T - Christ the King Catholic Church


T - Christ the King Catholic Church
Christ the King Catholic Church
DESSERT THEATER: The Kids P raising God Choir
will be presenting Life of the Party, the story of Mary
and Martha, this Sunday, June 5, at 2:00 p.m. in the
Sanctuary. Come enjoy the show, and join us for dessert in the Gathering Space afterward.
Parish Picnic!
Please join us on Sunday, June 26,
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.at Howard Amon Park’s
Fingernail. Christ the King has reserved the
entire park for our use.
The Knights of Columbus will provide
hamburgers and hotdogs and the church will
provide buns, condiments and beverages.
Please bring a lawn chair, tableware and a dish to
share. No desserts please as it too will be provided.
Bocce ball, volleyball, badminton and lawn golf will be
set-up. If there is another game you would like to play,
we welcome it! A deck of cards also works well in the
shade along the Columbia! The park is actually
reserved until 4:30 so you are welcome to stay longer.
Welcome to Christ the King Parish
If you have questions, please contact Helen Robinson at
Whether you are a visitor, a devoted parishioner, or one
who is looking for a faith family and home,
we’re glad you’re here!
Rummage Sale: Friday, J une 17 and
Saturday, June 18. Please leave your donations in the
little room to the left of the bottom of stairs going up to
the church. Please, no chemicals, tires, or large appliances. Thank you for your donations; if you need more
information or have a large amount, contact 946-5782.
If you are not registered in Christ the King parish,
please call the parish office at 946-1675 or fill out the
forms at www.ckparish.org. We can better serve you by
having your name, phone number, address, email and
family information in our data base.
If you move or change your phone number, please
call the parish office at 946-1675 to let us know.
Bulletin Information—the bulletin deadline is 4:30 p.m.
Monday evening. P lease fax, email, or deliver
your input, in writing, to the parish office. Our email is
bulletin@ckparish.org. All notices are subject to
available space and may be edited.
Lost and Found Items w ill be displayed in the foyer of the church on June 11 and 12.
Please claim your items after Mass. After June 12 all
items will be donated to the Rummage Sale.
Recently Found: Copper bracelet w ith pink/ red
roses; a silver sideways-cross necklace, a small flower
purse, a small multi-pocket bag, and a T-Mobile
cell phone. P lease call the parish office to
identify, claim, and redeem.
Mass Readings for the Week
Divine Office: Week 10 of Ordinary Time
Week 2 in the 1-volume breviary
June 5: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 17:17-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Gal 1:11-17, 19;
Lk 7:11-17
June 6: Monday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time
St. Norbert
1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1-8; Mt 5:1-12
June 7: Tuesday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7-8; Mt 5:13-16
June 8: Wednesday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1-2, 4-5, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19
June 9: Thursday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time
St. Ephrem
1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26
June 10: Friday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 19:9, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32
June 11: St. Barnabas
Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 5:33-37
June 12: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21;
Lk 7:36—8:3
Special Collection for Priest Retirement and
Seminarian Education:
Thank you for your generosity and kindness!
May 29, 2016
CK School Scholarships
Priest Retirement/Seminarian Fund
God Bless You For Your Generosity!
Have you remembered the parish in your will?
More Announcements
Cursillo News
Christ the King Parish Directories: P lease pick up
your directory in the parish office on weekdays. If you
did not participate in the photo sessions with Breshears
Photography and would like to request a copy of the
directory, please leave your name with the parish office.
After the committed books have been distributed, a few
extras will be available on a sign-up first-serve basis.
Ultreya: M onday, J une 6; Rosary at 6:30 p.m. in
the chapel and Ultreya at 7:00 p.m. in the multipurpose
room. All Cursillistas are welcome to come and renew
old friendships and make new ones. For more information about Cursillo, contact Carl Zeamer at 943-9991
or email cursillo@yakimadiocese.net
Year of Mercy Reflection
Volunteers Needed for Mental Health Ministry
According to statistics, on average one in four of the
people attending Mass today at Christ the King is dealing with a mental illness either as an afflicted individual,
a family member or friend. People dealing with mental
illness generally choose to keep it quiet. They hide their
illness so as not to be ostracized. To live Christ’s example is to love each individual unconditionally, to hold all
life as precious and to care for the sick. With Christ’s
example in mind, we are forming a new Mental Health
Ministry in Richland.
