Parish Picnic Parish Picnic


Parish Picnic Parish Picnic
Parish Picnic
September 30; Noon - 5:00 pm
Bring your family and friends
for an afternoon of Fun n Food
Special Entertainment in the Parish Hall
By artist, Brian K Daniel
from 4:00 - 4:45 pm
The Sunday 5:00 pm Mass will be outdoors on
the picnic grounds ( no 5:30 pm Mass in Church )
The price of admission:
NonNon-perishable food items or paper products for our
SVDP Food Pantry
a Six pack of soda and food to share for the picnic from this list:
If you last name beings with:
Side Dish
Finger Food
Carnival Games, DJ, Face Painting, Clown, Inflatable's
Hay Rides, Dunk Tank, Jail and Bail, Bake Sale, Raffles and much more
It's that time of year again - Life Teen needs your help in
raising money to feed the hungry in Cherokee County for
Be sure to stop by our tent at the
Parish Picnic we will be raffling off some great
Tickets: $10 each or 3 for $25
Every ticket buys a turkey!!
46” Flat Screen TV
g our
ll be h nd Bail
l J ai l a
Teens will be providing their
face painting expertise!
We will be selling two different
Christmas ornaments this year:
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Guadalupe
$25 each ornament
These make great presents and all proceeds
towards the Thanksgiving Baskets!
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
September 23, 2012
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
September 22 - 29
5:30 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
12:45 pm
2:30 pm
5:30 pm
Thomas Kelly (D) People of Parish
Jared Mills (D) Family
Jason Adamson (L) Adams Family
Steve Wanha (D) Julie Baldree
People of the Parish
Miguel Ramirez (D) Ramirez Family
Michael W. Faust (D) Family
September 24 6:30 am Parham Family (L) John O’Sullivan
9:00 am Jason Brown (L) Katherine Brown
September 25 9:00 am Rita Dorner (D) Don Dorner
September 26 6:30 am Terry Gagnon (L) Mallinak Family
9:00 am Gertrude Finnegan (D) Family
September 27 9:00 am Fr. Henry Atem (L) Susan & James
September 28 6:30 am Fr. Paul Moreau (L) People of Parish
9:00 am William Quinn Pat & Jack Ustaitis
September 29 9:00 am Grace & Philip Marvin (D)
Ernest Meerbach
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday 9:30 am through Saturday 8:30 am
Everyone is invited to spend time with Jesus in adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament.
Please consider committing to one of the following hours each
week as an adoration guardian for one of the following times:
Monday - 3 pm, 9 pm, 11 pm
Tuesday - 3 am, 5 am, 9 pm, 11 pm
Wednesday - 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 8 am, 1 pm, 7 pm
Thursday - 12 am, 2 am, 12 noon
Friday - 12 am, 1 am, 3 am, 5 am, 4 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm
Saturday 2 am,
To commit to an hour or as a substitute, please call:
Kim Graff - 770-592-5665,
Man Hour for Adoration
Deacon Victor and Fr. Paul invite all men 18 years and older
to “Man Hour” every Saturday morning at 3 am. Thirty to
fifty men gather in the church with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. We pray the rosary and then Fr. Paul or Deacon Vic
gives a 20 minute reflection on the theme of the week. For 20
minutes any man present can offer his own comments, testimony or reflections on the topic. We close with Benediction.
No forced sharing. No forced holding hands. No forced singing. No HVAC. Sorry, ladies are not invited. We are men
praying together with other men for the most urgent needs of
our times. Please join us.
Please welcome into our parish family these children who were
recently baptized at St. Michael’s.
Elizabeth Renee Bailey
Giovanni David Marple
Alessandra Hunter Williams
Administrative Office - 770-516-0009
Religious Education Office - 770-516-9699
Preschool Office - 678-213-1517
Hispanic Office - 678-213-0685
Sacramental Emergency (after office hours)
FAX - 770-516-4664
Picnic Volunteers Needed!
In order for our picnic to run smoothly we
need volunteers for:
Attendants for games, booths
and inflatable's
(sign up for hourly shifts between 12 & 3)
See the sign up sheet in the Narthex
(beside the picnic banner).
There will be a meeting for all volunteers TODAYSeptember 23rd at Noon
in Conference Room A.
