fEBRUARY 21, 2016 - Holy Name of Mary
fEBRUARY 21, 2016 - Holy Name of Mary
February 21, 2016 2nd Sunday of Lent “Let your love be the kindness to make a homeless person believe that a soul needs something more than just four walls and a ceiling” Munia Khan Page 2 2nd Sunday of Lent February 21, 2016 My dear sisters and brothers, Mis queridas hermanas y hermanos, On the mount of Transfiguration I believe Jesus heard that he was God’s beloved Son. He really believes these words and lived out of them. I think the following words are for each of you from God, I hope you believe them and choose to live out of them. En el monte de la Transfiguración creo que Jesús se enteró de que él era el Hijo amado de Dios. Él realmente cree estas palabras y vive de ellas. Creo que las siguientes palabras son de Dios, para cada uno de ustedes, espero que crean en ellas y decidan vivir de ellas. Don’t struggle and strive so, my child. There is no race to complete, no point to prove, no obstacle course to conquer for you to win my love. I have already given it to you. I loved you before creation drew its first breath. I dreamed you as I molded Adam from the mud. I saw you wet from the womb. And I loved you then. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Stop racing ahead at your own pace, you will only be exhausted, flamed out, and spent before the task is accomplished. Pace yourself with me, walk alongside me. Do you think I don’t know the demands of your life? I see you striving for perfection, craving my acceptance. I see you bending yourself out of shape to conform to the image that you have of me. Do you imagine that I did not know who you were when I made you, when I knit you together in your mother’s womb? Do you think I planted a fig tree and expected roses to bloom? No, child, I sowed what I wanted to reap. You are a child after my own heart. Seek out your deepest joy and you will find me there. Find that which makes you most perfectly yourself and know that I am at the heart of it. Do what delights you. And you will be working with me, walking with me, finding your life hidden in me. Ask me any question. My answer is love. When you want to hear my voice, listen for love. How can you delight me? I will tell you: love. The tough, unbreakable, unshakable love. Are you looking for me? You will find me in love. Would you know my secrets? There is only one: love. Do you want to know me? Do you yearn to follow me? Do you want to reach me? Seek and serve love. No luches ni te esfuerses tanto así, mi hijo. No es una carrera que tienes que completar, no hay nada que probar, no hay pista de obstáculos para vencer, para que tu ganes mi amor. Ya te lo he dado. Yo te amaba desde antes de que en la creación tuviera su primer suspiro. Te soñé asi como yo moldeé a Adán del barro. Te vi mojado desde el vientre. Y yo te amaba desde entonces. Llevad mi yugo sobre vosotros, y aprended de mí, porque mi yugo es suave y mi carga es liviana. Para de correr por delante a tu propio ritmo, sólo te agotarás, te quemarás, y te desgastarás antes de que la tarea esté cumplida. Tómate tu tiempo conmigo, camina junto a mí. ¿Crees que no sé las exigencias de tu vida? Veo tu búsqueda por la perfección, anhelando mi aceptación. Veo que cambias de forma para adaptarte a la imagen que tienes de mí. ¿Te imaginas que yo no sabía quién eras cuando te hice, cuando te formé en el vientre de tu madre? ¿Crees que planto una higuera y espero que florezcan rosas? No, hijo, yo sembré lo que quería cosechar. Tu eres un hijo de mi propio corazón. Busca tu alegría más profunda y me encontrarás allí. Encuentra lo que te hace más perfecto a ti mismo y sabrás que estoy en el corazón de la misma. Haz lo que te deleita. Y tu estarás trabajando conmigo, caminando conmigo, encontrando tu vida escondida en mí. Hazme cualquier pregunta. Mi respuesta es el amor. Cuando desees oír mi voz, escucharás amor. ¿Que cómo me puedes encantar? Yo te digo: el amor. El fuerte, el amor irrompible, inquebrantable. ¿Estás buscandome a mí? Me encontrarás en el amor. ¿Tu conoces mis secretos? Hay uno solo: el amor. ¿Quieres conocerme? ¿Anhelas tu el seguirme? ¿Deseas ponerte en contacto conmigo? Busca y sirve al amor. Last August we blessed our hall with holy water. The past two weeks