Feb. 28 - St. Catharine RC Church, Glen Rock


Feb. 28 - St. Catharine RC Church, Glen Rock
St. Catharine
Roman Catholic Church
905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452
201-445-3703 (office) 201-670-7149 (fax)
Served by
Rev. Thomas S. Wisniewski, Pastor
Rev. Thomas F. Blind, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Prada, In Residence
Leonard A. Minichino, Deacon
James A. Mueller, Deacon
John A. Sarno, Deacon
Joseph Castoro, Deacon
Stephen Roberts, Principal, Academy of Our Lady
Roberta Maguire, Director of Religious Education
Annette Gallagher, Parish and Family Life
Rosemary Miller, Youth Ministry
Sally Trahan, Music Director/Organist
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Martin Petraitis and Mary Anne Galati, Trustees
Michael Guariglia, Pastoral Council Chair
Eucharist - Weekend Masses
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon
Daily Masses
8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Daily Masses are held in the Ministry Center Chapel.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA
A process for non-Catholics who wish to experience parish
community and join the Catholic Church. Also for Catholics who
wish to return to the Church or have not celebrated Eucharist.
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is in the Ministry
Center Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. Liturgy until Benediction at
11:00 a.m. (except July & August).
Holy Days
Consult the bulletin.
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. in the Church or by appointment.
Rectory Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am - 8pm;
Saturday 9am - 5pm; Sunday 9am - 2pm
The sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated at a ceremony
following the last Mass on the following Sundays: April 10th,
May 15th, June 26th, July 31st & Sept. 18th. Please call the rectory
to schedule a Baptism. If this is your first child, please schedule
several months in advance so that you can attend the required
Pre-Baptismal class which takes place on a bi-monthly basis.
Arrangements must be made at the rectory ONE YEAR prior to
date of Marriage.
Anointing of Sick
Communal celebration as scheduled or individual Anointing at
home by appointment.
Visitation to Homebound
Contact the rectory to arrange for a visit to home, hospital or
nursing home.
Academy of Our Lady 201-445-0622
Pre K - 8th grade, including before school and after school care.
Religious Education 201-444-5690
For children in grades K-8 who attend a public school.
Parish Registration
New parishioners and those not registered, please take a
Welcome Packet from the Narthex and return the registration form
to the rectory. Please inform the rectory when you move or
change phone number.
Mission Statement
We, the parish community of St. Catharine, are dedicated to spreading the Good News by word and example.
Nourished by the Eucharist, we seek to advance God's Kingdom by enriching spiritual life, increasing parishioner involvement,
deepening commitment to social justice, fostering communication, and building community.
Page Two
St. Catharine R.C. Church
Often I refer to Lent as the Lenten retreat. The readings at
daily Mass take us to deeper and deeper places. One of Matthew Kelly’s brief videos on Best Lent Ever referred to forgiveness. It talked about how Lent, and indeed the teachings
of Jesus, seem to always include the element of forgiveness.
The kind of peace Jesus promises, a “peace the world cannot
give,” includes forgiveness as a necessary ingredient.
The part that struck me the most was, not the generic approach to forgiveness, but rather when it got pretty specific
asking, who do we need to forgive? Many people have a
“someone” that they need to forgive in order to be free themselves. Sometimes there are dramatic reasons for the feelings
we have. Other times it is a life circumstance like, “why did
they have to die so young and leave me?”. The bottom line is
that, in Lent and in this Year of Mercy, now is the proper time.
Many may have gone through this healing process already.
Still others may have no one person in mind, yet the whole
idea of approaching life with mercy, forgiveness, understanding, compassion, and the list goes on...is one that brings us
ever closer to Christ.
Before I leave this topic, there is one more critical aspect of
forgiveness, and that is the forgiveness of self. Do you see
yourself as inadequate, less than you should be? God does
not see you that way. Is there a single instance that is “your
secret” that you feel ashamed of and always will? God desires
to free you from that. So while we are at this topic, let us not
forget to let go of sins God already has.