2012 Quilt Raffle
St. Michael’s Quilters are selling chances on the 2012 “hand
quilted” Raffle Quilt after all Masses.
Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The winner will be
drawn at the Parish Picnic on September 30th. You do NOT
need to be present to win. All money goes directly back to the
parish. If you would like to join the quilters, we meet every
Tuesday night in Conference Room A from 7 - 9 pm. Come
join us and help us make next year’s quilt!!
Coming Events at St. Michael’s
October 7 - Respect Life will be sponsoring a Diaper
Drive for the Hope Center
Catholics Come Home
A new class for Returning Catholics beings
at 10:15 am in Conference Room B
October 13 - Parish Outside Work Day
Bring your family, your gardening
tools and work gloves for a
morning of sprucing up
the Parish Grounds, 8 am till noon
Breakfast for volunteers in the kitchen
Car Wash
The Teens of the Parish are sponsoring a
Car Wash from 10 am to 2 pm
Donations will go towards the
Thanksgiving Baskets.
St. Michael’s Preschool
We have a few spots left for our Preschool for
the 2012/13 year. Please visit our website for
information on registration.
Please call 678-213-1517 or for more information about our school.
Lighthouse Catholic Media Education
New CDs in the Kiosk in the Narthex
In order to help support this ministry, we ask for a $3.00
donation for each CD.
Gospel Reflections for Men
Striving to be better Christian men, we reflect on the meaning and
message of the weekly Gospel reading and relate it to our everyday
personal and professional lives. We meet Saturday mornings at
8:00 am - 9:00 am in Conference Room A.
Charismatic Prayer Group
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm at the Old Rectory
Come and join us and bring a friend.
Ultreya is an event of spiritual encouragement that is designed to
follow one’s Cursillo retreat weekend. Our evening is one of support and fellowship. We open with a potluck dinner followed by a
witness talk and a Spirit driven activity. Those who have not yet
been on the Cursillo retreat are encouraged to join our Ultreya evening to see if Cursillo is right for you.
For information, please contact Steven Hill at 770-363-5685.
St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry
“Bridging the gap between adolescence and
A group for young adults, ages 18-28
We currently meet twice a month
2nd Wednesday of the month:
Spirit & Truth @ St. Michael’s @ 7pm
Join us for a discussion, adoration and dinner out
4th Wednesday of the month: Social event
Be sure to connect with us on Facebook or
send us your email address to stay up to date with
our social events, as they change month to month.
678-827-BRDG (2734)
“St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry” on Facebook
Altar Server Training
Saturday, November 3, at noon
This is for any new servers and any current server who
would like a refresher course.
Must have made your First Communion and
be 10 years old.
Lectors and Extra Ordinary Minister Training
Saturday, November 10th
This is for ALL current and anyone who is interested in
serving on these ministries.
Lectors - 10 am, Ministers - 11 am
Parents must be registered and active parishioners of St. Michael’s
(regularly attend mass, using envelopes, and involved in ministries). Before scheduling a baptism, you must attend a baptism
class at St. Michael’s.
Next Baptism class - Saturday, October 13, 2012, 10 am
Baptisms are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 11:00 am.
You must attend a baptism class every three years. Please call the
parish office to register for a baptism.
The priests will hear your confession on Saturday mornings
from 9:30 am to 10:30 am and Wednesdays - 5 pm to 6 pm.
The confessionals are located in the Day Chapel.
Couples are required to contact one of our priests at least 6
months before they wish to marry to arrange for instruction and
spiritual preparation for the sacrament of marriage. A wedding
date cannot be set until after the initial interview with the priest.
Please contact the Parish office for an appointment.
September 16th Offertory - $30,422
Georgia Bulletin - $4,607
Thank You for Your Generosity!
The use of your parish envelopes is very important!
Using the parish envelopes is the way we know you are attending
Mass at St. Michael’s. If you are unable to make a donation to
the parish, use online banking for giving or only give monthly,
just drop your empty envelope in the offertory. If you are going to
be a sponsor for a baptism or confirmation, we need to know you
are attending mass on a regular basis and practicing stewardship
of time, talent and treasure.
