October 2015 - St. Aloysius Church


October 2015 - St. Aloysius Church
Vol. 31 No. 2
September-October 2015
An All-American Good Time!
Parish Fair,
Nov. 6-8,
fun for all
are underway for
the All-American
Fair at St. Aloysius, set for Nov.
6-8. This year’s
fair will feature a
special veterans
event, a 5K race,
musical acts, food,
rides and more.
Join us for an allAmerican good
• A look back at last
year’s fair, Page 6
• Green River
Ordinance to rock
the fair, Page 7
• Raffle ticket
information, Page 7
• Full schedule of
events, Page 8
Ministry Fair
ACTS Retreats help build faith
communities, strengthen lives
By Kathy Screen, Steven
Brooksher Jr. and Joe Britt
Through a direction only the
Holy Spirit can provide, two St.
Aloysius parishioners who had
never met before found they
shared a common goal.
Introduced during an Adult
Formation Committee meeting
facilitated by Kathy Screen, Steven Brooksher Jr. and Joe Britt
immediately realized they both
were intent on bringing ACTS
Retreats to St. Aloysius Parish.
Neither Steven nor Joe had
ever attended an ACTS Retreat
when their shared vision brought
2025 Stuart Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
The annual
Stewardship of
Ministry Appeal
was held in August
at St. Aloysius
giving all the
chance to reflect
on and sign up for
one or more of the
myriad of ministry
available at our
parish. Ministry
sign up is ongoing
at www.aloysius.
org. It is never too
late to join in God’s
Kingdom of Mercy.
them together in the summer of
2014. But they both knew many
family members and friends who
had participated in an ACTS Retreat at other parishes.
Both were able to attend a
retreat later in 2014. Deacon
Chauvin Wilkinson also attended an ACTS Retreat this month,
and Kathy Screen attended a retreat in the Fall of 2014
“And they held steadfastly to
the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of the
bread and to the prayers. And
fear came upon every soul; and
many wonders and signs were
Continued on page 5
Baton Rouge, LA
Permit #754
Inside Alive
Mass schedule................................................. 2
Pack 7 Cub Scout news................................... 2
Childcare Center news..................................... 3
New parishioners luncheon details.................. 6
Parish auction details..................................... 6
September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE, page 1
Pack 7 honorees, front row from left, Kody Lauff, Nicholas Kolb, Mark McCormick, Brennan Normand, Martin Lanneau Jr., Christian Comeaux and Kevin Crow with, back
row, Bishop Muench and Erick Comeaux.
Cub Scouts, leader earn religious awards
Seven Cub Scouts and one of
their leaders from St. Aloysius
Pack 7 earned religious emblem
awards at the Catholic Committee on Scouting on Aug. 23 at Our
Lady of Mercy Church. Awards
were presented to the scouts by
Bishop Robert Muench. A reception was held afterwards for the
honorees and their families. The religious emblem program is sponsored by the Catholic Committee on Scouting and
funded by the Louisiana Knights
of Columbus Councils. Two Cub Scouts from St.
Aloysius, Martin Lanneau Jr. and
Brennan Normand, earned
the Light of Christ Award. This
award is a family-oriented award
to help each scout develop a personal relationship with Christ,
reinforcing preparation for those
scouts receiving First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Five other Cub Scouts from St.
Aloysius earned the Parvuli Dei
(Children of God) Award, which
is also a family-oriented award
to help each scout develop an
awareness of God’s love in his everyday life. Earning this award
were Christian Comeaux, Kevin
Crow, Nicholas Kolb, Kody Lauff
and Mark McCormick.
The Bronze Pelican Award
was awarded to Erick Comeaux
for his extraordinary efforts in
contributing to the spiritual
nourishment of scouts throughout his years as den and pack
Mass Schedule
Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m.
7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Schedule will be announced
Monday & Wednesday, 6 a.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m.
RECONCILIATION: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and by appointment for
private rite.
