Thank You - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic Church Parish
Thank You - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic Church Parish
Fourth Sunday of Easter Jesus’ claim to be true to the shepherd, the only pastor, has nothing idyllic about it. It completes his break with mercenary religious leaders in whose eyes the sheep matter little. “I myself will pasture my sheep; I myself will give them rest, says the Lord God. The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal, shepherding them rightly.” (Ezek 34: 15-16) This is God’s way of acting, and the way of Christ, who gave his life for those the Father entrusted to him. Many do not appreciate being compared to a flock of sheep. Nevertheless, the image of the sheep suggests clearly what are: defenseless before the ravaging wolf. Of all creatures, sheep possess the weakest sense of direction. So they entrust themselves by instinct to their shepherd to defend and guide them. Novena Prayers Dear Parishioner, Here is another odd phenomena as a result of pietistic ignorance which most parish priests have to deal with. It is common to find littering the church copies of novena like prayers for special prayer requests. Current copies found in our Shrine of the Little Flower placed the weekend of Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord detailed the following: POWERFUL PRAYER OF PETITION, Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary! Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus! Thoughout the World for all Eternity. Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and make 81 copies of this novena. Leave 9 copies in 9 churches and ask for our petition. Before the nine days are up your petition will be granted. Before the nine days are up NO MATTER HOW DIFFCULT! P.S. DON’T FORGET TO THANK GOD. Again, People, let us be smart and educated Catholics and not drawn to such pietistic superstition. Novena Prayers are an ancient and beautiful tradition in the Church but where this beautiful prayer forms becomes warped is through the above style of praying to God and the Saint. Leave 9 copies in 9 churches—thank goodness for the invention of photocopy machines, eh? I suppose before the advent of photocopy machines a person needed to copy by hand with pen and paper the prayers— perhaps this form helped them truly become closer to the Most Holy One. I know whenever I find this sort of photocopied ignorant dribble in or church, left on back pews or hidden, I personally tear them in half and discard them in the refuse bins OUTSIDE THE CHURCH BUILDING! Let us not confuse this superstition style of making 81 photocopies with the noble tradition of novenas—following is an excerpt from a friend’s book What’s the Smoke For? by Johan van Parys: Novena Prayers cont.. Dear Johan, My mother used to drag us to novenas when we were young. Whatever happened to them? They seem to have disappeared. Gentle Reader, I grew up with them too. The ones I remember the best is the novena to St. Anthony, the Wonderworker. My grandmother had a great devotion to St. Anthony and was in regular need of his help with lost items. At her instigation my father took my brother and me to our local Franciscan friary for the yearly novena of St. Anthony. This meant that for nine Tuesdays leading up to the feast of St. Anthony on June 13, the day of his dies natalis or the day of his birth into heaven, we went to early morning Mass with the friars. I don’t remember much about what we did except that we attended Mass, prayed a special prayer, and brought white lilies, which I was told were St. Anthony’s favorite flowers. As a treat we had breakfast at my grandmother’s home rather than ours. The word novena comes from the Latin word novem, meaning nine. Thus a novena is a series of nine days on which one prays for a specific need. Usually these are nine consecutive days. So, the novena for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, for example, is prayed on the nine days leading up to Pentecost, starting on the Friday of the sixth week of Easter and ending on the Saturday of the seventh week of Easter. In those churches that still celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on the Thursday between the sixth and seventh Sundays of Easter, the novena for the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prayed on the nine days between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday. A novena can also be prayed on the same day of the week for nine consecutive weeks. This is the case with the novena of St. Anthony. Like many other traditional devotions, novenas have largely fallen to the wayside in the Western world. Thankfully, in other parts of the world these and other devotions are practiced with great fervor. New immigrants often bring these with them and thus they are gradually being reintroduced in parts of the church where they are dormant. So, if you miss praying novenas, why don’t you go in search for one or, better yet, maybe your pastor might be willing to start one. I would start slowly by suggesting a novena for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How could he say no? DOMINICAN ECCLESIAL INSTITUTE SPEAKER Prepare to be inspired Sunday May 3 Fr. Jim Marchionda, OP, will present the DEI monthly talk: "How Can I Keep from Singing? The Power of Prayer & Preaching Through Sacred Song." The event is from 1-3p.m. at the UNM Continuing Education Center on University Boulevard. Contact the DEI office to reserve a space or for more information: 243-0525 or . Now Enrolling! St. Therese Catholic School has been fostering faith, service and