here - Holy Rosary Academy


here - Holy Rosary Academy
April 2015
192 Graylynn Dr.
Nashville, TN 37214
Fr. Mark Hunt
Deacon Joe Coen
Deacon Wayne Gregory
Deacon Gil Huhlein
Deacon Mark White
Deacon Mike Wilkins
Nota Bene
Well, finally the long winter is over and Spring has arrived and as always the
season brings lots of activities that are grace filled. We first begin with
Holy Week which begins with Palm Sunday on March 29. Holy Week is an
opportunity to experience God’s grace in our liturgies and services. It enables
us to walk with Jesus to the Last Supper, to the Cross, and to the Resurrection.
This is what is known as the Easter Tridium; Holy Thursday, Good Friday and
the Easter Vigil. On April 2 our Holy Thursday Mass will begin at 7 PM. For Good
Friday this year we will have the Stations of the Cross at 12:00 PM and our
Good Friday Service at 3:00 PM. Our Easter Vigil on Saturday Night will start at
7:30 PM. This is where we welcome those who will be baptized and confirmed
in our Church. For Sunday, we will add one more Mass to our schedule for
Easter only. In addition to our 8:30 and 11:00 AM Masses we will have an
additional Mass at 7:00 AM.
Mass Schedule
8:30 am & 11 am
1 pm in Spanish
8 am & 6 pm
As always April is a very busy month in the life of a parish. On Friday April 24th
our Holy Rosary Academy and CCD Eighth Graders will receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation at St. Stephen Catholic Community. The next day, Saturday April
25, second graders from our Academy and CCD program will be celebrating
their First Communion here at Holy Rosary. Please keep our second and eighth
graders in your thoughts and prayers.
8 am
8 am & 6 pm
I hope that everyone will have a blessed Easter and my prayer will be that this
season of Spring may be a time of renewal and resurrection for all.
8 am
First Fridays
8 am
8 am & 5 pm
4-4:45 pm Saturdays
Fr. Mark Hunt
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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The cleaning and decorating of the
April 2015 Schedule
Church for Easter will be on Saturday,
Saturday 5:00 p.m
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
April 4th at 9:00 AM. All help is welcome!
Laura Boatwright
Emma Finan
Norman Baggott
Steve Cowman
Jim Guschke
Marilyn Barnes
Marilyn John
Susannah Kniazewycz
Carmencita Espada
Tina O’Connor
Ted Kniazewycz
Paula Henson
ing to be done to prepare for the Easter
Jody Sanders
Mike McMullen
Mary Bess Rollins
liturgies. Come make the Church shine!
Loretta Williams
Vicki McMullen
Teddy Wilkins
Lots of flowers to water and set out,
banners to be raised and general clean-
Altar Servers
April 2015 Schedule
Wednesday, April 1
Chrism Mass 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral
Thursday, April 2
Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 p.m.
Friday, April 3
Stations of the Cross at Noon
Good Friday Service at 3:00 p.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Sullivan Compton
Stuart McMullen
Phillip Baker
Celeste Legaspi
Anthony Spader
Katherine Clubb
Adriana Melton
Aaron Turmel
Angela DeLeon
Isaac Woods
Austin Turmel
Spencer Pomeroy
April 8
Rosary after 8 am Mass
April 9
Knights of Columbus business meeting 7 pm
April 13
Parish Council meeting 7 pm
April 16
Evening Angels 6:30 pm
April 22
Ladies Guild Meeting 9:30 am
Every Tuesday
Legion of Mary 7 pm
Every Wednesday Choir Practice 6:45 pm
Every Wednesday & Friday AA meeting 8 pm
Special Collections:
April 5th—Holy Land
Saturday, April 4
Easter Vigil Mass at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 5
Easter Sunday Masses at 7:00, 8:30, 11:00 a.m.
April 26th- Catholic Home Missions Appeal
The Church office will close at Noon on
Holy Thursday and be closed Good Friday &
Easter Monday.
