June 28 - Church of Saint Joseph
June 28 - Church of Saint Joseph
Church of SAINT JOSEPH 12 WEST MINNESOTA STREET • ST. JOSEPH, MN 56374 Mission Statement We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation, we build on a solid foundation as active witnesses of Christ, and we eagerly respond to the needs of the Parish and the global community. Parish Festival Friday, July 3 Saturday, July 4 5:00 pm Food, Refreshments, Games 10:00 am Parade 5:50 pm Opening prayer 11:00 am Food, Refreshments, Games 6:00 pm Free Concert sponsored by All Saints Academy, Pam’s Auto, Tiremaxx Service Center, Sentry Bank, Leighton Broadcasting, Sunset Manufacturing 11:30 am Live Music by Walter’s Wheelhouse 6:00 pm The Graduates 6:45 pm Auction for Joetown Rocks Wall Hanging 7:00 pm Jeremiah James Korfe 8:30 pm Ricky Nelson Remembered Starring Matthew & Gunnar Nelson, With Jeff & Tommy Vee 1:30 pm Quilt Auction 3:00 pm Raffle Drawing 5:00 pm Mass Phone: Parish Fax: School Fax: 320-363-7505 320-363-0710 320-363-7760 Parish Website: www.churchstjoseph.org Diocesan Website: www.stclouddiocese.org Email Address: parish@churchstjoseph.org New Parishioners To register, stop by the parish office or mail your completed registration form found on the New Parishioners page of the parish website. Prayer Corner If you know someone in need of prayers, please call the parish office at ext. 100 and ask that their name be added to the Prayer Corner of the bulletin. In addition, you may call one of the chairpersons of the Prayer Network: Mary at 363-4244 or Joan at 363-4358. Infant Baptism Attendance at a baptism class is required for all baptisms, even for parents who have had other children baptized. Please call the parish office at ext. 100 to register for the baptism class (held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm). The date of baptism will be scheduled upon completion of the class. Marriage Please call the parish office at ext. 100 to set a wedding date and to register for a parish preliminary marriage session. A minimum of six months is needed for preparation. Pastoral Care If any parishioner or family member is in need of a pastoral care visit, please call Fr. Jerome at ext. 122. Today’s privacy laws do not permit hospitals to contact churches when a patient is in need of a pastoral visit. We are made aware of it only when the individual or their friends and family contact us. 10:15 pm Fireworks sponsored by Bernicks 10:30 pm Maiden Dixie Sacrament Of Anointing Please call Fr. Jerome at ext. 122. J UNE 28, 2015 • T HIRTEENTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME Page 2 Church of Saint Joseph From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Friends in the Lord: For the second time in a year, my friends in Dormition Abbey have been bombed. This Abbey is in Israel and has been targeted by extreme right wing Jewish groups. It is a double Abbey with one part in Jerusalem, and is located on Mount Zion where Our Blessed Mother is believed to have been taken to heaven. Thus the name of Dormition which means “the falling asleep.” About a year ago, extremists exploded a bomb or some incendiary device and ruined the holy site. Then this past week, they struck once again at the monastery of Tabgha on the Sea of Galilee. This is an ancient site believed to be where Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish for the multitude. This monastery is also run by the abbot and community of Dormition. During the night hours, a group of Jewish youth broke into the monastery and set fire to their gift shop and surrounding offices and rooms. Two people were injured. The Abbot Gregory Collins is a close friend of mine who taught with me in Rome and Athens. Luckily, the two Benedictine Volunteers from Saint John’s were unhurt. This was the end of their year-long volunteer program at the monastery. We now have two more volunteers arriving sometime this summer. They will be working at clearing the site of debris and helping to rebuild. I worry that the right wing thugs will continue to harass Christian groups. They are looking to drive out groups such as the Franciscans and Benedictines who have had a presence in that country in some cases since the 13th century. Of course the Jewish people were only able to return to Israel in 1948 after