June 5, 2016 - Holy Name of Mary
June 5, 2016 - Holy Name of Mary
Believing and Belonging June 5, 2016 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time My dear sisters and brothers, Thank you for your prayers while we were on retreat. It is always a time to grow deeper in love with God and each other. We remembered you daily at our celebrations of the Eucharist. Take time now to hear God remind you: Do you ever reflect upon the fact that Jesus feels proud of you? Proud that you accepted the faith which He offered you? Proud that after he chose you, you chose Him for a friend and Lord? Proud that you haven’t given up? Proud that you believe in Him enough to try again and again? Proud that you trust that He can help you? Do you ever think that Jesus appreciates you for wanting Him, for wanting to say no to so many things that would separate you from Him? Do you ever think that Jesus is grateful to you for pausing to smile and comfort one of his children who has a great need to see a smile, to feel a touch? Do you ever think of Jesus being grateful to you for learning more about Him so that you can speak to others more deeply and truly about Him? Do you ever think that Jesus can be angry or disappointed in you for not believing that He has forgiven you totally? Jesus said, “I do not call you servants, but friends…” Therefore, there is the possibility of every feeling and emotion which can exist between friends to exist here and now between Jesus and you. With my continued love and gratitude, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. Page 2 Mis queridas hermanos y hermanas, Gracias por sus oraciones mientras estábamos en el retiro. Siempre hay tiempo de crecer profundamente en amor con Dios y entre sí. Los recordamos diariamente en nuestras celebraciones de la Eucaristía. Tome un tiempo para escuchar a Dios que les recuerda si: ¿Alguna vez has reflexionado sobre el hecho de que Jesús se siente orgulloso de ti? ¿Orgulloso de que has aceptado la fe que te ha ofrecido? ¿Orgulloso que después de que te eligió Tu lo eligistes a él como amigo y Señor? ¿Orgulloso de que tu no Te has rendido? ¿Orgulloso de que tu crees en él lo suficiente para probar una y otra vez? ¿Orgulloso de que confías en que te puede ayudar? ¿Alguna vez haz pensado de que Jesús te agradece por quererlo por querer decir no a tantas cosas que te separan de él? ¿Alguna vez haz pensado de que Jesús Te agradece a ti el detenerte a sonreir y confortar a uno de sus hijos que tiene una gran necesidad de ver una sonrisa, y sentir un cariño? ¿Alguna vez haz pensado de que Jesús esta agradecido de que aprendas mas acerca de él así que tu puedas hablar a los demás más profundamente y realmente sobre él? ¿Alguna vez haz pensado de que Jesús puede estar decepcionado o enojado contigo por no creer que te ha perdonado totalmente? Jesús dijo: "No los llamo siervos sino amigos..." Por lo tanto, existe la posibilidad de que cada sentimiento y emoción que pueda existir entre amigos exista aquí y ahora entre Jesús y tú. Con mi continuo amor y gratitud, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. Page 3 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5 PM, and 1st Saturday 8:30 AM (English) Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM (English); Domingo 12:30 PM (Español) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Friday 8:30 AM (English) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION PRESIDER KEY* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy VP=Visiting Priest *Schedule subject to change SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH 8:30 AM D Int. Enedina Ambriz, Int. Antonia Garcia 5:00 PM C Shelly Bernard, Anita Platania, Salvatore Vasta, Denis Lambert, Laurie Nix, Rosemary Wilkins, William D. Wilkins, Clare Eubanks, Clotilda Regalado, Nena Sardon, Mary Gorman, Joseph Marquez. Saturday 3:30 PM (English) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday until 6:00 PM EARLY MORNING ADORATION Weekday Mornings 6:00 AM— 8:30 AM Sign-up Sheet in the Narthex of the Church LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday – Saturday after Adoration Exposition MISAS Y SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL MIERCOLES A LAS 6:30 PM PRIMER MIERCOLES: MISA Y LA UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS. SEGUNDO MIERCOLES: SERVICIO DE COMMUNION TERCER MIERCOLES: MISA Y CONFESIONES CUARTO MIERCOLES : SERVICIO DE COMUNION June 5, 2016 SUNDAY, JUNE 5TH 8:00 AM WM Levi Latty, Brad Kress, Adelaida Alano Carpio, Carmine Lanza 10:00 AM D Mary Lopez, Ramon G. Estrada, Benjamin Fierro, Luis Olivas 12:30 PM VP Elia Rojas, Alfonso Gandara, Alfonso Gandara Jr. Int. Maria Del Carmen Gonzales 5:00 PM D Hillary Paul, Int. Chris Mandala MONDAY, JUNE 6TH 8:30 AM WM Robert G. Durbin, Vanessa Sanchez Olguin, Int. Perez Family TUESDAY, JUNE 7TH 8:30 AM D Int. Mark and and Sylvia Durbin, Int. Andrew and Adriana Cook WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8TH In Memoriam SOCORRO GALLARDO BARBARA FROJO GERTIZ JOHNSON LOUIS TINUCCI Please pray for the Sick & the Suffering in our Community: . Sandy Vanaugh, Jose Barragan, Refugio Madrigal, Connie Corella, Julian Ramirez, Wilma Litchge, Maria G. Garcia, Jaime Pinedo, Mark Vidakovich, Elisa Perez, Santa Rosa Reilly, William Snyder, Laura Olagues, Nina Ramirez, Miriam Vega, Francis Kielty, Frank Morales, Baby Adam Estay, Peter A. Morales, Wesley Caldiero, Gina Anderson, Mercy Bubalo, Jennifer Bubalo, and William Gibbs. 8:30 AM PD Santiago Makabenta, Jean Bailey 6:30 PM D Int. of People of the Parish THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH 8:30 AM PD Anita Otero, Justin Hernandez FRIDAY, JUNE 10TH 8:30 AM D Int. Pedro and Agustina Perez, Int. of Ruben Avalos NEXT WEEKEND PRIEST MASS SCHEDULE: SAT. 5:00—WM, SUN. 8—P, 10—D, 12:30—VP, 5:00—D Page 5, June 4 2016 7th10th Sunday Sunday of Easter—Mother’s in Ordinary TimeDay FAITH FORMATION ENROLLMENT FOR 2016-17 May Page 8, 2016 4 Now is time to count you in so you can count on us! Sunday School - First Communion – Spanish First Communion - Post Communion - Edge - Confirmation This weekend is Holy Name of Mary Registration Drive. We’re encouraging everyone here to register in the parish or re-register even if you’ve been attending Holy Name of Mary parish for several years. Please help us improve the parish census and ensure that we count you in. SPECIAL REGISTRATION SUNDAYS Easy to complete registration cards are available in the pews today and before and after Masses at the registration tables. Registration is always easy in the parish office and online at www.hnmparish.org/register from 11 am – 3 pm Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 12 Sunday, August 7 Sunday, August 28 REGISTRATION FORMS & PROGRAM DETAILS AVAILABLE AT: Registering at HNM is a declaration of your desire to part of our Catholic Community. Being a registered parishioner makes the process much easier when it is time for priest’s visits or appointments, when it is time for sacraments or sponsorships for others, school or religious education registration. A registered parishioner receives parish mailings regarding important events and topics in the parish. www.hnmparish.org/enrollment-2016-17 Faith Formation enrollment June 1 – August 31 Forms must be submitted in person during Faith Formation Sunday 9 am – 4 pm Monday – Thursday 11 am – 6 pm Friday – Saturday Closed Ahora es el momento de contar con usted para que usted puede contar con nosotros! Este fin de semana es la Campaña de Inscripción en Santo Nombre de María. Estamos animando a todos aquí para registrarse en la parroquia o volver a registrar incluso si usted ha estado asistiendo a la parroquia de Santo Nombre de María por varios años. Por favor, ayúdenos a mejorar el censo parroquial y nos aseguramos de contarlo a usted. Tarjetas de registro cuales son fácil de completar están disponibles hoy en las bancas y antes y después de las misas en las mesas de registro. Registrarse también es fácil en la oficina parroquial y en línea en www.hnmparish.org/register El registro en HNM es una declaración de su deseo de ser parte de nuestra comunidad católica. Ser un feligrés registrado hace el proceso mucho más fácil cuando es el momento de las visitas del sacerdote o citas, cuando llega el momento de sacramentos o ser padrinos, registrarse en la escuela o educación religiosa. Un feligrés registrado recibe correos de la parroquia con respecto a eventos importantes y los temas de la parroquia. Page 5 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 Vacation Bible School July 25th-29th At Cave Quest, kids explore what it means to follow Jesus through dark times. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of Jesus’ love, and test out Sciency -Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Cave Quest Closing that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Cost: $30 per child Visit www.hnmparish.org/vbs for more details! Prayers and blessings on your graduation and for your future Queen of Peace Rosary Group Healing Mass Schedule ON THE DAYS WHERE NO PRIEST IS LISTED, WE WILL MEET FOR ADORATION, ROSARY, CHAPLET AND PRAISE AND WORSHIP BEGINNING AT 6:45 PM Please Join Us! June 9, 2016 June 16, 2016 June 23, 2016 June 30, 2016 July 7, 2016 July 14, 2016 July 21, 2016 July 28, 2016 Congratulations to the seniors from: Damien High School, Bonita High School, San Dimas High School, St. Lucy High School, Claremont High School, Webb School, San Antonio High School, Pomona Catholic High School, Bishop Amat High School, Glendora High School, Charter Oak High School, Chaparral High School, La Salle High School, and Alverno High School Congratulations to the 8th graders from: Holy Name of Mary School, Lone Hill Middle School, and Ramona Middle School Fr. Michael Barry, ss.cc. CHURCH (6:15pm)(Healing Mass/Sec Br. Formation) No Meeting this week. CHURCH Fr. Peter O’Reilly (6:30 pm) No Meeting this week CHURCH Fr. Michael Barry, ss.cc. (6:15pm) (Healing Mass/Sec Br. Formation) CHURCH Fr. Bill Moore, ss.cc. (6:30 pm) Praise & Worship Rm 206-207 (6:45 pm) Praise & Worship Rm 206-207 (6:45 pm) We’re planning to reconvene the Holy Name of Mary Technology Committee with some of the previous members and some new members on Monday June 6 @ 7:00 PM in the Church. The goal is develop a new strategic technology plan for the parish and then to establish some tactical plans to bring our technology into proper working order and use. If you’re interested in joining us, contact pat@hnmparish.org or call 909-599-1243 Ext 112. Join us! June 5, 2016 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 HNM SUMMER CAMP 2016 HNM School will be exploring the science of everyday actions… Why does bread rise? What does Bernoulli’s principal mean to you? Are you full of hot air? Staffed By: Annette Hodge: Director Extraordinaire JJ: Crafty Chef Madison Franco: Certified Lifeguard Gabe Marquez: Mad Coding Scientist I Molly Birgen: Mad Scientist II Maira Marquez: Kindness King Come and join us as we cook, code, create, craft, and most of all play! 7:00am-6:00pm For More information, please call: Holy Name of Mary School (909)542-0449 HOLY NAME OF MARY SUMMER SCHOOL Called to live the love of Jesus, we are COMMITTED to the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in every child’s heart and mind. (Mission Statement) …let’s continue the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in your child’s heart and mind. Who: Grades K– 8 in the Fall 2016* Subjects: Reading, Writing/Grammar, Math Dates & Days: June 27th – July 21st ; M – Th. Time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tuition: $400 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: HOLY NAME OF MARY SCHOOL (909)542-0449 Did You Know?! We have been approached throughout this past year about the possibility of serving gluten-free hosts at our Saturday and Sunday Liturgies. If you are interested in receiving gluten-free Eucharist please call Brenda at the parish office extension 137 or email brenda@hnmparish.org if this is something you would be interested in. Thank you. Rosaries Needed We would like to ask for your kind assistance and donation in providing rosaries used during our funerals. We accept new or old rosaries. Your help will be highly appreciated, and you may submit them to the parish office. Thank you. Stress can affect your child Everyone has stress, whether it’s a bad day at work, car trouble, or simply too many things to do. It is important to learn how to