de PAUL - St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
de PAUL - St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
ST. VINCENT de PAUL SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 TWENTH-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME C H U R C H 1502 E. Wallen Road • Fort Wayne, IN 46825• PARISH STAFF Pastor ................................................................ Fr. John Kuzmich Parochial Vicar ................................................ Fr. Pius llechukwu Deacon............................................................... Jason Freiburger Pastoral Associate ........................................ Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate ......................................... Judy Mockenhaupt Business Administrator ............................................ Sherry Miller School Principal ..................................................... Sandra Guffey Dir. of Religious Education ........................................ Beth Amick Director of Music .................................................... Tony Andorfer Maintenance ............................................................. Jay Hamrick Youth Director ............................................................ Tracy Sines Parish Secretary ................................................... Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ....................................................... Carol Wurst Parish Secretary ...................................................... Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry ....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson................... Bill Pagryzinski TELEPHONES Church Office…Hours: 8:30—4:30 pm M—F ... (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ....................................................................497-9405 E-Mail Religious Education Office .............................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office ....................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ............................................................. ext. 210 Spiritual Center ............................................................... ext. 222 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .............................. 482-8409 Development Director ..................................................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge ..................................................................489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie ........................................................ 637-8146 Prayer Line Dolly........................................................... 489-4461 BULLETIN DEADLINE Items should be in the church office via e-mail by Monday 9:00 am (Prior Friday 12:00 noon for a holiday week.) MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday and Holyday: As scheduled in bulletin. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Sat. 8:45-9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH SCHOOL A Catholic education for children (grades 1-8) Office Hours ..................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office ....................................... (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line .................................................. ext. 214 School Kitchen................................................................. ext. 220 School Secretary..................................................... Kathy Palmer School Secretary.......................................................... Ellen Ryan NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office. 2 N E W S & N O T E S MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 1 * 6:30 am Jean Stopher 8:00 am Ernst & Margaret Hammann Tuesday, October 2 *6:30 am Virgilene Rich 8:00 am Matthew Hensler Wednesday, October 3 *6:30 am Robert Secrest 8:00 am Bill Kalb Thursday, October 4 *6:30 am Delores Connors 8:00 am Paul Partee First Friday, October 5 8:00 am Gerald Gavin *5:30 pm Jerry & Alice Romary Saturday, October 6 8:00 am Int. Rosary Society 5:00 pm Frank Witkowski Sunday, October 7 7:15 am Special Int. Nielson Family 9:00 am Cheryl L. Powers 11:00 am Donald & Virginia Page (50th Anniv.) 6:00 pm For the Parish (Life Teen Mass) *Chapel COFFEE AND DONUTS Join us for coffee and donuts after the 9:00 am Mass on the following Sundays: September 30 Cuellar Family October 7 Cuellar Family October 21 Herber Family PARISH MISSION It‘s not too early to mark your calendars NOW for the upcoming Parish Mission, ―Behold the Face of Christ‖, November 12-15! Next week at all the Masses, there will be information about the Mission and how you can help make it a special time for St. Vincent de Paul Parish. Starting next week, you will be able to sign up if you can help with various tasks, as well as if you need help with transportation or childcare for the evenings. GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: COURAGE “A man of courage is also full of faith.” ~~Cicero