Today we are soliciting individuals who are willing to
give of their time and talent in the formation of this
vital ministry. We are particularly asking for the help of
mental healthcare professionals, individuals in full
recovery, family members and friends of individuals
with a severe mental illness, caregivers, or advocates.
If you are interested, please contact Sara or Thom Hall
at 509-628-9625 or by email thnov1948@gmail.com
"At nightfall, weeping enters in, but with the dawn,
Nothing breaks a parent's heart like the death of a
child. In both readings today, the Lord takes compassion on a brokenhearted mother and restores her child
to life. God hears the prayers of those who mourn; He
counts every tear, and responds by doing what every
loving parent would do: gives his own life to save His
children. Death is not the victor; the Lord transforms
our mourning into dancing.
Jesus will not force us to accept His gift of eternal life,
but imagine His heartbreak when we reject Him, choosing death for our souls. This breaks the heart of a loving
Father, who mourns for His lost children. Desiring all to
be saved, our Church has declared this a Year of Mercy.
The Lord desires that all those who hide in darkness
and the shadow of death let His healing light shine upon
them. He longs to fill His beloved children with His
peace, and restore them to life.
Peace and Justice Reflection
The Greatest Freedom
2013 Knight of Columbus Richland Council 3307
College Scholarships and Tri-Cities Prep High School
Scholarships are awarded based on need and essay
response. Deadline for scholarship application is June
30, 2016. For application email Ben Harlow,
blharlow@msn.com. or call 438-4231.
Thomas Merton
In humility is the greatest freedom. As long as you
have to defend the imaginary self that you think is
important, you lose your peace of heart. As soon as
you compare that shadow with the shadows of other
people, you lose all joy, because you have begun to
trade in unrealities, and there is no joy in things that do
not exist.
As soon as you begin to take yourself seriously and imagine that your virtues are important because they are
yours, you become the prisoner of your own vanity and
even your best works will blind and deceive you. Then,
in order to defend yourself, you will begin to see sins
and faults everywhere in the actions of others. And the
more unreasonable importance you attach to yourself
and to your works, the more you will tend to build up
your own idea of yourself by condemning other people.
Sometimes virtuous people are also bitter and unhappy,
because they have unconsciously come to believe that
all their happiness depends on their being more virtuous
than others.
10-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land:
Please join me on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land,
February 13-22, 2017. The tour includes the Road to
Emmaus, the place of Jesus’ Baptism, the Dead Sea,
Jericho, Herodian-Mountain-Fortress, Cana, the birthplaces of Jesus and John the Baptist, the hills of the
Beatitudes, the Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, and much
more. For more information, contact Deacon Mikhail
Alnajjar at 627-4680/e-mail: dmikhail925@gmail.com
Faith Formation
Christ the King School News
Early Childhood Religious Education:
Look for next year's registration forms to be
mailed in July. If you'd like to join the fun in
Early Childhood next year by volunteering,
contact Jean or Dori at 946-1675, Ext 225.
Job Openings: Christ the King School is looking
for individuals to join our team in the following
VBS 2016: Cave Quest
June 20-24, 9 a.m.-noon
Open to children age 4 (by 8/31/16)
through entering 5th grade
Located in the CK Gym and school
Part-time Custodian. School year hours are M-F in
the late afternoon/evening. Summer hours are
during the day.
Library Clerk. Part-time position working the school
calendar only.
Part-time Cafeteria Worker. 3 hours/day M-F based
on the school calendar.
Preschool Educational Assistant in our new
Montessori Classroom. Schedule is for the morning
(8:00 - 11:30) based on the Montessori school calendar
If interested please send a Letter of Interest and a
Resume to Christy Rasmussen at
crassmussen@ckschool.net or
1122 Long Ave; Richland, WA 99354.
A few spots are left, so get your registration forms in ASAP to ensure your spot at VBS.
(T-shirt sizes and requests are not guaranteed.)
All VBS forms are available at the church office,lobby or
online @ www.ckparish.org; please turn in completed
forms to the church office. THANK YOU!
Looking for a few strong people to
help us clean-up after VBS!!!!
Friday, June 24 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
If you are interested or know someone
who might be, please contact Jean Rieb
at jean@ckparish.org or
946-1154, ext. 225.
