Notes from our Pastoral Administrator Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1


Notes from our Pastoral Administrator Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 3, 2014
Notes from our Pastoral Administrator
“Beloved: come to Him, a living stone…and like living stones,
let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood.” 1 Peter 2:4
In the last three weeks, I’ve heard and spoken a lot about mission. What is our mission? The Church’s mission is taken
directly from words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
(Matthew 28: 19-20).” As the Church, as the People of God, we are all called to share the Good News that the kingdom of
God is at hand!
But, how do we accomplish this mission as the Church of the Resurrection?
Our current Mission Statement [See the bottom of this page] states, “…We encourage love of all God’s people by
promoting spiritual growth through the love of God and the teachings of Christ Jesus through the Gospels.”
What does this mean? And, how are we doing this individually and collectively as the Church of the Resurrection?
The Pastoral Staff, Pastoral Council, Finance Council and the Worship Commission are currently wrestling with the
development of processes that will assist the Community of Faith at the Church of the Resurrection to name the vital ways
in which we will carry out this mission.
If this is our mission, what is our vision? Our vision is what we’ve been talking about over the last four years and even
longer. Our vision is the picture of what our parish should be or could be. We’ve talked about what our parish would be if
we could reach the people who have left us. We have talked about what our parish would be if we could evoke one
another to do the great things God has placed in us. We’ve talked about what our parish would be if we could encourage
our children and their children to be active members of this Faith Community. We must also begin to talk about what our
parish could be if we reached the people no one else is reaching. We must begin to talk about what our parish could be if
we were bringing new people into a relationship with “The Pearl of Great Price” -“The Hidden Treasure” – Jesus the
Christ. There is a lot of work for us to do! “Nothing Will Be Impossible With God.” Luke 1:37
Rev. Mr. Royce Winters
Staff Email Addresses
Fr. Dennis Chriszt, CPPS
Deacon Royce Winters
Ms. Deborah Shipps
Bro. Hugh Henderson, CPPS
Mrs. Dina Washington
Mrs. Phyllis Kelley
Ms. Sharon Eberhart
Ms. Mary Ann Escudero
Ms. Basuho Howell-Griffin
Interim Pastoral Administrator
Minister of Music
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Senior Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Parish Nurse
Parish Nurse
Bulletin Editor
Our Website is
Our Mission
The Church of the Resurrection is an urban Catholic community with people of diverse economic and cultural
backgrounds, who have come together to serve God through various ministries and outreach programs. We encourage
love of all God’s people by promoting spiritual growth through the love of God and the teachings of Christ Jesus through
the Gospels. We stand firm in our belief.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 3, 2014
Pastoral Council News
August 2 - 10, 2014
Saturday August 2, 6:00 p.m. – For the incarcerated
Sunday, August 3, 10:00 a.m. – For all the members of
the Church of the Resurrection
Monday, August 4, 9:30 a.m. – For all those considering
religious life
Wednesday, August 6, 9:30 a.m. – For young men
without a father or male role model
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014, the Pastoral Council met
for the first time in this fiscal year. They reflected on
passage from the Joy of the Gospel: Evangelii Gaudium
which was written by Pope Francis. This reflection led
them to answer the following two questions: What is the
current reality of the Church of the Resurrection? Now,
that you’ve name a reality, what steps are you going to
take to meet that reality? The Pastoral Council then
elected the chair and vice-chair of the Council: Rita
Winters and Cheryl Yarborough. The next Pastoral
Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August
27th at 6:30 p.m.
COR Financial Graph
Saturday, August 9, 6:00 p.m. – For students preparing
to return to school
Monthly Offertory
Sunday, August 10, 8:30 a.m. – For everyone on our
Prayer List
Sunday, August 10, 11:00 a.m. – For all the members of
the Church of the Resurrection
Mass of Remembrance
Masses of remembrances, celebration or for some special
intention are always welcome. Call Mrs. Kelley in the
Parish office at 513-242-0400 for more information about
having a Mass said. A small donation is appreciated.
Weekly Collections
Immigration Reform
July 26 - 27, 2014
St. Vincent DePaul
$ 706.50
$ 103.00
Thanks to everyone who has so generously donated
to the Church of the Resurrection. While trying our
best to keep costs under control, we are currently
averaging about $8,000 a week in expenses. Any
increase in donations would be greatly appreciated.
We Hold in Prayer
The Church of the Resurrection recently celebrated
the life of Gayle Lloyd, the daughter of parishioner
Edna Lloyd, who passed on to glory several weeks
ago in Georgia. Services held at the Church of the
Resurrection included visitation followed by a
memorial Mass. We pray for Christ’s peace and
comfort for the family, friends and loved ones of the
Lloyd family.
