The Most Holy Trinity Ste. Marguerite d`Youville Parish


The Most Holy Trinity Ste. Marguerite d`Youville Parish
The Most Holy Trinity
Ste. Marguerite d’Youville Parish
1340 Lakeview Avenue — Dracut, MA
June 15, 2014
Ste. Marguerite d’Youville Parish
Ste. Marguerite
Daily Mass:
Holy Days:
Mon. to Fri. 7:30 am
4:00 pm
8:30 am and 11:30 am
7:30 am and 4:00 pm
Saturday: 3:10 to 3:45 pm or by appointment.
St. Rita
Daily Mass:
Holy Days:
Mon.-Tues.-Fri. - 9:00 am Sat. – 8:00 am
4:00 pm
7:00 am and 10:00 am
Eve-7:00 pm Day-9:00 am
Saturday: 8:30 to 9:00 am or by appointment.
Fr. Marc J. Bishop - Ext. 307
Please call the Parish Office to register for Baptism. Baptism
instruction takes place on the first Wednesday of the month.
Baptism take place at 1:00 pm on the second Sunday of
the month.
Fr. Christopher W. Wallace - Ext. 308
Rev. Leo Cormier
Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance.
Please contact the Parish Office.
Deacon Everett F. Penney, Jr.
This program is for those wishing to join the Church. If you
are interested in becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish
Office for more information.
Mrs. Joan Donnelly Ext. - 302
Mrs. Andrea M. Sevigny Ext. - 301
Help us to assist the poor and the hungry of our parish.
“Poor Boxes” for your donations are located at the church
Mrs. Paula Stewart Ext. - 300
Please call us if someone is having an operation, is sick or
has a prolonged illness as we want to pray for them, offer
support and try to visit them.
Ms. Joanne Lamothe Ext. - 309
Mr. Matthew Descoteaux
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mrs. Jamie Deignan
DRE: Dr. Linda Trouville - Grades 1-8
DRE: Mrs. Susan Hurton - Grades 9-10 - Ext. 306
CRE: Mrs. Karen Mercurio - Grades 1-8
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to Noon
No matter who you are, no matter what you do,
no matter where you come from, no matter where you are
going, no matter how good or how bad things may seem,
please know that you are always welcome at
Ste. Marguerite d’Youville Parish.
Dr. Linda Trouville, Principal
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: 978-957-0322
Ste. Marguerite d’Youville Parish
Parish Support
Modern Saint of the Month - June
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
“The only tragedy in life is not to be a saint”
Who is this Saint?
St. Aloysius Gonzaga was born on March 9, 1568 to an
influential and well-connected noble family in northern Italy.
His mother was devout; his father, not-so-much. St. Aloysius
was the eldest of seven children. As the first born male, he
was in line to inherit the entirety of his family’s title, money,
and property. From an early age, St. Aloysius showed little
interest in spending his time and energy on worldly concerns
of power, honor, wealth, and pleasure. As a middle school
aged boy of 13, St. Aloysius began to feel called to join one
of the newest religious orders in the Church, the Jesuits.
However, his father was consistently disappointed in his
eldest son’s desire to become a priest. He did much to try and
thwart St. Aloysius’ vocation to the priesthood and religious
life. This included exposing him to as much noble society as
possible, sending him to law school, putting him in charge of
the family business, trying to arrange marriages for him, and
threatening to disown him. In one humorous attempt, his
father employed a Franciscan cousin of his to try to talk
Aloysius out of joining the Jesuits. After examination,
however, the friar was convinced that he indeed had a
vocation. (There’s a good joke in there somewhere!) In the
end, of course, God’s will always prevails. When Aloysius
was 17, his father finally let him join the Jesuits. When
St. Aloysius formally renounced his family inheritance to his
younger brother, he remarked “His joy in succeeding to it
cannot equal mine in renouncing it.” St. Aloysius’ short
religious life was marked by his purity of heart and contemplative prayer. After ministering to those suffering from the
Plague, St. Aloysius contracted the illness and died on June
21, 1591 at the age of 23. He was canonized in 1726.
Weekly Offertory Needed for Budget
Offertory Collection June 7/June 8
On-line Giving & back envelopes
Collection over budget
Fiscal Year Needed to Date
Fiscal Year Collected to Date
Seminarian Collection
Seating Capacity 300 X 3 Masses
Mass Attendance June 7/June 8th
Second Collection this weekend is for
our Monthly Parish Utilities.
Summer Collection Reminder
This time of the year many are going away
during the weekends or are making plans for the
summer. We ask you to please remember that we
need your financial support throughout the summer
months. Thank you for mailing in your donations
when you are unable to attend here at
Ste. Marguerite’s. Your efforts make a considerable
difference in helping us maintain our weekly budget.
Thanks for your continued support.
