February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016 3rd Sunday of Lent Serving San Dimas and La Verne and surrounding communities Staffed by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Page 2 3rd Sunday of Lent February 28, 2016 Good morning, good God! In the spirit of this Lenten time, I offer you a contrite heart… Dios bueno, buenos días, En el espíritu de este tiempo de Cuaresma, te ofrezco un corazón contrito ... I don't understand the mystery of your mercy, Lord: how you love me even in my sins; how you never fail to see the good in me; how you always find something in me to love; how you never cease to reach out, gently, to rescue me from my selfish ways, to bring me home to your embrace, to mend what's broken inside me, to heal what's sick, to forgive what's sinful... No entiendo el misterio de tu misericordia, Señor; la forma en que me amas incluso en mis pecados; la forma en que nunca dejas de ver lo bueno en mí; la forma en que siempre encuentras algo que amar dentro de mi; la forma en que nunca dejas de llegar, con suavidad, para rescatarme de mis caminos egoístas, para traerme a casa con un abrazo, para reparar lo que está roto dentro de mí, para sanar lo malo, perdonar lo que es pecado ... I don't understand, Lord, but I'm ever grateful for the mercy, the depth of mercy, you never fail to offer me... No entiendo, Señor, pero estoy siempre agradecido por la misericordia, la profundidad de la misericordia, que nunca dejas de ofrecerme ... So this morning, Lord, I offer you my contrite heart… So great is your love for me, so exquisite the delight you take in me, so taken are you with my soul that even when I forget, when I tarnish, when I deny your beauty within me—still, you call me back to your grace and offer me your pardon... Así que esta mañana, Señor, te ofrezco mi corazón contrito ... Tan grande es tu amor por mí, tan exquisito deleite se toma en mí, por lo que toma está usted con mi alma que aun cuando olvido, cuando deslustre, cuando me niego su belleza dentro de mí, aún así, me llamas de nuevo a su gracia y me ofreces tu perdón ... So this morning, Lord, I offer you my contrite heart...Help me remember that you meet me just where I need you: where I'm rough-edged, you come to smooth me; where I'm broken, you come to mend me; where I'm weak, you come to strengthen me; where I'm sick, you come to heal me; where I've sinned, you come to forgive me... And so I offer you my contrite heart... Forgive my sins, Lord, and nurture all that's good in me: be gentle in receiving the heart I offer you for it is, indeed, a broken and contrite heart... Así que esta mañana, Señor, te ofrezco mi corazón contrito … Ayúdame a recordar que tú me encuentras justo en donde te necesito: donde estoy bordes rugosos, llega a suavizar me; donde yo estoy roto, llega a mí repararme; cuando soy débil, llega a fortalecerme; donde yo estoy enfermo, llega a curarme; donde he pecado, llega a perdonarme ... Y por eso te ofrezco mi corazón contrito ... Perdona mis pecados, Señor, y cultiva todo lo que es bueno en mí: se suave en recibir el corazón que te ofrezco porque es, de hecho, un corazón contrito y humillado ... Help me forgive those who've hurt me, Lord, and to see what's good in them, to see what you love in them: let me be gentle in welcoming them into my contrite heart...Help me to trust in the mystery of your mercy, Lord, in the mystery of your merciful and sacred Heart… I offer you my contrite heart, O God, this morning, this day, tonight and through this season of Lent... I offer you my contrite heart: a broken and contrite heart, O Lord, you will not turn away... Amen. Ayúdame a perdonar a los que me han hecho daño, Señor, y para ver lo que es bueno en ellos, para ver lo que amas en ellos: permíteme ser suave en recibirlos en mi corazón contrito ... Ayúdame a confiar en el misterio de tu misericordia, Señor, en el misterio de tu Corazón misericordioso y sagrada ...Te ofrezco mi corazón contrito, oh Dios, esta mañana, el día de hoy, esta noche y a través de este tiempo de Cuaresma ... Te ofrezco mi corazón contrito: un corazón contrito y humillado, oh Señor, que no dará la espalda ... Amén. February 28, 2016 3rd Sunday of Lent WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5 PM, and 1st Saturday 8:30 AM (English) Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM (English); Sunday 12:30 PM (Español) Page 3 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH Int. Obanganwan Umanah, Michael Cloughesy, 5:00 PM D Anselma Abapo, James Lopez Falcon, Adelina Camperi, Ernie Gutierrez, Int. Margaret Mijares, Int. Mariano and Nestor Jimenez. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Friday 8:30 AM (English) 1st Wednesday 6:30 PM (Español) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30 PM (English) 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM (Español) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH 8:00 AM WM Randy Frear, Tom Wayer 10:00 AM WM Amado V. Lopez, Jr. Victoriana Alabanza, Int. Bernie Flores, Generoso Acosta ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday until 6:00 PM Early Morning Adoration Weekday Mornings 6:00 AM— 8:30 AM Sign-up Sheet in the Narthex of the CH. Liturgy of the Hours Monday – Saturday after Adoration Exposition 12:30 PM VP Int. Arnoldo Pedrego, Int. Francisca Nava 5:00 PM D Domecia Ciolino, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29TH 8:30 AM WM Angelita Lopez, Int. Enrique Carrillo TUESDAY, MARCH 1ST Int. Velasco-Soto Family, Int. Arnold Tesoro, Int. 8:30 AM D Luis Ramon Ulloa, Max Natividad, Sr. In Memoriam LUIS DIAZ JUANITO ONA ROGER LEE OELHAFEN ALBA HARROLD AMADO LOPEZ PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND THE SUFFERING IN OUR COMMUNITY: Alegria Valenciano, Lisa Castro, Rick Castro, Saby Manzano, Joel Cook, Trevor Cook, Msngr, John Fosselman, Francisca Nava, Cristina Hernandez, John Lisby, Patty Lisby, Margie Sanchez, Kathy Candelaria, Lynn Martinez, Bill Durban, Geovanny Chinchilla, Adan Ortiz Jr., Custodio Molina, Victoria Lianos, Jerry Fick, Dave Bautista, Teresa Romero and Jennifer Caballero. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2ND 8:30 AM PD Antonio Dela Peña, Joseph Foncesa Elba Escobar 6:30 PM D THURSDAY, MARCH 3RD 8:30 AM PD Hilary Paul, Jessie Aguilar FRIDAY, MARCH 4TH May Magsino, Donatus Umanah, Joe Carlos Sr. 8:30 AM D Olivia Parra Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 8:30— WM 5:00—C, Sun. 8—WM, 10—C, 12:30—D, 5:00—D. Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy VP=Visiting Priest Holy Name of Mary Parish is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please do not leave your purses or valuables unattended. Page 4 3rd Sunday of Lent February 28, 2016 Together in Mission 2016 Our Together In Mission call to action—to do something--continues this week as we invite those who haven’t yet remitted pledge cards/donations to drop them off in the office, in the weekly collection baskets or online at ourmissionla.org/give. This important Diocese wide appeal is love and our faith in action as it allows us to share our gifts with over 80 poor parishes across Los Angeles county……these parishes that rely on our generosity. All contributions are donor restricted and feed directly to these faith communities who serve the poor ensuring that they remain open and alive. Our parish commitment to this program is $140,000, your generous participation is vital to our parish wide commitment to respond to Pope Francis’ reminder that “love is the measure of faith”. To those who have completed their pledge or donation, thank you for your generosity and the love you share. ‘ Festival Volunteers Needed! We have something for everyone! For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact: LYNNE (909)240-1319 lynnecruz60@gmail.com . ¡Necesitamos Voluntarios para el Festival! ¡Tenemos algo para todos! Para mas informacion, por favor communicate con: RITA (626) 456-2378 ritacruzg@aol.com Snack Donations Needed HNM Life Teen’s Spring Retreat is taking place March 11-13. This year, over 160 teens are expected to a end this retreat. With such a large number of teens a ending, we find ourselves in need of snack items, such as water, granola bars, juice boxes/pouches, fruit bars, chips, cookies, pudding cups, etc. If you would like to help donate any of these items, you can drop them off in the new Faith Forma on Office, located next to the new Hall. Thank you for your con nued support of our youth. Many of our teens desire to encounter God through our weekend retreats, but are unable to pay their way and need assistance. If you would like to sponsor a teen for this upcoming retreat, please contact Candice (Youth Minister) in the Faith Forma on Office at 909-599-1243 ext. 234 or candice@hnmparish.org. No sponsorship amount is too small. May God con nue to bless your generosity! February 28, 2016 3rd Sunday of Lent Page 5 Women's Retreat Holy Name of Mary has a new Hall for All and we feel blessed to offer a women's retreat on March 5th in this beautiful hall. Come and rest by the Well for All and be refreshed by the waters of life at our March 5th retreat . If you, like many of us, thirst for the Living Water that Jesus promised then this retreat will be a beautiful and powerful day for you to quench that thirst. Come, sit by the