Week of 08-07-2016 - St. Mary By The Lake
Week of 08-07-2016 - St. Mary By The Lake
ST. MARY BY THE LAKE 7605 Lakeshore Drive, P.O. Box 044200, Racine, Wisconsin 53404-7004 The Sketch of St. Mary’s Church was done by Jason Krukowski. Thank you for sharing your talents. August 7, 2016 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastoral Staff Rev. Stephen J. Stradinger, Pastor Rev. Mr. Robert Starr, Deacon Jeff Rasmussen, Director of Liturgy & Worship Heather Warner, Director of Christian Formation Mary Loendorf, Administrative Assistant Pastoral Council Gregg Maki, Chairperson Sue Turcotte, Vice Chair Richard Dvorsky, Secretary Pam Alley Melissa Despin Richard Pozzi Brian Ramczyk Bob Rice Diane Sinner Kimberly Strike Trustees Muggs Mueller, Secretary Patrick Krukowski, Treasurer Building and Grounds Human Concerns Ric Paul Kimberly Strike Telephone Parish Office: Fax: Religious Ed: Father Steve: Deacon Bob: Mass Intentions Visit our website: www.stmarybythelake.org E-mail: stmarybl@wi.twcbc.com Find us on Facebook: St. Mary by the Lake/pages This Week: Saturday 08/06/16 5 pm Jim Broughman Sunday 8 am Lee Millette 9:30 am William Huff 5 pm Joseph & Mary Piotrowski Marriages In Thanksgiving of Prayers Answered For Lisa Toutant Reconciliation: 08/07/16 Next Week: Saturday 08/13/16 Sunday 08/14/16 Quiet Reflection: Wednesday 08/10/16 8 am 9:30 am Cecelia Keil 6:30 pm Communion Service & Quiet Reflection 639-3616 639-1999 639-4493 321-0989 847-890-8671 Baptisms A class for both parents is required before the baptism of a child. Call the parish office. Registered, practicing members, call the pastor at least six months in advance to make arrangements. Anytime by appointment Parish Registration Forms are available in the vestibule or contact the parish office. Bulletin Notices Due Tuesdays by noon. “Lord, it is good that we are here!” Ministry Schedule Saturday, August 6, 2016: 5:00 pm Greeter: Commentator: Reader: Eucharist: H Cave Quest VBS, 2016 POOR BOX: Thank you to all who generously donated to the poor box in the month of July. We collected $362.00 for Bethany Apartments. The Poor Box collections this month will be for “Koos for Kids”. This charitable organization focuses on helping terminally ill and disadvantaged children in the local area. More information is available on their website: www.koosforkids.com. FOOD PANTRY UPDATE: St. Mary by the Lake has re-established a working relationship with First Baptist and Emmanuel Lutheran. Parish Council asks you to prayerfully consider food donations of any kind, any packaging. In addition to food items, the pantry is in need of personal care items such as toilet paper (especially), bar soaps, toothpaste, tooth brushes, etc. Please also consider bringing in any kind of bags (doubled if possible). These items are delivered by our teams each week, and assist in feeding the hungry here in our own community of Racine. The pantry is located at Emmanuel Lutheran at 725 High St, Racine, WI 53402, and is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-11:30 am. For Volunteer Opportunities associated with the First Baptist/ Emmanuel Lutheran churches, please contact the Parish Office. Sunday, August 7, 2016: 8:00 am Greeter: Commentator: Reader: Eucharist: H 9:30 am Greeter: Commentator: Reader: Eucharist: H Saturday, August 13, 2016: 5:00 pm Greeter: Commentator: Reader: Eucharist: H Sunday, August 14, 2016: 8:00 am Greeter: Commentator: Reader: Eucharist: H 9:30 am Greeter: Commentator: Reader: Eucharist: H Parish Council Meeting Thursday, August 11 at 7:00 pm in the Anthony H. Dorn Education Center All are Welcome!! When admitted to the hospital, you should do two things. First, tell the hospital staff that you are Catholic and want to receive communion. Second, have them inform your parish. Bob Rice Bill Robertson Kay Tonkin Mary Paul Rich Pozzi Deacon Bob Starr Tom Wendt Joe Wendt John Urban Robb Granger Pat Walsh Deacon Bob Starr Bill Spreeberg Linda Laudonio Carol Malik Linda Laudonio Tony Turcotte Deacon Bob Starr Mary Loendorf Rich Pozzi Ramona Oertel Jane Remsza Bill Robertson Laura Maki Tom Wendt Lynn Urban Robb Granger John Urban Tom Wendt Evelyn Schultz Patrick Krukowski Janice Krukowski Deb Keil Tony Turcotte Deacon Bob Starr Kimberly Strike If you cannot fulfill your scheduled