May 03, 2015 - St. Monica Church


May 03, 2015 - St. Monica Church
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Liturgy Schedule
Morning Prayer, Rosary, Monday through Friday
Monday, May 4 Easter Weekday
John Urban
Tuesday, May 5 Easter Weekday
William Green (anniv)
School Mass
Wednesday, May 6 Easter Weekday
Michael Colagiovani
Thursday, May 7 Easter Weekday
Alphonso Saracusa
Friday, May 8 Easter Weekday
All Souls
Saturday, May 9 Easter Weekday
Kemski / Mina Wedding
People of the Parish
Sunday, May 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter
Vivian Taormina / Josephine DeFini
Ray & Marge Zendarski / Linda Horvat
Sylvester Helinski
May 3, 2015
Religion Question of the Week
What is the first Holy Oil that can be received by a person who is going
to be Baptized in the Catholic Church?
Answer to Last Week’s Question
Who replaced Judas as one of the twelve Apostles?
Answer: Matthias.
Did You Know?
Did you know that the ceiling area over the Altar is called the
“Baldachino” ?
One Liner
“If there is no appointed time for prayer, soon there will be no prayer at
Friendly People Needed
We are looking for parishioners who would like
to stand at the doors of the Church and greet
people as they enter. This is a very important
Ministry in which you will be helping people feel
welcomed into our Church Community. If you
are interested in this Ministry please contact Deacon Stan
@ 216.662.8685.
Standing up for the Real Meaning of Marriage
the following members of our Parish community: Alfred Schwet,
Shirley Amato, John Halasz, Robyn Buckley, Eileen O’Brien,
Stephen Rapsik, Diana Stronge, Maureen Soeder, Joan
Kaczmarczyk, Nancy Bialkowski, Larry Pentek, Sarah Burket and
Mark Pennington, The names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks.
Please call the Parish office for more information. If you have a special
intention you would like remembered in prayer, please call Helen Lucas at (216) 662-7993.
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are extended to the family and
friends of Helen Wall who was buried this past week. May she
and all our dearly departed, rest in peace.
Wedding Banns
In recent years there has been a concerted effort by
some of the “leaders” of our culture to destroy the real meaning of
Marriage. God has a plan for Marriage, and many persons in
America do not buy into His plan. So it might be a good idea to
review the real meaning of Marriage as given to the human race
by God.
Jesus defines Marriage in Chapter 10 of Mark’s Gospel in
the following way: “ From the beginning of creation, God made
them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two
shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must
In this definition Jesus teaches us that: (1) Marriage is a
state in life that is instituted by God; (2) Marriage is between a
man and a woman; (3) one of the goals of Marriage is the unity
formed between a man and a woman; (4) Marriage is blessed by
God; (5) Marriage can not be broken apart by any human force on
If we truly want to be followers of Jesus Christ, we should
do all we can to stand up for the real meaning of Marriage.
Fr. Thomas Haren
I Richard Johnson & Kelly Schroeder
III Austin Kemski & Samira Mina
Catholic War Veterans will have their annual Poppy Program
this weekend. They will be passing out Poppies at all doors of the Church. Donations go
to the Catholic War Veterans which help
support scholarships and veterans programs.
Thank you for your generosity.
Liturgical Ministers:
All special requests for the
July, August, September schedules need
to be turned in to the Parish Office by Monday, June
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
What does the Catholic Church teach about Divorce?
Jesus states in Mark’s Gospel: “ whoever divorces his
wife and marries another commits adultery against her; if she
divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” The Catholic Church has understood this passage to
mean that if a man and woman enter into a valid Sacramental
Marriage, and they divorce each other, they can’t remarry
while both spouses are alive. However there is more to this
teaching that one should know.
The Church does not teach that a person who is divorced
has lost their membership in the Catholic Church. Nor does
the Church teach that a person who is divorced and remarried
has lost their membership in the Catholic Church.
What the Church teaches is that if a person goes through
a divorce, they are still loved by God. They may still receive
the Sacraments, and they should do so. If a person remarries
after a divorce, they may not receive the Sacraments because
they are living contrary to the Gospel command of Jesus, but
Jesus still loves them. He wants them to do the best they can
in their circumstances to pray daily, to worship God at Mass
on Sundays, and to live out the Gospel message as an example
for their families.