Life Chain
Sunday, October 7th, 2:30 - 3:30
11299 Hwy 92, Woodstock
You are invited to participate in a peaceful, prayerful
witness to the community that abortion is wrong. For one
hour on Sunday afternoon we will be holding uniform,
non-political signs to show our approval for the
Sanctity of Life
on the sidewalks along Hwy. 92, near the intersections of
Creekview Drive and Hames Road.
This silent, but visual, witness by the Christian community
may plant the seed for God to save countless babies. I pray
that you and your family will join me in this effort.
Cars will be parked in the Creative Awards & Promotions
parking lot at 11299 Hwy. 92, Woodstock.
For questions, please call Kevin Butz, 770-595-5590
St. Vincent de Paul Society
For the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been confounded;
therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not
be put to shame. ~Isaiah 50:7
Please join us every 2nd and 4th Monday night of the month at
7 pm in the church to see if SVDP is a calling for you.
August Food Pantry Totals
276 households served
1111 household members
13,923 pounds of food distributed.
Thank you for your generous donations to the food pantry.
Please drop off your donations any time at the SVDP Food Box
in the Narthex. We are always in need of Peanut Butter,
Jelly, Rice and Canned corn.
The Food Pantry is located in part of the old Rectory.
Pantry hours are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday,
10 am till noon.
SVDP Emergency Help Line: 770-591-4643
St. Michael’s House: (Kennesaw) 770-720-2909
SVDP Thrift Store: 770-919-1458
Business owners, employees, fellow parishioners, most of our
SVDP clients need help with utilities, rent, food, etc. merely
because they can’t find employment. A job would alleviate
many of their immediate needs. If you know of available job
opportunities, please contact John Cory, 770-592-0183
Music Notes
Christmas is coming . . . and we have started
Please join us for the fall/Christmas season.
Teens with choir experience can get service hours by
singing with us.
TENORS and BASSES are especially needed.
Our Traditional choir (Teen - adults) meets on Thursday
from 7:30 - 9 pm. Refreshment provided.
Angel Choir (K - 3rd) practice Sunday 10:15 - 10:45 am
Youth Choir (4th - 9th) practice Thursday 6 pm - 7 pm
We have been blest with many wonderful Angels and
Youth choristers!
Thanks for the great response!
Singing warms the heart and gladdens the soul.
“Singing is praying twice!”
Contact: Nila Alexander, 770-572-0586
Natural Family Planning Information Night
Want to improve your relationship with your spouse or future
Want to follow Church teaching on human sexuality but have
Want to learn different Natural Family Planning techniques
and how they are effective?
The Respect Life Ministry welcomes all interested to join us on
Saturday, October 20th at 7:00 pm for
Natural Family Planning Info Night.
If you have questions, please contact Mike Duquaine at
Senior Luncheon
The next luncheon will be October 17th at 11:00 am.
If you are interested in hosting one of the luncheons, please call
Christy at 770-289-2947
Respect Life Ministry
The Respect Life Committee invites you to join us at our next meeting on October 27th at 7:00 am. Following the meeting, we welcome you to join us for a prayer vigil at the Abortion Services
Clinic in front of Governor’s Ridge in Marietta.
Contact for information: Mike Duquaine, 770-876-1343.
Fifty Plus Club
St. Michael’s Fifty-Plus Club is a social club for parish members
over the age of fifty. We have monthly luncheon meetings at various local area restaurants which provides our members with the
opportunity to enhance existing friendships and develop new relationships. Our next monthly meeting will be on Tuesday,
October 16 at the Marietta Fish Market, 3185 Canton Road,
Marietta, GA 30066. Attendance at a luncheon requires a
For more information please call Paul Galanek, President at
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group
Do you suffer from M.S. or know someone who does? A M.S. selfhelp/support group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from
11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Contact Zaida, 770-485-4226
PATH (Post Abortion Treatment and Healing) offers Bible Studies and Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for men and women suffering
spiritually and emotionally from abortion. All facilitators are
trained, have been through the program themselves and offer compassion and experience. For information: Mary Ann McNeil,
404-717-5557, Calls confidential.
Meals Ministry - Soup for the Soul
“Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you?
