St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
MARCH 20 , 2011 2nd Sunday of Lent St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 2200 WEST REPUBLIC ROAD Contacts Office ......................................................887-6472 Fax........................................................... 887-7027 Rectory...................................................887-6500 School ............................................ 887-6056 SPRINGFIELD, MO 65807 Parish Liturgies Sunday Masses Saturday.................................................... 4:30 PM Sunday............................... 7:30, 9:00 & 11:15 AM Parish Staff Msgr. Thomas E. Reidy, ....................... Pastor Debbie Randell, ............ Religious Education Diane Hoy, ............Religious Education Asst. Melinda Lohkamp, ............... Youth Minister Sr. Bernadette Goessling, Pastoral Minister Sr. Pat Hall, SSND , ........... Pastoral Minister Deacon Tom & Pat Brewer, ............... RCIA Dan Lohkamp, .........................Music Director Morgan Trokey, Jr., ........... Facility Manager José Santillan, .................................. Custodian School Staff Cheryl Hall, ......................................... Principal Shirlene Mais, ....... Administrative Assistant Weekday Masses Monday....................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Tuesday....................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Wednesday ..........................6:30 am & 6:00 PM Thursday..................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Friday .......................................... 6:30 & 8:30 AM Sacrament of Penance Saturday.......................................... 3:00-4:00 PM Or by appointment anytime. Baptism Preparation Classes Third Saturday of the Month ............10:00 AM LENTEN OPPORTUNITIES INITIATION RITES Celebration of the “Scrutinies” 1st Scrutiny, next Sunday, 11:15 Mass As we continue our Lenten journey to Easter, I want to encourage all of you to take advantage of the many spiritual resources available to you. Consider attending Mass at least one time during the week, find time for private or family prayer, attend Stations of the Cross and Benediction on Fridays at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM, come for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Mondays from 4:00-8:00 PM and Fridays from 9:00 AM–7:00 PM, participate in Operation Rice Bowl. The extra effort can lead to a glorious celebration of Easter. - - - Fr. Tom As the Elect prepare for initiation at the Easter Vigil, we celebrate three scrutinies on the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent. On these Sundays, the gospel readings are from John, with each having a focus on baptism. The ancient church used these rituals as solemn public intercessions made by the community on behalf of those preparing for baptism. The prayer is for the protection and deliverance of the elect from the demons and evils that surround them. Listen to the prayers that are sung as the catechumens kneel before the altar; pray with and for them and our world. FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Friday, March 25 In the Roman calendar, this is the ancient title for the feast of celebrating the Incarnation of the Word. This feast is a joint celebration of Christ and the Blessed Virgin; of the Word who becomes the Son of Mary and the virgin who becomes the Mother of God. In the universal Church, this liturgy celebrates the beginning of redemption. It also honors Mary as the “new Eve,” the obedient and faithful Mother of God. Mary cooperated freely in the plan of salvation. Bishop Johnston will renew the consecration of the diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on that day. Along with other parishes in the diocese, we will participate at our 6:30 and 8:30 AM Masses by praying the prayer of consecration. ST. FRANCIS GUILD MEETING Monday, March 21, 6:30 PM, Gathering Area Want to know more about SEAS and its history? Women of the parish are invited to a tour of SEAS with Chris Haik. who will talk about the stained glass windows, the Stations of the Cross and much more. Join us after the tour for fondue and a short business meeting. Contact Mary Fox, 889-2136, with questions. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Sunday, March 27, 12:30 PM Join us in the Adult Ed Room for our regular meeting. New members are welcomed. We will be discussing upcoming events. Call Ann Russell at 987-4648 with questions. CHOIR NOTES Our adult choir is currently learning new music for Holy Week and Easter. We extend an invitation to anyone interested in joining us. Our practices are on Wednesday from 7:00 until about 8:30 PM in the sanctuary. Our practices will be for all the music with instrumentation. Call Dan at 8876472 ext. 206 with questions. Vocalist can simply show up; instrumentalists, please call. PROJECT ANDREW Sunday, April 3, 6:00 PM Catholic men, ages 14-45, are invited to dinner at SEAS with Bishop Johnston and priests who will give witness to how they heard God’s call. Reservations are needed one week in advance. Contact Fr. Tom or Fr. Patrick at or Fr. J Friedel at, or 623-8643. 2 March 20 SEAS FISH FRY Sponsored by the Men’s Club Sunday NO PSR/Confirmation-Spring Break 8:00 AM Parish Breakfast 11:15 AM Youth led Mass with activities until 2pM 7:30 PM Anglican Catholic Prayer Group 8:00 PM AA & Al-Anon Meetings Friday, March 25 3:30—6:30 pm Fried or Baked fish, Shrimp, French Fries, Coleslaw, Mac & Cheese, Vegetable, Dessert and Drink Adult- $8.00 Children– 5 to 12 yrs. $5.00 Children 4 and under free. Monday 21 4:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration St. Francis Guild Gamblers Anonymous Meeting Stephen Ministry Tuesday 22 7:00 PM RCIA Session ENCOUNTER WITH GOD’S CALL Wednesday 23 Saturday-Monday, March 26-28 Conception Seminary College 10:30 AM Sunday Scripture Reflection Group 5:45 PM Youth /Children’s Choir Practice No PSR/Confirmation– Spring Break 7:00 PM Adult Choir Practice Young men 16 years and older are invited to this discernment retreat to consider the vocation to the priesthood. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the seminarians as they share their stories of responding to God’s call. This visit is free. For more information, please contact our pastor, Fr. Tom or Father Patrick Nwokoye, at 573-335-3899 or or Father J. Friedel at 417-623-8643 or Thursday 24 8:30 AM SEAS School Mass 2:30 PM Writing Class for Home Schooled 6:30 PM Thursday Night Bible Study Friday 25 1:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration for Home Schooled 3:00 & 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross 3:30 PM Fish Fry-Men’s Club West Plains Youth Conference “COMFORTS FROM THE HEART” Saturday 26 West Plains Youth Conference QUILT MINISTRY Sunday 27 10:10 AM PSR 10:10 AM Confirmation Sponsors/Candidates 12:30 PM SVDP Meeting No R.O.C. or G.R.E.E.D. 7:30 PM Anglican Catholic Group 8:00 PM AA & Al-Anon Meetings NEXT WEEK’S COLLECTION A great need remains for the church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection provides support for basic pastoral programs and makes scholarships available for students striving to serve their local Church. These students become vital participants in the renewal of Church in the region. 3 “Comforts from the Heart” is a group that meets bi-weekly to make quilts for 17 local agencies. Most items are donated; however, they do need to raise funds from time to time to purchase the large rolls of quilt batting and to service their machines. Their Lenten project is to raffle a beautiful queen-size, handmade quilt that was received as a donation. The dominate colors are white, yellow and gold. The winning ticket will be drawn during the Ladies’ Day of Inspiration on April 15. Get your raffle tickets after all the Masses- $1.00 each or 7 for $5.00. If you need information or want tickets delivered, call Dee Fitzgibbons at 732-5730 or Virginia Clark at 881-1585. Readings for the Week of March 20, 2011 Sunday Gn 12:1-4a / 2 Tm 1:8b-10/ Mt 17:1-9 Monday Dn 9:4b-10 / Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday Is 1:10, 16-20 / Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday Jer 18:18-20 / Mt 20:17-28 Thursday Jer 17:5-10 / Lk 16:19-31 Friday Is 7:10-14; 8:10 / Heb 10:4-10 / Lk 1:26-38 Saturday Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 / Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Next Sunday Ex 17:3-7 / Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 / Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 Eucharistic Adoration Join us every Monday from 4:00-8:00 PM in the Day Chapel