Weekly Bulletin for 04-26-2015


Weekly Bulletin for 04-26-2015
Saint Dorothy Catholic Church
241 S. Valley Center Avenue • Glendora, CA 91741
626-914-3941 • www.stdorothy.org
Page Two
April 26, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Easter
See what love
the Father has bestowed on us
that we may be called the children of God.
-- 1 John 3:1
April 25-May 2, 2015
8:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m
6:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Tuesday 6:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Wednesday 6:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Thursday 6:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
6:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Angel Bravo †
William Ferguson †
Andrew Cruz †
Oreste Serrano †
Leni Villacin †
Pro Populo
John Kienker †
Fr. Tom Mullen ‡
Jane Berty †
Erna Stebbins ‡
Kacie Luera ‡
Joseph Egan †
Ernie Dieterle ‡
Ruth M. Hill †
Carol Ann Shivers †
Jacinto Cuadros †
Alvin Abris ‡
Charles Horbach †
Collection( Envelopes & Loose)
Online Giving
50+ Club Sponsored
Valley View Casino Trip
COME JOIN US! We invite anyone
who is 21+ to join us for a day of fun on Tuesday,
May 5. We travel in a luxurious bus from
St. Dorothy’s parking lot at 8 am and return at
5 pm. The cost is $25 but we are reimbursed $25
in play money when we arrive at the Casino. Make
new friends and have lots of fun! Call Julie for further information: (909) 599-1176.
‡ Special Intention † Rest In Peace
Brooke Aguirre
Madelyn Aluzzi
Jessica Alva
Dina Arreola*
Grace Betros
Connor Campbell
Cassandra Carachure
Juliette Carachure
Gabriel Castellano
Alexander Cordova
MariaSummer Cruz
Amanda Daves
Eric Duchetta*
Stephen Duran
Lori Eakman
Virginia Faundez
Heather Garcia*
Matthew Garcia
Nicholas Garcia
Omid Ghalambor
Samantha Golfo
Stephanie Gonzales
Sarah Graves
Chloe Greep
Jessica Haney
Brandon Hasbun
Luke Hinojos
Matthew Hinojos
Sophia Holbrook
John Irwin
Adults have an asterisk next to their name.
Samantha Ledezma
Victoria Ledezma
Julian Lopez
Aaron Loy
Jaclyn Miller
Mary Miller
Zayra Mindiola
Joseph Modica
Danielle Montes
Jose Palomares*
Faith Perry*
Elizabeth Priete
Michael Rayala
Aubree Reinl
Isabelle Reyes
Luis Reyes
Andrew Rivas
Misty Salinas*
Madeline Salle
Carlos San Juan
Julia San Juan
Nicholas Schuetze
Jennifer Segura
Zorro Sengupta
Jacob Shinall
Sarah Smith
Claire Snoke
Nicole Stafford
Cloey Stump
Jasen Swan
Ana Teresa
Jack Thomson
Heather Trisler
Nicholas White*
Sean White
Matthew Worley
Blessings on all
our Confirmandi!
Thank you Joe
Ortega, Youth
Minister, and all
your team.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Page Three
Chapter 5: Creating the Future
Sexual intimacy between a man and a woman raises the
possibility of children. There are many other honorable
relationships which include degrees of commitment and
affection, but marriage has a unique mission: to integrate the
fertility of male and female with the fidelity of God’s
covenant. Catholic parenting relies on the same rationale as
sacramental marriage: love in the shape of service, sacrifice,
trust, and openness to God’s will. If and when a marriage is
blessed with children, love orients parents to their children’s
education and spiritual formation. Jesus said to his disciples “Let the children come unto me,” and it is the
responsibility of all Catholic adults to shepherd children into a relationship with God and the people of God.
The whole parish should be involved in supporting marriages, families and children. We build the future of our
society child by child, family by family. Vatican II called the family a “domestic church,” and the little church
of the family takes its orientation from the faith and mission of the larger Church. It is a mother’s and a
father’s responsibility to be with children at home and in church, and to pray together regularly. Children will
learn the faith only when they are taught.
The way a family responds to adversity,
or gathers for meals, or makes financial
decisions and sets priorities - these and
many other aspects of “home
economics” shape the values and
identities of our children. “Love is our
mission” because even in the middle of
our humble daily routines, Catholics live
with a bold and glorious purpose. Christopher C. Roberts, catechism editor
Schedule of Masses
8:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)
7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m. (Life Teen Mass)
Children's Liturgy of the Word: 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Masses
Eves of Holy Days:
7:30 p.m.
