Current Bulletin - Saint Philip the Apostle School


Current Bulletin - Saint Philip the Apostle School
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 21, 2016
One bread, one body—a community for all!
151 S. Hill Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106
Rev. Joseph Moniz, Pastor ext. 104
Rev. Alfredo Vargas, Associate Pastor ext. 105
Sr. Teresita Keliher, SND ext. 109
William Landa, Deacon
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses
Saturday Vigil: 5PM
Sunday: 7AM, 9:15AM, 11AM
12:30PM — Spanish, 5PM — Life Teen
Weekday Masses
Parish Center
(626) 793-0693 Fax (626) 793-0733
Director of Pastoral Life
David Landa ext. 107
Parish Business Manager
Casey Jurecki ext. 106
Bulletin & Technology Specialist
Phyllis Park ext. 103
Carmen Partida ext. 100
Monica Pupo ext. 100
Religious Education Coordinator
Susie Lopez ext. 108
Music Director
Lawrence Strohm (626) 644-2576
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Aida Smith ext. 235
Youth Formation Coordinator
Marc Raymundo
Wedding Coordinator
Cathy Pupo (626) 221-0812
St. Philip the Apostle School
1363 Cordova Street
Pasadena, CA 91106
(626) 795-9691
Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Ramirez
Page Two
August 21, 2016
Today’s Readings
First Reading — Brothers and sisters of
every race and language will be
brought to Jerusalem (Isaiah 66:18-21).
Psalm — Go out to all the world and tell
the Good News (Psalm 117).
Second Reading — Be strong and endure your trials as the “discipline” of a
loving God, for it will result in the
peaceful fruit of righteousness
(Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13).
Gospel — People from east and west,
north and south, recline at table in the
kingdom of God (Luke 13:22-30).
No one is to be excluded from the kingdom for all peoples are called to proclaim the praises of the Lord and confess his holy name. No ethnic or religious group possesses exclusive right
to the kingdom. Suffering and pain are
part of the human condition.
Mass Intentions of the Week
Lawrence & Rosemary
Schenden ()
O'Brien Family
All Parishioners
Jose Payumo ()
Rosa Mejia
Huynh Thi Family
Aug. 20
Aug. 21
Aug. 22
Aug. 23
12:05 Virginia Randar ()
Nicolasa Hernandez ()
12:05 Virginia Randar ()
Tom Savage ()
12:05 Virginia Randar ()
12:05 Virginia Randar ()
Aug. 24
Weekly Offering
August 7, 2016
The contributions above do not include online giving through our
Faith Direct program. Thank you for your generous support.
Presider Mass Schedule*
Wedding Information Night
Saturday, August 20
5PM Fr. Ananth Kumar
Sunday, August 21
7AM Fr. Alfredo Vargas
9:15 Fr. Ananth Kumar
11AM Fr. Steven Way
12:30 Fr. Alfredo Vargas
5PM Fr. Chris Iwancio
Saturday, August 27
5PM Fr. Alfredo Vargas
Sunday, August 28
7AM Fr. Ananth Kumar
9:15 Fr. Steven Way
11AM Fr. Ananth Kumar
12:30 Fr. Alfredo Vargas
5PM Fr. Chris Iwancio
Come to this one-hour session to
learn about archdiocesan and parish
marriage/wedding requirements for
all couples considering having their
wedding at St. Philip’s.
Tuesday, September 13th, 7PM
* Schedule is subject to change.
Sunday Hospitality
Thank you to our Divine Mercy for
hosting the Hospitality Table on Sunday. Please join them after Mass for
refreshment and fellowship!
Aug. 25
All Parishioners
12:05 Fernando Martinez ()
Aug. 26
Cindy Cronin
Aug. 27
12:05 Virginia Randar ()
Newton Family
Altar Flowers
Flowers for the this
week are offered for
Rosa A. Mejia, Happy
August 9, 2015
Recent Deaths in our Community
Luz Genara Gomez
Loving mother of Luciano, Luz, & Carlos.
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of Christ, rest in
peace. Amen.
Call for more information (626) 7930693.
St. Philip’s Parish joyously welcomes:
Jocelyn Alessandra Herrera
into our Christian Community. Please
remember her and her family in your
prayers, asking that she grow in wisdom and grace before God.
Pray for the Sick
Please remember in your prayers all
the sick of our parish, especially:
Andres Arellano, Maria Fuentes, Don
Schimmoller, Tom Conway, Robert
Morgan, Bill Clark, Esther Woo-jan,
Isabella Diecks, Mia Salgado, Veronica Jimenez, Jim Joyce, Mohtashem,
Renato Martinez, Rosa de la Rosa,
Maria Curtis, Elvira Jimenez, Derek
Medina , Mary Rios & Al Chavez, Jr.
