mbc prince william - McLean Bible Church


mbc prince william - McLean Bible Church
The vision of McLean Bible Church is to make an impact
on secular Washington with the
Jesus Christ.
message of
10002 Battleview Parkway
Manassas, VA 20109
Mark Davis, Campus Pastor
Sundays: 9 & 10:45 am
March 29, 2015
Genesis, part 64
Angels Behind the Scenes
Genesis 28:10-13
LON SOLOMON, Senior Pastor
For more information and upcoming events, visit mbcprincewilliam.org/calendar
Welcome! You are invited to the Newcomer Reception back stage on Sunday, April
12 after the service. It is a fifteen minute meeting to talk about who we are as a church,
who you are, and possible next steps. Fill out the Contact Card (back) and drop it off at
the Welcome Desk. We look forward to meeting you.
Outreach - “Go into all the world...” rick.helein@mcleanbible.org
•• Coverstone IV and Summertree Tutoring - If you love children and want to serve Christ
while serving the under-resourced neighborhoods in Manassas, then tutoring is your
ministry. Tutors typically volunteer one night per week at one of the two centers on
either a Tuesday or Thursday from 5:30–7:30 pm. This year we will be expanding our
bible discipleship program into the summer one night per week! INFO: Theresa Holeski
Discipleship - “Go make disciples...” joey.ruyter@mcleanbible.org
•• Parenting is Heart Work - Whether you have kids or just work with kids, join us for a 4week video study from the founders of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. Learn
a practical, biblical approach to teaching children how to do what is right, deal with
wrongs, be honest and care about others. The study begins Sunday, April 12 at 9 am in
the Community Room. INFO: caroline.seymour@mcleanbible.org
•• Discipleship Groups - Registration for the spring semester of Discipleship Groups is still
open! Pick up a Discipleship Groups Catalog or purchase your Living Grounded book at
the Welcome Desk today! INFO/REGISTER: mcleanbible.org/discipleship-groups
•• Christianity 101 - This class will help you understand who Jesus is and how to have a
relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Class begins Sunday, April 19 at 10:30 am in
the Conference Room. INFO/REGISTER: mcleanbible.org/classes
Special Needs Ministry (Access)
• 2015 Accessibility Summit Deadline: April 5 - REGISTER NOW for this national disability
conference on Friday–Saturday, April 17–18 at MBC Tysons. Keynote speaker, Tim Shriver,
Special Olympics Chairman; guest artist, Christopher Duffley, blind and with autism.
42-workshops & 50+ exhibitors.
INFO/REGISTER: Rosie Oakley, rosie.oakley@mcleanbible.org or accessibilitysummit.org
• Serve at Breakaway! Enjoy spring, and join us for a day of fun on Saturday,
April 11 playing with our special kids! Please contact Kayla if you can help.
INFO: Kayla Underwood, kayla.underwood@mcleanbible.org or
Children’s Ministry (Kid’s Quest)
• Don’t you love seeing children praise Jesus?! Join the fun and show His love to others
by volunteering for Kid’s Quest on Easter morning. Spend time with the little people
whom Jesus loved and made time for! Fill out the response card in the bulletin or
contact us at pwkidsquest@mcleanbible.org or 703-770-8664.
• Easter Ideas - Help direct your children to Easter this season. There are many websites
with fun ideas to help you and your children celebrate Easter honoring Jesus. A few we
recommend are focusonthefamily.com, familylife.com and lifeway.com.
• Thank you to everyone who helped prepare for and served with the Rock That Rolled
Family Easter Party. What a privilege to serve alongside one another as we shared with
families about Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection! Please continue to pray for fruit in the
lives of children and families.
Junior & Senior High (Rock Student Ministries)
•• Rock services will not be held on Easter Sunday, April 5. Please have your student join
you in the main service and enjoy this special day together.
Open Door pete.buczynski@mcleanbible.org
•• Open Door Community meets each Sunday at 10:30 am upstairs in Room 215. This
Community Group is open to all ages and stages.
CONTACT CARD Sign me up for the e-newsletter
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: _________
Email: ____________________________
Zip: ___________
Phone: ________________________
Prayer Request/Comment: ___________________________________________
I’m new & sign me up for the next Newcomer’s Reception.
Please tear off this panel and place in the offering plate or turn in at the Welcome Center.
Young Adult Community YACPW@mcleanbible.org
•• If you are a Young Adult meet up with the Young Adult Community each week in front of
the sound booth in the auditorium to find out what’s happening that afternoon, or during
the upcoming week. INFO: YACPW@mcleanbible.org
The Couples Community CCPW@mcleanbible.org
•• Regardless of what stage of married life you’re in you’re welcome in The Couples
Community. Join us as we study the book of James this month.
On the Move Fellowship
•• This adult co-ed English–Spanish community group has a passion to be the hands and
feet of Jesus by meeting the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of others. We gather
every Sunday at 9 am in Room 216. INFO: tinadmcphee@gmail.com
Sr. Adults (55+) ENCORE! jamie.jackson@mcleanbible.org
•• ENCORE! is a Community Group that meets each week at 10:30 am in the upstairs
Community Room. Join us as we study the book of Hebrews and fellowship together.
Walk for LIfe
•• Care Net’s Annual Walk for Life is on Saturday, April 25. INFO/REGISTER:Voice4Life.org
Nomination for Elder of McLean Bible Church
•• In accordance with our church Constitution, prospective Elder nominations by any
member will be received during the month of April. Nominations will be presented to the
Nominating Committee of the Board of Elders for review and interviews. If the Board
determines the need to replace a current member or add to the Board, a nominee who
has met the qualifications of an Elder and is approved by the Board may be invited to
participate in an Elder mentoring process of up to one year before being presented to
the Congregation for election to the Board. A number of previous nominees have been
approved by the Nominating Committee and are available for possible Board service.
If you would like to nominate someone to add to this group, please pray first, then talk
to the individual to assure that he prayerfully aspires to the position of Elder, then give
that person’s name along with your name to Elder Mark Gottlieb at mark.gottlieb@
mcleanbible.org. Before nominating someone, please review the following qualifications
and duties of Elders that can be found in the Elders Section at mcleanbible.org/leadership
New Website
•• We’ve launched a new website consolidating all our campus websites under one domain!
The site is easier than ever to use from your computer or mobile device. One exciting new
feature is MyMBC, a member portal that helps you keep track of the ministries and events
you care about. Visit the site and sign up for MyMBC today at mcleanbible.org.
INFO: Christina Kposowa, christina.kposowa@mcleanbible.org
Easter Service Information
•• Join us as we celebrate our risen Savior! A Good Friday service will be held Friday,
April 3 at 7:30 pm. Easter services will be held on Sunday, April 6 at 7:30 am (no
childcare), 9 am and 10:45 am. INFO: mcleanbible.org/events/good-friday-easter-services
Sunday Prayer Meetings
•• Please join us every Sunday at 8:30 am in the lobby or at 8:45 am or 10:30 am in the
Auditorium near the baptismal for a time of prayer. We hope you will take part in this time
with the Lord.
Memory Verse: Psalm 23:1-6
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters. 3He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of
righteousness for His name’s sake. 4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with
oil; my cup runs over. 6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
AS OF 2/28/2015