June 5, 2016 - St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish
June 5, 2016 - St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish
June 5, 2016 TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS TIMES, INTENTIONS AND PRAYER REQUESTS WELCOME TO ST. MAX PARISH! Welcome to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish community! If you would like to register in the parish, please pick up a packet in the gathering space and return the registration form. Once registered, you will receive our monthly newsletter and emails. Please know our staff and parish leaders are here to be of service to you. Additional information about our parish can be found on our website, www.saint-max.org. Sunday, June 5 TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM † Mark Reagan & † Joseph Nguyen Xuan Lam 10:00 AM People of the Parish & members of the Weeda family NOON † For the intentions of our Worship ministry volunteers & † Judith Galbraith Monday, June 6 9:00 AM Thomas Reagan Tuesday, June 7 8:30 AM † Long D. Nguyen 7:00 PM Mass at St. John, West Chester Wednesday, June 8 8:30 AM Members of the DeRoussel family & † Joseph Long Duc Nguyen 6:00 PM Mass at St. Susanna, Mason Thursday, June 9 8:30 AM † Souls in Purgatory Friday, June 10 8:30 AM † Deceased members of the Steve Nguyen family Saturday, June 11 Saint Barnabas, Apostle 8:30 AM † John Baptist Hien Vu 4:30 PM † Nhon Nguyen Sunday, June 12 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM † Steve Grace & Ray Peters 10:00 AM People of the Parish & members of the Good family NOON † Dan Besl & Mass of Thanksgiving for Fr. Thomas Reagan † Deceased THIS WEEK’S READINGS 1 Kings 17:17-24 Psalm 30:2,4,5-6,11-13 Galatians 1:11-19 Luke 7:11-17 NEXT WEEK’S READINGS 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13 Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11 Galatians 2:16, 19-21 Luke 7:36-8:3 DEVOTIONS (all in chapel) Perpetual Adoration - Our chapel is open continuously Exposition - The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Thursdays after Mass, a Holy Hour begins at 7:00 PM Rosary - One half hour before all Masses Divine Mercy Chaplet - After all Masses Our sympathy for the families of all those who have died, especially: Leona Lucille Edwards Peggy Groves, sister of Martha Wehrle PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Your healing prayers are requested for George Arozarena, Mark Barrett, Grace Basta, Matt Baur, Lisa Bingaman, Jerri Bottoms, Louise Bowling, Bob Bruns, Eleanor Budek, Barb Burkett, Scott Burkett, Jennifer Calangi, Ann Corkhill, Cyril Daddieh, Esther Danielson, Angelique Debets, Henry DeNicola, John Dunn, Bill Ebben, Cecilia Feltz, Levi Gasner, Robert Ferraro, Jack Finke, Timmy Fischer, Mary Fritz, Karen Gross, Richard Gross, Sol Gross, Sandra Giuliano, James Gunselman, Gail Hamilton, Gary Hampton, Annie Hart, Steve Hazlebeck, Al Higgins, Jill Holt, Maureen Imfeld, Keith Johnson, Ralph Kitts, Don Klinkhammer, Hank Kluznick, Joey Lakeberg, Michael Lancaster, Pat Langdon, Pam Lawson, Barb Listermann, Beverly Listermann, Steve Lutz, Tom Lutz, Lyla McGlinchey, Andrew Meister, Jacob Meister, Beryl Michael, Judy Michael, Daniel R. Miller, Theresa Munafo, Trevor Vincent Munafo, Mary Patricia Nadzam, Gene Neltner, Victor Nguyen, Jack O’Verbey, Aaron Peters, Fr. John Porter, Stephanie Pulling, Agnes Rahman, Quintin Richardson, Michele Risola, Evelyn Robinson, Joseph Romer, John Roth, Laura Russell, James Santos, Kerry Santos, Hans Schade, Rose Mary Schaefer, James Schaeper, Julie Schrock, Rose Seibert, Phillip Spotts, John Staudigel, Donald Charles Sturmer, Richard Sunnenberg, Daniel Thiergartner, Giuse Dao Xuan Thinh, Tari Torbeck, Kenneth Trimbach George Vesper, Gloria Vesper, Stanley Wadella, Vito Weeda, Kathy Wojciechowski, Charlie Wiedenmann, Jennifer Wiesmann and Christine Zampese, Annemarie Cannon Zawada. Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to health again. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. PRAYERS FOR THE MILITARY Please pray for Scott Archuleta, Daniel Armstrong, Patrick Black, Ben Brink, Nicholas Calangi, Ashley Cannon-Borromeo, Rich Borromeo, Philip DeNicola, Donald Gilbert, David Giuliano, Joseph Hamann, Michael Hazlebeck, Tyler Hollenkamp, Derrick Kamphaus, Stephen Kelczewski, Matthew Koop, Jon Laurin, Derek Morris, Ryan Nikzad, Don Mollis, Jr., Daniel Moore, Alexander J. Pater, Chad Richman, Christopher Richman, Kevin Stetson and Cedric Whitlock. Almighty God, we stand before You in supplication, asking Your Divine mercy and protection to envelop with Your invincible armor our loved ones in all branches of the service. Give them courage and strength against all enemies, both spiritual and physical, and hasten their safe journey back to their homes and families. HOMEBOUND, HOSPITALIZED AND NURSING HOMES To make arrangements to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Penance