our hall was blessed by the presence of the least of our brothers and sisters. They were hungry, thistry, homeless, in need of clothes and you took care of them. Thank you from them, thank you from me. El Agosto pasado bendecimos nuestro salon parroquial con agua bendita. Estas dos ultimas semanas, bendecimos nuestro salon parroquial con la presencia de los menos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Tenian hambre, sed, sin hogar, y necesitaban ropa y ustedes los cuidaron. Por parte de ellos, Gracias. Por parte mia, Gracias. Fr. Rich Padre Rich. February 21, 2016 2nd Sunday of Lent WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5 PM, and 1st Saturday 8:30 AM (English) Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM (English); Sunday 12:30 PM (Español) Page 3 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH 5:00 PM WM Donatus Umanah, Sue Lisby, Poli Padilla, Mamusiu Milewska, Betty Rosen, Juan Mendez, Joseph Dieschbourg, Joseph Zito, Trudy Calorino, Int. of Amparo Acuna, Int. of Reggie and Sam Mitchell WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Friday 8:30 AM (English) 1st Wednesday 6:30 PM (Español) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30 PM (English) 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM (Español) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST D Carmen Bojalil, Gloria Castro, Drew Maron Rambeau 10:00 AM C Salvatore Vasta, Martin Vasquez, Steven Vasquez, Benjamin Fierro, Anita Mohtashem, Int. Kevin Bigler 12:30 PM D Leonor Herdacia, Jose H. Ocampo, Elisa Marquez, Humberto Bustamante, Miguel Angel Bustamante, Antonio Llamo, Sally Belmontez 5:00 PM C Int. Eunice Umanah 8:00 AM ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday until 6:00 PM Early Morning Adoration Weekday Mornings 6:00 AM— 8:30 AM Sign-up Sheet in the Narthex of the CH. Liturgy of the Hours Monday – Saturday after Adoration Exposition MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND 8:30 AM WM Juan and Rosa Bujaidar, Gloria Castro, Luis Olivas, Angela Olivas, Int. of Margarel Nava TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD Gregg Windisch, Fidel Ruiz, Carlos and 8:30 AM D Esperanza Sanchez, Alfonso Martinez, Int. of Helen Calderon In Memoriam NICHOLAS MENDEL FREDA PEZZUTI PATRICIA WITZKA PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND THE SUFFERING IN OUR COMMUNITY: Francisca Nava, Cristina Hernandez, John Lisby, Patty Lisby, Margie Sanchez, Kathy Candelaria, Lynn Martinez, Bill Durban, Geovanny Chinchilla, Adan Ortiz Jr., Custodio Molina, Victoria Lianos, Jerry Fick, Dave Bautista, Teresa Romero, Jennifer Caballero, Tom Caballero. Sergio Contreras Nava, Jose Sanchez, Margie Lotz, Pedro Morales, Elijah Abasta, E.R. Hall, and Estella David. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH 8:30 AM PD Ken Cassidy, Joe Calderon, Olimpia Eguia, Benjamin Fierro, Int. of Residents of Casa Bonita 6:30 PM VP Int. of Alberto Medina THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH 8:30 AM PD Claudia Sanchez, Marie Cris Morente, Linda Haskins’ Mother FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH Victor and Aurora Guzman 8:30 AM D Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 5:00—D, Sun. 8—WM, 10—WM, 12:30—VP, 5:00—D. Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy VP=Visiting Priest Holy Name of Mary Parish is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please do not leave your purses or valuables unattended. Page 4 2nd Sunday of Lent February 21, 2016 Together in Mission 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Pope Francis reminds us that “Love is the measure of faith”. The annual Together in Mission appeal is love and our faith in action as it allows us to share our gifts with the poorest parishes and schools in our community. This important diocese wide program helps fund 80 poor parishes and 63 schools where children, like our own, embrace shared values of growing in Christ and developing to their full potential. Our contributions, shared in love, ensure children all across the diocese have access to Faith Formation programs as alive and love filled as our programs here at Holy Name. All contributions to Together In Mission are donor restricted and feed directly to the parishes