Our Sympathy for the families of all those who have died, especially:
Our Sympathy for the families of all those who have died, especially:
THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST June 7, 2015 MASS TIMES, INTENTIONS AND PRAYER REQUESTS WELCOME TO ST MAX PARISH! Welcome to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish community! If you would like to register in the parish, please pick up a packet in the gathering space and return the registration form. Once registered, you will receive our monthly newsletter and emails. Please know our staff and parish leaders are here to be of service to you. Additional information about our parish can be found on our website, www.saint-max.org. Sunday, June 7 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST 8:00 AM † Vincent Bao Nguyen & the intentions of our Worship Ministry volunteers 10:00 AM People of the Parish & † Hong Duc Nguyen NOON † Dung Nguyen Monday, June 8 9:00 AM † Elizabeth Wolf Tuesday, June 9 8:30 AM † Maria Toan Dang & † Maria Dominic Toan Dang Wednesday, June 10 8:30 AM † Elizabeth Wolf Thursday, June 11 Saint Barnabas, Apostle 8:30 AM † Robert Harshbarger Friday, June 12 THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS 8:30 AM † All Souls Saturday, June 13 8:30 AM † Tom Wiss, MD 4:30 PM † Richard M. Pfeffer Sunday, June 14 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM † William Maestri 10:00 AM People of the Parish & † Zach Smith NOON † Dan Besl † Deceased THIS WEEK’S READINGS Exodus 24: 3-8 Psalm 116: 12-13,15-18 Hebrews 9:11-15 Mark 14:12-16,22-26 NEXT WEEK’S READINGS Ezekiel 17:22-24 Psalm 92:2-3,13-16 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Mark 4:26-34 DEVOTIONS (all in chapel) Perpetual Adoration - Our chapel is open continuously Exposition - The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Thursdays after Mass, a Holy Hour begins at 7:00 PM Rosary - One half hour before all Masses Divine Mercy Chaplet - After all Masses Our Sympathy for the families of all those who have died, especially: Tim Gay, brother of Dan Gay PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Your healing prayers are requested for Mark Barrett, Bob Bruns, Jerri Bottoms, James Bowling, Louise Bowling, Jennifer Calangi, Ann Corkhill, Angelique Debets, Henry DeNicola, Marlene Doughman, John Dunn, Bill Ebben, Jack Finke, Alex Fulton, Mike Gagnon, Karen Gross, Sol Gross, Sandra Giuliano, Gary Hampton, Brian Haverland, Steve Hazlebeck, Al Higgins, Jill Holt, John Kaeppner, Dennis Karas, Don Klinkhammer, Hank Kluznick, Janet Kroeger, Joey Lakeberg, Michael Lancaster, Pat Langdon, Barb Listermann, Steve Lutz, Tom Lutz, Lyla McGlinchey, Andrew Meister, Jacob Meister, Beryl Michael, Judy Michael, John Monroe, Theresa Munafo, Trevor Vincent Munafo, Mary Patricia Nadzam, Gene Neltner, Victor Nguyen, Jack O’Verbey, Aaron Peters, Fr. John Porter, Bruce Powell, Agnes Rahman, Michele Risola, Evelyn Robinson, Laura Russell, Rich Scott, Julia Sanders, Hans Schade, Gloria Schaecher, James Schaeper, Julie Schrock, Rod Simpson, Fr. Terry Smith, Phillip Spotts, Victoria Stoltz, Donald Charles Sturmer, Daniel Thiergartner, Tari Torbeck, Ruth Trentman, George Vesper, Gloria Vesper, Charlie Wiedenmann, Jennifer Wiesmann and Christine Zampese. Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to health again. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. To leave a message on our prayer line call 777-4322, Opt. 6 after office hours. PRAYERS FOR THE MILITARY Please pray for Scott Archuleta, Daniel Armstrong, Chris Bakes, Patrick Black, Ben Brink, Nicholas Calangi, Ashley Cannon, Philip DeNicola, David Giuliano, Alex Hale, Joseph Hamann, Michael Hazlebeck, Tyler Hollenkamp, Derrick Kamphaus, Stephen Kelczewski, Matthew Koop, Jon Laurin, Derek Morris, Ryan Nikzad, Don Mollis, Jr., Daniel Moore, Alexander J. Pater, Chad Richman, Christopher Richman and Cedric Whitlock. Almighty God, we stand before You in supplication, asking Your Divine mercy and protection to envelop with Your invincible armor our loved ones in all branches of the service. Give them courage and strength against all enemies, both spiritual and physical, and hasten their safe journey back to their homes and families. HOMEBOUND, HOSPITALIZED AND NURSING HOMES To make arrangements to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Penance and/or visits to the hospitalized or seriously ill parishioners, please call Holly Moran, 777-4322, ext. 116. Please note that if you are in the