April 17, 2016
April 17, 2016
April 17, 2016 St. Michael Church 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 Parish Center ~ 331-6753 ST. MICHAEL PARISH STAFF Temporary Priest–in-Residence: Fr. Anthony Nketiah, ext. 105, fnketiah@dor.org Temporary Pastoral Administrator: Pat Albrecht, ext. 104, Albrecht@dor.org Rel. Ed./YM : June Sherman, ext. 103 jsherman@dor.org Business Manager: Gary Pierce, ext. 102 gpierce@dor.org Music Director: Tim Schramm, ext 110, 585-339-8546 Parish Secretary: Katie Childs, ext. 101 kchilds@dor.org Hispanic Pastoral Mins.: Sr. Kay Schwenzer Ext. 106 277-0302, kschwenzer2@aol.com Liturgy Volunteer: Jack Dubler Maintenance: Dominic Vitaro, Ext. 111 Pastoral Council Chair: Bob Zappia, 331-3882 Finance Council Chair: Dick Boerman, 331-6645 Fax………………... 331-2925 OFFICE HOURS Monday –Friday 9am to Noon 1pm to 5pm CLOSED THURSDAY WEB SITES/EMAIL www.stmichaelsnewark.org nstmicha@dor.org CELEBRATION of the EUCHARIST Daily Mass Monday-Thursday 8:00 am (in the chapel) Friday, Liturgy of the Word, with Communion First Friday Mass, 8:00 am Saturday, 7:30 am Consult bulletin for changes SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Pat @ Parish Center @ 331-6753 . ADULT INITIATION: The RCIA process is conducted each year with group meetings. Adults desiring full communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Center. NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome new members! Please call Pat Albrecht @ the Parish Center to register. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Saturday’s @ 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. Please contact the Parish Center 6 months in advance for preparation. MINISTRY to the SICK: We want to be with individuals and families at the time of serious illness and offer sacramental and pastoral presence. Please call us to let us know of hospitalization or the need for a home visit. The Sacrament of the Sick is also available at any weekend Mass. FAITH FORMATION: Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday Mornings during the 10:30 am Mass. (Sept.– May ) Grades K—7: Sunday 9:15—10:20 am @ St. Michael School YOUTH MINISTRY: Grades 8—12 (youth group) Super Catholics Of Our Church (SCOOCH) Two Sundays per month 6:00 -8:00 pm @ SMS WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:15 & 10:30 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 3:15-4:15 pm or by appointment Catholic Charities of Wayne County Deacon Peter S. Dohr, Executive Director 315-331-4867 April 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday Of Easter St. Michael Church Newark, New York DAY MASS INTENTION Sunday, April 17 Fourth Sunday Of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52 Rv 7:9, 14b-17 Jn 10:27-30 Monday, April 18 Easter Weekday Acts 11:1-18 Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday, April 19 Easter Weekday Acts 11:19-26 Jn 10:22-30 EVENTS 8:15 am ~ Tom Velte—The Rosary & Altar Society 10:30 am ~ Helen Nita—Chris Jaworski & family 9:15-10:20 am ~ Grades K-7 Faith Formation @ SMS 11:45 am ~ Children’s Choir @ SMS 6 -8 pm ~ SCOOCH Grades 8-12 meets in rm. #119 @ SMS Set up for Rummage Sale 8:00 am ~ Fred & Mary Shea—Bill & Kitty Shea 1 pm ~ Rosary for the Unborn in the chapel 6:30—7:30 pm ~ First Eucharist Class in church Rummage Sale Marking 8:00 am ~ Joe De Santo—Gene & Patty Mason Rummage Sale Marking 8:00 am ~ Pauline Finewood—Rummage Sale Workers Rummage Sale Marking 8:00 am ~ Charles Kerrigan—wife Rummage Sale Marking Friday, April 22 Easter Weekday Acts 13:26-33 Jn 14:1-6 8:00 am Liturgy of the Word, with communion ~ In the Chapel Rummage Sale Marking Saturday, April 23 Easter Weekday Acts 13:44-52 Jn 14:7-14 7:30 am ~ Ray & Janice Phillips—Mitch & Rebecca Pizzirusso 4:30 pm ~ Tony & Helen Salamone—Patty 3:15 pm ~ Confessions Open House for Rummage Sale after mass Second Collection for Catholic Home Missions Sunday, April 24 Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 