May 22, 2016 - Holy Family Catholic Church
May 22, 2016 - Holy Family Catholic Church
May 22, 2016 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Welcome to Holy Family Church. We have a handicap accessible restroom to the left of the Sanctuary, by the elevator, and downstairs accessed from the Narthex. Please silence all cell phones. —————————————————————————————–— PRELUDE (9:00) Psaume 150 C. Franck Church of the Holy Family 5900 West Lake Street Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952.929.0113 Reverend Joseph Johnson, Pastor Reverend George Welzbacher Deacon Jim Meyer Deacon Mike Kraemer Mass Times: Sunday Saturday Weekdays Weekday Rosary 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM 5:00 P M 8:00 AM 7:30 AM Confessions: Sunday 8:00 AM to 8:50 AM Saturday 3:30 PM to 4:50 PM Tuesday through Friday 7:30 AM Parish Office Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM James Grogan, Principal 5925 West Lake Street Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952.925.9193 A Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade Catholic School dedicated to excellence in education and fidelity to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church Alleluia. Praise ye the Lord in his holy places: praise ye him in the firmament of his power. Praise ye him for his mighty acts: praise ye him according to the multitude of his greatness. Praise him with the sound of trumpet: praise him with psaltery and harp. Praise him with timbrel and choir: praise him with strings and organs. Praise him on high sounding cymbals: praise him on cymbals of joy: let every spirit praise the Lord. Alleluia. Ps 150 INTROIT III. Caritas Dei Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris, alleluia: per inhabitantem Spiritum eius in nobis, alleluia, alleluia. Ps. Benedic anima mea Domino: et omnia quæ intra me sunt, nomini sancto eius. The love of God has been poured into our hearts, alleluia; by his Spirit which dwells in us, alleluia, alleluia. ℣. Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Rom 5:5; 10:11; Ps 103 PROCESSIONAL HYMN 306 Collegeville Hymnal Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty NICAEA GREETING Celebrant: ℟: Celebrant: ℟: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. PENITENTIAL ACT Celebrant: Brethren, let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves celebrate the sacred mysteries. ℟: I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, And, striking their breast, they say: through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; Then they continue: therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Celebrant: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. GLORIA Mass Setting XII (‘de Angelis’) - Lumen Christi Missal, p. 873 THE LITURGY OF THE WORD Lumen Christi Missal - Page 692 FIRST READING Proverbs 8:22-31 RESPONSORIAL PSALM R. Rice Psalm 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Cantor, then all; thereafter: all who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST OFFERTORY HYMN (5:00) 307 SECOND READING GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Cantor, then all; thereafter: all GOSPEL Deacon: ℟: Deacon: ℟: Romans 5:1-5 Come, Our Almighty King OFFERTORY MOTET Draw us in the Spirit’s tether T. Marier 9:00 Collegeville Hymnal ITALIAN HYMN H. Friedell 11:00 Cantique de Jean Racine G. Fauré Word of God, one with the Most High, in whom alone we have our hope, eternal day of heaven and earth, we break the silence of the peaceful night; Savior Divine, cast your eyes upon us! Pour on us the fire of your powerful grace, that all hell may flee at the sound of your voice; banish the slumber of a weary soul, that brings forgetfulness of your laws! O Christ, look with favor upon your faithful people now gathered here to praise you; receive their hymns offered to your John 16:12-15 immortal glory; may they go forth filled with your gifts. J. Racine The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John. Glory to you, O Lord. At the conclusion of the Gospel: Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord. ℟: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. NICENE CREED I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, he came down from heaven, (All bow while saying:) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, 2 OFFERTORY CHANT (9:00) III. Benedictus Benedictus sit Deus Pater, unigenitusque Dei Filius, Sanctus quoque Spiritus: quia fecit nobiscum