well, and let's have a conversation as we meet several women in their daily routines of gathering water. Come be transformed by their experiences at the well. Be transformed by your own experience at the well. The Samaritan Woman was met by Jesus at the well and there she was nourished and refreshed by his love. We are offering a day to learn from the wisdom of the Samaritan Woman, refresh yourselves, journal and share with other women traveling the same road you may be traveling. We have a beautiful day of Lenten reflection for you to Come Apart and Rest Awhile. March 5, 2016 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Registration: $45.00 (lunch included) Registration fees are non refundable Join us on FRIDAYS as we journey together through LENT Soup & Stations March 4th (Hall) 6:00pm to 6:45pm Stations of the Cross @ 7:00 pm (Church) For Information Contact: Phyllis Phelps (909) 973-6012 Mary Charles (626) 327-3250 CaraMinistries@hotmail.com The St. Joseph Ministry invites you to the St. Joseph’s Dinner held on Saturday, March 19th beginning at 5:30 pm Dinner Menu : Baked pasta, meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and dessert with a choice of beverages. Dinner tickets will be available on March 6th, & March 13th, after most masses. PRESALE TICKETS: $5 ADULTS/$3 CHILDREN (Ages 612yrs.) Children under 5 are FREE. Tickets will be available in the parish office the week of March 14th. Plan to join us for a joyful evening. Elaine Swab 626-335-6619 esginrse@aol.com March 11th & 18th (Hall) 6:00pm to 6:45pm Stations of the Cross @ 7:00 pm (Church) March 25th (Hall) 5:30 pm Living Stations at 6:30 pm Suggested Almsgiving for Soup is $5 per family, To be donated to the Society of St. Vincent De Paul Prayer-Fasting-Almsgiving This evening is hosted by HNM Ministries. Grief Support will meet on Saturday, March 5th at 9:15 a.m. in the Damien Room Page 6 3rd Sunday of Lent February 28, 2016 MATTHEW KELLY IS Easter Mass Schedule March 27, 2016 Sunrise Mass (6am) 8:00 am 8:15 am 10:00 am 10:15 am 12:30 (Español) 5:00 pm COMING TO RANCHO CUCAMONGA! Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for a deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life? March 5, 2016 9:00am – 1:30pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church Rancho Cucamonga Cost: $39.00 GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY! Contact: Tom Nolan, cell (818) 298-1360 tom_nolan1@yahoo.com FLOWERS FOR EASTER If you would like to have flowers placed in the church this Easter Season in honor or in memory of a loved one, please fill out the following form and submit it with a donation of $10.00 per plant to the Pastoral Office or pick-up a flower envelope from the Pastoral Office. Donations must be submitted no later than by Sunday, March 20th. Si le gustaría tener flores en la Iglesia este tiempo de Pascua en honor o en memoria de un ser querido, por favor, rellene el siguiente formulario y con una donación de $10.00 por cada planta a la Oficina de Pastoral o pick-up un formulario en la Oficina de Pastoral. Las donaciones deben ser presentadas a más tardar el domingo, 20 de marzo. PLEASE PRINT — ONE NAME PER PLANT Por favor imprima. Un nombre por planta. _______________________________________ Name (indicate living or deceased) nombre de su ser querido (indique si esta vivo o difunto) ______________________________________ Donation From: nombre de el donante ______________________________________ Telephone Number numero de teléfono ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO… Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. There are separate sessions for children or youth. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For information please contact Charlie Martinez at 909-599-1243 ext. 140 or Charlie@hnmparish.org February 28, 2016 3rd Sunday of Lent Page 7 From the Director of Administration… Parking for Weekend Mass Parking for weekend masses continues to be challenging – there are no easy solutions. We ask cooperation and courtesy from all. Please do not park in the red curb areas marked NO PARKING – FIRE LANE -these areas are necessary for emergency access only. The parish has not called for enforcement from the Sherriff’s department for parking in these areas but others have; the sheriff’s department is required to respond and ticket cars when illegally parked. Please be considerate and only park in designated areas. Please honor the handicapped spaces and the spaces for the physically impaired. Our lots will continue to be overfull for many of our masses, when they are filled to capacity parking on the streets and a short walk will be required. Thank you