August 21, 2016 - St. Aloysius Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT 06840 August 21, 2016 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Handicap Accessible PLEASE HELP US COLLECT SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR CHILDREN IN NEED! Please place the requested donations in the bins at the church entrances by AUGUST 26 ! Backpacks, lunch boxes or bags, glue sticks, blunt ended scissors, rulers, ballpoint pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, pencil boxes, 10 pack colored broad line markers, 24 pack crayons, 12 pack colored pencils, spiral bound and composition notebooks, three ring binders, loose leaf paper and folders THEN, ON AUGUST 28, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Mass, our young disciples and their parents are invited to attend a “NEVER TOO YOUNG TO SERVE” packing session in the St. Aloysius School Gym. Sign up to help out at, locating the sign up under COFFEE, JUICE & DONUTS WILL BE SERVED! SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: Vigil for Sunday 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (Family Mass), 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Teen Mass) SUMMER WEEKDAY MASSES Monday through Saturday: 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. For those who are homebound and unable to join us at St. Aloysius, the celebration of the Eucharist is on daily at 10:00 a.m. on Cablevision Channel 84. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00, every First Friday one half hour prior to Mass or always by appointment with a priest. PRIESTS/CLERGY Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd, Pastor Rev. Cyrus M. Bartolome, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ralph Segura, Parochial Vicar Rev. William G. Carey, Retired Deacon Stephen W. Pond , Permanent Deacon Deacon William A. Santulli, Permanent Deacon Not Catholic? Interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Perhaps you were baptized Catholic and have not received the sacraments of initiation—Reconciliation, the Eucharist, Confirmation. St. Aloysius will soon begin a new journey in faith to share the richness of the Catholic Church and our parish family with those who are not Catholic or baptized Catholics who desire to complete the sacraments of initiation. We invite you to learn what our Church teaches in an open and welcoming environment. These sessions are opportunities for you to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the church. Gatherings are for inquirers and are open to people who are unbaptized, as well as those who are baptized Christians from Protestant or Evangelical backgrounds. Please contact Deacon Bill Santulli at 203-940-0711 or if you have questions or would like further information and then . . . JOIN THE JOURNEY WITH US! St. Aloysius, our parish patron, helping a victim of the plague. ST. ST. ALOYSIUS ALOYSIUS MISSION MISSION STATEMENT: STATEMENT: We We are are a a community community of of believers believers in in Jesus Jesus Christ Christ striving striving to to proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through worship, worship, evangelization, evangelization, formation formation and and service service we we invite invite our our brothers and sisters to know the Lord. brothers and sisters to know the Lord. Let Let us us all all strive strive to to live live out out our our mission mission each each and and every every day! day! SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE PARISH BAPTISM: PARISH OFFICE 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 Phone: (203) 966-0020 Fax: (203) 972-7691 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Friday: 9:00AM-3:00PM PARISH WEBSITE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Richard Phelan, Business Manager Jean Desmond, Administrative Assistant Email - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 3:30; closed Friday Phone: (203) 966- 4555 Marie Pascale Vandall, Director Email - Mary Karen Keneally, Confirmation Coordinator Email - Kathleen Redman, Grade Level Coordinator Email - Marie Osterndorf, Administrative Coordinator Email - YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY Phone: (203) 652-1154 Chris Otis, Director Email - MUSIC MINISTRY Phone: (203) 652-1180 Fax: (203) 972-3359 Thomas Marino, Director Email - Cidalia Kettles, Director of Youth Choir Email - Angelo Natalie, StAY Choir/ Praise Band Email - MAINTENANCE Willie Roeder Celebrated each Sunday at 12:45 pm. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class, held the 2nd Monday of each month at 8 pm in the Maple Street Meeting Room. To schedule a Baptism and register for the class, call the Parish Office. Please note that Godparents must be practicing, Confirmed Catholics, age 16 and over. MARRIAGE: Call the Parish Office at least nine months prior to the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If someone is ill at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office to arrange for Communion and administration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Our Parish Partners Ministry can also visit with those that are homebound. Contact Carrie Sindelar at to arrange for a member of the ministry to visit. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Eileen Apy Gladys Borodich Catherine Buonaiuto Tony Cappuccia Addison Jane Carestia Anne Conroy Pat (Pasquale) Conte Tony Cantone Fr. William Carey Anne Cleary Nuziata Colella Julio Delatorre Sandy DiGilio Frank DiMuzio Jean DiPanni Kathleen Dooley Daniel Fitzgerald Ryan Fitzpatrick Paula Lynn Fuegner Garo Garabedian Judy Garcia Angelo Gesualdi Chip Granata Dolores Haas James Heffner Jeanne Hersam Carol Hollister Cecile Howard Mary Katawa Father Bernie Keefe Bernard Kelly Carol King Christopher Kotos Ronnie Lazzaro Elizabeth Ambrose Lovett Mary Maher Donald McQuid Jon Morrison Louis G. Nappi Alex Newton Patrick O’Kane Lorenzo Palladino Dorothy Pojasek Iracema Galvani Quinete Mary Redman Albino Romano Pete Roux Maria Cielo Sanchez Lynda Ann Slovik Szenasi Family Joan Toppin Anna Totaro Rita Troshynski Kathleen Turpin Jan Wamego Barbara Wengernuk Ryan Joseph Willen Salvatore Giovanni Zucaro And the sick & suffering known only to God. Please pray for our service men and women: SSG Thomas Aldrich; CPT. Elizabeth A. Condon; Cadet Paul Corapi; CPT. Michael Howard; Spec. 3rd CL Thomas Lally; Lt. Col. Christopher Schilling; Jason Trischitta C3C USAFA SSG Steven Vasko; Cpl Patrick Joseph Hussey Parish Finance Council Diane Castrovinci - Chairperson - Parish Advisory Council Shannon Goetz - Chairperson - ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL A diocesan school offering academic and values-based education for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. 33 South Avenue Phone: 203-966-0786 Website: Principal, Mr. Bardhyl Gjoka/ Secretary, Jeanne Bearden St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan CT MASS INTENTIONS Monday, August 22 7:00 Katherine & Leo Karl (L) 5:30 Michael J. Naughton Tuesday, August 23 7:00 Antonio Braccia & Taddeo Family 5:30 Elizabeth Smith Wednesday, August 24 7:00 Micheline & Andrew Parsa 5:30 Genevieve Christiansen Thursday, August 25 7:00 James Kelly 5:30 Edward Denn Friday, August 26 7:00 Jack Engel 5:30 Maria DiFulvio Saturday, August 27 7:00 Dorothy Harrison 5:30 St. Aloysius Parishioners Sunday, August 28 7:00 Jack Engel 8:30 Joanne St. George 10:00 Joseph J. Toppin 11:30 Pietro Dantini 5:00 Michael Ryan Desmond Page Three WORDS FROM Msgr. Scheyd Life’s Journey… As the days of summer are quickly passing and our vacation or routine changes, we begin to return to the usual pace of life. We are reminded that the journey of life is filled with both normal and extraordinary events. Each presents challenges and at times produces chaotic effects in our usual life style. Such is life! The opportunities for giving witness to Christ and being Christian are limitless. There is never enough goodness in our world. This year when our church is celebrating mercy as its major motivating force, we face a world where there is a great vacuum in this regard. Both on the international level as well as within our own country, there is so much unkindness which can even be defined as cruelty. In our own families this may even be the case. Jesus continues through His Vicar, Pope Francis, to encourage us to be different. With the dawning of a new period of renewed activity both in the academic world as well as in other areas of living, make an effort to allow your relationship with Christ to lead you in giving witness to the love of God and the mercy of God in this world. SANCTUARY CANDLES burn from 8/19-8/25/16 The Sacred Heart Sanctuary candle for Anna Paglialunga The Mary Sanctuary candle for Joan Sullivan The Chapel candle for Peter Quoma PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Freda Jeremiah John Lapolla WE WELCOME Our New Parishioners: Elizabeth & Ryan Barry Karolina Robel & John Converse Martha Porretta Luisa Vascotto Taryn & Daniel Walsh Our Newly Baptized Parishioner: Riley Sullivan Lynn St. Aloysius – A Tithing Parish TITHING MEANS ONE-TENTH: FIVE % TO MY CHURCH + FIVE % TO CHARITY SUNDAY, August 14, 2016 $18,317 Online giving for the week: $2,938 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $21,255 LAST YEAR: $27,198 Page Four August 21, 2016 Religious Education The Religious Education office is now open. Our hours are Monday through Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are not in the office on Friday. IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: All those who registered before June 16 should have now received an e-mail from the office ( giving you the link that will enable you to select the day and time for your child to attend religious education classes. This link will be active on TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 and goes live at 6 a.m. so that we may accommodate our working parents. Follow the directions in the e-mail. The religious ed staff will be in the office to assist anyone having difficulty. Please keep in mind that we can only offer classes where there are VOLUNTEER CATECHISTS. There are also space restrictions within each class. Given this situation, you should have two choices in mind when you make your selection. If you registered before June 16 and DID NOT receive an e-mail from us (please check your spam), call Marie Osterndorf at 203-652-1172 or Marie Pascale Vandall at 203-61170 ON MONDAY, AUGUST 22. Level 1 Last week all incoming registered Level 1 Confirmation families received an email regarding class placement for next year. If you did not receive an email from Mary Karen Keneally, Confirmation Coordinator, please contact her via email or phone, 203-652-1173. Alternatively go to “Find a Sign Up” at and enter her email address; Please remember you are only expressing your child’s availability, you are not “choosing” a specific day or time. Please feel free to contact Mary Karen if you have information that would help us with this placement! This sign up is active through August 28th only. Level 2 All students should have chosen a sponsor and their Confirmation name. Please complete the Sponsor Form which is available on our website on the religious education page, The sponsor form is due the first day of class. The June 2016 letter, which has more information regarding the required paperwork, is also available on this same page. Please do not hesitate to contact Mary Karen if you have any questions. High School Teens in Fellowship, Prayer, Service and Worship! Sign ups at, under 28 teens and 6 chaperones spent the day at St. Rose of Lima in Newtown at Fan the Fire! A day of inspiring talks, lots of praise and worship music, time in Adoration with our Lord, confession, small group sharing of our faith, Mass with Bishop Caggiano and LOTS of fun with water balloons and a dance party! A special thanks to our World Youth Day pilgrims who were with us and manned the WYD tent where we helped to spread the messages Pope Francis shared at World Youth Day! Our teens have been challenged by the Bishop to keep the fire going & to have the courage to bring Christ into every aspect of their life and decision making and to keep in mind that YOU can do all things through Christ who will strengthen you!!! 