Church teaching,
nations have the
right to protect
their borders, all
families also have a right to migrate if that is the only
means by which they can secure their own lives and
human dignity. Today, the U.S. Church, legal
expertise of the immigration system believes that we
need a comprehensive reform of our immigration
laws. As Archbishop Dennis Schnurr states, “it seems
that only comprehensive immigration reform can
simultaneously restore both order and human dignity.”
To respond to his issue, the Advocates for Justice
Greater Cincinnati Parish Collaborative have
established an immigration Task Force to work with
the office promoting comprehensive immigration
reform. Please view the link to read the Archbishop’s
full statement.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 3, 2014
Hold Them in Prayer
August 9-10, 2014
To be announced
Deacon & Preacher
To be announced
Altar Servers
6:00 p.m., August 9th
Lamont Evans
8:30 a.m., August 10th
Demetrious Broyles
11:00 a.m., August10th
Marquez Craft, Anthony Palmer, Giovanti Mitchell and
Travon Price
6:00 p.m., August 9th
Jonelle Fury and Sabrina Burton Sabrina
8:30 a.m., August 10th
Charlotte Reinhold and Joyce Coleman
11:00 a.m., August 10th
Jaylon Winters and Betty Richard
6:00 p.m., August 9th
Dorothy Waller, Linda Coleman, Charles Young and
Helen Jafunen
8:30 a.m., August 10th
William Bolling, Rose Collins, Viola Heard and Rodrico
11:00 a.m., July 10th
Dexter Bedgood, Victoria Holmes, Nancy Gary, Marie
Robinson, Cynthia Walker and Coleen Foster Sager
Eucharistic Minister
6:00 p.m., August 9th
Janet DuBois and Elaine Foster
8:30 a.m., August 10th
Milton Coleman and Kimberly DeBroosard
11:00 a.m., August 10th
Dolores Lindsay, Marcia Allen, Theresa Washington,
Alvina Lindsey, Janice Bishop, Pam Heydt, Virginia Fox
and Cyndi Morgan
Collection Counters
Lillie Jones, Virginia Fox and Ronnise Handy
Please remember all of our sick and our elderly brothers
and sisters, as well as those in special need in your
Marcia Allen
Michael Allison
Myrtle Bailey
Norma Barnes
Laura Banks
Therese Barnes
Mamie Beal
Claude Benson
Ronald Berry, Sr.
Roosevelt Berry
Beverly Bess
James Bishop
Janice Bishop
John Burns
Zach Butcher
Victor Butler
James Carlock
Ellis Combs
Rosemary Conrad
Don Cox
`Lois Crawley
Ruth Davis
Yvonne W. Davis
Jeffrey Dews
Frank Dillard
Shervawn Dodge
Charles Dunn
Phyllis Dunn
Nancy Ertel
Clyde Findley
Micah French
Michael Glassmeyer
Constance Goldsby Margaret Grey
Brenda Grisby
Billie Heap
Fabian Delores High
Josephine Hill
Lucy Hill
Mattie Hill
Robert Hill
Kathy Holmes
Carol Hooten
Wakita Jackson
Mildred Jenkins
Robert Jenkins
Jenkins Family
Lona Joiner
Steve Joiner
Lee Jones, Jr.
Lee Jones, Sr.
Mary Alice Jones
Melia Kelley
Richard Kelley
Brenda Kinley
Sandra Kinley
Richard LaBarge
Pamela Leitzinger
Paul Leitzinger
Melissa Lewis
Lindsay Family
John Lovett
James Lucas
Ada Mann
Virginia Nival Marino Thelma Massey
Corsetta May
Fred Middlebrooks Phyllis Minniefield
Michael LaBarge
Pedro Jaime Nival
William & Odell Pearl
Robert O’Neal
Eloise M. Oliver
Avor Owens
Sondra Parsons
Yvette Patterson
Josephine Payne
Gary Price
Inez Railey
Lucielle Railey
Dorothy Richards
Kathleen Richards
Norma Payne Richardson
Margaret Riley
Tony Riley
Tillie Rizzo
Robert Rodriquez
Bonnie Scott
Dorothy Silimond
Ann Sinclair
Jim Soldano
Cecil Solomon
Paul Thomas
Daniel Stroupe
Carmen Taronji
Joseph Taronji
Marion Thompson Patricia Thompson
Joyce Tucker
Miriam Tucker
Tracey Tucker
Geraldine Ullett
Lynda Valines
Bernadine Walker
Eloise Walker
Rose Walker
Charlene Williams
Cecil Wilkinson
Herbert Wilson
Patricia Woods
Joseph Woolfolk
Emmitt O’Neal
Emmett Jones
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Come celebrate God’s precious mercy
in the Sacrament of Reconciliation on
Saturdays from 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. in the
back of the church in the room with the glass door.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thank You!
