St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
S t . J o h n the Ev ang e lis t Catholic Church October 16, 2016 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend Mass: Saturday, 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 pm at St. Mary Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Misa en Espańol: Domingo 11:30 a.m. Domingo 2:00pm (Geneva) Daily Mass: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, 9am Wednesday, 5:30pm Fr. Gregory Okorobia Pastor Confession: Saturday, 4:00 - 4:40 p.m. or by appointment Eucharistic Adoration: Begins Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Ends Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. In the Day Chapel (entrance on Alberta Street) Parish Picnic Deacon Karl “Skip” Lukas Parish Deacon, 334-347-4663 Sunday, October 23 Following the 10am Mass Deacon Alfonso Diaz-Rivera, Parish Deacon, 334-618-4456 (The 9am & 11:45am Masses will combined that day) St. John 123 Heath Street Enterprise, AL 36330 Phone: 334-347-6751 E-mail: Website: St. Mary Catholic Church 100 S. Commerce Street Geneva, AL 36340 Phone: David Truchon, 334-797-6920 Director of Religious Education Diane Doyle: 334-393-9847 E-mail: K-5 th grades, Sunday, 10:30am 6 th - 12 th grades, Wed, 6:30pm Confirmation, Sunday, 10:30am • Games • Bounce House • Bingo • Food • Cake Walk Want to help out? • Donate new or like-new items for prizes for Bingo (drop-off box is in vestibule). • Bake a cake for the Cake Walk (sign up sheet is in vestibule). • Volunteer during the picnic. St. John Office Hours Monday 8:00am - 12pm Tuesday-Friday 8:00am - 2:00pm Contact Mary Henson at 347-2111. St. John parish is a community of believers under the and serves others in the name of Jesus Christ. WELCOME TO ST. JOHN! New Parishioners Welcome! We invite you to fill out a yellow “Registration Card” located in the church foyer. You may place it in the collection bowl or give it to a Hospitality Minister. Volunteer Opportunities Look for a Stewardship pamphlet in the church foyer. This will give you a list of the ministries and committees at St. John. For more information on each ministry/committee, visit Emergency Calls If after office hours, call the rectory at 347-7345 and leave a message if there is no answer. Moving? Don’t forget to notify the church office when you move. E-mail us at The Gift Shop Visit the Gift Shop, which is located off the foyer of the church, for a variety of religious items. Bulletin Input: Due in church office each Thursday by 4 pm, 10 days prior to print. Remember Your Church Don’t forget to add St. John the Evangelist to your will. We appreciate all of your support and donations. SACRAMENTS Baptism Call the office to register for the class which is the last Tuesday of the month (except December). Marriage Make an appointment with the priest at least six months in advance. Sick & Homebound Please arrange to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick before any serious surgery or if in serious ill health. When any of our parishioners are hospitalized or confined to their homes, please call the office so someone from the parish can bring communion. First Communion & Confirmation For class information, contact the Education Office at 393-9847 or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, you are invited to find out what R.C.I.A. means and how one becomes a member of the Catholic Church. Contact Pete Bartosch at or 464-1930. Daily Readings for the Week of October 16 Sunday, Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; 2 Tm 3:14—4:2; Lk 18:1-8 Monday, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4ab, 4c-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday, Saint Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Wednesday, Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday, Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday, Saint John Paul II, Pope Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday, Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-18, 19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 Mass Intentions To request a Mass to be celebrated for you or a loved one, call the office at 347-6751 to schedule a Mass Intention. Please pray for... Charles E. Alarcon Dorothy Babb Mike Bataglia Eileen Barreca Pat Bettinger Joseph Bustamante Phyllis Ciranni Lydia Cruz Linda DeOrian Maria Diaz Lara Dicus Shannon Dummond Sharon Gabriel Melanie Eden Ganzerla Kathy Henricks Jack Hill Jeanne Hill Velma Jones Tracy Jones Joe Licina Brenda Mann Doris Martin Beatrice Mazzukis Lola Montanez Margie Oloffson Brad Roberts Dr. Wayne Roberts Dan Robke Mike Rodarte