and/or visits to the hospitalized or seriously ill parishioners, please call Holly Moran, 777-4322, ext. 116. Please note that if you are in the hospital, privacy regulations prohibit hospital personnel from contacting your parish. Therefore, you or your family members should let us know directly by calling the parish office. JUBILEE OF MERCY Raising the dead. There are two stories, three really, of someone coming back from death at the hand of another. Although I might not see myself bringing an unbreathing boy or dead man back among the living as Jesus or Elijah did, I can keep vigil with the dying and with those who mourn them. What great mercy work! The third story is more metaphorical. Paul, who first persecuted the young Church, then was knocked off his horse by the living Christ, spent three years in solitude listening and praying and taking guidance from God. Paul withdrew for a needed time and, refreshed by God, came back stronger to do God’s work. • How will I carve out some time this week to listen to and be with God? • Who is dying and needs my visit and my prayer? • Who is grieving and needs my presence and my comfort? Text acknowledgement: Eliot Kapitan, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois A LETTER FROM THE PASTOR My dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, Welcome back to Ordinary Time! After the first two Sundays after Eastertide celebrating “theological” solemnities – the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – we now return to a semi-continuous reading of Luke’s gospel, so rich in meaning and imagery during this Jubilee Year of Mercy! In today’s Second Reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, Paul speaks of his conversion, a change of heart that provided him with the inspiration and the strength to become the apostle and evangelist he was. We are each called to conversion but it does not (and probably will not!) have to be as dramatic as Paul’s experience. Nevertheless, conversion influences us to be purposeful disciples and authentic which naturally translates into a lifestyle of service. To be a disciple of Christ, not just nominally but to actually be one of His followers, requires not just conversion but action which is most frequently embodied in doing something to serve others. Without a true conversion of heart, no one is able to give of themselves as Christ has asked us to do. During this summer time, when family schedules might be a little less hectic and “something” has to replace the hours spent in school, perhaps some consideration might be given to get involved in the many opportunities for service right here in our parish and in our local community. As we announced previously, the next three weeks are times of thanksgiving here in our parish. Next Sunday, June 12 at the 12 Noon Mass, newly-ordained parishioner Fr. Tom Reagan of the Fathers of Mercy will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving. In two week, Fr. Marc will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, June 19 at 12 Noon. Please keep him in your prayers as he discerns possible entrance into religious life. And as she retires, we will honor Carol Heuser at the weekend Masses on June 25-26, with a special gathering that weekend after the Saturday evening Mass. Again, as summer time begins, I invite everyone to be attentive to our attire, especially how we dress for Sunday Mass. The "immodesty" spectrum as regards attire is very wide, and what may seem to be appropriate attire to some may seem entirely inappropriate to others. I believe the stance all of us must take in this area is not to primarily consider what we think is appropriate or not, but to first consider what others think is appropriate or not. This is a simple witness of embracing the gospel value to “die to self.” In general, whether at Mass or on the beach or at a picnic or in a restaurant, always dress appropriately for the occasion and place. Thanks to everyone for your generous response to the Together We Grow campaign. As volunteers continue to reach out to families, please take the time to respond to their invitations – a friendly voice on the other side of a phone or timely response to an email means so very much to our dedicated volunteers. This capital campaign is a great opportunity for us to not only address some current needs but also poise ourselves for a vibrant future as Together We Grow! Thanks to everyone who has and will support the festival through buying Kolbe Kash chances, donating items or volunteering to work a shift or two. Above all, let’s pray this week for good weather for all of next weekend! That’s it for now – God bless one and all! Fr. Geoff SECOND THURSDAY HOLY HOUR - JUNE 9, 2016 7:00-8:00 PM A Holy Hour for Vocations June 5, 2016 TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TOGETHER WE GROW Why do I think this is worthwhile? I think about Holy