manage your stress—for your own sake and for the children around you. Too much stress can make it hard to parent effectively. After a while, your children may show signs of being stressed out, too. For a fact sheet on managing stress please email: jvienna@la-archdiocese.org or call (213) 637-7227. Page 7 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 The Shield Men’s Group – Holy Name of From the Director of Administration… Mary’s unique gathering of ordinary guys from every walk of life, every situation and every age or personality – meets weekly in room 206 of the Church Hall for All. Men come to teach or to learn, to share or to just listen, to be healed or to offer support, to bolster faith or to find ways to become …more. Just simply better! – as family leaders, as men of faith, as men of the world and as men of God. We’ve had amazing stories come through the group! Truly great fellowship! Do you have a deep understanding of your faith? Want to learn a little more? Want less pain or confusion, loss or anger, PTSD or misunderstanding? Do you have compassion to share, or can’t find God’s love? Feel lost in your Catholicism, your marriage or your life? Just want a place to hang out with other men of faith? Drop in any Tuesday evening at 7 PM – church hall – and be amazed at the warm welcome you find! The late Msgr. Thomas McGread, who was pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Wichita, Kansas for more than 30 years, and is called by some the “Father of Stewardship,” said as he looked back on his experiences supporting and forming stewardship in his people, “The real success of stewardship in our parish is found in the hearts of the people. Without a conversion of heart, no one is able to give of themselves as Christ has asked us to do.” In today’s Second Reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, Paul speaks of his conversion, a change of heart that provided him with the inspiration and the strength to become the apostle and evangelist he was. We are called to conversion by stewardship but it does not have to be as dramatic as Paul’s experience. Nevertheless, conversion influences us to be good stewards, and living stewardship translates into a lifestyle of service. Msgr. McGread recognized that serving rather than being served could be challenging for people. He said, “Stewardship is a spiritual way of life and that is never easy, but anyone I have ever known who became committed to being a steward never went back. Once they adopted that way of living, they were in it for the duration, for life.” We must understand that to be a disciple of Christ, to actually be one of His followers, requires not just conversion, but action, doing something to serve others. There are many opportunities for service right here in our parish and in our communities. May 28 & 29, 2016 Offertory Weekly Fiscal Year to Date YTD $ vs Last Year $24,798 $1,490,749 $3,227 +$109,864 +8.4% Cardinal McIntyre Fund Thank you for your generosity to Holy Name of Mary Parish! To submit a ministry article for the parish bulletin email it to bulletin@hnmparish.org The article must be a word or publisher file. Due to printing deadlines, submit article 5 days in advance from desired publish date. Vacation Bible School volunteers needed! A great big thank you to Donna Carrol and Jessie Magallanes for their time in baking and preparing all the bread for our masses last weekend. Our parish is blessed by your generosity! Volunteers Needed for La Verne & San Dimas Meals on Wheels We provide noon meals for the areas of La Verne and San Dimas. Our drivers along with a navigator deliver up to 50 meals a day Monday thru Friday. If you wish to volunteer, please call (909) 596-1828 and leave a phone number. We will return your call and provide you with further information. We are looking for enthusiastic, faith-filled ADULTS to be volunteers during Cave Quest Vacation Bible School (July 25-29 from 9 am – 12:15 pm). If you are interested, join us for the required VBS Volunteer Orientation Meeting: June 14 from 6:30-8:00 pm (Parish Hall). Please RSVP to Melanie Bailey at 909-599-1243 x232 or Melanie@hnmparish.org. Thank you and God bless! 