Easter Sunday - The Parish of St. Benedict


Easter Sunday - The Parish of St. Benedict
Parish of St. Benedict | www.stbenedict.org
16223 S 48th St. Phoenix, AZ 85048 | 480.961.1610
St. John Bosco Catholic School | www.sjbosco.org
16035 S 48th St. Phoenix, AZ 85048 | 480.219.4848
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the LORD.
~ Psalm 118:17
Office Hours
Parish Mission Statement
We are a vibrant and welcoming Catholic faith community that recognizes
God’s presence in all through our love and service.
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 5 pm
Friday 9 am - 3 pm
Closed Daily 12 pm - 1 pm
Mass Schedule
Parish Vision Statement
Build the Kingdom of God, individually and communally, by fostering
discipleship and thanksgiving through:
• the celebration of Eucharist and other sacraments,
• prayer and lifelong Catholic formation,
• service with and for one another and the greater community.
Upcoming Events
Weekends: Saturday 5 pm
Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm
Weekdays: M-W, F 8:15 am
Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointment
Mass Intentions
For a complete calendar of events, please visit stbenedict.org/calendar
Monday, 4/6
Tuesday, 4/7
Wednesday, 4/8
Office Closed
7 pm | Kevin Saunders
7 pm | Men’s Spirituality
6 pm | RCIA
Thursday, 4/9
Friday, 4/10
Saturday, 4/11
7 pm | Knights of Columbus
No Events Scheduled
9 am | Women’s Spirituality
Sunday, 4/5
6 am | Matthew Quinn †
8 am | Sally Chavez †
10 am | Elizabeth Haws †
12 pm | Priest Intentions
M 4/6 | Theresa Fredricks †
T 4/7 | Ray McGady †
W 4/8 | Felix & Emelita Valdez (living)
F 4/10| Karen Bollinger Triem †
Sa 4/11| Lou Esposito †
Page 2
Liturgy & Administration
Scripture Readings
for the Week of 4/5
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a;
Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21;
Mk 16:9-15
Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
Presider Schedule
for the Weekend of April 11-12
Saturday, 4/11: 5 pm - Fr. Bill Faiella
Sunday, 4/12: 9 am - Fr. Bill Faiella
11 am - Fr. Joe Hennessy
5 pm - Fr. Bob Binta
Weekly Contributions
for the Week of 3/22
Regular Contributions:
Current Week:
Total for the Month:
Easter Flowers:
Catholic Relief Services:
Debt Reduction:
Current Week:
Total for the Month:
Monthly Payment:
Loan Balance:
Easter Flowers - 2015
In Honor/In Memory
M & M Aartuno
Eddie Basha
Blanche Bennett
Briggs Family
Donna Boyd
Donald W. Boyd I
Donald W. Boyd II
Calzaretta Family
Tim Cashman
Herman Colone
Susan Colone
M & M DiFrancesco
M & M Carl Drammis
Anthony Drozdowski Jr.
Anthony Drozdowski Sr.
Pat Edison
Rosa Encinas
Al & Josephine Erbeznik
Eliane Ferguson
Louis Fernandez
Nettie Fernandez
Felipe Gonzalez
Stella Gonzalez
Georgette Herro
Ralph Herro
Hirsch Family
Earl & Hazel Hoke
Kelsey Hunt
Joyce Kimpel
Jeffrey Kissman
Joann Kissman
Paul & Catherine Kissman
Jennett Family
Alex Kory
Evelia Kory
Margaret Lammers
Henry Steven Lopez
Lubben Family
George Martin
M & M Peter Melke
Marc Mondragon
Roy Morales
Louis Nimsger
Abel Parra
Bene Parra
Richard B. Prazak
Concepcion Puchi
Felicia Puchi
Jose Puchi
Quinn/Steingraber Family
Reising Family
Jesus Rincon
Queta Rincon
Skip Rosendahl
Catherine Ruchensky
Demetrio & Rosa Sapien
John Sarko
Adele Souza
Peter Sterkowitz
Joseph Szastynski
Veronica Szastynski
James Templeton
Pete Thomas
Uhler Family
Walter Witter
Page 3
Easter Sunday - April 5, 2015
A Message from Fr. Bob
On this Easter Sunday, we join Christians all
By dying and then rising again to new life, Jesus
over the world to celebrate the truth of Jesus’
shows us, in a most powerful way, how to live in
Resurrection from the dead. Easter Sunday is
this world. We all encounter life changing events
one of the most important parts of the Christian
as we progress through life. As we age, we find
faith. This is the day that Jesus was resurrected
love, have children, change jobs, move to new
from the dead; the truth that forever changed the
places, and lose our loved ones to death. At each
world, the truth that will never go away – Christ
of these stages, we undergo a mini-death to a
yesterday, Christ today and Christ tomorrow.
