May 3, 2015 Bulletin - The Franciscan Church of the Assumption


May 3, 2015 Bulletin - The Franciscan Church of the Assumption
May 3, 2015
Welcome to Assumption
Fr. Timothy Dore, OFM Conv.
Sr. Ann Kenyon, OSF
Pastoral Associate
Robert Dietrich
& Edward Grabowski— Trustees
Sr. Dolores Bush, OSF
Director of
Franciscan Northside Ministries
Sr. James Peter Ridgeo, OSF
Coordinator of Poverello Health Center
Rosemary Costa, OFS
Director of The Franciscan Place
Fr. Adam Keltos, OFM Conv.
Fr. Jeffrey Keefe, OFM Conv.
Diocesan Director of Courage
Fr. Robert Amrhein, OFM Conv.
The Franciscan Place
Br. James Amrhein, OFM Conv.
Director of Assumption
Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen
Joanne Amato & Nancy Miano
Liturgical Minister Coordinators
Glenn Armstrong—Director of Music
David Scholl—Coordinator of Ushers
Dennis Brady
Director of Finance
Lexie Kwiek
Administrative Assistant
Mary Fortino
Risk Management
Julia Hannan
Admin Asst—Poverello Health Center
Jennifer Huntley
Coordinator of Mission Advancement
Jeffrey Schardt
Director of Volunteers
Betty Seifritz
Prayer Line (458-1199)
Celebration of the Eucharist
Monday - Saturday: 8:30 am
Sat. Vigil: 4:00 pm;
Sunday: 9:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 pm
in the Upper Church
Marriage and Baptism
Please call the church office.
My Sisters and Brothers:
The Easter Season is all about celebrating the life we share with Jesus! As we
reflect on today’s Gospel and the analogy it gives about the grapevine (see John
15:1-8), we might ask ourselves: “In our lives, how can we be ‘connected’ to
Jesus, as grape branches are connected to the vine?” I think the first and
obvious answer is that we must be people of prayer who have a deep and
personal relationship with Jesus. In this way we are able to receive life and
strength from him who shares his life with us. I think the second answer is
that we must be connected to the community of believers and share in its life as
well. As many grape branches grow on the same vine, so we are many, and we
share one source of life. This common identity should enable us to live together
in harmony, and to share in the life of our church and its mission. I believe the
third answer to this question brings together the answers to the first and
second. That’s to say, we will clearly demonstrate a connection to Jesus, and to
the way we share in his life as members of a community, when we place
ourselves at the service of others, especially the needy. Simply put, as Christians
we must embrace the teachings of Jesus in our hearts, in our words, in our
relationships with others, and in our daily practices. Isn’t it true that if there are
no fruits, or demonstrable good works in our lives, then surely we cannot claim
to be connected to Jesus and/or to the community of believers? Accordingly,
we are reminded by Jesus about the consequences of not bearing fruit, and of
being separated from him. He says that such people will be like those branches
cut off from the vine by the vine-grower and “thrown into the fire” (see John
15:6). The implication of this is obvious to us. Consequently, each one of us
might do well to examine our consciences and ask ourselves: “What are the
demonstrable good works, or those fruits that I bear, in my Christian
life?” Today’s Gospel challenges us not to be concerned only with our own
needs, but rather it also calls us to look beyond ourselves. As faithful followers
of Jesus, we must always work for the good of others, and we must do things
that clearly demonstrate his very life at work within us. Jesus tells us “whoever
remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can
do nothing” (see John 15:5). May Jesus continue to strengthen us in our
personal lives of faith; may he fortify our relationships with one another, and
may he always inspire us to dedicate service on behalf of others, especially for
those who are most in need. By what we say and do, and as we continue to
celebrate Easter, may we joyfully proclaim the life we share with Jesus!
Christ is Risen, Truly, He is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Praise God! Friar Timothy
Attention Separated/ Divorced:
Branch Out & Grow!
A support group for separated and divorced meets
Wednesday, May 6th from 7:00pm—8:30pm
at Bishop Ludden High School,
815 Fay Road, Syracuse, NY
Besides support, we will also be showing a
meditative video: “Single Sexuality” by
DivorceCare, and discussing it.
All are welcome!
For more information call (315) 472-6754 ext. 5
Sponsored by Family Life Education (A Hope Appeal Agency)
Nifty 450 Update:
There are only 180 tickets left!
Get yours now for a chance to win!
For more information, call Joanne at 451-9015.
Many thanks to Assembly
704Knights of Columbus for their kind
donation covering the cost of replacing our very
warn American flag with the new one that you now see flying
on our campus.
We are grateful to them for helping us to honor those
who have sacrificed so much for us and our country. May it
remind us to pray for them and for peace!
Please pray for Fr. Jeffrey Keefe, OFM Conv.
Unfortunately, he recently took a fall here at the friary, dislocating a shoulder, and is now taking
part in a residential rehabilitation program.
We are sure he would be encouraged by your prayers, and perhaps a get well card!
Please send any letters or cards to the Friary or to the Church Office.