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time One of the Corporal Works of Mercy is to feed the hungry. This summer, St. Aloysius fed the hungry at Blessed Sacrament Church in Bridgeport as we donated to their empty food pantry shelves. A little later, we took a huge car load of donations down to the Franciscan Sisters of Renewal’s food pantry in the Bronx, where 150 people will line up this Thursday to receive a bag of food from the sisters. Danielle Martin fed the hungry at an orphanage in Tanzania. What can you do to act with Christ’s mercy and love to someone who is hungry? Perhaps drop a bag of food off at the back left hand side chapel entrance. Our donations will now go back to the New Canaan Food Pantry which depends upon our support to feed our hungry brothers and sisters right here in New Canaan . . . Or is there an elderly neighbor or family in need for whom you could cook a simple dinner? Pope Francis asks us all to be merciful in this Year of Mercy . . . What can you and your family do? In September, First Friday Adoration OUR FAITH DOESN’T TAKE A VACATION! returns on Friday, September 2nd. Please join Jesus in the Chapel and consider signing up for an anchor position by committing to an hour or half hour each month. To sign up go to : go/30e0a49aea62ca0fa7-september Thank you for your help and enjoy the rest of your summer! Kindergarten Sunday School starts September 25! This is a one hour program for children at least 5 years of age by KINDERGARTEN December 2016. The class is held during the SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Parents SCHOOL participate in the classroom on a rotating schedule. The Diocese of Bridgeport requires Virtus Certification for all adults involved in parish-sponsored activities with children. Applications are available on the website, in the parish office or at each of the church entrances. Please note that your child will not be enrolled until one parent has completed Virtus training and submitted a copy of their Virtus card. To keep the class size manageable, the application process will be on a first come, first serve basis. Please feel free to contact Kristin Dolan at 212-873-0555 or Agnes DiGiacomo at 203-914-6154 with any questions. We will see you in September! EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE If you have a submission for next Sunday’s August 28th bulletin, please email your submission to no later than tomorrow, Monday, August 22nd. You may also drop off directly to parish office. Thank you for your cooperation. THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sun., Aug. 21: No Events Scheduled Mon., Aug. 22: No Events Scheduled Tues., Aug. 23: No Events Scheduled Wed., Aug. 24: No Events Scheduled Thurs., Aug. 25: No Events Scheduled Fri., Aug. 26: No Events Scheduled Sat., Aug. 27: 7:30 AM: Men’s Fellowship/Maple Street Mother Teresa’s Closet is closed until September 5th. Please do not leave items outside of the closet during this time. When we re-open, we welcome fall and winter gently used clothing for men, women and children with a real need for infant and toddler items. Please remember that we can only accept clothing. Please do not leave household items. Thank you for all of your continuing and overwhelmingly generous support. Page six St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan, CT Our faith doesn't take a vacation! Left: Beth Wieber visiting the Cathedral Basilica of St. Dionysius the Areopagite, the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Athens in Greece. It is dedicated to Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, disciple of the Apostle Saint Paul and the first Bishop of Athens. Right: Kailee and Alexander See attend Sunday Mass at historic St. Mary’s Church in Lancaster, PA. The church is 275 years old. 100th Anniversary Gala Centennial Celebration Saturday, September 24th at 6:30 p.m. Stamford Marriott Hotel Master of Ceremonies: Ernie Anastos Dinner and Dancing to the music of the JK Band Special Performance by “Shadows of the 60s, A Tribute to Motown” Live Auction Benefactor : $1,000 per couple (includes program recognition) Patron: $750 per couple (includes program recognition) Individual: $300 per person Sponsorship & Participation Opportunities Available To purchase tickets: Program Advertising information: ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL 60TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Be sure to Save the Date for the St. Aloysius School 60th Anniversary Celebration to be held on Saturday, September 17th. This event will bring together alumni, families and faculty from across the years. The celebration will be held at St. Aloysius School gymnasium from 6:30PM until 10:30PM, following the 5:30PM Mass. Please visit the alumni page at or email for more information. Host Home Needed for Catholic Exchange Student from Chile The New Canaan Rotary Club is hosting Spanish speaking, soccer player Alvaro, a junior exchange student for the upcoming academic year. The student stays with three different local host families during the course of the academic year. The initial host family is identified, but the Rotary Club is still looking for two additional host families with middle or high school aged children. We would love for two of our parish families to host him as we would like to be able to incorporate him into our parish life and youth ministry offerings during his stay in America! For more information or if you or someone you know would like to be a host family, please contact Ann Cheney at or (203) 966-4848 ext. 117.
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