Holy Days:
6:30 & 8:30 a.m.; 7:30 p.m.
6:30 & 8:30 a.m.
Fr. Anh-Tuan Nguyen,
Fr. Dan White
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Steve Marsh
Deacon Phil Luevanos
Pre-Baptism Classes are held on the first Tuesday of
each month at 7:00p.m. Required paperwork may be obtained in advance in the parish
office, or on the night of the class. Parents and Godparents must attend the pre-Baptism
class before scheduling Baptism.
By appointment only. At least six months advance notice is required.
Saturday 7:45—8:15am, 3:30—4:30pm
Please call the Parish Office at 626.914.3941 to make arrangements.
Page Four
April 26, 2015
Dear Parents:
Thank you for taking the time to register your
children for classes in the Religious Formation/Education
program. You are answering the # 1 call of God for your
families. Preparing your children to be active participants
in the Catholic Faith, by attending classes, is a great way
to help them understand that the Church needs their
Please make every effort to stay involved. St. Dorothy
Church will continue to accommodate your hectic
schedules. Presently we offer programs Tuesday through
Sunday mornings and afternoons. Please come by the
office to see what we can do to help continue the progress
of your family faith formation.
The kick off for our Oak Tree Festival has begun. We
need your help and participation. Please make certain you
turn in the volunteer card as soon as you can. We need
your help to make our festival a success!
This week will be full of important activities. Please make
certain you remember all the rehearsals.
Please pray for all the children preparing to receive First
Holy Communion.
Our speaker will be Karen
Moses, Orange County
Coordinator for
Magnificat. This is our
10th anniversary and Karen
was our very first speaker.
Date: May 9
Location: Via Verde Country Club, 1400 Avenida
Entrada, San Dimas, 91772
Cost $25 through May 1. $29 after May 1
Come hear her beautiful testimony and how the Holy
Spirit has been using her. Thank you so much.
At all of the Masses next weekend, we will have a Special
Collection for the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity.
Since 1951, this special Fund helps those in crisis
situations from Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles
Counties. Your contribution goes directly toward
emergency needs for children, adults, and families. You
are their hope!
Today (April 26): 4:00 pm Peer Leader Meeting
Tonight (April 26):
Thru the Week:
Monday: Adoration from 8:00-9:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
Next Week (May 3): 4:00 pm Peer Leader Meeting
Next Week (May 3): Life Night
Mark your Calendars for Upcoming Events (Contact
Teen Center for details):
April 26: XLT
May 3: Life Night
May 15-17: Oak Tree Festival
May 31: XLT
Check our website, www.life-teens.com, for more
information about these, and all our events.
Life Teen would like to ask the support of our
parishioners to help make our teen center an even more
welcoming place that our teens flock to. Donations of
pasta sauce, snacks, cookies, soda, water, juice mix and
gift cards for raffles (iTunes, restaurants, movie theaters,
etc.) would be greatly appreciated. We can also use paper
plates, plastic utensils, napkins, and plastic cups. Old PS3
games and controllers are also welcome.
Please call the Teen Center at 914.3941, x110 or e-mail
us at LIFETEEN@stdorothy.org. Teen Center
hours: Mon.-Thurs., 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. in the Basement
of the Hall.
PARISH CENTER ........................................626.914.3941
Fr. Anh-Tuan Nguyen, Administrator ................................. ext. 101
Fr. Dan White, Parochial Vicar ........................................... ext. 108
Deacon Steve Marsh............................................................. ext. 151
Deacon Phil (on temp assignment) .................................................
Vicky Petteruto, Parish Business Manager ........................... ext. 117
Marguerite Rudolph, Parish Secretary................................. ext. 100
Jeanne Talley, Accountant .................................................... ext. 103
Joseph Ortega, Youth Minister............................................. ext. 110
Society of St. Vincent De Paul ............................................. ext. 127
St. Paul's Guild Gift Shop ................................................... ext. 129
SCHOOL .....................................................626.335.0772
Carol Burke, Principal .......................................................... ext. 202
Kathy Jasso, School Secretary .............................................. ext. 200
Tina Gonzales, School Accountant ....................................... ext. 218
Diana Bouz,, Daycare Director ............................................. ext. 225
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION............................626.335.2811
Bernadette Martin, DRE ...................................................... ext. 104
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Page Five
April 20-24
April 25
April 25-26
May 2
May 2-3
May 3
May 4
May 7
May 8
May 10
May 15-18
Student Council Earth Day Newspaper
Recycling Contest
"Chili Cook Off Event - 5:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m."
