July 17, 2016 - St. Aloysius Parish
July 17, 2016 - St. Aloysius Parish
St. Aloysius Parish July 17, 2016 Masses for the Week SATURDAY, JULY 16 Vigil: (Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 5:30 pm-Antoinette Del Vecchio by Lena Paparisto SUNDAY, JULY 17 (Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 7:30 am-Parish Family 9:00 am-Dec’d Members of Soda Family by Family 10:30 am-Sergio Sanzari by Gilda Sibilia 12:00 noon-Emil Addesa by Family 5:00 pm-Benjamin J. Serico by Wife & Sons 7:00 pm-Kathleen A. DeLorenzo by Rosa DaGraca MONDAY, JULY 18 Memorial Mass John Connors, Bill Cook, Joseph DeVincentis, Audrey Gates, Amelia Klelis, Matthew BeneduceMcGrath, Rose Miele, Msgr. Benjamin A. Piazza, Betty Pimblott, William & Mary Pimblott, Peter Sandler, Katherine Stucy, Eileen Sweeney, Marie Vella, Gerald Weis. (Weekday) 6:45 am-Teresa & John Moglia by Eloise & Richard Grizzetti 8:00 am-John Griffin by Banaszynski Family TUESDAY, JULY 19 (Weekday) 6:45 am-James E. Whelton (28th anniversary) 8:00 am-Mary Lynn Ventola by Joan & John Fierro Votive Lights for Sanctuary and Shrines Arrangements may be made in person at the Rectory, Mon. to Fri., 9:00 to 5:00. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 (Weekday) 6:45 am-Janice Ott by Garvey Family 8:00 am-Doris Magill by Jo-Ann Wolsky THURSDAY, JULY 21 (Weekday) 6:45 am-Mary Lynn Ventola by Eric & Maureen Pollock 8:00 am-Francine Corbo by Daughter FRIDAY, JULY 22 (Saint Mary Magdalene) 6:45 am-Lorraine Gatto by Mary Ellen Jorgenson 8:00 am-Edwina McKinonon by Joe & Jeanette DiStefano SATURDAY, JULY 23 THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Gary Annette by Mom & Dad. THE SHRINE AREA VOTIVES THIS WEEK: OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, MOTHER CABRINI, SAINT KATERI TEKAKWITHA: 1. Special Intention for Peace and Mercy. 2. In Memory of Peter Sandler by St. Aloysius Rectory Staff. ST. JUDE, ST. ALOYSIUS, ST. PATRICK: 1. In Memory of Alice Miceli by David & Dina Schablik. (Weekday) 6:45 am-John Serra by Eric & Maureen Pollock 8:00 am-Parish Memorial Mass 5:30 pm-Giacomo & Maria Ciacciarelli by Gus & Connie Ciacciarelli SUNDAY, JULY 24 (Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 7:30 am-Parish Family 9:00 am-Fausto Alarcon by Alarcon Family 10:30 am-Caroline & Charlie Van De Mark by Mary & Eileen 12:00 noon-Paul Russell by Rosemary Russell 5:00 pm-John Serra by Joe McFadden 7:00 pm-Joy DelRusso by Toni & Tom Bucca EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays 12:30 pm to 8:00 pm Come and spend some time with our Lord. Novena - Monday evenings at 7:30 pm July 17, 2016 The Ministry of Prayer “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) “.…A time to be born….” Newly Baptized: Nasly Jimena Arias Myrie, Stella Grace Silva. “.…A time to be healed….” Sick list: Joy Beagle, Bob Beck, Mary Binsfeld, Lorraine Callanan, June Castano, Jeanette Chrissafis, Albert Cifelli, Jeffrey Colt, Max Colt, Mary Comer, Jane Conover, Faith Costabile, Meghan Crane, Diane Cusic, Frank DelVecchio, Frank Desiderio, Ray Dowling, Renee Exelbert, George Fey, Donna Fitzgerald, Rich Foster, Carol Lee Gade, Joanne Galinis, Michael A. Giglio, Sr., Jennifer Gilman, Maria Giovine, Rosa Giovine, Alex Grizzetti, Ambrose Grizzetti, Richard Grizzetti, Cihan Hazer, Barbara Hellstern, Brad Henshaw, Jimmy Karpinski, Shannon Kelly, Alana Lally, Molly Linde, Barbara Maran, Brian Martin, Robert Martin, Donald Moglia, Cynthia Morelli, Pat Mullany, Andy Napolitano, John Natale, Catherine Petrallia, Peter Pirrello, Lori Pratt, Gary Prestipino, Richie Prestipino, Janis Remalino, Maria Reynoso, Norbert Sax, Rosemary Scott, Giovanni Sereno, Salvatore Sereno, Veronica Serio, Thomas F. Sheelen, Georgette Soriano, Marie Stickelberger, James Tressito, Joseph Tressito, Bernadette Twomey, Paula Ummarino, Cassandra Warshowsky, Lenard Wojtala. “.…A time to die….” Deceased: Bill Cook, Albert K. Fox, Audrey Gates, Irene Gibbons, Rosemary Lisena, Peter Sandler, Louis Signoretto. “..A time for war & a time for peace..” For national and world leaders and for those in the armed services, especially Michael W. Beier, Thomas L. Comer, Brian Feddeler, Jason Garrison, Jared Hoholic, Michael C. Howley, Joseph Robert Hyer, Katherine Comer Irish, Michael McHugh, Beckie Piela, Michael Piela, Rose Poyourow, Stasia Rogacki, Stephen Rogacki, Anthony Salerno, David G. Testa, Joseph Venutolo, Peter C. Wojtal. Amen Take this list home with you and use it in your daily prayers. Teens from 8th through 12th grade welcome! Sunday, July 17th at 8 pm in the Parish Center! * Faith * Friendship * Fun * Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO: Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about your faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm, accepting setting. For information, please contact Sister Alice. (973-226-0209 X30; auhl@caldwellop.org) St. Aloysius Book Club Meets on Thursdays at 7 pm on the first floor of the Parish