The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015
The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015
A soce i onl yo fTtrhien Li toyr d TThhee M s tn sHo May 31, 2015 M a y 8 , 20 1 6 Scripture Readings OUR ARCHDIOCESEN FAMILY PRAYER Acts 1: 1-11 Hebrews 9: 24-28; 10: 19-23 or Ephesians 1: 17-23 Luke 24: 46-53 Loving and Faithful God, through the years the people of our archdiocese have appreciated the prayers and love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in times of war, disaster, epidemic and illness. We come to you, Father, with Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us in the battle of today against violence, murder and racism. Music 9:30 am, 11:00 am, & 7:30 pm Gathering #543 Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise Psalm Response “God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord.” Gifts Preparation #886 Immaculate Mary Recessional #545 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing The texts of the Mass responses, as well as the Gloria and Creed, can be found in the front covers of the worship aids. Sunday evening Benediction hymns can be found in the Gather hymnal: #139, #137, and #615. We implore you to give us your wisdom that we may build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people. Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Bless and protect our youth that they may be peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones through violence. Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human dignity in our community. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that we may be a holy family. I M M A CU L AT E C O N C E P T IO N P AR I S H NEW ORLEANS, LA Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church WEEKLY REFLECTION The Ascension 130 Baronne Street New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 529-1477 / fax: (504) 524-0155 In today’s readings we hear the same story twice – once at the conclusion of Luke’s Gospel, and once again with more elaboration at the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles. In a way we hear the same story a third time in the account from the letter to the Ephesians. STAFF Rev. Frank Reale, S.J., Pastor (ext. 243) ( Cathy Brown, Executive Assistant (ext. 223) Julie Vanderbrook, Wedding Coordinator Paul Wattigny, Organist & Choirmaster INFORMATION CONTACTS Religious Education & Faith Formation Baptisms & Funerals: 529-1477 x 224 Weddings (Julie Vanderbrook): Respect Life Committee (Paige Breard): 504-442-2622 MASSES Monday-Friday: 7:30 am, Noon Saturday: 8 am, 4 pm (Sunday Vigil) Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, 7:30 pm CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday: Saturday: Sunday: DEVOTIONS Tuesday: Friday: First Friday: Sunday: CHURCH TOURS 11-11:50 am 3:15-3:50 pm 7-7:25 pm at Masses at Masses 12:30 pm 12:40 pm Perpetual Help Novena Sacred Heart Novena Benediction Stations of the Cross & Rosary 8-11:45 am Adoration & Benediction at Masses Sacred Heart Novena 12:30 pm Stations of the Cross & Rosary 9 am Rosary 7 pm Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction 3:15 pm Saturdays In Luke’s Gospel, we learn that the risen Jesus, having charged his disciples with the mission of witnessing to the Good News, promises them the power of the Spirit for their task. Their last impression of him is the blessing he leaves for them, and it leaves them returning to Jerusalem joyful. In the Acts of the Apostles, we learn that Jesus lingered among his disciples for forty days so that there would be no doubt that his living presence and power were among them. We also learn that Jesus continued to teach them about the Kingdom of God since at this stage his disciples still did not fully understand the true nature of the mission. Jesus again tries to get them to see the bigger picture. His mission is not about the political restoration of Israel; it’s about the redemption of all humanity from sin and death. In Acts we have the striking image of Jesus being lifted up into a cloud – a symbol in scripture for the Divine Presence – but as Jesus disappears, heavenly messengers insist that the disciples direct their gaze not to the heavens but to earth. The Easter morning message was not to look for Jesus down in the tomb among the dead but rather among the living; the Ascension message is not to gaze up to where Jesus was but rather to seek him out in the world, forward into history. That is the task placed before them, and us. In its own way, today’s reading from Ephesians provides a third – more theologically developed – version of the story. Here we are told that God who raised Jesus from the dead has enthroned him at the right hand of the Father. He has been placed above all governments and authorities, both in the history of the world as we know it and in that transformed world that is yet to come. His authority is over all creation, all human affairs, all governments and all nations. Through the centuries, martyrs have died defending the authority of Christ in their lives as one that takes precedence over all earthly rulers and their commands. In our own times we tend to assume that such conflicts can no longer happen, at least in our part of the world, but perhaps we should from time to time ask ourselves what it means in concrete terms that the authority of Jesus is set above human law, as well as above the interests (individual, partisan, and national) of business, wealth and power. T H E AS C E N S I O N O F T H E L O R D VISITING IMMACULATE CONCEPTION? Welcome! We are pleased you are with us. If you would like to learn more about the art and architecture of our historic building, we invite you to consult the brochure found at the back of the church. Also, if you are here for 8 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, please join us afterward for coffee, donuts and conversation in our parish hall. DID YOU KNOW? A 30-minute docent-led tour of our church takes place every Saturday at 3:15 p.m. Tours can also be arranged for visiting groups at other times by contacting the parish office. MAY CROWNING Today, at the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses, our liturgies will begin with a May Crowning in honor of the Blessed Mother. Of course, May is Mary’s month. Parishioners are welcome any time this month to bring flowers to place before the statue of Mary located in the Holy Family Shrine. PRAYING THE ROSARY One traditional and beautiful form of Catholic prayer is the Rosary, during which we reflect on the central mysteries of our faith while entrusting our petitions to God through the intercession of Mary. At Immaculate Conception, there are three opportunities each week to pray the Rosary with others: Fridays after Noon Mass and Stations; Sundays at 9:00 a.m.; and, Sundays at 7:00 p.m. as part of evening Adoration and Benediction. PREPARATION FOR BAPTISM The next baptism preparation class for parents and godparents takes place Thursday, the 12th, at 5:00 p.m. in the parish rectory. Registration is requested. To do so, please call the parish office (529-1477, ext. 224) and leave a message. Baptism at Immaculate Conception is usually celebrated at noon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, although other arrangements are possible. Please consult the parish website. KNOW SOMEONE? If you know someone interested in learning how an unbaptized adult or an adult baptized into another Christian denomination becomes a Catholic, please put him or her in contact with Father Reale. M A Y 8, 2 0 1 6 Happy Mother’s Day to all our Moms! THANK YOU Each year, Immaculate Conception is able to sponsor a Parish School of Religion (PSR) program for the religious education of grade school and high school students, as well as classes for those preparing to make their First Communion or Confirmation. These programs are possible only because of the generous people who volunteer their time each week to form and shepherd our young people in faith. As a parish community, we are particularly grateful this year for the service of Jimmy Martello, Denise Hoffman, Sandy Runco, Julie Vanderbrook, Sister Maureen Little RSCJ, and Jeremy Reuther. LOYOLA THEOLOGY OPEN HOUSE Inspired by the call of Pope Francis to spread the “freshness and fragrance” of the Gospel? Want to answer the call to holiness in everyday life? If so, please join the Loyola Institute for Ministry for its Open House to learn about its master’s degrees and certificates that are Catholic, Ignatian, practical, transformative and affordable. Thursday, May 12, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 251 of Loyola’s Monroe Hall. For more details: PARISH RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE Our parish’s Respect Life Committee will be meeting on Saturday, May 21st, at 9:15 a.m. at the neutral grounds across from the Planned Parenthood site in the 4900 block of S. Claiborne to pray for the end of abortion. The prayer lasts about 45 minutes. Also, the Committee will be at the Harry Tompson Center on Thursday, May 19th, 9 to 11 a.m. All are welcome. For more details about these events in support of life, please contact parishioner Paige Breard at or speak with Fr. Reale. I M M A CU L AT E C O N C E P T IO N P AR I S H N E W O R L E AN S , L A A PRAYER LIST Your prayers are asked for the following individuals who are facing illness or other life challenges. Rita Claire Alford Michelle Baptiste Fran Jones Barré Kell Kelly Bennett Mitchell Bourgeouis Barbara Brink Karla Caldarera Rena Cantrell Ashley Code Raymond Fitzgerald SJ Cristina Fowler James Geraghty Ellis Gill Kathy Houston Michael J. Lambert Maria Madriega McCord, Sumrall, Todd & Pinner Families Joyce McDonald Indie McKay Kerstyn Melan Paul Osterle SJ Nicholas Popich Thomas Reale Shirley Schnyder Sr. Mary Lou Speca Sheldon Strasner Steve Strom Madeline L. Suer Julie Sumrall Matthew Thiedel Rosalyn Vance Imelda Ward Craig Werner Names appear for three months unless otherwise requested. To request that a name be included, please phone 529-1477. EACH MASS IS OFFERED FOR THE