St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
MARCH 27 , 2011 Third Sunday of Lent St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 2200 WEST REPUBLIC ROAD Contacts Office....................................................... 887-6472 Fax ........................................................... 887-7027 Rectory ...................................................887-6500 Email ......................................... School ............................................. 887-6056 SPRINGFIELD, MO 65807 Parish Liturgies Sunday Masses Saturday .................................................... 4:30 PM Sunday ............................... 7:30, 9:00 & 11:15 AM Parish Staff Msgr. Thomas E. Reidy, ....................... Pastor Debbie Randell, ............ Religious Education Diane Hoy, ............ Religious Education Asst. Melinda Lohkamp, ............... Youth Minister Sr. Bernadette Goessling, Pastoral Minister Sr. Pat Hall, SSND ,............ Pastoral Minister Deacon Tom & Pat Brewer, ................ RCIA Dan Lohkamp, ........................ Music Director Morgan Trokey, Jr., ........... Facility Manager José Santillan, .................................. Custodian School Staff Cheryl Hall, ......................................... Principal Shirlene Mais, ....... Administrative Assistant Weekday Masses Monday ....................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Tuesday ....................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Wednesday ......................... 6:30 am & 6:00 PM Thursday ..................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Friday .......................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Sacrament of Penance Saturday .......................................... 3:00-4:00 PM Or by appointment anytime. Baptism Preparation Classes Third Saturday of the Month ............ 10:00 AM LENTEN OPPORTUNTIES As we begin the third week of Lent, I want to encourage all of you to continue to deepen your spiritual lives through the great Lenten traditions of prayer, alms giving and fasting. My hope is that each of you will make a greater use of the opportunity for daily Mass, for reading the scripture, for praying the rosary, for Eucharistic Adoration and other helpful devotions like attendance at the Stations of the Cross. In terms of alms giving, I encourage each of you to extend acts of charity and service to those in need in our community. As for fasting, aside from the dietary fasting that is commonplace, Lent is also a perfect time to also fast from anger, from gossip, from all those habits that we have developed that weaken our ability to allow the fullness of Christ to dwell in our hearts. - - -Father Tom Area Communal Penance Services St. Francis of Assisi (Nixa) Wednesday, March 30 at 7:00 PM Holy Trinity Monday, April 4 at 7:00 PM St. Agnes Tuesday, April 5 at 7:00 PM St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Monday, April 11 at 7:00 PM Sacred Heart Thursday, April 14 at 7:00 PM St. Joseph the Worker (Ozark) Thursday, April 14 at 7:00 PM St. Joseph (Springfield) Sunday, April 17 at 7:00 PM THIS WEEK’S COLLECTION The collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe supports the essential and unmet pastoral needs of the church of the region. Poor Clare nuns in Poland received a central heating system through your previous generosity. Without the heat, the sisters had been falling ill frequently in the long, cold Eastern European winters, affecting their ministry of prayer. Please be generous to the collection for the Church in Central and Easter Europe where great needs remain. Visit to learn how funds will be used. 2 NEW STATIONS OF THE CROSS I hope you will all notice that our new Stations of the Cross are now in place. We are also happy to announce that Bishop Johnston will be here for a the blessing of our new Stations of the Cross, on Friday, April 1, at 7:00 pm. I hope that all of you and your families can be present for this special occasion. The Stations of the Cross have a long tradition of helping each of us to walk the steps with Jesus on His way to His suffering and death. This devotion allows each of us to reflect again on how totally Jesus has given Himself to each of us and challenges each of us can to the same for one another. With the presence of our new Stations of the Cross, let us make use of them on a regular basis. - - - Fr. Tom INITIATION RITES Celebration of the “Scrutinies” Next week the second scrutiny will be celebrated at the 11:15 Mass as the Elect prepare for initiation at the Easter Vigil. From the theme of the Gospel reading of the cure of the blind man, we pray with and for them to be strengthened and freed from whatever might be holding them from complete conversion to Christ. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Fridays during Lent During Lent we have an additional day of Eucharistic adoration. We need to have people sign-up to know that someone will be present from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Give yourself the gift of prayer and presence with Jesus. PROJECT ANDREW Sunday, April 3, 6:00 PM Catholic men, ages 14-45, are invited to dinner at SEAS with Bishop Johnston and priests who will give witness to how they heard God‟s call. Reservations are needed one week in advance. Contact Fr. Tom or Fr. Patrick at or Fr. J Friedel at, or 623-8643. March 27 SENIORS’ MASS AND BREAKFAST Sunday 10:10 AM PSR/Confirmation 10:10 AM Confirmation I and Sponsors No R.O.C. or C.R.E.E.D. 7:30 PM Anglican Catholic Prayer Group 8:00 PM AA & Al-Anon Meetings Friday, April 1 Seniors, plan to attend the 8:30 AM Mass followed by breakfast. Join with others from the parish community for prayer, a delicious breakfast and sharing. Also, those interested are invited to stay for a game of cards. Monday 28 8:30 AM Gr. 4-6 Extra Mass in Church 4:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 PM Centering Prayer 7:00 PM Gamblers Anonymous Meeting 7:00 PM Stephen Ministry SCRIP NOTES The Great Lakes Scrip Center will be closed Monday, April 4 through Friday, April 8 for system maintenance and employee vacations. All SCRIP orders need to be submitted by Thursday, March 31st at noon or you will need to wait until April 10th. You may purchase from our SCRIP stock as usual. Reload and ScripNow! transactions will still be processed normally between April 2 and April 10, even though GLSC will be closed that week for spring break. Whether paid for by PrestoPay or paid to SEAS, ScripNow! and Reloads will happen normally. Thanks for your support of our parish and our school. Tuesday 29 7:00 PM RCIA Session Wednesday 30 10:30 AM Sunday Scripture Reflection Group 5:45 PM Youth/Children’s Choir Practice 6:30 PM PSR/Confirmation 6:30 PM Confirmation I and Sponsors 7:00 PM Adult Choir Practice Thursday 31 APRIL 1 8:30 AM SEAS School Mass 2:30 PM Writing Class for Home Schooled Friday 8:30 AM Seniors’ Mass & Breakfast 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration 11:30 PM Stations of the Cross-School Children 1:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration for Home Schooled 3:00 & 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross 4:30 PM Shrimp Boil ST. JUDE GUILD There is no regular meeting for April. Members will gather at 9:00 AM on April 13 at the Catholic Center to work for the Bishop on the DDF Project. Call Tina at 881-2356 with questions. Saturday 2 7:00 AM Men’s Club Mass & Breakfast 8:00– 0:00 AM Spring Clean-up Day SVDP Food Bags Distribution SEAS HEALTH MINISTRY Members of the Health Ministry provide blood pressure checks for our parishioners after every Mass one weekend per month. A coordinator is needed for the Health Ministry. I will be happy to meet with the coordinator and assist him/her in getting organized. No equipment is required except a computer to send e-mails. Please consider offering your services as the coordinator. Contact Sharon Giboney at or 880-1002. Sunday 3 SVDP Food Bag Distribution 10:10 AM PSR/Confirmation 3:45 PM First Communion Workshop 6:00 PM Project Andrew Dinner 6:00 pm K.R.U.N.C.H 7:30 pm Anglican Catholic Prayer Group 8:00 PM AA & Al-Anon Meetings HARVEST HOME GARAGE SALE Friday-Saturday, June 10-11 Contact Kevin and Linda Kelly at 725-2135. 