misericordiam suam. Blessed be God the Father, and the only begotten Son of God, and the Holy Spirit; for he has dealt with us according to his mercy. Cf. Tob 12:6 INVITATION TO PRAYER Celebrant: ℟: Pray brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. SANCTUS ’de Angelis’ - Lumen Christi Missal, p. 874 MYSTERY OF FAITH GREAT AMEN SIGN OF PEACE Celebrant: ℟: AGNUS DEI The Peace of the Lord be with you always. And with your spirit. ’de Angelis’ - Lumen Christi Missal, p. 875 HOLY COMMUNION HOLY FAMILY CALENDAR We invite actively practicing Catholics who are properly Sunday, May 22 : TRINITY SUNDAY disposed to come forward to receive Holy Communion. Our Donut Sunday brothers and sisters of other faiths are invited to approach with 8:00 AM Confessions arms crossed over the chest to receive a blessing. At Holy Family 9:00 AM Mass we receive the combination of the Body and Blood of Christ on 11:00 AM Mass the tongue. If you prefer to receive just the Body of Christ in your After Masses Gerten’s Orders Pick-Up Moorman Hall hand, please have your hands clearly out before you approach. 12:30 PM Baptism Church 3:00 PM Spring Concert for Trinity Sunday Church COMMUNION ANTIPHON IV. Benedicimus 5:00 PM Altar Server Party Park Tavern, St. Louis Park Benedicimus Deum cæli, et coram omnibus viventibus Monday, May 23 confitebimur ei: quia fecit nobis cum misericordiam suam. 8:00 AM Mass Let us bless the God of heaven and utter his praises before all who 8:30 AM Exercise Class Father Wilkins Room live; for he has dealt with us according to his mercy. Tob 12:6 8:30 AM Branch III Kitchen 3:00 PM Widows and Widowers Holy Hour Adoration Chapel COMMUNION MOTET 7:00 PM Outreach Choir Rehearsal Choir Loft C. Franck 9:00 Panis angelicus May the Bread of Angels become bread for mankind; the Bread Tuesday, May 24 of Heaven puts all foreshadowings to an end; Oh, thing 7:30 AM Confessions miraculous! This body of God will nourish the poor, the servile, 8:00 AM Mass and the humble. You God, Three and One, we beseech that You 8:30 AM Weekly Scripture Study Father Wilkins Room visit us, as we worship You. By Your ways, lead us where we are 6:30 PM Young Adults Nazareth House heading, to the light that You inhabitest. St. T. Aquinas 7:00 PM Neocatechumenal Way Father Wilkins Room 11:00 Laudate Dominum (from K. 339) W. A. Mozart Wednesday, May 25 : SAINT BEDE THE VENERABLE, PRIEST O praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him, all ye peoples. For 7:30 AM Confessions & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH; his merciful kindness is ever more and more toward us; and the 8:00 AM Mass SAINT GREGORY VII, POPE & RELIGIOUS; truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise the Lord. Ps 117 SAINT MARY MAGDALENE DE’ PAZZI, VIRGIN 8:30 AM Wednesday Donuts Moorman Hall SECOND COLLECTION The Care Fund 9:00 AM Children’s Eucharistic Adoration Adoration Chapel The Care Fund meets the emergency needs of Holy Family 11:45 AM Exercise Class Moorman Hall parishioners and the wider community. 3:30 PM Youth Choir Rehearsals Moorman Hall CLOSING HYMN SAINT PHILIP NERI, PRIEST Collegeville Hymnal Thursday, May 26 : 7:30 AM Confessions 309 O God, Almighty Father GOTT VATER, SEI GEPRIESEN 8:00 AM Mass ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— 8:30 AM Exercise Class Father Wilkins Room Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal Moorman Hall International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. (I.C.E.L.). 7:00 PM Natural Family Planning (Billings) Fr. Wilkins Room All rights reserved. TODAY AT HOLY FAMILY SPRING CONCERT FOR TRINITY SUNDAY Don’t miss this glorious celebration of the Trinity in concert here at Holy Family on Sunday afternoon at 3:00pm! Holy Family’s Schola Cantorum and Choral Scholars, with celesta, organ and string quartet, featuring guest organists Sam Backman and Atsuko Schlough, present works of Bach, Handel, Pärt, Mozart, Vivaldi, Fauré, and Franck. Conducted by Director of Music Scott Turkington. Free admission; a free will offering will be received. Visit for more details. Friday, May 27 : SAINT AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, BISHOP 7:30 AM Confessions 8:00 AM Mass 8:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction Church Saturday, May 28 : 3:30 PM Confessions 4:45 PM Benediction 5:00 PM Mass Sunday, May 29 : CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY 8:00 AM Confessions 9:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass After Mass Reception for Fr. Haverstock Moorman Hall ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— For those of you who participated in the World Youth Day Fundraiser: your Gerten’s plant orders will be available for pick-up in Moorman Hall: Saturday, May 21st – after 5 pm Mass Sunday, May 22nd – after 9 & 11 am Masses ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— For this week’s daily readings, please visit 3 May May May May May May May May 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 29th MASS INTENTIONS Those Who Mourn Church in China Catherine M. McKinnon † Janice & Joel Solomon † Donna Siedlecki † Andrew Litwin For the Parish Deacon Jim Meyer DIRECTORY 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. INTERCESSIONS Please pray for those of our community who are ill, have loved ones who are ill, or who have suffered the loss of a loved one. David Anderson, Bob Lanie son-in-law of Judy DaBruzzi Connie Looft Barbara Memelo Margaret Batteen Mary Chalmers, Floyd Nerheim mother of Nicholas Chalmers Florence Novak Victor Novak, Joan Cichosz son of Florence Novak Patricia Cronick Eileen Schaefer, John Paul Donahue II mother of Donna Jacobs Tom Dupont Bob Spinharney John Flesher Father George Welzbacher Marilyn Grutsch Mark Heinz † Jim Hanson Carol Hix † Clayton Timian Angela Kearby Ralph Koenig SUNDAY STEWARDSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS FOR MAY 14-15, 2016 Member Envelopes Online Giving Plate Total Contributions $ $ $ $ 8,744.00 4,565.30 1,158.74 14,468.04 SECOND COLLECTION: The Care Fund $ 880.16 Next week’s Second Collection will benefit the Care Fund. APPEAL FOR ADORERS It is our goal at Holy Family to have at least two adorers present at each hour on the adoration schedule, so that every adorer can have a partner for scheduling back-up and safety during nighttime hours. Please contact Mike Zwack, our Adoration coordinator, if you are willing to make an hour’s (or greater) commitment each week, and for information on the other times available: 612.710.5007 Currently, the times of our greatest need are: 4 Mondays: 12-1am; Tuesdays: 3-4am; Fridays: 1-2pm General Staff 952.929.0113 Paul Karpinko Bobbi Hanson Linda Vos Trever Bergman Parish Business Administrator Office Manager & Event Coordinator Accountant Facilities Manager Liturgy and Pastoral Staff Deacon Jim Meyer Sacramental Preparation Sharon Pero Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry Scott Turkington Director of Sacred Music Nicholas Chalmers Associate Director of Sacred Music Faith Formation Staff John Hartnett Director of Faith Formation Elizabeth Brown Confirmation Coordinator Apostolates Lee Flesher Mike Zwack Dona Marek Alyssa Bormes Ryan Skoug Erin Arlinghaus ext. ext. ext. ext. 16 10 11 20 ext. ext. ext. ext. 14 13 12 24 952.925.9193 ext. 19 Pastoral Council Perpetual Adoration 952.929.6083 Prayer Partners (9a-9p) 952.926.3130 Altar & Rosary Society Knights of Columbus Home Educators Natural Family Planning: Lorena Dillon Billings Ovulation Method Sympto-Thermal Method Callie Doran 612.396.4019 612.721.3791 If you or someone you know is in need of emergency assistance, please contact: STEP - Emergency Program: 952.925.4899 ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— SEEKING HEALING If you have been abused or victimized by someone representing the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, we want to hear from you. Any and all abuse should be reported to the appropriate civil authorities. We are here to offer you help and healing. We will also help you make a formal complaint of abuse to this Archdiocese or assist you in contacting another archdiocese/ diocese/eparchy. Please call our Victim/Survivor Help line at 651.291.4497. The Archdiocese partners with Canvas health an independent and professional local care provider to offer assistance or referrals for assistance. Learn more at: WEDDINGS Please pray for Reed Manke & Jane Peckham, Banns III Daniel George & Kelleen Hanna, Banns II James Starrett IV & Leslie Rentz, Banns II Michael Truso & Rachael Berg, Banns I Peter Arachtingi & Katherine Kendall, Banns I as they prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage. HERE AT HOLY FAMILY YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE JUBILEE FOR DEACONS Chicago Area Shrines | August 16 – 19, 2016 Join Father Joseph and your Holy Family friends on a wonderful 4-day Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to