Remember, also, all those who care
for the sick and elderly, that they
may receive the strength of Christ as
they bring His healing hand to those
in need.
Please contact our Parish Office to
add a name.
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
RCIA - Christian Formation Updates
Pope Francis has declared 2016 a Year of Mercy. This is a wonderful
opportunity to reach out to someone and encourage them to return to the
church or complete their sacraments or to be baptized in the Catholic Church.
We meet on Tuesday at 7 PM. Sr. Teresita and Father Ananth will be available
to discuss questions and guide persons interested in finding more about our
Catholic Faith.
If you have been away from the Church this can also be an opportunity to do
some updating! We will also be showing some of Bishop Barron's Catholicism
films. Call Sr. Teresita (626) 793-0693 for more information.
Praise & Adoration
Invitamos a toda la comunidad parroquial al gran evento de alabanza y
adoración: Mision USA 2016: "Señor, Enseñanos a Orar." El evento se llevará
a cabo en el templo de nuestra parroquia el dia 25 de Agosto de 6:45 P.M. a
8:00 P.M. El evento estará a cargo del cantante internacional de música
Católica: Luis Enrique Ascoy y Amigos. İEstan todos invitados; la asistencia es
Page Three
Parish Coming Events
23 ● Parish School Year Begins
25 ● Praise & Adoration: "Lord,
Teach us How to Pray"
28 ● Baptism
● Labor Day - Parish Center and
Ministry Building Closed
9 ● Bautismo Clase de Preparación
11 ● Bautismos en Español
12 ● Wedding Information Night
17 ● Baptism Preparation
Thursday, August 25th in the Parish
Center following the 12:05PM Mass.
Bingo games and wonderful prizes!
Lunch will be served. Admission is
The entire parish community is invited to a great evening of praise and
adoration: Mission USA 2016: "Lord, Teach us How to Pray." The event will
feature international Catholic vocalists Luis Enrique Ascoy and Friends. Free
admission…everyone is invited!
Thursday, August 25, 2016
6:45PM - 8PM
St. Philip the Apostle Church
Parents of Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2
Candidates: Don't miss the last chance.
As the upcoming Confirmation year approaches, we'd like to provide you with
some important information and updates. As a result, our Youth Ministry will be
hosting a MANDATORY workshop for parents of both the Confirmation 1 &
Confirmation 2 Programs:
August 21st
2:00-3:00PM in Holy Angel Hall.
If you absolutely cannot attend this meeting, please contact us so you can
meet with our Youth Ministry team. Topics will include the new format for the
year as well as the updated calendar.
Faith Direct
Thank you for being a part of our St.
Philip the Apostle family. As you
prepare for the end of summer and the
start of a busy fall, consider enrolling
in eGiving through Faith Direct so that
your gift can reach us even when you
Visit and use our
church code: CA367
Thank you for your continued support
of our parish family!
God Bless You,
Fr. Joe Moniz,
Page Four
August 21, 2016
Altar Flowers
Do you have a loved one, birthday,
graduation, Baptism or anniversary you
would like to remember at Mass? Donating altar flowers is a lovely way to do it.
Donations and intentions will be listed in
the bulletin. Altar flower donations are
$100 per week or $300 for the whole
month and all donations are tax deductible. For more information please contact
our parish office.
Swimming is a fun way to have some fun and beat the heat during the
summer. Parents should teach their children about swimming safety,
including how to identify and handle uncomfortable situations. Although you
may be watching closely to make sure your kids are safe in the water, don’t
forget about when they’re walking around, sitting out by the pool, using the
restrooms or out of sight. Teach your children what to do when they feel
uncomfortable at the pool, and let them know it is okay to walk away and find
a parent or trusted adult at any time. For more information and a copy of the
article called “Know the Rules…Summer Safety Tips to Teach Children” from
the National Center for Missing and Exploited, email or call (213) 637-7227.
Virtus "Keeping
the Promise
Alive" Re-certification Session will be
held on Wednesday, August 31st at
6:30PM at the Parish Center. Please call
Parish office (626) 793-0693 to reserve
your spot. The session is free of charge.
This session is only for volunteers who
have taken "Protecting God's Children"
in the past 4 years or earlier and are due
for re-certification. For more information,
please contact Susie (626) 793-0693 x.