small part of ourselves. At Easter, Jesus shows us
As your Pastor, here at St. Benedict, I was deeply
impressed by your active participation in the
various spiritual activities that were provided
here during the Lenten season. As a parish
community, we reflected on our Lenten journey
through the Stations of the Cross every Friday.
We participated in Lenten Longings small group
studies, came to the Reconciliation service,
that greatness can come from these mini-deaths
and grow into something better than we ever
could expect. The Easter season in the Church
is filled with joyful readings of promise and
hope that helps guide us in our daily lives. Join
us each week as we journey through scripture
and discover how the stories of the early Church
teach us how to live.
and increased attendance at daily Mass. Many
Allow me to thank all those who worked
attended the Parish Mission conducted by Fr.
tirelessly to prepare the Holy Week and Easter
John Amsberry. All of these things were faithfully
liturgies, namely the Deacons, Sacristans, Art and
done in preparation for, and anticipation of, this
Environment Committee, Choir, Altar Servers,
great and glorious day.
Easter reminds us all of the goodness of God.
He gave his only precious son to save us from
our sins. Let us return the favor by sharing our
blessings with others. Easter is the perfect time
to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and spread
the message of Easter with others.
For some Christians, Easter is one of the few
occasions that they step inside a Church. Please
do not let Easter be a spiritual day trip for you,
but rather make it a renewal of your journey with
Ministers, and all those who worked behind the
scenes. In a very special way, I would like to thank
Debbie Brines, the Director of Liturgy, for her
diligence and commitment to making this Holy
Week and Easter celebration a special time for all
of our parishioners.
Finally, I wish you all a blessed and joyful Easter
filled with love and happiness.
-Fr. Bob
Page 4
Faith Formation & More
Early JOF Registration
Family Service Saturday Thank You
Early registration for the 2015-2016 Religious
Education programs will be offered beginning
Tuesday, April 21. For the 2015-2016 school year,
we will be limiting some class sizes for the benefit
of our students and their catechists, so register
early to ensure your spot! Current families
registered for Journey of Faith, Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd, JAM, and EPIC will be able to
register during class sessions beginning Tuesday,
April 21. Registration will also be available online
at that time. Sign your children up early, secure
your spot in the session of your choice, and help
them grow in their Catholic faith! Visit www.
stbenedict.org/re for more information.
Last weekend over 250 people gathered in the
Saint John Bosco MPR to share their time and
talents with our greater community.
CRS Rice Bowl Collection
We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now we
celebrate! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl
ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever.
Let us rejoice in our risen Lord—and in the lives
we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua,
Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo
and all over the world! Remember to turn in your
CRS Rice Bowl.
We offer two collection opportunities:
Count the money in your rice bowl and Donate
online at www.crsricebowl.org/give, or
Count the money in your rice bowl and convert
that gift into a check made out to Catholic
Relief Services. Place in an envelope labeled
CRS Rice Bowl and place in the collection
basket or drop it off at the front desk.
Thank you for joining together with CRS to feed
the hungry this Lenten season!
We are thrilled to share the results of our 4 hours
of service performed that day:
2000 peanut butter sandwiches made and
delivered to St. Vincent de Paul’s dining rooms;
Over one thousand plastic grocery bags cut
and prepared to be crocheted into sleeping
mats for the homeless;
340 prince and princess crowns decorated
and delivered to a special event hosted by
Hope Kids;
115 Easter cards created for the elderly and
55 Easter cards created for those in Phoenix
area prisons;
250 children’s books collected and delivered
to Kids Need to Read and Southwest Human
100 pillow cases decorated and delivered to
Ryan House;
900 lbs of pet food bagged and donated to
Empty Bowl Pet Food Pantry;
860 loads of laundry soap bagged and
delivered to the Ronald McDonald House.