Congratulations to Donald and Virgina Page on the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. May they be blessed with good health and happiness. A wonderful day at the picnic! Indeed, it was a great Vincentfest, thanks to all the many volunteers who worked so nicely with the planner and organizer, Bruce Cadwell. Thank you, Bruce, for all of your work! Thank you, too, to all who were able to gather on our grounds for what turned out to be a perfect weather day. The dunk tank was a big attraction; hats off to all who were dunked, particularly Deacon Jason, who seemed to be enjoying it. Six times I failed to hit the bull‘s-eye while he occupied the seat. But others got him. The Vincentfest food, music and attractions were great; even some creatures from the Children‘s Zoo paid us a visit. Thank you one and all for a super Vincentfest. ***** Congratulations to the young people of our parish being Confirmed today at the Regional Confirmation being held at the Coliseum. May you continue to grow in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, piety, fortitude, and fear of the Lord. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Sunday, 12:00 – 6:00 pm and Wednesday, 9:00 – 7:00 pm Our parish is privileged to have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Reservation Chapel. Call Bev 489-2638 (AM) or Wendy 490-1628 (PM) for information. SERVERS’ SCHEDULES (It is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement) Saturday, October 6 8:00 am TEAM 4: Erin Grutsch, Meredith Didier 5:00 pm TEAM 4: Lindsay Kemper, Amber Blevins Erin Grutsch, Meredith Didier Sunday, October 7 7:15 am TEAM 7: Luke James, Mitchell Schanbacher Katie Byers, Michael Fiacable 9:00 am TEAM 2: Aaron and Andrew Ceckowski Ian Arcellana, Justin Dials 11:00 am TEAM 18: Erin Coblentz, Sarah Fridley Molly Brunner, Kristen Buenconsejo WEDDING BANNS “Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will guide these couples as they approach the sacrament of marriage.” II Daniel Haas and April Harber I Charles Mavis and Jennifer Pozezanac SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS GRADE 7 CATECHISTS New to the ranks of grade 7 catechists is Sandy Fisher. Our seasoned veterans, Barbara Cumberland and Sandy Seyfert, have returned to us. Also, teaching both Wednesday and Sunday is Ellen Gephart, who has been a catechist for 12 years. Seventh graders study the New Testament and morality as well as participate in discussions based on Boundaries, a book required by the diocese, which helps alert our junior high students to situations which may be intrusive and presents them with tips to define and establish safe boundaries in relationships. SACRAMENTAL YEARS: GRADES 2 AND 8 Children who are preparing to receive a sacrament must complete the year prior to the sacramental year, according to the requirements from the diocese. Grades 1 and 7 must be completed either in a Catholic school or in Religious Ed before a child can enter Grades 2 and 8 respectively. RE CALENDAR The Living Rosary: In the Parish Hall on October 7 and October 10 during RE sessions. Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday RE, October 10. Confirmation Parent Meetings: Sunday, October 21, 4:00-5:30 OR October 24, 6:00-7:30. Parents attend one of the two meetings. Sunday, October 28, No Preschool and no RE. Wednesday, October 31, No RE. UPDATED LIST OF ITEMS A food box for St. Vincent de Paul Society‘s pantry is placed in the west wing of the Gathering Space. We will continue to regularly post items needed to supply the pantry. Our current needs are PORK ‗N BEANS, SOUP, CANNED FRUIT, TUNA FISH and LAUNDRY DETERGENT, although any donations are appreciated. We cannot accept perishable items, e.g. fresh vegetables. Again, we wish to thank you for your support in helping us feed the poor of our community. Your response has been GREAT! THE HAUNTED CASTLE AND BLACK FOREST Open Sept. 27-Oct. 28 Thursday & Sunday 7-9 pm and Friday and Saturday 7-11:30 pm. Open every night Oct. 29-Nov. 3 Sunday thru Thursday 7-9 pm and Friday and Saturday 7-11:30 pm. Single Haunt $8; Combo Ticket $14. Group rates available. Sponsored by the St. Vincent Boy Scouts at 8965 Auburn Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. Visit us on the web at Bring this coupon in for $1.00 off the regular price of a single ticket or combo for each person in your group. 