October 25, 2015 - St. Aloysius Church
October 25, 2015 - St. Aloysius Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT 06840 Handicap Accessible October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time TÄÄ fÉâÄáË VxÄxuÜtà|ÉÇ Éy _|yx `táá `ÉÇwtç? aÉäxÅuxÜ E JMCC ÑÅ `táá exvxÑà|ÉÇ yÉÄÄÉã|Çz |Ç fàtÑÄxàÉÇ [tÄÄ On the Feast of All Souls’, the St. Aloysius Community will celebrate our Annual Bereavement Mass in remembrance of deceased family members of our parish. We especially invite those who have lost a loved one within the past year, and also invite anyone who wishes to come to celebrate the life of a deceased loved one. If you wish to have your loved one’s name read at the Mass, please contact Thom Marino at 652-1180 or email Thommarino@starcc.com by Friday, October 30. PARISH OFFICE 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 Phone: 203 966-0020 Fax: 203 972-7691 Richard Phelan - Business Manager Email-RPhelan@starcc.com Jean Desmond - Parish Secretary Parish Office Email - office@starcc.com RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Phone: 203 966-4555 Fax: 203 972-7691 Marie Vandall - Director Email - marieccd@starcc.com Donations Needed! Breakfast Run into NYC Sunday, November 1st MUSIC MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1180 Fax: 203 972-3359 Thomas Marino - Director Email - ThomMarino@starcc.com YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1154 Fax: 203 972-7691 Chris Otis - Director Email - youth@starcc.com PRIESTS/CLERGY Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd, Pastor Rev. Cyrus M. Bartolome, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ralph Segura, Parochial Vicar Rev. William G. Carey, Retired PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Stephen W. Pond Deacon William A. Santulli Our high school teens will be headed into the city to feed and clothe the homeless and need your help. Donations can be placed in Mother Teresa’s Closet. Men’s jeans, colored t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts Men’s underwear Toiletry Kits Please fill a gallon size zip lock bag filled with one each of the following: Travel Size Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap & Body Lotion, Toothbrush, Travel Size Toothpaste, Deodorant & Razor. Thank you for your generosity in helping our brothers and sisters in need! St. Aloysius, our parish patron helping a victim of the plague SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE PARISH SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday Vigil for Sunday 5:30 pm. Sunday 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am and 5:00 pm Teen Mass. WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon/Wed/Fri 7, 9 am & 5:30 pm, Tues/Thurs/Sat 7am & 5:30 pm. For those who are unable to join us here at St. Aloysius, you may watch the celebration of the Eucharist daily at 10:00 a.m. on Cablevision Channel 84. BAPTISM: Celebrated each Sunday at 12:45 pm. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class, held the 2nd Monday of each month at 8 pm in the Maple Street Meeting Room. To schedule a Baptism and register for the class, call the Parish Office. Please note: Godparents must be practicing, Confirmed Catholics, age 16 and over. RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 4:00—5:00 pm, every First Friday one half hour before each Mass or by appointment. PARISH WEBSITE www.starcc.com MARRIAGE: Call the Parish Office at least nine months prior to the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM If someone is ill at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office to arrange for Communion and administration of the Sacrament of the Sick. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PLEASE PRAY FOR: Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 3:30; closed Friday PARISH STAFF Religious Education Mary Karen Keneally, Confirmation Coordinator confirmation@starcc.com Kathleen Redman, Grade Level Coordinator kathleenccd@starcc.com Marie Osterndorf, Administrative Coordinator ccd@starcc.com Music Cidalia Kettles, Director of Youth Choir Cidalia@starcc.com Angelo Natalie, StAY Choir/ Praise Band buonhead@aol.com Maintenance Willie Roeder Eileen Apy Gladys Borodich Peter Bronson Catherine Buonaiuto Ronald Canlas Addison Jane Carestia Frances Catania Anne Conroy Tony Cantone Fr. William Carey Anne Cleary Nuziata Colella Julio Delatorre Sandy DiGilio Frank DiMuzio Jean DiPanni Kathleen Dooley Mario Fanone Daniel Fitzgerald Ryan Fitzpatrick Garo Garabedian Judy Garcia Angelo Gesualdi Chip Granata John Grico, Jr. James Heffner Carol Hollister Cecile Howard Mary Katawa Kelly Kern Father Bernie Keefe Christopher Kotos Ronnie Lazzaro Betty Lovastik Vito Luciano Mary Maher Bob McDonald Donald McQuid Howard Morrin Jon Morrison Louis G. Nappi Alex Newton Lorenzo Palladino Dorothy Pojasek Sr. Lucia Posada Iracema Galvani Quinete Mary & Gene Redman Rachel Roa Maria Cielo Sanchez Lynda Ann Slovik Meghan Starson Szenasi Family Anna Totaro Kathleen