For any desiring the sacrament of Reconciliation we are in
church every Saturday at 4:30 until all confessions have been
heard. On Monday, March 14th at 7:30pm we will have our
parish Lenten Penance Service. Even if you cannot go to individual confession, come and reflect on the mercy and forgiveness of God. On Monday and Wednesday of Holy Week we
will also have confessions in the church at 7pm. Additionally,
Fr. Blind and myself are also available by appointment.
So let us do ourselves a favor and not leave this Lent of 2016
without forgiving whoever we need to forgive and without feeling the forgiveness of our God.
Best Lent Ever
Best Lent Ever is a free email program created to enhance
your Lenten experience. Best Lent Ever takes you on a spiritual journey to encounter Jesus, and yourself, in a deeply personal way. It begins, or nourishes, a habit of daily prayer and
also offers simple ways of bringing Jesus into everyday life.
All St. Catharine parishioners are encouraged to take advantage
of this special opportunity. It is not too late to sign up - visit
DynamicCatholic.com/Lent and click the link for Best Lent Ever.
Fr. Tom’s Lenten Series continues this week - All are welcome!
Please join us in Community Hall on Tuesday, March 1st at
7:30 pm. Remaining dates are March 8th and 15th.
The series will also be available to view online - visit
www.stcatharinechurch.org and click on the Livestream link.
Register Now for St. Catharine’s
Women’s Cornerstone Retreat
April 22 - 23
Brochures are available in the narthex and the rectory.
Contact Jody Guariglia at 201-670-0298 with any questions.
Isn’t this Jubilee Year of Mercy YOUR year for Cornerstone?
St. Catharine’s MOTHERS Annual
St. Patrick's Day Party
Saturday, March 12th 8pm
Holmes Rec. Building
Join us for live Irish music, food and fun!
Open to all parishioners
$10 per person / BYOB / Adults only
For more info and to RSVP, contact Deirdre Tarrant
at dmxtarrant@gmail.com or 201-652-2973.
We Joyfully Welcome Our Newly Baptized:
Paige Charlotte Elfers
Paige Susan Hawkins
Lily Morgan Senker
Gwendolyn Patricia Doyle
St. Catharine’s Reach-Out Ministry
Our special monthly food collection for the hungry
poor in our inner-city parishes will take place at all
masses the weekend of March 12th/13th. The food
donations will be delivered to St. Mary’s Emergency
Food Pantry. Please remember the hungry as you
shop and bring a bag filled with your generosity in Jesus’
name to mass. Thank you for your generosity!
“Whatsoever you do for the least of my people, that you do for me…”
for Coffee & Community TODAY and Next Sunday, March 6th
Page Three
905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Mass Intentions and Schedule
Saturday, February 27
5:30 p.m.
Francis Gizzi req. Gizzi Family
Sunday, February 28
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
John Harnig req. J. Donald Scott
Francis J. Donohue req. Ficon Family
Joan Gasparino req. Roberta Maguire
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
All Parishioners
Kevin O’Halloran req. Roberta Maguire
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Jack Wagner req. Estate
John McKenna req. Jean McDonough
Monday, February 29
Tuesday, March 1
Wednesday, March 2
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Joan Gasparino
req. St. Catharine’s Women’s Cornerstone
Mike Wilwerding req. Cheryl & John Sarno
Thursday, March 3
8:00 a.m.
Jack Sarno
req. St. Catharine’s Women’s Cornerstone
11:30 a.m.
John McKenna req. Mary & Skip Connolly
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Terry McCann req. Ann Marie McCann
John Robert Sarno req. Jim & Esther McGovern
Friday, March 4
Saturday, March 5
9:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Merciful and gracious is the Lord,
slow to anger and abounding in kindness.