Angels, the church where I grew up, in Buffalo, NY. It is a beautiful structure built in 1859. The legacy left by past generations was to celebrate the great Missionary work of spreading the Gospel, which the Oblates of Mary Immaculate and the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, our priests and sisters, had been known for around the world. You could not walk into that church and not think "Missions". But the previous generations had that specific legacy in mind that they wanted to pass down to me. The same with St. Max - I'm thinking big picture - our Capital Campaign will help us make the improvements to our campus that we will pass down to the next generations. Future parishioners will walk into St. Max knowing the Modern Saint, his devotion to the Blessed Mother and eventually, his martyrdom. What a wonderful legacy that would be! - Chuck Ciccia Did you know...? Did you know that distributions from IRAs are accepted for Your company might increase your gift to the Together We the Together We Grow campaign? Speak with your finanGrow campaign through their matching gift program! cial advisor or a tax specialist to see if you meet the criteria. Companies such as GE, Macy’s, AK Steel, LexisNexis, Johnson & Johnson, ITW, Key Bank, PNC Bank, and over 100 more. Questions regarding the campaign? Email campaign@saint-max.org, or visit www.saint-max.org/TogetherWeGrow and respond to the calls of your fellow parishioners who are excited to share the vision & answer your questions. Thank you to the generous families who have made gifts to the campaign – together we will realize success and ensure St. Max continues to be an inviting and welcoming parish campus and community! WORSHIP The flowers in the sanctuary were donated by: We mistakenly omitted the donors and their intentions for Sunday flowers on May 22 and 29. They are listed here, along with today’s donor and intention. May 22 The Silvestri Family, in thanksgiving for Nicholas The Morris Family, in loving memory of Baby Sean May 29 Louis & Maria Klepec, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary Linda & Patrick Fullenkamp, on the occasion of the birthday of their granddaughter, Gianna Elyse Prestel. June 5 Gail & James Allshouse, on the occasion of their 41st Wedding Anniversary WORSHIP LEARNING ABOUT THE LITURGY: THE ENTRANCE PROCESSION Throughout the coming months of Ordinary Time, this column will include some reflections upon the parts of Mass, from beginning to end. More than just a functional way for the presider and ministers to get from point A to point B, the entrance procession is a ritual beginning to Mass. From the assembly, and through the assembly, the various ministers – a crucifer, servers, other lay ministers, deacon and concelebrants, and presider – make their way to the altar in solemn movement. On festive occasions, incense and/or banners may mark this procession with solemnity. This procession ends with the presider and other ministers giving reverence to the altar, by bowing or kissing it, possibly incensing the altar. This procession is a visual expression of the people becoming a liturgical community, with its members exercising distinct offices and ministries, being a people gathered together in the name of Christ. OUTREACH HELP WANTED: PROFESSIONAL AND SKILLED LABOR NEEDED FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL RESOURCE LIST Are you willing to give of your time for a neighbor in need? The St. Max St. Vincent de Paul Society is seeking the assistance of medical, dental, optical, legal and accounting professionals along with those who possess electrical, plumbing, construction, etc. skills to offer assistance when circumstances may arise while serving a person in financial hardship. The generous financial support we receive from parishioners allows us to help clients in need with rent, utilities and food; however, other needs may be discovered when we visit them. If you are willing to donate your time or provide it at a reduced cost we would like to invite you to be included on our resource list. For more information or to be included on the list, please contact svdp@saint-max.org or call Laurie 894-9465 or John 509-0525. COMPANIONS ON A JOURNEY GRIEF SUPPORT We call ourselves Companions on a Journey grief support (COJ), because that is what we are. Each of us has endured the death of someone we love very dearly. Our crosses in life have been heavy, yet it has been through our faith in God that we have found each other. Until one experiences the death of a loved one, a person cannot truly understand our grief world. It's as though we have entered into a different existence from the one we once knew. This week please join us this week for : COJ Perinatal Neonatal Loss Group - Monday, June 6 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the hospitality room. COJ Hope and Healing After the Death of Suicide - Tuesday, June 