Please contact Mary Seidler at 946-1154
ext. 228; mary@ckparish.org; or
www.cklifeteen.com if you have questions
about youth programs, Life Teen or
Young Adults
RCIA Information
Bible Study - Tuesday, June at 7:30 p.m. at Roasters
Coffee on 496 George Washington Way in Richland to
discuss the Mass readings for the upcoming Sunday.
RCIA Inquiry Sessions: 7:00 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 9 in the school
cafeteria; Thursdays July 14 and August 11 in
the Multipurpose Room. These sessions are for those
wanting to know more about the Catholic church and
those with specific questions and concerns about the
tenets of our Faith.
Our regular RCIA sessions will resume weekly on
September 1 for the beginning of the new cycle.
Renovate will be hosting a karaoke night at Sharehouse
Coffee on June 25! Join us! More information on our
event page at facebook.com/renovatethebody.
Questions? Call Deacon Ross Ronish at 371-0994.
Spiritual Practices
Please Pray For:
All of the sick members of our
parish — especially these:
Ignatian Spirituality
Ignatian Spirituality teaches us how to seek companionship with Jesus, and explore what it means to know and
follow Christ as our King. So during the second phase of
the retreat, those making the Exercises pray through
the New Testament, asking for the grace to know, love,
and serve Jesus better, and spend time with Him. What
kind of king is Jesus? What does it mean to accept Jesus
as King? Do I want to follow Him? These are questions
that we begin to ask in the retreat, to discover for
ourselves who we wish to follow, and grow up our
Loretta Bakas, mother of
Anne McCluskey, SNJM,
Bel Bander
Jan Beardsley
Rod Becker, husband of
Kathy McGrogan, sister of
Lory Allen
Jo Ann Becker
Fr. John Birk
Charles Bishop, brother of
Mike Bishop
Jim Bishop, son of
Mike Bishop
Tiffany Burke, daughter-
The Spiritual Exercises will start a new session on
September 10, in the Christ the King Youth Center
Game Room. We invite you to join us. To register, email
or call for an application or download one from our
Facebook page at SEELTC or call Ellen at 628-8626. For
Spanish call Cesar at 942-1050.
Email spiritualexercises@msn.com.
in-law of Pat Burke
Carma, and Michael Buss
David Clark, brother of
Diane Mueggler
Missy Cloud, sister of
Debby Hanlen
Alger Cooper, father of
Melody Cooper
Lisa Cummings, daughter of
Roger & Carolyn Shippert
aunt of Pat Scott
Jim McGrogan
Martha McGrogan, mother of
Jim McGrogan
Tom McInerny, brother-in-law
of Vic and Clara Weil
Shirley and Ray Moncini
Roberta Montgomery
Raquel Murillo
Kalleen Murphy
Susan Plahuta, sister-in-law of
Maynard Plahuta
Daniel Porter, son of David and
Elizabeth Porter
Gerald and Jane Posakony
Bob and Sue Rasmussen,
parents of Christy Rasmussen
Laurent LePrince-Ringuet,
brother-in-law of
Xavier and Segolene Hubert
Sue Rollins, aunt of
Nicole Myjak
Curtis, Chrystal and
Hunter Davis
Mary Davis/Joe Sackman Mike Schoenrock, father of
Diane Winget
Joan Dickman
Curt and Mary Honekamp, Carol Schwegel
Frances Shearer
brother/sister-in-law of
Gary Soehnlein
John Honekamp
Ellen Thornton
Jinny Howser, mother of
Kristi Vanni, daughter-in-law of
Tana Payne
Jean Vanni
Bill and Doris Hodges
George Valdez
Doug Kendall
Sharon VanHoudt
Pat Kruger
Bernie and Bonnie Lewis Dave and Susan Ward
Bill Weaver
Don Mattes, father of
Ben Wildenborg
Maria Weis
Rita Mazur
Edna Whitney
Vespers for Peace: join us on Thursday evenings
at 5:30 p.m. in the chapel to pray for peace.
Carmelite Corner
The Scapular of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel pp 1-2 (3/15)
The repose of the souls of all our beloved dead,
especially Vern Buss, Isabel Davis, and
Betty Hollenbeck.
The wearing of the Brown Scapular is a
reminder to its wearers of the saving
grace which Christ gained upon the
cross for all: “All you who have been baptized into
Christ have clothed yourselves in him” (Galatians 3:27).
There is no salvation for anyone other than that won by
Christ. The Sacraments mediate this saving grace to
the faithful.