- Psalm 103:8
Today’s Readings
First Reading The LORD God appears to Moses and
directs him to go and deliver the Israelites from Egypt
(Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15).
Psalm The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm 103) or Psalm 95.
Second Reading We are not to grumble like the people with
Moses in the desert (1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12).
Gospel If you do not repent, you will all perish (Luke 13:1-9).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981,
1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reach-Out Ministry Monetary Collection
Please remember to donate to our Lenten Collection for our
parish’s Reach-Out Ministry. A donation box is located in
the Narthex. The support of our parishioners allows our reach
-out ministry to the hungry poor to continue. We are grateful
for your generosity in Jesus’ name.
“Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters,
you do for me...”
Readings for the Week
Michael Anthony LoRusso
req. David & Lisa Viggiano
Michael & Martha Graziano
req. Mary Ann & Frank Mikos
Sunday, March 6
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Third Sunday of Lent
John Harnig req. Quinlan Family
Albert Petraglia req. Jane & Frank Testa
John Harnig req. Mary & Anthony Connolly
There will be a Lenten Penance Service
on Monday, March 14th at 7:30pm.
Communal reconciliation service followed by individual confessions.
Confession is also available in the church during Holy Week
on Monday, March 21st and Wednesday, March 23rd at 7pm.
The Sacrament of Penance is always offered on Saturdays
at 4:30pm in the Church or by appointment.
Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30
Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35
Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23
Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14,17; Mk 12:28-34
Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14
Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Every Drop Counts!
Blood Drive TODAY! Sunday, Feb. 28th
9am - 2pm St. Catharine's Holmes Rec. Building
Organized by student parishioner Michael Szawaluk for the Community Blood Center. Please visit www.everydropcountstoday.com.
Contact Michael at mszawalukbb247@aol.com or 201-953-9014.
Eucharistic Adoration
“The only time our Lord asked the Apostles for anything was the night He went into agony.
Not for activity did He plead but for an Hour of companionship.”
-Archbishop Fulton Sheen
This coming Friday is the first Friday of the month and our day for Eucharistic Adoration.
This ancient custom of spending time in prayer —to praise, thank, petition God –
before the Eucharistic presence of the Lord is celebrated on the first Friday of each month
All are invited to the Ministry Center Chapel this Friday for 8:30am Exposition and 11am Benediction.
Page Four
February 28, 2016
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Academy of Our Lady
Building the Kingdom...One Child at a Time
AoOL is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence that offers
a nurturing, faith-based environment with a strong academic
curriculum. Academy has a dedicated computer lab and integrates technology across all traditional subject areas.
Sunday Family Catechesis will take place
today, Sunday, Feb. 28th. Please consult
your individual letters and emails regarding
your time to participate in the program.
Grade 8 CCD Gathering will take place this Thursday, March
3rd from 7:20-9pm in Church.
Eucharist Experience for parents and children preparing for
1st Communion will take place Saturday, March 5th from 11am12:30pm or Saturday, March 12th from 1-2:30pm. Please consult
your individual letters for more info. Both days meet in Church.
Visit www.academyofourlady.org, call 201-445-0622 or email
jdickson@academyofourlady.org for more information.
Save the Date For Ladies Night Out! Friday, April 1st. Night
includes dinner with fabulous baskets, door prizes, 50/50, live
auction & new this year…wine tasting! Contact Theresa Roberts at troberts1217@hotmail.com or Lisa Aninos at
wirychick@gmail.com for more information.
Rite of Choice for children preparing for 1st Communion will
take place at the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, March 5th and at
the 10am & 12noon Masses on Sunday, March 6th. Parents
are asked to consult their letters for the Mass time to attend.
Consider the Academy of Our Lady Advantage!
CYO Today - Ice Skating
CYO Next Week - Potluck Supper and
Making Easter Baskets for Homebound Parishioners
Faith-Based Environment with a Strong Academic Curriculum
How about giving one Saturday to God this Lent?