7 from 7:00-9:00 PM in the hospitality room. COJ Widowed Groups – Wednesday, June 8 from 7:00-9:00 PM in the hospitality Room. Please visit www.saint-max.org or www.companionsonajourney.org websites for a complete listing of our adult support groups. For more information or to register for a specific group call Sheila Munafo-Kanoza at 513-870-9108. June 5, 2016 TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OUTREACH BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS What if every child fulfilled their potential? Start something…..amazing! Volunteer with us! You will spend 2-4 times a month building a friendship with a child all while creating a huge impact. The children in our program have been identified by a teacher or parent as needing additional help. This is where you come in. The time you spend with your little brother or sister each week can help start their success story! National research has shown that positive relationships between youth and their big brothers and big sisters have a direct and measurable impact on children’s lives. Little brothers and sisters are: More confident in their schoolwork performance Able to get along better with their families More positive of the future Here’s how to get started: Call 513-867-1227 or visit our website: www.bbbsbutler.org EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS THE GOSPEL FOR ALL AGES For many weeks we have journeyed with Jesus to the Cross, the tomb, and the place of his Ascension. Today we return to Ordinary Time, where we follow Jesus’ journeys during his active ministry. We will see as Jesus journeys, he never loses sight of why he has come-to bring glad tidings to the poor and liberty to captives. Watch as he fulfills his mission in every encounter. The Church will remain in Ordinary Time until Advent. It is our largest liturgical Season! Point out to young children that the priest wears green during Ordinary Time. Ask them to find other adornments in the church building that are green. Explain that the color green reminds us to seek to grow in God’s love as we hear about Christ’s healing and preaching in the coming weeks. It’s a good time to plant some seeds for baby greens. Be sure they are the kind you can cut and enjoy and then cut again later. Let their growth all summer be a reminder of God’s desire that we love him and each other more every day. Older kids may ask why the Church’s largest Season is called “Ordinary”. The word, ordinary, comes from the Latin word, ordo, which means a series of something, like a schedule or a plan. In Mathematics, ordinal numbers describe a series of numbers or a way of counting. The Church uses this way of counting the weeks of the liturgical year in order to help us follow that year that begins on the First Sunday of Advent, rather than on January 1. It also gives us a clear cut way to remain on the same page both in missal and in liturgical practices. FAITH FORMATION NEWS Don’t forget to register for Early Childhood and RFY Grades 1-8 classroom sessions! Registration ends on August 1; registration fee is $95/child. Summer Home Study: If you are registered for the Summer Home Study Program and did not attend the parent meeting this past Thursday, please attend one of the scheduled parent meetings that will be held today: Sunday, June 5 at 1:30 PM and 6:00 PM in the large conference room. SUMMER HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY EVENTS Tuesdays starting June 14th – August 9th from 9:00 - 11:00 AM: high school Holy Hour and Scripture study after 8:30 AM Mass. Wednesdays starting June 15th - August 10th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Wacky Wednesday open gym and movie nights. July 2: high school service day. Details still to be determined. For any questions regarding HS Youth Ministry contact Zack Hinger, highschool@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS WEST CHESTER CATHOLIC YOUNG ADULTS St. Max Festival - June 11: Join us for fun at the annual church festival! We will be taking an hour of the continual Adoration from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the chapel. Afterwards, join us just outside the main church doors to meet briefly and then we can explore the festival together! Skatetown USA - June 24: Strap your roller skates on and roll over to Skate Town USA on Friday, June 24th from 8:00-11:00 PM. Admission is $7. Roller skate rentals are $3 and inline skates are $5. For any questions regarding young adult events, contact Zack Hinger, zhinger@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 A Marriage Moment Married couples don't often think of being widowed but no one lives forever. Lest this thought seem too morose, remember that one day one of you will be alone to help you appreciate your beloved today. Honor or pray for a widow(er) you know today. By Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net FORMED Resources for