learning since 1947. We offer academic programs for Pre-school to 8th grade. We are conveniently located in the North Valley, minutes from I-25 and I-40. We offer Before and After Care from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Be sure to visit us and see what a small environment can do for your child in 2015! For information call the school at 344-4479 or visit our website at . God Bless St. Therese School ‘s 19th Annual Golf Tournament St. Therese School is holding its Golf Tournament on May 8th, 2015 at Desert Greens Golf Course and we need your help. You can help us by sponsoring a hole as follows: Gold Sponsor: $1500.00, Silver Sponsor: $1000.00, Bronze Sponsor: $500.00, Hole Sponsor: $250.00, or by sponsoring a player. The cost is $125.00 per player or $500.00 per team A sound education and challenging curriculum is very important to be competitive in today’s market. Your donation to St Therese School will help to further the education of many children in the Albuquerque community. St. Therese School is a beacon of hope in the North Valley. It provides a quality education within a safe and nurturing environment. Invest in our children. They are our future leaders. Bake Sale Fundraiser April 25th & April 26th after all Masses. Your support for the St. Therese youth is most welcome and appreciated. This bake sale is to support the youth going to El Salvador and their project. They will be in El Salvador August 4th - 11, 2015. Thank you for your generous support. Collections from April 19, 2015 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD. Regular Sunday Collection $7967.32 St. Vincent de Paul $ 370.00 School Support $ 147.00 Utilities $ 000.00 Building Fund $1678.00 Church Boiler $ 000.00 Prayer Garden $ 500.00 Misc $ 000.00 Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections Please use your envelopes when making any donations to our parish. (If possible please use checks). If you don’t have envelopes, you may use the temporary envelopes which are located at the entrance and in the back of the church. Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish Javier & Angela Carrillo, Brenda Chavez, Ray J. de la Cruz, Ernest Sierra, Corrine Garcia, Julian Aguirre, Ron Garcia, Leo Sandoval, Jose Vernier, Fr. Christopher Crotty, Fr. Ron Carrillo, Philip Cordova, George Valley, Liberty Boettger, Melissa Escarcida, Josephine Dominguez, Rudy Archuleta, Imelda Garcia, Emma Baca, Eunique Montoya, David Lucero, Gabriel Shooter Delgado, Abigail Delgado, Joe Baca, Millie Borrego, Theresa Hernandez, Anthony Cuellar, Priscilla Duran, Ermalinda Baca, Janet Lucero, Dorothy Luna, Isabel Jaramillo, Rosa De Aragon, John Brockmann, Bill Kinzy, Candice Demar, Alice Mario, Aaron Armijo, Catherine Howle, Christopher Sena, Jr., Eva P. Sanchez, Anna Mae Olona, Ernest Benavidez, Mike Guzman, Loretta Garcia and for those in hospitals and in their home who can’t attend church. REMINDER: Each week names will be deleted from the current list to accommodate other parishioners who need to be added to this list. Great news!! We the Greeter ministry are happy to announce that an amazing $1653.00 was raised from the burrito sales which took place the weekend of April 11th & 12, from donations received for the St Therese youth delegation for the youth who will be traveling to El Salvador! With YOUR support, the amazing work of the greeter ministry and the help of the 2 benefactors that donated the burritos it would not have been the success that it was. Thank you greeters!!! On behalf of the Greeter team we thank ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR MOST KIND AND GENEROUS SUPPORT!!! Congratulations Alex Jurado, Isabella Bruzezze and Sarah Maes!! The catholic communicator Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM AN OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE* Friday, May 8 • Queen of Heaven Catholic School Spring Benefit Gala-Dinner-Dance-Auction • Sheraton Uptown • 6-11pm • Tickets are $75 each and may be purchased at the school office 5303 Phoenix, NE, Albuquerque 87110 • or tickets may be ordered by phone 505-881-2484 (credit cards) • Fun, music, laughter, dancing and silent and live auctions and some great prizes. Call 505-881-2484. The Catholic Charismatic Cen- ter will be having its Women’s Conference, Saturday, May 2 • 8:30am to 3:30pm • at the Shrine of St. Bernadette in the Church Hall, 11509 Indian School Rd NE, Albuquerque. Sister Cecilia Bushnell, DLJC a native of Santa Fe, will be the guest speaker. The theme of the Conference is “The Joyous Genius of Women.” Registration is $15 and includes lunch. To register please call 505247-0397. Printable registration forms and the schedule are available at The Serra Club of Albuquerque Sunday • April 26, 2015 St. Therese School is holding its 19th Annual St. Therese School Golf Tournament on May 8, at Desert Greens Golf Course and we need your help. You can help us by sponsoring a hole or by sponsoring a player. Or, golf in the tournament. The cost is $125 per player or $500 per team. All proceeds from the Golf Tournament go directly towards enhancing the educational programs at St. Therese Catholic School. Please call St. Therese School for more information at 344-4479. May 9 • St. Charles School 3rd Annual Golf Tournament is scheduled for May 9 at 8:00am Contact Ronda Gilliland-Lopez, or (505) 681-9952. Our Lady of the Annunciation Knights of Columbus Council 14920 is hosting its Inaugural Golf Tournament on May 23, with an 8:00am Shotgun Start at Arroyo del Oso Golf Course in Albuquerque. Cost is $100/player, or $400/team, which includes 1 round of