Parish Support - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church


Parish Support - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church
Parish Support
Ministries and Organizations
Altar Angels, Anne Grove
Catholic Daughters, Winifred Mannery
Decorating Committee, Helene Christian
Funeral Ministry, Gerry Kilroy
Knights of Columbus, William Fenerty, Sr.
Martha Helpers, Anne Grove
Photography, Don Szwak, (
Prayer Network, Barry Scholcoff
Publicity, Lynne Flanagan
Sacristan Ministry
Scribe Ministry, Dolores Morello
Scripture Study, Mary Accordino
Social Events,
Paula DiMaggio & Mike Brindisi
Social Network, Rita Pagoulatos
St. Dismas Ministry, Anonymous
Stitch in Time, Delores Morello
Youth Ministry, Bobbi DeLucry
Faith Formation,
call 266-2123:
Faith Formation
Call: 266- 2123
Finance Committee: Call 266-2123
Edward Mong
Robert Smith
Anthony DiMaggio
Pastoral Council: Call 266-2123
Fr. Bill Vandegrift
Fr. Alfred Mungujakisa
Deacon Lenny Long
Rita Pagoulatos, Chairperson
Frank Burbridge
Thank you for your support and generosity.
Stewards Love Jesus
“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No
one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s
friends” - JOHN 15:12-13
Do you love Jesus? Do you consider Him your friend?
Jesus says that if we love Him we should be willing to
offer whatever we have to Him, not because we want
praise and glory, but simply because we are His
Stewards and we love Him.
Gifts for the Offertory of the Mass
Diocesan 2nd Collection for the
Victims of the Nepal Earthquake
Fr. Bill Vandegrift
Damon Galmin (Trustee)
John Murray (Trustee)
Donations made to help defray our parish subsidy for
Assumption Regional Catholic School (ARCS) last
weekend $978.00 . For information about Assumption
Regional Catholic School, contact Cathryn Flammer at:
If the Mass you are attending is being requested by you
or a family member, and you wish to participate in the
Offertory Procession, please see the ushers before Mass
Baptismal Prep, Kira Amalfitano
Marriage Prep, Deacon Lenny Long
RCIA, Deacon Lenny Long
Religious Education (CCD), Deb Widmann
Altar Servers, Fr. Al
Children’s Liturgy, Fr. Al
Eucharistic Ministers, Laurel Haeser
Greeters, Roseann DiMaggio
Lectors, Linda Camerota
Music, Mary Jane Kelso
Ushers, Joe Maiorano
Collection for May 3: $8,905.00
Egiving: $ 640.00
Anne Cwiklinski
Rick DeLucry
Toni Garnett, Secretary
Jim Levins
Patty Mohnack
As announced at Mass last weekend, we are having a
second collection for the victims of the Nepal earthquake
two weeks ago. If you didn’t remember to bring your
donation, you can give it at the parish office during the
week as we will be making one check to the diocese for
our parish donation.
Bishop Dennis Sullivan stated in his recent letter that
Catholic Relief Services has already begun a major
emergency response and is providing 10,000 families
(50,000 people) with emergency shelter materials,
blankets, water treatment and hygiene kits. The agency
expects to expand its activities to additional families.
“The help of the Catholic community in the U.S. is
desperately needed. I urge you to arrange a special
collection in your parish. The funds will be used to
respond to immediate emergency needs for such
necessities such as water, food, shelter and medical care
as well as long-term needs to rebuild the communities in
the regions affected after widespread destruction.”
Electronic Giving is Available!!
Sign up online from the St. Thomas Web Site
To strengthen stewardship at St. Thomas the Apostle
Parish, we ask that you prayerfully consider utilizing a
new and easier way to support our parish... eGiving!
Let us pray for all of our sick, may they
receive the healing touch of Our Lord:
Mass Intentions
6th Sunday of Easter
May 9
Marianto Mother’s Day Novena nia Drogo
by Daughter
Anthony Masino by Family
James Ward by Parents
May 10
Mother’s Day Novena
Mother’s Day Novena
Mother’s Day Novena
May 11
Mother’s Day Novena
May 12
Mother’s Day Novena
May 15
Parishioners of St. Thomas
May 16
Parishioners of St. Thomas
Joe Boardman
by LaMar Buffington & Family
Hugh Mannery by LaMar Buffington
May 14 Ascension of the Lord
Mother’s Day Novena
Mother’s Day Novena
Mother’s Day Novena
May 13
Mother’s Day Novena
May 17
Bernard McSloy by Coffey Family
John T. Daniels, Sr.