FUNERALS: Please contact the Parish Office prior to scheduling with the funeral home. If after hours, follow directions on
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor
Father Randy Cuevas
Ken Duhe
Assistant Editor Copy Editors
Laura Duhe
Lisa Tramontana, Megan Holman,
Mindy Piontek, Sigrid Kelsey
Michael J. Acaldo
Michael DiResto
Cathy Dardenne
Aline Landry
Connie Planche
Susan Hymel
Craig Gannuch
Diane O’Connor
Mag Wall
Published by St Aloysius Parish.
Postage paid
at Baton Rouge, LA.
Page 2, September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE
Cathy Dardenne
Claire Grandy
Angela Falgoust
Send address changes to
Aloysius Alive,
2025 Stuart Avenue,
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
PARISH SCHOOL: For information, phone 383-3871, 8:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m.
For information, phone 343-1338,
7:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
BAPTISM: Please contact the Parish Office during early months
of pregnancy. Baptismal preparation is required.
SPONSORS: Baptism & Confirmation sponsors must be confirmed practicing Catholics in good standing in the Catholic
Church, and if not St. Aloysius Parishioners, must provide a letter of good standing from the parish where they are registered.
MARRIAGE: Couples are asked to contact the priest at the beginning of the period of engagement at least six months prior to the
projected date of the marriage.
CARE OF THE SICK: The Eucharist is brought to the sick weekly
and hospital visits made weekly. Families of the sick are encouraged to notify the Parish Office.
St. Aloysius Childcare Center makes fall fun
By Kim Bromell
The Childcare Center has been full of activity with the start of the new school year,
with classes focusing on back-to-school activities.
The children have been busy learning
their ABCs. Each week a different letter is
the focus, with fun interactive activities, including show-and-tell Fridays. The children
had a blast one week with a messy dirt day
for the letter D and another week dressing
up as elves and playing elf games for the letter E.
The preschool children completed “All
About Me” posters, made school buses with
Twinkies and received a visit from the bookmobile. A very special activity for the preschoolers has been attending Chapel with
Father Josh once a month.
All of the children were thrilled when
Patches the Fire Dog made a special visit to
the center in September. Everyone enjoyed
learning important fire safety tips and meeting Patches.
As we all know, fall and football go hand
and hand. These young fans have been
wearing purple and gold or black and gold
colors for “Support Your Team” dress days on
each Friday during the season. Geaux LSU
Tigers and Saints!
The Parish’s Stewardship of Ministry
campaign begins with each new school year,
and there are many opportunities for parents
to volunteer within the center throughout
the year.
The SACCC is working diligently on upcoming fall events, such as the annual
pumpkin carving party, parish booth fair and
Thanksgiving events. Remember, together
we are all helping our children grow smarter,
stronger and kinder.
mentor younger
Prayer Partners
The Prayer Partner Program, a mentorship program that pairs middle-schoolers with
first- and second-graders, got underway Sept.
15 with its first meeting.
The program is led by eighth-grade religion
teacher Annette Raterman and seventh-grade
religion teacher Carol Hill. Students meet once
a month for an activity day and once a month
to attend all-school Mass together.
The middle-schoolers mentor the younger
students by setting good examples and by
sharing prayer and talking about school. The
younger students help the middle-schoolers by
sharing their faith and their zest for life.
In their first activity meeting, the middleschoolers met their prayer partners for the first
time. They introduced themselves and worked
on a “getting to know you” project. After their
initial meeting, the older students helped
their partners complete an art project, making a small gold cross with their fingerprints.
These crosses will be combined to make art for
the Parish Auction.
September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE, page 3
Ministry Fair 2015
Page 4, September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE
More Ministry Fair
Retreat, From Page 1
done through the apostles. And
all who believed were together
and had all things in common…” Acts 2:42-47, RSV 2nd
The purpose of ACTS is to
build community within a parish by helping others experience
the love of God through the
ACTS Retreat experience and
to foster intentional discipleship
to our Lord Jesus Christ. ACTS
Retreats have strengthened the
lives of hundreds of thousands of
people in the United States and
abroad: men and women, teens
and retirees, rich and poor, and
Catholic and non-Catholic.
