5th Sunday in Ordinary time, Feb. 7, 2016
5th Sunday in Ordinary time, Feb. 7, 2016
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time • February 7, 2016 Divine Mercy Parish SAINT ALOYSIUS 115 Madison Street Sauk City, Wisconsin SAINT MARY HEALTH of the SICK 231 Main Street Merrimac, Wisconsin www.divinemercy-parish.org Ash Wednesday February 10, 2016 Divine Mercy Parish Office 115 Madison Street Sauk City, WI 53583 (608) 643-2449 Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 9:00 am-noon & 1:00-3:00 pm (Closed on Mondays) Pastor: Fr. John Blewett Parochial Vicars: Fr. Pedro Escribano, Fr. Alex Navarro, Fr. Osvaldo Briones, Fr. Jerry Zhanay Finance Manager: Margaret Nelson Secretaries: Maria Carrasco 643-2449 Mardell Krejchik 742-3364 Parish Council Chairperson: Robert J. Koch 643-3574 Finance Council Chairperson: Larry Schroeder: larjs@frontier.com St. Aloysius Mass Schedule Weekend: Saturday at 4:30 pm; Sunday at 8 am and 10:30 am, Sunday at 12:30 pm in Spanish Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:15 am; Saturday 8:00 am La Santa Misa en español: todos los domingos a las 12:30 pm St. Mary’s Mass Schedule Weekend: Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 9:30 am Weekday: Thursday 7:00 pm Confessions St. Aloysius: Beginning one hour before weekend and weekday Masses and Wednesdays 4:30-6:30 pm St. Mary: Saturday 3:45-4:15 pm Sunday 9:00-9:15 am Thursday 5:00-6:45 pm Remember, man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return. Mass with distribution of ashes: St. Aloysius Church 8:15am and 7:00pm St. Mary’s Church - 5:30pm St. Aloysius Mass Intentions Monday, February 8 8:15 am † Allene Welsch (Gordon & Anita Clemens) Tuesday, February 9 8:15 am Mrs. Barbara Blewett (Peter & Mary Blewett) 10:30 am (Grandparents Mass) † Raymond & Erna McNeely (Scott & Lisa Enerson family) Wednesday, February 10 8:15 am † Alfred Straubharr (Family) Thursday, February 11 8:15 am † Wilfred Breunig (Family) Friday, February 12 8:15 am † Bill Meyers (B. Meyers) 10:00 am Maplewood Caroline Ederer (Donna Ederer) 10:00 am The Pines Mary Endres (St. Norberts CCW) Saturday, February 13 8:00 am † Carl Schwarz (Family) 4:30 pm Richard & Sandy (Marcy & Bill Liegel) Sunday, February 14 8:00 am † Mary Zick (Jacquie Breunig) 10:30 am People of the Parish 12:30 pm † Mauro Portillo (Familia) Vocation Chalice - February 13 4:30 pm Joe & Betty Dischler St. Mary’s Mass Intentions Saturday, February 6 4:30 pm † Stephen O’Brien (Edward & Georgia Osowski) Sunday, February 7 9:30 am † George O’Brien (Edward and Georgia Osowski) Wednesday, February 10 5:30 pm Ash Wednesday † Joshua Pratt (Anthony and Marsha Pratt) Thursday, February 11 7:00 pm † Charity and Anthony Krejchik (John & Mardell Krejchik) Saturday, February 13 4:30 pm Special Intention for Liam Krejchik—Birthday (John & Mardell Krejchik) Sunday, January 14 9:30 am † Bradley Silchuck (Irv & Rita Silchuck) Thursday, February 18 7:00 pm † Fern & Clarence Mashak (Tommy and Sue Anne Thompson) page 2 Confessions During Lent Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30pm Wednesday 4:30-6:30 pm Beginning one hour before weekend and weekday Masses Lent Begins This Week: Stations of the Cross Ash Wednesday Masses at St. Aloysius will be at 8:15am and 7pm, and will include the imposition of ashes. During Lent, the Stations of the Cross will be prayed following the 8:15 Mass on Fridays, beginning this week. Would you like to be a Parish Representative for the Quo Vadis Vocations Club? The Quo Vadis Vocations Club seeks parish representatives with special qualities to help foster vocations to the priesthood in the Madison Diocese. Check for more information on the boards at both entrances of the Church or contact Fr. Greg Ihm, director of Vocation at the Diocese of Madison. Madison Catholic Woman´s Club Hosts Luncheon Women of the diocese are cordially invited to a noon luncheon and annual baby shower on Tuesday, February 9th, at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Middleton. Rosary and Mass begin at 10:40 a.m. with lunch following. Guests are invited to bring an UNWRAPPED infant size baby shower gift, if you please, to be given to Pregnancy Helpline and Women’s Care Center. Questions: Chairperson Lori Lonergan, 201 Shiloh Dr., Madison, WI 53705 (608 836-1085 Annual Catholic Appeal 2016: “Contemplating the Face of God’s Mercy” The theme for the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal of the Diocese of Madison concentrates on God’s Mercy. We ask that God grant us a renewed sense of responsibility to truly Contemplate the Face of His Mercy in our parishes, our diocese and the Church throughout the world. We ask that His grace make us even more generous in supporting those needs. Each pledge to the Annual Catholic Appeal supports diocesan ministries, education and services today and assures a strong future for the Diocese of Madison and the people that it serves. This year each of us is asked to consider making a pledge, payable over five months. Your gift will help enable the diocese to reach its goal and provide grant opportunities for Catholic schools, religious education programs and assisting distressed parishes in need. If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. Food Pantry Distribution Help Needed Our parish will provide the volunteers to help with the monthly distribution at the Sauk Prairie Area Food Pantry on Saturday, February 20. Students age 12 and older are welcome when accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Call the parish office at 643-2449 if you are interested. Mary, Mother of God, Woman´s Group Our next meeting is February 11th at 6:30 in Room A. ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL St. Al's school is selling Butter Braids as Spring fundraiser again this year. Butter Braids are a simply 3 step process of thaw, rise and bake. There are 8 different kinds including apple, cherry and cream cheese. Sales will begin on Monday, February 15th and end on Monday, February 29th. An order form is available in the parish office, so feel free to stop by and place your order. Orders will be available for pick up on Thursday, March 10th from 4:30 – 6:00 pm or Friday morning 7:30- 8am in the school gym. Any questions , please contact Kim Dischler at 608-393-5004. Thanks for your support of St. Aloysius school. Adoration Chapel candles RELIGIOUS ED Religious Ed Schedule: Grades 8-12 (6:30 - 8:00 PM): Feb. 10 Ash Wednesday, attend Mass & Feb. 17th Grades Kind. - 7th: Feb. 7 & 14 (9:15 - 10:15 AM) What is Totus Tuus? The goal of Totus Tuus is to help young people develop their relationship with Jesus Christ so He may lead them to the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit. To accomplish this, we emphasize a devotion and love for the Lord in Eucharist and for Mary our Mother. We strive to help young people to understand their faith through catechesis so that they may live it in today's world. We do this in such a way that it is fun for all ages. Totus Tuus calls upon college students and seminarians from across the United States to carry out its mission. Those hired are trained and put into teams of four (two men and two women) to go out into a parish for a week and put on a "Parish Mission for youth" in order to teach and inspire. Coming to Divine Mercy Parish (St. Aloysius School) in Sauk City from July 11th to July 15th, 2016 (Mon. - Fri.) Grades 1-6 9 AM to 2:30 PM cost is $45/child Grades 7-12 7PM to 9 PM cost is $25/per young adult (Both ages not to exceed $100) Contact: lisa.enerson@saintaloysiusschool.org Volunteers are needed for this program to run. Please contact Lisa if you are able to help. St. Aloysius Liturgical Roles Weekend of February 13-14 Offertory Gift Bearers Servers 4:30 pm James Fishnick, Julio Doede, Corbin Domka 8:00 am Joseph & Henry Watson, Adam Hutter 10:30 am Spencer LaCour, Connor Heiney Readers 4:30 pm Laura Breunig 8:00 am Michael Haas 10:30 am Ann Black Greeters 4:30 pm Joan Cole, Keith & Beverly Foye, James & Lisa Breunig 8:00 am Edna Hart, Colleen Schutz 10:30 am Volunteers 4:30 pm Volunteers welcome! 8:00 am Volunteers welcome! 10:30 am Volunteers welcome! Ushers 4:30 pm Jim Bannan, Dan Frosch, Richard Falleck, Paul Jesberger, Joe Neumaier 8:00 am Les Breunig, Louis Wankerl, Dennis Breunig 10:30 am Louise & Roy Gag, Dean & Mary Brickl Rosary Leaders 4:30 pm Julie Falleck 8:00 am Della Ryan 10:30 am Jean Daniewicz You may request to have candles in the adoration chapel burn for a week in memory of or honor of a loved one, or for a special intention. The donation is $30/6 candles, and your intention will be published here if you wish. Contact the parish office to schedule. Jesus Is Waiting For YOU! Hours in most need of Adorers: Monday - 10:00-11:00PM Wednesday - 2:00 - 3:00AM Friday - 1:00 - 2:00AM (Thursday night into