The Teen Group would like to thank parishioners and
friends for your support of last Sunday’s Ice Cream
Social. We are very appreciative of all the love, support,
and donations extended to us by the Church of the
Resurrection family. Thanks to your generosity, the
Teen Group raised $65.50. Our young people are
working very hard to do the right thing and thanks to
your help in this and other ventures, I believe they will
make it.
May God continue to bless and keep you!
Janet Dubois
Jazz on the Lawn
Jazz on the Lawn takes
place next Saturday, August
9, from 12:00 noon to 9:00
p.m. It’s right around the
corner but you still have
time to purchase an ad in
the program booklet or volunteer to join Rita Winters
and her dynamic team. The day begins with two
hours of live gospel music, followed by five hours of
live jazz:
Jazz Renaissance – from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Second Wind – from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
The event also includes games for the kids, great eats
and a lot of fun. Please remind family, neighbor’s
friends and co-workers. You won’t want to miss this
exciting event!
COR Women’s Group Bake Sale
The women’s group will be sponsoring their annual bake
sale as part of Jazz on the Lawn. All bakers of the parish
are being asked to donate a baked good There is a
sign-up sheet and donation instructions on the table in
the back of the church. Thank you in advance for your
help. If you’re not baking something for the event,
please come out and check out these mouth-watering
August 3, 2014
This Week’s Events
Sunday, August 3rd 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am
4th Anniversary Mass
Monday, August 4th
9:00 am
3:00 pm
Pastoral Staff
6:30 pm
Bible Study
Parish Office
Parish Center
Tuesday, August 5th
Wednesday, August 6th
9:00 am
1:00 pm
Food Pantry
Parish Center
Thursday, August 7th
6:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal
Friday, August 8
Saturday, August 9th
9:30 am
12 noon
Jazz on the Lawn
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
Vigil Mass
Front Lawn
Sunday, August 10th 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 am
11:00 am
Join us for Faithful Inquiry
As we seek to do God’s will, we are ever mindful of
our mission to extend an invitation of love to those we
meet who are seeking to answer the questions of faith.
Whether the invitation is to strangers or to those who
have left us for whatever reason, our invitation is a
concrete sign that our doors are always open to
anyone who chooses to enter. If you are interested in
“fanning into flame” the gifts that are in you; or if you
know of someone who is asking the questions of faith,
please join us for our Faith Conversations that will be
held every Sunday morning from 9:45 a.m. – 10:30
a.m. beginning on August 10, 2014.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Joy of the Gospel
“81. At a time when we most need a missionary
dynamism which will bring salt and light to the world,
many lay people fear that they may be asked to
undertake some apostolic work and they seek to avoid
any responsibility that may take away from their free
time. For example, it has become very difficult today
to find trained parish catechists willing to persevere in
this work for years. Something similar is also
happening with priests who are obsessed with
protecting their own free time. This is frequently due
to the fact that people feel an overbearing need to
guard their personal freedom, as though the task of
evangelization was a dangerous poison rather than a
joyful response to God’s love which summons us to
mission and makes us fulfilled and productive. Some
resist giving themselves over completely to mission
and thus end up in a state of paralysis and acedia.”
Pope Francis Apostolic Exhortation – 12 /2013
Proclaim Summit:
Equipping Disciples for a New Missionary Age
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati
is sponsoring the Proclaim
Summit on October 6 – 7, 2014
at the Dayton Convention
Center. It is a two-day
gathering for prayer dialogue and learn as we examine
the complexities of the new missionary age and equip
ourselves to proclaim Christ in every human situation.
The Summit is for all parish, school and Archdiocesan
leaders invested in the evangelizing mission of the
Church. Cost: $95 for registrants from the
Archdiocese of Cincinnati. For more information visit:
Lighthouse Prayer Meeting
A Spirit-filled prayer meeting will be held on August
13, 2014 in Hilvert Center at St. Ignatius Church, I-74
and North Bend Rd., on August 20 in St. James Hall at
St. James Church - 3565 Hubble Rd. White Oak, and on
August 27th again at St. Ignatius Church. The public
is invited to come and experience the presence of
Jesus and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For more
information call 513-471-5483.