Turpin Skip Underhill Jan Wamego Barbara Wengernuk Ryan Joseph Willen Salvatore Giovanni Zucaro ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL We also wish to pray for our service men and women: 33 South Avenue Phone: 203-966-0786 Principal, Mr. Bardhyl Gjoka Secretary, Jeanne Bearden SSG Thomas Aldrich; CPT Robert F. Bisconti; CPT. Elizabeth A. Condon; CPT. Michael Howard; Spec. 3rd CL Thomas Lally; Lt. Col. Christopher Schilling; Jason Trischitta C3C USAFA SSG Steven Vasko; Lt. Cmdr. Stefania Sigurdsson Parish Finance Council Diane Castrovinci - Chairperson - Office@Starcc.com Parish Advisory Council Shannon Goetz - Chairperson - Office@Starcc.com MISSION STATEMENT: We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ striving to proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through worship, evangelization, formation and service we invite our brothers and sisters to know the Lord. St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan CT MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 26 7:00 Robin Conn 9:00 Elaine Horelik 5:30 Rita Elizabeth LiVolsi Tuesday, October 27 7:00 Rosalie Romano 5:30 Coleen Hautau Wednesday, October 28 7:00 Kevin Corona 9:00 Mary McDonagh 5:30 Kenneth Pinder Thursday, October 29 7:00 Joseph Keln Berger 5:30 Mary McDonagh Friday, October 30 7:00 Metzger Family (L) 9:00 Luca Guadino 5:30 Elaine Horelik Saturday, October 31 7:00 5:30 Andrew Ansaldi Roger Socci Sunday, November 1 7:00 Genoveffa & Vincenzo Marcantonio 8:30 Josephine & Peter McGlade 10:00 St. Aloysius Parishioners 11:30 Concetta & Joseph Pinti 5:00 Deceased members of Anna & Alfonso Cotoia Family SANCTUARY CANDLES burn from October 23—October 29 The Sacred Heart Sanctuary candle for Milan Belic Mary Sanctuary candle for Philomena, Rocco & Rocky Joe Cotoia The Chapel candle for Angie Imperioli PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Nicholas H. Lappitallo WE WELCOME Our new parishioners: Nicole & Enrico Battisti Lindsey & Victor Chiarelli Garan Mullin Michael Nowacki Joanne Riordan Our newly baptized parishioner: Sabrina Flora Palladino Page Three Words from Msgr. Scheyd I Want To See… In this week’s Gospel a blind man responds to Jesus in these words, “Master, I want to see”. We know that Jesus spent much of His ministry caring for the sick and handicapped. This man’s response sounds very simple, normal for a blind person to seek his sight. However, is Jesus telling us more than just about the restoration of sight? As we journey through life we find ourselves on many paths taking us in diverse areas of life. Did you ever stop and ask yourself, “Where am I going”? Jesus came to live among us to show us the way to the Father. His life was a constant giving of directions as to what we should be doing personally to assist on our own journey, but also directions to be shared with others. We all want to see clearly now to find the Kingdom of God. There are always detours along the way which easily lead us astray. Jesus knew this and wanted to help us to see where we were going. In fact, He still desires this for us. In giving sight to the blind man, He offers the same gift to us even if we have been blind to it in the past. There is always a new day with a new opportunity to encounter our risen Lord. Jesus was very generous with His healing power and His love for broken humanity. We can be assured of this same love for us as we walk the road of life. Ask the Lord for the sight needed to find your way to His Kingdom. Thank you for supporting the Knights of Columbus this weekend in their collection for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. St. Aloysius – A Tithing Parish TITHING MEANS ONE-TENTH: FIVE % TO MY CHURCH + FIVE % TO CHARITY SUNDAY, October 18, 2015: $20,850 Online giving for the week: $2,983 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $23,833 LAST YEAR: $24,072 SECOND COLLECTION for World Mission: $6,499 Page Four October 25 2015 Religious Education MEET OUR 2ND GRADE CATECHISTS Pictured left to right: Loretta Buzzeo, Olivia Buzzeo, Sara Schubert and Beth Dwyer Mrs. Loretta Buzzeo is a mother and grandmother who has been a catechist here for over 30 years. In the past Loretta has also served the special needs community in the Diocese. Loretta and her late husband were recognized with the St. Augustine Medal a couple of years ago. Her granddaughter, Olivia Buzzeo, a New Canaan High School senior, has been a teen aide in religious education and now serves as co-catechist with her grandmother. Mrs. Sara Schubert is the full time mother of 4 children ranging in age from 5 to 11 years old. She is an active community and school volunteer. Mrs. Beth Dwyer is the mother of 4 children, college and beyond. Beth not only volunteers here in our parish as the Safe Environments Coordinator , but also serves the Diocese volunteering in St. Raphael’s school. Please say “Hello” and “Thank You” to these ACTIVE CATHOLICS in the parish community. “God is fair, He will not forget the work you did and