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On behalf of the 225 homeless men who passed through our doors this winter season, I would like pass along a heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in providing food, shelter and clothing to these men who would have
otherwise gone without. I spoke with many of our guests throughout the season, and I want to make sure that everyone in the Parish understands how appreciative they all were of both your resources and time.
So many of you participated in so many different ways. Some of you may not have been physically present but your
donations of food, clothing and supplies did not go unnoticed. The guys were so happy to search through our small
clothing rack and to have an excellent selection of shampoo, soaps and lotions. They were also very appreciative to
have clean sheets and towels on hand, so a big thanks to all those who volunteered to prepare laundry.
I would especially like to thank all of our Inn Keepers who graciously gave up the comfort of their own homes on a
Friday night so that 12 men would have a place to sleep on a cold winter night. This ministry wouldn’t exist without
the Inn Keepers.
The two drivers that we had each weekend also played a very important role by transporting the guests to Holy Rosary
from the downtown campus of the Room in the Inn and returning them in the morning.
When the guys arrived we always had a warm meal waiting on them, and on Saturday morning we offered cereal, fruit
and sausage biscuits. No one left our facilities with an empty stomach. In fact we sent them all on their way with a
sack lunch containing sandwiches, fruit, snacks and a drink.
Providing so much food took a tremendous amount of planning and I know that many of you also allocated money
away from your own food budgets so that the guys would have plenty to eat.
Also, thanks to our core group of both adult and student volunteers who were there every weekend to ensure that the
process went smoothly.
If this is your first time to hear about our homeless ministry or if you have known about this program many years but
haven’t taken the opportunity to participate, please consider doing so for this upcoming winter season. Our next round
of signups will be in October.
Scott Weaver
Parish Council, Social Action
The deadline for the May Epistle is April 22nd
To submit articles and/or photographs for inclusion in the Epistle, for questions regarding the content, or other
publication issues, please contact me via email:
Thank You, Erin Watson
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By Chrissa Walsh
New Youth Ministry Program
Many of you are aware of the Youth Mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the 11:00 Mass. Father Mark, Kay Baker
and I have been talking about expanding this program and integrate more young people in all roles of the Mass
accessible to them.
During the summer, we would like to offer a unique opportunity for the youth of our parish from 3 rd grade through
high school. We have four sets of dedicated parents that will lead this group and prepare them as ushers, greeters,
lectors, cantors, Eucharistic ministers (High school juniors and seniors only), servers and commentators. We will also
provide time for sharing, fellowship with friends, and fun.
We will provide a place to sign up for and ask questions about this new opportunity on April 18 and 19 after all the
Masses. We have the most incredible youth in our parish and would love to see their light shine!
Young people of the parish, this is your time to make a difference, claim ownership of your role in the Mass, and have
a fun, faith-filled experience at the same time!
We look forward to seeing you soon! Youth and parents, please stop by the table after Mass on April 18 or 19!
Blessings in abundance to all!
Ladies Guild
by Diana Ryan
Easter Decorating
Decorating the church for Easter will be on Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 AM. There are lots of memorial lilies and ferns to
water and set in place plus banners, altar linens and a general "sprucing up" things to be done. Join us to help!
Monthly Rosary
The Ladies Guild meets every second Wednesday of the month to pray the Rosary after the 8:00 AM Mass. This Rosary
is for the sick of the parish and special intentions. Join us on Wednesday, April 8th.
Nashville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Announces:
Registration for the Nashville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women's Convention is still open. The theme is "Daughters of
God *** Full of Grace" and features great speakers and workshop presenters like: Sr. Mary Diana Dreger, MD,
Cindy Hinton Church, and Sheri Wohlfert. The two day convention is being held in Clarksville on April 10th and 11th. Go
to for a registration form and more information.