3 Readings for the Week of March 27, 2011 Sunday Ex 17:3-7 / Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 / Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 Monday 2 Kgs 5:1-15b / Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday Dn 3:25, 34-43 / Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday Dt 4:1, 5-9 / Mt 5:17-19 Thursday Jer 7:23-28 / Lk 11:14-23 Friday Hos 14:2-10 / Mk 12:28-34 Saturday Hos 6:1-6 / Lk 18:9-14 Next Sunday 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a / Eph 5:8-14 / Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 SPRING CLEANING for our CHURCH and GROUNDS Saturday, April 2 8:00 - 10:00 AM only Bring the family and enjoy a light-hearted sprucing up with fellow parishioners. Bring work gloves, rakes and cleaning supplies. Light refreshments provided. Eucharistic Adoration Join us every Monday from 4:00-8:00 PM in the Day Chapel for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Stephen Ministry Getting Older. Your doctor shook his head the last time you saw him. It seems like you are always on some kind of medication. Simple household jobs that you used to do with ease are beginning to be too much. You‟re not ready for this. You feel angry, upset and a little bit worried. A Stephen Minister would like to listen and care. Call Rosemary Finney, 8831190 or Mary Shaw, 732-9980. HOLY THURSDAY WASHING OF THE FEET Please consider participating in this beautiful ritual on Holy Thursday, April 21 at 7:00 PM. We will need a minimum of 25 people. Look for the sign-up form in the Gathering Area. For more information, please call Laura Graham at 887-6139. QUESTION OF THE WEEK John 4:5-42 Key Passage: “The woman left her water jar and went into the town and said to the people, „Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Christ?‟ ” Question: The woman in today‟s gospel shouts to all about her encounter with Jesus. When/how do I share my faith journey? Children: Talk about one thing you can do to let others know that you believe in Jesus. 4 Sunday, March 27 3rd Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM ............................................†Virginia McElwee 9:00 AM ................................................†Joyce Hindman 11:15 AM ........................................................... †Jim Foley Monday, March 28 6:30 AM................................................... †Vernon Thom 8:30 AM........................................................ †Ted Owens Tuesday, March 29 6:30 AM...................................................†Lillian Heiling 8:30 AM......................................................... †Reta Justis Wednesday, March 30 6:30 AM....................................................... †Jack Bowen 6:00 PM ..................................................... †Rita Kinsella Thursday, March 31 6:30 AM..............†Phanxico Xavier Truong Buu Diep 8:30 AM...................................... †Benjamin de San Jose Friday, April 1 6:30 AM....................................................... †John Moran 8:30 AM........................................................ †Ted Owens Saturday, April 2 4:30 PM ..................................................... †Joseph Carey Sunday, April 3 4th Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM .......................................... People of the Parish 9:00 AM ..........................†JClifford & Margaret Brick & Karen Hanlin 11:15 AM ......................................†Ruth & Richard Nix SHRIMP BOIL Friday, April 1, 4:30-7:00 PM Adults: $12 Children 6-11: $5 5 & under: free Tickets sold at the door. All proceeds benefit SEAS School. K.R.U.N.C.H. Sunday, April 3, 6-8 PM Gulf Coast Shrimp, boiled redskin potatoes, sweet corn, cocktail sauces. Grilled cheese sandwiches for the kids. Bring $5 and meet us there. Parents must sign children in at the door. Don‟t forget to wear SOCKS. Contemplative Outreach of Springfield CYM sponsored FISH FRY DAY OF PRAYER Friday, April 8, 3:30-6:30 PM Saturday , April 2, 2011 Holy Trinity Church Join us for delicious food while you support YOUTH activities. Mass at 9AM Registration at 9:30AM Ending at 12:15 PM You will have the opportunity to view a video filmed at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snow Mass, Colorado in which you will be introduced to the subject of Contemplation and the Spirit Journey and its implications for personal and global freedom. Discussion to follow. SUNDAY, April 10 R.O.C. 4-5:30 PM C.R.E.E.D. 6-8 PM SEAS’S SUMMER SESSION PRE-SCHOOL ACADEMY Faith, Academics, Play For the Week