the Shoah. The sites holy to the Jewish community are often occupied by Christian or Muslim people which sets up a tension between the groups. So I ask for your prayers to help protect these men and women who try to protect Christian sites and the pilgrims that come to pray. Fr. Jerome Tupa, OSB, Pastor Youth/Children’s Offering Envelopes Does your child need a box of Offering Envelopes? If so, please call the parish office at 363-7505, ext. 100. We have “Youth Envelopes” for students in grades 7–12 and “Children’s Envelopes” for preschoolers through grade 6. Thank you for teaching your children the importance of good stewardship by contributing regularly to their parish! Please Note Change in Time: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Beginning, July 1, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held until 9:00 am every Wednesday morning following the morning Mass. When there is no 8:00 am Mass, there will be no Adoration. Please consider spending time with our Lord in Adoration whenever you can. An Act of Faith in the Real Presence Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you are as truly present in this holy sacrament, under the signs of bread and wine, as you were when dying upon a cross for the salvation of all mankind, or as you are now enthroned in glory in heaven at the right hand of the Father. You said that you would give us yourself as the bread of life, which if we eat, we shall live forever. I believe this truth because you are truth itself. With confidence in your loving forgiveness therefore, I approach your altar, conscious that my unworthiness to receive you is outweighed by your desire to be united with my soul. You desire to nourish it on its earthly pilgrimage, until the day when I shall be with you in the eternal banquet, to feed on the unveiled beauty of your presence forever. Stewardship of Treasure Treasure received week of June 21, 2015 Average weekly budget Adult & loose offering Average weekly automated offering Weekly difference $11,985.00 $ 6,751.70 $3,828.82 -$1,404.48 Youth offering received $37.81 Budget through June 21 Actual through June 21 Difference $615,215.00 $601,554.09 -$13,660.91 God can have our money and not have our hearts, but he cannot have our hearts without having our money. – R. Kent Hughes Consider automated giving. Call Sandy at 363-7505, ext. 120 for details. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 Gospel Reflection The theme for the Reading today could be WE WALK BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT! In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, we are reminded to “excel in the gracious act of God.” For Christians, life is all about giving what we have received as a gift from God. It is our faith that helps us to see the many gifts that God has given us. What gifts do you have that you can share with those who have less? Often these are little gifts of listening, caring for, and assisting those who need our help. In the Gospel, Jesus heals two people—the woman who touched his garment because she believed he would heal her and the official who trusts that Jesus can heal his daughter. These are examples of Jesus’ gracious act of kindness. Are there things in your life that need to be healed by Jesus or by help from others? Some of the signs of need for forgiveness are gossip, bigotry, and non-acceptance of the people around us. This may be that little voice inside that makes us uncomfortable with what we have done or said. It is our faith that will help us to recognize these areas of weakness and lead us to Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation to help us make these changes. Another source of healing is to admit these tendencies to a friend and ask for help to change. This takes great humility and honesty. Jesus gives us the graces we need. This week, pray for deepened faith and for the gifts of humility and honesty. May God bless you with the graces you need most at this time in your life! Sr. Betty Larson, Pastoral Ministry Fortnight for Freedom A Holy Hour with Bishop Donald Kettler will be held at 4:00 pm on Sunday, June 28 at the Cathedral of Saint Mary in St. Cloud to pray for Religious Freedom. Fortnight for Freedom: Freedom to Bear Witness will take place from June 21 to July 4, a time