for your cooperative. The San Gabriel Valley Magnificat is hosting a prayer brunch with guest speaker Sister Carmelina Leland, OCD on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Registration @ 9:30) at San Dimas Canyon Golf Course 2100 Terrebonne Ave. San Dimas, CA. 91773 (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE) Magnificat is a ministry whose objective is to help foster growth in holiness and to live out the mystery of Mary's visit to Elizabeth in our lives. Registration fee: $25 by February 27th, $29 after. Registration forms will be in the entrance and office of the church. For more information, contact Clara Luera at (626) 963-5532. Queen of Peace Rosary Group Healing Mass Schedule ON THE DAYS WHERE NO PRIEST IS LISTED, WE WILL MEET FOR ADORATION, ROSARY, CHAPLET AND PRAISE AND WORSHIP BEGINNING AT 6:45 PM Please Join Us! Mar 3, 2016 Mar 10, 2016 Mar 17, 2016 Mar 24, 2016 HNM CHURCH Fr. Michael Barry, ss.cc. (6:15pm)(Healing Mass/Sec Br. Formation) HNM CHURCH Fr. Pat Crowley, ss.cc. Rm 206-7 HNM Praise and Worship Holy Thursday NO MEETING Our Old Testament Reading, the First Reading, on this Third Sunday of Lent, relates the narrative of Moses and the Burning Bush. Like many readings which we hear throughout our lives, this is an image and a story with which most of us are familiar. Also, through Moses’ experience there is a stewardship message for each of us. As Moses approaches the bush, God calls out “Moses, Moses!” The fact that the Lord repeats Moses’ name gives the situation a sense of urgency. Perhaps God feels the same sense of urgency in relation to each of us. God calls us, and He calls us by name, but too often we do not hear, or we do not pay attention. Probably most often we are not even listening. The second aspect of stewardship indicated in this passage from Holy Scripture is found in God’s next statement, “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” Removing sandals was an act of respect, a sign of humility. To fully live lives of stewardship requires these traits from each of us — to be alert and aware that God is speaking to us, but we must listen, and to live our lives, especially our stewardship lives, with a sense of humility. That is, after all, how we really show love for our God and for one another. February 20 & 21 , 2016 Offertory Weekly Fiscal Yearto-Date YTD $ vs Last Year $34,009 $1,041,512 +$84,942 +8.9 % Do you have a Bulletxin Artxicle? To submit an article for the parish bulletin email it to bulletin@hnmparish.org The article must be a word or publisher file. Due to printing deadlines, submit article 10 days in advance from desired publish date. Early Bulletin Deadlines: Palm Sunday (March 20th) DUE MARCH 11th (Articles Dues March 3rd) Easter Sunday (March 27th) Due March 18th (Articles Due March 11th) Submixt Photos! What’s going on in your ministry? Share any pictures you have taken of your ministry with us! Email them to gabby@hnmparish.org OR bring a flash drive/CD to the Parish Office! Photos submitted may be used for a variety of purposes... bulletin covers, annual reports, parish directories, brochures, parish calendar, midweek bulletin, and on our parish website. Thank you. For Wedding and Marriage Information please contact Brenda Luna at 909-599-1243 ext. 137 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 599–1243 • FAX: (909) 599–4230 Website: HNMparish.org • Email: hnm@hnmparish.org Pastor Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Ext. 114 Frrich@hnmparish.org Director of Pastoral Ministry Charlie Martinez Ext. 140 Charlie@hnmparish.org Director of Administration Pat Joyce Ext. 112 Pat@hnmparish.org Grief Support Minister, Liturgy & Weddings Brenda Luna Ext. 137 Brenda@hnmparish.org Director of Music Dolores Gomez Ext. 135 Dolores@hnmparish.org Parish Secretary Deborah Lamborghini Ext. 110 Deborah@hnmparish.org Administrative Assistant Michele Cote Ext. 199 Michele@hnmparish.org Communications Coordinator Gabby Ulloa Ext. 136 Gabby@hnmparish.org St. Vincent de Paul Conf. Ext. 138 Marriage Annulments Mary Ann Brewer-Nolan 626-359-3854 Holy Name of Mary School 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 542–0449 • holynamemaryschool.org Principal, Holy Name of Mary School Deborah Marquez Ext. 226 dmarquez@hnmschool.org Deacons Marv Estey Ext. 177 Al & Rita Austin (RCIA) Ext. 110 Jose & Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Mario & Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Melanie Bailey Ext. 232 Melanie@hnmparish.org Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Candice Brown Ext. 234 Candice@hnmparish.org Religious Education Administrative Assistant Erika