The first ACTS Retreat was
sponsored by Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in the San Antonio Archdiocese. As of today,
ACTS Retreats have been held in
more than 25 states and seven
countries, impacting more than
600 parishes worldwide.
An ACTS Retreat is a threeday, three-night Catholic retreat
sponsored by a parish for its community. It begins on a Thursday
evening and ends with Sunday
Mass. A team of lay parishioners
directs the weekend for fellow
parishioners under the direction
of either the parish pastor or
spiritual director. The goal of the
ACTS Retreat is for each participant to accept an invitation into
a new relationship with our Lord
through adoration, community,
theology and service (ACTS).
ACTS provides participants
with a powerful experience of
the transformative love of Christ,
in turn saving lives, restoring
marriages, opening hearts to discernment of the priesthood and
the deaconate, and leading each
participant into a deeper journey with our Lord. Pastors have
praised its positive effects on
their parishes, leading to highly
invigorated parish life.
Kathy, Steven and Joe are
pleased to bring the ACTS Retreats to the first parish within
the Diocese of Baton Rouge, St.
Aloysius. The men’s retreat will
be March 31 to April 3, and the
women’s retreat will be June 2-5.
Both retreats will be held at the
Rosaryville Spirit Life Center in
The parish plans to conduct
two men’s retreats and two
women’s retreats each year.
Please review our upcoming bulletins for information on registration. If anyone has participated in a prior ACTS Retreat and
wants to assist with planning,
we welcome your help. Please
contact Steven Brooksher Jr.
(773-0374), Joe Britt (312-4124)
or Kathy Screen at the church
office (343-6657).
First Day of School
The St. Aloysius school year
got off to a great start, with
the hard work of a lot of staff
members and supporting
administrators. Top: Education
Committee members and
the SAS Lion greet returning
students. Above: New Principal
Erin Candilora consults with
faculty members. Left: Father
Randy Cuevas prepares to
address students.
September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE, page 5
Register now for parish auction:
A night of food, wine, music, fun
It’s almost time for the 2015 St. Aloysius
Auction, and registration is open now.
The auction will be Friday, Oct. 9, at
L’auberge Hotel and Casino. We are ready for
a fun night of delicious food, wine, music and
fellowship. The auction is shaping up to be one
of the best ever – all we need is you!
This is an important fundraising event for
our parish, and we greatly appreciate the support from parishioners. Proceeds from the auction will assist in funding the St. Aloysius master plan, as the parish transitions from planning to construction on projects critical to the
future of St. Aloysius.
This would not be possible without your
past and future generosity.
This year, registration will take place on the
website (www.charityauctionorganizer.com/
auction/aloysius2015). Go to the website to
buy tickets, register for the auction, donate,
volunteer and also find information on sponsorship opportunities. Save your payment information online to register for Express CheckIn. That means no lines, no waiting – just walk
in, give us your name, and get your paddle!
There will be no paper registration. The only
way to buy tickets is through the website or at
the event.
A sponsorship from your family or company
would greatly help the auction and would be
most appreciated. A $1,000 sponsorship will
provide your family or company with:
• A company logo or family name on each bidder’s paddle and the auction website;
• Name recognition by the masters of ceremony during the event;
• Post-event name recognition in the parish
Many activities at the auction can also be
sponsored, including the Fork Pull, the Wine
Toss and others. Please contact us at aloysiusauction@gmail.com if you are interested in
those opportunities.
We are pleased to announce a special item for
sale this year, courtesy of
The Backpacker! Thanks
to their sponsorship, we
are selling St. Aloysius
beanie caps for $20 each.
All proceeds from these
sales will go to the parish. Pre-purchased caps will
be available at the auction, or will be sent home in
children’s backpacks. Only 150 will be available,
so act fast!