Archdiocese of Newark Presents:
Catholic Men’s Conference
“Be Not Afraid...Trust in His Mercy”
Saturday, March 5th 8am-1:30pm
Seton Hall University, South Orange
The day begins at 8am and ends after 12:30pm Mass, celebrated
by Most Rev. Archbishop John J. Myers. Dynamic speakers
are scheduled and opportunity for Confession.
Cost is $20 adults, continental breakfast included. For more info or
to register visit www.rcanmenscommission.org or call 973-497-4545.
St. Catharine's Homebound Ministry is in need of a
few drivers who are available to occasionally take homebound parishioners to medical appointments. If the spirit
should move you please call our Homebound Ministry coordinator Frank Mikos at 201-445-6318 or 201-739-9612.
Let nothing disturb you,
Nothing frighten you.
All things are passing.
God never changes.
Patient endurance attains all things.
Whoever possesses God lacks nothing,
God alone is sufficient.
-St. Teresa of Ávila
Questions? Call Mrs. Miller at 201-693-3743
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
We welcome all children, ages 4½ through 4th grade, to
participate in our Liturgy of the Word for Children program. No
pre-registration is required, simply attend the 10am Mass
on the following dates.
This program involves reading & interpreting the Sunday
Liturgy to children, in the Academy of Our Lady classrooms,
during Mass. The children will be led out of church after the
opening prayers by the LOTW teachers and they return to
their parents in church after the Homily & Prayer of the Faithful.
Upcoming Dates: March 6th and 13th
40 Days for Life
Please consider giving 1 hour a week this Lent to stand in a
peaceful vigil across from Women’s Choice Abortion Clinic,
10 Zabriskie St., Hackensack on the days they perform
abortions: Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays between 7am-2pm.
Your presence will definitely make a difference and maybe
save someone’s life! For more info or to sign up contact:
Margaret at 201-805-0937 or scullyfam@yahoo.com, Linda at
551-265-8121 or lindamaliani@yahoo.com, Mary at 201-7235356 or doctorted2@verizon.net.
Attention Parish & Academy of Our Lady Volunteers
Compliance of the Archdiocese of Newark’s Safe Environment Policy is required for all volunteers and employees (18 years/older)
who work/volunteer with children in our parish or at Academy of Our Lady. This includes all classroom, lunch & library volunteers,
class parents, HSA members, coaches, Scout leaders, CCD teachers & aides, CYO chaperones, etc.
Safe Environment Policy requirements include: 1) Attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop 2) Completing a Volunteer
Application and Archdiocesan Code of Conduct 3) Completing a Criminal Background Check.
Contact Maryann King at parishoffice@stcatharinechurch.org or 201-445-3703 for specific directions and with any questions.
Page Five
Third Sunday of Lent
Parish & Family Life News
Annette Gallagher 201-612-4660 / ParishFamilyLife@stcatharinechurch.org
Parish Library Update
Bereavement Support Group
There are various books on both the Year of Mercy and the
season of Lent in the Library cart in the Narthex. Feel free to
sign out anything interesting and return it within the month.
There are also many more books on other topics in the Faith
Room Library. For a full alphabetical listing, visit the parish
website and click on 'Library Listing' on the left sidebar. Happy reading!
"We are told that time will heal the grief,
but it is in taking the time to grieve that we are healed."
Caregiver Support Group
“In the heart of every caregiver is a knowing that we are all
connected. As I do for you, I do for me.” - Tia Walker
If you are a caregiver and would like to learn more about resources to help you and your loved one as well as to find support from others in a faith-based environment, this is the group
for you. Please come to the next Caregiver Support Group on
Thursday, March 3rd from 11:30am-12:30pm in the Ministry
Center Meeting Room. Any questions, or if you are unable to
leave your loved one alone to attend, contact Annette at 201612-4660 or ParishFamilyLife@stcatharinechurch.org.
Community Meals – Champions Needed!