by Capt.(Ret.) James V. Daniels & Family
Dominic & Lenora Maiorano
by Joseph Maiorano
William Kruger by Patsy Kruger
Gina Fontana Zisa by Sally Blood
Gaetano Fontana
Please Pray for the Deceased:
Reverend Monsignor Patrick S. Chiarilli
Victoriana Gaviola ( Fr. Raul’s Mother)
Judi Pontillo, Dorothy Thress, Leonard
Thress, Julia Spinelli, Jim Frugoli, Howard
Clark, Richard Guzzetti, Kim DiChiara, Mike Thomas, Rita
Stafford, Victor Flores, Marie Asper, Richard Wilson,
Sheila Daily, Frank Papa, Rita Angeliello, Grace Ketterer
We update our sick list every three months. Please notify the
Parish Office with the name of the person in need of prayer.
Remember to include your loved ones in our Parish Prayer
Petition Book located in the front foyer of the Church.
Please Remember To Keep the Members of Our
Armed Forces In Your Prayers:
John C. Presner, 1 Lt. Jg. Andrew G.
Kerr, USS. Georgia, SSG Teresa DeMuro,
AF – Japan, SPC Michael Staunton, Army
– SHAPE, Belgium, 1 Lt. Matt Valnoski,
Ft. Bragg, N.C., Matthew Krimm, Army, Iraq, Michael
Krimm, Army, Medic Texas, Sgt. Michael Peterson,
US. Army, Washington State, Sergeant Michael
Spinogatti, US. Army, Alaska, Lt. Colonel (Marines)
Eric DiFrancesco, – Afghanistan, St. Sgt. Lyle Voisey,
Army Infantry, Ft. Drum, NY, Capt. Scott Croskey, Air
Force, Fort Meade, Maryland, John C. Presner, Sr. Air
Force Airman, SPC. Kimberly Staller, Ft. Leavenworth,
KS, Cody LaBarr, US. Marines, Matthew Sentore, U.S.
Marines, Okinawa
House of Charity
2015 Campaign Prayer
We are called
We are called by God to serve in Charity.
We hear His call and respond to His Invitation.
We pray for inspiration to cheerfully serve with
Trust and faith in Him.
With the strength of God and the gift of the Spirit,
We pray our work will serve the spiritual and
Needs of many of our neighbors.
May the work we engage in for our House of
Enable the love of God to grow in abundance.
Together, We Are Called.
3rd Time: Kathleen Chisholm & Matthew Lanahan
1st Time: Chelsea Pizzi & John DiCarlo
Today is Hospitality Sunday. Please
come to the St. Philip Hall for coffee and
doughnuts. Professionals will be available
to check your blood pressure.
Liturgical Ministry Schedule
May 14 - Ascension of the Lord
J. Corrigan
P. Mohnack
M. Harvey
Sat./ Sun.
M. Stinson
E. Stafford
T. Ciullo
J. Robbins
The Church is Closed For Cleaning
May 16 & 17
J. Maiorano,
R. & M. Pagoulatos
May 16 – 17
B. DeLucry, D. Szwak,
G. Kilroy, J. Roth
A. Solari, B. O’Connor,
R. Hak-Burns
M. & M. Brindisi,
M. & B. Smith
M. & G. Shindle, D. Galmin
D. Marrandino
All weekend Masses & Confession
will be held in St. Philip Hall:
Saturday: 8:30am & 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am
Altar Servers
MG., & J. & K. Geisler
N. Fegan, M. & J. Klemm
G. Porpora, S. Smith, N. Eafrati
T. DiBona, J. Sucharski, T. Powell
If unable to serve, kindly
find a replacement. Thank you.
This Week…
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 15
May 16
May 17
Youth Grp. Bake Sale,
After All Masses
Hospitality Sunday after all Masses
Happy Mother’s Day!
Parish Council Mtg., 7pm,
Mtg. Rm. A
Rosary for Peace, 7:00pm.
Baptismal Prep. Class, 7;30pm.,
Mtg. Rm. A
Wedding Rehearsal, 6:00pm.
Confession, 3:00pm, Hall
4pm Mass, Hall
All Masses in Hall
Baptism, 12noon
May 23 – Youth Group Car Wash
May 24 – 35 Yr. Ordination Mass – Fr. Bill
June 14 - Mass on the Beach
July 11 – Brian’s Walk
July 26 – Chicken BBQ
August 12 – Designer Bag Bingo
August 14 – Blessing of the Sea
We Have a
Ministry at St. Thomas!