14:21-27 Rv 21:1-5a Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 8:15 am ~ John Holder—Frank & Georgia Zappia 10:30 am ~ Antoni Zietkiewicz—family 9:15-10:20 am ~ Grades K-7 Faith Formation @ SMS 11:45 am ~ Children’s Choir @ SMS 6 -8 pm ~ SCOOCH Grades 8-12 meets in rm. #119 @ SMS Open House for Rummage Sale after masses Second Collection for Catholic Home Missions Wednesday, April 20 Easter Weekday Acts 12:24—13:5a n 12:44-50 Thursday, April 21 Easter Weekday Acts 13:13-25 Jn 13:16-20 SCHEDULES WEEKEND OF APRIL 23-24 MASS ALTAR SERVERS LECTORS COMMENTATORS EXTRAODINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY APRIL 23, 4:30 PM C. Patrick J. Addyman C. Johnson G. Addyman, S. O’Toole, T. O’Toole* S. Hartman, H. Kreuser, M. Kreuser SUNDAY APRIL 24, 8:15 AM B. & C. Dobbie S. Finewwod D. Doyle A. Crowley, Sr. Kay, K. Geor ge* A. Chandler, R. Krolak, S. Tack SUNDAY APRIL 24, 10:30 AM C. Murphy F. Rinella C. Owen A. Diamond B. Gibbons, C. Taylor, K. Zappia* K. Joslyn, S. Joslyn, K. Vitaro CHILDREN’S LITURGY Older Group K. Zappia Younger Group K. Joslyn Youth Help L. Mac Taggart bold = bread minister, * = cup washer APRIL 24, 10:30 AM MONEY COUNTERS: Peter Voyt, Captain World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2016 Why on Earth am I here? Rummage Sale Open House Please come down to the Church Hall after A boat without a rudder usually ends up in the weeds. That’s not where God wants you! God has Mass to find so many treasures!! On the weekend of April 23/24, parishes across the U. S. will take up the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. This second collection will help sustain nearly 45% of all dioceses in rural, struggling areas in the country and in a number of U.S. territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. Your generosity and support is appreciated> April Showers Bring May Flowers a purpose for your life...to bring Christ to the world with your hands and your voice. It’s your VOCATION. TODAY, we celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations and pr ay for all Christian vocations– married, single, ordained, and consecrated religious. If you would like to talk with someone about a possible vocation to priesthood, please contact the Diocesan Office of Priesthood Vocation Awareness, 585-328-3210 ext. 1374 or visit www.ROCpriest.org for more information. St. Michael Church Newark, New York SPRING RUMMAGE SALE Marking begins on Monday, April 18th If you are available on Sunday, April 17th, TODAY, after the 10:30 am mass, we need help setting up the tables & bringing in items from the garage. Sale begins Tuesday, April 26th at 9:00 am. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THIS BIG EVENT! Parish Council Nominations This weekend April 16/17, nomination forms are available for Parish Council. We will need to fill three seats this year. The terms are for three years. You must be a registered, participating member of the parish to be eligible for a seat on council. Your help in this process is always greatly appreciated. Volunteers needed to help count the collections. This ministry only requires you to help about every 4-6 weeks on Sunday morning. Please contact Pat at the parish center or Dick Bowker for more information. Queen of Peace Night—Wednesday, April 20th @ 7pm at St. Dominic’s Church in Shortsville. Rosary, confessions & benediction, followed by mass at 8 pm. The celebrant will be Fr. Peter Nkansah, from St. Marianne Cope Parish in Rochester. A healing blessing will be given after mass. All are invited. For information call Anne @ 585394-0604 MABEL HOMMER MEMORIAL NEWARK CROP WALK Saturday, May 7, 2016 Park Presbyterian Church Registration 8:30 am Newark Food Cupboard will share in the proceeds. April 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday Of Easter Palabra de Dios Predicada a Todo el Mundo, Sin Fronteras Pablo y Bernabé habían predicado a los judíos el mensaje de Jesucristo, pero