One of the responsibilities of the Church is to help those
who have had difficulties in their Marriage. If you are divorced, or divorced and remarried, please feel free to call a
Priest, Deacon, or Pastoral Staff member to discuss your
situation. We are all glad to talk with you, and see if there is
anything that can be done to help you and your family. You are
all welcome in the Catholic Church.
Fr. Thomas Haren
Gift Certificate Sales
Our monthly sale of Gift Cards in
Church will be this weekend, May
2nd and 3rd after all the Masses
in the Altar Server’s Sacristy. Thank you for your support.
Guild Carnation Sale
Next weekend May 9th & 10th the Guild
will be selling Carnations after all the
Masses, in honor of Mother’s Day. The
cost is $1.00 per flower. What a nice
way to remember all or our Mother’s.
St. Monica’s Ladies Guild is sponsoring a Day of Reflection
entitled Mary, the Mother of Jesus on Tuesday,
May 19, 2015 at Marymount Convent, 12215
Granger Rd., Garfield Hts. OH. The program will
be presented by Sister Felicia Mann, SSJ-TOSF.
Reflection Day will begin at 8:30 am. and end at
3:00 pm. Prayer and reflection will be held throughout the day plus a warm lunch will be served as
well as a Mass celebrated by Rev. Ted Marszal will end the days
activities. Cost for the day will be $25 per person. If you are
interested please call Sister Felicia Mann at 216-570-4826 for
additional information or to sign up.
May 3, 2015
Countdown to
11 weeks!!!
Built with Living Stones
Each time I enter Saint Monica Church, the phase ‘built
with living stones’ comes to mind. This metaphor is often used to
describe the intimate relationship we have with Jesus Christ, who
is the true Living Stone. Not only is it my favorite place to pray, it
is also a wonderful area in which to catechize the children being
prepared for the sacraments because it helps them to learn about
and come to love their church while teaching them the important
truths of the faith.
Father Gallagher designed the church in a shape of a
cross (which, incidentally, mirrors Saint John the Evangelist Cathedral, but on a much smaller scale) with the hopes that air travelers who were able to see it when airplanes departed and returned
to Hopkins International, would be reminded of God’s protection.
He also commissioned shamrocks be painted on the crossbars of
the church’s ceiling so that children, who became restless or bored
and starred ‘heavenward’, counting the shamrocks would keep
them ‘entertained’’.
Throughout this sacramental year, the second graders
became enthusiastic students in this holy classroom while studying the religious truths depicted in the windows and in the symbols
displayed in the sanctuary. Although there is not enough space to
share EVERYTHING, here are a few highlights of our study.
During instruction on the Eucharist, the sanctuary area
became the center of our activity because the Mass is both the
central celebration of our faith and of the Eucharist. There was an
excited reverence as they traced the Alpha and Omega symbols,
speculated on why a lamb would represent Jesus, and struggled
to comprehend how ‘all of God’ can exist in the tabernacle and in
the host.
Our greatest ‘learning’, however, focused on little known
information regarding the altar stone in Saint Monica’s altar. An
altar stone is a piece of natural stone containing one or more relics
cemented into a cavity that serves as an essential part of the altar
for the celebration of Mass. It is imbedded in an altar when it is
consecrated by the Bishop. The relics are pieces of bone from the
body of a martyr (preferably), but can be from a non-martyr as
well. Through the diligence of Sue Shepka and Louise Triptow,
we learned that TWO relics are imbedded in our altar stone – St.
Innocent I (pope and martyr) and St. Donatus (bishop and martyr),
both of whom were martyred in the fourth century. These are not
two common names, so when the second graders ‘shared’ their
knowledge, the names were often translated as ‘incense and
Research tells us that by the age of nine, children have
formed the foundation of their faith – and those who are already
faithful in its practice, remain faithful throughout their lifetime, even
with a hiatus or two. Preparing children for the sacraments is a
privilege that keeps me very aware of their holiness, and my need
to pray daily to be worthy of working with them to come to know
Jesus more fully. Please keep our First Communicants and Confirmation candidates in your prayers. They will wear ‘the dust of
the faith’ not only of their families but also of our parishioners.
