the saint vincent depaul society......interested?
the saint vincent depaul society......interested?
ST. MARY CHURCH CHILLICOTHE, OHIO MARCH 13, 2016 TODAY’S LITURGY MASSES HELD IN THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FIRST READING: SECOND READING: GOSPEL: Isaiah 43:16-21 Philippians 3:8-14 John 8:1-11 The woman caught in the act of adultery is probably the tenderest picture of an encounter of Jesus with anyone in Gospels. It is only in John’s Gospel. And, scholars universally agree that it was not part of the original Greek gospel manuscripts! The story has been preserved in Latin and has come down to us through Latin sources but it was not part of the original Gospel according to John. Scholars seem convinced the incident actually happened sometime during the ministry of Jesus, but they maintain that it was later added to the written Gospel. It has been found in different places in the earlier manuscripts. Some made it an addition at the end of John’s gospel; others put it after Jn 7:36; some actually put it after Lk 21:38! The story is thus as well traveled, but it is a blessing for us that the Church has retained it because of the insight it gives into Jesus’ true compassion for the sinner. The deck is stacked against this woman. She was caught “in the act of committing adultery.” This meant she was a married woman being unfaithful to her husband. (For a married man to be unfaithful with an unmarried woman would not have been adultery in the Law.) Leviticus 20:10 required death for adultery, although it doesn’t say by stoning. On the other hand Deuteronomy 22:21calls for death by stoning to an unmarried virgin in Israel who is proven to have been unchaste! The Pharisees, as guardians of religious observance, drag her into the Temple precincts where Jesus was teaching “to test him.” The Law was clear and the punishment was fairly clear. Unclear was what Jesus would say. As though indicating complete disinterest in the proceedings he bends down and doodles as many of us do when involved in decisonmaking. As they pressed the issue he stands up to utter the most famous phrase he ever uttered that never made its way into the original Gospel according to John! “Let the one without sin be the first one to cast a stone.” Nothing more, nothing less. Just that haunting line, uttered once, and then he returns to doodling. In a scene never seen in our lifetimes, the accusers disappear one by one, till there is only Jesus and the woman alone. After over thirty years as a priest I can safely say that in today’s world the accusers would not have left. They would still be there shouting for her blood, demanding vengeance for her act of rupturing the social fabric, although the charges would have had to be different. Today, adultery as a capital crime would just not do it. She would have to have murdered someone or carried a terrorist bomb or some such dastardly deed. But the line of accusers would be long and the cries for vengeance every bit as loud. St. Augustine is often quoted for his brief remark about this scene, after they had all gone: “ relicti sund duo, misera et misericordia” (“two were left, misery and mercy”, as a rough translation), which captures the scene so concisely. Jesus (misericordia) is unmoved by law or more importantly by a mob screaming for vengeance. He simply deals with the humiliated and suffering woman (misera) refusing to condemn her. He tells her to go and to sin no more. He doesn’t even ask for repentance, though it is implied. Of all the models available for a priest in priestly work, or for any Christian who seeks to live in imitation of Christ I have never found a better model than this. Father Hummer MONDAY, March 14 8:30 a.m. Elizabeth & Nick Curter by Kathryn Page TUESDAY, March 15 9:30 a.m. Father Charles Griffin by Katie Boesch (Grades 7 & 8 at Bishop Flaget School – Parishioners welcome) WEDNESDAY, March 