when our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher, Saint John the Baptist, Saints Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. The theme of this year’s Fortnight will focus on the “freedom to bear witness.” For more information, please contact the Office of Marriage & Family at 252-4721. Parish Festival Corner Setting up stands for the parish festival will begin on Tuesday evening. Please consider lending a hand. Starting times for each portion of work is as follows: Tuesday, June 30, 6:00 pm Wednesday, July 1, 8:00 am and 6:00 pm Thursday, July 2, 8:00 am and 6:00 pm Friday, July 3, 8:00 am We are in need of additional workers for the festival stands during the late shift on July 3, especially in the Beer Tickets and Joeburger stands, and all shifts on July 4, especially in the Joeburger, Youth Games, and Refreshments stands. Please contact Tammy Johnson at 363-8609 if you can volunteer for one or more of these open shifts. By now, you should have received your festival assignment in the mail. If you volunteered, but didn’t receive your assignment, please contact Tammy Johnson at 363-8609. T-Shirts will be distributed to all festival workers during the following times: Saturday, June 27, 6:00 – 6:30 pm Sunday, June 28, 9:00 – 10:00 am 11:00 – 11:30 am Wednesday, July 1, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm 5:30 – 7:00 pm Thursday, July 2, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm 5:30 – 7:00 pm Friday, July 3, 7:30 am – 8:00 pm Please plan to wear your shirt as you work in your assigned festival stand. July 3 is designated as “Intake Day.” Please take your festival donations, along with the postcard you received in the mail a few weeks ago, to Heritage Hall. You may also drop off your chancebook with payment at the same time. Since the parking lot won’t be accessible due to the festival stands already set up, volunteers will be available to assist you with carrying your donations from your car to Heritage Hall. If you need a cake box for your Cake Stand donation, you may pick up a box from the church or parish office entrances. For details of our parish festival, please visit www.joetownrocks.org. Page 4 Q and A: Christ’s Presence During Liturgical Celebrations Q How is Christ present during our liturgical celebrations? A Matthew’s Gospel ends with Christ’s assurance that he would always be with his community, even to the end of time. From the time of Jesus’ physical departure from our midst, the Christian community has pondered the varied ways that Christ continues to be present. In section 7 of the Vatican II document on the liturgy, known as Sacrosanctum Concilium, the council addressed this issue. Starting with the statement that “Christ is always present in his Church, especially in liturgical celebrations,” the document specifies four ways in which Christ is present. Christ is present in the “person of the minister” presiding at the celebration. By extension, Christ is present in all those who minister in a multitude of ministries during the celebration. Christ is present “most of all in the Eucharistic species,” namely the bread and wine. Christ is present also “in his word, since it is he himself who speaks when the scriptures are read.” Lastly, Christ is present in the community who “gathers to pray and sing.” Our challenge is to attune ourselves to the multiple aspects of Christ's presence. When we focus solely on Christ’s presence in bread and wine, we miss the richness of his presence in the Word, in the ministers, and in those gathered. How attuned are you to the various ways that Christ is present when we gather? Reflect on how differently we would react if we took each of these presences as seriously as we have traditionally taken Christ’s presence in the eucharistic species. In Loving Memory Please remember in your prayers those who have died: Joseph Kutzera, brother of Chuck (& Pat) Kutzera; Cyril Valerius, father of Mary (& Jeff) Botz; Joseph Goerdt, brother of Winnie Dehler; and Daryl Schmitz, father of Joshua & Elizabeth Schmitz, son of Othmar & Marilyn Schmitz, brother of Dave (& Marian) Schmitz and Dan (& Cindy) Schmitz. Please also remember their families in your prayers. 