Lessons for us Today
St. Aloysius Gonzaga– as one of many saints of the
Counter-Reformation– is arguably not necessarily a “modern
saint.” However, the example of his life makes St. Aloysius a
particularly important saint for our times. In fact, I think that
his life models perhaps the three single most important
aspects of the New Evangelization of the Church in the 21st
century: Family, Vocation, and the call to chastity and purity
of heart. By the time I was a junior in college, I had begun to
attend daily Mass. God had moved me to understand and
realize that, all things being equal, receiving Our Lord in the
Supreme Gift of the Eucharist was the most important thing I
could do every day. One of the old translations of the Roman
Missal which I remembered from one of these Daily Masses
in college was one of the prayers from the feast of St.
Aloysius Gonzaga: “May we who have not imitated his
example of purity, imitate his example of penance.” I still
find these prayers personally challenging today. One of the
great insights of Jesuit spirituality teaches that very often, the
transforming graces God wants to give to us lie behind our
biggest “resistances.” St. Aloysius’ youth and joy show us
that truly there is nothing to be afraid of. We need only to
stop resisting and say “YES!” –Fr. Chris
Liturgical Ministers Needed
We are in need of liturgical ministers, namely,
Altar Servers, Lectors, Extra-ordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion and Sacristans to help out at all
masses. Some of our current ministers have stepped
down for various reasons so there are vacancies that
need to be filled. If you are interested in serving in
any of these ministries, please contact Fr. Chris at
the parish offices. Thank you!
Ste. Marguerite d’Youville Parish
Farewell Party
Ste Marguerite d’Youville Parish Club
After four years of ministry as Pastor
of Ste. Marguerite d’Youville and
St. Rita Parishes, Fr. Marc has been
assigned as administrator of Immaculate
Conception Parish in Marlboro effective
July 1st. Before he leaves, a Farewell
Party is being planned in his honor on Sunday,
June 22nd at Ste. Marguerite’s after the 11:30 a.m.
Mass on the front lawn from 12:30 - 2 p.m. and on
Sunday, June 29th at St. Rita’s after the 10 a.m.
Mass in the lower church hall from 11 - 12:30 p.m.
Light pastries and beverages will be served. All
parishioners are invited. Please mark your calendar
now and plan to join us either weekend as we wish
Fr. Marc all the best in his new assignment.
600 Club Drawing of
June 8, 2014
$50 Door Prize
Ann Marie Dion
Ed Szymanszek
Marie Philippon
Debbie Gacek
Terry Berard
Pauline Rondeau
Jane Sheridan
(not present)
Pauline Rondeau
July 13, 2014
DOOR PRIZE $100.00
Must be present to win
Young Adult Retreat
We would like to invite all young adults
between the ages of 18-30 on a Young Adult
Retreat hosted by St. William’s Parish in Tewksbury, MA. The goal of the Young Adult Retreat is
to help strengthen our faith and its application in
our daily lives, to discover or renew ourselves
spiritually and to build lasting friendships. The
retreat will be held at St. Thecla’s in Billerica, MA
this June 26 - 29, 2014. For more information,
contact: Jessica Keefe at
Pastoral Planning Update
Disciples in Mission, the Pastoral Plan for the
Archdiocese, now has 71 parishes formed and
functioning as 32 Collaboratives. The Plan is
moving forward. At the same time, the Pastoral
Planning Office is continually soliciting feedback
and assessing procedures and schedules. The entire
Church of Boston, the parishes operating as
Collaboratives and those not yet in a Collaborative
phase, has a vested interest in the success of this
plan to make disciples and grow the Church. On
this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, pray
simply: In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For more information about the collaborative
process, go to
Rite of Christian Initiation
Of Adults (RCIA))
This is a process of religious formation and
conversion for persons who wish to be baptized in
the Catholic Church; persons who were baptized in
another Christian church, but wish to become
Catholic; persons who were baptized but never
received the other sacraments, especially
Confirmation; or any person who wants a refresher
course in the Catholic faith. Do you know anyone
in any of those groups? If so, please speak to them
about becoming part of the RCIA. These weekly
sessions begin in September through to Easter,
every Monday evening from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. To be
eligible for reception of the sacraments, participants
must attend the entire program. Interested persons
are invited to leave their name with the parish
secretary along with the best way to be reached, and
someone from the team will contact them to provide
additional information.
St. Louis School
Registrations are being accepted for the 20142015 school year. Anyone wishing a tour or more
information, please call 978-458-7594. We would
like to meet you and show you our wonderful
school. Many new students have registered and
classes are quickly filling.
We are accepting students who are 3 years old
up to grade 8. One of the reasons that St. Louis
School is thought of as a family is because children
are with us so long - age 3 to 14. During this time,
we get to know and love the children. We become
a caring family wanting only the best for each other.
