St. Bonaventure Parish Manomet, MA


St. Bonaventure Parish Manomet, MA
EXT. 113
Debbie Adams, Office Assistant
Sheilah Burleigh Segatore, Rel. Ed. Coordinator
Susan Healy, Parish Admin. Assistant
Heidi Law, Outreach Coordinator
Christopher Ricci, Music Director
Michael Richard, Maintenance Director
Fund for the Needy
Knights of Columbus
Ext. 110
Ext. 111
Ext. 120
Ext. 125
Ext. 151
Ext. 152
Ext. 124
Ext. 114
Parish email addresses:
All Parish Email Fund for the Needy -
Assistive Listening Devices are available.
Please see Christopher Ricci, Music Director, for assistance.
Monday through Saturday 8:00 AM
Holy Days As announced
Saturday 4:00 PM Vigil Mass
Sunday 8:00AM, 10:00AM Family Mass, 11:30AM
Reconciliation -
Saturday, 3:00 - 3:45 PM,
or by appointment
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday -
Noon to Evening Prayer and
Benediction at 5:30 PM
First Friday After the 8:00 AM Mass to
Evening Prayer & Benediction at 5:30 PM
Rosary Weekdays, after 8:00 AM Mass
Divine Mercy Chaplet Friday, 3:00 PM
One Sunday per month, at 1:00 PM
Please call Ext. 120 for details
Anointing of the Sick
Please call Ext. 120 for details
Adult Choir
Thursday, 7:30 PM
Children’s Choir
Sunday, 9:15 AM
Mayflower AA
Monday, 7:00 PM
799 STATE ROAD ♦ P. O. BOX 996 ♦ MANOMET, MA 02345-0996 ♦ w w w . s t b o n a v e n t u r e p l y m o u t h . o r g
St. Bonaventure Pari sh
"Suppose one of you has a friend to whom he
goes at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me
three loaves of bread,' and he says in reply
from within, 'Do not bother me.' I tell you, if
he does not get up to give the visitor the loaves
because of their friendship, he will get up to
give him whatever he needs because of his persistence."
- Lk 11:5b, 7a, 8
Mass Intentions
Mon., July 25 Tues., July 26 Wed., July 27 Thurs., July 28Fri., July 29 Sat., July 30 -
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Sun, July 31 - 8:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Maryanna Kopchyak
Eileen Troy
Judy Powers
The Goodrich Family
Anthony Conti
Olympia Bolanos
Donald J. Ryan
Isaiah Fisher
Donald Harvey & the
Parishioners & Benefactors of
St. Bonaventure Parish, Living
& Deceased
Matthew & Charles Austin
COFFEE & DONUTS - are available every Sunday after
the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses in the church hall.
Christopher McCarthy & Julia Keaveney
Patrick Savage & Emily D'Errico
Readings for the Week of July 24, 2016
Gn 18:20-32/Ps 138:1-3, 6-8/Col 2:12-14/Lk
2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1-6/Mt 20:20-28
Jer 14:17-22/Ps 79:8-11, 13/Mt 13:36-43
Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21/Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18/Mt
Thursday: Jer 18:1-6/Ps 146:1-6/Mt 13:47-53
Jer 26:1-9/Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk
Jer 26:11-16, 24/Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34/Mt
Next Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/Col 3:1
THE ROSARY - is prayed in the chapel after all weekday
Masses, and the Family Rosary is prayed in the chapel on the
first Sat. of each month at 3:00 PM. Join us!
Manomet, MA
May are $200 ~ Vincent DeBaggis, $100-Agnes Sullivan, $50
each: David Binder, Eileen Austin, Jim Buccigross and Dr. &
Mrs. Robert Olson. Thanks to all who participate! Join Today! Our charity account needs your help. Get an application at the parish center. Vivat Jesus!
devices are available in the church upon request. Please see
Christopher Ricci, Music Director at the organ prior to Mass.
following Confirmation Candidates who
were fully initiated into the church by the
Very Rev. James Flavin on Sunday, July 17,
2016. Listed below are the candidates and
their chosen Confirmation names in bold.