La natación es una manera divertida de combatir el calor durante el verano.
Los padres deben enseñar a sus hijos sobre la seguridad acuática, incluso
cómo identificar situaciones incómodas y cómo reaccionar en estos casos.
Aunque usted los está vigilando atentamente para asegurar que los niños
están a La seguridad en la piscina implica más que saber nadar salvo en el
agua, no se olvide de poner atención cuando los niños caminan o se sientan
alrededor de la piscina, usan el baño o cuando están fuera de la vista.
Enseñe a sus hijos qué hacer si se sienten incómodos en la piscina y que al
cualquier momento está bien huir y buscar un adulto de confianza. Para más
información y para obtener una copia del artículo completo del National
Prayer for Vocations
Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd. You know each of us and You call us by
name to serve You in faith.
Give courage and guidance to those you call to the priesthood, diaconate
and religious life. May they respond wholeheartedly and serve devoutly.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Jesus, tú eres el buen Pastor. Tú nos conoces y nos llamas por nuestro
nombre para servirte en fe. Dales valor y guía a los que Llamas a la vida
sacerdotal, diaconal y religiosa. Que respondan y sirvan con todo su
Corazón y devoción. Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.
News from Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is in need of
Catholic laity who wants to give their
time by doing good deeds for the
Blessed Virgin Mary.
We are a ministry under the title of
Legions who are the army for Mary for
her son Jesus Christ. We pray the
Rosary every week for souls. Under
Mary's Legion we arrange visits to do
corporal works of Mercy by visiting the
sick and dying and even abortion clinics.
We welcome all who would like to join us
and keep the Legion Of Mary going. We
are short of volunteers for the love of
Mary. We meet every Thursday at 6PM
in the Ministry Building. Any questions
please contact us at (626) 235-5082.
All families in the Community are invited
The Annual Hispanic Picnic, will take place again at the Lake Casitas
Recreation Park “Water Adventures” in Ventura, CA.
Saturday. Sept. 24th
In case you need transportation, we will have buses. You may make your
reservation as soon as possible. Please leave your name and phone number
at the parish office and someone from the Guadalupano Group will return
your call giving you more information.
Todas las familias de Ia Comunidad están invitadas
El Picnic Anual familiar se llevará a cabo el Sábado 24 de septiembre
en el Parque de Recreaciôn “Las Casitas Lake Water Adventures” en
Ventura. Ca.
Tendremos autobuses para los que no tienen transportación.
En caso de que necesite ayuda, el Grupo Guadalupano le ayudará.
Haga su reservación cuanto antes los Domingos después de Misa en el
Salón del Sto. Angel y se les dará más información.
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Philip the Apostle School News – a
message from Principal Jennifer Ramirez
This week we welcome our students and families
back for the start of the 2016-17 school year. Did
you know that this year's kindergarten class is the
graduating class of 2025! Time is flying and yet I want
to take a moment to count our blessings. Here are
just a few of them:
 Wonderful parish support
Integration of faith in all that we do
Full enrollment
Long time teacher stability
Current and rigorous curriculum
State of the art technology
Rainy day reserves
Outstanding co-curricular program
Successful students in high school
Returning Alumni with their children
Amazing parent support
Active and effective PTO and School Board
I could go on and on. How did we end up in such a blessed place? It has been
generations of commitment, dedication, and hard work on the part of teachers,
administrators, parishioners, and parents. Pray daily for wisdom and for
God's continuing grace so that I can lead our school in a way that honors all
those who came before us. I also pray that those who are less fortunate than
we are could be equally blessed.
Page Five
Are you a recent college graduate
looking for an experience that will
change your life? Do you want to spend
a year living with your peers, serving
those in need, growing in your faith,
and learning more about yourself? The
Augustinian Volunteers might be just
what you are looking for!
Augustinian Volunteers are men and
women between the ages of 21-29 who
wish to serve God’s people in
partnership with the Augustinian Order.
The service of the volunteers is with
established educational, social, and
health programs and varies according
to the needs of the sponsoring site and
the individual volunteer. Applications
are currently being accepted for the
2016-2017 volunteer year for our sites
in Chicago, IL, Lawrence, MA,
Philadelphia, PA, San Diego, CA,
Ventura, CA and Chulucanas, Peru.
If interested, please visit or contact us at
Lay Mission-Helpers and Mission
Doctors: Discernment Weekend
in Los Angeles
From Office of Religious Education
A special invitation for you to make a difference
in the life of a child as a Catechist in the
Religious Education Program. The program
begins in last week of August. It’s fun to share
faith with children for a rewarding experience.