It is amazing what we can do when we join
A big thank you to our planning team. Without
their hard work and dedication, powerful
community events like these could never happen!
We are especially grateful to a very generous
Anonymous Donor, Alpine Valley Bread Company,
Costco, ConAgra Foods, and Petco for helping us
to provide the supplies needed for the day.
Page 5
Easter Sunday - April 5, 2015
Faith Formation
This Week in Children and Youth
Faith Formation
April 7/8
Journey of Faith
April 7
Teen Confirmation Prep.
April 12
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (9 am Mass)
EPIC (“He’s Alive!”)
No JAM This Week
JAM will not be meeting Tuesday, April 7, because
of the Teen Confirmation Preparation meeting.
Enjoy the night off and we will see you at our next
gathering on April 14!
Vacation Bible School 2015
Come and join in the fun at the St. Benedict/St. John
Bosco Vacation Bible School, Monday through
Friday, June 15-19!
We are looking for teachers for children
entering Kindergarten through 5th grade, snack
coordinators, activity coordinators, and craft
coordinators. SJB parents can earn 30 volunteer
hours by fulfilling one of these roles! Reserve
your favorite position today!
For more information please contact Holly Forseth
at hforseth@stbenedict.org or 480.961.1610.
Steubenville West Retreat
Hey high school teens! Didn’t get a chance to
come to the last EPIC retreat? Or maybe you
were able to come and loved it so much you can’t
wait for the next one! Either way, we have some
good news for you! The EPIC core team is at it
again and have prepared a summer retreat for
Steubenville West is a summer Youth Ministry
Conference for high school teens from all over the
country! There will be some amazing speakers
and over 2,000 teens attending. The Conference
takes place at the University of Arizona, Friday
through Sunday, on July 10-12. Cost is $200 per
teen and scholarships are available for those in
need. Space is very limited so be sure to pick up
a flyer in the lobby and sign-up today. God bless!
EPIC and JAM Next Week
Hope you had a great Easter! Now it’s time to
celebrate! Come join us next week at the St. John
Bosco MPR for “He’s Alive”! (EPIC on Sunday,
April 12, and JAM on Tuesday, April 14.) All are
encouraged to attend!
Adult Confirmation Classes
Adult Catholics who would like to prepare for the
Sacrament of Confirmation can start by signing
up with Sr. Colleen at srcolleen@stbenedict.org or
by calling 480.961.1610, ext. 302.
Classes begin on Monday, April 13, in Room B100
at St. John Bosco School from 6–8 pm. These
classes meet five consecutive Mondays with the
receipt of the Sacrament on Sunday, May 17.
Page 6
Organizations & Ministries
Employment Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul
There are many fellow parishioners at St.
Benedict who are unemployed and looking
for work. Please send any job postings with as
much detail as possible to StBenJobs@cox.net.
The listing will be sent to all registrants in the St.
Benedict Employment Clearinghouse. If you are
looking for a position, send your resume with
your email address to StBenJobs@cox.net to be
included in the list of job recipients.
Thank you for your many donations to our SVdP
pantry. Even though it is well-stocked there are
always some items that we need, such as:
For more information or questions, contact
Mick at 480.329.7924 or email him at the above
address. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Charitable Gift Planning
Do you have property that has grown in value?
Do you need more income from the property?
You may be interested in seeing how a Charitable
Remainder Unitrust works for you. Your real
property or stock may be used to create the
charitable trust that provides you with increased
income and eventually provides St. Benedict
Parish with valuable funds for ministry.
For more information about trusts and charitable
gift planning, please contact Suzanne Percy in the
parish office at 480.961.1610, ext. 308 or visit us
on stbenedict.org.
Knights of Columbus
Knights Meetings – The next meeting is on
Thursday, April 9 at 7:30 pm in the Meeting
Room. All Knights, please plan to attend!
The Knights of Columbus is a men’s fraternal
organization dedicated to God, Family, Parish
and Community. To find out more contact Paul
Hagert at azhagerts@q.com.