Ste. Marguerite d’Youville Parish
Congratulations to St. Louis School
Class of 2014
James Bartlett
Hunter Berube
Jacob Boucher
Ian Carignan
Nicholas Czelewicz
Thomas Desmond
Matthew Ferriera
Christina Florez
Scott Fournier
Caitlin Garboski
Erica Garboski
Meaghan Garboski
Madaline Grenier
Nicholas Grenier
Olivia Grenier
Devyn Guinazzo
Jacob Hall
Zoe Henderson
Marvin Kimani
Melissa Lemayian
Maverick Machado
Kaydi Maldonado
John Maniatakos
Rexvin Mbogo
Joanne Njihia
Ashford Njonjo
Mackenzie Ponte
Autumn Saab
Ethan Sandelli
Nathaniel Sayer
P. Jake Sheehan
Anthony Thach
Emma Walsh
Tobias White
Katelyn Whitney
Daniel Zatta
Saturday, June 14th
4:00 pm
Alphonse Thibeault, Jr. (Dec.)
Sunday, June 15th
8:30 am
11:30 am
Mrs. Marcelle Painchaud (Dec.)
Holly Sullivan (7th Ann.)
Weekday Masses
Take pride in your achievements. We know that
you will do great things to make our world a better
7:30 am Deceased Members of
The Pepin Family
7:30 am For the People
7:30 am Elaine Bruckerhoff (Dec.)
7:30 am
7:30 am
Saturday, June 21st
4:00 pm
M.J. Therriault, Jr. (2nd Ann.)
Sunday, June 22nd
8:30 pm
11:30 am
Thomas Hammond (Dec.)
June 14/15
The Sanctuary Light will Burn this
Week in Memory of M. J. Therriault, Jr.
The Bread & Wine
Consecrated at all the Masses this week is
In Memory of M. J. Therriault, Jr.
June 21/22
4:00 pm (SM)
Fr. Marc
4:00 pm (SM)
Fr. Cormier
4:00 pm (SR)
Fr. Chris
4:00 pm (SR)
Fr. Chris
7:00 am (SR)
Fr. Marc
7:00 am (SR)
Fr. Chris
8:30 am (SM)
Fr. Cormier
8:30 am (SM)
French Mass
10:00 am (SR)
Fr. Marc
10:00 am (SR) Fr. Chris
11:30 am (SM)
Fr. Chris
11:30 am (SM) Fr. Marc
*Please note that the celebrant may change without
prior notice.
Ste. Marguerite d’Youville Parish
Your Help Is Needed
Golf Tournament
We are so blessed to be sending 22 people to the
Steubenville East Retreat weekend, another 20 to
Catholic Heart Work camp, and we are trying
desperately to pull off Year Two of the Emmaus
Project this August. That being said, we need your
prayers, and support! Please make a note of the
remaining fundraisers.
Lowell Catholic High School is
sponsoring its 25th Anniversary Golf
Tournament on Monday, June 23rd at the
Merrimack Valley Golf Club in Methuen.
Check-in begins at 7 a.m. with tee time
starting at 8:00 a.m. Lunch will be served at
2:00 p.m. Registration is $130 per person. It will
be a foursome will be provided for single players.
For more information, register to golf, or become a
sponsor, visit or by
contacting Roberta at 978-452-1794 X41.
June 20th - 31 Bags Fundraiser:. Kick off the
summer with 31derful things you love about the
season and DCYM! Have a snack, chat with friends
and make a purchase that will support our teens!
7-9 p.m. at St. Francis Parish Hall.
Franco-American Annual Mass
Committee, Inc. has announced that
the annual Mass for the opening of the
Franco-American week will be held in
our Church at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 22, 2014.
This Mass will be celebrated entirely in French and
will be followed by a free pancake breakfast in the
Church Hall. The announcement of the FRANCOAMERICAN of the Year 2014 will be announced at
this time!
June 21/22 - Bake Sale:. If you can contr ibute
baked goods for this endeavor, please contact Jamie
Deignan at at
If you are able, we are happy to accept your
sponsorship for one of our teens experiences this
summer. If you would like to sponsor a teen, please
send a check to St. Francis Parish, 115 Wheeler
Road, P. O. Box 609, Dracut, MA 01826.
Bulletin News
Each teen going to Steubenville: $227
Each teen going to Catholic Heart: $325
Each teen going to Emmaus Project: $200
Finding Jesus over summer vacation. . . . Priceless!
At the end of the month, Ste. Marguerite and
St. Rita’s bulletins will be combined into one
parish bulletin. New look! Easier to locate
information and more!
If you have any comments or suggestions,
please direct them to
Summer Reminder
Now that summer is officially here, we would
like to remind everyone about the need to take
special care that what you wear in church is
appropriate and modest. There is a tendency to wear
clothing which may be suitable for the beach or
lounging in one's backyard by the pool but which is
very unacceptable in the place of worship.
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors should be
especially aware of the need to appear in neat and
modest clothing - no tank tops, short shorts or tight
fitting clothing. Kindly be aware that you are
coming into the Holy Presence of the Lord not only
in the tabernacle but also in yourself and everyone
who is present.
Saint Louis School BINGO is held
on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for those
individuals who like to settle in and eat
supper before the games begin. Come
join us for some nights of fun and
The games are held in the school cafeteria. The
Early Bird and Special Games begin at 6:30 p.m.