Community Meals, Inc. will be participating in the 14th annual
March for Meals, a month-long nationwide celebration of
Meals on Wheels and the homebound and vulnerable seniors
who rely on its vital safety net. Support will help to fight senior
isolation and hunger in Allendale, Glen Rock, Ho-Ho-Kus, Midland Park, Ridgewood, Waldwick and part of Saddle River.
In previous years CMI celebrated Mayors for Meals, a one-day
event associated with the March for Meals campaign. This
year, as CMI celebrates 45 years of serving a growing community, CMI will expand their program to include a variety of
"Community Champions" in hopes of bringing more awareness
to this valuable, privately funded community service, and
whose services are not duplicated by any other organization or
agency in the towns CMI serves.
If you wish to learn about March for Meals or Community Meals
and how you can be involved, please email communitymeals@verizon.net or visit www.communitymealsonwheels.org.
Spring Session begins the week of March 7. The Bereavement
Group at Presentation Church offers support to anyone who
has recently experienced the loss of a loved one. The trained
and compassionate facilitators will navigate you through the
grief process with discussions about loneliness, anger, guilt,
family dynamics, and inner healing. This eight week group is a
safe, confidential place to find support and understanding from
those who have experienced a similar loss. We have separate
groups for those who have lost a spouse & for those who have
experienced losses of other loved ones.
Registration is required but there is no fee. Early registration is
suggested as groups are limited in size. For registration or more
info, call 201-327-1313 ext.872, someone will return your call.
Retreat for Caregivers
Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May Point, NJ will
host a Retreat for Caregivers April 1-3. Cost is $135/person,
double occupancy. This retreat is open to primary caregivers
for medically fragile or special needs family members and to
those adult children who are now caring for their aging parents. Contact Anthony Fucci, Director, at 609-884-3829 or
To All Dads of Children with Special Needs:
Come join other dads who understand the joys and struggles
you live with as the father of sons and daughters with special
needs. All dads of children with special needs are welcome!
Refreshments are provided.
Meetings are typically the 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 7:30-9PM
at St. John the Evangelist, Parish Life Center, 15 North Washington Ave., Bergenfield. Meetings Dates: March 16th, April 20th,
May 18th and June15th.
Any questions please contact Dcn. Jim Detura at 201-747-0713
or jdeturarph@aol.com or Anne Masters at 973-639-6536 or
masteranrcan@gmail.com. Also visit: www.rcan.org/disabilities;
Health & Wellness Ministry Update:
Blood Pressure Screenings Next Sunday, March 6th from 8am -12noon in Community Hall.
Living a heart-healthy lifestyle requires commitment. Here is a helpful tip to help you commit to getting and staying heart-healthy:
Eat a variety of flavors in healthful foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy & proteins.
Page Six
Glen Rock / Fair Lawn
Sharing the Gift of Treasure
“He said to the gardener,
‘For three years now I have come in search
of fruit on this fig tree but have found none.’”
- Luke 13:7
Are you like the barren fig tree? How will you respond when
God asks you what you have done with all the gifts He has
given you? Remember, not only are we called to be generous,
we are called to develop and nurture our gifts and return with
Thank you for your generosity to St. Catharine!
Food Resources for the
Parish & School Community
The St. Catharine’s community is not immune from the
economic slowdown. In an effort to help those who may be
struggling, St. Catharine's has the opportunity to provide families in need with food & provisions - either on a short-term basis or to help meet a greater need. If you or someone you
know is in need of groceries, please call or text Mary at 201661-3651. All calls & inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.
We have changed our e-giver! Faith Direct is now available
for you to begin supporting our parish offertory and second
collections online. Faith Direct enables parishioners to
make Church contributions through either direct debit from
your checking/savings account, or through your credit/debit
card. You can apply the convenience of direct debit to your
parish offerings in much the same way as you may now
use it to make other payments. Faith Direct also offers you
personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the
collection basket. Please enroll in Faith Direct today, securely
online, at www.faithdirect.net. Our parish code is NJ708.