Boxed Mashed
Salad Dressing
Men’s Ministry
The St. Benedict Men’s Ministry invites all men
who have questions, who are looking for answers,
or who are just interested in discussing issues
regarding faith, religion, morals, family values, or
any other topic. Come with whatever questions
or issues are on your mind and discuss them with
other men who are striving to become examples
of Christian manliness. Nothing is out of bounds,
and everything stays within the group. We meet
every first and third Tuesday of the month from 7-9
pm in the sacristy. All men are welcome. For more
information, call Charlie Schifano 480.201.6092 or
Mick McLaughlin 480.329.7924.
Parish Welcoming
and Informational Event
Please join us at 10 am (after the 9 am Mass) on
Sunday, April 12, for the Parish Welcoming and
Informational Event. Do you have questions or
want to get more involved? It is for all parishioners,
new and old. Please come to the Meeting Room
and explore more about your parish and school.
Refreshments provided and children are welcome.
Page 7
Easter Sunday - April 5, 2015
Pax Christi Presents
Liturgy Corner
Pax Christi presents a presentation by Fr. Sean
Carroll about the Kino Border Initiative at the
church on Thursday, April 16, from 7 to 8 pm.
Today, Easter Sunday, crowns the Triduum
celebrations and is the pattern and purpose
for all other Sunday celebrations of the year.
Having fasted from the Gloria and Alleluias
during Lent, both return with joyous song on
this day.
The Kino Border Initiative (KBI) is a binational
organization that works in the area of Migration
and is located in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales,
Sonora, Mexico. The vision of the KBI is to help
make humane, just, and workable migration
between the U.S. and Mexico a reality. Its mission
is to promote US/Mexico border policies that
affirm the dignity of the human person and a
spirit of bi-national solidarity through: Direct
humanitarian assistance and accompaniment
with migrants; Social and pastoral education
with communities on both sides of the border;
and Participation in collaborative networks that
engage in research and advocacy.
Please join us to find out more.
Worldwide Marriage
Good marriages become great
marriages through a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend!
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a positive and
personal experience for a couple, offering them
a technique of loving communication that can be
used for the rest of their lives. It is an opportunity
to look deeply into their relationship with each
other and with God. It is a time to share feelings,
hopes, fears, frustrations and joys.
Upcoming dates include April 24-26 in Phoenix,
and May 29-31 in Tucson. For more information
visit www.wwmearizona.com.
Easter Sunday begins a time of reflecting upon
how the followers of Jesus came to receive
and understand Christ’s Resurrection from
the dead. A special sequence is sung before
the Gospel that, in beautiful poetry, it speaks
of the joy of the disciples at the Good News of
Christ’s Resurrection.
Our priest renews our baptismal promises
and sprinkles us with the fresh waters of
Baptism blessed at the Vigil as we rejoice with
our neophytes (the newly baptized – the Elect
and Candidates baptized at the Easter Vigil).
Baptism initiates a new life of faith and the
promised gift of salvation.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist follows as we
come forth to receive the precious Body and
Blood of or our Lord and Savior. Like the Vigil,
Easter Sunday concludes with a dismissal to
go in peace, which is followed by a double
Alleluia. This punctuates the day with a final
exclamation mark signifying the extraordinary
works that God has done for those who place
their faith and trust in His savings works.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Welcome New Parishioners
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Page 8
Meet Our Staff
Fr. Bob Binta
Ext. 305
Tyler Bartlett
Dir. of Music/Multimedia
Ext. 312
Holly Forseth
Coord. of Religious Ed.
Ext. 303
Doug Davaz
Ext. 300
Sr. Colleen Braun
Ed Winkelbauer
Ext. 300
Debbie Brines
Dir. of Faith Formation
Ext. 302
Director of Liturgy
Ext. 311
Erin Holtgreve
Suzanne Percy
Marketing & Dev. Associate
Ext. 308
Dir. of Marketing/
Ext. 308
Mary Jane Livens
Business Manager
Ext. 304
Amy Fletcher
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 300
David Rees
Coord. of Youth Ministry
Ext. 307
Visit Us Online!
For the most current, up-to-date information,
visit our homepage, www.stbenedict.org
Mary Ziebell
Formation Assistant/
Safe Environment Coord.
Ext. 309