and schools requiring financial assistance. While other dioceses are closing and consolidating churches, Together In Mission allows us to ensure that parishes remain open and growing! Last year, through your generosity, we contributed $140k and this year our commitment is the same. Our parish commitment to this important calling will take place at all of the Masses this weekend. At the offertory we will offer you the opportunity to participate in this important program by completing a pledge card or making a one-time donation. I encourage you to drop your completed card in the offertory basket this week or next or making your pledge online via electronic giving at ourmissionla.org/give. Your contribution is vital to our parish commitment. With continued gratitude for your generosity and the love you share, Fr. Rich Join us for a Blessing Ceremony & Open House! Join us Sunday, February 21, 2016 after the 8 am Mass for the blessing of the new St. Vincent de Paul Pantry in the northeast corner of the hall. See this new great space for yourself, tours of the SVDP Pantry to follow the remainder of the day! Our plans for St. Joseph's dinner are becoming a reality. We had our first meeting that went very well. The St. Joseph’s Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 19th at 5:30pm. Please write this in your calendar so as not to forget. Our next meeting will be: Wednesday, February 24th. at 10:30am in the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Room. Please feel free to join us. For more information contact Elaine Swab 626-335-6619 esginrse@aol.com February 21, 2016 2nd Sunday of Lent Page 5 The Ministry of "close calls" At a New York City church, a teacher arrived early to set up the parish hall for the children's church school. As she was setting out the Bibles and art supplies on the tables, she noticed a balled-up paper towel on one of the tables. She grabbed it to throw it away and felt a sharp prick. A needle inside the crumpled paper had pricked her and she was bleeding. At night, the same hall served as a shelter for the city's homeless. The needle had fallen out of the backpack of a homeless diabetic. When the beds were rolled away that morning, the social worker in charge did not see the wad of paper on the table. The pastor of the Lutheran church gathered up the needle to show the social worker that night - but accidentally pricked herself with the needle. So both the teacher and the pastor were put on post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, even though it was extremely unlikely that they were exposed to anything. The incident made the two aware of their vulnerability; one moment, a person may be fine, but the next moment, not so sure. The experience left the pastor feeling a mixture of gratitude and caution. She writes that taking the pills twice a day, "I felt a certain solidarity with my friends and acquaintances who take the same medications as a matter of course. Every morning and evening, I felt grateful for the existence of the meds and improvements that have been made to lower their level of toxicity and reduce the side effects. I felt grateful for the many years of rich life these pills make possible and thankful for the courage and perseverance of those who endured years of a regimen that was far more taxing. And twice a day, as I paused to swallow, I also paused to pray for the many people around the world who can't access a life-saving medication that costs around $2,500 a month without insurance. I thought of the stigma that still surrounds the virus." And she realized again of all that takes place in her church's hall and all who are served there - the homeless, the needy, the hungry, as well as the parish community itself. Strict safety protocols are followed - but the only way to stay perfectly secure would be to keep the church doors closed. And that, she says, is not an option. "Our call to ministry is a 'close call,' one that draws us close to the sharp edges of life. It is a call that exposes our vulnerabilities as we refuse to stand apart from the pain and need around us. It is a call that puts us all at risk . . . "Following Jesus is always a close call. Churches and church leaders who avoid risk-taking in order to feel more secure are at risk of losing what matters most. Fortunately, our risk-taking Savior does not give up on us. Jesus continues to come through our closed doors and impenetrable walls to speak a word of peace and empower us for our own close calls." [From "Needlestick: A pastor at risk for HIV" by Heidi Neumark, The Christian Century, May 27, 2015.] MATTHEW KELLY IS COMING TO RANCHO CUCAMONGA! Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for a deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life? March 5, 2016 9:00am – 1:30pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church Rancho Cucamonga Cost: $39.00 GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY! Contact: Tom Nolan, cell (818) 298-1360 tom_nolan1@yahoo.com 240 children celebrated their First Reconciliation on Saturday, February 20th here at Holy Name of Mary. Thank you to our priests, catechists and parents for providing the guidance and support the children needed. The Sacrament of Reconciliation continues Jesus' ministry of forgiveness through this celebration of repentance, conversion, and reconciliation with God, with the community, and with one's self. Page 6 2nd Sunday of Lent Snack Donations Needed HNM Life Teen’s Spring Retreat is taking place March 11-13. This year, over 160 teens are expected to attend this retreat. With such a large number of teens attending, we find ourselves in need of snack items, such as water, granola bars, juice boxes/ pouches, fruit bars, chips, cookies, pudding cups, etc. If you would like to help donate any of these items, you can drop them off in the new Faith Formation Office, located next to the new Hall. Thank you for your continued support of our youth. Sponsor A Teen Many of our teens desire to encounter God through our weekend retreats, but are unable to pay their way and need assistance. If you would like to sponsor a teen for this upcoming retreat, please contact Candice (Youth Minister) in the Faith Formation Office at 909-599-1243 ext. 234 or candice@hnmparish.org. No sponsorship amount is too small. May God continue to bless your generosity! Join us on FRIDAYS as we journey together through LENT Soup & Stations February 26th (Hall) Knights of Columbus Fish bake & Soup Night 6pm Stations of the Cross @ 7:00 pm (Church) *purchase your ticket for FISH BAKE in the Parish Office March 4th, 11th , &18th (Hall) 6:00pm to 6:45pm Stations of the Cross @ 7:00 pm (Church) March 25th (Hall) 5:30 pm Living Stations at 6:30 pm Suggested Almsgiving for Soup is $5 per family, To be donated to the Society of St. Vincent De Paul Prayer-Fasting-Almsgiving February 21, 2016 The San Gabriel Valley Magnificat is hosting a prayer brunch with guest speaker Sister Carmelina Leland, OCD on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Registration @ 9:30) at San Dimas Canyon Golf Course 2100 Terrebonne Ave. San Dimas, CA. 91773 (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE) Magnificat is a ministry whose objective is to help foster growth in holiness and to live out the mystery of Mary's visit to Elizabeth in our lives. Registration fee: $25 by February 27th, $29 after. Registration forms will be in the entrance and office of the church. For more information, contact Clara Luera at (626) 963-5532. Wild Alaskan Salmon FISH BAKE Friday, February 26, 2016 at 6pm Sacred Hearts Hall Dinner Tickets Available in the Parish Office $15 /Adult $10/ child (12 and under) Knights of Columbus Charities Monies earned from all of out fundraisers are used toward out works of charities and donations toward helping the works of our Parish Ministries and other Community Charities such as Soroptimist Club Bonita's Children Program, our parish youth ministry and various other youth programs to name a few. Through your generous donations, we are able to continue to be of help to many worthy causes. February 21, 2016 2nd Sunday of Lent Queen of Peace Rosary Group Healing Mass Schedule ON THE DAYS WHERE NO PRIEST IS LISTED, WE WILL MEET FOR ADORATION, ROSARY, CHAPLET AND PRAISE AND WORSHIP BEGINNING AT 6:45 PM Please Join Us! Feb 25, 2016 Mar 3, 2016 Mar 10, 2016 No meeting HNM CHURCH Fr. Michael Barry, ss.cc. (6:15pm)(Healing Mass/Sec Br. Formation) HNM CHURCH Fr. Pat Crowley, ss.cc. Page 7 From the Director of Administration… Each