August 21, 2016 - St. Mary`s - St. Luke`s


August 21, 2016 - St. Mary`s - St. Luke`s
August 21, 2016 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
C a t h o l i c
C h u r c h
“Go and make disciples of all nations.” Mt. 28
P.O. BOX 110 • 5 0 5 P ARK ST. EAST • PARK RIVER, ND 58270
Parish Office
Phone: (701) 284-6165
Fax: (701) 284-7789
Hours: 8:00-11:00 am MonFri
Parish Hall: (701) 284-6766
St. Luke
Catholic Church
Veseleyville, ND 58237
Fr. Bert Miller
Parish Secretary,
Maxine Wilkes
Cheryl Daley
Mass Schedule
St. Mary @ 5:00 pm
St. Luke @ 8:00 am
St. Mary @ 10:00 am
hundred times their dad's story of his awful summer away
from home on the farm in North Dakota when he was only
seventeen, how desperately homesick he was, overworked,
underpaid, isolated. But they have also heard him tell how,
because of that experience, he was later able to survive
three years away from home during the war without once
getting homesick.
Bearing Fruit
We have all had such experiences. We have puzzled and
pondered over the randomness of some suffering or trial,
thinking it to be a terrible waste, and then discovered later
that some great good had come from it. Somehow it made
us better, stronger people. It gave us a depth of wisdom we
would not otherwise have had.
The Eyes of Faith
It is good that we can look back and, with the wisdom of
hindsight, see that what looked like "a cause for grief and
not for joy" was actually good for us (second reading:
Hebrews 12:5-6, 11-13). Wouldn't it be even better if,
Good Out of Bad
The students complained about her behind her back, called when we are still in the middle of the discipline, the testing,
her "Old Cannonball" because she was so strict and insisted we could see some value in it? That is possible only with
on their best work. But years later, they brag about having the eyes of faith. Such vision enables us to interpret all
trials as some kind of "discipline of God." We can say of
survived her class. She is the one they go back to visit,
everything that happens to us, "Some good can come from
invite to class reunions, and ask for letters of
this." If we are faithful at those times, Jesus, the master,
recommendation. The brothers groaned and complained
about their summer jobs at the slaughter house: the stench, will never have to say to us, "I do not know where you
come from" (gospel: Luke 13:22-30). He will know where
the backbreaking work, the grisly sights. Years later,
we come from, where we have been--at his side all along
however, they delight in recalling their days "in the pit"
and love comparing horror stories. They boast of what they through the testings and disciplines, saying confidently,
"God is in this."
were able to endure and how it enabled them to face hard
--Patricia Gits Opatz
assignments later in life. The children have heard a
All parishioners are reminded to please call
the Parish Office, 701284-6165, or drop a
note in the mail, whenever you move either
out of the parish or within the parish.
Here’s how to register! Thank you for your interest in joining our parish community. To register,
see Fr. Miller after Mass. You may also stop by the parish office during the week, Monday-Friday,
between the hours of 8:00 am and 11:00 am or call 701-284-6165. We are glad you are here!
St. Mary’s Church
Sacramental Life
Anointing of the Sick
By request, e.g. before surgery.
Infant baptisms are usually at one of
the Weekend Masses. Call Office to
register for a parent preparation session
prior to Baptism.
Communion To the Sick/Shut In
Weekly. Please contact Parish Office.
Hospital Visitation
Saturdays or by request.
Begin arrangements and preparation
sessions at least six months before
wedding date
New Parishioners
St. Mary’s Church welcomes you.
Please see Father after Mass.
Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:45 pm
Reconciliation Services: 1/2 hour
before Daily Mass or by special
Bulletin Deadline is Monday morning to
Parish Office. Please submit in writing or
on disc.
Readings for the Week
August 21
Sunday, 21
Is 66: 18-21 Ps 117: 1- 2
Heb 12: 5-7, 11-13 Lk 13:
Monday, 22
2 Thes 1: 1-5,11-12 Ps 96:
1-2a,2b-3-5 Mt 23: 13-22
Tuesday, 23
2 Thes 2: 1-3a,14-17 Ps 96:
10-13 Mt 23: 23-26
Wednesday, 24 Rv 21: 9b-14 Ps 145: 1013,17-18 Jn 1: 45-51
Thursday, 25
1 Cor 1: 1-9 Ps 145: 2-7
Mt 24: 42-51
Friday, 26
1 Cor 1: 17-25 Ps 33: 1-2, 4
-5,10-11 Mt 25: 1-13
Saturday, 27
1 Cor 1: 26-31 Ps 33: 1213,18-21 Mt 25: 14-30
Next Sunday, 28 Sir 3: 17-18,20,28-29 Ps
68: 4-7,10-11 Heb 12: 1819,22-24a Lk 14: 1. 7-14
Meetings at St. Mary’s
Chapter 5055 of the Knights of Columbus will not meet in August.
Mark your calendars for St. Mary’s Annual Bazaar on Sunday, October
2nd from 11:00 am-2:00 pm. Also, if anyone is interested in donating toward the Big Ticket Raffle Item, please contact the church office. Thank
St. Edward’s Parish in Drayton, ND will be serving their Annual Fall
Dinner on Sunday, September 11 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. The menu
includes meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy, glazed carrots, polish
sausage and sauerkraut and pie for dessert. Prices are: Adults-$12.00,
Children ages 6-12-$5.00, preschoolers are free.
Park River Bible Camp will be hosting a Fall Gathering for senior citizens on Wednesday, September 14 beginning at 2:00 pm. The program
will last about 45 minutes, and includes a hymn sing and devotions. Refreshments will be served afterwards, and all senior citizens are invited.
On Sunday, September 11 at 4:00 pm, at the Hi-Liner Activity Center in
Valley City, ND, St. Catherine School and Dacotah Bank are pleased to
present Tony Melendez in concert. Tony is an inspirational Catholic musician who has shared his gift of hope since Saint John Paul II asked him
to share it with others in 1987. Tony was born without arms because his
mother was given thalidomide while she was pregnant. Since 1987, Tony
has been traveling the world sharing his toe picking guitar talents and
love of God. We are excited that he will be coming to Valley City on the
heels of debuting a new song for Pope Francis and the pilgrims of World
Youth Day.
Preparations are underway for the fifth annual Quilt Bingo fund raiser
to be held Sunday, September 18, at 2:00 pm at Cavalier Public School
in Cavalier, ND. Proceeds from this event will support Altru’s Hospice
Camp Good Mourning.
Rapid City, SD. The deadline to register is Sept. 1st or until filled. To register, call Lisa at 1-877-795-0122 or email .
Serving the Assembly of St. Mary
Parish Stewardship
of Treasure
August 14, 2016
Children’s Collection.. ............ .…...$7.00
Total Collection ....................... $2,709.00
Total Needed ......................... $2,800.00
Y-T-D Collection…………….$92,724.65
Y-T-D Budget………………..$92,400.00
Tithing Norm for all Christians
10% of income back to God
To Parish……………………………..5-8%
To Diocese……………………………..1%
To Charities………………………….1-4%
August 27, at 5:00 pm
August 28, at 10:00 am
Brad Brummond
Eugene Kachena
Fred Sobolik
Maxine Wilkes
Dylan Myrvik
Sadie Myrvik
Amy Seim
Gretchen Brummond
Seth Nelson
Jonah Zikmund
Extraordinary Ministers
of the Eucharist
St. Mary’s Greeters
*M Kostohris
G Praska, M Wilkes
Maxine Wilkes
Joann Votava
*M Vondra
K Nelson, C Daley
E Kachena, B Kachena
Kaitlyn Nelson
Kathy Drevecky
August 21, 2016
Prayer List: Fr. David Hinrichs and Stanley Novak .