Lilliana Alvarez - Rose
Madeline Antonetti - Elizabeth
Danielle Ballinger - Faith
Joseph Barove - William
Nicholas Bergman - Ferdinand
Jason Bernard - Albert
Patrick Brady - George
Felicia Cafua - Genevieve
Colleen Cameron - Lucy
John Carpenter - Jeremiah
Kiley Cheesman - Bridget
Harry Churchill - Patrick
Sean Colbert - Thomas
Katherine Cronin - Joanna
Julia Cronin - Francis
Kimberly Curtin - Isabel
Wilson Cuttle - Peter
Nolan Davis - Eligius
Connor Dillon - Patrick
Kevin Disher - Francis
Kayla Donovan - Anne
Caroline Duseau - Mary
Ryan Flaherty - Peter
Kiera Foley - Abigail
Benjamin Gallo - Michael
Mia Gavin - Cecilia
Sarah Gellar - Mary
Tyler Gomes - Luigi
Margaret Hart - Anastasia
Sarah Hobson - Cecilia
Keira Hoch - Brigid
Ryan Kelly - Rinaldo
Heather Kelsey - Adelaide
Michaelina Larson - Catherine
Courtney Leary - Alice
Jennavieve Lewis - Sarah
Katherine Lombardo- Angela
Marc Luongo - Joseph
Colleen Luongo - Mary
John MacVarish - Luke
Gabriel Malone - Nicholas
Maeve Maloney - Rose
Kyle Mazzola - Bonaventure
Mollie McGowan - Patricia
Matthew Molisse - James
Stephanie Morrow - Catherine
Dane Mulligan - Anthony
Miranda Murphy - Bridgid
Elena Murphy - Elizabeth
Jacob Muzrim - Sebastian
Ashley Nagle - Lidwina
Moira Nunley - Anne
Alyssa Palmer - Mary
Maxwell Parker - Dunstan
Samuel Parker - Sebastian
Amanda Pasquale - Emily
Gabriella Reardon - Rose
Patrick Reid - Adrien
Colin Reynolds - Patrick
Brett Riley - David
Gregory Robichaud - Cletus
Zachary Roos - Tron
Ashley Sargent - Catherine
Trevor Savage - Michael
Jacob Schlottenmier - Sebastian
Maxwell Segatore - James
Kayleigh Sharp - Ambrose
Taylor Shaughnessy - Lynn
Olivia Sivieri - Lucy
Conor Tillson - John
Kaitlyn Utz - Catherine
John Widdison - Matthew
Viktor Wright - Sebastian
Julia Zanaboni - Isabel
Thank You!
To all who attended this very special day, to the Altar Servers
and Eucharistic Ministers who served at the Confirmation
liturgy, and to all of the parents, teachers and volunteers for
sharing your faith and your time with our students in the
Confirmation program.
July 24, 2016
Knights of Columbus
Scholarship Program Reminder
The deadline for submission of applications for the St.
Bonaventure parish Knights of Columbus scholarship
program to assist parish families with the Catholic education
of their children is Sat., July 30th. The "Council" will award
up to two (2) five hundred dollar ($500.00) scholarship
grants in 2016. Please note that a student entering or
presently enrolled in a Catholic high school and has not
previously received a grant may apply. Stop by the Parish
Center to pick up a scholarship application.
Bible School
for Children
Ages 5 - 10
Vacation Bible School offers our young children high energy
mornings, packed with games, story-telling, music, activities
and a theme-based snack that centers on the Bible point of
each day: God loves them!
~ When:
The week of Aug. 8th - Aug. 12th
~ Time:
~ Where:
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM each day
At the Parish Center
~ Cost:
Just $25 per child with a
$50 family cap
Please stop by the Parish Center office to register
your children for this great week of fun for kids!
For more information, please contact
Sheilah Burleigh Segatore at
your loved one is not able to attend Sunday Mass due to
illness or infirmity and you wish to receive Holy Communion
at home, please call the office at 508-224-3636, x195 to
request assistance from our parish Eucharistic Ministers.
Friday, August 5, 2016 @ 7:05PM
The $15.00 ticket package includes: $5.00
donation to our Parish, a $5.00 free ballpark credit, a general
admission ticket, pre-game on-field recognition and postgame fireworks show. Ticket order forms are available in the
Parish Center or contact Jack Verducci @ 401-721-5265
or by email at jverducci@pawsox-com.
PRAYER CORNER- Please include the
following intention in your personal
prayer this week: We pray that God will
strengthen and heal America and make our
country a sign of liberty and justice to all the
RCIA is a process designed for adults who,
after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter
the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens
their hearts. By God’s help, they will be strengthened spiritually during the preparation and at the proper time, will receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist or complete their initiation into the Catholic
Church. (adapted from the Instruction for the Rite of Initiation).
Our parish is offering programs of instruction and faith formation designed to welcome adults and teenagers into the
Catholic Church and to complete the sacraments of initiation for baptized Catholics. If you would like more information about these programs or to register for upcoming
sessions this Fall, please contact Fr. Ken Overbeck at 508224-3636, Ext. 113.
PRAYER INTENTION BOOK – is located on a stand by
the Divine Mercy image at the side door of the church for
anyone wishing to write their prayer intentions. All are encouraged to pray for the intentions in this book as a means of
support and intercession for those in need of God’s help and
in thanksgiving for blessings received.
Offert or y & Gift Collections
July 16/17, 2016 - Main Offertory - $ 12,002.00
Thank you for your faithful support!!
Parish Census Update
New to the Parish? New Address? Not yet Registered?
Please complete the following to obtain a census form to
register in our parish or change your census information.
Name _____________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
Town ________________________ Zip Code ____________
Phone _____________________________________________
New Parishioner ___________
Moving Away ___________