date and time, please secure a substitute! Thank you! Financial Update July 30 - 31 Contribution Envelopes Cash Offerings Poor Basket Total $2373.00 300.00 38.00 $2711.00 The operating expense for St. Mary by the Lake is $3,700 weekly. God bless each of you!! Liturgy & Worship Faith Formation News Sunday Catechist Helpers Needed Welcome to Fr. Bill Key for helping out while Fr. Steve is visiting with his family this weekend. ORDINARY PEOPLE, EXTRAORDINARY GRACE! After Pentecost, the Church enters into another period of Ordinary Time. However, nothing is ordinary as Easter lilies are replaced by Spring blossoms and flowers, giving way to hot Summer weather and leisure activity. God is there, offering grace beyond measure. Communion and prayer service with quiet reflection is each Wednesday at 6:30 pm, in church. Come to the quiet, refresh your soul. Parenting Pointer: "One's life does not consist of possessions." (Luke 12:15) How many "toys" does your family have? For adults it may be electronics, for kids it may be stuffed animals, dolls, or cars. Challenge the family to reduce by 10 % or even just one item. ? Question of the Week 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 GOSPEL: Luke 12: 32-48 My mother-in-law had ongoing health issues in the last few years of her life and was especially frail that final year. And yet, her death took us all by surprise. At her funeral, the priest said “You always knew this day was coming, but yesterday, you did not know it would be today.” In our Gospel, Jesus tells us to be like servants awaiting their Master‟s return, ready to open the door immediately. “Blessed are those servants whom the Master finds vigilant on his arrival.” Jesus reminds us that “You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” One wonders how many of us think we have all the time in the world to follow Jesus as good and faithful servants. Do we rationalize that if I‟m not living as a faithful servant today, I can always start tomorrow? What if we don‟t have another day to prepare to meet Jesus when he omes? QUESTION: If my life ended today, would I be ready to meet Jesus? Do my daily choices reflect that I follow Jesus? Our Sunday Middle School and High School Faith Formation programs are in need of adult volunteers to help facilitate our upcoming programs. Classes are held once a month, September through December and twice a month January through April on Sunday mornings from 10:30 until noon. Anyone interested in helping with this ministry is asked to call Heather Warner, 262639-4493, or the parish office, 262-639-3616. Shared Prayers During August, we will experience the devotional prayers for „Mary, Undoer of Knots‟. This devotion has become popular more recently since Pope Francis has a special love for it, and he has authored a prayer in honor of Mary, Undoer of Knots. Simply put, we are asking Mary, Our Blessed Mother to help untangle the messes in our lives blocking the path of God‟s mercy. Our pleas are directed through Mary, to God, recognizing that sacramental Eucharist is always our most important prayer. At St. Mary by the Lake church, each Wednesday during August, Shared Prayer begins at 6pm when we will pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, followed by a weekly short teaching video on a Corporal Work of Mercy, honoring the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Remaining time before 6:30pm will be spent praying „Mary, Undoer of Knots‟ devotional prayers, ending prior to the 6:30pm Communion and Prayer, followed by Quiet Reflection until 7:30pm. We cry out to God, through Mary, to heal our nation and world from all selfish and willful acts of violence, terror, oppression and war. Please come, and bring others to join in part or all of the evening prayer opportunities. We implore God‟s incredible mercy upon all. Parish Picnic, Sunday, September 13 Parish picnic sign-up sheets are in the vestibule. Please use the sign-up sheets so we can plan accordingly. Come and enjoy the afternoon! Did you donate an auction item? Did you bid? Will you bake for the cake walk? Marriage Troubles? Are you and your spouse arguing? Stressed? Too busy? Growing complacent? Suffering a crisis in the family? Struggling with addictions or mental health issues? Do you find yourself falling