Soup for the Soul is an outreach meals ministry for families in need
in our parish. Volunteers cook meals for families that are struggling from illness, surgery, death, and other life crisis. If you
would like to join the Soup for the Soul ministry, or would like
more information regarding this ministry, please contact Amy Heil,
404-386-9585, If you know of someone who
is in need of a meal, please call Amy.
The Columbiettes is open to all Catholic women over 18
years of age. The Columbiettes have a wonderful ministry,
“Prayer Blankets” for the sick and shut-in. Many people
have already received blessings from these blankets. This is a wonderful way for those to know they are being prayed for. If you
know of someone who is sick or shut-in, please call the
parish office and a blanket will be given to them.
For questions please call, Tish Burns, 770-926-9270.
The Bookstore is open after every Mass on Sundays.
Bibles, books for adults and children, rosaries, medals
and much more available.
Catechetical Sunday
Sunday, September 30th - All Masses
Join us in thanking all our Catechists
for answering God’s call.
First Holy Communion
Mandatory Parent Meeting
Saturday, September 29 @ 8:45am:
Meet in Church.
8 Catechists Still Needeed!
Confirmation Prep Yr 1…...Sun @ 3:45pm --3
Confirmation Prep Yr 1…...Sun @ 3:45pm --2
1st, 6th ………………….. Thur @ 6:30pm
Wed @ 6:30 pm
Service Opportunities:
St. Vincent de Paul: Help with pantry; Thrift Store- contact
Glenn Quinn 770-591-8769
Parish Picnic: Sept 30: Heidi 770-516-0009 x221
Monthly Senior Luncheons: Christy 770-516-6934
SMA Meals Ministry: Amy Heil 770-592-9240
Pro Life Prayer Vigil: 4th Saturday
Mike Duquaine, 770-876-1343
RE Arranged: sign-up sheets in RE Office
CATECHISTS- earn certification credits:
Attend any of the Bible studies.
Sessions begin Sunday, October 7th
In Conference Room B following the
9:00 am Sunday Mass.
Our website:
RE Office Hours: Mon-Tues 9:30am-4:00pm
Wed-Thurs 1:00pm-8:00pm
Sun 9:00am-12:30pm & 3:15pm-5:00pm
Phone: 770-516-9699
Fax: 770-516-4664
Elizabeth Bonutti, Dir.
Diane Hanson, Admin.
“If we don’t stand up now, what will our future be.”
~Blessed Mother Teresa
23 - Life Night - Chain Reaction
30 - Parish Picnic All are invited!!
Teens will be working at some of the booths.
Sign up after Mass or at Life Night on the 23rd.
10 -2 - XLT 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Meet at 5:30 pm and travel to All Saints in Dunwoody
Return at 10 pm. Bring money for dinner.
10-7 - Life Chain Walk and Life Night - Info to follow
10-14 - Life Night - Seniors
10-19-21 - RETREAT!
Sign up at Life Night. Deposit of $75 due now.
10-28 - Mass, dinner and bowling after Mass
Parents are welcomed to join us!
***Life Teen Registration Now Underway***
Forms are in the Life Teen mailbox (pink)
Cost is $30.00 for supplies.
** If you are a returning Life Teen student or a new student or a upcoming freshman you need to fill out the form.
Front and back. Need a copy of your insurance card.
Cost is $30.00 for supplies for the year.
Make checks payable to Saint Michael’s.
Put form and money in an envelope and mark it “Life
Teen”. Drop in the Religious Ed mail box.
Bring a friend and join us for the Life Teen Mass at 5:30
pm. Then join us for food, fun and Catholic fellowship!
We will meet at the Parish Hall.
Life Night Ends at 8:45 pm
In the second reading today Saint James says, “ in the Eucharist,
let us empty ourselves of pride, ambition and all self-seeking, that
we may be filled with the life of Christ won for us through the
cross.” Magnificat, Sept. 2012
Life Teen Raffle
Life Teen will be raffling off some great prizes at
the parish picnic, including an iPad2 and
46” TV. Raffle tickets on sale NOW!
Life Teen will also be selling two new Christmas Ornaments:
Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
All proceeds from their raffles will go towards the Thanksgiving Baskets that feed the hungry in our community.
St. Michael’s Middle School Program
Pick up a QUEST event schedule and sign up
your middle schoolers for an exciting QUEST year!
Shanna Coulter, 678-431-1031