hospital, privacy regulations prohibit hospital personnel from contacting your parish. Therefore, you or your family members should let us know directly by calling the parish office. A LETTER FROM THE PASTOR My dear brothers and sisters in our risen Lord Jesus Christ, As we begin Ordinary Time, the first two Sundays are celebrations of what we might call “theological” solemnities. After last week’s solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, today, the second of the two, is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Celebrated for almost 800 years, in the “old” liturgical calendar, this solemnity was formerly celebrated as two different commemorations: the solemnity of Corpus Christi on the second Thursday after Pentecost and the July 1 feast of the Most Precious Blood. This great solemnity urges us to embrace the great mystery of the Eucharist, the central tenet of our Faith, in which we believe the bread and wine consecrated at Mass truly become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. Through this covenant of love, God draws us into His divine life and offers us food and drink for our earthly pilgrimage so that we may have the grace and strength to continue our human journey with faith and hope, confident in God’s love for us and His will for us that our weaknesses and sufferings might be transformed into strengths and joyfulness! Jesus invites us to eat His Body and drink His Blood as a sign of our new covenant with God. As Catholics we must always remember that “the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1324) It is with sadness that I inform you that Fr. Jim Romanello, our parochial vicar since he was ordained in 2013, is going to be reassigned this summer. This was something we were not expecting at all! But all diocesan priests are fully aware that we are ordained for service for the entire archdiocese and when “the bishop calls” we may need to move at an unexpected time to a new assignment. Fr. Jim and I received “that call” in late May. Fr. Jim will be assigned as parochial vicar of the aboutto-be implemented pastoral region of St. Henry Parish (Dayton) and Our Lady of Good Hope Parish (Miamisburg) which will have almost 3,000 registered families. The parishes also have a consolidated grade school, Bishop Leibold School, since 1974, the younger students being at the OLGH campus and the older students being at the St. Henry campus. Fr. Jim will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving (with a reception following) at the 12:00 Noon Mass on Sunday, June 28. I am also happy to announce at this time that our new parochial vicar at St. Max will be Fr. Matthew Gamber, SJ. Fr. Matt, a native of Chicago, is seeking diocesan ministry in a parish setting in the greater Cincinnati area. He had previously served as parochial vicar at both St. Xavier Church in downtown Cincinnati and at a large suburban parish in Chicago. His parents still live in greater Chicago, but he has a brother who lives locally in northern Kentucky. Fr. Matt was most recently assigned at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland. He entered the Jesuits in 1983 and was ordained a priest in 1995. His priestly ministry has been centered in evangelization, catechesis (teaching high school and college), youth ministry (including university chaplaincy) and journalism. Welcome, Fr. Matt! But that’s not all… it is with sadness that I also inform you that Sharon Christy, our Pastoral Associate for Evangelization & Catechesis, will be leaving us after just two years. Sharon has accepted a position at St. Luke the Evangelist Parish in Beavercreek, Ohio, which is only five minutes from her house. We certainly have appreciated all of Sharon’s work in adult faith formation, marriage preparation, marriage enrichment and family life ministry. We certainly wish Sharon all the best in her future ministerial endeavors. Please keep Fr. Jim, Fr. Matt and Sharon in your prayers during this time of transition for them. And finally, please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Parish Leadership Discernment Process which will culminate on Sunday, June 14 at the 12:00 noon Mass when names will be drawn from among those who have discerned possible membership on one of our councils or commissions. God bless one and all! Fr. Geoff The flowers in the sanctuary were donated by: the Morris family, in loving memory of Baby Sean THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST June 7, 2015 WORSHIP There will be no evening confessions on Thursday, June 11. Due to the parish festival, the worship schedule for the weekend of June 12-14 will be as follows: Friday, June 12 8:30 AM Mass Saturday, June 13 8:30 AM Mass with Sacrament of Penance celebrated after 2:00 PM Sacrament of Penance 3:30 PM Mass (Sunday Vigil) Sunday, June 14 8:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass NOON Mass LEARNING ABOUT THE LITURGY: THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST AT MASS On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, it may serve us well to reflect upon the ways in which Christ is truly present when the Church gathers for Mass. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, it was widely accepted that Christ was present in the Eucharistic elements of bread and wine. The Council enhanced our understanding of Christ’s presence with the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. We now understand and believe that Christ is truly present not only in the Eucharistic food, but also in the Word of God proclaimed, in the person of the presiding minister, and in the gathered assembly. This is why each Eucharist includes presider, assembly, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist - Christ is truly and really present in all four ways. ADORERS NEEDED CAN YOU HELP? YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID!!!! We are in need of adorers for Thursdays when Jesus is exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. We have some parishioners who are unable to keep their hours because of caring for seriously ill family members, upcoming surgeries or extended travel outside the country. Open times: 1:00 PM, 2:00PM, and 4:00PM (4:00PM summer only). Pope Francis recently had the following tweet: “It is good for us to spend time before the Tabernacle, to feel the gaze of Jesus upon us.” You can sign up by going to the parish website: www.saint-max.org and clicking on the praying hands icon at the bottom of the page. It will bring you to the sign-up page. Don’t use the internet or have questions? Call: Kathy Hinger 513-779-1586 or Debby Kellner 513-779-7627. OUTREACH 9 MONTHS WITH CHRIST IN THE WOMB-WEEK 10 Jesus now has fingernails, toenails, and functioning kidneys. He even drinks in the amniotic fluid that surrounds him. Jesus of the womb, hear our prayers! Please join us every Wednesday at 11:00 AM in the chapel for our weekly rosary and to prayerfully visualize the development of the Divine Body of Jesus within His mother’s cherished womb. STRESSED? FEELING DOWN? NEED ENCOURAGEMENT? Stephen Ministers don’t just provide care for people experiencing a major crisis. They also provide care and support for people weighed down by the little things in life. If you’re feeling down, lonely, stressed, or discouraged, you could benefit from the care, support, and encouragement of a Stephen Minister. It’s free, it’s confidential and it will really make a difference in your life! To find out more or talk with one of our Stephen Ministers, please call Holly Moran at 777-4322 ext. 116. If you prefer, our confidential email is stephenministry@saint-max.org. Our Stephen Ministers are here to care! We are waiting for you. OUTREACH HUGS AWAY FROM HOME - DONATIONS NEEDED FOR THE RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Claire Wilkes, a junior from Mount Notre Dame High School, is partnering with Ronald McDonald House of Cincinnati for her senior capstone project. She is having a collection Saturday, June 27 and Sunday, June 28. The items are being put together into care packages for the families of the sick children who are living in the Ronald McDonald House. Please bring in basic hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, razors, soap, face wash, etc. in any size (travel or regular). Claire and the MND Varsity Dance Team will be assembling and delivering the packages to Ronald McDonald House, and then they will be preparing the meal for the families that night. It would be greatly appreciated if you would drop off any donations at the outreach kiosk by the front doors of the church. There will be specific bins marked “Ronald McDonald House”. Thank you so much and God bless. EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS As a family, talk about some of the things that are required to prepare for your family meals. Plan together a special Sunday meal by choosing the menu, preparing the shopping list, and assigning duties for cooking, setting the