Center. July Meeting Cancelled. The book selection: August 25th, “Forever” by Pete Hamill. As always, Happy Reading. All are invited for good conversation & good company. July 17, 2016 Dear Parishioners, Today’s scripture readings center around the celebration of meals. We take these gatherings for granted because in the normal course of a day our bodies tell us it’s time for a meal - a supply of energy for our bodies. This is also very true for our spiritual energy. We gather around the table of the Lord weekly (for some daily) for our spiritual energy fill up. In many cultures a gathering for a special event centers around a meal. Many times there is a spontaneous breaking into song in which the text has a relationship to the event. I believe the first verse of todays entrance hymn spells out for us exactly why we are here today at this Meal - the Mass. When we sing this opening verse let us deeply meditate on its meaning. “As We gather at your Table, As We listen to your Word, Help us know, O God your presence: Let our hearts and minds be stirred. Nourish us with sacred story Till we claim it as our own: Teach us through this Holy banquet How to make Love’s victory known.” Today’s Gospel is the familiar story about Martha and Mary and asks the question: which is better—to cook or to listen? - Perhaps both are possible. :ŽĞtŽnjŶŝĂŬͲDƵƐŝĐDŝŶŝƐƚĞƌ PARISH STAFF INFORMATION Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Desmond – Pastor Rev. Edinson E. Ramirez - Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Jose Esteban - Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Michael E. Kelly – Weekend Assistant Jackie Alworth – Pastoral Assoc. in Faith Formation Edward Karpinski – Pastoral Assoc. in Faith Formation Sr. Justine Pinto, O.P. – Pastoral Associate Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. – RCIA Coordinator Joseph J. Wozniak – Organist /Music Director Linda Graves - Trustee Dr. Carmine LoMonaco – Trustee Brian Bambrick - Parish Pastoral Council President James (Rick) Cahill– Chair, Finance Council Rectory: 219 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell NJ 07006 Tel: 973-226-0221 Fax: 973-226-2204 Parish Center: 253 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell NJ 07006 Religious Ed., 973-226-0209 Ext. 31; Fax: 973-226-0923 Jackie Alworth, Religious Education PreK-6th - Ext. 35 Ed Karpinski, Religious Ed 7th/8th grade – Ext. 29 Religious Ed Email: religioused@stalscaldwell.org Social Concerns, Sr. Justine Pinto , O.P. - Ext. 37 RCIA, Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. – Ext. 30 THE LORD’S DAY – MASSES Saturday Evening: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 7:00 p.m. Sunday: 5:00 p.m. Spanish Mass Weekdays: 6:45 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon Saturdays & Summer Weekdays: 6:45 & 8:00 a.m. Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 7:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Monday, 12:30 – 7:30 p.m. Collection for weekend of July 2nd & 3rd First Collection: $ 9,205.00 Second Collection H.E.L.P.: $ 2,345.00 The Catholic Advocate Online To access the latest edition of The Catholic Advocate http://www.editions.us.com/catholicadvocate_0815/ SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Penance) Saturday: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.; and after the 5:30 p.m. Mass SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notify one of the parish priests in the event of serious illness. Communal celebrations of the Anointing will be held twice yearly. July 17, 2016 Gran Celebración en Homenaje a Nuestra Señora de los Angeles Domingo 7 de Agosto 2016 ϱ͗ϬϬWDDŝƐĂLJĞůĞďƌĂĐŝſŶ DƷƐŝĐĂLJŶŝŵĂĐŝſŶ͗ DŝŶŝƐƚĞƌŝŽ,ĞƐĞĚ Patron of Costa Rica Sunday, August 7 - 2016 5:00 PM Mass and Celebration-Party Music: Ministerio Hesed /ŐůĞƐŝĂĚĞ^ĂŶůŽLJƐŝƵƐ ϮϭϵůŽŽŵĮĞůĚǀĞ ĂůĚǁĞůů͕E:ϬϳϬϬϲ Celebrante Invitado: St. Aloysius Church Padre José Francisco Arias Salguero 219 Bloomfield Ave Rector de la Basilica Nacional Caldwell, NJ 07006 More information and details: Wendy 862-703-6052 & Yadira 301-254-9818 Nuestra Señora de los Angeles Cartago - Costa Rica Información, donaciones y otros detalles: Wendy 862-703-6052 & Yadira 301-254-9818 St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to deepen their spiritual and personal lives through active participation in weekly Liturgy, the celebration of the Sacraments, Parish ministries and community activities. Acknowledging our incompleteness and our need for God’s grace, we commit ourselves, through Baptism, to responding to God’s call to become and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ in our time. Jesus Christ is at the center of all of our lives. Respect Life Crisis/Information (All calls and emails are confidential) Crisis Pregnancy Helpline/ 1-888-4 OPTIONS Post Abortion Healing/ 1-877-HOPE 4 ME (Rachel’s Vineyard Hotline) Birthright/ 1-800-550-4900 “Please support our advertisers , They make our bulletin possible.” Thank you.