4:00pm – Joe Corrigan
8:00am – Mike Napolitano
9:30am – Alicia & Stan Sekinsky
11:00am – Debby Long
Thank you to Barbara DuBois & Barry Sholcoff
for their dedicated service.
Congratulations to Our Parishioners
Celebrating May Anniversaries
Jane & Victor Kozub
Barbara & Joseph Zamartis
Jane & Will LaVerghetta
Eileen M. Costello & John P. Fullerton
Patty & Michael Mohnack
David & Laura Borrone
70 Years
60 Years
60 Years
40 Years
24 Years
23 Years
Our prayers and best wishes go with you as you continue to
live your vows. Please call the Parish Office or email
to have your anniversary
announced in the bulletin.
On Sunday, May 24th - Special Mass at 11:00am.
All are welcome!
Light refreshments will be served after Mass
in St. Philip Hall
16th / 17th Mass on the Beach
Mass on the Beach for CCD (Religious
Education) students and all parishioners is Sunday, June
14th, at 9:30am, at the 16 Street South Pavilion.
Weather permitting. If the weather is nice, it is a
wonderful experience. The regularly scheduled Mass at
9:30am at the Church will also be held. Please remember
to bring a beach chair or a blanket.
Mother’s Day Cards & Novena Offering Envelopes
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10 . We will offer a
novena of Masses for all Moms, both living and
deceased. Mother’s Day Cards and Novena Offering
Envelopes can be found at all entrances of the church.
Please indicate the names of those to be
remembered in the novena on the
offering envelope and place it in the
collection basket at Mass, along with
your donation. The envelopes will be
placed on the Altar during the month of May. Don’t forget
to take a card to give to your Mom on Mother’s Day!
When: Sat. & Sun., May 9 & 10 after all Masses
Where: In the back of the Church
The Youth Group are selling delicious, home-made
goodies after every Mass.
Please support our youth!
Brian Woods Memorial Scholarship
Thank You for your help with preparation of
our 2nd graders for their First Holy Communion:
Applications for the Brian Woods Memorial Scholarship
are now available from the Brigantine North School
principal. Several $1,000. scholarships will be awarded
to Brigantine eighth grade students entering a Catholic
high school this September. The 17th Annual Brian's
Walk will be held on Saturday, July11th. For further
information contact Andy Solari at 264-1040.
Anita Laielli
Pat Stoltzfus
Mary Pizza
Memorial Day Weekend Car Wash
Thanks, also, to Linda Rosas for the
gorgeous flower arrangements!!
“The Little Catholic Shop”
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to sell merchandise after all
weekend Masses. We are hoping to find enough people to
volunteer so that each person or persons will only have to
help one weekend a month.
If you want to meet new parishioners and visitors, then this is
a great ministry to join! If interested, please call Jane at the
Parish Office, 266-2123, ext. 3.
When: Saturday, May 23, 9am – 12noon
Where: St. Thomas Church Parking Lot
Cost: $5:00 Minimum Donation
Catholic Daughters Casino Trip
New or Unused gift
donations are needed for
the Chicken BBQ.
Please check your closets,
basements & attics. Your
unwanted treasures may
be a great ‘find’ for us.
Drop off at parish office.
Why not start a late spring with another casino trip to the
Tropicana? Join the Catholic Daughters of Brigantine on
May 19th, Tuesday, to see “Always Believe”, a tribute to
Once again, an open invitation is extended to all.
Showtime is 3:30pm. and the $20.00 ticket price includes
$15.00 for slot credit. The bus will arrive at
St. Thomas parking lot, 8th & Brigantine Ave. at
12:15pm. and will leave Tropicana at 7:00pm.
The child asked God, “They tell me you’re sending me to earth
tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and
helpless? God said, “Your angel will be waiting for you and will
take care of you.” The child further inquired, “But tell me, here
in heaven I don’t have to do anything but sing and smile to be
happy.” God replied, “Your angel will sing for you and will also
smile for you and you will feel your angel’s love and be very
happy.” Again the child asked, “How am I going to be able to
understand when people talk to me if I don’t know the
language?” God said, “Your angel will tell you the most
beautiful and sweetest words you will ever hear, and with
much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to
speak.” The child asked, “And what am I going to do when I
want to talk to you?” God said, “Your angel will place your
hands together and will teach you how to pray.” The child
asked, “Who will protect me?” God said, “Your angel will
defend you even if it means risking its life.” The child said, “I
will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.” God
said, “Your angel will always talk to you about me and will
teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will
always be next to you.” At that moment there was much peace
in heaven, but voices from earth could be heard and the child
hurriedly asked, “God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my
angel’s name.” God replied, “You will simply call her “Mom.”