Eucharistic Devotion
Sacramentals, including the scapular, do not mediate
this saving grace but prepare us to receive grace and
dispose us to cooperate with it.
In the Chapel on Sundays, 1:30—2:30 p.m. and
Fridays: Exposition at 8:30 a.m., Adoration
all day, Benediction at 5 p.m.
Stories and legends abound in Carmelite tradition about
the many ways in which the Mother of God has
interceded for the Order; especially in critical moments
of its history.
Most enduring and popular of these traditions, blessed
by the Church, concerns Mary’s promise to an early
Carmelite, Saint Simon Stock, that anyone who remains
faithful to the Carmelite vocation/chrisms until death
will be granted the grace of final perseverance.
However, all grace, including that of final perseverance,
is won for us by the Passion, Death and Resurrection of
the Lord.
Simply wearing the Brown Scapular does not confer
that same result.
For additional information about the Lay Carmelites,
contact Rebecca Moak at 509-460-1608.
Parish Organization & Activity Contacts
This Week at Christ the King
Altar Servers Training:
Fr. Van
Scheduling: Marlena Slatick
Benedictine Spirituality
Joyce Jungles
Carmelite Spirituality
Rebecca Moak
Catholic Family & Child Services
Yolanda LeMieux
Church League Sports (Men’s) Tom Reisenauer
CK Checks/Scrip
Melissa Slahtasky
CK Moms Group
Robin W ojtanik
CK School Office
Phone: 946-6158
Fax: 943-8402
School Commission: Scott Grewe
Home & School:
Gwen Fundak
Couples for Christ
Willy Zaragoza
Cursillo/Ultreya (English) Carl Zeamer
Development Fund
Parish Office
Elijah Family Homes
Barb Puigh
Engaged Encounter
Frank and Tracy Becker
Eucharistic Ministers M aria Roach/ Leslie Diaz 545-4979/539-3595
Fertility Awareness
Christine Disselkamp
Finance Committee
Bob McCullugh
Funeral Lunches
Parish Office
Holy Angels Home School April Burris
Helen Robinson
Ignatian Spirituality
Ellen Tomaszewski
Jail/Prison Ministry
Mikhail Alnajjar
Justice & Peace Committee Mary Sisk
KC Medical Equipment HELP
Knights of Columbus
Mike Reisenauer
KPG Club (Children’s Choir) Sheila Zilar-Gephart
Bob Carosino
Marriage Encounter
Mikhail and June Alnajjar
Master of Ceremonies
Yvonne Sherman
Ministries Coordinator
Emilia Jasen
Music Director
Donna Horstman
Parish Council
Yvonne Sherman
Parish Library
Diane Chesney
Parish Office Staff
Parish Secretary
Cindy Siekawitch
ext. 244
Parish Receptionist
Maria Clossey
ext 100
Michelle Wittreich
ext 233
Barb Sisk
ext 240
Prayer Chain prayerchain@ckp arish.org
554-4798 or 375-1808
Prayer Quilt Ministry
Rose Collado
Pro-Life Contact
Winnie Zeamer
Ross Ronish
Religious Education Office
Religious Education Coordinator
Lori Wasner
ext 224
Religious Education Secretary
Cindy Siekawitch
Early Childhood (age 3-gr 1)
Dori Gilmour
ext 248
Elementary (gr 2-5)
Jean Rieb
ext 225
Middle School (gr 6-8)
Melissa Montenegro
ext 234
High School (gr 9-12) LIFETEEN
Mary Seidler
ext 228
Adult Bible Study
Kay Kaffer
ext 222
Tim and Sara Flaten 528-8980 or 539-1926
Rummage Sale
Margaret Davis
Sacramental Preparation
First Communion
Lori Wasner
946-1154, ext 224
Mary Seidler
946-1154, ext 228
Christian Initiation for Children Michelle Portch
Sausage Fest, Sept. 16-17 Carlos and Elizabeth Nunez
Cub Scouts — Nicholas Hanni
Boy Scouts — Dave Smith
Venturing Ship Jim & Barb Schmitt
Serra Club
Bill Davis
St. Ann’s Helpers
Mary Martinez
(208) 590-0103
St. Vincent de Paul
Message Line:
Bob & Ann Parazin
Volunteer Chore Services — CF & CS Kelly Ramey
Visitation Ministry
Elizabeth Owczarski
Coordinator: Carol Geier-Melton
Young Adults (Ages 18-35) Tom Huntington
Youth Ministry
Middle School Activities:
Melissa Montenegro
ext 234
HS Activity Facilitator:
Mary Seidler
ext 228
YLI Lovada O’Leary (membership) 531-3149/Pam Sebelien (president)412-1343
Ultreya, 6:30 p.m. rosary, chapel; 7 p.m., mp room
Contemporary Choir Practice, 7 p.m., church
St. Vincent de Paul, 6:30 p.m., children’s chapel
Traditional Choir Practice resumes after Labor Day