liturgical year on the Second Sunday of Lent our Gospel Reading recounts what we call the Transfiguration of Christ. On the First Sunday (last week) we heard one of the accounts of Jesus’ temptations in the desert. There is a reason we hear this Gospel Word in this order. Last week we were informed of the temptations that await us, especially during this Holy Lenten period. This week the way to overcome these temptations is revealed. The word “transfiguration” comes from the Latin trans, which means “across” and figura, meaning “form” or “shape.” It signifies a change of form or appearance, and this is exactly what happened to Jesus; His appearance changed and became glorious. The description of the Transfiguration occurs in all three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). This is a proclamation of the Lord’s divinity. It is intended for all of us. In fact, each of us is invited, just as Peter, James, and John are, to become a part of this experience. We are called to conversion and witness of the truth. February 13 & 14 , 2016 Weekly Fiscal Yearto-Date YTD $ vs Last Year Offertory $29,603 $1,007,503 +$ 77,492 + 8.3% Ash Wed. $10,219 HNM Festival Volunteers Needed! We have something for everyone! For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact: LYNNE ROCHE CRUZ (909)240-1319 lynnecruz60@gmail.com ¡Necesitamos Voluntarios para el Festival! Tenemos algo para todos. Para mas informacion, por favor communicate con: RITA CRUZ GALLEGOS (626) 456-2378 ritacruzg@aol.com Do you have a Bulletxin Artxicle? To submit an article for the parish bulletin email it to bulletin@hnmparish.org The article must be a word or publisher file. Due to printing deadlines, submit article 10 days in advance from desired publish date. Early Bulletin Deadlines: Palm Sunday (March 20th) DUE MARCH 11th (Articles Dues March 3rd) Easter Sunday (March 27th) Due March 18th (Articles Due March 11th) Submixt Photos! What’s going on in your ministry? Share any pictures you have taken of your ministry with us! Email them to gabby@hnmparish.org OR bring a flash drive/CD to the Parish Office! Photos submitted may be used for a variety of purposes... bulletin covers, annual reports, parish directories, brochures, parish calendar, midweek bulletin, and on our parish website. Thank you. 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 599–1243 • FAX: (909) 599–4230 Website: HNMparish.org • Email: hnm@hnmparish.org Pastor Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Ext. 114 Frrich@hnmparish.org Director of Pastoral Ministry Charlie Martinez Ext. 140 Charlie@hnmparish.org Director of Administration Pat Joyce Ext. 112 Pat@hnmparish.org Grief Support Minister, Liturgy & Weddings Brenda Luna Ext. 137 Brenda@hnmparish.org Director of Music Dolores Gomez Ext. 135 Dolores@hnmparish.org Parish Secretary Deborah Lamborghini Ext. 110 Deborah@hnmparish.org Administrative Assistant Michele Cote Ext. 199 Michele@hnmparish.org Communications Coordinator Gabby Ulloa Ext. 136 Gabby@hnmparish.org St. Vincent de Paul Conf. Ext. 138 Marriage Annulments Mary Ann Brewer-Nolan 626-359-3854 Name of Mary School 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 542–0449 • holynamemaryschool.org Principal, Holy Name of Mary School Deborah Marquez Ext. 226 hnmschool@hnmschool.org Deacons Marv Estey Ext. 177 Al & Rita Austin (RCIA) Ext. 110 Jose & Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Mario & Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Melanie Bailey Ext. 232 Melanie@hnmparish.org Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Candice Brown Ext. 234 Candice@hnmparish.org Religious Education Administrative Assistant Erika Montenegro Ext. 280 Erika@hnmparish.org Serving Senior Living Communities: Brookdale, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement & Atria Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey This Week’s Events at Holy Name of Mary Adoration: Monday—Saturday at 6am in the CH Centering Prayer: Monday—Friday at 8am in the Chapel Rosary Group: Monday-Friday 9am Chapel Please refer to your Faith Formation Calendar for your child’s class schedule. Thursday, February 25, 2016 Monday, February 22, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 9:30 AM Morning English Bible