26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sept. 27, 2015


26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sept. 27, 2015
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time •
September 27, 2015
Divine Mercy Parish
115 Madison Street
Sauk City, Wisconsin
231 Main Street
Merrimac, Wisconsin
Feast of the Archangels
Divine Mercy Parish Office
115 Madison Street
Sauk City, WI 53583
(608) 643-2449
Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday
9:00 am-noon & 1:00-3:00 pm
(Closed on Mondays)
Pastor: Fr. John Blewett
Parochial Vicars:
Fr. Pedro Escribano, Fr. Alex Navarro,
Fr. Osvaldo Briones, Fr. Jerry Zhanay
Finance Manager: Margaret Nelson
Secretaries: Maria Carrasco 643-2449
Mardell Krejchik 742-3364
Parish Council Chairperson:
Robert J. Koch
St. Aloysius Mass Schedule
Weekend: Saturday at 4:30 pm;
Sunday at 8 am and 10:30 am,
Sunday at 12:30 pm in Spanish
Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:15 am;
Saturday 8:00 am
La Santa Misa en español:
todos los domingos a las 12:30 pm
St. Mary’s Mass Schedule
Weekend: Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:30 am
Weekday: Thursday 7:00 pm
St. Aloysius: Beginning one hour
before weekend and weekday Masses
and Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 pm
St. Mary: Saturday 3:45-4:15 pm
Sunday 9:00-9:15 am
Thursday 5:00-6:45 pm
The name Michael, signifies "Who
is like to God" and was the war cry
of the good Angels in the battle
fought in heaven against Satan and
his followers.
The name Gabriel means "man
of God," or "God has shown
himself mighty." He announced
to Mary that she would bear a
Son Who would be conceived of
the Holy Spirit,
Son of the Most High.
The name Raphael means
"God has healed". His mission as wonderful healer
and fellow traveller with
the youthful Tobias has
caused him to be invoked
for journeys and at critical
moments in life.
St. Aloysius Mass Intentions
Monday, September 28
8:15 am † Ernie Wittwer
Tuesday, September 29
8:15 am Lorraine Breunig
(Judy Laubmaier)
Wednesday, September 30
8:15 am † Shirley Brickl
(Dean & Mary Brickl)
Thursday, October 1
8:15 am † Lorraine Horak
Friday, October 2
8:15 am Charlie & Rene Oldenburg
10:00 am Maplewood
† Alfred Ederer
(Donna Ederer)
Saturday, October 3
8:00 am † Charlie Bongard
(Ann Cicero Family)
4:30 pm People of the Parish
Sunday, October 4
8:00 am † Monroe & Mildred Nolden
10:30 am Wedding Anniversary
Dean & Mary Brickl
50th Wedding Anniversary
Ron & Marie Loether
12:30 pm † Clara Ramirez Cano
Vocation Chalice - October 4
8:00 am Scott Enerson Family
St. Mary’s Mass Intentions
Saturday, September 26
4:30 pm † Margaret Jackson
(Mike & Phyllis Mercurio)
Sunday, September 27
9:30 am Special Intention for
Charles Krejchik & Kimberly Krejchik
(John & Mardell Krejchik)
Thursday, October 1
7:00 pm TLM Special Intention for
Angela Krejchik
(John & Mardell Krejchik)
Saturday, October 3
4:30 pm † Mike Smith
(Mike & Phyllis Mercurio)
Sunday, October 4
9:30 am Nick & Camille Hahn 56th
Wedding Anniversary
(Nick & Camille Hahn)
Wednesday, October 7
8:30 am Our Lady of the Rosary—
† Charles Blau Sr.
(Wally & Irene Monzelewski)
Thursday, September 24
7:00 pm Peace on Earth
(Anthony & Marsha Pratt)
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Monthly “Symbolon” Class Coming To St. Al’s
Symbolon™ is a stunning new video series that systematically presents the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. Filmed
on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and elsewhere,
dozens of nationally-known teachers clearly present the
beauty and brilliance of Catholicism. The first Thursday of every month, we
will present one of the DVD’s using our new audio-visual equipment in the
lower level, followed by a brief discussion. Each session is independent, so
come when you are able, and learn more about the core teachings of our beautiful Catholic faith! The first session is Thursday, October 1, at 6:30pm.