of This summer option is open to children ages 3-6 years old. The program is designed to be flexible and will focus on school readiness skills, socialization sills, fine and gross motor skills. This summer program can be used for a stand-alone program for the summer, as a year- round preschool option or as a parents‟ day–out option and will offer extended and flexible hours. The program will begin after the current school year dismisses for the summer and will run through the summer break. Call SEAS School at 887-6056 for information and registration materials. March 13-18 Operating Fund Income for the Week .................................... $22,799 Expenses Paid for the Week ......................... $9,649 Special Collections St. Vincent de Paul............................................... $430 Rice Bowl Donations............................................... $9 Church in Central/East Europe .......................... $70 Catholic Home Missions Appeal ........................ $10 Moving Forward in Faith and Community Income for the Week ......................................$10,619 When Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water, He opened the door for a lifechanging relationship with Him. Scripture says her testimony drew many other to Him as well. We, too, must be ready to respond whenever and wherever the Lord speaks to us and be prepared for it to change our lives! The weekend March 13 SEAS contributed a total of $133.85 to the Kitchen Kettle. Thanks for caring! Thanks for sharing! 5 Community News... Our Prayer List SEAS Parishioners Vicki Baker Conor Browne Levi Eads Janice Horton Mary Mitchell Jack Murphy Reiley Osterhoust Pray for Those Serving in the Military Our Friends & Loved Ones Justin Adamson David Belcher Joe Blystone Carl Case Tracy Craze James Cook Billy Dolmen Jared Donegian Jerry Eads Vincent Freeman Brandon Giello Eric Gholz Wade Gleason Joseph Haskell Meghan Haskell Richard Hilton Sam Holbrook Jerry Jacob Michael Kosco Aaron Krudwig Dustin Kyle Hermes Johan Lacea Howell Lacea Chris LaRocque Robert Anderson Aislyn Arismendi Truman Brown Jack Clark Mary Anne Fleder Donna Hall Sandy Janos Jon Nehl Carol (Jane) Reed Joni Schmidt 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Of ORDINATION for Msgr. Philip Bucher Sunday, April 3, 11:30 AM Mass Immaculate Conception Church All are invited to attend the celebration Mass at Immaculate Conception Parish. If you will attend the dinner reception following Mass, please RSVP to parish office, 887-0600 by March 30. Please, no gifts. Cards with family updates will be gratefully appreciated. Nic LaRocque Michael Leverton David Lukavsky Chris McComb Joseph McCroy Chris K. McClernon Randy McIlquham Ryan McIlquham Joe Mulheron Ian Murch Michael Murphy Michael Natalino Jon Nehl Daniel Newsome Cody Ostroski Ramon Erwin Pattugalan Ben Polley John Shepard Chris Spreadborough Brian N. Thielmann Will Tuck Adam Twenter Monty Willoughby Jared Zinter PARISH MISSION at HOLY TRINITY, BEGINNING EXPERIENCE RETREAT Friday-Monday, April 8-11 Maranatha Retreat Center, Miller, MO This retreat is for anyone widowed, divorced or separated who is looking for healing, hope, and support in dealing with his or her loss. Trained facilitators present the faith-based weekend in a peer ministry program. The cost is $90; scholarships are available. Transportation is available. For information or to register call Daniel, 343-9422 or Mary, 844-1318. “LIVING the SACRAMENTS” 7:00 PM Sunday—Tuesday APRIL 3, 4, 5 IN ADDITION: DAY of RECOLLECTION “CALL TO HOLINESS” Monday, April 4 9:00-2:00 RSVP: 883-3440 Presented by Fr. Lou Papes SPRINGFIELD CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL A LENTEN NIGHT FOR ALL WOMEN IN THE AREA “CINDERELLA” Mary’s Way of the Cross Thursday, April 7, 6:30 PM If you missed the experience last week at SEAS (or if you want to repeat it) join the PCCW at Immaculate Conception Church for this prayer experience. For more information call Noreen Penn at 881-1234. Friday & Saturday, APRIL 8-9, 7:00 PM 6 Sunday, APRIL 10, 2:00 PM Tickets at Springfield Catholic High School and Immaculate Conception Church
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
7:30 PM Anglican Catholic Prayer Group
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