out of love? St. Mary by the Lake is here to offer you help, hope and support. Contact our parish‟s First Responder, Deacon Bob Starr, 847-890-8671. Deacon Bob has been trained by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee‟s Nazareth Project to be part of the First Responder‟s group - deacons who are married and understand the ongoing work of keeping marriage healthy. Share your story in a confidential, caring environment, at no cost. More information is available in the vestibule. Paul Todd Concert Paul Todd, a critically acclaimed entertainer, composer and singer will be performing at the Siena Center on Friday, August 12. Paul has written countless songs performed on Broadway and has worked with many celebrities. He has used his talents to entertain families with his Broadway and family friendly music. He is famous for his unique concert, where he accompanies himself by playing six keyboards simultaneously. He is from Florida and his sold out concerts are simply unforgettable. His son, Paul Todd Jr., who is also an accomplished musician will join him for the concert. Proceeds for the concert will go to Halo, the Hope Center and the West Racine Kiwanis Charities. Tickets for $20 may be purchased from Rita Andis at 262-639-6767. You won‟t want to miss this magical night. Heat Up Wisconsin Program We need your help and that of your parish! We all know that many families are in a position to need a helping hand. In our economy, many people have lost jobs, are veterans, are disabled or ill, or are elders on a limited income. Although someone may own a home, they cannot always afford to replace an old, inefficient furnace which only adds to their burden by running up the energy bills. If you know someone who is in need of a new furnace, please nominate them for the Lennox Heat UP Wisconsin Program. Dealers will install up to 100 Lennox furnaces completely free to the chosen recipients. Nominations due by August 28, 2016. For more information, please visit www.heatupwisconsin.com. www.apostleshipofprayer.org CLUSTER CORNER St. Mary by the Lake - Racine, www.stmarybythelake.org Email: stmarybl@wi.twcbc.com 7605 Lakeshore Dr. 262-639-3616 Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 9:30 am Office Hours: 8 am - 1 pm, M-F St. Matthew - Oak Creek, www.stmattoc.org Email: parish@stmattoc.org 9303 S. Chicago Rd. 414-762-4200 Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 7:30 & 9:30 am Office Hours: 9 am - 4 pm, M-Th 8 am - Noon, F St. Stephen - Oak Creek, www.saintstephenmil.org Email: secretary@saintstephenmil.org 1441 Oakwood Rd. 414-762-0552 Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 am Tuesday-Friday 8:00 am Office Hours: 9 am - 3:30 pm, M-Th Parish Cluster Picnic On Saturday, October 1, St. Mary by the Lake, St. Matthew and St. Stephen parishes will hold a Parish Cluster Picnic at St. Stephen parish. Join us for Mass at 4:30 at St. Stephens with the picnic to follow. Come and meet your Cluster Parishes and enjoy some food, family and fellowship. See the bulletin insert for more information. St. Patrick Festival August 6-7, Saturday: 1:00 - 11:00 pm, Sunday: 1:00 pm - 11:00 pm, 1111 Douglas Ave. (St. Patrick Parish parking lot). Authentic Mexican Food, live music, La Tapia Dancing horses, Silent Auction, gift raffle baskets and Grand Raffle. For more information contact the St. Patrick‟s parish office at 262-632-8808. St. Louis Parish Festival August 20-21, Saturday, 5-10:30 pm, Sunday, 11 am-6 pm, 13207 Hwy. G in Caledonia. See the flier in the vestibule for more information or visit stlouisparishwi.com/festival. St. Rita Parish Festival August 19-21, Friday: 5:00 11:00 pm, Saturday: Noon - 11:00 pm, Sunday Noon 8:00 pm, 4339 Douglas Ave., Racine. For information visit: www.stritas-org. The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for August Sports That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world. Living The Gospel That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor. St. Monica’s Annual Golf Outing Fundraiser September 22, 11:30 am luncheon, 12:30 pm shot gun start, Meadowbrook Country Club. Hole in one prize - 2016 Indian Scout Motor Bike. For more information call 262-639-5050, ext. 3; email dpetit@stmonicasseniorliving.com; or visit www.stmonicasseniorliving.com.