Fall Mobile Meals Delivery - A Chance to Do God´s Work
Our Parish is scheduled to deliver Mobile Meals the week of September 28. This
is a great opportunity to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy by offering our
time, sharing our talents and doing a good deed. Sign up sheets are available at
the side lobby entrance. Please give generously of your time - we can´t help others without your dedication. Thank you for your help!
The Madison Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the Madison Catholic
Woman’s Club join together to invite all the women of the diocese and their
guests to “A Day of Christian Renewal” at St. Peter Catholic Church, 5001 N.
Sherman Ave., Madison. Program: Coffee and breads at 8:45 a.m., Rosary at
11:00 a.m., Mass at 11:20 a.m. Lunch will follow the Mass. Please make check
payable to the Madison Catholic Woman’s Club for $20.00 and send to Rita
Endres, 6425 Hyslop Rd., Waunakee, WI 53597; phone 608 849-5465.
Catholic Charities
Join Catholic Charities in celebrating Catholic Charities Sunday on October 11, 2015. Catholic Charities is entrusted with
a mission, on behalf of the Church, to act with unselfish love
toward our brothers and sisters in Christ. We become the hands of Christ, reaching out to those in need and caring in faith for the family.
October Is The Month Of The Rosary
The Rosary is prayed before Masses at St. Al’s year-round.
Especially in October, the month of the Rosary, everyone is encouraged to come about 20 minutes before Mass time and join
in praying the Rosary with your parish family. If you are willing to lead the Rosary before a weekend Mass, once or twice a
month, please contact the parish office at 643-2449.
St. Aloysius Church at 115 Madison St. in Sauk City and St. Aloysius School is promoting 40 Days for Life locally by hosting special scheduled prayer opportunities for all who wish to join together in prayer. Except for the Oct. 10 Spanish-English rosary
which will be prayed in front of the statue of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, Memorial to the Unborn, in front of the church, the pro-life
rosary will be prayed in the new Adoration Chapel at St. Aloysius.
On Tuesday nights it will be led by Julie Keith. The school children will lead the
rosary on their scheduled days. Fr. John Blewett will lead the outdoor rosary on
Oct. 10.
Coming dates: in Adoration Chapel
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 9:45 AM, Adoration and Pro-life Rosary with 3rd Grade
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 8.00 PM, Adoration and Pro-life Rosary
Thursday, Oct. 1, 9:4 5 AM, Adoration and Pro-life Rosary with 4th Grade
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 11:00 AM, Adoration and Pro-life Rosary with 2nd Grade
Adoration Chapel candles
will burn this week...
Grades K Through 7
(Sundays 9:15 - 10:15 am)
Grades 8 Through 12 (Wednesdays
6:30 - 8 pm)
September 27
September 30
October 4
October 7 (DTS)
October 11
October 14
(no class on Oct. 21)
October 18
(no class on Oct. 25)
October 28
2015 Culture of Life Essay Contest
The Knights of Columbus Council No. 3099 invites Divine Mercy and St.
Norbert Parish students, public, private or home school, grades 7-12 to
enter the 2015 Culture of Life Essay Contest. The theme for this year’s essay
is: “Abortion and Slavery – Is There a Difference?” Local, Diocesan and
State winners receive gift cards. Contact your Director of Religious Education or Council 3099 Culture of Life Coordinator Jim DeSchepper at
jdeschepper@relevantradio.com for entry forms or more information.
For Familia Vega Vega
You may request to have candles in
the adoration chapel burn for a week
in memory of or honor of a loved one,
or for a special intention. The donation is $30/6 candles, and your intention will be published here if you wish.
Contact the parish office to schedule.
SUNDAY, OCtober 18,
Tickets for sale at the Parish Office
TICKETS: $5.00 each
Respect Life Collection
Your help in supporting these collections
is critical. Please take this week to pray
about the support you can provide. A
brochure and envelope will be inserted
into the bulletin next weekend for your
St. Aloysius Liturgical Roles
Weekend of October 3-4
4:30 pm
8:00 am
Joseph & Henry Watson,
D. J. Ballweg
10:30 am Spencer LaCourt,
Connor Heiney
4:30 pm Bill Liegel
8:00 am Pauline Ballweg
10:30 am Robert Koch
4:30 pm Tim Taylor Family,
Ralph Ringelstetter
8:00 am Chuck Kraemer Family
10:30 am Roger & Dorothy Moen,
Don & Jean Daniewicz
Offertory Gift Bearers
4:30 pm Volunteers welcome!