Sister Helene
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
May 3, 2015
Parish Activities
Regular Sunday Envelopes
St. Monica Fund
Kids Envelopes
Home Missions
$ 7,674.00
$ 416.00
$ 210.00
Special Collection to support the Catechetical Ministries of
the Office of the Office of Catechetical Formation & Education. Funding from this collection supports Newman Campus
Ministry, Adult Faith Formation, Media Literacy, Parish
Catechetical Leadership training and Catechist Certification.
The collection will take place the weekend of May 9th & 10th.
Please be generous. Thank you!
To help build an endowment fund, please consider remembering
St. Monica Church in your Will.
Kindergarten Screening
Kindergarten Screening will take place May 12 and May 19,
2015. Students must turn five years old by September 30,
2015 and be registered at St. Benedict Catholic School to
schedule a screening time.
Incoming Kindergarten, First and Second Grade students
may also qualify for the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship.
Please call the school office @ 216.662.9380 for more
St. Benedict Night at the Lake County Game
Come and enjoy the game on Friday, May
29th. Game time is 6:30pm. Tickets are
$10. Stick around after the game for
post-game fireworks extravaganza. Tickets can be purchased by contacting
Scott Gongos by Friday, May 22nd at
216.475.3633 or
Athletic Practice (g)
HN Mtg (c)
Grandparents Day (c)
Senior Board Mtg (F)
Athletic Practice (g)
PTU Mtg (c)
Boy Scouts (AR)
MH K of C (M)
Athletic Practice (g)
Growing our Faith (c)
Athletic Practice (g)
Guild Board Mtg (off property)
Pastoral Council Mtg (cc)
Carnation Sale Prep (+)
PTU for Dance Set-Up (g)
7th & 8th Grade Dance (g)
Men of the Vine (ocu 1&2)
Athletic Practice (g)
SUNDAY, May 10
Mother’s Day / Carnation Sale
St. Benedict Catholic School will be hosting Open Houses for
our Preschool friends who will be 4 and 5
years old beginning in September of 2015. The
Preschool will be full-day at the St. Benedict
Early Learning Center (14600 Turney Road).
Open Houses are from 12:00-2:00pm and will
take place on Sunday, May 17th :
Hope to see you there!
This weekend (May 3, 6-8pm) all teens in
grades 7-12 are invited to join youth
group for an evening of "Play & Pray." We'll
start with Human Hungry Hippo, have dinner
and end with teen-led prayer. Check in at doors of the Activity
Center (gym) at Saints Peter and Paul school building.
Day Trip to Swings-n-Things Monday June 8, 10:30-6:30 is
open to all teens 7-12 grade. Registration forms available at meetings and on our website (
School Spirit Tastes Great!
April Showers Bring May....CAR WASHES!!!
Make dinner a selfless Act by
joining us for a fundraiser to
support St. Benedict Catholic School. Come into the
Vista Way Chipotle on Monday, May 18th from 4:00pm to
8:00pm. Flyers are available at the Parish Office or just tell
them you are supporting St. Benedict School and they will
donate 50% of the proceeds to our school. Thank you for your
ST BENEDICT ATHLETICS- will be having a car wash in the
school parking lot on Saturday May 9th from
10am-2pm. Come support our athletic program and let us shine your ride!
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Readings for the week of May 3, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115; Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145; Jn 14:27-31a
Wednesday Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122; Jn 15:1-8
Thursday Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57; Jn 15:12-17
Saturday Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100; Jn 15:18-21
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98;
1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17
May 3, 2015
St. Martin of Tours Bus Trip
Time is running out to sign up for the motor coach day
trip to Our Lady of Consolation Shrine in Cary,
Ohio. We have reserved the bus for Thursday, May
7, 2015. We will depart from the parking lot at St.
Martin of Tours around 8:15am and return between 4:00
and 4:30pm. Cost of the trip is $40.00 per person
and includes round trip coach fare, lunch at the
shrine and gratuity for our driver. Please contact
Michele at 216-213-6347 to answer any questions or
to sign up. Hope to see you there!