golf, cart, driving range, lunch, and awards ceremony. Your player fee will go to support Knights of Columbus charities. Contact Jason Bogue: 505-934-9991, or Pat Schroeder: 505-980-8792, or Tony Leos: 505-206-0611. invites you to join them on, Good Shepherd Sunday/Vocations Sunday, April 26, in praying for our priests and for vocations to the Priesthood and Concreted Life. This is a special day set aside to honor priests and the priesthood. You are encouraged to let your parish priest know your appreciation for him -- Write a note of gratitude, give him a phone call; tell him that you are thankful for him and that you are praying for him. Offer prayers of thanksgiving to God for the gift of our shepherds (priests) and that He will grant us more holy vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. For information on the Serra Club of Albuquerque visit or call 507-2782. Pray Invite Encourage Affirm Legacy Art Albuquerque 2015 will be Saturday, May 9 at 5pm (at Sandia Resort, Main Ballroom). Featured Artists include St. Pius X parent Jose Jaramillo, Michelle Ferran, *A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Tish Hinojosa and 7-time Grammy winner Little Jo (of Little Joe y La Familia). Legacy Art Albuquerque is a great art auction featuring the best artists in the industry. Most of the featured artists will be in attendance. All proceeds will support SPX Fine Arts and the Art Has Heart Foundation. Please come and enjoy this spectacular evening with silent and live auction, buffet dinner and entertainment. For reservations, call SPX Advancement Office (505) 831-8406 or on-line at Knights Of Peter Claver And Ladies Auxiliary • This is a calling for a wonderful opportunity with the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary, a lay organization of Catholic men and women dedicated to servicing the sick and disabled, engendering social justice through Catholic action, and promoting intellectual association. The Knights and Ladies need 12 men and 12 women to start their respective orders here in New Mexico. Let’s make a difference in our local community! For more information, please call the general line at (505) 875-0153. San Felipe de Neri Catholic school is offering a half-day Pre-Kindergarten class in the Fall of 2015. Our Pre-K program provides a safe, warm, and caring Catholic environment where children can learn and explore their creativity through age-appropriate individual and group activities. Classes are 3 hours/day, 5 days/week. Please call the School Office at 242-2411 for our part-time tuition costs and information. Catholic Charities has many volunteer opportunities. However, the greatest need for volunteers is for Senior Transportation Drivers in the 87121, 87105 and 87102 area of the city. Drivers provide transportation to seniors 60+ to medical appointments, grocery shopping, and government offices. Volunteers set their own schedule and zip code destination. Gas cards are available upon request. Please contact; Cathy Aragon-Marquez at 724-4634 Published by JCPress • • 505-856-0333 Mass Intentions Fourth Sunday of Easter Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Acts 11: 19-26; Jn 10: 22-30 8:00 AM †Ann Sealy By: Margaret Villanueva †Daniel Catano By: Margaret Villanueva Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Acts 12: 24-13:5a; Jn 12: 44-50 8:00 AM †Manuel Gonzales By: Wife Sarah & family Thursday, April 30, 2015 Acts 13: 13-25; Jn 13: 16-20 8:00 AM RECEIVE COMMUNION by making a throne: ONE HAND UNDER THE OTHER, READY TO RECEIVE our great King. St. Cyril of Jerusalem †Aaron J. Cortez By: Family Friday, May 1, 2015 Acts 13: 26-33; Jn 14: 1-6 8:00 AM †Andres, Vicenta & Clara Arretche By: St. Therese Parish †Antonio & Annie Perea By: Lorraine Luna Saturday, April 25, 2015 Saturday, May 2, 2015 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 1 Pt 5: 5b-14; Mk 16: 15-20 4:00 PM †Matthew Skender By: The Corazza Family In honor of St. Anthony (Favors received) Corrine Garcia †Pete Acosta (2nd Anniversary) By: Wife & family †Ella Lucero (Birthday) By: Family †Amelia Black (Birthday) By: Belinda Sweeten Sunday, April 26, 2015 Acts 4: 8-12; 1 Jn 3: 1-2; Jn 10: 11-18 8:00 AM In honor of All Saints (Favors received) By: Stella Pohl †Adan Molina By: Camila Molina †Richard Padila By: Carlos Garcia & Family 10:00 AM †Dora Martinez (Birthday) By: Martinez Children †Celia Gabaldon By: Patricia Lucero †Carmoline Grady †Robert Hoolihan (20th Anniversary) By: Family 12:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Special Intentions of Life Teen Monday, April 27, 2015 Acts 11: 1-18; Jn 10: 1-10 8:00 AM Communion Services †Ricky Joseph Parra By: Del Curto family Acts 13: 44-52; Jn 14: 7-14 4:00 PM †Alice Trujillo (Birthday) By: Family FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Sunday, May 3, 2015 Acts 9: 26-31; 1 Jn 3: 18-24; Jn 15: 1-8 8:00 AM †Jose Carlos Neri By: Piedad Dominguez †Pedro Molina By: Camila Molina †Richard Padila By: Carlos Garcia & Family 10:00 AM †Jimmy D. Harris (10th Anniversary) By: Cora Harris & Family †Filiberto Martinez (Birthday) By: Wife Priscilla †Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Griego & deceased family members By: Tony & Rosemary Montoya 12:00 PM †Prospero E. Archuleta (Birthday) By: Inez Archuleta †Anna L. Ortiz By: Kathleen Ortiz †Mary Rita Gutierrez & Eloisa Martinez By: Doris Vigil Special Intentions of Life Teen “Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers! The advertisements pay for our bulletins. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK #1 Plumbing & Air - 999-9567
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