August 21, 2016 - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic Church


August 21, 2016 - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic Church
“Are they few in number who are to be saved?”
This question has been repeated through the centuries. Faced with the demands of the gospel or
with the fact that millions never hear the gospel,
laity and theologies alike have experienced a certain anxiety. The discussion often takes place in
an atmosphere of certainty that we are on the
right side.
Yet the theoretical question concerning the number of elect in fruitless. We have been forewarned
that the door which leads to salvation is narrow.
All that lies within What matters is to act, to do
courageously all that lies within our power to enter. There are no guaranteed reservations that
will assure us access to the banquet. We must
mistake the door. Neither ethnic identity nor religious heritage substitutes for life in Christ.
Our religious traditions tends toward one of two
extremes. Either we rest smug in the conviction
that baptism alone suffices or we suffer the delusion th earn salvation by spiritual athletics. The
narrow door opens between these two.
Asked to name a saint of our times, many of us
would say “Mother Teresa.” Born in Albania, she
began religious life as a sister in a teaching order, which sent her to a girls’ school in Calcutta,
India. She was shocked to see the dismal poverty
beyond the school grounds. In 1948 she responded with unquestioned faith to an inner calling: to leave the teaching order and serve the destitute in Calcutta’s slums. Very soon, other women
joined Mother Teresa in her works of mercy,
forming the Missionaries of Charity. Over the
next fifty years Mother Teresa became a worldrenowned symbol of compassion and winner of
the Nobel Peace Prize. A book published after her
death contains letters she wrote to friends, superiors, and confessors, and reveals that this small,
energetic nun had spent long years in a spiritual
desert. She had such deep longing for God, but
felt no faith, love, or fervor. Her fame increased,
but except for a brief few weeks in 1958, her faith
did not return. Prominent atheists declared that
the letters show that all religious faith is a sham.
Those of us who struggle with faith are encouraged by her heroism.
The struggle cont...
Like Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa of Ávila, and
many others, she kept doing God’s will in spite of spiritual
darkness. Her dying wish was that her letters be destroyed,
but the Church decided to keep them. Perhaps now we know
why. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All
rights reserved.
Si nos pidieran que mencionáramos a un santo o una
santa de nuestra época muchos de nosotros diríamos: “La
Madre Teresa”. Nacida en Albania, comenzó su vida religiosa en una congregación de hermanas maestras, que la
envío a enseñar en una escuela de niñas en Calcuta, en la
India. Se quedó consternada al ver la pobreza tan deprimente que había por todos lados. En 1948 respondió con
una fe incontestable al llamado interior de dejar la congregación de religiosas maestras e ir a servir a los desamparados en los suburbios de Calcuta. Muy pronto otras mujeres
se unieron a la Madre Teresa y a sus obras de misericordia.
Así se formó la congregación de las Misioneras de la Caridad. En el transcurso de los siguientes cincuenta años la
Madre Teresa fue reconocida mundialmente como un símbolo de compasión y galardonada con el Premio Nobel de
la Paz. Un libro publicado después de su muerte, cuyo contenido son cartas escritas por ella a amigos, superiores y
confesores, revela que esta pequeña y vigorosa monja había
pasado largos años en un desierto espiritual. Ella tenía un
anhelo profundo de Dios, pero no sentía fe, amor o fervor.
Su fama aumentó pero, excepto por unas breves semanas en
1958, su fe no volvió. Dejó escrito que su sonrisa era una
máscara mientras luchaba inmensamente para ver qué
valor tenía su obra, y que si no había Dios, tampoco podía
haber alma y Jesús no es el Cristo. Hasta dejó de rezar por
un tiempo porque no le parecía tener sentido. Aparentemente la Madre Teresa murió con sus dudas en 1997. Algunos ateos prominentes han dicho que esas cartas demuestran que toda fe religiosa es una farsa. Para aquellos de
nosotros que luchamos con nuestra fe, el heroísmo de esa
mujer nos anima. Al igual que san Juan de la Cruz, santa
Teresa de Ávila y muchos otros, ella siguió haciendo la voluntad de Dios a pesar de su oscuridad espiritual. Su último
deseo fue que se destruyeran sus cartas, pero la Iglesia decidió guardarlas. Tal vez ahora sabemos por qué.
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights
Preparing Spiritually for the Elections
Re-Visited” by Fr. Robert Keller, OP,
Sunday, September 11, 2016
From 1:00 to 3:00 pm
UNM Continuing Education Center,
Albuquerque, NM 87131.
Election years put Catholics on alert that we are
members of this nation.
We are called to vote.
In every election, there are candidates whose positions may or may not reflect our faith values. We
gather to “step back for a moment of reflection” at
which we can work to clarify our place in society,
our values, and what we can do as citizens. Fr.