August 3, 2014
PWC to Provide Free Lead Service
People Working Cooperatively (PWC) has teamed up
with the City of Cincinnati to offer the Cincinnati Lead
Education and Remediation Program (CLEAR). The
program was developed to reduce lead hazards from area
homes and could involve free repairs such as window
replacement or covering lead surfaces. Qualification
criteria include: having a child under six live or spend
time in your home, you have owned or lived in your
home for more than a year and your home was built
before 1978. To apply for services or for more
information call 513-366-4966.
Summer Jobs for Young People
It’s not too late to check out the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati job openings for young people ages 14 to
24 years old. These are paid positions for the summer
with ResCare Workforce Services. They have
partnered with a variety of businesses that may need
help during the summer through fall and are in need of
filling hundreds of opportunities as soon as possible.
If you are a business seeking help, you may be eligible
to employ youth from the program at no cost to your
business. If you are a young person seeking a job or a
business who desires more information on the
program, contact a Career Specialist at ResCare by
calling 513-226-8075 or 513-674-1200. You can also
email your request to
The Mystery of Faith
Faith Formation:
“Deep In Our Hearts, We Desire the Living God”
Over the last two months, the Worship Committee has
been using the resource “The Mystery of Faith” to
study the elements of the Order of Mass. As of this
date, we’ve reviewed the Introductory Rites and the
Liturgy of the Word. We hope this reflection will
assist the community in understanding, “Why we do
what we do at Mass?” The Act of Penitence: “What
the Church celebrates in the Liturgy is Christ and our
life in Christ, yet nonetheless its members cannot fail
to acknowledge sin and guilt. And so in the Act of
Penitence the whole assembly, proclaiming itself
sinful before a merciful and forgiving God, shows that
it is a community ever converting, ever in need of
reconciliation with God and others. The people are
not called to make an “examination of conscience”
but rather to make a proclamation of faith in a God
who is loving, kind, and the source of all
reconciliation and healing. The focus is not on us but
on the merciful God.” The Mystery of Faith, Page 18
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 3, 2014
Living Liturgy
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1 Kings 19: 9 - 23
Psalm 85: 9 - 14
Romans 9: 1 - 5
Matthew 14: 22 - 33
Almighty ever-living God, whom, taught by the Holy Spirit,
we dare to call our Father, bring, we pray,
to perfection in our hearts the spirit of adoption as your sons
and daughters, that we may merit to enter into the inheritance
which you have promised.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen
Reflecting on Living the Gospel
The unfolding series of events in this gospel brings into sharp contrast divine action and
human response, divine trustworthiness and human doubt, divine power and human
weakness. When these contrasts clash, those who give themselves over to divine action are
saved; those who rely on their own human response face death. This clash is evident within
Peter: when he looks to Jesus and trusts him, he walks on water; when he looks away from
Jesus to the frightening wind and waves, he begins to sink. All Jesus’ disciples must
contend with this inevitable clash. We all must choose where to look. Where we choose to
look is a matter of life or death.
Our discipleship is about our fulfilling the command Jesus gives to all: to come to him and
be saved. It’s far easier to come to Jesus in the obvious things, for example, faithful
attendance at Mass or keeping Lent well. It’s far more difficult to see God in the little
things, for example, giving extra time to be present to spouse or children. Indeed, in the
very coming to Jesus for salvation we are exercising the basic work of discipleship:
furthering the kingdom of God, a reign in which all are one with Jesus and the Father
through the power of the Holy Spirit. We usually think of discipleship as reaching out to
others, and it surely is that. This Sunday’s gospel, however, opens up for us another and
prior dimension of discipleship—we must reach out to Jesus and be grasped by his saving
hand. By this utter intimacy of relationship—reaching out, touching, being saved—are we
in a unique relationship with Jesus, a relationship which enables us to be his risen Presence
in our world and carry forward his saving mission.
Closing Prayer
For Reflection:
 What and who help
me to discern God’s
will for my life . . .
 I experience growth
in my being the visible presence of the
kingdom of heaven
when . . .
Suggestions for
group and
individual use:
1. Pray aloud the opening prayer (in the Roman
Missal called the “collect”);
2. One person read aloud
the gospel;
3. Each read prayerfully
“Reflecting on Living
the Gospel” and spend
some time in personal
4. Share together responses to “For Reflection”;
5. Pray the “Closing
The readings from the Lectionary
for Mass copyright © 1970, 1997,
1998 Confraternity of Christian
Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C.
All rights reserved.
Excerpts from the English transla-
May we constantly look to Jesus stretching out his hand to us with Life and salvation.
tion of The Roman Missal © 2010,
International Commission on
May we acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God by the faithfulness of our daily living.
English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Our Father . .
Living Liturgy™ Sunday Bulletin.Liturgical Press, Collegeville,
Minnesota 56321. © 2013 by
Order of Saint Benedict 1-800-858-5450