8:00 am Volunteers welcome!
10:30 am Volunteers welcome!
4:30 pm Jim Bannan, Dan Frosch,
Richard Falleck, Paul Jesberger, Joe
8:00 am Les Breunig, Louis Wankerl,
Dennis & Joan Breunig
10:30 am Roy & Louise Gag, Dean &
Mary Brickl
Rosary Leaders
4:30 pm Becky Thomson
8:00 am Bernie Schoeder
10:30 am Amy Patterson
Starting right after School up
to 5:15pm.
Snacks will be
provided and we
will have a Saint
Story, Football
after the practice.
For whomever is
The sanctuary lamp
will burn this week
In Memory of
Janet B.
You may request to have
the sanctuary candle (next to
the tabernacle) burn for one week in
memory of or honor of a loved one, or
for a special intention. The donation is
$10, and your intention will be published in the bulletin if you wish. Contact the parish office to schedule.
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Faith Discussion Session after Mass This Sunday, September 27th
Take advantage of this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our faith by
participating in our faith discussion in St. Mary’s Hall. A DVD presentation is
followed by a discussion. During the last session, we continued a very interesting
and entertaining documentary titled “Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution.”
We hope you can join us this Sunday as we continue the 2nd DVD of “Incredible
Creatures that Defy Evolution.”
Special Mass Wednesday, October 7th
Wednesday, October 7th is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Fr. Pedro will
offer Mass at 8:30 am that morning, at St. Mary Health of the Sick Church.
Thank You for Your Mass Intentions
Dear parishioners, we thank you for your generous support of St.Mary’s Church.
Here at St. Mary’s we have the rare opportunity of having Masses available for
your intentions within a short time. Because of your wonderful generosity, only
one Mass is still available at St. Mary’s in 2015, in December. We also have
Masses available on Tuesdays at Durward’s Glen and of course, in January, 2016
and beyond. If you would like to reserve a Mass for your intention, contact
Mardell Krejchik, 608-742-3364, calcab89@yahoo.com, or place your intention
in the collection basket marked “Mass Intention.” Be sure to include your phone
number in case there are questions. Thank you and may God continue to bless
you and your families.
Newly Organized Prayer Group at St. Mary’s
Our newly organized Prayer Chain at St. Mary, Health of the Sick welcomes your
petitions for prayer for a family member, a parishioner, a friend or anyone whom
you feel needs help. To submit your petition, just see Phyllis Mercurio, the organist, at either the Saturday 4:30 pm Mass or on Sunday at the 9:30 Mass. You
can also call 493-2184 any time or send an e-mail to phyllismercurio@yahoo.com. We will pass your information on to the prayer chain members.
“Where two or more are gathered together, God is in their midst.” God bless.
Senior Connection is Here!
Coming Up at St. Mary’s….
Saturday, September 26
3:45-4:15pm Confessions
4:30 pm
Sunday, September 27
9:00-9:15am Confessions
9:30 am
10:30 am
Faith Discussion
“Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution. DVD 2”
Thursday, October 1
5:00-6:45pm Exposition, Adoration,
Confessions and Benediction
7:00 pm
Saturday, October 3
3:45-4:15pm Confessions
4:30 pm
Sunday, October 4
9:00-9:15am Confessions
9:30 am
10:30 am
Faith Discussion
Creatures that Defy
Evolution. DVD 2”
Coming Up at Durward’s Glen…
Tuesday, September 29th
7:35 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
Faith discussion
with Fr. Jerry
9:00 am
Pick up your copy of The Sr. Connection from the shelf in back of church. The
October edition features the Pope’s visit to the United States. Also included is the
saint of the month, Our Lady of Sorrows; several delicious recipes; games and
much more. Enjoy!
Use Scrip to support St. Mary’s
For several weeks we have written about the Scrip program at Divine Mercy Parish in an effort to encourage people at St. Mary’s to participate in this worthwhile
program. With Scrip gift cards, the vendors and businesses donate a percentage
of what you spend in their stores, to Divine Mercy Parish. The cost to you is zero
and using the gift cards is convenient as well. Order forms are on the bulletin
board in back of church. If you have any questions, please contact Mardell Krejchik, 608-742-3364.
