Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Assumption Lynnfield, Massachusetts THE SOLEMNITY OF THE HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 Welcome! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family or marital situation, no matter what your current personal history, age, income, background, gender, race, ethnicity or spirituality, no matter what your own selfself-image or holiness or virtue you belong to Christ and you belong to us! You are invited, accepted and respected here at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. We welcome you. We want to share our Roman Catholic way of life with you! THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 O U R L A DY O F T H E A S S U M P T I O N P A R I S H 17 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940 Parish Office 781.598781.598-4313• Fax 781.598.0055• • www.LynnfieldCatholic.org PARISH PASTORAL TEAM MASSES Saturday Vigil ~ 4:00 pm Sunday ~ 7 am, 9 am and 11 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday ~ 9:00 am Rev. Paul E. Ritt, Pastor pritt@ola-smg.org Rev. Anthony Luongo, Parochial Vicar aluongo@ola-smg.org BAPTISMS Generally, second Sunday monthly at a 12:30 pm ceremony. For further information, please contact the parish office. Deacon Thomas O’Shea toshea@ola-smg.org Deacon Edward Elibero eelibero@ola-smg.org PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FRANCIS PHAM fpham@ola.smg.org MARRIAGES Engaged couples, please contact Father Paul or Father Tony at least six months prior to the intended wedding date. DIRECTOR OF PARISH MINISTRIES Mrs. Donna Delahanty ddelahanty@ola-smg.org CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 pm or by appointment FINANCE AND OPERATIONS MANAGER Mrs. Caterina Benitez cbenitez@ola-smg.org HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION As announced ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Ms. Janine Sano jsano@ola-smg.org REGISTRATION Welcome. Please introduce yourself to Father Paul or Fr. Tony after Mass. To become a registered parishioner, please contact the parish office. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. James J. Grocki 781-599-4422 MASS INTENTIONS Please contact Janine at 781.598.4313 or email jsano@ola-smg.org to request an intention for an upcoming Mass. COLLABORATIVE DIRECTOR OF YOUTH FAITH FORMATION Mr. Stephen Gannon sgannon@ola-smg.org COLLABORATIVE BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS 17 GROVE STREET, LYNNFIELD Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM *Friday - 8 AM - 12 Noon *Closed Friday June, July and August CLOSED ON HOLIDAYS MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Jayson Cote jcote@ola-smg.org FACILITIES MANAGER JJ Kenney John.kenney74@gmail.com COLLABORATIVE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Len Morrison, Vice Chair FAITH FORMATION Alexis McDuffee - Grades K - 6 amcduffee@ola-smg.org Stephen Gannon - Grades 7 and 8 sgannon@ola-smg.org Andrea Gagnon - Grades 9 and 10 agagnon@ola-smg.org Susan Ardizzoni, Chris Barrett, Elizabeth Basile, Piri Collard, Anthony Della Piana, John DiBello, Jim Fagan, Mark Ferri, Patty Glennon, Larry Guinee, Anthony Guerriero, Karen McGarrahan, Dennis Rogers and Janine Saldanha PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Richard O’Connor, Chair (financecommittee@ola-smg.org) Richard Mazzola, Janet Moran, Karen McGarrahan Paul Pellegrino and Nick Restuccia 2 THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 We Catholics instinctively make the sign of the cross at the beginning and end of all our prayers. When we enter a church, we have the custom of blessing ourselves with holy water and making the sign of the cross. At every Mass, after the Entrance Antiphon or Hymn, we continue the liturgy by making the sign of the cross; and we conclude every Mass by making the sign of the cross as the priest blesses us. Recall the words we recite anytime we execute the hand movements of the sign of the cross are: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” My point is Catholics are people who think of God as a Trinity of persons and so when we call on God we invoke the names of three distinct persons who form one divine communion of love. The Church dedicates this Sunday after Pentecost to celebrate this central truth of our Catholic faith: that our God is a triune community of persons, each sharing equally in the divine nature; yet each distinctive in their respective personhood and function. This core truth is revealed in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of the eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ, and the descent of the Holy Spirit of the Father and Son on the Church. The gospel for this Sunday testifies to the saving work of the Trinity in our lives. The Father sends his Son into the world to tell us, in word and deed, the good news of our salvation; and together Father and Son send their Holy Spirit as our Advocate and Guide to remind us of all that the Lord Jesus taught us, and prompt us to put it into practice. To the Father we attribute the work of creation; to the Son the work of redemption from sin; to the Spirit the work of sanctification. But everything God does is accomplished by the three divine persons working together as an everlasting communion of love. Whenever we make the sign of the cross, may we be mindful of the Trinity, and grateful for the divine love that has opened the pathway to heaven for all of us! Saturday, May 21 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Joseph and Betty Petrus, Memorial Sunday, May 22 7:00 am Marisa D. Federico, Memorial 9:00 am Joseph Iuliano, 1th Anniversary 11:00 am John and Claire Shannon, Memorial Monday, May 23 9:00 am Galvin and Robinson Families, Memorial Wednesday, May 25 9:00 am Anthony Nicosia, Memorial Friday, May 27 9:00 am Edna Fairchild, Memorial Saturday, May 28 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) John and Veronica Goc and Jean Cordeau, Memorial Sunday, May 29 7:00 am Nazzaro Family, Memorial 9:00 am James Cirrone, Jr., 17th Anniversary 11:00 am Carl and Ann Moakler, Memorial Kindly remember in your prayers the deceased members of our parish, especially Arthur Funai and Isabel Connolly who were buried this past week, all who have asked for our prayers and for those who have no one to pray for them. Please pray for Joanne Norton, Debbie Catalano, Ben Trocki, Carole Lu, John LeFort, Jerry Foster, Christie Ness, Joe Chen and Baby Joey Chuda. Again this year, we will be honoring all Mothers during the Month of May. Envelopes are located at the doors of the Church. News and Notes: Please welcome our newest seminarian, Aaron Yuengert, to our Collaborative for the summer. Aaron is from Southern California but attended Boston University and now is studying for the diocesan priesthood for the Archdiocese of Boston at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton. Aaron recently completed his first year in the Seminary. He will be with us for about two months beginning May 28, and live at the White House on Grove Street. He will be involved in a variety of parish ministries and activities, hopefully becoming more familiar with the rhythm and scope of parish life in the process. Join me in welcoming Aaron to Lynnfield! Deacon Tom O’Shea Join us for Vacation Bible School Expedition Everest!! Monday, July 11 to Friday, July 15 9 AM to 12 Noon OLA Church Hall $100 per student Open to children preschool thru grade 5 For more information and for registration forms Please contact Alexis McDuffee amcduffee@olaamcduffee@ola-smg.org Please register by June 1, 2016 3 (continued on next page) THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 (continued from previous page) and I will be participating in the upcoming Memorial Day parade in Lynnfield, which begins at OLA, resumes at the Lynnfield Middle School and concludes at the Common with stops for prayer (which Deacon Tom and I will lead) at multiple cemeteries along the way. Here is the latest update on our performance in the 2016 Catholic Appeal: as of May 10, St. Maria Goretti parishioners had pledged $43,497, which is 156% of their goal of $27,797; and Our Lady of the Assumption parishioners had pledged $53,958, which is 98% of their goal of $54,938. If you have not yet made a pledge to this year’s Appeal, please do so as soon as possible by filling out one of the pledge packets in one of our churches and dropping it in the collection basket at Mass, or by going to the Appeal website at www.bostoncatholicappeal.org. SMG will receive 65% of every paid donation over their goal. If OLA gets 4 more Catholic Appeal pledge packets found in the entrances of the church, they also will receive 65% of every paid donation over their fairshare assessment. Thanks to all our donors to this year’s Catholic Appeal! Blessings to all of you in the week ahead! OLA MEMORIALS CAMPAIGN 2016 UPDATE We would like to thank our numerous donors who have helped us with our Memorials Campaign this past Lent. All items have been ordered and we await their arrival. Some items will be here in a few weeks, others will take two months to complete. Many of our church items