Parishioners Recommendations for June June 3 - The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Movie: Ocean of Mercy June 4 - Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism: Session 4, Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast June 19 - Father's Day Movie: Joseph of Nazareth June 29 - Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul Lectio: Peter & Footprints of God - Paul www.FORMED.org Parish Code: 5d9243 MAGNIFICAT What is the Magnificat? This monthly liturgical prayer book provides ways to develop your prayer life and follow the daily Scripture. It can be read at home for personal or family prayer to help grow your spiritual life with essays on the lives of the saints. We order in bulk and offer you a year’s subscription for $30. The subscription will start in October 2016 and run through September 2017. All subscriptions are mailed to the parish office where you will need to pick it up each month. If you would like to order a subscription, please email culm@saint-max.org or call Cindy or Katie at the parish office, 513-777-4322 by June 20. TAKE CLASSES NOW AND DEEPER YOUR FAITH: THE ATENAEUM OF OHIO ANNOUNCES LAY TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2016-17 The Athenaeum, the Archdiocesan seminary and school of theology, announces a 50% scholarship for all lay students as part of our One Faith, One Hope Capital Campaign commitment. We offer daytime, evening and Saturday classes, graduate and non-degree options and a supportive environment with campuses in Mt. Washington, Montfort Heights and Dayton. Earn a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Theology, a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, or a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry as you discern God's call, prepare for new opportunities, or learn about your faith in a dynamic and enriching environment. You don’t have to commit to a degree program; you can just take a course to deepen your Catholic faith. There will never be a better time to discover how lay Catholic studies through the Athenaeum can transform your life. Call Dr. Susan McGurgan (LPMP Director) at 513-231-1200 of Fr. David Endres (Academic Dean) at 513-231-2223 for more information. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 5, 2016 The Fortnight for Freedom occurs every year for 14 days leading up to July 4 to highlight the importance of defending religious freedom. The Fortnight for Freedom is from June 21the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas Moreto July 4, Independence Day. Fortnight For Freedom at St. Max Opening Mass: We will kick-off the Fortnight For Freedom at St. Max with Mass on June 21 at 7:30 PM. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue through the night until 8:30 AM Mass on June 22. If you are interested in signing up to for a specific hour of adoration please email adoration@saint-max.org Weekly Holy Hours: Join us on Thursdays for our weekly Holy Hour (with vespers and benediction) at 7:00 PM as we pray for religious freedom for all God's people. On June 23 (the vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist), Fr. Pat McCloskey, OFM, editor of St. Anthony Messenger, will be our guest presider/preacher reflecting on St. John the Baptist - the local Franciscan province’s patron - and his witness as a martyr of liberty. Refreshments around a bonfire will conclude the evening. On June 30, Catholic lawyer and Sacred Heart (Fairfield) parishioner, John Benintendi, will be our special guest and give a brief history on the establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment and how their interpretation has eroded religious liberty. An ice cream social will follow his presentation. Fortnight Exhibit: An exhibit Featuring 14 witnesses to freedom with interactive activities for youth will be available during the fortnight in the church whenever the building is open. Resources in the Library: New videos focusing on religious freedom are available in library: • A Man for All Seasons • Romero • Becket • For Greater Glory, about the struggle for religious freedom in Mexico • First Freedom: The Fight for Religious Liberty • Scarlet and the Black Also, a lighthouse CD "Attack on Religious Liberty, The Battle for the Faith in Mexico" is available to be checked out from library during month of June. Closing Mass: We will conclude the Fortnight for Freedom on July 4 at 9:00 AM Mass Daily Reflections: Sign up to receive a daily email with reflections from the USCCB during the fortnight. PARISH LIFE Save the Date for a retirement celebration in honor of Carol Heuser June 25, 2016 6:00 PM in the gym Courtesy of an RSVP requested. www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0c49a9aa2da64-carols DESSERT CAFÉ AND WHEEL OF SWEETS BOOTH If you are planning to attend the festival, we ask each St. Max family to donate a dessert to help support either our “Dessert Café” or our “Wheel of Sweets” game where you can spin the wheel for a chance to win an entire dessert! Both booths are located in the air conditioned gym. Needed: Lots of “decorated” or “undecorated” small/large cakes, pies, brownies, cookies, cupcakes, breads, candies, cake-pops, gluten or nut free items (please label) …. anything sweet and yummy is always welcome!! Please leave all items whole in a disposable container and drop off at the dessert café in the gym anytime Friday thru Sunday. No time to bake or pick up a dessert, not coming to festival, or going to be out of town ? A gift card to Kroger or Meijer is greatly appreciated and cakes or goodies will be purchased for the booths. Drop off monetary donations or gift cards in the collection basket or office: Attn: Connie Michael – dessert café. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATION GOLDEN OR SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Couples celebrating their Golden or Silver Wedding Anniversaries during 2016 should contact Cindy in the parish office at 777-4322 ext. 101 or email culm@saint-max.org no later than June 10, 2016. For those celebrating their 50th Anniversary, there will be a Mass on Saturday, August 27, 2016 @ 4:30 PM at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, downtown with Most Reverend Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, the principal celebrant. CAUTION PARKING LOT CHANGES FOR FESTIVAL It’s festival time again! Beginning Monday, June 6, the entrance driveway will be closed after morning Mass and exit drive will become two way traffic until the festival tents and rides have been removed. PLEASE USE EXTRA CAUTION WHEN ENTERING AND EXITING OUR PARKING LOT!! “Thank you for your donation of $1,126.17. It is because of your kindness that we are able to care for our residents in such a loving and caring “home”. The Little Sisters dedicate their lives to the elderly, but we cannot do it alone. It is because of your support, whatever it may be, that we are able to provide the extras which are sometimes a real necessity to help our residents to age gracefully and happily in our home.” ~Yours in Christ, St. Margaret, Little Sisters of the Poor TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 5, 2016 Bring three non-perishable can goods to benefit Serve City for a chance to win $100 cash each night! PARISH LIFE FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1. Sunday & Holy Day Offerings Sundays Holy Days May 1 23,726.40 May 8 22,467.84 1.00 May 11 - Faith Direct EFT 59,303.84 May 15 21,525.38 May 22 20,871.16 May 29 19,166.74 Total May to Date 167,061.36 1.00 May budget 177,500.00 2. Sunday & Holy Day Year-to-Date Actual 1,769,008.34 Budget 1,769,000.00 Difference 8.34 Special May Offerings Catholic Relief Services Catholic Tuition Assistance Charitable Impact Disaster Relief Drive Down the Debt Good Friday St. Vincent de Paul 80,235.91 75,000.00 5,235.91 20.00 1,100.00 2,193.00 10.00 8,996.78 140.00 2,779.00 Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. STEWARDSHIP POINT June 10th-12th Kolbe Kash! This year’s grand prize is your choice of a 2016 Honda Civic LX or $15,000 Kolbe Kash. The next early bird drawing will be May 31st for $250.00. Watch the May 31st drawing LIVE on the St. Max Facebook page! You got to play to win! Congrats to John Wittle our first early bird winner! Pre-Sale Ticket and Token Orders If you like to save money this is the place for you. Pre- sale orders are available online www.saint-max.org/ParishLife/ Festival/Pre-Sale Live Entertainment! We have the hottest local bandsFriday- Marsha Brady Band Saturday- DV8 Sunday- Rain Praise Band Sunday – Second Wind WORKERS, WE NEED WORKERS! A church that is alive needs the generous, sacrificial support of Worker signups are currently taking place on line. To get those who love it. Only a dead church demands no sacrifice. the best shift in the most fun booth sign up now at http:// ~Unknown stmaximiliankolbechurch.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer YOUNG AT HEART Monday, June 13: Guest speaker will be Scott Han from Uncorked Wine Shop to talk about wineries and grapes. Thursday, June 16: Due to the closing of Ruby Tuesdays at Tri county Mall, our dinner will be held at O'Charlie's on Tylersville Road at 5:00 PM. Saturday, June 18: Putt Putt Golf - Eagle Tee 10:00 AM with lunch following at Frisch's, Cin-Day Road and I-75. Young at Heart is a social group for parishioners ages 50 and over. Anyone is welcome, single or couples, widow or widower. Contact Ann, 513-795-7579 or youngatheart@saintmax.org if you are interested in attending a meeting or joining. EUCHARISTIC ADORERS NEEDED DURING FESITVAL We hope to have adorers in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel during all festival hours if you are interested in taking an hour please contact adoration@saint-max.org. Booth Captains Needed! We have