table, preparing decorations, leading the prayers, and cleaning. Reflect on today's Gospel, Mark 14:12-16, 22-26. Notice how Jesus instructed His disciples to prepare for their Passover meal. All meals require some kind of planning and preparation; so does our Sunday Eucharist. What could you do as a family to better prepare for our celebration of the Eucharist? Choose one or more ideas to begin to implement together as a family. Pray together that God will help your family make your celebration of the Eucharist the highlight of your week. EARLY CHILDHOOD RELIGIOUS FORMATION OF YOUTH NEWS When Jesus shared meals with His disciples he shared more than food. When we eat together, much learning is taking place. What are you as a family learning during mealtime? Registration materials for Early Childhood RFY 2015-16 are available online and in the gathering space. If you have any questions please contact Linda at 777-4322 ext. 119 or LLippman@saint-max.org RELIGIOUS FORMATION OF YOUTH NEWS Summer Home Study is underway with the last of our parent meetings being held this weekend. Remember, username and password information to begin the online program will be sent to families on Monday, June 8. Register for the 2015-16 RFY Classroom Program by June 30 and pay the early-bird fee of $70/child. After June 30 the registration fee increases to $95/child. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Registration for Vacation Bible School 2015 has ended. If you have registered for VBS, expect an email by June 15 with program details! ALL volunteers (youth & adult) will have an orientation meeting on June 18 at 7:00 PM. Please make plans now to attend this important meeting! Contact Linda Lippman at LLippman@saint-max.org or 777-4322 ext. 119 for additional information. HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Wacky Wednesdays begin June 17. Join us for an evening filled with all kinds of fun and games! For the complete summer schedule see the next page. For any questions regarding High School Youth Ministry contact Zack Hinger, zhinger@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST June 7, 2015 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS YOUNG ADULT CATHOLICS HANGING TOGETHER ~ YACHT\ ~Timeline Bible Study: It’s not too late to join! Let’s grow in our faith and study the Old Testament. Join us for a journey through the bible every other Thursday (June 4-September 10) at 7:00 PM to learn about and discuss the Old Testament. You do not have to make it every night to participate. Location: St. John Youth Room (in the wing of Favret Hall) ~Theology on Tap begins June 30 at Champps at Union Centre—save the date! For any questions regarding young adult events contact Zack Hinger, zhinger@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 THE CATHOLIC’S DIVORCE SURVIVAL GUIDE The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide will begin its summer session on Wednesday, June 17, at 7:00 PM The 12-week program features 30-minute DVD shows each week that cover topics of shock, denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the courts, the kids, the ex-spouse, annulment, dating, sexuality, spirituality, remarriage or staying single, and much more. Whether you got divorced ten days ago or ten years ago, the program offers valuable insight for everyone. For more information or to register, contact Sharon Christy at schristy@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 106. A Marriage Moment A trip down memory lane. First joint purchase. Whether it was major (like a home) minor (like a book) or sentimental (like a pet) how you join your finances shows your values. What have you learned about joint decision making from that first purchase? by Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net ANSWER THE CALL-MEN’S PRAYER GROUP Answer the Call men’s prayer group is meeting this Thursday, June 11 in room 4 at 7:00 PM. The group begins with a 20 minute discussion of fellowship, evangelization, catechesis, and news of the church, followed by studying the upcoming Sunday readings and pondering their meaning to us as Catholics and deepening our engagement in the Sunday Mass. The readings for this week remind us that "while we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith and not by sight". Answer the Call welcomes you to come and discuss how we walk by faith and trust in the Lord's wisdom as we face the trials of our earthly life. If you have any questions, please email Ron