Deacon John Ross Patricia Simmons Ivy Smith Phil Spiegeland Bill Stanley Bill Voth Lucia Wisenewski * Names added this week Visit our Website at Like us on FaceBook at St. John Catholic Church Join us on Twitter at StJohnCatholicChurch Names will remain on our prayer list for one month unless we are otherwise notified. Please call the office, 347-6751, to add or remove a name from the sick list. guidance of the Holy Spirit that proclaims the good news May your time at St. John be a blessed one. Stewardship Reflection October 16, 2016 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time EX 17: 8-13; PS 121: 1-8; 2 TM 3:14- 4:1; LK 18: 1-8 You might say our message from today’s readings has everything to do with prayer. Could Jesus put it more clearly than He does at the beginning of the Gospel from Luke? “Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.” We may recall that St. Paul told us we needed to “pray constantly.” Prayer should be at the very core of our faith lives, and it is the beginning point of living lives of stewardship. Jesus probably did not mean that we should always be on our knees with our eyes closed in prayer, but He did expect us to always be in what one might call the “spirit of prayer.” Paul refers to this in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 when he says, “Pray without ceasing.” To be sure, prayer is not easy. We may, as the Lord says, sometimes “lose heart” in prayer, because it is difficult for us to perceive the answer or the response to our prayers. (The term “lose heart” is another translation of what was translated in the Gospel as “becoming weary.”) Too often we use prayer as a last resort instead of a first resource. A healthy, consistent, and regular prayer life is in many ways the secret to a successful faith life. St. John Chrysostom said, “Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, and a protection against sadness.” Copyright © 2016 Living Rosary Come join your Knights of Columbus and parish on Sunday, October 16, for our semi-annual Living Rosary (people as speaking beads) in the New Hall. Last May we featured our parish mothers; this time we will highlight our religious education students and teachers, young and not so young. Donuts, coffee, and juices will be served in the New Hall immediately after the 9am Mass. Fr. Gregory then kicksoff the rosary at 10:45am sharp. Please join your parish for this 30-minute favorite. Contact Nick Ciranni at 797-5659 with any questions. Membership Drive In honor of Columbus Day, the Knights of Columbus is conducting a membership drive October 22-23 following the 5pm, 9am and 11:45am Masses. The Knights of Columbus was founded to protect Knights and their families and offer opportunities to grow in service to Church, community, family and youth. Take a few minutes after Mass next weekend, to talk to representatives and consider joining. Cookies for Troops The Parish & Community Life Committee will meet Saturday, October 22 at 10am in the Meeting Room to pack cookies for our troops stationed overseas. Please bring your homemade cookies that morning or drop them off in the office the week before. Money for shipping is also appreciated and there will be bags in the vestibule for donations. Holiday Food Baskets St. John will have a second collection on October 22 & 23 to benefit the Knights of Columbus holiday food baskets. These baskets contain everything needed for a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas meal. Recipients are carefully screened. Please be generous as this collection will cover both holidays. As always, we thank you for your support! October is the Month of the Rosary Join the St. John confirmation classes as they lead the Rosary before the 9am Mass on Sundays beginning at 8:30am during the month of October. CCD Kindergarten and 1st grade CCD classes will meet 10:30am Sunday, Oct. 16. The other grades will join the Living Rosary in the New Hall. Life Teen & Edge Life Teen (grades 9-12) and Edge (grades 6-8) meet Wednesday at 6pm in the New Hall. Box of Joy The third year Confirmation students will kick-off the Box of Joy program after the Masses on October 15 & 16. The students will hand out the necessary materials to get you started so you can fill a small box with items to bring Christmas joy to a child in Haiti. Christmas Market The youth are sponsoring a Christmas Market on Saturday, November 5th. They are looking for vendors: businesses or crafters. Pick up a vendor application All Souls Envelopes form from the vestibule. If you would like to drop off We will collect All Souls Envelopes (located in Baked Goods for the