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 599–1243 • FAX: (909) 599–4230 Website: HNMparish.org • Email: hnm@hnmparish.org Pastor Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Ext. 114 Frrich@hnmparish.org Director of Pastoral Ministry Charlie Martinez Ext. 140 Charlie@hnmparish.org Director of Administration Pat Joyce Ext. 112 Pat@hnmparish.org Grief Support Minister, Liturgy & Weddings Brenda Luna Ext. 137 Brenda@hnmparish.org Director of Music Trevor Thomson Ext. 135 trevor@hnmparish.org Parish Secretary Deborah Lamborghini Ext. 110 Deborah@hnmparish.org Administrative Assistant Michele Cote Ext. 199 Michele@hnmparish.org Communications Coordinator Gabby Ulloa Ext. 136 Gabby@hnmparish.org St. Vincent de Paul Conf. Ext. 138 Marriage Annulments Mary Ann Brewer-Nolan 626-359-3854 Holy Name of Mary School 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 542–0449 • holynamemaryschool.org Principal, Holy Name of Mary School Deborah Marquez Ext. 226 dmarquez@hnmschool.org Deacons Marv Estey Ext. 177 Al & Rita Austin (RCIA) Ext. 110 Jose & Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Mario & Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Melanie Bailey Ext. 232 Melanie@hnmparish.org Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Candice Brown Ext. 234 Candice@hnmparish.org Religious Education Administrative Assistant Erika Montenegro Ext. 280 Erika@hnmparish.org Serving Senior Living Communities: Brookdale, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement & Atria Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey This Week’s Events at Holy Name of Mary Adoration: Monday—Saturday at 6am in the CH Centering Prayer: Monday—Friday at 8am in the Chapel Rosary Group: Monday-Friday 9am Chapel Please refer to your Faith Formation Calendar for your child’s class schedule. Monday, June 06, 2016 Thursday, June 09, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 6:00 PM Miracle Monday rosary Chapel 6:15 PM SHSB Fr Barry Healing Mass CHURCH 7:00 PM Weekly AA meeting Faculty Room 6:15 PM Spanish Bible Insitute Meeting FF 208 7:00 PM Evening Bible Study Damien Room 7:00 PM Spanish Study Group FF 203 7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting OLG 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Shawl Ministry OLMC 7:00 PM Hispanic Council Monthly Meeting OLG Tuesday, June 07, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group Chapel 6:00 PM Spanish Lector Practice CHURCH 6:00 PM Men's Shield Steering Meeting OLMC 7:00 PM Life Teen monthly Core Meeting FF 208 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM English Pray Group 7:00 PM Men's Shield Weekly meeting FF 207 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Faith Formation FF 209 7:00 PM Spanish Lector monthly meeting OLG Friday, June 10, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 7:00 PM Maravillas de Jesus Chapel CHURCH 7:00 PM Maravillas De Jesus weekly meeting FF 203 FF 204 7:00 PM Maravillas de Jesus FF 204 Wednesday, June 08, 2016 Saturday, June 11, 2016 6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH 7:00 AM English Prayer Group Spirit Retreat HALL 10:00 AM English Baptisms CHURCH 3:30 PM Reconciliation CHURCH 5:00 PM Mass CHURCH 8:00 AM Mass CHURCH 10:00 AM Mass CHURCH 12:30 PM Spanish Mass CHURCH 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel 6:30 PM Spanish Communion Service CHURCH 7:00 PM Spanish Choir CHURCH 7:00 PM R.C.I. A. Damien Room 7:00 PM Stars and Stripes monthly meeting FF 208 1:45 PM Spanish Eucharist Ministers Chapel 7:00 PM Centering Prayer Weekly Meeting Workroom 5:00 PM Mass CHURCH Sunday, June 12, 2016 PLEASE BE AWARE! There have been several incidents recently where cars parked in our church parking lot and surrounding streets have been broken into during Mass and valuables taken. We are currently in the process of reevaluating our security in the parking lot. Please exercise caution and do not leave anything of value in your vehicle during Mass. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. This page is for ads This page is for ads This page is for ads
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