2015 CentraCare Spirit of Caring Hero Award The Church of Saint Joseph is blessed to have Paula Woischke from the Central Minnesota Council on Aging and Whitney Senior Center make it possible for us to have excellent education programs and fitness classes in Heritage Hall. Paula has been selected by the CentraCare Foundation to receive one of the 2015 Spirit of Caring Awards. The presentation of the award will take place at 11:30 am on Tuesday, July 14 in Heritage Hall. The presentation will be followed by an informal reception. Please plan to attend for an opportunity to congratulate Paula and thank her for helping to keep us healthy and happy. ©2007 Liturgical Publications Inc Food Shelf Needs Our local food shelf is in need of the following items: paper towels, toilet tissue, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruits and vegetables, pancake mix and syrup, macaroni and cheese, hamburger helper, and crackers. Thank you for your on-going donations for our food shelf. – The Pastoral Ministry Commission Vacation Bible School Mark your calendars: VBS–2015 is scheduled for Sunday, July 26 through Thursday, July 30, 6:00–8:00 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help during VBS week. If you are interested in helping, please contact Marian at 363-7505, ext. 152. Joe Town Table Enjoy a free meal and good conversation at Joe Town Table, which will be held 11:30 am – 1:00 pm on Sunday, June 28 at the St. Joe Legion. The meal is sponsored by area churches and the Central Minnesota Catholic Worker. All are welcome! If you know someone who needs a ride, please offer to give them one. For more information and to volunteer, email centralmncw@gmail.com. Page 5A Church of Saint Joseph Mass/Reconciliation Schedule Sunday, June 28 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am 10:00 am Mass for our Parish Mass ††Hub & Claudette Klein Monday, June 29 Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Joseph 5:00 pm Mass at Saint Benedict’s Monastery Tuesday, June 30 10:30 am Mass †Isabelle Zimmer Wednesday, July 1 8:00 am Mass ††Helena & Leo Albers Thursday, July 2 7:45 am 8:00 am Confession Mass †Bob Pfannenstein Friday, July 3 8:00 am Mass †Darol Studer Saturday, July 4 Independence Day 5:00 pm Mass †John Kuebelbeck Sunday, July 5 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mass ††Daniel, Verena, & Dolores Kuhl Ben & Mary Ann Poepping 65th Wedding Anniversary 10:00 am Mass for our Parish Page 5B Parish Staff Church of Saint Joseph 363-7505 PASTOR Fr. Jerome Tupa, OSB Office ........................... ext. 122 Email .... pastorosb@churchstjoseph.org DEACON Bert Bliss........................................................ .ext. 100 Email ............... deaconbliss@gmail.com BUSINESS OFFICE BUSINESS MANAGER Sandra Scholz ..................... ext. 120 Email ......... sscholz@churchstjoseph.org ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Joann Rueckert ... ext. 100 Email ........... parish@churchstjoseph.org FAITH FORMATION TEAM DIRECTOR Marian Bach ........................................... ext. 152 Email ..... ffdirector@churchstjoseph.org ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mary Lohaus.......... ext. 204 Email ......admnasst@churchstjoseph.org HEALTH & WELLNESS MINISTRY TEAM PASTORAL MINISTRY S. Betty Larson, OSB ....... ext. 130 Email ..... pministry@churchstjoseph.org PARISH NURSE Marjorie Henkemeyer................ 363-4588 Email .. hwminister@churchstjoseph.org PARISH NURSE Angie Johnson ............................ 491-1536 Email ...... ajohnson@churchstjoseph.org LITURGY & MUSIC David Orzechowski..................... ext. 123 Email ...........liturgy@churchstjoseph.org PARISH CUSTODIAN Andy Loso ......................... ext. 306 Email .............aloso@churchstjoseph.org MASS TIME SCHEDULE ................................................ ext. 200 ALL SAINTS ACADEMY, ST JOSEPH 363-7505 ADMINISTRATOR Karl Terhaar ............................... ext. 151 Email .........karl.terhaar@allsaintsmn.org ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Linda Heinen ....... ext. 150 Email ....... linda.heinen@allsaintsmn.org PRESIDENT Chris Schellinger ........................ 