Robert Keller will provide catholic insights and
lead break-out sessions which will reconvene to
share the new understandings which are sure to
develop. Given the way the current campaign is developing our gathering will be animated!
Come and participate!
or 505-243-0525.
D+E+I Members – free
General Public
$10 free-will offering appreciated.
The Secretary and her family are moving to Wisconsin, her last day will be October 3rd, 2016.
If you know anyone who is interested in the position
please contact Deacon Michael Illerbrun at
505-898-5253. The Parish is accepting applications until September 1, 2016 for this position. This
position requires regular weekend, work and one
evening per week in addition to normal weekday
office hours. Applications are available in the
parish office.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
& put your trust in the LORD.
Regular Sunday Collection
St. Vincent de Paul
School Support
Building Fund
$ 50.00
$ 57.00
$ 335.00
Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School,
2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th
Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc.
Anthony & Florinda Cortez, Bernice Laredo, Gerald Rodriguez, Armijo,
Sena & Chavez families, Andrew Cleland, Robert Griffin, Melvin Vigil,
Ramona Ramirez , Helena Baca, Joan Turrieta, Carmen Lueras, Olga Varoz, Sarah Gonzales, Angie Tachias, Ray Rodarte, Mary Chavez, Ashley
Lopez, Damian Garcia, Virginia Sando, Josephine Chavez, Mary Vigil,
Martha Harrison and for those in hospitals or their home and
can’t attend church.
St. Francis Xavier is hosting their annual fiestas on
September 23rd, September 24th & September 25th, 2016.
All are invited to join them for fun, games and great food.
Bring your family and friends and enjoy!
Join us November 1st – 17th, 2016
for a Seventeen Day Holy Land Pilgrimage under the spiritual direction of Father Francisco Alanis. Cost will be
$3850.00 for the seventeen days. For additional information
contact Caroline Padilla at (505) 688-9936. God Bless.
good Catholic meddles in politics."
Pope Francis, September 2013
Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM
catholic communicator
Sunday • August 21, 2016
he Catholic Committee on Scouting for ASFis pleased to announce the Annual Retreat for Scouting. American Heritage Girls, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Boys
and Girls, Cub and Boy Scouts, Venturers, and their parents will spend the day
learning about their Catholic Faith tailored for their respective scouting program. We
will grow in our Catholic beliefs by listening, sharing, praying, singing, and playing.
Please attend only one retreat. Santa Fe’s retreat is on September 23, at Santa Maria de
la Paz Parish. Albuquerque’s retreat will be at St. Jude Thaddeus Parish on October 1. For
more information and to register, visit our website at
html or contact JoAnn Brennan at 505-473-2281 or via email at
Classes: Register online at or call Rosalie
831-8179 or
Introduction to Scripture: Wednesdays, September 7 to October 5, 6:30-8:30pm at Our
Lady of Fatima (Room 1) in Albuquerque. Mary Reinhardt, MTS, Instructor. $10 fee.
Introduction to Scripture: Saturdays, September 17 to October 1 from 9am — 1pm
at Lourdes Hall (Room 132) in Albuquerque. Deacon Keith Davis, Instructor. $10 fee.
Introduction to Church History: Tuesdays, September 27, October 4, 11, 18, and
November 1st. No class October 25, class at Lourdes Hall (Room 132) in Albuquerque from 10am to noon. Deacon Keith Davis, Instructor.
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community invites all
to join us for Mass on August 28, 12 noon at St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic
Church, 5901 St. Joseph’s Dr. NW, Albuquerque. Presider Fr. Benjamin Onwumelu.
For more information please call (505) 375-0153 or (505) 831-8167. Sponsored by
the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Social Justice and Respect Life and the AACC.
Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Schools • Please visit www. or call 505-831-8172 to learn more about the
Catholic Schools in our community. We’re saving a seat for you!
Mercy is With You • 5th Women Retreat in Spanish • September 10 and 11 • At Holy
Family Church, 562 Atrisco Dr. SW Albuquerque, 87105 For information, call Beatriz
505-720-7440 Nelly 505-907-8777
Retrouvaille, a lifeline for troubled marriages. Is your marriage tearing you apart?
Is there little or no meaningful communication? Are you considering separation or divorce? We believe Retrouvaille can help. Retrouvaille will teach you a method to reestablish communication. This three phase program consists of a weekend experience,
a series of 7 follow-up sessions over a three month period, and a monthly meeting for
lifelong support. The next program will be September 16-18, now both in English and
Spanish. For more information, or to register, please call 505-890-3495 in Albuquerque or 1-800-470-2230.