Tired of
of waiting
waiting in
in carpool
carpool line...
Tired of waiting in carpool line...
Take a
a chance
chance to
to WIN
Take a chance to WIN
Ms. Candilora’s
Candilora’s Parking
Ms. Candilora’s Parking
Spot! waiting in line for
A “Fast Pass” for carpool…No
A “Fast Pass” for carpool…No waiting in line for
A “Fast Pass” for
waiting in line for
rest of the year!
the rest of the year!
the rest of the year!
Carpool Raffle
Raffle Tickets:
Tickets: $5.00
To purchase,
please visit
the auction website:
To purchase, please visit the auction website:
To purchase, please visit the auction website:
For any questions contact Lauren: lcgolleher@gmail.com
For any questions contact Lauren: lcgolleher@gmail.com
For any questions contact Lauren: lcgolleher@gmail.com
You & Your Family
Are invited to St. Aloysius Parish
New Parishioners Welcoming Luncheon
Sunday, Oct. 18
Given by
Father Randy Cuevas, Pastor
his staff & Welcoming Committee
Held in the Parish Hall following the 11 a.m. Mass
RSVP by Monday, Oct. 12
Please include the number of family members attending
Contact: Leslie Edwards via email leslielanusse@yahoo.com or
Anne Roberts by phone at 225-372-2600
Page 6, September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE
A look back
at the 2014
Parish Fair
Green River Ordinance to headline music at fair
The title of “Fifteen,” Green
pulses. For some of the album’s
River Ordinance’s first studio
songwriting sessions, they realbum in three years, has a dual
turned to the riverside cabin on
meaning for the hard-working
the banks of the Caney Fork
quintet. In addition to marking
River in rural Tennessee, where
the fifteen years that have passed
they had written much of “Chassince the five bandmates first
ing Down the Wind.”
began making music together,
The band cut tracks for “Fiffifteen was also the average age
teen” in separate sessions with
of the band members when the
three notable producers — Paul
group formed.
Moak, Rick Beato and longIn the decade and a half since
time GRO collaborator Jordan
they first convened in their
Critz — in three different cities.
hometown of Fort Worth, TexThe band recorded many of its
as, Green River Ordinance —
performances live in the studio,
named after their home state’s
capturing the musicians’ vibrant
law forbidding door-to-door
sales — has built a potent body
Having come up with their
of effortlessly accessible, inmost accomplished album to
stantly memorable music, while
date, Green River Ordinance is
winning the loyalty of a fiercely
looking forward to reconnectloyal fan base that’s stuck with
ing with its still-rabid fan base
the band through thick and thin.
and taking “Fifteen” on the
In the course of their journey,
road, strengthened by the lesthe five longtime friends have
sons members learned over the
steadily evolved into a one-of-aband’s eventful lifespan.
kind creative unit whose musi“Looking at the songs that
cal and emotional depth reflects
we’re writing now, and then
the faith, integrity and mutual
back on the songs that we were
trust with which they’ve always
writing when we were kids, it’s
approached their musical career. a pair of independently released cision to embrace life as an inde- the songs that have really con- interesting to see how much
Green River Ordinance’s EPs, which helped to win the pendent entity was quickly vin- nected with people were the ones things have progressed,” says
thrilling evolution continues on band a recording deal with Capi- dicated by the success of their that we didn’t overthink or over- Geoff. “But in some ways, it’s
“Fifteen,” which matches irre- tol, which released Out of My self-released 2012 album “Un- analyze,” observes frontman still the same. We’re still in the
sistibly infectious melodies and Hands in 2009.
der Fire” and the 2013 “Chasing Josh Jenkins. “So with the new process of discovering who we
insightful, forthright lyrics with
Out of My Hands won Green Down the Wind,” both of which album, a lot of the challenge was are and what we can be, and
rootsy, rousing musical flights River Ordinance considerable boasted some of the band’s most trying to stop ourselves from communicating that as honestly
and soaring vocal harmonies.
critical acclaim and media ex- adventurous and eloquent work thinking too much, and focusing as we can.”