3 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS’ TRAINING We are now accepting names of persons who would like to be a Special Minister of Holy Communion at the Sunday Eucharist or to the homebound. If you are interested in this liturgical ministry or can recommend someone, you may call the church office no later than Monday, October 15. All candidates for this ministry must be present for a training session; however, attendance at this meeting is by invitation only, so it is important that we have the names of potential candidates as soon as possible. Special Minister of Holy Communion must be a registered member of the parish, at least a junior in high school, a Catholic in good standing with the Church, and a person with a good reputation in the community. It is assumed, of course, that the candidate has a love for our Lord in the Eucharist and a desire to deepen this love through this beautiful ministry. We ask you to recommend a man or woman of the parish, or you may submit your own name. WRITE A WILL Would you like to have your generosity help our school and parish for years to come, but not have to make a cash donation right now? This fall, St. Vincent‘s is hosting the second annual ―Write a Will‖ event. WAW is a great way to help you make a bequest (donation) now, so your loved ones will know and honor your final wishes. St. Vincent‘s has made arrangements with several attorneys from our parish to help you accomplish your goals of helping St. Vincent‘s in the future. Call the Development Office at 489-3537, ext. 247 (Kyle Davis) now to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys during the week of October 15-19. You‘ll meet with the attorney at the school, discuss your wishes, and he/she will take care of the rest. The attorney will prepare a SIMPLE WILL for you, free of charge, if you leave a bequest in your will to St. Vincent‘s (or any other non-profit organization). Do you already have a will, but would like to make an addendum to include a bequest to St. Vincent‘s? We can handle that at the same time. Participating Attorneys: Steve Fink – Barnes and Thornburg; Tricia Paul – Barrett & McNagny; Joe Bonahoom – Bonahoom and Bonahoom; Holly Brady – Haller and Colvin; Dennis Dykhuizen – Rothberg, Logan and Warsco LLP; Ron James – Benson, Pantello, Morris, James and Logan; Tom Blee – Burt Blee and Dixon. TUTOR NEEDED After school tutor needed for 8th grade boy with some special learning needs. Our Wallen/Clinton area home between 4:00-6:00 pm Mon. thru Fri. Math, Science, Social Studies, Spanish (a plus). Good compensation and positive environment. Must be dependable, motivated and have reliable transportation. Call 740-2323 (days) or 483-1085 (evenings) for interview. 4 C HURCH & C OMMUNITY E VENTS YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR September 30 October 3 October 4 October 7 LIFE NIGHT ―2nd Overtime‖ Ministry Hour, 7:30 pm Pray at Abortion Clinic, 7:00 am LIFE NIGHT ―Get Over Yourself‖ A BIG RCIA WELCOME! We welcome the Catechumens and Candidates who went through the Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming at last week‘s Masses. LIFE TEEN PARENTS AND FRIENDS I would very much like to get our teens involved in more service projects, maybe on a Saturday morning once a month. I need a few adults who could help organize this. If you would like to help in this way, please let Tracy know. TEEN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Teens, as we discussed at Ministry Hour last week, time with our Lord in Adoration will change your life! Please join us on Sundays from 4:30—5:20 pm in the Adoration Chapel for Life Teen Eucharistic Adoration. REMEMBER THE HOMELESS 9:00 Mass: Mike Felger, Erik Herstad, Aimee Felger, Lauren Denton, Michelle Dempsey, John Penisten, Dan Haas, Jenni Lee, Janet Pawlowski, and Matt Gilliland. We are still in the midst of collecting 100 full size bottles of shampoo for the homeless. At last count I had about 70. Please bring your donation on Sunday or on Wednesday to Ministry Hour. FALL RETREAT ―Hear Me Calling‖, November 9-11, is fast approaching. Registration forms are now available in the back of church. LIFE TEEN CORE AND TEENS We are going to have a night of reflection as well as training for those who need it, for both EM‘s and Lectors. So if you are a lector and/or EM, or if you are a sophomore or older and would like to be trained for either ministry, please attend the meeting on Wednesday, October 24, at 7:00 pm in the Church. Please try to attend as this will count as your yearly reflection time. Thanks. For information about St. Vincent Youth Ministry contact Tracy Sines. 338-1263 NEWS FROM FATHER FALZON Check out the new pictures from Father Falzon. There are a series of new photos and a letter from Father Falzon posted on the bulletin board located in the Gathering Space. Father recently completed work on the new roof and construction project that was made possible through the financial assistance of parishioners and our St. Vincent Project Solidarity. 