se dieron cuenta que los judíos habían cerrado sus corazones al mensaje de ellos. No querían reconocer que Jesús cumplió la profecía del Antiguo Testamento. Pablo y Bernabé iniciaron la apertura hacia “los de fuera.” Ellos, que no fueron testigos de la Pascua, tenían mucha fe en Jesús y querían llevar su mensaje de fe a todos que lo deseaban escucharlo. Se puede oír tal anuncio, pero sin la interiorización de la fe, el anuncio puede quedar sin recepción, sin aceptación, sin credibilidad por falta de un arraigo espiritual. Los paganos o gentiles aceptaron el mensaje; ¡muchos llegaron a escucharlo dos sábados seguidos! El Espíritu Santo les tocó a los paganos y les abrió los oídos; qué alegría tuvieron. Pero los judíos resistieron la prédica de Pablo, y aun perseguían y expulsaron a Pablo y Bernabé de Antioquía. Podemos ver que Pablo y Bernabé dieron más atención a su prédica a los gentiles. Sí, la Palabra de Dios es para todo el mundo, no importa su origen o si son judíos o cristianos o sin una religión. Me hace pensar en cómo estoy cuando alguien está compartiendo su conocimiento de Jesucristo y el evangelio en la vida. A veces estoy súper atenta y otras veces por preocupaciones, cansancio, prejuicios y distracciones no estoy prestándole toda mi atención. Eso puede pasar a cada uno de nosotros, pero ¿qué podemos hacer para que el evangelio de Jesucristo nos toque? Dios nos invita a creer y si estemos dispuestos a abrirnos a la Palabra, el Espíritu Santo nos ayudará a tener fe y estar atentos. Si alguien no acepte el evangelio que ustedes comparten con él, vayan a otro para hablarle de la vida de un cristiano y quién es Jesús y qué ha hecho y dicho Jesús. Hermana Kay Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana Los martes, 7:00 pm: Estudio y reflexión bíblica sobre el libro de Isaías en la capilla. St. Michael’s Parish FAMILY Festival JUNE 10th & 11th 401 S. Main St. RIDES, FOOD, CAKE WHEEL & CASH RAFFLE FOOD CLOSET ITEMS NEEDED THIS WEEK: PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY/JAM Please leave items in the gathering space. Thank you. Please patronize our SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Norman L. Waterman Funeral Home Thank you for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin. Mark your calendar AND… please volunteer to help out that weekend! Cash Raffle will be back this year. Please pick up your tickets in the gathering space . And Than….SELL! SELL! SELL! Because of the Gaming laws in New York we can no longer accept checks when purchasing a ticket. Cash only, please! Drop off your sold tickets with the cash in the collection basket or stop in the Parish Center with them. Thank you!!! St. Michael Church Newark, New York Dear Parish Family, Parenting is not easy, as I am sure many of you realize. As parents, my husband and I always wanted what was best for our children. We were there to guide or “shepherd” our children from the moment they were born. As they grewup, we began to see them slowly detach themselves from us, because they felt they were able to guide themselves. But our children still turn to us for guidance, especially when they are struggling with some difficulty in their life. Don’t get me wrong, they share with us their happiness as well, but it is at the difficult times they turn back to us to seek our love and guidance. Our children know that if they “fall” we are always here to help them get back up on their feet and offer guidance if they want it. Jesus, our good shepherd, is very much like a parent. He is always there for us to love and guide us to become what He wants us to be. But there comes a time when we want our independence from Jesus, we want to do things our way even if it’s against the will of God. By our desire to do things our way, we bog ourselves down in sin. But we reflect and return to God to seek once again His forgiveness and shepherding. Let’s not turn away from the shepherding of Jesus for it is only through