Such catchy, upbeat tunes as posure, with the album reach- yet. Both were well-received by on writing about stuff that mat“‘Fifteen’ is a new chapter for
“Always Love Her,” “Keep Your ing the Top 10 on Billboard’s the group’s fans, with “Chasing ters to us. All you can do is try us, and we’re gonna be out playCool” and “Red Fire Night,” Heatseekers chart and the band’s Down the Wind” debuting at the and remain present in the songs ing as many shows as we can
and such intimate, personally- songs appearing in more than 20 top of the iTunes charts. GRO’s and stay in touch with the things and making an effort to commucharged numbers as “Simple television shows. After spending D.I.Y. approach was further vin- that inspire you and move you, nicate with as many people as
Life,” “Endlessly” and “Heart two years on the road supporting dicated when the “Under Fire” and have faith that that will con- we can,” Josh concludes. “I feel
lucky to be in a band with these
Open” offer an artful balance of Out of My Hands, GRO made track “Dancing Shoes” became nect with people.”
electric and acoustic textures, the crucial choice to continue its a substantial radio hit and one
Towards that end, the band guys who’ve been my friends
and resonate with the singular career outside of the major-label of the most popular songs of the approached the making of “Fif- since middle school, and it’s a
mix of craft and heart that make machine.
band’s career.
teen” in a manner designed to privilege to be able to keep makGreen River Ordinance a special
Green River Ordinance’s de“Looking back at our history, inspire the band’s creative im- ing music with them.”
“Fifteen” arrives at a pivotal
juncture in the Green River Ordinance’s career. Having achieved
a hard-won mainstream breakthrough with their 2009 album
“Out of My Hands” and the hit
singles “Come On” and “On
Your Own,” the band grew uncomfortable with the contradictions of a changing music
industry and the compromises
required by an outdated business
model. Rather than continue on
that course, the group opted to
walk away from its deal with
$2000 & $1000 Drawings · 12 Door Prizes from $25 to $300
Capitol Records in order to conduct its career on its own terms.
“When we were starting out,
people would describe us as organic, or talk about us being a
grass-roots band,” bassist Geoff
Purchase online @ http://www.staloysiusfair.org/
Ice notes. “We didn’t really understand what they meant at the
Tickets on Sale at the Church Office & Ticket Sales After Masses on Oct. 17-18
time, but the meaning has become clear to us in the last few
Donation: $100 each
years, and we’ve realized that
it’s one of our biggest strengths
Optional: “Split-A-Ticket” with one or more people
as a band.”
Cash, Check, and Credit Cards Accepted
Indeed, Green River Ordinance’s enduring appeal has
always been rooted in the five
bandmates’ deep musical and
personal bond. Their potent
Contact Amy Brown @ alr5201@yahoo.com or Katie Adams @ katiereilyadams@gmail.com
rapport was showcased in the
For additional information or to volunteer to assist with ticket sales
band’s tireless roadwork, and on
Purchase Your Chance to Win
St. Aloysius Parish Raffle Tickets on Sale Now!
September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE, page 7
8:00 AM
Fun Run / 5K
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Old Gym
2:00 PM
Raffle Drawing
3:00 PM
Fair Ground
4:00 PM
Main Stage
Stuart Ave Entrance
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Fish Fry
Sweet Shop
Raffle Ticket Sales
12:00 PM
New Gym
David Jones Duo
Sweet Shop
Game Booths
Raffle Ticket Sales
Cheer Teams
Talent Show
Children's Play Zone
Rhett Guillot Duo
Children's Play Zone
Game Booths
Sweet Shop
Raffle Ticket Sales
BBQ Chicken Dinner
Michael Foster Project
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
Veterans Event Green River Ordinance
LSU vs Alabama
Valluzzo Family Restaurants
10:00 PM
Page 8, September-October 2015, ALOYSIUS ALIVE