Parish Pay is Now Discontinued
As of 1/31/2016, Parish Pay is discontinued and will no longer
accept offertory donations on behalf of St. Catharine. We
strongly encourage you to enroll in Faith Direct, our official and
now only e-giver provider. Please see above to enroll in
Faith Direct and thank you for supporting St. Catharine Church!
Attention Visitors of St. Catharine
and Mobile Phone Enthusiasts
Here is an easy way to do a real time gift or
offertory to St. Catharine Church right from your
mobile phone. This QR code connects you directly
to our St. Catharine's Faith Direct online giving
platform and gives you the opportunity to do
real time payments to St. Catharine:
St. Catharine AMPs
Association of Mature Parishioners
Our next General Meeting will be at 1:30pm on Thursday,
March 17th in the Holmes Rec. Building. For entertainment
we will have singer/guitarist Jim Coakley. We invite eligible
parishioners, i.e. those fifty years or older, who are interested
in joining to come to this meeting.
Future activities are in the planning stage.
St. Cajetan Ministry Network
Attention Unemployed Parishioners The St. Cajetan Ministry
Network (parishes of St. Catharine’s and St. Anne’s) invites all
unemployed/underemployed men & women to join their ministry
which provides support through prayer & helpful guidance in
the job search process. If you know of someone who is out of
work tell them about the St. Cajetan Ministry Network.
Upcoming dates:
Sat., Mar. 5th - St. Anne's Faith Center, Fair Lawn (rectory,lower level)
Thur., Mar. 17th - St. Catharine’s Ministry Center Mtg. Rm. (1st floor)
Meeting times: Saturdays from 10am - 12noon; Thursdays from 7 - 9pm
Prayer for Our Troops O God of mercy, we ask You to
protect in a special way those who are fighting
for us and for the country we love. Bless them
and take care of them. Give them strength. Give
them comfort. Touch them with Your gentle
hand and let them know that You are near them.
Hasten the day, dear Lord, when we may all
enjoy the blessings of peace once more. Amen.
Annual Irish Night Dinner & Irish Wake
St. Ann’s K of C, 16-16 Maple Ave, Fair Lawn
Saturday, March 12th at 7pm. $45 per person
Featuring Mike Byrne & the Green Derby Boys. Open bar, corned
beef & cabbage dinner, bag piper & Irish step dancers. RSVP/
Questions: John Norton 201-956-3835, Glenn McCarthy 201-7964926 or Larry Robinson 862-222-6269. Or purchase online at
Next Weekend’s Presiders
5:30 p.m. * Salesian of Don Bosco
8:00 a.m.
Fr. John Prada
10:00 a.m.
Fr. Tom Blind
12:00 p.m. * Fr. Tom Wisniewski
Always subject to change. *Livestream videotaping in progress.
SPRING CRAFT SHOW/SALE: On Sunday, March 13, St. Joseph
Regional HS in Montvale will be hosting its annual Spring Craft
Show/Sale from 10am-4pm, showcasing the talents of 90 crafts
people and fine artists including many new crafters. $2 admission,
children/senior citizens free, no strollers permitted. www.sjrnj.org
Easter Flowers Dedication
All are invited to dedicate flowers to adorn the Church during the Easter season in honor of
a living or deceased loved one.
Dedicated to ______________________________________________
Who is ______ living ( In Honor of )
______ deceased ( In Memory of )
Amount of Dedication: _____ $25 _____ $50 _____ $100 $_____Other
Type of Payment: ____Check ____Cash
____ Online Payment at www.faithdirect.net
Dedication made by ______________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________
Return this form and your donation in the Sunday collection basket or mail it to the rectory:
St. Catharine Church
905 South Maple Avenue, Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Attn: Easter Flowers
Please make checks payable to St. Catharine Church.
Donations should be received by March 20th. Thank you!
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