11:00 Mass: Wanda Reed, Adam Falbe, Kari Reith, Roy Galvin, Rebecca Galvin, Kristina Galvin, Jodie Stump, Nicole Borros and Kim Lewandowski. NEW CD’S AVAILABLE Check out the new CD‘s available from Lighthouse Media, located in the Gathering Space. Father John Corapi, Scott Hahn, Matthew Kelly, Father Larry Richards and Bishop Fulton Sheen are some of the featured authors with topics such as The Passion of Christ applied to Your Life, Becoming the Best Version of Yourself, Marriage and Prayer, Amazing Grace for Those Who Suffer, and more! These CDs are great to listen while driving, working around the house, anytime! A donation of $3 is requested when you take copies. Pamphlets published by Lighthouse Media and Our Sunday Visitor are also available in the Gathering space. A donation of 50 cents to help defray the cost of these pamphlets will be greatly appreciated. BAGS OF BLESSINGS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PROJECT Again this year, toiletry items for Mental Health America of Allen County will be collected for distribution to Park Center and Northeastern Center clients. Full size shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes and soap will be collected, and volunteers will place these items in Christmas stockings. Make your donations during the months of October and November in the marked boxes in the west entryway. Call Terri 637-1400 or Kellie 637-6041 if you have questions. MINISTRY LIFE MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Monday, October 1 9:00 am Light Weigh—East Room 7:00 pm Rosary Society—East Room Tuesday, October 2 8:45 am Two by Two Bible Study—Community Room 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ—Reservation Chapel 6:45 pm RCIA—Spiritual Center 7:00 pm 7 Steps Financial Freedom—East Room Wednesday, October 3 9:00 am Adoration of Blessed Sacrament— Reservation Chapel 9:00 am WINGS—Spiritual Center, Life House, Nursery 6:30 pm School Board Thursday, October 4 9:00 am WINGS II—Community Room 5:15 pm Market Day Pick-up—Parish Hall 7:00 pm Baptismal Preparation I—East Room Sunday, October 7 12:00 pm Adoration of Blessed Sacrament— Reservation Chapel 7:00 pm Rekindle the Fire—Life House ROSARY SOCIETY Rosary Meeting will be held October 1 at 7:00 pm in the East Meeting Room. All women of the parish are invited. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR LIFE On Sunday, October 7, the March for Life Committee will hold its 15th annual Memorial Service commemorating the death of the approximately 700 babies killed by abortion in Fort Wayne this past year. These are the little boys and girls killed each Thursday at the Women‘s Health Organization located at 2210 Inwood Drive. Each of the babies has been given a name and will be remembered during the service. The Memorial Service begins at 2:00 pm in the Catholic Cemetery, 3500 Lake Avenue. Our service is nondenominational and all are invited to attend. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized. They are Session I and Session II. You may attend Session II before Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that you attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. Please call the church office to register for your sessions. Session I (East Meeting Room) October 11 and 25 Session II (Church Conference Room) October 18 5 YOUNG ADULT LIFE The St. Vincent‘s Young Adult Group is an opportunity for young adults (21-40, married or single) to explore and strengthen their Catholic faith through a variety of faith sharing and social activities. Please email or call 489-3537 ext. 555 with questions about joining or for details about any events. SEEKING GOD’S WILL How do you know what God wants you to do? In great things and small, learn how the five dimensions of discernment can help you make Godly decisions. If you desire to conform your life more closely to God‘s plan, or if you want advice on how to seek God‘s will in making the really big decisions in life like marriage or the religious life, then join us for an evening of food, fellowship and friendly conversation at the Sedlmeyer‘s house on Tuesday, October 2, from 7:00—9:00 pm. Please email or check the message board for directions. FAMILY ROSARY On Monday, October 15, at 1:00 pm we will gather together in the church for a Family Rosary. Then individual families come to the podium and lead us in meditation on the mysteries and the prayers. Mrs. Rhonda Noll, a St. Vincent‘s parent, is in charge of organizing the families who wish to be involved. We also welcome any parishioners who are available at that time. You may call Mrs. Noll 482-8409. REKINDLE THE FIRE All men of the parish are welcome to join us on Sunday, October 7, at 7:00 pm, at the Life Teen House for Rekindlefest. This is a celebration of our three years of ministry to the parish and community. We will have a cook-out and refreshments. BLESSING OF ANIMALS Blessing of the Animals will take place on the Cathedral Plaza on Sunday, October 7, at 2:00 pm. Come and bring your animals to be blessed at this annual Cathedral event. HARVEST HOUSE FALL FESTIVAL Wednesday, October 17, at Immaculate Conception Church, Kendallville. Rosary 10:40 am, Mass 11:00 am, dinner, entertainment. Cost is $10. Carpool 9:30 am. Reservation deadline is October 10. Call 482-2085. MARKET DAY Pick-up will be on Thursday, 10/4 at 5:15. We ordered extras in case you forgot to order. For those who like to experiment in the kitchen, Market Day is having a recipe contest. Details can be found at Any questions, please call Eva Vandeputte at 490-9329. 