Next Ladies Guild Meeting
The April meeting will be on Wednesday, April 22nd at 9:30 AM in the Church Office. For more Ladies Guild information
watch for special announcements in the Sunday Bulletin or contact President, Ann Orscheln at 615-871-4015 or email
Ann at
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Evening Angels
by Judy Hollister
Celebrate Women Event- The Evening Angels meet on the third Thursday of the month, however we will not have our
regular meeting in April. Instead we encourage all women of the parish to attend our “Celebrate Women– Celebrate Our
Sisterhood” event which will be held on Saturday, April 11 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Dining Hall (see invitation below).
At our meeting in March, we put the finishing touches on the event. This will be a fun day, so please make plans to join
us! This event is open to all women (18 and older, please).
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is one of the Evening Angels ministries. Members of the group knit or crochet prayer shawls,
and while they are making the shawl they say a special prayer for the person who will receive it. We continue to pray for
those who have received shawls. Many people have told us that their shawl brings great comfort to them, not just
physically, but spiritually as well. If you know of someone who is sick or homebound and would like to receive a shawl,
please contact Judy, Diana or Kay in the Church Office.
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by the Knights of Columbus
At work, in the media, in school, at shopping malls, and in social settings, pro-life advocates often encounter people who
support a “right” to abortion. Those who hope to persuade us on the issue use words that sound convincing, and we may know
people who have been swayed by their arguments. So we must be prepared to speak on behalf of innocent human life by
providing factual, well-documented responses. Our goal must be to inform those who support abortion in a calm and charitable
manner, seeking education rather than confrontation. The following is the first of several responses that will help defend and
promote respect for all human life.
We live in a society that values rights, so when we hear it said that abortion is a woman's legal right, we may wonder how to
respond. One answer is that not everything that is legal is morally legitimate. There are obvious examples in our nation's
history when this has been the case. Slavery was legal for many years, and slaveholders had certain “rights”, but we all see
clearly now --- as many did back then --- that slavery was wrong and should have been abolished.
Much the same can be said today about abortion. It may be legal --- and even considered a “right” ---but it is still unjust.
The Supreme Court decision allowing abortion on demand throughout the nine months of pregnancy cannot hide what abortion
really is. In every abortion, an innocent human life is ended, and the mother is hurt in some way – emotionally, spiritually and
sometimes even physically.
That is why when someone says that a woman has a right to an abortion, we should certainly respond that there is no legitimate
right to harm the innocent. But we should also say that a pregnant woman in need has a deep claim on our loving care and
compassion. We oppose abortion because it is wrong for all involved. We seek to help the mother because it is the truly right
thing to do.
Prayers for Priests and Religious of the Diocese of Nashville
April 2015
Grant, O Lord, that every hand laid upon you at the altar may be a friendly hand, whose touch is tender and
consoling as Joseph’s was; that the lips which form so many sacred words may never be profaned by frivolous or
unworthy speech; that priests may guard, even in the noisy streets of the city, the impress of their noble functions,
the bright token that they have but lately come down from your holy mountain; and in their garments the fragrance
of the altar, that everyone may find them living memorials of You, accessible to all, yet more than other men.
Grant that they may contract from the Mass of today a hunger and thirst for the Mass of the morrow, that
the sacred anticipation be their last thought at night and Your tender summons their first awareness in the morning;
that Your priests, filled with You and Your good gifts, may give largely to the rest of men who look to You.
If you would like a detailed calendar of Ordination anniversaries, birthday celebrations, and prayers for priests and religious, please pick up a
copy of this month’s calendar in the Church vestibule.
Religious Education
By Kay Baker
CCD- April is a big month for sacraments for both Academy and CCD students. April 24th our 8th graders will be
Confirmed at St. Stephen. April 25th our 2nd graders will receive their First Holy Communion and on April 26th our
older CCD students will receive First Holy Communion at 11 am Mass.
We are sad to lose Chris Tiejen in 2nd Grade as she moves to Florida with her employment, but mainly for warmer
weather! But we are blessed to have Judy Cameron join Marie Lawrence in 2nd Grade. We also welcome Kara
Stephens and Virginia Sullivant to our Kindergarten class. We appreciate our dedicated CCD teachers!