for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament GIFT IDEAS Need a gift for someone and you don’t know what to buy? How about a SCRIP gift card. It’s easy and there are cards to suit almost anyone. If YOU want to shop, check out Kohl’s (4%), Gordmans (7%), Home Depot (4%), Bed, Bath & Beyond (7%), Pier One Imports (9%), Sears (4%) and many more. Stephen Ministry Promoted! You went to a dinner to celebrate last night. But as you go into work tomorrow, you’ll be taking on a new set of responsibilities. You wonder: Can I handle it? Can I live up to their expectations of me? Let a Stephen Minister help you find the resources you need at this time. Call Mary Shaw, 732-9980 or Rosemary Finney, 883-1190. Sunday, March 20 2nd Sunday of Lent Sunday Scriptures Reflection Group This group meets every Wednesday from 10:30 AM–12:00 PM in classroom 3 . All are invited to join us as we read and share on the upcoming Sunday’s readings to help us better prepare for Mass, as well as find personal purpose and meaning from them for daily life. For more information, call Ruth, 8878454, Rhea, 883-9464, or Josie,887-2117. 7:30 AM.......................................... People of the Parish 9:00 AM ................................... †Leonilda Lamberghini 11:15 AM ......................................†Ruth & Richard Nix Monday, March 21 6:30 AM .............†Phanxico Xavier Truong Buu Diep 8:30 AM ................................................†Carolyn Ament Tuesday, March 22 6:30 AM ...........................................................†Jim Foley 8:30 AM .................................................†Willliam Slous Wednesday, March 23 St. Toribio de Mogrovejo, bishop 6:30 AM ..................................... The Sick of the Parish 6:00 PM..................................................... †Mark Martin QUESTION OF THE WEEK Matt. 17:1-9 Thursday, March 24 6:30 AM ................................... †Leonilda Lamberghini 8:30 AM ......................................................... †John Reed Key Passage: “...and (Jesus) was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.” Friday, March 25 Annunciation of the Lord 6:30 AM ............ Men & Women Serving in Military 8:30 AM ....................................................... †Ted Owens Question: What in your life needs transformation?...What is God calling you to change this Lent? Saturday, March 26 4:30 PM..............................................†Eleanor Hammill Children: If you asked your parents: what one thing would they hope you could change to be more like Jesus, what would they say ? 4 Sunday, March 27 3rd Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM............................................ †Virginia Mcelwee 9:00 AM ................................................†Joyce Hindman 11:15 AM ...........................................................†Jim Foley SEAS HEALTH MINISTRY Members of the Health Ministry provide blood pressure checks for our parishioners after every Mass one weekend per month. Several members of SEAS have signed on as volunteers for this important service ministry. A coordinator is needed for the Health Ministry. I will be happy to meet with the coordinator and assist him/her in getting organized. No equipment is required except a computer to send e-mails. Please consider offering your services as the coordinator. Contact Sharon Giboney at 880-1002 or DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCE West Plains, MO Fri. -Sun., MARCH 25,26,27 Contact Melinda at 887-6472 or by e-mail at SEAS’S SUMMER SESSION PRE-SCHOOL ACADEMY Faith, Academics, Play This summer option is open to children ages 3-6 years old. The program is designed to be flexible and will focus on school readiness skills, socialization sills, fine and gross motor skills. This summer program can be used for a stand-alone program for the summer, as a year- round preschool option or as a parent’s day–out option and will offer extended and flexible hours. The program will begin after the current school year dismisses for the summer and will run through the summer break. Please call SEAS School at 8876056 for more information and registration materials. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Immaculate Conception School has an opening for an elementary teacher for the 2011-2012 school year. Applicant must be an active Catholic and state-certified to teach grades K-5. Please send introductory letter and resume to Springfield Catholic Schools Central Office, 3530 S. Culpepper Circle, Springfield, MO 65804. For more information call Paula Baird, Principal, at 881-7000. For the Week of EMERALD EVENING XVII “An Evening in the Emerald City” Saturday, March 26 University Plaza Hotel’s Grand Ballroom March 6-12 Last weekend to purchase raffle tickets! Operating Fund Income for the Week .....................................$33,265 Expenses Paid for the Week ........................$78,056 Dinner, dancing, auction, raffle drawing for cash prizes of $5,000, $2,500 or $1,000. Need not be present to win. Purchase $50 tickets after Masses in Gathering Area or online at Registrations can be made online. All proceeds benefit Springfield Catholic Schools. Call: 865-5567 to purchase raffle tickets directly by credit card or for more information. Special Collections St. Vincent de Paul ...............................................$157 Ash Wednesday Collection............................ $3,785 Church in Central/Easter Europe ...................... $65 Catholic Home Mission Appeal ......................... $35 Moving Forward in Faith and Community Income for the Week ..................................... $13,989 Expenses for the Week ................................. $86,217 The weekend March 6 SEAS contributed a total of $136.65 to the Kitchen Kettle. Thanks for caring! Thanks for sharing! “Bear your share of the hardship which the gospel entails,” St. Paul tells Timothy in today’s second reading. What sacrifice is asked of me for the sake of the Gospel? How willing am I to bear my share? 5 Community News... Pray for Those Serving in the Military Our Prayer List SEAS Parishioners Vicki Baker Conor Browne Levi Eads Janice Horton Mary Mitchell Jack Murphy Reiley Osterhoust Our Friends & Loved Ones Justin Adamson David Belcher Joe Blystone Carl Case Tracy Craze James Cook Billy Dolmen Jared Donegian Jerry Eads Vincent Freeman Brandon Giello Eric Gholz Wade Gleason Joseph Haskell Meghan Haskell Richard Hilton Sam Holbrook Jerry Jacob Michael Kosco Aaron Krudwig Dustin Kyle Hermes Johan Lacea Howell Lacea Chris LaRocque Robert Anderson Truman Brown Jack Clark Mary Anne Fleder Donna Hall Sandy Janos Jon Nehl Carol (Jane) Reed Joni Schmidt PARISH MISSION at HOLY TRINITY, “LIVING the SACRAMENTS” 7:00 PM Sunday—Tuesday APRIL 3, 4, 5 IN ADDITION: DAY of RECOLLECTION “CALL TO HOLINESS” Monday, April 4 9:00-2:00 RSVP: 883-3440 Presented by Fr. Lou Papes 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Of ORDINATION for Msgr. Philip Bucher Sunday, April 3, 11:30 AM Mass Immaculate Conception Church All are invited to attend the celebration Mass at Immaculate Conception Parish. If you will attend the dinner reception following Mass, please RSVP to parish office, 887-0600 by March 24. Please, no gifts. Cards with family updates will be gratefully appreciated. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE RETREAT Friday-Monday, April 8-11 Maranatha Retreat Center , Miller, MO This retreat is for anyone widowed, divorced or separated who is looking for healing, hope, and support in dealing with his or her loss. Trained facilitators present the faith-based weekend in a peer ministry program. The cost is $90; scholarships are available. Transportation is available. For information or to register call Daniel, 343-9422 or Mary, 844-1318. A LENTEN NIGHT FOR ALL WOMEN IN THE AREA Mary’s Way of the Cross Thursday, April 7, 6:30 PM If you missed the experience last week at SEAS (or if you want to repeat it) join the PCCW at Immaculate Conception Church for this prayer experience. For more information call Noreen Penn at 881-1234. Nic LaRocque Michael Leverton David Lukavsky Chris McComb Joseph McCroy Chris K. McClernon Randy McIlquham Ryan McIlquham Joe Mulheron Ian Murch Michael Murphy Michael Natalino Jon Nehl Daniel Newsome Cody Ostroski Ramon Erwin Pattugalan Ben Polley John Shepard Chris Spreadborough Brian N. Thielmann Will Tuck Adam Twenter Monty Willoughby Jared Zinter SPRINGFIELD CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL “CINDERELLA” Friday & Saturday, APRIL 8-9, 7:00 PM Sunday, APRIL 10, 2:00 PM Tickets after March 21 at Springfield Catholic High School and Immaculate Conception Church 6
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