6 EXPLORING…… THE WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE AND WHY’S OF CATHOLICISM Monday Evenings This Fall 7:00 – 8:30 Saint Vincent Church Oct. 15 Behold the Lamb of God Presented by Father Dan Scheidt, Pastor Queen of Peace, South Bend Oct. 22 When Mother Mary Comes Visiting Presented by Theresa Thomas, Contributor to Today’s Catholic Oct. 29 In The Beginning Presented by Marilyn Fech, Bishop Luers Theology Department Nov. 5 Where Have All The Miracles Gone Presented by Vilius Lapas, J.D.,B.A. Theology *Rosary prayed prior to presentations is at 6:30 P.M. Please join us! MONTHLY NEWS CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR OCTOBER October 1 October 1 October 2 October 2 October 2 October 2 October 3 October 3 October 3 October 4 October 4 October 7 October 7 October 8 October 8 October 9 October 9 October 9 October 9 October 10 October 10 October 10 October 10 October 11 October 11 October 11 October 11 October 14 October 14 October 15 October 15 October 16 October 16 October 16 October 16 October 17 October 17 October 17 October 17 October 18 October 18 October 18 October 19 October 21 October 21 October 22 October 22 October 23 October 23 October 23 October 23 October 24 October 24 October 24 October 25 October 25 October 28 October 28 October 29 October 29 October 29 October 30 October 30 October 30 October 31 October 31 9:00 am 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 6:30 pm 9:00 am 5:15 pm 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 8:45 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:15 am 12:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 am 12:00 pm 4:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am Light Weigh Rosary Society Two by Two Bible Study Shepherds of Christ RCIA 7 Steps Financial Freedom Adoration of Blessed Sacrament WINGS School Board WINGS II Market Day Pick-up Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Rekindle the Fire Light Weigh Buildings & Grounds Two by Two Bible Study Shepherds of Christ RCIA HASA Adoration of Blessed Sacrament WINGS Parish Council K of C Admission Ceremony WINGS II Cub Scouts Pack 3009 Divorced Catholic Support Group Baptismal Preparation I Knights of Columbus Parish Breakfast Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Light Weigh Catholicism Revealed Two by Two Bible Study Shepherds of Christ RCIA 7 Steps Financial Freedom Adoration of Blessed Sacrament WINGS Christ Renews His Parish Continuation Knights of Columbus WINGS II Baptismal Preparation II Respect Life Committee Men’s Prayer Breakfast Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Parent Confirmation Meeting Light Weigh Catholicism Revealed Two by Two Bible Study Shepherds of Christ RCIA 7 Steps Financial Freedom Adoration of Blessed Sacrament WINGS Parent Confirmation Meeting WINGS II Baptismal Preparation I Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Rekindle the Fire Light Weigh Catholicism Revealed St. Vincent de Paul Society Two by Two Bible Study Shepherds of Christ RCIA Adoration of Blessed Sacrament WINGS 7 BAPTIZED DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST Catherine Elizabeth Greenlee, daughter of Bradley R. and Erin E. (Gebhart) Greenlee Grant Michael Schreck, son of Michael R. and Molly E. (Flood) Schreck Jasmine Beatrice Tumba Kalonji, daughter of Jean-Paul and Godelive N. (Muleba) Kalonji Nicole Elizabeth Bender, daughter of Bradley E. and Sally M. (Makarewicz) Bender Reed Louis Chipman, son of Cole L. and Kristy K. (Winn) Chipman Daniel Jeremy Greenway, son of Jeremy A. and Lisa A. (Konger) Greenway Megan Elizabeth Lanning, daughter of Brett M. and Jennifer L. (Ingermann) Lanning WELCOME TO NEWCOMERS OF ST VINCENT PARISH Greg and Kelly Hoefgen, 14424 Settlers Trl. Sam and Kristy Cirillo, 1434 Millennium Xing Dan and Jeannine Filler, 1317 Rambler Rd Tim and Colleena Dinius, 11024 Scarlet Oak Run Chris and Rachel Restivo, 14816 Metea Valley Pkwy. Joel and Kristine Valcarcel, 205 Chisholm Place Erin Seaman, 4110 Crescent Avenue, Apt. C301D Mike and Lisa McBride, 1541 Vanderbilt Dr. Daniel and Bernadette Pikel, 16026 Timber Willow Dr. Jerome and Sarah Hill, 410-4 Wallen Hills Dr. Donald and Suzanne Jehl, 220 Corner Stone Pkwy. Dan and Brandi Hoffman, 4315 Cordell Cove Tara Hall, 8927 Shearwater Pass Sarah Miller, 1014 Oak Branch Ct. Alex Villavicencio, 7525 Saddlewood Dr. Kathleen Bennett, 212 Indianola Dr. Trude Gee, 1748 E. Cook Road Sandy Frech, 1752 E. Cook Road Sarah Schneider, 4728 Vandolah Road Chris and Maria Booth, 1219 Duesenberg Dr. Andrew Schenkel, 1824 Frenchman‘s Crossing Matthew and Mariah Vogelgesang, 13716 Hammerhill Way Stephen and Kathleen Perfect, 10535 Willow Creek Dr. Jared and Rebecca Allen, 2403 Reef Ct., Apt. C Diana Tran, 12825 Drayton Pkwy. Karen Hines, 6409 Cathedral Oaks Pl. MAY GOD GRANT ETERNAL LIGTH AND PEACE to Jesus Martinez, spouse of Natividad Martinez; Mary Jones, grandmother of Randy Kostka; Pamela Brady, spouse of Matthew and mother of Shannon and Nolan Brady; James Storch, spouse of Mary Storch; Susanna Young, sister of Thomas Young; Michael Gatton, brother of William Gatton; Elmer Macke, spouse of Marti Macke; Marciano Magno, father of Edna Manalo; and Joshua Amstuz, child of Keith and Michelle Amstutz. 8 9