16 8:30 a.m. Thurman & Carolyn Schachtele by Boulger Estate THURSDAY, March 17 8:30 a.m. William Brockmeyer by Estate FRIDAY, March 18 8:30 a.m. Members of Thomas Boulger Family by Estate SATURDAY, March 19 11:00 a.m. Reception of First Eucharist Mass 5:00 p.m. Ginny Green by Marvin & Kay Shoults SUNDAY, March 20 8:45 a.m. St. Mary Parish Family 11:00 a.m. Nancy Castor Jones by Robert Tomastik SUNDAY, March 13 Love In Action Sunday 9:45 am. PSR 10:00 a.m. Choir MONDAY, March 14 11:00 a.m. St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting WEDNESDAY, March 16 6:30 p.m. Walk Through The Garden Scripture Sharing 7:00 p.m. Choir – Family Life Center THURSDAY, March 17 6:30 p.m. RCIA 7:00 p.m. High School & Middle School Youth Group (St. Peter Church) FRIDAY, March 18 4:00 p.m. Lenten Fish Fry – at St. Peter Church – until 7 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Vespers – Evening Prayer – Family Life Center SUNDAY, March 20 9:45 a.m. PSR 10:00 a.m. Choir ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY NEWS Month of December 2015 Cumulative Year To Date Families served 105 1639 Assistance given $3,426.23 $47,296.27 EARLY EASTER BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline for the Easter Sunday bulletin, March 27, will be TOMORROW, Monday, March 14 at noon. LOOKING FOR A LENTEN PROJECT? Thank you to all who have donated food for the sack lunches. We have received quite a few donations that should last us about two months or so. We will post again in the bulletin when we are in need of food again. WE STILL HAVE COMMEMORATIVE SLATES AVAILABLE Made from the original slate from St. Mary’s Church roof. They are $225.00 each, and are available in the parish office. COMING SOON ONLINE OFFERTORY GIVING WATCH THE BULLETIN FOR MORE DETAILS!!! FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND of MARCH 19 & 20, 2016 OFFERTORY REPORT March 6, 2016 Average Weekly Offering Needed weekly to meet budget Regular Collection $7026.07 $6923.00 $7080.40 Restoration Fund $1474.50 Bishop Flaget School 1310.00 Catholic Relief Services 951.00 Easter Offering 200.00 Easter Flowers 140.00 St. Vincent de Paul Society 100.00 Holy Land/Good Friday 100.00 Catholic Times 25.00 Home Missions 10.00 It is a generous and joyful giving of time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is what we do after we say we believe. Saturday – 5:00 p.m. Servers: J Copley, E Cuzzolini, D Fleurima S Fleurima Lectors: E Lovensheimer, K Boesch (N) L Aldi Lay Ministers M Riley, P Reed, G Bonner, L Hardesty, M Goode Sunday – 8:45 a.m. Servers: E Lanning, D Corcoran, C Corcoran Lectors: L Corcoran, C Corcoran, (N) C Kessler Lay Ministers: K Kern, B Lewis, L Corcoran, D Ginther, R Blum Sunday – 11:00 a.m. Servers D Vollmar, M Benson, A Benson Lectors: K Smith, J Venneman (N) L Vollmar Lay Ministers: M Lanning, K Leeth, D Fogel, P Laughlin, P Unger 19th – R Zedalis; 8:45 a.m. – S Blum; 11 a.m. R Zedalis Altar Linens for March 2016: P Reed Collection Counters: B Putnam, F Schafer Cantor: THE SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND will be for Catholic Relief Services. This is a change from the envelope date. The Catholic Relief Services Collection funds six Catholic agencies that serve the disguised Jesus in our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. His disguise might be that of those suffering from natural disaster, those displaced by violence or war, or those migrants searching for a better life. Our Turn, Our Time, Our Home Capital Campaign Update We have received 123 pledges totaling $195,963.91 for Phase II of the Church Restoration Project. Pledges are still coming in, and it’s not too late to fill out the pledge card. Simply fill it out and drop it in the offertory basket. Please fill out a pledge card, even if you are unable to donate. We will, in any case, contact all registered parishioners who