Pilgrimage Advertisement
Travel with the Friars of the Renewal in 2017! • Holy Land - Jan 18-28 - $3295 plus tips
• Our Lady of Guadalupe - March 19-25 (APS/RRPS Spring Break) $1795 plus tips Prices
include Air from ABQ, ground transportation, admissions, guides & most meals Kristine@ / 800-842-4842 or /505-234-4641 • Brochures:
*A privately owned business licensed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Night, for married
couples of mixed Christian traditions to recall
and celebrate our unity in
faith. • Saturday, September 10 • 6:30pm • Dinner
will be served at Our Lady
of Annunciation Parish,
Magdalene Hall, 2611 Utah
NE, Albuquerque 87110 •
RSVP by September 6 by
calling Rose Garcia at 8318243.
Catholic singer John Michael Talbot
will be presenting a three
night mission at the Shrine
of St. Bernadette in Albuquerque on September 6, 7
and 8, at 7:00pm. John Michael is a platinum-selling
music legend, a best-selling
author, and the host of The
Church Channel’s popular
show All Things Are Possible. Don’t miss out on this
extraordinary mission. A
love offering will be taken
each evening to support
the ministry of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity,
founded by Talbot. The
Shrine is located at 11401
Indian School Road, NE, Albuquerque 87112. Phone:
505-298-7557. All are welcome!
Published by JCPress • • 505-856-0333
Mass Intentions
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Rose of Lima
August 23
God our Father, for your
love, St. Rose gave up everything to devote herself to a
life of penance. With the help
of her prayers, may we imitate her selfless way of life
and enjoy the fullness of Your
Blessings in Heaven. Grant
this through our Lord Jesus
Christ, Your Son, Who lives
and reigns with You and the
Holy Spirit, one God forever
and ever. Amen.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Ez 43: 1-7a; Mt 23: 1-12
8:00 AM
†Eloy & Maida Sandoval
By: Marie Sandoval
†Ubaldo Maestas (Birthday)
By: Millie Borrego
4:00 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Is 66: 18-21; Heb 12: 5-7, 11-13; Lk 13: 22-30
8:00 AM
†Ortencia Casaus By: Joe & Neyda Casaus
†Sandra Valdez (1st Anniversary)
By: Husband & family
Special intention od Michael Cordova
10:00 AM †Judy Garcia By: Severo & Romelia Garcia
†Denis Paul Alonzo (20th Anniversary)
By: Mom Grace
†Nevarez C ‘de Baca (8th Anniversary)
By: Philip C ‘de Baca
12:00 PM †Juan Sanchez (9th Anniversary)
By: Wife Dolores, Joe Sanchez
& Sandra Barela & family
†Mary Lou & Eugene Duran
By: Robert Duran
†Daniel Garcia (Birthday) By: Mom & Dad
Monday, August 22, 2016
2 Thes 1:15, 11-12; Mt 23: 13-22
8:00 AM
Communion Service
Lets show our support to Liana Padilla on her fundraising activities. Anyone interested in running along side
with Liana is urged to contact Liz Baca at 505-604-7046
or the Parish office 505-344-8050. Our Next fiesta meeting will be August 24, @ 6:00 PM.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
2 Thes 2: 1-3a, 14-17; Mt 23: 23-26
8:00 AM
†Solomon “Sal” Fresquez By: Family
Special intentions for David Weatherman
& Carl Weatherman By: Mom
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Rv 21: 9b-14; Jn 1: 45-51
8:00 AM †Robert Garcia By: Gloria Garcia
Thursday, August 25, 2016
1 Cor 1: 1-9; Mt 24: 42-51
8:00 AM
†David S. Galbiso (10th Anniversary)
By: Mom
†Valerie A. Cordova
By: Mom & family
†Lucy & Louie Martinez
By: Irene Maldonado & Lupita Duran
Friday, August 26, 2016
1 Cor 1: 17-25; Mt 25: 1-13
8:00 AM
Saturday, August 27, 2016
1 Cor 1: 26-31; Mt 25: 14-30
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
†George Montoya (1st Anniversary)
By: Mom
†Benjamin E. Juarros (Birthday) &
Benjamin Juarros By: Alice Juarros
†Gianna Suzanne Frongillo
By: Leina Dinkel
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Sir 3: 17-18, 20, 28-29; Heb 12: 18-19, 22-24a;
Lk 14: 1, 7-14
8:00 AM
10:00 AM †Orlando Remijio Olona (2nd Anniversary)
By: Melba Olona
†Anselmo Serrano (Birthday)
By: Wife & family
†Lawrence T. Montano
By: Gilbert & Ruby Montano
†Felicia Torres (Birthday)
By: Jim & Diane Griego & family
12:00 PM †Ray T. Barela (29th Anniversary)
By: Sandra Barela, Joe Sanchez & family
†Benito Serbin Jr. (Anniversary)
By: Lena & Dee Serbin
†Robert “Bobby” McCoy By: Millie Borrego
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