Rededication of the Marian Shrine
Holy Family Church, 127 Chapel Drive
Syracuse, NY 13219
Faith Formation 2015: Pentecost Series
“Foundations of the Catholic Faith”
May 9th at 6:00pm
(immediately following the 5:00 Vigil Mass)
Saturdays from 9:15am — 10:45am
April 11th — May 23rd
Now that renovations are completed, all are warmly
invited to participate in the rededication ceremonies!
In the Mother Marianne Room
There will be a procession from the Church to the
Grotto, where the rededication will take place.
Please invite family and friends to be part of this
historic moment!
For more information, call the Parish Office at (315) 488-3139
All are invited to join us for our Saturday
morning Mass at 8:30am in the Grotto Church.
We will provide coffee and donuts immediately
after Mass. This faith formation series will begin
each week at 9:15 am and is offered free of charge
to all who come!
The Franciscan Place Chapel and
Religious Gift Shoppe at Destiny USA
9645 Destiny USA Dr.
(315) 471-9511
Congratulations to Sr. Dolly Bush and Sr. J.P. Ridgeo who are
being honored for their work at Franciscan Northside Ministries
at the Catholic Charities 30th Annual House of
Providence Dinner.
They will be the recipients of The Bishop’s Medallion, which will
be presented to them at the dinner on Wednesday, May 20th.
Ticket information is available by contacting Toni Maxwell at or 315-362-7528.
Please join us in congratulating Sr. Dolly and Sr. J.P. for
the valuable work that they do!
Hours: Mon thru Thurs., 10 am-8pm
Fri & Sat, 10 am—6 pm
Sunday, 11 am—6 pm
Mass Schedule: Mon-Wed- Fri, 12:15 pm
Tues & Thurs, 4:15 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
Friday, 1pm-4pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Mon & Tues: 2-4pm,
Wed: 2-4pm, 7-8pm
Thurs & Fri: 10am-12pm, 2-4pm
Saturday, 11am-2pm
Rosary prayed Wednesday after 12:15 Mass
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Friday 1pm-4pm
One holy water vessel has been paid for!
So far, we have paid for one holy water
vessel, and collected $430 for the second. If you
would like to contribute, please speak with Friar
Timothy or Joanne Amato.
A Family Perspective from the Family Life Education
Office (A Hope Appeal Agency)
Today’s gospel challenges us to “love one another as I
have loved you.” Jesus is our model, and he asks us to
“lay down our life” (our time, attention, opinions and
needs) for each other. This is the sacrament of the
family, when God is made visible in our sacrificial love
for one another.
The altar flowers in memory of Antonietta &
Matteo Paduano were given by Maria Tamila.
Mass Intentions
For the Week
Of May 3rd
Intention/Requested by
Sunday, May 3—Fifth Sunday of Easter
4 pm (Sat) For the Parishioners
9:30 am (Sun) Antonietta & Matteo Paduano/ Maria
Monday, May 4–Easter Weekday
8:30 am Cathedral Candle Co. Deceased Members/
Cathedral Candle Co.
Tuesday, May 5—Easter Weekday
8:30 am Charles Weidenorner/ Marie & John Rauch
Wednesday, May 6—Easter Weekday
8:30 am Mary M. Schreck/ Estate
The flowers at the statue of the Blessed Mother
are in memory of the Legion of Mary and Mary &
William Sabel given by the Sabel Family.
Collection Update April 26, 2015:
Regular: $3,090.00
( 2014 Collection: Regular: $2,660.00 )
Mass attendance: Saturday—100, Sunday—115
Thank you for all of your generosity!
Wedding Banns:
II — Rachel Damon & Vincent O’Kane
Cana Retreats Presents:
A Catholic Family Retreat Vacation
Come join us for a Catholic Family Retreat vacation at the
scenic Watson Homestead in Painted Post, NY.
A Catholic Family Retreat is a time to gather as a family
with other Catholic families to rest, recreate, and share our
common Catholic experiences. It is held in a somewhat
rustic setting with plenty of time for family activities.
Our retreat will run from July 12-18.
For more information call Deacon Ed Blaine at
(607) 754-0289, or email
Thursday, May 7—Easter Weekday
8:30 am Bennie Gemza/ Joe Bertolli & Wayne Jarvis
Friday, May 8—Easter Weekday
8:30 am William & Mary Sabel and William &
Elizabeth Sabel/ Sabel Family
Saturday, May 9—Easter Weekday
8:30 am Lawrence P. Schreck/ Estate
Sunday, May 10—Sixth Sunday of Easter
4 pm (Sat) For the Parishioners
9:30 am (Sun) Andrea Petrone/ Larry Sunser
Church Office (Mon thru Fri, 9 am - 3 pm)…….422-4833
Assumption Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen…….….473-9101
Franciscan Northside Ministries………………….…423-9961
The Franciscan Place………………………………….….471-9511
Militia of the Immaculata
Mondays at 7 pm at Assumption Church
For details, contact Jim Smith at
Assumption Men’s Group
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Bede Hess Room
For details, call Mike at (585) 743-5631
————————————————————Young Adult Praise & Worship—Every 4th Friday
of the month at the Franciscan Place starting at 6:30 pm
Filipino Mass—Every First Sunday at 3 pm