Market, please drop them off to vestibule) until the end of October. the New Hall on Friday, November 4. Memorial Mass Christmas Trees The Bereavement Committee is holding its annual Memorial Mass on Monday, November 7 at 6pm. The youth will be selling Christmas trees again this There will be a signup sheet in the vestibule for those year. More information will be available soon. who would like to honor their family and friends who CAPP for Education have passed on during the past year, i.e. November 2015 through October 2016. Please call Virginia CCD and Life Teen & Edge classes will be taking the Williams (447-9434) for more information. I would CAPP (Children & Adolescents Protection Program) appreciate your letting me know if you could provide class during the month of October. For more finger food for the reception that follows the Memorial information contact Diane at 393-9847. Mass. There will also be a signup sheet for those would Adult Faith Development like to provide finger food. Sunday, October 16, New Hall Coat & Blanket Drive The morning class will join the Knights of Columbus’ The Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus will Living Rosary at 10:45am in the New Hall. The be collecting gently used coats and blankets through evening class will meet at 6pm. the month of November. Drop off boxes may be found in the Old Hall and the New Hall foyer. The coats and RCIA blankets will be donated to Catholic Social Services in Wednesday, October 19, 6:30pm, Old Hall Dothan. The topic this week is Reconciliation. The Basket Ladies Fundraiser The Basket Ladies are planning a Christmas Book Sale fundraiser in November to benefit the Building Fund. They are requesting donations of gently used fiction/ non-fiction books, DVDs or CDs. The sale will include children’s, cooking, gardening, religious, military history or crafts. Drop off box is in the vestibule. Thank you for supporting the St. John Building Fund! Traditional Latin Mass Sunday, October 23 at 12:30 p.m. Fr. Den Irwin will be celebrating a Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary Form at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church,, 725 Highway 167, Troy, AL, 334-566-2630, Everyone is welcome. Liturgical Ministers Schedule OCTOBER 22-23 Altar Flowers * CLEAN -UP CREW In memory of SATURDAY, 5pm Sacristan Jay Myers Lector Stan McKee EMHC Rose Ann Licina* Jerry Brecher Hospitality Ministers Bill Murray Ignacio Herrera Sound Rani Myers Altar Servers Joa. Warner C. Rowe Jon. Warner K. Ellis SUNDAY, 9am Sacristan Connie Seyler Lectors Ruthie Wheatley Jack Bartol EMHC Loretta de la Cruz* Mary Penny* Chuck Hersant Alice Hersant Hospitality Ministers Will Wittekind Betty Wittekind Altar Servers T. Benson S. Haglund D. LaVoy M. LaVoy Upcoming Special Collections October 15-16 Mission Sunday October 22-23 Knights of Columbus Holiday Food Baskets (no envelope) October 15-16 Susanna Okorobia Mother of Fr. Gregory Weekly Offering Thank you for your support! October 1-2 Regular Collection: $5,265.94 Building Fund: $5,390.00 October 8-9 Amount not available at time of bulletin print. This Week in Our Parish Monday, October 17 5:30pm, Rosary in Spanish, Chapel 6pm, Grupo de Oracion, Old Hall Tuesday, October 18 6:30am, Men of St. Joseph, Old Hall 10am, Eucharistic Adoration begins, Chapel 6pm, Montessori School Board, Meeting Room Wednesday, October 19 5pm, Eucharistic Adoration ends 6:30pm, Life Teen/Edge, New Hall 6:30pm, RCIA, Old Hall Thursday, October 20 7pm, Pastoral Council, Meeting Room Friday, October 21 1pm, Canasta, Hispanic Ministry Office Saturday, October 22 10am, Cookies for Troops, Meeting Room Sunday, October 23 No CCD 10am, Combined Mass 11:30am, Parish Picnic 6pm, Adult Faith Development, New Hall Contacts Pastoral Council & Committee Info Rani Myers, 334-208-2011 Adult Faith Development Pete Bartosch, 393-3448 Bereavement Committee Virginia Williams, 447-9434 Christian Services Ministry Tom Flohr, 347-6751 Decorating Committee Rani Myers, 334-208-2011 Eucharistic Adoration PJ Penny, 300-7837 Finance Council Danny DeOrian, 393-6118 Hispanic Ministry Deacon Alfonso, 334-618-4456 Gift Shop Glenda Rodriguez, Knights of Columbus, Council Jay Myers, 334-208-2162 Knights of Columbus , Navigator Nick Ciranni, 797-5659 K of C Ladies Auxiliary Peggy Bartosch, 464-1260 Ladies Guild Connie Seyler, 308-2564 Life Teen & Edge Life Teen: Diane Doyle, 393-9847, Edge: Kassy Skinner, 347-3183 Merry Widows Group Carole Allen, 347-4769 Montessori School Sandra Pellissier, 347-0413 Prayer Request Rose Robke, 347-3630, or Mary Henson at 347-2111, Stewardship Committee Susan Steck, 464-7383,