492-1444 EmailChris.Schellinger@allsaintsmn.org Readings for the Week of June 28 When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child she gave birth to a son. When they came on the eighth day to circumcise the child, they were going to call him Zechariah after his father, but his mother said in reply, “No. He will be called John.” - Lk 1:57, 59-60 Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24/2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15/ Mk 5:21-43 Monday: Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29/Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a/Mt 8:28-34 Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19/Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Eph 2:19-22/Jn 20:24-29 Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29/Mt 9:14-17 Next Sunday: Ez 2:2-5/2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a PASTORAL COUNCIL DeAnne Budde............................. 320-363-8671 Vince DeVargas ........................... 320-249-7426 Carmen Ebel ................................ 320-363-1706 Jennifer Oschwald ....................... 320-363-7806 Mary Plafcan ................................ 320-249-5718 Jesus Sandoval, Chair .................. 320-309-5079 Susan Sink ................................... 320-363-0132 David Thomas ............................. 320-271-7225 TRUSTEES Kevin Kluesner ...................................... 320-363-8363 Gary Renick............................................ 320-363-4422 FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIR Doug Danielson ..................................... 320-363-1026 Church of Saint Joseph Page 6 This Week’s Scheduled Activities Congratulations! Key: CH = Church; GS = Gathering Space, HH = Heritage Hall, LL = Lower Level of school, MR = Parish Meeting Room Tuesday, June 30 Congratulations to Ben & Mary Ann Poepping, whose 65th Wedding Anniversary was on June 15. Wednesday, July 1 Congratulations to Michael & Arleen Gill who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on July 3. 8:30 am 12:35 pm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:00 am Church Cleaning, CH Enhance Fitness, HH I Can Prevent Diabetes class, HH Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, CH Enrichment Class, HH Willing Hands, HH Thursday, July 2 11:00 am I Can Prevent Diabetes class, HH Partnership with the Diocese of Vijayapuram Please keep Bishop Sebastian Thekkethecheril and the people of the Diocese of Vijayapuram in your daily prayers. Friday, July 3 5:00 pm Parish Festival Begins Saturday, July 4 11:00 am Please pray for... Bach family members, Duffy Barton, Mike Brum, Laken Court, Audrey Elfering, Rosie Elfering, Nancy Evans, Jim Fautsch, Phyllis Fautsch, Dean Fletcher, Rosemary Gill, Cliff Hilsgen, Blake Hogenson, Glenn Johannes, Martha Kierzek, Amy Klaphake, Brenda Koenig, Joseph Kutzera Family, Bob Lohaus, Mike Loso, Todd Louden, Andrea Marschel, military men and women and their families, Delores Newcomb, people of the Diocese of Vijayapuram, India, Vesty Poxleitner, Marge Reber, Wayne Revering, Scott Rice, Bernie Schloemer, Cindy Schmitz, Mary Kay Schraut, Chris Smith, Jeanette Steichen, Clara Stueve, Brian Teff, Carlo Theisen, Kristine Thralow, Emmy Torborg, Eileen Walz, workers & volunteers in foreign lands. (If you would like to add or remove a name for the Parish Festival Continues Prayer Corner, call the parish office, ext. 100. Names remain in the Prayer Corner for about two months.) LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, July 4 5 pm Sunday, July 5 8 am Sunday, July 5 10 am Sacristans Mary Jo Lemke Bill Elfering Lori Pfannenstein Gift Bearers Mary Johannes Alan Glatzel Family Gerald & Ann Schreifels Greeters Judy & Marty Meyer, Rosemary Meyer, Marvin Mastey Gerry & Jackie Klaphake, Pat & Marcel Kosel Tim & Nancy Ebel Family Ushers Joanne & Joe Bechtold, Bob & Bernadette Ethen LaVonne & Richard Gallus, Alan Glatzel, Lloyd Bruemmer Doug & Carol Danielson, Mike Thell, David Thomas Servers Jaedyn Nydeen Redi Nydeen Maggie O’Donnell Samantha O’Donnell Clara Schleper Eliana Schleper Lectors Tom Murray Joyce Stock Merle Bauer Eucharistic Ministers Harold & Marilyn Brinkman, Judy Meyer, Marilyn Court, Janelle Harren, Mike Tangredi, Darlene Bechtold DeAnne & Dean Budde, Angie Johnson, Connie Horsch, Bill Elfering, Elaine Newton, Jennifer Oschwald Claire & Merle Bauer, Lori Pfannenstein, Susan Sink, Ken Schreiber, Karen Backes, Laura Johannes Music Ministry Cantors Cantors Cantors