Friday morning) - 11:00 - Noon - 4:00 - 5:00PM Please call: 608 370 9894 The sanctuary lamp will burn this week For Donna Chaplin (Ealeen Molloy) You may request to have the sanctuary candle (next to the tabernacle) burn for one week in memory of or honor of a loved one, or for a special intention. The donation is $10, and your intention will be published in the bulletin if you wish. Contact the parish office to schedule. page 3 ST. MARY’S CHURCH Coming Up at St. Mary’s…. Family Faith Discussion Session This Sun- day February 7th The Family Faith Discussion Session will meet this Sunday, February 7, 2016. Please join US as we explore the Br. Francis series for children. This week’s topic will be “The Bread of Life.” Seven Sundays in Honor of St. Joseph This Sunday, February 7th, we will pray the second of the Seven Sundays Devotion to St. Joseph, just before Mass. The Seven Sundays Devotion celebrates the seven joys and sorrows that St. Joseph shared, as Head of the Holy Family, with the Blessed Mother. This Sunday we honor St. Joseph’s sorrow when his foster son, Jesus, was born in the poverty of a stable and his overwhelming joy when he heard the Angels sing and saw the splendors of the night. We offer the Seven Sundays Devotion in Thanksgiving for the unspeakable Mercy of our Divine Savior and for an increased use of the Sacraments He has provided us, to obtain His Mercy. Ash Wednesday, February 10th There will be a Mass at St. Mary Health of the Sick on Ash Wednesday, February 10th, at 5:30 p.m. Palms for Ash Wednesday Sunday, February 7th is the last day to contribute your old palm branches for the ashes used on Ash Wednesday. Please leave your palms in the container provided in back of church. Lent is Just Around the Corner As you know, Lent begins this Wednesday, February 10th. One change this year will be that the Stations of the Cross will be on the Tuesdays of Lent (not Fridays), at 6:00 p.m., followed by Confessions from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The first day for Stations with Confession will be Tuesday, February16th, beginning at 6:00 pm. Mark your calendars and plan to attend these holy devotions and the Sacrament of as we strive to grow closed to Our Lord this Lent. Saturday, February 6 3:45-4:15pm Confessions 4:30 pm Mass Sunday, February 7 9:00-9:15am Confessions 9:30 am Mass 10:30 am Family Faith Discussion Wednesday, February 10 Ash Wednesday 5:30 pm Mass followed by distribution of ashes Thursday, February 11 5:00-6:45 pm Exposition, Adoration, Confessions, Benediction 7:00 pm Mass Saturday, February 13 3:45-4:15pm Confessions 4:30 pm Mass Sunday, February 14 9:00-9:15am Confessions 9:30 am Mass 10:30 am NO Family Faith Discussion this week Coming Up at Durward’s Glen… Tuesday, February 9 7:35 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am Faith Discussion with Fr. Pedro Fr. Pedro to Visit Those unable to attend Mass Fr. Pedro would like to visit anyone who is unable to come to Mass during the winter months. If you would like him to visit you or know of someone who would appreciate a visit from Fr. Pedro, please let him know by calling 608-370-3782 or contacting Mardell Krejchik at 742-3364 or email calcab89@yahoo.com. Mass Intentions Thank you for your Mass intentions in the past and for you generous support. There are 4 Masses available in March and many throughout the rest of the year. If you would like to reserve a Mass for your intention, contact Mardell Krejchik, 608-742-3364, calcab89@yahoo.com, or place your intention in the collection basket marked “Mass Intention.” Be sure to include your phone number in case there are questions. Thank you and may God bless you and your families. In Need of Prayer? St. Mary’s Prayer Chain welcomes your request. Just call 493-2184 or see the organist after the Masses. Senior Connection is Here You can pick up your copy of the January Senior Connection from the shelf in back of church. There are many interesting articles and also games to play. St. Paul is the Saint of the month. Happy reading! Help Needed! Accidents and illness have left us with very few greeters and ushers to assist at Mass. Please consider volunteering for one of these duties. It only requires a small commitment and you will feel good when serving Jesus in this way. Just let Fr. Pedro or Mardell Krejchik know that you would like to be included in the list of volunteers. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity. DURWARD’S GLEN Mass this Week at Durwards Glen Please join us for Mass, offered at Durward’s Glen this Tuesday, February 9th at 8:00 am. Mass will be preceded by the Rosary at 7:35 Our Families - Our Faith - Our Future Campaign Totals To Date Pledged: $1,018,393 Paid: $ 753,498 If you wish to donate to the campaign, please issue a separate check payable to Divine Mercy Parish. DIVINE MERCY PARISH WEEKLY COLECTIONS January 30-31, 2016 Collections........................$ 7,600.86* Needed for Budget.………...$ 8,846.16 Difference: $(1,245.30) ________________________ Year to date Total Collections…............$258,774.11 Needed for Budget….…....$265,384.80 Difference: $(6,610.69) *Includes $1,759.17 in EFT. If you would like to use electronic funds transfer for your contributions, please contact Margaret at 643-2449. page 4 Divine Mercy Parish Office Phone: (608) 643-2449 St. Aloysius School Office Phone: (608) 643-6868 Principal: Daniela Saldaña Secretary: Pam Sternberg www.saintaloysiusschool.org St. Aloysius Religious Education Phone: (608) 643-4062 Coordinator: Lisa Enerson Sacraments Baptism: Please contact the parish office at (608) 643-2449. Marriage: Please contact the parish office at (608) 643-2449 at least six months in advance of the anticipated wedding. Vocations: Contact any of the priests or the Diocesan Vocations Office at (608) 821-3088 or visit the website www.madisonvocations.org. Eucharistic Adoration St. Aloysius: Sundays at 2pm through Saturdays at 8am St. Mary’s: Thursdays 5:00-6:45 pm Prayer Chain Call (608) 643-2449. Divine Mercy Chaplet For The Sick or Dying Call Ann: 434-4360, Mary: 643-6672, Dawn: 370-4753 or Marion: 592-4441. Sick or Homebound Please call the parish office at (608) 643-2449 to inform us of any illnesses, surgeries or hospitalizations, or of any homebound person who would like a priest to visit. Readings for Feb. 7-14 Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-5, 78/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11 Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13/Ps 132:610/Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30/Ps 84:3-5, 10-11/Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20-6:2/Ps 51:3-6, 12-14, 17/Mt 6:1-6, 1618 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-6, 18-19/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-6/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2, 10-15/Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13 page 5 Special thanks to all those generous donors who help us with prizes for our Grandparent Bingo and donations for the Chili Cook Off!!! Blue Spoon Cafe Trendz Salon D marie knit and fiber Cedarberry Inn Pizza Hut Sauk City Cenex Consumer Coop Oil Breunig CPA, LLC Salons for You Dorf Haus Davidsons’s Salon Sentry Foods Renascence Hair Studio Kayser Chrysler Center Pure Vanilla Milkhouse Creamery Salons for You Natural Soy & Beeswax Candle Studio DS 3 - 6” Sub Sandwiches Zeman Home 2 passes to Rhapsodie Quartet 2-26Improvements 16 7PM Walgreens $25.00 GC Sentry Foods 1 whole Pie McFarlanes $10 cash, dry erase board, 2 can cooGreen Acres lers, calendar, 2 pens, 2 note pads Salons for You Paul Mitchell Shampoo & Spray Studio S Salon LLC Consumers Cooperative Making Waves Hair Salon Sauk City Cenex Consumer Coop Oil Sauk Prairie Sauk Prairie Area Chamber of ComEagle Inn merce Bank of Prairie du Sac McFarlanes Pauline Ballweg Making Waves Hair Salon Family Video Kayser Chrysler Center Carr Valley Cheese Sauk Prairie Area Chamber of ComKwik Trip merce Baraboo Sysco (donor unknown) Culver’s Sauk City The Press Box Cooks of St. Als School McDonald’s Sauk City All of our Cookers & Judges Walgreens Bonham Theatre Alure & Video New U Cloud 9 Day Spa & Salon No. 1 Kitchen Buffet Sauk Prairie Area Chamber of Commerce Salons for You Second Commandment of the Church: To fast and to abstain on the days appointed What is a fast day? A fast day is a day on which only one full meal is allowed; but in the morning and evening some food may be taken. The one full meal may be taken either at noon or in the evening. Eating between meals is forbidden, drink that is not nourishment is permitted. What is a day of abstinence? A day of abstinence is a day on which we are not allowed to eat meat. On such days, we are forbidden all flesh meat, including meat soup or gravy.
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