are made to order, thus the wait time. In a few weeks I will list our donors and their memorial. Thank you for your generosity to help make our liturgies beautiful at Our Lady of the Assumption Church. Love, Fr. Tony LYNNFIELD KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Change 4 Baby – THANK YOU. The baby bottles returned almost $2,000 so far. Please return all baby bottles during OLA Masses. All Donations will be given to Catholic Charities of Lynn and the bottles used for next year. Use the gift boxes at each entrance or give the Bottle to an OLA Usher. Thank you for the overwhelming response to this pro-life campaign. Fr. Paul May 22 - All families are invited to attend a complimentary breakfast, every 4th Sunday, at Columbus Hall in Post Office Square, Lynnfield, from 9:30 AM to 11 AM. Please participate in this fellowship to strengthen the Collaborative. Donations accepted. For breakfast details, hall rental and membership in the Knights, call Chris Flood at (781) 254-9200. Mass Celebrants for the weekend of May 28/29, 2016 MASS TIME OLA SMG 4 PM Vigil 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Fr. Tony Fr. Tony Fr. Tony ~~~~ Fr. Jack ~~~~ Fr. Paul ~~~~ ~~~~ Fr. Paul ~~~~ Fr. Vincent June 22 - The 3rd Annual Golf Tournament for the OLA School Michael Siraco Scholarship fund, held at Gannon Golf Course, 60 Great Woods Road, Lynn. Scramble format with registration at 8:15 AM, golf at 9 AM. $150 per golfer (golf, cart, food and gift) or $35 for food only. Please return check and foursome names as soon as possible to the OLA School Office or mail to OLA School, Siraco Golf Tournament, 40 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940 attention Mr. James Grocki. Entry forms and details are available by calling the school (781) 599-4422 or at www.olalynnfieldschool.com HOLY YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016 4 THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 FAITH FORMATION/ RELIGIOUS ED REGISTRATION for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 10 for the 2016/2017 school year has begun. Assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis. Placement is pending catechist and classroom availability. The forms are available on our website. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Thursday May 26th 6:30 PM Parish Hall Have you lost a loved one through death? Or, have you experienced a loss of some kind that makes it difficult for you to be at peace? Come share your story, and we will share your burden. Bring a guest. All are welcome, not only those who are grieving but those who want to offer support. Facilitators: Donna Hegan and Tom Adamczyk OLA SOCIAL GROUP Meeting Thursday, June 2nd Our dinner will consist of meatloaf, potato and veggies, desserts and coffee. Entertainment will be a don’t miss! David Sikes, a well-known comedian is sure to bring fun to the night. $15 members/$20 guests. Call Angela (978) 535-0009 to reserve your seat. Wednesday, July 13th SMG Rectory at 7:45 AM 1st and 3rd Saturday of each Month Next meeting will be held June 4th Please join us! If you would like additional information on the group, please contact John DiBello (781) 334-0038 We will be traveling to York, Maine for a lobster dinner at Foster’s Clambake Restaurant. We will make a side stop at Stonewall Kitchen on the way. Call Brenda for details (781) 598-0533. Please welcome the following children who were baptized at Our Lady of the Assumption in May: Tyler Joseph Fennelly James Patrick Regan Please keep these children, their parents and their godparents in your prayers. Please join us Wednesday, June 1, at 7 PM at Saint Maria Goretti Church and Friday, June 3, at 9:30 AM at Our Lady of the Assumption JUSTICE FOR JESUS The Justice for Jesus group wishes to thank all those who participated in the Baby Shower and “change for baby” bottle campaign sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Saint Maria Goretti parish is collecting diapers as a companion project and also participating in the bottle campaign during the 2nd half of May. New members welcome! Contact Linda.beaver21@gmail.com Order of Worship, Exposition of the Eucharist with Opening Song, Recorded Psalm, Scripture Reading, Homily, Rosary, Blessing and Reposition 5 THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 PASTORAL PLANNING OFFICE The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is a Mystery of our faith - not to solve, but to believe and delight in. Three Persons in One God. There is no mystery in Paul’s words to the Romans, only comfort and blessed assurance: “...affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” Hope does not disappoint! Trinity Sunday Companies spend a lot of money on advertising because it works. And those ads are everywhere - on television, radio, phones, web pages, billboards, and newspapers. They influence what people buy, how people dress, and how they speak. They can influence what people think, what they value and what is right and wrong. Effective ads can sell merchandize, or change voters’ minds, or teach lessons about morals, values and ideals. Come. Experience. Believe Hour of Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday night 7 PM - 8 PM St. Maria Goretti Church Please join us The Apostles have a difficult mission and they will not always be welcome in places they preach. They will face much resistance to the Gospel message, and at times opposing voices will compete for people’s attention. The confusion and uncertainty of the times and of the message will need to be addressed. Jesus promises that the Spirit of Truth will guide them to all truth. Shadows of doubt and fear will be overcome with the light of knowledge and faith. They will not be left alone. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY If you or someone you know needs assistance, please call the SVdP at (781) 5136695. What guides your life? What has the greatest influence? Where do you spend your time? What voice rises above all the others to influence your decisions, form your values and inform your conscience? Media has an agenda and it is not your well-being. But the Spirit of Truth guides us all. Listen closely. In the depths of your soul and in whisperings in your heart, you know what God asks of you and what you need to do to be closer to Him. Listen carefully to the voice that leads to life! SUMMER PROGRAM NORTHEAST CATHOLIC COLLEGE Sunday, July 24 to Saturday August 6 ~James Gaffney, © 2010 Karides Lic. to St. George Publishing jim@stgeorgepublishing.com Room is still available for the Summer Program in Warner, NH. The Program offers participants the opportunity to study theology, philosophy, literature and political science. Students attend daily Mass and enjoy sports, socials and day trips, including hiking and canoeing. This is for students who will be entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school in the fall of 2016 or if you have just graduated high school Register at www.NortheastCatholic.edu Info is available at admissions@northeastcatholic.edu or (603) 456-2656. 6 H SAINT JO STON BO THE HEART OF THE CHURCH Y LEARNING FROM WITHIN M S SE INAR N’ 2016 Summer Courses For Laity, Deacons, and Religious The Theological Institute at Saint John’s Seminary Tuesday: 6:00-9:00 pm (May 24–July 5) Electives 2 credits Apocalyptic Literature of the Old and New Testaments, Prof. Celia Sirois Mastering the Art of Catechesis, Prof. Susan Kay Wednesday: 6:00–9:00 pm (June 1–July 13) Electives - 2 credits Carmelite Spirituality, Rev. George P. Evans Beauty and the Bible in Balthasar, Dr. Angela Franks Wednesday: 6:00–9:00 pm (May 25–July 27) MAM Core - 3 credits Basic Truths of the Catholic Faith, Rev. Paul E. Ritt Thursday_ 6:00–9:00 pm (May 26–July 7) Elective - 2 credits The Changing Landscape of Grief Ministry: New Psychology and Spirituality, Rev. Terence Curley E NORG A CH Eighth Annual June Biblical Seminar www.theologicalinstitute.org 617-779-4104, ext 1 The Quality of Mercy Prof. Celia Sirois, Mondays, June 6, 13, 20, and 27, 2016 ~ 7-9 pm Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at clergyfunds.org. Msg. & data rates may apply GetCatholicTV.com For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Our Lady of the Assumption, Lynnfield, MA 4604 SPANO & DAWICKI, LLC The Estate, Elder Law, Retirement And Special Needs Firm Protecting Your Home, Your Assets, Your Quality of Life and Your Family HELP@SpanoDawicki.com BOSTON 617-720-0002 CAMBRIDGE 617-354-0144 WOBURN 781-933-0053 SAUGUS 781-231-7800 BEVERLY 978-922-2100 VA ACCREDITED ◆ NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS Established 1933 O I L C O M P A N Y, I N C . (617) 846-4500 Oil & Gas Heating Systems Central Air Conditioning Systems Paul Pellegrino Debbie Caniff, REALTOR® Fellow Parishioner for 32 years Direct: (781)479-4117 FUNERAL, MEMORIAL & CREMATION SERVICES Caring for Our Family Owned Community & Operated in Countless Ways 1085 Summer Street, Lynnfield Deborah.Caniff@NEMoves.com www.NewEnglandMoves.com/debbie.caniff “Personal Service and Experience You Can Trust.” 781-595-1492 . solimine.com THINKING OF BUYING? 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