Montenegro Ext. 280 Erika@hnmparish.org Serving Senior Living Communities: Brookdale, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement & Atria Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey This Week’s Events at Holy Name of Mary Adoration: Monday—Saturday at 6am in the CH Centering Prayer: Monday—Friday at 8am in the Chapel Rosary Group: Monday-Friday 9am Chapel Please refer to your Faith Formation Calendar for your child’s class schedule. Thursday, March 03, 2016 Monday, February 29, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CH 8:30 AM Daily Mass CH Spanish Childrens Choir Music Office 5:00 PM English Altar Server Training CH 5:00 PM 5:45 PM Miracle Monday Rosary Chapel 6:15 PM SSCC Healing Mass and Formation CH HALL JR ROOM 5 Faculty Room 6:15 PM Spanish Bible Insitute Meeting FF 208 7:00 PM Evening English Bible Study Damien Room 7:00 PM Spanish Study Group FF 203 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Confirmation FF 204 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Festival General meeting Weekly AA meeting Tuesday, March 01, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CH 7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting OLG 10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group Chapel 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Shawl Ministry OL Mt. Carmel 6:00 PM Spanish Lector Practice CH 6:00 PM Men's Shield Steering Meeting 8:30 AM 1st Friday Adoration Chapel 6:30 PM PTG Board Meeting OL Mt. Carmel JR ROOM 5 Faculty Room 8:30 AM Daily Mass CH FF 208 5:00 PM English Altar Server Training CH 6:00 PM Soup and stations HALL 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross CH 7:00 PM Maravillas De Jesus weekly meeting FF 203 7:00 PM Life Teen monthly Core Meeting 7:00 PM Adult English Confirmation Chapel 7:00 PM Dolores' choir practice CH 7:00 PM Men's Shield Weekly meeting FF 206 & 207 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Faith Formation FF 209 7:00 PM Spanish Lector Monthly Meeting OLG Wednesday, March 02, 2016 8:30 AM Daily Mass CH 2:00 PM Stations of the Cross CH 6:30 PM MASS (Español) CH 6:45 PM Edge Core Team Meeting FF 208 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Choir Practice CH 7:00 PM R.C.I. A. Damien Room 7:30 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry 7:00 PM Centering Prayer FF 206 & 207 Workroom/ Copier Friday, March 04, 2016 Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:00 AM CARA Retreat HALL 8:30 AM First Sat. Mass CH 9:15 AM Grief Support monthly meeting Damien Room 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting OL Mt. Carmel 3:30 PM Reconciliation CH 5:00 PM MASS CH 8:00 AM MASS CH 10:00 AM MASS CH 12:30 PM MASS CH 5:00 PM MASS CH Sunday, March 06, 2016 This page is for ads This page is for ads This page is for ads Immaculate Heart Radio Booth at 2016 HNM Family Festival We look forward to once again having an Immaculate Heart Radio Booth at the 2016 Holy Name of Mary Family Festival. Last year, Joseph Peters, who is our Parish Ambassador (liaison between HNM and Immaculate Heart Radio), manned the booth as well as other volunteers. A number of heartwarming stories came forth from this venture. One patron heard the 30 second radio spot on IHR AM930 (Catholic Radio in Los Angeles) and brought her father all the way from Ventura County. The one way trip is 90 miles! One family was searching for another church and saw our festival poster as well as hearing the radio spot and decided to attend the festival. After attending mass, they signed up to become parishioners. Another person also heard the radio spot and came to our family festival. Everyone was so nice to him that he began to come to Sunday mass at our church, even though he was not Catholic. He became inspired and took the steps to become a Catholic and has also become a parishioner. Please come and visit the Immaculate Heart Radio Booth at our 2016 Holy Name of Mary Family Festival from April 22nd through the 24th. There will be free giveaways as well as a raffle for a nice prize. And please tune into AM930 to listen for our new 30 second radio spots which will be running from April 10th through April 23rd. Subscribe to Holy Name of Mary's Mid Week Bulletin! Every Thursday Holy Name of Mary sends a Mid Week Bulletin. Sign up to get prayer reflections and upcoming events delivered to your inbox. Your email address will not be shared with a third party, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Text HNMPARISH to 22828 The following message will ask you to reply with your email address. That’s it, You’re subscribed!
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