several openings for booth captains; Specifically we need captains for Corn Hole, Kiddie Corn Hole, Saturday Night Black Jack Tent. We will provide all the training; we just need your energy and passion to help. Please contact Christal Merrelli @ 779-3675 for more details. Silent Auction Donations Needed! Silent Auction is in need of donations to help make the festival successful this year! Please consider donating artwork, timeshare usage, antiques, event tickets, furniture etc. Please contact Maria Tschuor to make a donation or for any questions at 513-226-0833. Not sure what to donate? Visit the silent auction festival page for more information and ideas of great past donations! www.saint-max.org/ ParishLife/Festival/SilentAuction Any festival questions, please contact Bill Harkins at festival@saint-max.org or 777-8508 You can always find up to date festival information at www.saint-max.org/ParishLife/Festival June 5, 2016 TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME EVENTS OF THE PARISH SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2016 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 1:00 PM Rms 12 & 14 1:30 PM Church 1:30 PM Lg Conf Rm 6:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 6:00 PM Hosp Rm Supervision 7:00 PM Church 7:30 PM Rm 5 MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016 8:30 AM Church 7:00 PM Rm 5 Include Me! Mass Festival Meeting Baptism Sunday Religious Ed Summer Home Study Parent Meeting Religious Ed Summer Home Study Parent Meeting Stephen Ministry Team #1 Praise & Worship Boy Scouts Adult Meeting Mass 2016 Lay Leadership Discernment Meeting Follow-Up 7:00 PM Rm 6 Adoration Team 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Perinatal Neonatal Loss 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Youth Ministry New Adult Leader Training TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2016 9:30 AM Off Conf Rm Choir Camp Meeting 11:00 AM Lg Conf Rm EC Staff Small Group 1:00 PM Rms 2 & 3 Young at Heart Board 6:30 PM Lg Conf Rm Knights of Columbus Fraternal Meeting 7:00 PM Rms 2 & 3 Campaign Meeting 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Hope and Healing After the Death of Suicide WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2016 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Young Widowed Grief Support Group 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Evangelization & Catechesis Commission Meeting THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 8:30 AM Lounge High School Peer Minister Retreat Day 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance 9:30 AM Chapel Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 PM Church Sacrament of Penance 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Answer the Call Mens Faith Sharing 7:00 PM Chapel Holy Hour/Vespers FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 9:30 AM Hosp Rm Stephen Ministry - Supervision Team #4 6:00 PM Parking Lot FESTIVAL SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance 2:00 PM Church Sacrament of Penance 5:00 PM Parking Lot FESTIVAL SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2016 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Include Me! Mass 3:00 PM Parking Lot FESTIVAL Like us on Facebook! St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church, Liberty Township Fun Facts How many parishioners do you think make up our community of St. Max? Of that number, how many do you think are 21 and under? 70 and older? 11,955 total, 21 and under: 4197, 70 and older: 396 Contact Information (for a complete list, visit www.saint-max.org) 513-777-4322 Pastor Fr. Geoffrey D. Drew, Ext.102 gdrew@saint-max.org Parochial Vicar Fr. Marc Soellner, Ext. 114 msoellner@saint-max.org Permanent Deacons John Paul Back, 226-3428 jback@saint-max.org Mike Hinger, 779-1586 mhinger@saint-max.org Mike Lippman, 252-4898 mlippman@saint-max.org Hans Schade, 594-9730 hschade@saint-max.org Pastoral Associates Lakmé Kodros, Parish Life & Stewardship Ext.105, lkodros@saint-max.org Jeremy Helmes, Worship Ext. 103, jhelmes@saint-max.org Carol Heuser, Christian Initiation Ext. 104, cheuser@saint-max.org Larry Witsken, Facilities & Maintenance Ext.110, lwitsken@saint-max.org Holly Moran, Outreach Ext. 116, hmoran@saint-max.org Zack Hinger, Evangelization & Catechesis Ext. 107, zhinger@saint-max.org Sarah Merkel, Communications Ext. 121, smerkel@saint-max.org Councils & Commissions Darrell Maddox, Pastoral Council 515-3723, pastoralcouncil@saint-max.org Rich Tereba, Finance Council 887-8482, financecouncil@saint-max.org Lisa Schafer, Outreach 219-916-0130, outreach@saint-max.org Scott Teets, Parish Life & Stewardship 659-1730, stewardship@saint-max.org Steve Szczap, Worship 779-3324, worship@saint-max.org Chuck Ciccia, Evangelization & Catechesis 708-3545, e&ccommission@saint-max.org Seminarian Intern Craig Best, Ext. 127 cbest@saint-max.org