Pfister, mensfellowship@saint-max.org or call 737-9949. PARISH LIFE STEWARDSHIP POINT “Remember this—you can’t serve God and Money, but you can serve God with money.” ~Selwyn Hughes, English pastor and author FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1. Sunday & Holy Day Offerings May 3 May 10 May 11-Faith Direct EFT May 17 May 24 May 31 Total May to date May budget Sundays 26,912.61 22,513.22 53,645.00 24,911.60 20,876.66 24,625.23 173,484.32 172,500.00 Holy Days 0.00 0.00 YOUNG AT HEART Monday, June 8: Regular meeting at 7:00 PM in the large conference room. The speaker, Mr. Gene Gardner, will begin at 7:00 PM with an interesting and lively presentation "Stories from Locomotive Cabs". He is a retired P&G scientist who has had a life-long interest in railroads as a hobby. Business meeting will include installation of new officers. Itinerary and signups for the Fall Trip to Nashville/Memphis/ Graceland, October 11-17 will be available. A deposit of $200 per person is needed by June 15. Please contact Verlaine, 513-779-3251 or email grayact@aol.com for the complete itinerary and any additional information. Thursday, June 18: Mass at 8:30 AM for YAH intentions . Breakfast afterward at a place to be decided. 2. Sunday & Holy Day Year-to-Date Actual 1,714,035.88 71,556.14 Saturday, June 20: Dinner out at the Macaroni Grill. 925 E. Budget 1,712,000.00 85,000.00 Kemper Road, Springdale. Make reservations at the June Difference 2,035.88 (13,443.86) meeting. 3. Special April Offerings Young at Heart is a social group for parishioners ages 50 Catholic Relief Services 1,756.00 and over. Anyone is welcome, single or couples, widow or CRS Nepal Disaster Relief 9,777.74 widower. Contact Ann (330-6545) or youngatheart@saintCatholic Tuition Assistance 2,089.00 max.org if you are interested in attending a meeting or Charitable Impact 1,959.00 joining. Drive Down the Debt 8,717.25 Peter’s Pence 5.00 PLEASE TURN IN YOUR COMMITMENT CARD Operation Rice Bowl 10.50 We’re still in the midst of our annual Stewardship Renewal. St. Vincent de Paul 2,386.00 If you haven’t returned your Commitment Card, you’ll soon receive another card in the mail. Returning your card is an “Do not forget to do good and to share with important part of being an active member of St. Max. others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Please take this opportunity to express your support for our parish with your time, talent, and treasure! “On behalf of all those served by the YWCA Hamilton, thank you for your donation. Gifts such as yours are vital to supporting our programs. Those programs include literacy services for children and adults; a protective shelter for victims of domestic violence; supportive housing for homeless and mentally ill women; youth programs for girls and young women such as Girls Inc. and Teen Pregnancy Prevention; and an economic empowerment program that includes computer literacy and job search assistance. Our goal is to improve the lives of women and families in Butler County and to strengthen the community as a whole. We deeply appreciate your donation and your commitment to the vital work of the YWCA Hamilton” ~Sherrie Bluester, M. Ed, Executive Director THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST June 7, 2015 CAUTION It’s festival time again! Beginning Monday, June 8, the entrance driveway will be closed after morning Mass and exit drive will become two way traffic until the festival tents and rides have been removed. PLEASE USE EXTRA CAUTION WHEN ENTERING AND EXITING OUR PARKING LOT!! DESSERT CAFÉ AND WHEEL OF SWEETS BOOTH If you are planning to attend the festival, we ask each St. Max Family to donate a dessert to help support either our “Dessert Café” or our “Wheel of Sweets” game where you can spin the wheel for a chance to win an entire dessert! Both booths are located in the air conditioned gym. Needed: Lots of “decorated” or “undecorated” small/large cakes, pies, brownies, cookies, cupcakes, breads, candies, cake-pops, gluten or nut free items (please label) …. anything sweet and yummy is always welcome!! Please leave all items whole in a disposable container and drop off at the dessert café in the gym anytime Friday thru Sunday. No time to bake or pick up a dessert, not coming to festival, or going to be out of town ? A gift card to Kroger or Meijer is greatly appreciated and cakes or goodies will be purchased for the booths. Drop off monetary donations or gift cards in the collection basket or office: Attn: Connie Michael – dessert café. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATION Festival - Silent Auction Highlight Enjoy dinner for ten in the comfort of your own home with our pastor, Fr. Geoff , our parochial vicar, Fr. Jim, and six or seven of your closest friends! Fr. Jim will be your chef for the evening as he prepares an Italian feast sure to please! Dinner will be served by our lovely staff members. Stop by the Silent Auction in the gym festival weekend. Bid early and often! FESTIVAL MARSHALLS NEEDED New this year at the festival is an opportunity to volunteer as a marshall. Easily identifiable by their neon reflective vests, marshalls will walk the grounds of the festival, answer questions asked by our guests, and report any possible difficulties we may have to the sheriffs. A one hour training class will be required. For questions or more information, please contact Frank Knapke at hcssa@fuse.net or (513) 779-2226 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST June 7, 2015 EVENTS OF THE PARISH SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 1:15 PM Rms 2&3/4/ 5/6/8 1:30 PM Church 1:30 PM Lg Conf Rm 6:30 PM Lg Conf Rm 7:00 PM Rm 5 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Church Rm 4/6/7/8/ 9&11 MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 10:00 AM Rm 4 6:30 PM Hosp Rm 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 7:30 PM Rm 4 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2015 1:00 PM Hosp Rm 6:30 PM Hosp Rm 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 7:00 PM Gym Include Me! Mass Parish Leadership Discernment Baptism Sunday RFY-Summer Home Study Parent Meeting RFY-Summer Home Study Parent Meeting Boy Scouts Adult MeetingFOG Patrol Praise and Worship Stephen Ministry Supervision Groups Young at Heart Monthly Meeting Stephen Ministry Open Grief Group Jr.High Movie Night Respect Life Meeting Companions on a Journey Grief Group Young Widowed Grief Support Group Evangelization & Catechesis Commission Meeting High School Movie Night On Sunday, May 31, St. Max’s Children’s Choir got the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the Cincinnati Red’s game for the second time. Thank you to all those who came out and supported. And a special thank you to our Children’s Choir Director Mary Ella Wielgos for all her dedicated effort and work! THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2015 9:00 AM Hosp Rm 9:15 AM Chapel 9:15 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Church Rm 4 Rm 4 7:00 PM Chapel 7:00 PM Hosp Rm FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2015 9:15 AM Off Conf Rm 6:00 PM Complex SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 9:15 AM Church 9:15 AM Hosp Rm 3:00 PM Church 5:00 PM Complex SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 3:00 PM Complex 4:00 PM Hosp Rm Youth Ministry Summer Scripture Study Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sacrament of Penance Stephen Ministry Answer the Call Men’s Faith Sharing Holy Hour/Vespers Prayer Shawl Stephen Ministry Leaders Parish Festival Sacrament of Penance St. Benedict Bible Study Sacrament of Penance Parish Festival Include Me! Mass Parish Festival Stephen Ministry Contact Information (for a complete list, visit www.saint-max.org) Parish Phone Number: 513-777-4322 Pastor Fr. Geoffrey D. Drew, Ext.102 gdrew@saint-max.org Parochial Vicar Fr. Jim Romanello, Ext.114 jromanello@saint-max.org Permanent Deacons John Paul Back, 226-3428 jback@saint-max.org Mike Hinger, 779-1586 mhinger@saint-max.org Mike Lippman, 252-4898 mlippman@saint-max.org Pastoral Associates Lakmé Kodros, Parish Life and Stewardship Ext.105, lkodros@saint-max.org Jeremy Helmes, Liturgy & Music Ext. 103, jhelmes@saint-max.org Carol Heuser, Christian Initiation Ext. 104, cheuser@saint-max.org Larry Witsken, Facilities & Maintenance Ext.110, lwitsken@saint-max.org Holly Moran, Outreach Ext. 116, hmoran@saint-max.org Sharon Christy, Evangelization & Catechesis Ext. 106, schristy@saint-max.org Sarah Merkel, Communications Ext. 121, smerkel@saint-max.org Councils & Commissions Jim Kelczewski, Pastoral Council 755-0176, pastoralcouncil@saint-max.org Rich Tereba, Finance Council 887-8482, financecouncil@saint-max.org Mike McNamara, Outreach Commission outreach@saint-max.org Scott Teets, Parish Life & Stewardship Commission 659-1730, stewardship@saint-max.org Debby Kellner, Worship Commission 779-7627, worship@saint-max.org John Pucke, Evangelization & Catechesis 844-6205, e&ccommission@saint-max.org