Mass Intentions
Monday, 22
Prayer requests will typically run for 3 consecutive weeks unless requested to run for a longer duration.
Gospel Book: At a liturgy or two recently, the Book of the Gospels was not
processed at my request. The Book of the Gospels is the deacon’s book.
When a deacon is present, it is to be used. Since Deacon Sobolik died, you
have not had a deacon. Instead, the lector has been processing the Book of
the Gospels. You might not realize, but the weekly Gospel also is printed
in the Lectionary — the book from which the lector reads. This Gospel is
actually of larger print than the Book of the Gospels. So, I prefer to read
from the Lectionary. If and when our parish has a deacon, he will read
from the Book of the Gospels.
Fr. Bert
St. Mary’s and St. Luke’s are in need of more Mass stipends. These are
for our substitute clergy, it is part of their pay. Please help us pay them.
Thank you.
Fr. Bert
Tuesday, 23
7:30 am
No Mass
No Mass
Wednesday, 24
7:30 am
No Mass
Thursday, 25
8:00 am
Friday, 26
7:30 am
Saturday, 27
9:30 am
5:00 pm
Sunday, 28
8:00 am
10:00 am
St. Luke’s
+Lynn Sobolik
Trina Samson
Good Samaritan Center
+Bill Onafray
The Parishioners
St. Luke’s
+Ray Durkin
St Mary’s
Dave Goduti
Maryvale Convent in Valley City, ND will have a SEARCH Youth Retreat
Weekend November 4th-6th, 2016. Application deadline is October 17, 2016.
Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes and Barcelona: Fr. Phil Ackerman and Fr. David Fisher are leading a pilgrimage on March 12-21, 2017. For more information or a brochure, contact Bon Voyage Travel at 701-7726313 or call Fr. Phil at 701-256-5966. You may also stop in at Bon Voyage Travel, 2100 S. Columbia Road,
Suite 18, Grand Forks for more information.
Stewardship Moment August 21, 2016-21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
“For behold, some are last who will be first and some first who will be last.” —Luke 13:30
Are you struggling with guilt, depression, regret, anger or any other difficult emotion after an abortion?
You are not alone. Come to God who is love and mercy. Contact Project Rachel Ministries at 844-789-4829.
All calls are confidential.
Our standards in our society are so different from God’s standards. We often rate or rank people by what
they have, how powerful they are, or how successful they are. Jesus reminds us that God will not judge us
by the same earthly standards.
Have you ever thought about being a foster parent? There are many children in ND who are in need of a
foster home. PATH ND is a private non-profit agency serving children and families in ND. For more information, call Northeast Human Services at 701-795-3000 or your local Social Service Agency.
The Walsh County Sunshine Home Team is requesting support to raise funds to sponsor an apartment in
the Sunshine Home Facility to be built in Grand Forks, ND. Flyers explaining this effort more fully are on
the stands by the entrances to the Church. Please take one if you are interested, and if all the flyers are
gone, more copies can be run off in the Church office.
“Journey Beyond Abuse” is a support group for women. They meet in Cavalier, ND on Fridays at 3:00 pm
and in Grafton, ND on Thursdays at 3:00 pm. Please call 352-4242 or 265-8686 for details.
Hospice of the Red River Valley is in need of volunteers to visit patients in our area. Volunteering for Hospice of the Red River Valley is a powerful way to help friends and neighbors at a critical time; it is also one
of the most rewarding experiences a person can ever have. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Park River—284-7676
Drayton Drug –454-3831
Custom Farming
 Row crop planting
16 row 30” planter w/liquid
fertilizer and variable rate
 Row crop strip tilling,
NH3 and dry fertilizer
 CRP seeding
 CRP clipping
Give Greg a Call
Tollefson Funeral Home
Park River---------284-6086
Michael D. Such, Licensed Funeral Director
Kimberly Rahn, Licenced Funeral Director
Please support our
507 27th Avenue South
Grand Forks, ND 58201