Quilters, 9 a.m., youth center rm B
Vespers for Peace, 5:30 p.m., chapel
RCIA Inquiry Session, 7:00 p.m., multipurpose room
FRIDAY June 10
Adoration, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., chapel
Confessions, 3:30 p.m., church
SUNDAY June 12
Adoration, 1:30 p.m., chapel
Comings and Goings
Congratulations to those recently baptized:
Maia Noelle Chapados and Kevin Luu
A Warm Welcome to those newly registered:
Leonel and Toni Ayeah, Silvia Baran,
Ted and Lisa Bugas, Jorden and Susie Konen,
Michael Sassi and Ruminanti Luh Gede, and
Matt and Nicole Lieder
Godspeed to Dr. Tom and Nancy Mahoney,
who moved to Spokane to be near family. We will miss
these long-time parishioners!
Congratulations to George F. and Linda Vargo,
who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May
21 at Christ the King parish with Fr. O’Shea officiating!
Parish Resources
Web site: www.ckparish.org.
Bulletin address: locate and bookmark!
Homilies online:
Parish Library Hours:
After Vigil Mass
After Every Mass
Wednesday Evenings: 6 - 8 p.m.
Thursday Evenings:
5 - 7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome!
Email library@ckparish.org to get answers, check the
status of your materials, or update your library card
information, or contact Diane Chesney at 396-8880.
Christ the King Gift Shop
(Located near parish office downstairs)
M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Sundays, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cash or check only
Contact Marlena at 967-3922 or ckgiftshop@juno.com to
volunteer, ask questions, or request items!
In and Around the Diocese
In and Around the Diocese
The Healing Light Retreat
Holy Spirit Parish Mission: P erfect for the Y ear of
Mercy, Frank Runyeon brings “Acts of Mercy, John,
Luke, and James” Monday, June 13, Tuesday, June 14,
and Wednesday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Runyeon is a
graduate of Princeton with a degree in Religion and has
been a television, movie, and stage actor. For the past
twenty years he has also been a performer of biblical
texts. This mission is an opportunity for the whole family to listen to the most ancient Christian stories and to
be reminded of “who we are.” These plays are tremendously entertaining and faith-nourishing for all ages. For
more information visit www.runyeonproductions.com or
call Parish of the Holy Spirit at 735-8558.
Friday - Saturday, June 10-11, 2016
A scriptural and sacramental retreat for all those
wounded by abortion.
Have you been silently grieving a child lost to abortion your own child, a sibling, grandchild, or the child of a
friend? The Healing Light Retreat will provide an opportunity to let the infinite mercy of Christ into the wounded places in your heart, bringing healing and peace.
For confidential information and to register, contact
Nancy at HealingLightRetreats@gmail.com or
509- 554-9415, or visit www.HLRetreat.weebly.com
Featured Bulletin Sponsors
Notice the Flowers in the Foyer! Every Sunday,
Buds & Blossoms Too donates a lovely fresh floral
arrangement for our foyer. Please return the favor
and keep them in mind when in need of fresh flowers.
Thank you, Buds & Blossoms Too!
1310 Jadwin, Richland WA 99352
(509) 946-2336; (877) 877-2837
If you have been abused or victimized by a member of
the Catholic clergy, please believe in the possibility for
hope and help and healing. We encourage you to come forward
and speak out. The Yakima Diocese has a sexual abuse hotline
for those who wish to report some incident regarding that issue
as regards a bishop, priest, deacon, religious, diocesan employee, or volunteer: 888-276-4490.
It is through the generosity of our advertisers that our bulletin
is printed at no cost to the parish. Advertising in the parish
bulletin is affordable and effective! For more information,
contact Catholic Printery at 1-800-867-0660
Please patronize the vendors whose ads appear in the bulletin!
This week we particularly thank
the Diabetes Health Clinic!