Him that we can obtain salvation in this world. Let us listen to His voice through the daily reading of His word in sacred scripture, through the voices of those here to shepherd us: our Pope, our Bishop, our Priest, and lay ministers whom have heard the voice of God and been led to minister to God’s people. Let us listen to Jesus’ voice in the silence of our prayer, in order that we may hear where Jesus , our good shepherd, is guiding us. Have a wonderful week. Peace & Love to all, June April 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday Of Easter YOUTH NEWS FAITH FORMATION, GRADES K-7 April—17, 24, May—15, 22 SCOOCH YOUTH GROUP, GRADES 8-12 April—17, 24, May—15, 22 Children’s Liturgy of the Word April-17, 24, May-15, 22 FIRST EUCHARIST PREPARATION April—18—in the church April—30 at 9am-First Eucharist practice in the church May—1 at the 10:30am Mass-Celebration of the Sacrament of First Eucharist May—8-May Crowning following the 10:30am mass LOOKING AHEAD May 8– Children’s Mass at 10:30am, May Crowning immediately following 10:30 mass. What better way to begin celebrating Mother’s day, by honoring our Blessed Mother, Mary. May 22– last faith formation class for this school year A prayer for our nation during the Election Campaign Be Still and Know That I Am God ~ Psalms 46:10 Dear God in Heaven, Please give us a president that loves this country and everything it stands for. Please give us a president who respects you as the one true God. Please give us a president who will, with your help, restore this nation to its former glory, the way you created her. Please help us to respect what you have given to us and not take anything for granted ever again. Please God, weaken the evil and strengthen the good, both within and without. May our eyes be opened. In Jesus’ name, Amen. God Bless America. April 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday Of Easter St. Michael Church Newark, New York To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven “… a time to be born…” “...a time to love…” “… a time to be healed…” Please pray for the sick of our Parish. Steven Sapp, Leigh Ann Henry, Nate Barnes, Ben Hartman, Claire Childs, Kim Zielinski, Kathy Dunn, Ed Grabowski, Michael Kowaleski, Mary Santoro, Cathy Wilhelm, David Murphy, Darlene Fletcher, Cecelia Cassavino, Matthew Buttaccio, Linda Kaiser, ET Trunick, Donald Pieters, Jean Condit, Joan Weimann, Jim DeMott, Jerry Sielawa, Joe Gallant, Ron Atkinson, Georgette Eagley, Mary Gilligan, Frank D’Amico, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Alice Nicoletta, Fran DeVelder, Carol Bir, Pollyanna Bush, Mary Talbo, Peg Hanson , Tracy Ragsdale, Gary Sergent , Richard Siler, Gloria Viola & Pearl Johnson And please pray for our Parish friends. Polly Barnes, Barbara Gallant, Idalya Estevez, Scott Weber, Michael DePauw, Nicholas Forgione, Debbie Jackson & Bonnie Crane “… a time to die…” Wally Straight “… and a time for peace.” In our world and for all people, military and civilian, who are in the midst of war. Ecclesiastes 3:11 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Sacrificial Giving March 2016 $24,975.00 (4 weeks) March 2015 $33,191.00 (5 weeks) 7/1/15-3/31/16 $279,536.00 7/1/14-3/31/15 $273,639.00 Annual Contributions: $29,663.71 Many thanks for your support of St. Michael’s To more accurately reflect the needs of the Parish, we are going to show this year’s Sunday collections received versus last year’s Sunday collections. Goal: $51,584.00.00 Actual: $37,536.40 Donors: 238 72.77% When you support the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you celebrate your faith in thanksgiving with thousands of other Catholics within the Diocese of Rochester, insuring that our church provides richly for the faithful within the diocese. Please help us to make our “fair share” goal. We need your financial supports to reach our potential. Go to www.dor.org View the CMA Video See how the funds are distributed Make your gift