shrines in the Chicago area. The itinerary includes a stop at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in LaCrosse, WI, a visit to the National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe, the National Shrine of St. Therese, and the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians at Holy Hill in WI. Father Joseph will lead us on a tour of the Art Institute of Chicago, we will explore the Shedd Aquarium and enjoy an architectural boat cruise on the Chicago River. Brochures are posted on the Church bulletin boards. Call Sharon at 952.929.0113, Ext. 13, if you have questions. Update: The deadline for full payment has been changed to June 1st, 2016. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has designated a special Jubilee for Deacons in the month of May. In celebration of our Deacons and those undergoing formation as diaconate candidates, we have the opportunity to offer our gratitude through spiritual gifts. Spiritual gift packets will be available at the entrances to the church and in Moorman Hall this weekend. Please fill them out and drop them off in the envelope at the back of church or at the parish office by May 22nd. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— MEMORIAL DAY MASS AND FLAG FOLDING CEREMONY All are invited to join us at the 9:00 AM Mass on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30. The Flag Folding will take place before Mass at 8:55. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— OUTREACH CHOIR REHEARSALS The Outreach Choir will rehearse on Mondays May 23rd and June 6th, at 7:00pm in the choir loft. Please mark your calendars! This group will occasionally provide music and entertainment to those in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. If you would like to join, please call Sharon at 952.929.0113x13 for more info. Deacons Serving at Holy Family: Deacon Mike Kraemer, Deacon Jim Meyer Holy Family parishioners serving elsewhere: Deacon Luis Rubi (St. Stephen’s) Deacon Russ Kocemba (Nativity of Our Lord) Deacon Candidates To be ordained deacon in preparation for priestly ordination in 2017: Nick Hagen (Holy Family parishioner, 3rd year seminarian in Rome) Tyler Mattson (Holy Family teaching parish seminarian from the Diocese of Sioux Falls) Holy Family parishioners in formation to serve as permanent deacons: Eric Evander, Paul Hoedeman, Jim Reinhardt, and Bill Schroeder Summer Camps 2016 Holy Family Church and Holy Family Academy Register online at Catholic Vacation Bible School Dates: June 27-30 (M-Th) Time: 8:45am – 11:45am Grades: Pre-K (4+) - Post-5th Cost: $30 per student Location: Holy Family Academy Go to the Summer Events page on the on the parish website. Many helpers are needed! Helpers may sign up through the parish website as well. All helpers will need to comply with the Archdiocese policies for training, code of conduct, background check, or reference letters. Any questions? Call Cathie Baier at 952-484-9607 or email: String Camp Dates: July 18-22 & July 25-29 (Both M-F) Times: 1:00 – 4:00pm Grades: 9th-12th Location: Holy Family Academy Concert on Sunday, July 31, 12:15pm in the church. Chant Camp for High Schoolers Dates: July 12-15 (Tu-F) Time: 1:00 – 4:00pm Grades: 9th-12th Cost: $50 per student Location: Holy Family Academy Math Boot Camp Dates: July 12-15 (Tu-F) Grades: nd rd Entering 2 -3 : 8:45am-10am th th Entering 4 -5 : 11am-12:15am th th Entering 6 -8 : 1:30pm-2:30pm (Math Camp for Math League) Cost: $50 per student (10 students minimum) Location: Holy Family Academy Teacher: Mrs. Jacobson Youth Choir Camp Dates: August 8-11 (M-Th) Times: 8:45am – Noon Location: Holy Family Church 5 HERE AT HOLY FAMILY UPCOMING ORDINATIONS Please pray for those who are soon to be ordained! Our teaching parish seminarian Tyler Mattson will be ordained a deacon in his home diocese of Sioux Falls on Thursday, May 26th. Archbishop Hebda will ordain our eight new priests at 10am on Saturday, May 28th, at the Cathedral of Saint Paul--including Paul Haverstock from our parish and Kyle Kowalczyk who served as a deacon here last summer. Gifts for Tyler and Deacon Kyle can be sent to the St. Paul Seminary. Gifts for Deacon Paul can be sent here to the parish office. Soon-to-be-Father Paul Haverstock will celebrate his Mass of Thanksgiving here at Holy Family on Sunday, May 29th, at 11am followed by our Corpus Christi Eucharistic procession and a reception. The Archbishop ordained our third year seminarians to the diaconate on Saturday, May 14th. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— A NOTE FROM DEACON PAUL HAVERSTOCK Dear Friends, Greetings in Christ! In a few short weeks I will be returning home to be ordained to the priesthood along with seven of my classmates. How quickly the time in seminary has flown by! Thank you all for your support over these six years. I would not be here today were it not for your prayers and encouragement. I am writing first of all to ask you all to redouble your prayers for my classmates and me in these final weeks leading up to ordination. Please pray that God would make us good and holy priests, and ask Mary to intercede for us. I am also writing to invite all of you to attend my priestly ordination and first Mass. The ordination is on Saturday, May 28th at 10am at the Cathedral. It would be a joy to see many of you there. My first Mass will be the next day at our beloved Holy Family for the 11am Mass: it will be Corpus Christi Sunday. Even if you are a faithful attendee of the Saturday vigil Mass or the 9am, please consider coming to the 11am Mass that day. A plenary indulgence will be available for all who attend. There will be a reception afterwards where I would love to offer each of you my first blessing. God bless you all! Your seminarian sons Nick Hagen and I send you our greetings from the Eternal City. In Christ, Deacon Paul Haverstock ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— KYLE KOWALCZYK TO CELEBRATE MASS Please join us here at Holy Family on Wednesday, June 1st for 8am Mass, celebrated by soon-to-be Father Kyle! A reception will follow in Moorman Hall. HOLY FAMILY CALENDAR DEADLINE Calendar requests for 2016-17 program year are due June 6th! There are so many wonderful activities going on at Holy Family that we have to plan carefully for the whole year to avoid space & time conflicts. Please contact Bobbi in the parish office for the reservation form to fill out. All parish organizations are required to submit their calendar requests for 2016-17 by noon on June 6th. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— ALTAR AND ROSARY SPRING DINNER AND MEETING Ladies of the parish: Join us Thursday, June 2nd! Rosary starts at 6:30 in the church, dinner and meeting immediately follow in Moorman Hall. All women of the parish are welcome to attend. This is a great way to meet many women in the parish! So find a girlfriend and join us in an evening of prayer and fellowship. We ask that you RSVP by May 29th so we can plan food accordingly. RSVP through Flocknote, or after the Masses this weekend or by calling the parish office. A good-will offering will be accepted the night of the event. Any questions can be directed to Linda Wandrei at 952.926.8087. IN AND AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE MILES CHRISTI RETREAT FOR WOMEN A silent retreat for women based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius will be preached by priests from the Miles Christi Religious Order on the weekend of June 3-5 at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Prior Lake. For more information and to register, please contact Karen Hastreiter at 651-451-1132 or HOLY FAMILY ACADEMY VIOLIN LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS Holy Family Academy will be partnering with St. Paul Conservatory of Music to bring beginning violin lessons to our parish. During the school year, we will offer the following plan: On a weekday to be determined: Group Lessons: meets once a week 2:30-3:05 p.m. 4 yr. olds to 6 yr. olds; individual lessons before group bi-monthly (class pull out available for HFA students). Group Lessons: meets 3:05-3:35 p.m. 7 yr. old to 9 yr. olds; 3:05-3:35; individual lessons after group bi-monthly (lessons can also be scheduled at St. Paul Conservatory more frequently) Group lessons: $10 per class. Individual Lessons $ 30 per half hour (some scholarships/parent needs to be there for individual lessons/parent needs to be there for individual lessons). Age groupings are flexible (as the students progress, there will be the opportunity for ability grouping within the groups). Violin rental available through House of Note (St. Louis Park). Sign up is available at, or call the school at 952.925.9193. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— JUBILEE FOR PRIESTS CELEBRATION: JUNE 12th! Save the date: Another special Year of Mercy event comes in June—the month of the Sacred Heart. Saint John Vianney said “the priesthood is the love of the Heart of Jesus.” How fitting that Pope Francis wants to honor priests in June! Following the 11am Mass on Sunday, June 12th, we will have a celebration downstairs in Father Moorman Hall. We have invited a number of priests from Holy Family or who have connections to our parish and already nine have committed to come—please plan on joining us! 6 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BINGO AT PARKTACULAR St. Louis Park is holding their annual Parktacular event at Wolfe Park from June 16th - 19th. On Saturday the 18th from 4-7PM, the St. Louis Park Knights of Columbus are hosting Bingo inside the park pavilion. Be the first to call out BINGO at this family friendly event, which has become a Parktacular tradition. 3 cards/ $1 or 50¢ each. Funds raised will be donated to the Miracle League of Minnesota. We’re building the Church, one soul at a time! We are a PK-8 school with a classical approach to learning and teachers who are highly committed to the academic and spiritual development of every student. Schedule: 9:00am Registration, Putting Contest and Driving Range 10:30am Shotgun Start and Lunch 3:30pm Social Hour, Dinner, Raffle, and Awards Ceremony Brookview Golf Course, Golden Valley Monday, June 13, 2016 18 hole ~ 4 person scramble Included with $125.00 Registration: green fees, cart, driving range, contests, beverages, lunch and dinner Contests: Putting Contest Longest Drive Longest Putt Closest to the Pin Hole in One "Dinner Only" guests are welcome for $25 per person! Reservation required. Crusader Cup Golf Fundraiser We look forward to golfing with you! For more details, please visit or call the HFA office at 952-925-9193. PARISH NEWS & EVENTS: PARISH COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE FLOCKNOTE PRO-LIFE CORNER By Micaiah Bilger, May 12, 2016, The United States is not the only place where abortion rates are dropping You can now use Flocknote, our new Parish steadily. New research published this week found that a smaller communications service, to stay up to date and informed on all the spiritual enrichment and service opportunities here at Holy Family! percentage of women across the world are ending their unborn babies’ lives in abortions, Reuters reported. The statistics, By joining, you can view parish news and events on the Flocknote site, and one general message will be sent each week and you choose compiled by the World Health Organization and the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute and published in The Lancet, showed a how to receive it: by email or text. If you want to be kept informed staggering 56 million unborn babies are aborted every year across of specific activities, you may also sign up for those groups in the world. Because of population growth, the number of abortions addition and choose text or email. rose across the globe, from 50.4 million per year in 1990–94 to Here’s how to join and view your region’s events: 1. Visit -or- Text HFCMN to 84576 56.3 million per year in 2010–14, according to the report. However, the data also indicated that a smaller percentage of 2. Fill in your information and join whichever groups pertain to women are having abortions. Wealthier countries saw the most you. Please be sure to join the group representing your region to significant drop, with abortions falling from 46 per 1,000 women keep up with special activities with fellow parishioners in your of childbearing age to 27 per 1,000, according to the report. neighborhood. ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— Poorer countries saw a smaller drop from 39 abortions per 1,000 women to 37 per 1,000. The continent with the largest drop was SPECIAL NOTE: PRAYER INTENTIONS Europe, falling a full 79 percent. One of the most important parts of our parish life is the ability to pray for one another. Join the FLOCKNOTE subgroup called Prayer Partners. Send prayer intentions, birth and death announcements, meal calendar sign-ups, etc. to the Prayer Partners via ——————–————————————————————–——————————————————— If you are sending a BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS prayer request on behalf of someone else, If you have a parish-related or archdiocesan event or announcement you’d like please first verify with that person that it is included in the Holy Family weekend bulletin, please submit the item to acceptable for this information to become public. at least two weeks in advance. Thank you! 7