Altar Server training for CCD students in grades 4 and up will be held during class time for on April 12th and 19th.
Look for those new faces on the altar.
March 29th, Palm Sunday and April 5th, Easter Sunday are holidays for CCD classes. We will resume on April 12th.
RCIA- At the Easter Vigil on April 4th we will welcome April Burke into our Catholic community. Please join us in
welcoming her.
Eighth Grade Academy and CCD Students
enjoy a day of fun, fellowship and spirituality
at their Confirmation Retreat on March 7th at
St. Stephen!
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News From The Academy
Lord, let me walk that lonely road with you, under the weight of the wood. Lord, let me
walk that last mile in your shoes, under the weight of the wood. Freedom can be found
laden down, under the weight of the wood. (Jack Miffleton, text and music, 1975 @WLP)
From the Principal’s Desk…
Hello, Holy Rosary Church and Academy Friends!
During Lent, our children’s Masses closed with the hymn, “Lord, Let Me Walk”. The lyrics speak of
Jesus’ lonely road to Calvary. The refrain provides a message of hope, “Freedom can be found
laden down, under the weight of the wood”. Did you notice how it says “under the weight of the
wood”? That’s a bit ominous to me. My human weakness does not want to suffer. My human
weakness does not want to face obstacles. The gray hairs on my head however, tell a different
story. Whether I like it or not, there are obstacles to face and suffering to bear. Therein lays our
ability to make choices that help us face obstacles with grace and bear suffering with courage.
What about our children? Are we preparing our children to have the grace and courage to face the
common challenges of life? No one wants their child to be unhappy. But are we too quick to sweep the
pebbles and small stones away from their road only to find that we have not prepared our child with the
resilience and moral courage to face the greater challenges? Will our kids be able to walk “under the
weight of the wood” in their lives?
Speaking of walking: join me and a few of our HRA parents every Wednesday at 2:00 pm for a Rosary walk.
If you can’t make it, send me your intentions and we will remember them in prayer. Come, pray with us!
Betty Reynolds, Ed.D.
There will be five fun and unique summer camps held at Holy Rosary Academy this summer!
Listed below are the camps, grade levels, and dates & times. If you are interested in enrolling
your child, please visit the school website for more details.
The World of Minecraft (Grades 2-5), June 1st-4th from 9:00– 11:30 a.m.
Little Scholars’ World of Wizards (Grades K-3), June 1st-4th from Noon- 2:30 p.m.
Little Scholars’ Mermaid Gals & Pirate Pals (PreK and K), June 8th-11th from 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Little Scholars’ Backyard Games (Grades K-3), June 15th-19th from 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Little Scholars’ Whiz Kids (PreK and K), June 22nd-25th from 9:00-11:30 a.m.
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Save the Date! Holy Rosary Church and Academy is Participating in The Big Payback on May 5!
We’re excited to announce that Holy Rosary is participating in The Big Payback! The Big Payback is a communitywide, online giving day hosted by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee on May 5, 2015. This charitable
giving day celebrates the good work being done by all Middle Tennessee nonprofits, religious institutions and
schools, including Holy Rosary. Your participation and donations will help Holy Rosary raise much-needed
unrestricted dollars to place toward the completion of the Academy’s new energy-efficient and essential windows.
For 24 hours, beginning at 12 a.m. on Tuesday, May 5, you can make gifts to Holy Rosary and other participating
nonprofits that are located in or provide services in the 40 counties of Middle Tennessee through The Big Payback’s
secure website at Holy Rosary will be eligible for incentives, bonuses and additional prizes
throughout the day, so your gift could potentially have even more value.
In order for Holy Rosary’s participation to be successful and our goals to be reached, we need you share your
enthusiasm for giving with other members of the Nashville community, especially in the Donelson-Hermitage area.
Spread the word via email and social media, tell your friends and family, pick up the phone, and together our
Academy students will be looking out brand new windows in no time.
For more information, please visit (especially on May 5!)
190 Graylynn Dr.
Nashville, TN 37214
April 2015