have not yet responded. Thank you for your continued support of the project, and continued pledge payments. CRS RICE BOWL Using CRS Rice Bowl materials, participants prepare to celebrate Christ’s resurrection by reflecting and acting on His mission of love for those in need. Pray together; give things up, or fast in solidarity with those who hunger; learn about our global community and the challenges of hunger and poverty around the world; and give sacrificial donations to those in need. CRS Rice Bowl ensures that the Catholic community of the United States is present in nearly 100 countries worldwide, serving the poorest among us through CRS. THE FINANCE COUNCIL MEETING FOR APRIL has been moved to Tuesday, April 12th. EASTER MASS INTENTIONS The Easter Masses this year will be offered for all members of St. Mary’s Parish, living and deceased. If you would like to make a donation for Easter Flowers in memory of a loved one, their names will be published as an insert in our Easter bulletin. Envelopes are available on the table as you come in the door of the Family Life Center. You may drop your envelope in the collection basket during Mass, or at the parish office. Deadline is Monday, March 21 at noon. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE NEEDS OF: Helen & Dave Bell, Bill Bennett, Carroll Brown, Kelley Chandler, Anne Cooke, Steve Cooper, Rose Cox, Sherri Cox, Martha Davis, Michael Dixon, Patrick Flannagan, Therese Firestone, Shelly Whalen Francisco, Corey Gebhart, Doug Griffith, Jason Henry, Polly Hunn, Tracy Jalbuena, Ann Klinker, Earnest Littler, Heidi Lovensheimer, Stephen Paul Madru, Joan McCambridge, Charles McDonald, Rosemary McHarg, Gwen Miller, Dave Neal, Dee Parker, Stuart Phillips, Molly Prochaska, Barb Puffer, Max Putnam, Kate Richter, Wyatt Schumacher, Joe Schumann, Kathy Senff, Eleanor Smith, Pam Thomas, Richard Tippie, Alexa Tyree, Leo & Louise Von Clausburg, Ethel Wallenhorst, Riley Whalen, & Mary Whaley. ATTENTION MINISTERS: Ministry schedules are available on the tables in the Family Life Center. Please pick up a copy as we are not mailing them. FISH FRY FUNDRAISER Where: St. Peter's Catholic Church – 285 West Water St. (PLEASE NOTE NEW VENUE FOR 2016) TO BENEFIT BISHOP FLAGET 7TH & 8TH GRADE CLASS TRIP. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!!! LAST ONE OF THE YEAR - Fridays in Lent: March 18. 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Dine in and Take Out available. Dinners $7:50; Sandwiches $4.75 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP High School Youth Group is now open to Grades 8 –12 and is held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the youth group room, at St. Peter Church. Upcoming topics are: 3/17 @ 5:30 p.m. Service Project; 3/24 – No Session – Holy Thursday; 3/31 – Out of Focus; 4/7 Keys to the Kingdom; 4/14 – Community part 1. For additional info, contact Jenny French at 740-774-4172. K OF C Upcoming Events: June 12 – Golf Outing at the VA Golf Course. Starting at 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start. $25 per golfer. Contact Mike Holz or one of the Knights to register. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be served. Watch the bulletin for more info. June 26 – THIS IS A CHANGE OF DATE – Save the Date! - Cincinnati Reds Bus Trip! $45 per person. Bus leaves at 10 a.m. This will be a great day at the ball park. Pete Rose’s number will be retired this day and this weekend he will be placed in the Red’s Hall of Fame. We will have snacks on the bus along with drinks (no alcohol). To get tickets contact Greg Davis 740-773-5492 or Harold Price 740-804-8658. This is open to both parishes and friends. Keep watching the bulletin for more info as the date gets closer. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE will be hosted by St. Mary’s Church. Due to the closure of the Family Life Center it will be conducted at the Red Cross Chapter House, 181 N. Bridge Street Thursday, March 17, 2016 from 12 Noon to 5 PM. ST. MARGARET CEMETERY NEWS Cemetery personnel will begin removing all artificial and holiday decorations from St. Margaret Cemetery on March 15. From then until Nov. 15, only live flowers / foliage may be used. Lawn/garden decorations, toys, knick-knacks, arts and craft items, party decorations, and banners, pennants and decorative flags are not permitted at any time and will be removed. One government-issued U.S. flag is permitted on the grave of each veteran and one department-issued flag is permitted on the grave of each police officer and fireman. The SainT VincenT dePaul S o c i e T y ......i n T e r e S T e d ? “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison and visit you?” And the King will say... “Whatever you did for one of these least...of mine, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:37-40) With love from a Parishioner THE SCHOOL OF DANCE CLASSES IN BALLET • TOE • TAP ACROBATIC • JAZZ Miss Elizabeth Weisenberger - Owner 82 N. PAINT ST. 772-4455 (740) 775-6328 2155 Western Ave. Too Many ProjecTs? Too LiTTLe TiMe? Try our new Handyman Service! 142 University Dr. 740-773-8107 License #24314 ROBERT C. HESS TOMLINSON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 1661 Western Ave. 702-2149 Heating & Cooling, Inc. Attorney-At-Law Since 1853 14 S. Paint St. Rm. 2 Foulke Block 90 W. Main St. (p) 740-773-4181 (f) 740-772-2313 774-6152 Benson & Sesser, LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 S. Paint St., Chillicothe 740-773-3600 Arselli’s Karen M. Leeth Senior Account Manager 775-8582 703-8582 (cell) 215 Eastern Ave. 740-772-5180 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-5 (740) 775-8177 775-3663 Dr. Patricia A. Haller Optometrist Allen’s Medical Pharmacy Inc. Landscape & Design Breakfast Bar until 2 p.m. Sunday 831 N. Bridge St. 64 Executive Center Rd. 774-4616 LOGAN MONUMENT COMPANY 773-4066 CHILLICOTHE GREENFIELD WAVERLY JACKSON WASHINGTON C.H. CIRCLEVILLE TO REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.ADENA.ORG OR CALL 877-779-7585. DAIRY BAR FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE OILS THE WHOLESALE HOUSE 79 N. MULBERRY ST. The Parish School of St. Mary & St. Peter 740-773-7283 LOCALLY OWNED KING & REGULAR SIZE CIGARETTES Southern Ohio STEPHEN C. DAWES, Eastern Ave. LUMBER CO. Eye Associates CPA/PFS Your Complete Building Materials Store 1-888-SOEAEYE (763-2393) 773-2274 Tax & Stephen E. Demick, M.D. 740-773-6347 Retirement MasterCard • VISA • Discover 804 Eastern Ave. C 159 E. Second St. Planning Specialist 193 E. Water St. 702-0000 of Chillicothe 288 N. High St. 773-1480 171 N. Bridge St. 851-4629 HIRSCH FRUIT FARM 12846 St. Rt. 772 & 41 Seney Rd. Chillicothe From Our Family to Your Family, Fresh From the Farm! 702-5909 CHILLICOTHE FIRE & SECURITY 1071 Marietta Rd. Rock of Ages Memorials (740) 775-3473 Ann E. Perdue 774-3148 WARE FUNERAL HOME, LLC 773-2134 CLU, AGENT 945 E. Main St. 19 Executive Center Dr. SUSIE NATOLI Residential • Commercial Security Systems and Fire Alarms Dr. Donna Miller Family Dental Center 772-1660 121 W. 2nd St. Account Executive ANDERSON Drug Store Rx & Health Convenient Drive Thru Available M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5 160 E. Main St. 774-2670 For your loved ones... request Guardian. Since 1920 775-6683 Joe Herlihy Your local burial vault company. Pat, Tim, Dan & Dennis Corcoran Families, owners • 772-5514 CatholicMatch Ohio N. Bridge St. • 773-8676 Western Ave. • 779-0995 Charley’s Flowers 773-2686 19 S. Paint Southern ohio MonuMent CoMpany Chillicothe 773-5100
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the saint vincent depaul society......interested?
Bennett, Carroll Brown, Nicole Burley, Kelley Chandler, Anne Cooke, Steve
Cooper, Rose Cox, Sherri Cox, Martha Davis, Michael Dixon, Patrick