Please join us this Tuesday, September 29th, for Mass at 8 am with Fr. Jerry,
followed by a discussion of the Catholic faith and refreshments. Come early for
the Rosary at 7:30 am. Everyone is welcome!
Life-Chain in Baraboo, Sunday October 4th
The Sauk county right to Life invites you to attend the 2015 “Life Chain” next
Sunday, October 4, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in Baraboo. The event will be held on
8th Street starting from Hwy 12 and extending east. Pro-Life signs will be provided at the site where we will stand in silent protest of abortion. Take some time
to stand up for the unborn! For more information contact Jen Jagow at 608-356
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Divine Mercy Parish Office
Phone: (608) 643-2449
St. Aloysius School Office
Phone: (608) 643-6868
Principal: Daniela Saldaña
Secretary: Pam Sternberg
St. Aloysius Religious Education
Phone: (608) 643-4062
Coordinator: Lisa Enerson
Baptism: Please contact the parish
office at (608) 643-2449.
Marriage: Please contact the parish
office at (608) 643-2449 at least six
months in advance of the anticipated
Vocations: Contact any of the priests
or the Diocesan Vocations Office at
(608) 821-3088 or visit the website
Eucharistic Adoration
St. Aloysius: Sundays at 2pm
through Saturdays at 8am
St. Mary’s: Thursdays 5:00-6:45 pm
Prayer Chain
Call (608) 643-2449.
Divine Mercy Chaplet For
The Sick or Dying
Call Ann: 434-4360, Mary: 643-6672,
Dawn: 370-4753 or Marion: 592-4441.
Sick or Homebound
Please call the parish office at (608)
643-2449 to inform us of any illnesses, surgeries or hospitalizations,
or of any homebound person who
would like a priest to visit.
Readings for Sept. 27- Oct. 4
This Sunday: Nm 11:25-29/Jas 5:16/Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
Monday: Zec 8:1-8/Lk 9:46-50
Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:712ab/Jn 1:47-51
Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8/Lk 9:57-62
Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12/Lk
Friday: Bar 1:15-22/Mt 18:1-5, 10
Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29/Lk 10:17
Next Sunday: Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:911/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12
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Guardian Angels, How do we know we
have them?
We know we have a guardian angel from the teachings of the
Church herself, based both on the Old Testament and New Testament and tradition, and from the writings of the Doctors of the
Church. We have an assurance from the mouth of Jesus, who
stated: "See that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say to
you, that their angels always see the face of my Father who is in
heaven." (Matt 18,10). Scriptures adds: "For he has given his angels
charge over thee; to keep thee in all thy ways." (Ps. 90:11). And in
the book of Exodus we learn that in addition to our guardians, the
good Lord often assigns other angels to help in particular situations. In giving certain rules to the children of Israel, God told
them: "Behold I will send my angel, who shall go before thee, and
keep thee in thy journey, and bring thee into the place that I have
prepared. Take notice of him, and hear his voice, and do not think
him one to be contemned: for he will not forgive when thou hast
sinned, and my name is in him. But if thou will hear his voice, and
do all that I speak, I will be an enemy to thy enemies, and will
afflict them that afflict thee." (Ex. 23: 20-22).
In the Acts of the Apostles St. Paul
had a vision of his guardian angel,
who appeared and prophesied when
the ship on which the Saint was sailing as a prisoner was caught in a terrible tempest that lasted for days. Scriptures relates that afterward, Paul
spoke to those on board in this way:
"And now I exhort you to be of good
cheer. For there shall be no loss of any
man´s life among you, but only of the
ship. For an angel of God, whose I am,
and whom I serve, stood by me this
night, saying: Fear not, Paul, you must be brought before Caesar;
and behold, God has given thee all of them that sail with
thee." (Acts 27: 22-24). On board were "two hundred threescore and
sixteen souls." (Acts 27:37). Just as St. Paul´s guardian angel has
prophesied, all who had been aboard were saved.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "From infancy to
death human life is surrounded by their angels watchful care and
intercession." St. Basil the Great, a Doctor of the Church, writes:
"That each one of the faithful has an angel who directs his life as a
pedagogue and a shepherd nobody can deny.
Taken from Angels & Devils, by Joan Carroll Cruz