Come and find out more on how you can get
Please contact Susie at (626) 793-0693 ext.
108 today!
Lay Mission-Helpers and Mission
Doctors will hold a Discernment
Weekend in September for those
considering serving in mission. Single
people, married couples, and families
have served with these two
organizations since 1955 in 36 countries
around the world. Current needs include
but are not limited to teachers, nurses,
accountants, and doctors.
The Discernment Weekend will be held
from Friday, September 23, through
Sunday, September 25, in Los Angeles.
For additional information, please
Lay Mission-Helpers (213) 368-1870
Mission Doctors (213) 368-1872
Page Eight
August 21, 2016
Altar Servers
● Phyllis Park, AS@
Altar Care
● Patty Diehl, AC@
Assisting Children
● Hedy Bravo Jurarez, ACCM@
Children’s Liturgy
of the Word
● Patty Parisi (English), CLOWE@
● Angelica Loera (Sp.), CLOWS@
● Sue Colton, BEREAVE@
Bible Study
● Sr. Teresita, tkeliher@
Cana Family
● Anna Hjorth, CANA@
Christian Initiation Adult
● Sr. Teresita, RCIA@
Divine Mercy
● Marlene Castillo, ADM@
Eucharistic Ministers
● Sr. Teresita (English), EML@
& Lectors
● Deacon Landa (Spanish)
Finance Council
● Luke Welsh, PFC@
Health Ministry
● Rigoberto Negrete GG@
● Ann Sanders, HM@
Knights of Columbus
● James Stevens, KofC@
Legion of Mary
Men’s Retreat
Ministry -Sick & Elderly
Music Ministry
Parent Teacher
Pastoral Council
Religious Education
Respect Life Ministry
Safeguard the Children
School Board
Scouts—Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Serra Club
Special Needs Ministry
● Stacey Amhaz, LOM@
● Tom Amestoy, MR@
● Colleen Roohan, MSE@
● Lawrence Strohm, MUM@
● Maite Ramirez & Lara Serventi,
● Nick Hjorth, PPC@
● Susie Lopez, RE@
● Sarah Di Cicco, RLM@
● Robin Johnson, SGTC@
● Ryan Knoll, SB@
● Steve Pereira, CS@
● Lu Ruiz, BS@
● Shante Younker, GS@
● Mary Bloebaum, SC@
● Joan & Ken DeSouza,
St. Benedict’s Prayer Guild ● John Davis, SBPG@
St. Vincent de Paul
● Kevin Young, SVDP@
● Gene Powell, USHERS@
Women’s Retreat
● Jean Bowler, WR@
Young Adult (AACTS)
● Edward Burns, AACTS@
Youth Ministry Coordinator ● Aida Smith, LTYM@
Please call the Parish Center (626) 793-0693 at any time.
Scheduled monthly (English/Spanish), with one month notice.
Saturdays from 3:30 to 4:30 PM, or by appointment. Call the
Parish Center to schedule a time.
Parish Master Plan Committee
To refine, develop and implement a vision for the parish
facilities that will sustain us for 50 years or more.
Meeting Information
Master Plan Committee meets in various sub-committees.
Sub-committees are currently not meeting.
Contact Information
Casey Jurecki, (626) 793-0693 ext. 106
1.— Bible Study
We study different books of the Bible reading the entire
book. Each study has a commentary and question guide
that help the group pace through the particular book of
the Bible.
Meeting Information
Weekly sessions, for 10 weeks, with video and discussion. Please call for details for the next session.
Contact Information
Sister Teresita Keliher
(626) 793-0693 ext. 109
Cecily Betz
(323) 344-0157
2.— Parish Building and Grounds
The Building and Grounds Committee is a subcommittee
of the Parish Finance Council. The Committee provides
the vital role of advising the Parish regarding building and
grounds maintenance planning and facility needs.
Meeting Information
First Friday of each month.
Contact Information
John Krappman,
Small Faith Communities
Cana Family
Christ and Coffee
Grown Kids
Home Bible Study
Not Rocket Science
Souls Without Wrinkles
Women of Purpose
Women of Worship
Young Adult Men
Young Adult Mixed
Make a New Group!
3rd Sat, 4-8PM
Thurs., 7-8:30PM
On a break till September
Sun., 4-5:30PM
2nd & 4th Sat,.6-8:30PM
Wed., 8-9:30PM
Wed., 2-3:30PM
2nd & 4th Tues., 7-8:30PM
Wed., 9-10:30AM
Mon., 7:30PM