11pm at the Sheraton Uptown Hotel. Have a delicious
dinner, dance and enjoy an incredible auction. Call 881-2484
or visit our website, queenofheavennm.com.
are invited to the St. Pius X High School Foundation Diamond Jubilee Gala on April 22 from 6pm-midnight
at Hotel Albuquerque, including dinner, entertainment, a live
and silent auction, and dance. Awards to be presented include:
Principal’s Award to Fr. Ronald G. Schwenzer, CSB SPX
Principal 1990-2000; Outstanding Alumnus Award to Jorja
Armijo-Brasher ‘64; Vincioni Award to Linley ‘84 and Michael Daly • $100/guest • Sponsorship opportunities available
• Special thanks to Our Premier Diamond Sponsors Golden
Pride and Frontier Restaurant • Register by April 15: 8318406 or www.saintpiusx.com/gala.
Theology Course• $10 fee • To register, contact Rosalie 831-8179 rromero@archdiosf.org • Mariology:
Mondays, April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23 from 6-8pm at Queen of
Heaven in Albuqurque.
Published by JCPress • JCPress@comcast.net • 505-856-0333
Mass Intentions
Third Sunday of Easter
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Acts 7: 51, 8:1a; Jn 6: 30-35
8:00 AM
†Benny & Agnes Tagliaferri
By: Rose Fulton
†Valentin & Helen Sais
By: Val & Priscilla Sais
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Acts 6: 1-7; Jn 6: 16-21
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
†Deceased Santistevan family
By: Family
†Frank Concini By: Family
Special intention of Erika Gonzales
By: Mary Ann Gonzales
†Steven Lovato By: Mom & Dad
†Eduardo Gonzales
By: Rose M. Alderete
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Acts 5: 27-32, 40b-41; Rv 5: 11-14; Jn 21: 1-19
8:00 AM
10:00 AM †Valerie A. Cordova By: Mom & family
†Trinie Sanchez (1st Anniversary)
By: Family
†Laura Trujillo (4th Anniversary)
By: Eloisa Herrera
Intentions of Cecilia Strader & family
12:00 PM †Natividad Quintero
By: Family
†Dennis Martin Anaya (Birthday)
By: Mary Louise Anaya & family
†Amadeo Encinias (Birthday)
By: Mary Louise Anaya & family
Special Intentions of Life Teen
Monday, April 11, 2016
Acts 6: 8-15; Jn 6: 22-29
8:00 AM
Communion Service
Please join us on Saturday, April 23rd at 4:00 PM in celebration in honor of the life and death of the Beatified
Archbishop of El Salvador, Oscar Arnulfo Romero. Romero
was martyred while celebrating Mass on March 24th,
1980. Before he died, he prophesied, "A bishop will die, but
God's Church will continue to live in the Salvadoran people
" This Good Shepherd's Mass celebrates what Romero
could not have known when he gave his life, that he will be
a saint and an inspiration for the entire Church.
Acts 8: 1b-8; Jn 6: 35-40
8:00 AM For the health of David Lopez through
The intercession of St. Jude
By: Sarah & family
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Acts 8: 26-40; Jn 6: 44-51
8:00 AM
Friday, April 15, 2016
Acts 9: 1-20; Jn 6: 52-59
8:00 AM
†Francisco “Frank” Luna
By: Lorraine Luna
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Acts 9: 31-42; Jn 6: 60-69
8:00 AM
†Reynaldo Baca Jr. (Anniversary)
By: Lena & Dee Serbin
4:00 PM
†Eloy & Maida Sandoval
By: Marie Sandoval
†Miguel Nieto (Birthday)
By: Inez Archuleta
†Jose Cordero & deceased
family members By: Ernest Cordero
†Cleofas & Stella Martinez
By: Rose M. Alderete
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Acts 13: 14, 43-52; Rv 7: 9, 14b-17; Jn 10: 27-30
8:00 AM
†Albert & Aaron Cortez By: Family
†Ralph & Flora Baca
By: Mr. & Mrs. Philip Archuleta
†Maria Trujillo
By: Catholic Daughters Court
Santa Maria #317
12:00 PM †Bertha Morales By: Family
†Fermin Sena & Albert Armijo
By: Graciel Armijo & family
†Providence Serbin (Birthday)
By: Lena & Dee Serbin
†Anna & Carl Ortiz By: Kathleen Ortiz
Special Intentions of Life Teen
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