Study FF 205 & OLG 5:00 PM Spanish Childrens Choir Music Office 6:15 PM Spanish Bible Insitute Meeting FF 208 6:30 PM Connect and reflect CHURCH 7:00 PM Lighthouse Young Adult Ministry Chapel 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 11:00 AM Amazing Greys meeting HALL 5:00 PM English Altar Server Training CHURCH 7:00 PM English Marriage Ministry HALL 5:45 PM Miracle Monday rosary Chapel 7:00 PM Weekly AA meeting Faculty Rm 7:00 PM Evening English Bible Study Damien Room 7:00 PM Hispanic Council monthly meeting OLG 7:00 PM Spanish Study Group FF 203 7:00 PM Early Childhood Ed. Expansion OL Mt. Carmel 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Confirmation FF 204 7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting OLG 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Shawl Ministry OL Mt. Carmel Tuesday, February 23, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group Chapel 6:00 PM Spanish Lector Practice CHURCH 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 6:30 PM Monthly finance meeting OL MT. Carmel 7:00 PM Adult English Confirmation Chapel 5:00 PM 5:30 PM English Altar Server Training Fish Bake & Soup Night CHURCH HALL 7:00 PM Dolores' choir practice CHURCH 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross CHURCH 7:00 PM Men's Shield Weekly meeting FF 206 7:00 PM Maravillas De Jesus weekly meeting FF 203 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Faith Formation FF 209 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Friday, February 26, 2016 Saturday, February 27, 2016 11:30 AM Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby HALL 3:30 PM 5:00 PM Reconciliation MASS CHURCH CHURCH 8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 6:30 PM MASS CHURCH 7:00 PM Spanish Reconciliation Chapel 8:00 AM MASS CHURCH 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Choir CHURCH 10:00 AM MASS CHURCH 7:00 PM R.C.I. A. Damien Room 12:30 PM MASS CHURCH 7:00 PM Pastoral Council monthly meeting OLG 5:00 PM MASS CHURCH Sunday, February 28, 2016 This page is for ads This page is for ads This page is for ads For Wedding and Marriage Information please Brenda Luna contact at 909-599-1243 ext. 137 The Shield Men’s group wants a few good men! Wait, what am I saying! Shield wants a whole bunch of good men! Young or (ahem!) mature. Come find good friends, Catholic fellowship and an increased spirituality. Any Tuesday evening, 7PM in the Day Chapel. No cost or obligation. Just a great welcome! Marriage Annulment There was a fun photo booth this past Sunday during Coffee & Donuts My name is Mary Ann Brewer-Nolan and I am the parish minister for Marriage Annulments. I have been helping couples through this process for 9 years and have recently come on board here at Holy Name. There have been a few changes as of Dec 8th from the Pope’s Synod on Marriage and Family. I am happy to sit down with you and share this new information and answer any questions or concerns to help you understand the process in a caring, non judgmental way. So if you have been thinking about looking into this, give me a call as I find there is much confusion and many misconceptions out there. I have been through this process myself, and have experienced the emotional and spiritual brokenness that comes from divorce. For more information please call 626-359-3854 Stickers needed for Faith Formation! Faith Formation teachers are requesting stickers for their students and our supplies are low. Please consider donating stickers for children, especially seasonal (Christmas, Easter), religious, affirmation, stars/hearts/ smiley faces, and anything else that is fun for kids! You may drop off donations at the faith formation office or at the parish office (please note “For faith formation”). Thank you and God bless! Subscribe to Holy Name of Mary's Mid Week Bulletin! Every Thursday Holy Name of Mary sends a Mid Week Bulletin. Sign up to get prayer reflections and upcoming events delivered to your inbox. Your email address will not be shared with a third party, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Text HNMPARISH to 22828 The following message will ask you to reply with your email address. That’s it, You’re subscribed!
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