the love you showed for Him by helping His people.” (Hebrews 6:10) ALL RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES FOLLOW THE REGULAR SCHEDULE THIS WEEK. No classes Election Day Tuesday, November 3rd REMINDER TO ALL STUDENTS: Please make every effort to arrive on time. Classes are 1 hour. If your child needs to leave early, please contact the office. CATECHISTS: Please make every effort to arrive 10 minutes prior to the beginning of class. Saturday, October 31, 3:30 pm : High school teens needed as buddies for our Capernaum special needs friends as we blend Halloween and All Saints Day! Breakfast Run into NYC Sunday, November 1st High School Teens needed Home Cooking Team (6:00-7:30 a.m.) City-bound team (6:55—11:15 a.m.) We also need virtus trained dads to drive into the city. A great way to begin your Sunday by serving others in need working alongside your teen! Sign up to participate in these offerings at www.signupgenius.com, locating the sign up under youth@starcc.com! Thanks to all of our high school teens that listened to God’s call to come and spend the afternoon with the children of Breakthrough Options! More pics at St. Aloysius Catholic Church Youth Ministry facebook page! TGIF (Thank Goodness It’s Friday) for 8th Graders Sponsored by Youth Ministry on Friday, October 30 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. This TGIF is a service opportunity—we will be sorting the donations for the breakfast run. Snacks provided! All 8th graders who participate are asked to bring 2 toiletry kits. Sign up and toiletry kit instructions at www.signupgenius.com, under youth@starcc.com. Come join together in fellowship and complete some of your service! PROJECT 1000 : This Wednesday, October 28th, our Level 1 students and their catechist will gather for Project 1000. We partner with the Christian Appalachian Project to help distribute the stockings to those with the greatest need. Kaster Moving Company, Inc. donates the shipping boxes and the freight to send these stockings down to Corbin, Kentucky! For many children, this will be their only Christmas present! This year $8,821 was donated to Project 1000. We have purchased 1000 Christmas stockings. Each stocking will be stuffed with 25 items! This year’s items are: Gloves, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Candy Cane, Oatmeal Packet, Full Size Chocolate Candy Bar, Hot Chocolate Packet, Granola Bar, Animal Crackers, Rice Krispy Treat, Bandages, Pencil, Tissue Packet, Silly Putty, Crayola Crayons, Nativity Activity Book, Wikki-Stick, “Ice Cream Shooter”, Bouncy Ball, Mini Airplane Glider, Chap Stick, Make-a-Character Christmas Stickers, “Bendable” Christmas Character and a “Smile, God Loves You” whistle! We will come together this Wednesday to learn about poverty, pray for those suffering in poverty and to stuff the stockings! Please pray for us and for all of those suffering in poverty. LOOKING AHEAD: Please make sure November 12th is on your calendar for our Family Faith Night featuring Sean Forrest. All Level 1 and 2 students and at least one parent are required to attend. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Five PLEASE HELP US PROVIDE WINTER COATS TO KIDS IN NEED IN BRIDGEPORT!!! On November 7th & 8th, we will hold a winter coat drive for the 500 children in grades K-8 of Cathedral Academy . Please drop off any cleaned, gently used coats, hats & gloves from infant through adult sizes in the marked bins located at each of the entrances of the church. Thank you for your generosity in helping our brothers and sisters in need. Drivers will be needed to help transport boxes to Bridgeport. Need more info, contact Megan Steele at megansteele64@gmail.com Parishioners Nicholas and Carroll Yanicelli were the St. Aloysius recipients of the St. Augustine Medal of Service at St. Augustine Cathedral in Bridgeport last weekend. Pictured left to right: Father Cyrus Bartolome, Nicholas Yanicelli, Carroll Yanicelli and Bishop Frank Caggiano. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Mass and Meeting November 5th A Mass will be said on Thursday, November 5th at 7pm in the Chapel. The general membership meeting will follow at 7:30 pm in Stapleton Hall. Members are requested to bring non-perishable foods for the benefit of the food pantry. Thank you! Our parish nurses will hold blood pressure screenings after all of the Masses this weekend. THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sun., Oct. 25: Mon., Oct. 26: Tues., Oct. 27: Wed., Oct. 28: Thurs., Oct. 29 Fri., Oct. 30: Sat., Oct. 31: 11 AM: Hospitality Coffee/Stapleton Hall 2:45 PM: Emmaus Team Meeting/Stapleton 7 PM: Altar Server Practice/Church 7 PM: Parents Connect College Care Packages/Stapleton Hall 9:30 AM: Walking with Purpose/Stapleton 7:15 PM: Walking with Purpose/Stapleton 10:30 AM: Rosary Making Workshop/ Stapleton A 7 PM: Project 1000/Stapleton Hall, Church, Chapel 4 PM: Youth Choir/Lower Music Room 7:30 PM: Adult Choir/Church 2:30 PM: TGIF 8th Grade/Youth Room 7:30 AM: Men’s Fellowship/Maple Street Stapleton Hall 4PM: Youth Ministry Young Life Capernaum/ Stapleton Hall KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monthly Member Meeting Monday, November 2nd 8PM in School Gym Fourth Degree Exemplification Sunday, November 8th Our Lady of Fatima, Wilton Registration begins at 11AM, Pre-registration necessary The Fourth Degree is the final degree bestowed upon members and is focused upon the Principle of Patriotism. Be a member who is willing to stand up for God and Country. Joining the Fourth Degree is an excellent way of declaring your viewpoint to the world. For more information on the KOC, contact John Otis at johnotis@mac.com All are welcome to attend a Rosary Making Workshop in Stapleton Hall on Wednesday, October 28th at 10:30 a.m. For further information, contact Kathie Karl at 203-966-4065. Sponsored by Our Lady’s Guild. Let Us Pray for Your Deceased Loved Ones in Lakeview Cemetery Our Confirmation Preparation Students will be visiting Lakeview Cemetery during the month of November to perform a Spiritual Act of Mercy by praying for the deceased of our parish. If you would like the students to pay a visit to the resting place of your loved one, please contact Confirmation Coordinator Mary Karen Keneally at confirmation@starcc.com or 203-652-1173. Please join us every Friday after the 9 am Mass to pray the Rosary for Life. All are welcome. Page six St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan, CT Diocesan Annual Women’s Conference on Saturday, November 7th from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. The day will include Mass with Bishop Caggiano, speakers, Adoration and vendors. Breakfast and lunch included for $55. Information at womensconferenece@diobpt.com INTRODUCING THE BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY OF ST. ALOYSIUS The Bereavement Ministry is a ministry of consolation. Our mission is to give spiritual support and practical assistance during times of sorrow to families who have lost a loved one. This is a wonderful way to share in our parish family. We would love to welcome you to our group. You may volunteer in several ways. With your particular talents and gifts in mind, you might expect to be called upon to: COME MEET THE JESUITS . . . Vocation Open House The Fairfield Jesuits invite single men 18-40 years of age to explore and reflect on God’s call. Learn about our ministries and experience Ignation prayer. Saturday, November 7th, 10am-5pm Jesuit Community Center at Fairfield University RSVP: pholland@fairfield.edu Provide food or assist at a reception once or twice a year Assist during the funeral mass as greeters, ushers, etc. Console mourners with words of faith & acts of kindness Reach out with follow-up phone calls, notes or visits depending on the needs of the grieving. Spend time in prayer with someone who has experienced grief Working with the clergy, we offer a listening presence, assist in whatever is needed at the time and strive to bring the loving, supportive presence of Jesus. Training is provided. This ministry offers you the opportunity to grow spiritually by showing your love and compassion. We invite you to join us. Fr. Cyrus will provide the leadership for this ministry. If you would like to serve in this ministry, please contact (in Fr. Cyrus absence) Marie Pascale Vandall at marieccd@starcc.com or via phone at 203-652-1170. Middle East Migration Crisis: Origin and Response On Wednesday, October 28th, 7:00 PM at St. Catherine of Siena Parish Hall, Riverside You are invited to attend a discussion of the “Plight of Christians in the Middle East”. George Marlin, Chairman of Aid to the Church in Need-USA, will share with us the background of the current conflicts that have claimed the lives of thousands of Christians. Statements from the Bishops of those countries will be included. For additional information: Dr. Karen Shields, DM, 203-629-2727 or drkaren@optonline.net. The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Maple Street Dining Room. Parish Partners held their Fall Mass & Luncheon for Seniors. Consider giving of your time to visit, provide rides or do errands for parish members who are temporarily or permanently homebound. To volunteer or arrange services, contact Pat Malone at (203)966-8455 or Jeanne Eckrich via email at jeanne.e.eckrich@gmail.com Our Lady’s Guild brought the delightful speaker Mother Dolores Hart to St. A’s! Save the date for their next event, which will feature Father Albert Audette on November 18. Information Sheet CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 017700: St. Aloysius 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 PHONE 203-966-0020 CONTACT PERSON Jeanie Desmond NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 12 Noon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If for any reason our bulletins cannot leave your plant on Friday morning, please call us at the number listed above. Thank you.
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