"Movie in the Grass Night at 7:30 p.m."
Please visit our Student Science Fair in the hall after all the masses.
First Holy Communion
Newspaper Recycling
May Crowning at 9:30 a.m.
Golf Tournament
Our school choir will sing at the Glendora National Day of Prayer
Jog-a-thon for all grades
Happy Mother’s Day
No school – enjoy the Oak Tree Festival
We will have a Chili Cook-off
on Saturday, April 25 from
5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. Do
you think your chili is the
best? Prove it and win $100.
Contact the school by April 23
to register. May the best chef
Applications for the 2015-16 Student Council positions are available in the office on April 27. The application must be
signed by a parent and returned on April 28. The qualifying candidates will be announced on April 30.
The newspaper bin will be here on May 2-3.
Please join us for a great day of golf at the beautiful Sierra La Verne Country Club! It’s a great deal for friends, family
and business associates. $150 per player includes, golf, cart, lunch, beverages on the course, dinner and opportunities to
win some great raffle prizes. Arrive early, range balls are also included.
Raffle & Silent Auction Donations are welcome. Gift baskets to promote your local business are great for bringing in
new customers. We are also accepting smaller promotional items to place in gift bags for the golfers. Contact the school
for information at 626 335-0772.
May 15, 16 & 17, 2015.
Our annual Oaktree Festival draws nearly 30,000 people
from across the San Gabriel Valley each year. The festival brings together young and old,
fostering a wonderful fellowship among all the foothill communities. The event is also St.
Dorothy Church's largest fundraiser; all proceeds from the event enable our ministries to
serve those in need in our community and will provide long overdue maintenance and
upkeep--like the repaving of our parish parking lot! Here’s Mr. Oaktree to share ways to
get involved:
Raffle Tickets - Raffle ticket sales are the largest part of the festival's revenue, making it
an essential part of our parish's fundraising efforts. Thank you to those who buy or sell
them every year. For those who never have, please consider buying or selling this year,
even if just a few of them. You may turn in your tickets to the Parish Office. Full payment for the 50 tickets is
Volunteers - fill out a Volunteer Card in the pews. You
can also call or ee--mail and we'll schedule you in. School
Festival is just around the corner. Please families check with your Room Moms for information.
save your good “stuff” for the Country This is a great last chance to get your Service Hours
Store. We will be accepting your “gently completed.
used” treasures to help make this Oaktree Sponsor, Exhibitor or Donor - http://
another wonderful success. Items can be www.stdorothychurch.com/oaktree
brought to the Parish Hall labeled
Check out our website for Partnership Opportunities for you and/or your
business. Please contact Festival Chair Joe Gaffney at 951-314-7912 or
oaktree@stdorothy.org for more information. Thank you!
Page Eight
April 26, 2015
Dear Friends,
Because of your generosity, both time and money, Beautification Day was a GRAND SUCCESS. We
came together in the spirit of fellowship to add tremendous curb appeal for our school. AND we did it
all in one day! Below is a recap of our accomplishments and a few pictures capturing the highlights. You
all should be very proud of the work you've done here today. Our hearts are full, God Bless.
Laura and Paul Pohopien
• Stained and inserted new wood where
needed around BOTH bark chip playground
areas. The dark brown color really makes those
areas pop!
• Painted PE/Maintenance shed (still can't
believe we took out all 8,453 of those staples!)
• Painted Filibertos door and fixed it so it
could close.....amazing thought indeed.
• Fed the entire crew.....thank you
• Installed new doors on the PE side of the
shed....Kudos to Joe Timko for getting
doors to hang on the most un-plumb/dry
rot door jamb ever
• Washed upper grade exterior walls
• Removed weeds/installed new
irrigation/re-landscaped "rose garden"
• Removed dying shrubs under the
"bruins" sign, installed drip irrigation and
re-landscaped (here's to Alejandro for his
successful drip irrigation work!!!)
• Bark mulched numerous open areas
• Acid washed outside lunch area of Anita
Doyle building.....thank you Sorensens for
spearheading that project
• The CSI of electrical contraptions, Roger
Sorensen diagnosed the icemaker
problem. Crossing fingers it can get fixed
• Washed and polished lunch tables (next
project should be painting them wahoo!)
• One item not done today, but will be done
Monday morning-new mulch for the quad(Thank you O'Connell's Landscaping and Ashley Hibler for donating)