INTENTIONS OF ALL PRESENT & FOR THE FOLLOWING: Saturday, May 7 8:00 am 4:00 pm Sunday, May 8 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 7:30 pm A IN MEMORY May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Wester Alford † John Baus † Francoise Benton † Madeline (Pizzuto) Bertucci † Ronald Bourg † Olga Deegan Brown † Musette Buckley † Keith Collins, MD † Hon. Nestor L. Curraut, Jr. † Alvin Davis, Jr. † Maxine Amelia Ditto † Michael J. Early, Sr. † Fr. John Edwards, S.J. † Socrates Festin † Linda Gautreaux † Dr. Elbert Goodier † Chapman Gardner Holbrook † James Ignatius Hymel, Jr. † Albert C. Ilombu † Margaret Kiper Johnson † Fr. Marvin Kitten, S.J. † Dana Jones † Frank Magrone † Rosemary Magrone † Barbara Majoue † Aaron Martin † Dr. Donald McArthur † Kody McKord † Aniyah Renee McGee † Robert McIntosh † Eloise O. Melancon † Carol Melville † Linda Kay Murphy † Fr. Raul Navarro, S.J. † John Noto † Leah I. Paternostro † Ami Sumners Pearson † Maureen Poché † Noah James Riché † Austin James Ryan † Bill Satori † Steve Schmedtje † Archbishop Francis B. Schulte † Mary Lou Smith † Carl Sorenson † Elmo Spellman † J.F. Thompson † Christopher Vanderbrook † Clotilde N. Vargas † Thomas J. Ward † Harold Washington, Jr. † Gerald A. Wilson † The names of recently deceased appear on the list for twelve months. Please phone 529-1477 to request that a name be included. Christopher J. Vanderbrook † Christopher J. Vanderbrook † Grace Brue Campbell † Louise M. Gonzales † Eloise Melancon † Leah Paternostro † Jack Chaney † Mass for the People Christopher J. Vanderbrook † Special Intention Evelyn Caspille Browder † Mrs. Margaret Johnson † & Mr. Gerard Johnson † Monday, May 9 7:30 am Noon special intention Tuesday, May 10 7:30 am Noon Edward Melancon † Wednesday, May 11 7:30 am Noon Apatini Family Thursday, May 12 7:30 am Noon special intention Friday, May 13 7:30 am Noon special intention Saturday, May 14 8:00 am 4:00 pm Christopher J. Vanderbrook † Hon. Nestor L. Currault, Jr. † Jay C. Zainey † Dr. Elbert Goodier † Cleo Higgins † WEDDING BANNS Please keep in your prayers those who in the coming weeks will be united in the Sacrament of Matrimony at Immaculate Conception Church. May 14, 2016 Jennifer Bradley & Christopher Barr Jeanne Capella & Jonathan Goedecke May 20/21, 2016 HOLY FATHER’S MAY PRAYER INTENTIONS Respect for Women: That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Holy Rosary: That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace. Gina Gremillion & Kurt Eischen Stephanie LaVergne & Thomas Healock April Wagner & Leon Luyckx May 28, 2016 Tracey Allen & Quintin Denman Mary Hancock & Taylor Mitchell Megan Bice & Daniel Barrett T H E AS C E N S I O N O F T H E L O R D COLLECTIONS (April 18-24, 2016) Sunday: $ 8,347.00 Weekdays: $ 743.00 ONLINE PARISHIONER REGISTRATION & GIVING We invite you to register as a member of our parish family. To do so, log on to and click the “I’m New” and “To the Parish” tabs, or contact the parish office. Also, follow Immaculate Conception Parish on Facebook by logging onto and entering Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church and “Like” us. In reflecting upon your support of the parish, please consider online giving, a quick and easy way to do your part to foster the life and ministry of our parish. Through our Legacy Campaign we were able to achieve a number of projects, including the renovation of our stained glass windows. Large gifts were acknowledged by inviting donors to “adopt” a window and then create a memorial plaque. Some windows remain unclaimed. Most of these are located in our balconies; others are above the high altar and choir loft. To learn more about how you might contribute to the ongoing renewal of our church, and at the same time honor a living or deceased loved one, please contact Father Reale. M A Y 8, 2 0 1 6 PARKING at 220 O’Keefe For registered Immaculate Conception parishioners, parking at a reduced fee of $2.00 for a 3-hour period is available in the CENTRAL PARKING GARAGE at 220 O’Keefe, next to the Quality Inn, near the corner of O’Keefe and Common. The garage is open to parishioners on Sunday mornings beginning around 7 o’clock, and then again beginning around 6 p.m. To get the reduced rate, you must use a magnetic voucher card available for purchase in the parish office, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To take advantage of the reduced rate, enter the garage from O’Keefe, and take a ticket from the auto attendant. KEEP YOUR TICKET. When you exit the garage, you will need to insert both that ticket and the voucher. Difficulties? The Central Parking emergency number is 504-655-3204. Questions? Please contact Cathy Brown at 529-1477, ext. 223 or Father Reale at ext. 243.
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The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015
Bruce R. Hoefer, Sr. †
Chapman Gardner Holbrook †
James Ignatius Hymel, Jr. †
Albert C. Ilombu †
Margaret Kiper Johnson †
Fr. Marvin Kitten, S.J. †
Frank Magrone †
Barbara Majoue †
Aaron Martin †